#include "cwCommon.h" #include "cwLog.h" #include "cwCommonImpl.h" #include "cwTest.h" #include "cwMem.h" #include "cwMath.h" #include "cwText.h" #include "cwObject.h" #include "cwFileSys.h" #include "cwVectOps.h" #include "cwMtx.h" #include "cwDspTypes.h" // real_t, sample_t #include "cwTime.h" #include "cwMidiDecls.h" #include "cwFlowValue.h" namespace cw { namespace flow { idLabelPair_t _typeLabelFlagsA[] = { { kBoolTFl, "bool" }, { kUIntTFl, "uint" }, { kIntTFl, "int", }, { kFloatTFl, "float"}, { kDoubleTFl,"double"}, { kBoolMtxTFl, "bool_mtx" }, { kUIntMtxTFl, "uint_mtx" }, { kIntMtxTFl, "int_mtx" }, { kFloatMtxTFl, "float_mtx" }, { kDoubleMtxTFl,"double_mtx" }, { kABufTFl, "audio" }, { kFBufTFl, "spectrum" }, { kMBufTFl, "midi" }, { kRBufTFl, "record" }, { kStringTFl, "string" }, { kTimeTFl, "time" }, { kCfgTFl, "cfg" }, { kMidiTFl, "m3" }, // alias types to map to cwDspTypes.h { kFloatTFl, "srate"}, { kFloatTFl, "sample"}, { kFloatTFl, "coeff"}, { kDoubleTFl, "ftime" }, { kNumericTFl, "numeric" }, { kAllTFl, "all" }, { kRuntimeTFl, "runtime" }, { kInvalidTFl, "" } }; const char* _typeFlagToLabel( unsigned flag ) { return idToLabel(_typeLabelFlagsA,flag,kInvalidTFl); } void _recd_type_destroy_field_list( recd_field_t* f ) { while( f != nullptr ) { recd_field_t* f0 = f->link; if( f->group_fl ) _recd_type_destroy_field_list(f->u.group_fieldL); mem::release(f->doc); mem::release(f->label); mem::release(f); f = f0; } } unsigned _recd_field_list_set_index( recd_field_t* fld, unsigned index ) { for(recd_field_t* f=fld; f!=nullptr; f=f->link) if( f->group_fl ) index = _recd_field_list_set_index(f->u.group_fieldL,index); else f->u.index = index++; return index; } const char* _recd_field_index_to_label(const recd_field_t* fld, unsigned field_idx) { const char* label = nullptr; for(const recd_field_t* f=fld; f!=nullptr; f=f->link) if( f->group_fl ) label = _recd_field_index_to_label(f->u.group_fieldL,field_idx); else { if(f->u.index == field_idx ) label = f->label; } return label; } rc_t _recd_field_list_from_cfg( recd_field_t*& field_list_ref, const object_t* field_dict_cfg ) { rc_t rc = kOkRC; if( !field_dict_cfg->is_dict() ) { rc = cwLogError(kSyntaxErrorRC,"The field cfg. is not a dictionary."); goto errLabel; } else { unsigned row_cnt = field_dict_cfg->child_count(); for(unsigned i=0; ichild_ele(i); recd_field_t* field = nullptr; const char* type_label = nullptr; const char* doc_string = nullptr; const object_t* val_cfg = nullptr; // parse the required fields if((rc = pair->pair_value()->getv("type",type_label, "doc",doc_string)) != kOkRC ) { rc = cwLogError(rc,"Error parsing the field '%s'.",cwStringNullGuard(pair->pair_label())); goto errLabel; } // allocate the field record field = mem::allocZ(); // add the new field to the end of the field list if( field_list_ref == nullptr ) field_list_ref = field; else { recd_field_t* f = field_list_ref; while( f->link != nullptr ) f = f->link; assert(f!=nullptr); f->link = field; } field->label = mem::duplStr(pair->pair_label()); field->doc = mem::duplStr(doc_string); if( textIsEqual(type_label,"group") ) { const object_t* field_dict = nullptr; field->group_fl = true; // get the group 'fields' dictionary if((rc = pair->pair_value()->getv("fields",field_dict)) != kOkRC ) { rc = cwLogError(rc,"The field group '%s' does not have a field list.",pair->pair_label()); goto errLabel; } // recursively read the group field list if((rc = _recd_field_list_from_cfg(field->u.group_fieldL,field_dict)) != kOkRC ) { rc = cwLogError(rc,"The creation of field group '%s' failed.",pair->pair_label()); goto errLabel; } } else { // validate the value type flag if((field->value.tflag = value_type_label_to_flag( type_label )) == kInvalidTFl ) { rc = cwLogError(kSyntaxErrorRC,"The value type label '%s' is not valid on the field specifier '%s'.",cwStringNullGuard(type_label),cwStringNullGuard(pair->pair_label())); goto errLabel; } // get the optional default value if((val_cfg = pair->pair_value()->find("value")) != nullptr ) { value_t v; v.tflag = kInvalidTFl; // parse the value into 'v' if((rc = value_from_cfg(val_cfg,v)) != kOkRC ) { rc = cwLogError(rc,"The default value parse failed for the field '%s'.",cwStringNullGuard(pair->pair_label())); goto errLabel; } // convert the value from 'v' into field->value if((rc = value_from_value(v,field->value)) != kOkRC ) { rc = cwLogError(rc,"The default value assignment failed for the field '%s'.",cwStringNullGuard(pair->pair_label())); goto errLabel; } } } } } errLabel: return rc; } void _recd_set_value_type( recd_field_t* fieldL, recd_t* r ) { recd_field_t* f = fieldL; for(; f!=nullptr; f=f->link) if( f->group_fl ) _recd_set_value_type( f->u.group_fieldL, r ); else r->valA[ f->u.index ].tflag = f->value.tflag; } rc_t _recd_set_default_value( recd_field_t* fieldL, recd_t* r ) { rc_t rc = kOkRC; recd_field_t* f = fieldL; for(; f!=nullptr; f=f->link) { if( f->group_fl ) _recd_set_default_value( f->u.group_fieldL, r ); else { if(f->value.tflag != kInvalidTFl) { if((rc = value_from_value( f->value, r->valA[f->u.index] )) != kOkRC ) { rc = cwLogError(rc,"Set default value failed on the field '%s'.",cwStringNullGuard(f->label)); goto errLabel; } } } } errLabel: return rc; } const recd_field_t* _find_field( const recd_field_t* fieldL, const char* label, unsigned label_charN, bool group_fl ) { for(const recd_field_t* f = fieldL; f!=nullptr; f=f->link) { unsigned n = textLength(f->label); if( (f->group_fl == group_fl) && n==label_charN && textIsEqual(f->label,label,label_charN) ) return f; } return nullptr; } const recd_field_t* _find_value_field( const recd_field_t* fieldL, const char* field_label) { const char* period = firstMatchChar( field_label, '.' ); const recd_field_t* f = nullptr;; // if we are searching for a value field label if( period == nullptr ) { if((f = _find_field( fieldL, field_label, textLength(field_label), false )) == nullptr ) { goto errLabel; } } else // otherwise we are searching for a group { if((f = _find_field( fieldL, field_label, period-field_label, true )) == nullptr ) { goto errLabel; } return _find_value_field(f->u.group_fieldL,period+1); } errLabel: return f; } unsigned _calc_value_field_index( const recd_type_t* recd_type, const char* field_label) { const recd_field_t* f; unsigned index = kInvalidIdx; // if the field label is in the local record if((f = _find_value_field( recd_type->fieldL, field_label )) != nullptr ) { assert(f->group_fl == false ); index = f->u.index; } else { // recursively look for the field in the base type if( recd_type->base != nullptr ) { if(( index = _calc_value_field_index( recd_type->base, field_label )) != kInvalidIdx ) index += recd_type->fieldN; } } return index; } void _recd_type_print_fields( const recd_type_t* rt0, const recd_field_t* fieldL, const char* group_label, unsigned indent ) { const recd_field_t* f; char indent_str[ indent+1 ]; for(unsigned i=0; ilink) if( f->group_fl == false ) { unsigned labelN = textLength(f->label) + textLength(group_label) + 2; char label[ labelN ]; label[0] = 0; label[labelN-1] = 0; if( group_label != nullptr ) { strcpy(label,group_label); strcat(label,"."); } strcat(label,f->label); unsigned field_idx = recd_type_field_index( rt0, label); cwLogPrint("%s%i %i %s\n",indent_str,field_idx,f->u.index,f->label); } // print group fields next for(f=fieldL; f!=nullptr; f=f->link) if( f->group_fl ) { cwLogPrint("%s %s:\n",indent_str,f->label); _recd_type_print_fields(rt0,f->u.group_fieldL,f->label,indent+2); } } void _recd_type_print( const recd_type_t* rt0, const recd_type_t* rt ) { if( rt->base != nullptr ) _recd_type_print( rt0, rt->base ); _recd_type_print_fields(rt0,rt->fieldL,nullptr,0); } void _recd_print_field( const char* group_label, const recd_field_t* fieldL, const value_t* valA ) { const recd_field_t* f; for(f=fieldL; f!=nullptr; f=f->link) if(f->group_fl) _recd_print_field(f->label,f->u.group_fieldL,valA); else { if( group_label != nullptr ) cwLogPrint("%i %s.%s ",f->u.index,group_label,f->label); else cwLogPrint("%i %s ",f->u.index,f->label); value_print(valA + f->u.index,true); cwLogPrint("\n"); } } rc_t _recd_print( const recd_type_t* rt, const recd_t* r ) { rc_t rc = kOkRC; if(rt->base != nullptr ) { if( r->base == nullptr ) { rc = cwLogError(kInvalidStateRC,"recd with base type does not have a base instance."); goto errLabel; } _recd_print( rt->base, r->base ); } _recd_print_field( nullptr,rt->fieldL, r->valA ); errLabel: return rc; } } // flow } // cw cw::flow::abuf_t* cw::flow::abuf_create( srate_t srate, unsigned chN, unsigned frameN ) { if( chN*frameN == 0 ) { cwLogError(kInvalidArgRC,"The %s audio signal parameter cannot be zero.", chN==0 ? "channel count" : "frame count"); return nullptr; } abuf_t* a = mem::allocZ(); a->srate = srate; a->chN = chN; a->frameN = frameN; a->bufAllocSmpN = chN*frameN; a->buf = mem::allocZ(a->bufAllocSmpN); return a; } void cw::flow::abuf_destroy( abuf_t*& abuf ) { if( abuf == nullptr ) return; mem::release(abuf->buf); mem::release(abuf); } cw::flow::abuf_t* cw::flow::abuf_duplicate( abuf_t* dst, const abuf_t* src ) { abuf_t* abuf = nullptr; if( dst != nullptr && dst->bufAllocSmpN < src->bufAllocSmpN ) mem::release(dst->buf); if( dst == nullptr || dst->buf == nullptr ) abuf = abuf_create( src->srate, src->chN, src->frameN ); else abuf = dst; if( abuf != nullptr ) vop::copy(abuf->buf,src->buf,src->chN*src->frameN); return abuf; } cw::rc_t cw::flow::abuf_set_channel( abuf_t* abuf, unsigned chIdx, const sample_t* v, unsigned vN ) { rc_t rc = kOkRC; if( vN > abuf->frameN ) rc = cwLogError(kInvalidArgRC,"Cannot copy source vector of length %i into an abuf of length %i.", vN, abuf->frameN); else if( chIdx > abuf->chN ) rc = cwLogError(kInvalidArgRC,"The abuf destination channel %i is out of range.", chIdx); else vop::copy( abuf->buf + (chIdx*abuf->frameN), v, vN); return rc; } const cw::flow::sample_t* cw::flow::abuf_get_channel( abuf_t* abuf, unsigned chIdx ) { assert( abuf->buf != nullptr ); return abuf->buf + (chIdx*abuf->frameN); } cw::flow::fbuf_t* cw::flow::fbuf_create( srate_t srate, unsigned chN, const unsigned* maxBinN_V, const unsigned* binN_V, const unsigned* hopSmpN_V, const fd_sample_t** magV, const fd_sample_t** phsV, const fd_sample_t** hzV ) { for(unsigned i=0; i maxBinN_V[i] ) { cwLogError(kInvalidArgRC,"A channel bin count (%i) execeeds the max bin count (%i).",binN_V[i],maxBinN_V[i]); return nullptr;; } fbuf_t* f = mem::allocZ(); bool proxy_fl = magV != nullptr || phsV != nullptr || hzV != nullptr; // Calculate the total count of bins for each data vector. unsigned maxTotalBinN = proxy_fl ? 0 : vop::sum(maxBinN_V, chN); // allocate memory f->mem = nullptr; f->srate = srate; f->chN = chN; f->maxBinN_V = mem::allocZ(chN); f->binN_V = mem::allocZ(chN); f->hopSmpN_V = mem::allocZ(chN); f->magV = mem::allocZ(chN); f->phsV = mem::allocZ(chN); f->hzV = mem::allocZ(chN); f->readyFlV = mem::allocZ(chN); vop::copy( f->binN_V, binN_V, chN ); vop::copy( f->maxBinN_V, maxBinN_V, chN ); vop::copy( f->hopSmpN_V, hopSmpN_V, chN ); if( proxy_fl ) { for(unsigned chIdx=0; chIdxmagV[ chIdx ] = (fd_sample_t*)magV[chIdx]; f->phsV[ chIdx ] = (fd_sample_t*)phsV[chIdx]; f->hzV[ chIdx ] = (fd_sample_t*)hzV[chIdx]; } } else { fd_sample_t* m = mem::allocZ(maxTotalBinN*kFbufVectN); f->mem = m; for(unsigned chIdx=0; chIdxmagV[chIdx] = m + 0 * f->binN_V[chIdx]; f->phsV[chIdx] = m + 1 * f->binN_V[chIdx]; f->hzV[ chIdx] = m + 2 * f->binN_V[chIdx]; m += f->maxBinN_V[chIdx]; assert( m <= m + kFbufVectN * maxTotalBinN ); } } return f; } /* cw::flow::fbuf_t* cw::flow::fbuf_create( srate_t srate, unsigned chN, const unsigned* maxBinN_V, const unsigned* binN_V, const unsigned* hopSmpN_V, const fd_sample_t** magV, const fd_sample_t** phsV, const fd_sample_t** hzV ) { for(unsigned i=0; i maxBinN_V[i] ) { cwLogError(kInvalidArgRC,"A channel bin count (%i) execeeds the max bin count (%i).",binN_V[i],maxBinN_V[i]); return nullptr;; } fbuf_t* f = mem::allocZ(); bool proxy_fl = magV != nullptr || phsV != nullptr || hzV != nullptr; // Calculate the total count of bins for each data vector. unsigned maxTotalBinN = proxy_fl ? 0 : vop::sum(maxBinN_V, chN); // calc the total size of memory required for all internal data structures f->memByteN = sizeof(unsigned) * chN*kFbufVectN // maxBinN_V[],binN_V[],hopSmpN_V[] + sizeof(fd_sample_t*) * chN*kFbufVectN // magV[],phsV[],hzV[] (pointer to bin buffers) + sizeof(bool) * chN*1 // readyFlV[] + sizeof(fd_sample_t) * maxTotalBinN*kFbufVectN; // bin buffer memory // allocate memory f->mem = mem::allocZ(f->memByteN); unsigned* base_maxBinV = (unsigned*)f->mem; fd_sample_t** base_bufV = (fd_sample_t**)(base_maxBinV + kFbufVectN * chN); bool* base_boolV = (bool*)(base_bufV + kFbufVectN * chN); fd_sample_t* base_buf = (fd_sample_t*)(base_boolV + chN); f->srate = srate; f->chN = chN; f->maxBinN_V = base_maxBinV; f->binN_V = f->maxBinN_V + chN; f->hopSmpN_V = f->binN_V + chN; f->magV = base_bufV; f->phsV = f->magV + chN; f->hzV = f->phsV + chN; f->readyFlV = base_boolV; vop::copy( f->binN_V, binN_V, chN ); vop::copy( f->maxBinN_V, maxBinN_V, chN ); vop::copy( f->hopSmpN_V, hopSmpN_V, chN ); if( proxy_fl ) { for(unsigned chIdx=0; chIdxmagV[ chIdx ] = (fd_sample_t*)magV[chIdx]; f->phsV[ chIdx ] = (fd_sample_t*)phsV[chIdx]; f->hzV[ chIdx ] = (fd_sample_t*)hzV[chIdx]; } } else { fd_sample_t* m = base_buf; for(unsigned chIdx=0; chIdxmagV[chIdx] = m + 0 * f->binN_V[chIdx]; f->phsV[chIdx] = m + 1 * f->binN_V[chIdx]; f->hzV[ chIdx] = m + 2 * f->binN_V[chIdx]; m += f->maxBinN_V[chIdx]; assert( m <= base_buf + kFbufVectN * maxTotalBinN ); } } return f; } */ /* cw::flow::fbuf_t* cw::flow::fbuf_create( srate_t srate, unsigned chN, const unsigned* maxBinN_V, const unsigned* binN_V, const unsigned* hopSmpN_V, const fd_sample_t** magV, const fd_sample_t** phsV, const fd_sample_t** hzV ) { for(unsigned i=0; i maxBinN_V[i] ) { cwLogError(kInvalidArgRC,"A channel bin count (%i) execeeds the max bin count (%i).",binN_V[i],maxBinN_V[i]); return nullptr;; } fbuf_t* f = mem::allocZ(); f->srate = srate; f->chN = chN; f->maxBinN_V = mem::allocZ(chN); f->binN_V = mem::allocZ(chN); f->hopSmpN_V = mem::allocZ(chN); f->magV = mem::allocZ(chN); f->phsV = mem::allocZ(chN); f->hzV = mem::allocZ(chN); f->readyFlV = mem::allocZ(chN); vop::copy( f->binN_V, binN_V, chN ); vop::copy( f->maxBinN_V, maxBinN_V, chN ); vop::copy( f->hopSmpN_V, hopSmpN_V, chN ); if( magV != nullptr || phsV != nullptr || hzV != nullptr ) { for(unsigned chIdx=0; chIdxmagV[ chIdx ] = (fd_sample_t*)magV[chIdx]; f->phsV[ chIdx ] = (fd_sample_t*)phsV[chIdx]; f->hzV[ chIdx ] = (fd_sample_t*)hzV[chIdx]; } } else { unsigned maxTotalBinsN = vop::sum( maxBinN_V, chN ); fd_sample_t* buf = mem::allocZ( kFbufVectN * maxTotalBinsN ); fd_sample_t* m = buf; for(unsigned chIdx=0; chIdxmagV[chIdx] = m + 0 * f->binN_V[chIdx]; f->phsV[chIdx] = m + 1 * f->binN_V[chIdx]; f->hzV[ chIdx] = m + 2 * f->binN_V[chIdx]; m += f->maxBinN_V[chIdx]; assert( m <= buf + kFbufVectN * maxTotalBinsN ); } f->buf = buf; } return f; } */ cw::flow::fbuf_t* cw::flow::fbuf_create( srate_t srate, unsigned chN, unsigned maxBinN, unsigned binN, unsigned hopSmpN, const fd_sample_t** magV, const fd_sample_t** phsV, const fd_sample_t** hzV ) { unsigned maxBinN_V[ chN ]; unsigned binN_V[ chN ]; unsigned hopSmpN_V[ chN ]; vop::fill( maxBinN_V, chN, maxBinN ); vop::fill( binN_V, chN, binN ); vop::fill( hopSmpN_V, chN, binN ); return fbuf_create( srate, chN, maxBinN_V, binN_V, hopSmpN_V, magV, phsV, hzV ); } void cw::flow::fbuf_destroy( fbuf_t*& fbuf ) { if( fbuf == nullptr ) return; mem::release(fbuf->maxBinN_V); mem::release(fbuf->binN_V); mem::release(fbuf->hopSmpN_V); mem::release(fbuf->magV); mem::release(fbuf->phsV); mem::release(fbuf->hzV); mem::release(fbuf->readyFlV); mem::release( fbuf->mem); mem::release( fbuf); } cw::flow::fbuf_t* cw::flow::fbuf_duplicate( fbuf_t* dst, const fbuf_t* src ) { fbuf_t* fbuf = nullptr; if( dst != nullptr && dst->memByteN < src->memByteN ) fbuf_destroy(dst); if( dst == nullptr ) fbuf = fbuf_create( src->srate, src->chN, src->maxBinN_V, src->binN_V, src->hopSmpN_V ); else fbuf = dst; for(unsigned i=0; ichN; ++i) { fbuf->maxBinN_V[i] = src->maxBinN_V[i]; fbuf->binN_V[i] = src->binN_V[i]; fbuf->hopSmpN_V[i] = src->hopSmpN_V[i]; vop::copy( fbuf->magV[i], src->magV[i], fbuf->binN_V[i] ); vop::copy( fbuf->phsV[i], src->phsV[i], fbuf->binN_V[i] ); vop::copy( fbuf->hzV[i], src->hzV[i], fbuf->binN_V[i] ); } return fbuf; } cw::flow::mbuf_t* cw::flow::mbuf_create( const midi::ch_msg_t* msgA, unsigned msgN ) { mbuf_t* m = mem::allocZ(); m->msgA = msgA; m->msgN = msgN; return m; } void cw::flow::mbuf_destroy( mbuf_t*& buf ) { mem::release(buf); } cw::flow::mbuf_t* cw::flow::mbuf_duplicate( const mbuf_t* src ) { return mbuf_create(src->msgA,src->msgN); } cw::flow::rbuf_t* cw::flow::rbuf_create( const recd_type_t* type, const recd_t* recdA, unsigned recdN ) { rbuf_t* m = mem::allocZ(); m->type = type; m->recdA = recdA; m->recdN = recdN; return m; } void cw::flow::rbuf_destroy( rbuf_t*& buf ) { mem::release(buf); } cw::flow::rbuf_t* cw::flow::rbuf_duplicate( const rbuf_t* src ) { return rbuf_create(src->type,src->recdA,src->recdN); } void cw::flow::rbuf_setup( rbuf_t* rbuf, recd_type_t* type, recd_t* recdA, unsigned recdN ) { rbuf->type = type; rbuf->recdA = recdA; rbuf->recdN = recdN; } unsigned cw::flow::value_type_label_to_flag( const char* s ) { unsigned flags = labelToId(_typeLabelFlagsA,s,kInvalidTFl); if( flags == kInvalidTFl ) cwLogError(kInvalidArgRC,"Invalid type flag: '%s'",cwStringNullGuard(s)); return flags; } const char* cw::flow::value_type_flag_to_label( unsigned flag ) { return _typeFlagToLabel(flag); } void cw::flow::value_release( value_t* v ) { if( v == nullptr ) return; switch( v->tflag & kTypeMask ) { case kInvalidTFl: break; case kBoolTFl: case kUIntTFl: case kIntTFl: case kFloatTFl: case kDoubleTFl: break; case kABufTFl: abuf_destroy( v->u.abuf ); break; case kFBufTFl: fbuf_destroy( v->u.fbuf ); break; case kMBufTFl: mbuf_destroy( v->u.mbuf ); break; case kRBufTFl: rbuf_destroy( v->u.rbuf ); break; case kBoolMtxTFl: case kUIntMtxTFl: case kIntMtxTFl: case kFloatMtxTFl: case kDoubleMtxTFl: assert(0); // not implemeneted break; case kStringTFl: mem::release( v->u.s ); break; case kTimeTFl: assert(0); break; case kCfgTFl: break; case kMidiTFl: break; default: assert(0); break; } v->tflag = kInvalidTFl; } void cw::flow::value_duplicate( value_t& dst, const value_t& src ) { switch( src.tflag & kTypeMask ) { case kInvalidTFl: break; case kBoolTFl: case kUIntTFl: case kIntTFl: case kFloatTFl: case kDoubleTFl: dst = src; break; case kABufTFl: dst.u.abuf = src.u.abuf == nullptr ? nullptr : abuf_duplicate(dst.u.abuf,src.u.abuf); dst.tflag = src.tflag; break; case kFBufTFl: dst.u.fbuf = src.u.fbuf == nullptr ? nullptr : fbuf_duplicate(dst.u.fbuf,src.u.fbuf); dst.tflag = src.tflag; break; case kMBufTFl: dst.u.mbuf = src.u.mbuf == nullptr ? nullptr : mbuf_duplicate(src.u.mbuf); dst.tflag = src.tflag; break; case kRBufTFl: dst.u.rbuf = src.u.rbuf == nullptr ? nullptr : rbuf_duplicate(src.u.rbuf); dst.tflag = src.tflag; break; case kBoolMtxTFl: case kUIntMtxTFl: case kIntMtxTFl: case kFloatMtxTFl: case kDoubleMtxTFl: assert(0); // not implemeneted break; case kStringTFl: dst.u.s = mem::duplStr( dst.u.s ); dst.tflag = src.tflag; break; case kTimeTFl: assert(0); break; case kCfgTFl: dst = src; break; case kMidiTFl: dst.u.midi = src.u.midi; break; default: assert(0); break; } } cw::rc_t cw::flow::value_from_cfg( const object_t* cfg, value_t& value_ref ) { rc_t rc = kOkRC; switch( cfg->type->id ) { case kCharTId: case kUInt8TId: case kUInt16TId: case kUInt32TId: value_ref.tflag = kUIntTFl; if((rc = cfg->value(value_ref.u.u)) != kOkRC ) rc = cwLogError(rc,"Conversion to uint failed."); break; case kInt8TId: case kInt16TId: case kInt32TId: value_ref.tflag = kIntTFl; if((rc = cfg->value(value_ref.u.i)) != kOkRC ) rc = cwLogError(rc,"Conversion to int failed."); break; case kInt64TId: case kUInt64TId: rc = cwLogError(kInvalidArgRC,"The flow system does not currently implement 64bit integers."); goto errLabel; break; case kFloatTId: value_ref.tflag = kFloatTFl; if((rc = cfg->value(value_ref.u.f)) != kOkRC ) rc = cwLogError(rc,"Conversion to float failed."); break; case kDoubleTId: value_ref.tflag = kDoubleTFl; if((rc = cfg->value(value_ref.u.d)) != kOkRC ) rc = cwLogError(rc,"Conversion to double failed."); break; case kBoolTId: value_ref.tflag = kBoolTFl; if((rc = cfg->value(value_ref.u.b)) != kOkRC ) rc = cwLogError(rc,"Conversion to bool failed."); break; case kStringTId: case kCStringTId: value_ref.tflag = kStringTFl; if((rc = cfg->value(value_ref.u.s)) != kOkRC ) rc = cwLogError(rc,"Conversion to string failed."); break; default: value_ref.tflag = kCfgTFl; value_ref.u.cfg = cfg; } errLabel: return rc; } cw::rc_t cw::flow::value_from_value( const value_t& src, value_t& dst ) { rc_t rc = kOkRC; if( dst.tflag == kInvalidTFl || dst.tflag & src.tflag) { dst = src; return kOkRC; } // we only get here if conversion is necessary switch( src.tflag ) { case kInvalidTFl: rc = cwLogError(kInvalidStateRC,"The src operand does not have a valid type."); break; case kBoolTFl: rc = value_set(&dst,src.u.b); break; case kUIntTFl: rc = value_set(&dst,src.u.u); break; case kIntTFl: rc = value_set(&dst,src.u.i); break; case kFloatTFl: rc = value_set(&dst,src.u.f); break; case kDoubleTFl: rc = value_set(&dst,src.u.d); break; case kBoolMtxTFl: case kUIntMtxTFl: case kIntMtxTFl: case kFloatMtxTFl: case kDoubleMtxTFl: rc = cwLogError(kNotImplementedRC,"Matrix conversion is not implemented for value to value conversion."); break; case kABufTFl: case kFBufTFl: case kMBufTFl: case kRBufTFl: case kStringTFl: case kTimeTFl: case kCfgTFl: case kMidiTFl: rc = cwLogError(kOpFailRC,"Value conversion failed during value to value assignement."); break; default: rc = cwLogError(kInvalidArgRC,"An unknown source operand data type 0x%x was encountered.",src.tflag); } return rc; } void cw::flow::value_print( const value_t* v, bool info_fl ) { if( v == nullptr ) return; switch( v->tflag & kTypeMask ) { case kInvalidTFl: cwLogPrint(""); break; case kBoolTFl: cwLogPrint("%s%s ", info_fl ? "b:" : "", v->u.b ? "true" : "false" ); break; case kUIntTFl: cwLogPrint("%s%i ", info_fl ? "u:" : "", v->u.u ); break; case kIntTFl: cwLogPrint("%s%i ", info_fl ? "i:" : "", v->u.i ); break; case kFloatTFl: cwLogPrint("%s%f ", info_fl ? "f:" : "", v->u.f ); break; case kDoubleTFl: cwLogPrint("%s%f ", info_fl ? "d:" : "", v->u.d ); break; case kABufTFl: if( info_fl ) { if( v->u.abuf == nullptr ) cwLogPrint("abuf: "); else cwLogPrint("abuf: chN:%i frameN:%i srate:%8.1f ", v->u.abuf->chN, v->u.abuf->frameN, v->u.abuf->srate ); } else { bool null_fl = v->u.abuf==nullptr || v->u.abuf->buf == nullptr; cwLogPrint("("); for(unsigned i=0; iu.abuf->chN; ++i) cwLogPrint("%f ",null_fl ? 0.0 : vop::rms(v->u.abuf->buf + i*v->u.abuf->frameN, v->u.abuf->frameN)); cwLogPrint(") "); } break; case kFBufTFl: if( info_fl ) { if( v->u.fbuf == nullptr ) cwLogPrint("fbuf: "); else { cwLogPrint("fbuf: chN:%i srate:%8.1f ", v->u.fbuf->chN, v->u.fbuf->srate ); for(unsigned i=0; iu.fbuf->chN; ++i) cwLogPrint("(binN:%i hopSmpN:%i) ", v->u.fbuf->binN_V[i], v->u.fbuf->hopSmpN_V[i] ); } } else { bool null_fl = v->u.fbuf==nullptr || v->u.fbuf->magV == nullptr; cwLogPrint("("); for(unsigned i=0; iu.fbuf->chN; ++i) cwLogPrint("%f ",null_fl ? 0.0 : vop::mean(v->u.fbuf->magV[i], v->u.fbuf->binN_V[i])); cwLogPrint(") "); } break; case kMBufTFl: if( info_fl ) { if( v->u.mbuf == nullptr ) cwLogPrint("mbuf: "); else { cwLogPrint("mbuf: cnt: %i", v->u.mbuf->msgN ); } } else { //bool null_fl = v->u.mbuf==nullptr || v->u.mbuf->msgA == nullptr; for(unsigned i=0; iu.mbuf->msgN; ++i) cwLogPrint("(0x%x 0x%x 0x%x) ",v->u.mbuf->msgA[i].status + v->u.mbuf->msgA[i].ch,v->u.mbuf->msgA[i].d0,v->u.mbuf->msgA[i].d1); } break; case kRBufTFl: if( info_fl ) { if( v->u.rbuf == nullptr ) cwLogPrint("rbuf: "); else { cwLogPrint("rbuf: cnt: %i", v->u.rbuf->recdN ); } } else { for(unsigned i=0; iu.rbuf->recdN; ++i) { assert(0); // BUG BUG BUG // implement _print_record() } } break; case kBoolMtxTFl: case kUIntMtxTFl: case kIntMtxTFl: case kFloatMtxTFl: case kDoubleMtxTFl: assert(0); // not implemeneted break; case kStringTFl: cwLogPrint("s:%s ", v->u.s); break; case kTimeTFl: assert(0); break; case kCfgTFl: cwLogPrint("c:"); if( v->u.cfg != nullptr ) v->u.cfg->print(); break; case kMidiTFl: cwLogPrint("m:"); if( v->u.midi != nullptr ) cwLogPrint("dev:%i port:%i uid:%i ch:%i st:0x%x d0:0x%x d1:0x%x",v->u.midi->devIdx,v->u.midi->portIdx,v->u.midi->uid,v->u.midi->ch,v->u.midi->status,v->u.midi->d0,v->u.midi->d1); break; default: assert(0); break; } } cw::rc_t cw::flow::value_get( const value_t* val, bool& valRef ) { rc_t rc = kOkRC; switch( val->tflag & kTypeMask ) { case kBoolTFl: valRef = val->u.b; break; case kUIntTFl: valRef = val->u.u!=0; break; case kIntTFl: valRef = val->u.i!=0; break; case kFloatTFl: valRef = val->u.f!=0; break; case kDoubleTFl: valRef = val->u.d!=0; break; default: rc = cwLogError(kTypeMismatchRC,"The type %s (0x%x) could not be converted to a bool.",_typeFlagToLabel(val->tflag),val->tflag); } return rc; } cw::rc_t cw::flow::value_set( value_t* val, bool v ) { rc_t rc = kOkRC; switch( val->tflag & kTypeMask ) { case kBoolTFl: val->u.b=v; break; case kUIntTFl: val->u.u=v; break; case kIntTFl: val->u.i=v; break; case kFloatTFl: val->u.f=v; break; case kDoubleTFl: val->u.d=v; break; case kInvalidTFl: val->u.b = v; val->tflag = kBoolTFl; break; default: rc = cwLogError(kTypeMismatchRC,"A bool could not be converted to a %s (0x%x).",_typeFlagToLabel(val->tflag),val->tflag); } return rc; } cw::rc_t cw::flow::value_get( const value_t* val, uint_t& valRef ) { rc_t rc = kOkRC; switch( val->tflag & kTypeMask ) { case kBoolTFl: valRef = val->u.b ? 1 : 0; break; case kUIntTFl: valRef = val->u.u; break; case kIntTFl: valRef = val->u.i; break; case kFloatTFl: valRef = (uint_t)val->u.f; break; case kDoubleTFl: valRef = (uint_t)val->u.d; break; default: rc = cwLogError(kTypeMismatchRC,"The type %s (0x%x) could not be converted to a uint.",_typeFlagToLabel(val->tflag),val->tflag); } return rc; } cw::rc_t cw::flow::value_set( value_t* val, uint_t v ) { rc_t rc = kOkRC; switch( val->tflag & kTypeMask ) { case kBoolTFl: val->u.b=v!=0; break; case kUIntTFl: val->u.u=v; break; case kIntTFl: val->u.i=v; break; case kFloatTFl: val->u.f=v; break; case kDoubleTFl: val->u.d=v; break; case kInvalidTFl: val->u.u = v; val->tflag = kUIntTFl; break; default: rc = cwLogError(kTypeMismatchRC,"A uint could not be converted to a %s (0x%x).",_typeFlagToLabel(val->tflag),val->tflag); } return rc; } cw::rc_t cw::flow::value_get( const value_t* val, int_t& valRef ) { rc_t rc = kOkRC; switch( val->tflag & kTypeMask ) { case kBoolTFl: valRef = val->u.b ? 1 : 0; break; case kUIntTFl: valRef = (int_t)val->u.u; break; case kIntTFl: valRef = val->u.i; break; case kFloatTFl: valRef = (int_t)val->u.f; break; case kDoubleTFl: valRef = (int_t)val->u.d; break; default: rc = cwLogError(kTypeMismatchRC,"The type %s (0x%x) could not be converted to an int.",_typeFlagToLabel(val->tflag),val->tflag); } return rc; } cw::rc_t cw::flow::value_set( value_t* val, int_t v ) { rc_t rc = kOkRC; switch( val->tflag & kTypeMask ) { case kBoolTFl: val->u.b=v!=0; break; case kUIntTFl: val->u.u=v; break; case kIntTFl: val->u.i=v; break; case kFloatTFl: val->u.f=v; break; case kDoubleTFl: val->u.d=v; break; case kInvalidTFl: val->u.i = v; val->tflag = kIntTFl; break; default: rc = cwLogError(kTypeMismatchRC,"An int could not be converted to a %s (0x%x).",_typeFlagToLabel(val->tflag),val->tflag); } return rc; } cw::rc_t cw::flow::value_get( const value_t* val, float& valRef ) { rc_t rc = kOkRC; switch( val->tflag & kTypeMask ) { case kBoolTFl: valRef = val->u.b ? 1 : 0; break; case kUIntTFl: valRef = (float)val->u.u; break; case kIntTFl: valRef = (float)val->u.i; break; case kFloatTFl: valRef = (float)val->u.f; break; case kDoubleTFl: valRef = (float)val->u.d; break; default: rc = cwLogError(kTypeMismatchRC,"The type %s (0x%x) could not be converted to a float.",_typeFlagToLabel(val->tflag),val->tflag); } return rc; } cw::rc_t cw::flow::value_set( value_t* val, float v ) { rc_t rc = kOkRC; switch( val->tflag & kTypeMask ) { case kBoolTFl: val->u.b=v!=0; break; case kUIntTFl: val->u.u=(unsigned)v; break; case kIntTFl: val->u.i=(int)v; break; case kFloatTFl: val->u.f=v; break; case kDoubleTFl: val->u.d=v; break; case kInvalidTFl: val->u.f = v; val->tflag = kFloatTFl; break; default: rc = cwLogError(kTypeMismatchRC,"A float could not be converted to a %s (0x%x).",_typeFlagToLabel(val->tflag),val->tflag); } return rc; } cw::rc_t cw::flow::value_get( const value_t* val, double& valRef ) { rc_t rc = kOkRC; switch( val->tflag & kTypeMask ) { case kBoolTFl: valRef = val->u.b ? 1 : 0; break; case kUIntTFl: valRef = (double)val->u.u; break; case kIntTFl: valRef = (double)val->u.i; break; case kFloatTFl: valRef = (double)val->u.f; break; case kDoubleTFl: valRef = val->u.d; break; default: rc = cwLogError(kTypeMismatchRC,"The type %s (0x%x) could not be converted to a double.",_typeFlagToLabel(val->tflag),val->tflag); } return rc; } cw::rc_t cw::flow::value_set( value_t* val, double v ) { rc_t rc = kOkRC; switch( val->tflag & kTypeMask ) { case kBoolTFl: val->u.b=v!=0; break; case kUIntTFl: val->u.u=(unsigned)v; break; case kIntTFl: val->u.i=(int)v; break; case kFloatTFl: val->u.f=(float)v; break; case kDoubleTFl: val->u.d=v; break; case kInvalidTFl: val->u.d = v; val->tflag = kDoubleTFl; break; default: rc = cwLogError(kTypeMismatchRC,"A double could not be converted to a %s (0x%x).",_typeFlagToLabel(val->tflag),val->tflag); } return rc; } cw::rc_t cw::flow::value_get( const value_t* val, const char*& valRef ) { rc_t rc = kOkRC; if( cwIsFlag(val->tflag & kTypeMask, kStringTFl) ) valRef = val->u.s; else { rc = cwLogError(kTypeMismatchRC,"The type %s (0x%x) could not be converted to a string.",_typeFlagToLabel(val->tflag),val->tflag); valRef = nullptr; } return rc; } cw::rc_t cw::flow::value_set( value_t* val, const char* v ) { rc_t rc = kOkRC; switch( val->tflag & kTypeMask ) { case kStringTFl: val->u.s=mem::duplStr(v); break; case kInvalidTFl: val->u.s = mem::duplStr(v); val->tflag = kStringTFl; break; default: rc = cwLogError(kTypeMismatchRC,"A string could not be converted to a %s (0x%x).",_typeFlagToLabel(val->tflag),val->tflag); } return rc; } cw::rc_t cw::flow::value_get( value_t* val, abuf_t*& valRef ) { rc_t rc = kOkRC; if( cwIsFlag(val->tflag & kTypeMask, kABufTFl) ) valRef = val->u.abuf; else { rc = cwLogError(kTypeMismatchRC,"The type %s (0x%x) could not be converted to an abuf.",_typeFlagToLabel(val->tflag),val->tflag); valRef = nullptr; } return rc; } cw::rc_t cw::flow::value_get( value_t* val, const abuf_t*& valRef ) { abuf_t* non_const_val; rc_t rc = kOkRC; if((rc = value_get(val,non_const_val)) == kOkRC ) valRef = non_const_val; return rc; } cw::rc_t cw::flow::value_set( value_t* val, abuf_t* v ) { rc_t rc = kOkRC; switch( val->tflag & kTypeMask ) { case kABufTFl: val->u.abuf=v; break; case kInvalidTFl: val->u.abuf=v; val->tflag = kABufTFl; break; default: rc = cwLogError(kTypeMismatchRC,"A audio signal could not be converted to a %s (0x%x).",_typeFlagToLabel(val->tflag),val->tflag); } return rc; } cw::rc_t cw::flow::value_get( value_t* val, fbuf_t*& valRef ) { rc_t rc = kOkRC; if( cwIsFlag(val->tflag & kTypeMask, kFBufTFl) ) valRef = val->u.fbuf; else { valRef = nullptr; rc = cwLogError(kTypeMismatchRC,"The type %s (0x%x) could not be converted to an fbuf.",_typeFlagToLabel(val->tflag),val->tflag); } return rc; } cw::rc_t cw::flow::value_get( value_t* val, const fbuf_t*& valRef ) { fbuf_t* non_const_val; rc_t rc = kOkRC; if((rc = value_get(val,non_const_val)) == kOkRC ) valRef = non_const_val; return rc; } cw::rc_t cw::flow::value_set( value_t* val, fbuf_t* v ) { rc_t rc = kOkRC; switch( val->tflag & kTypeMask ) { case kFBufTFl: val->u.fbuf=v; break; case kInvalidTFl: val->u.fbuf=v; val->tflag = kFBufTFl; break; default: rc = cwLogError(kTypeMismatchRC,"A spectrum signal could not be converted to a %s (0x%x).",_typeFlagToLabel(val->tflag),val->tflag); } return rc; } cw::rc_t cw::flow::value_get( value_t* val, mbuf_t*& valRef ) { rc_t rc = kOkRC; if( cwIsFlag(val->tflag & kTypeMask, kMBufTFl) ) valRef = val->u.mbuf; else { valRef = nullptr; rc = cwLogError(kTypeMismatchRC,"The type %s (0x%x) could not be converted to an mbuf.",_typeFlagToLabel(val->tflag),val->tflag); } return rc; } cw::rc_t cw::flow::value_get( value_t* val, const mbuf_t*& valRef ) { mbuf_t* non_const_val; rc_t rc = kOkRC; if((rc = value_get(val,non_const_val)) == kOkRC ) valRef = non_const_val; return rc; } cw::rc_t cw::flow::value_set( value_t* val, mbuf_t* v ) { rc_t rc = kOkRC; switch( val->tflag & kTypeMask ) { case kMBufTFl: val->u.mbuf=v; break; case kInvalidTFl: val->u.mbuf=v; val->tflag = kMBufTFl; break; default: rc = cwLogError(kTypeMismatchRC,"A MIDI signal could not be converted to a %s (0x%x).",_typeFlagToLabel(val->tflag),val->tflag); } return rc; } cw::rc_t cw::flow::value_get( value_t* val, rbuf_t*& valRef ) { rc_t rc = kOkRC; if( cwIsFlag(val->tflag & kTypeMask, kRBufTFl) ) valRef = val->u.rbuf; else { valRef = nullptr; rc = cwLogError(kTypeMismatchRC,"The type %s (0x%x) could not be converted to an rbuf.",_typeFlagToLabel(val->tflag),val->tflag); } return rc; } cw::rc_t cw::flow::value_get( value_t* val, const rbuf_t*& valRef ) { rbuf_t* non_const_val; rc_t rc = kOkRC; if((rc = value_get(val,non_const_val)) == kOkRC ) valRef = non_const_val; return rc; } cw::rc_t cw::flow::value_set( value_t* val, rbuf_t* v ) { rc_t rc = kOkRC; switch( val->tflag & kTypeMask ) { case kRBufTFl: val->u.rbuf=v; break; case kInvalidTFl: val->u.rbuf=v; val->tflag = kRBufTFl; break; default: rc = cwLogError(kTypeMismatchRC,"A recd-buf could not be converted to a %s (0x%x).",_typeFlagToLabel(val->tflag),val->tflag); } return rc; } cw::rc_t cw::flow::value_get( value_t* val, const object_t*& valRef ) { rc_t rc = kOkRC; if( cwIsFlag(val->tflag & kTypeMask, kCfgTFl) ) valRef = val->u.cfg; else { valRef = nullptr; rc = cwLogError(kTypeMismatchRC,"The type %s (0x%x) could not be converted to a cfg.",_typeFlagToLabel(val->tflag),val->tflag); } return rc; } cw::rc_t cw::flow::value_set( value_t* val, const object_t* v ) { rc_t rc = kOkRC; switch( val->tflag & kTypeMask ) { case kCfgTFl: val->u.cfg=v; break; case kInvalidTFl: val->u.cfg=v; val->tflag = kCfgTFl; break; default: rc = cwLogError(kTypeMismatchRC,"A cfg. could not be converted to a %s (0x%x).",_typeFlagToLabel(val->tflag),val->tflag); } return rc; } cw::rc_t cw::flow::value_get( const value_t* val, midi::ch_msg_t*& valRef ) { rc_t rc = kOkRC; if( cwIsFlag(val->tflag & kTypeMask, kMidiTFl) ) valRef = val->u.midi; else { valRef = nullptr; rc = cwLogError(kTypeMismatchRC,"The type %s (0x%x) could not be converted to a MIDI record.",_typeFlagToLabel(val->tflag),val->tflag); } return rc; } cw::rc_t cw::flow::value_get( const value_t* val, const midi::ch_msg_t*& valRef ) { rc_t rc = kOkRC; if( cwIsFlag(val->tflag & kTypeMask, kMidiTFl) ) valRef = val->u.midi; else { valRef = nullptr; rc = cwLogError(kTypeMismatchRC,"The type %s (0x%x) could not be converted to a MIDI record.",_typeFlagToLabel(val->tflag),val->tflag); } return rc; } cw::rc_t cw::flow::value_set(value_t* val, midi::ch_msg_t* v ) { rc_t rc = kOkRC; switch( val->tflag & kTypeMask ) { case kMidiTFl: val->u.midi=v; break; case kInvalidTFl: val->u.midi=v; val->tflag = kMidiTFl; break; default: rc = cwLogError(kTypeMismatchRC,"A MIDI record could not be converted to a %s (0x%x).",_typeFlagToLabel(val->tflag),val->tflag); } return rc; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // // Record // cw::rc_t cw::flow::recd_format_create( recd_fmt_t*& recd_fmt_ref, const object_t* cfg, unsigned dflt_alloc_cnt ) { rc_t rc = kOkRC; recd_fmt_t* recd_fmt = nullptr; recd_fmt_ref = nullptr; recd_fmt = mem::allocZ(); if( cfg->find( "fields" ) != nullptr ) if((rc = recd_type_create(recd_fmt->recd_type,nullptr,cfg)) != kOkRC ) goto errLabel; recd_fmt->alloc_cnt = dflt_alloc_cnt; if((rc =cfg->getv_opt("alloc_cnt",recd_fmt->alloc_cnt, "required",recd_fmt->req_fieldL)) != kOkRC ) { rc = cwLogError(rc,"Error parsing record format 'alloc_cnt'."); goto errLabel; } if(recd_fmt->req_fieldL != nullptr && !recd_fmt->req_fieldL->is_list() ) { rc = cwLogError(rc,"The 'required' field list is not a list."); goto errLabel; } recd_fmt_ref = recd_fmt; errLabel: if(rc != kOkRC ) rc = cwLogError(rc,"Record format creation failed."); return rc; } void cw::flow::recd_format_destroy( recd_fmt_t*& recd_fmt_ref ) { if( recd_fmt_ref != nullptr ) { recd_type_destroy(recd_fmt_ref->recd_type); mem::release(recd_fmt_ref); } } cw::rc_t cw::flow::recd_type_create( recd_type_t*& recd_type_ref, const recd_type_t* base, const object_t* cfg ) { rc_t rc = kOkRC; const object_t* fields_dict = nullptr;; recd_type_t* recd_type = mem::allocZ(); recd_type_ref = nullptr; // get the fields list if((rc = cfg->getv("fields",fields_dict)) != kOkRC ) { rc = cwLogError(rc,"The 'fields' dictionary was not found in the record 'fmt' specifier."); goto errLabel; } // load the fields list if((rc = _recd_field_list_from_cfg(recd_type->fieldL,fields_dict)) != kOkRC ) { goto errLabel; } // assign the index to the value fields and update recd_type.fieldN recd_type->fieldN = _recd_field_list_set_index(recd_type->fieldL, 0 ); recd_type->base = base; recd_type_ref = recd_type; errLabel: if( rc != kOkRC && recd_type != nullptr ) { rc = cwLogError(rc,"recd_type create failed."); recd_type_destroy(recd_type); } return rc; } void cw::flow::recd_type_destroy( recd_type_t*& recd_type_ref ) { if( recd_type_ref == nullptr ) return; _recd_type_destroy_field_list(recd_type_ref->fieldL); mem::release(recd_type_ref); } unsigned cw::flow::recd_type_max_field_count( const recd_type_t* recd_type ) { unsigned n = 0; for(const recd_type_t* t = recd_type; t!=nullptr; t=t->base) n += t->fieldN; return n; } unsigned cw::flow::recd_type_field_index( const recd_type_t* recd_type, const char* field_label) { unsigned index; if((index = _calc_value_field_index( recd_type, field_label)) == kInvalidIdx ) { cwLogError(kInvalidArgRC,"The record field label '%s' was not found.",cwStringNullGuard(field_label)); goto errLabel; } errLabel: return index; } const char* cw::flow::recd_type_field_index_to_label( const recd_type_t* recd_type, unsigned field_idx ) { const char* label = nullptr; if( field_idx >= recd_type->fieldN ) label = recd_type_field_index_to_label(recd_type->base, field_idx - recd_type->fieldN ); else label = _recd_field_index_to_label(recd_type->fieldL,field_idx); return label; } void cw::flow::recd_type_print( const recd_type_t* recd_type ) { _recd_type_print(recd_type,recd_type); } cw::rc_t cw::flow::recd_init( const recd_type_t* recd_type, const recd_t* base, recd_t* r ) { r->base = base; return _recd_set_default_value( recd_type->fieldL, r ); } cw::rc_t cw::flow::recd_print( const recd_type_t* recd_type, const recd_t* r ) { return _recd_print( recd_type, r ); } cw::rc_t cw::flow::recd_array_create( recd_array_t*& recd_array_ref, recd_type_t* recd_type, const recd_type_t* base, unsigned allocRecdN ) { rc_t rc = kOkRC; recd_array_t* recd_array = mem::allocZ(); recd_array_ref = nullptr; recd_array->type = mem::allocZ(); recd_array->type->fieldL = recd_type->fieldL; recd_array->type->fieldN = recd_type->fieldN; recd_array->type->base = base; recd_array->valA = mem::allocZ(recd_array->type->fieldN * allocRecdN); recd_array->recdA = mem::allocZ(allocRecdN); recd_array->allocRecdN = allocRecdN; // for each record for(unsigned i=0; irecdA[i].valA = recd_array->valA + (i*recd_array->type->fieldN); // set the value type of all records in the array _recd_set_value_type( recd_array->type->fieldL, recd_array->recdA + i ); } recd_array_ref = recd_array; //if( rc != kOkRC ) // recd_array_destroy(recd_array); return rc; } cw::rc_t cw::flow::recd_copy( const recd_type_t* recd_type, const recd_t* recdA, unsigned recdN, recd_array_t* recd_array ) { rc_t rc = kOkRC; if( recd_array->allocRecdN < recdN ) { rc = cwLogError(kBufTooSmallRC,"Not enough space in the destination record array."); goto errLabel; } if( recd_type->fieldN != recd_array->type->fieldN ) { rc = cwLogError(kInvalidArgRC,"Field count mismatch between source and destination records.."); goto errLabel; } for(unsigned i=0; ifieldN; ++j) { recd_array->recdA[i].valA[j] = recdA[i].valA[j]; recd_array->recdA[i].base = recdA[i].base; } errLabel: if( rc!=kOkRC ) rc = cwLogError(rc,"Record copy failed."); return rc; } cw::rc_t cw::flow::recd_array_destroy( recd_array_t*& recd_array_ref ) { if( recd_array_ref != nullptr ) { mem::release(recd_array_ref->type); mem::release(recd_array_ref->valA); mem::release(recd_array_ref->recdA); mem::release(recd_array_ref); } return kOkRC; } cw::rc_t cw::flow::value_test( const test::test_args_t& args ) { rc_t rc = kOkRC; object_t* cfg0 = nullptr; object_t* cfg1 = nullptr; recd_fmt_t* fmt0 = nullptr; recd_fmt_t* fmt1 = nullptr; recd_array_t* ra0 = nullptr; recd_array_t* ra1 = nullptr; const char* s0 = "{ alloc_cnt:3, fields: {" "a: { type:bool, doc:\"A floater.\" }," "b: { type:uint, value:1, doc:\"My uint.\" }," "c: { type:uint, value:2, doc:\"My other uint.\" }" "g0: { type:group, doc:\"A group.\"" "fields:{ a:{type:int, value:0, doc:\"My int.\" }" " b:{type:bool, value:true, doc:\"My flag.\" }" " c:{type:double, value:1, doc:\"Another field.\" }" "}}" "}}"; const char* s1 = "{ alloc_cnt:3, fields: {" "d: { type:double, doc:\"d doc.\" }," "e: { type:uint, value:-1, doc:\"e doc.\" }," "f: { type:uint, value:-1, doc:\"f doc.\" }" "g1: { type:group, doc:\"A group.\"" "fields:{ a:{type:int, value:0, doc:\"My int.\" }" " b:{type:bool, value:true, doc:\"My flag.\" }" " c:{type:uint, value:1, doc:\"Another field.\" }" "}}" "}}"; if((rc = objectFromString(s0,cfg0)) != kOkRC ) { rc = cwLogError(rc,"cfg0 parse failed."); goto errLabel; } if((rc = objectFromString(s1,cfg1)) != kOkRC ) { rc = cwLogError(rc,"cfg1 parse failed."); goto errLabel; } if((rc = recd_format_create( fmt0, cfg0 )) != kOkRC ) { rc = cwLogError(rc,"fmt0 create failed."); goto errLabel; } if((rc = recd_format_create( fmt1, cfg1 )) != kOkRC ) { rc = cwLogError(rc,"fmt1 create failed."); goto errLabel; } if((rc = recd_array_create( ra0, fmt0->recd_type, nullptr, fmt0->alloc_cnt )) != kOkRC ) { rc = cwLogError(rc,"recd array 0 create failed."); goto errLabel; } if((rc = recd_array_create( ra1, fmt1->recd_type, fmt0->recd_type, fmt1->alloc_cnt )) != kOkRC ) { rc = cwLogError(rc,"recd array 0 create failed."); goto errLabel; } for(unsigned i=0; iallocRecdN; ++i) { recd_t* r = ra0->recdA + i; if((rc = recd_set( ra0->type, nullptr, r, recd_type_field_index(ra0->type,"a"), 0.0f*i, recd_type_field_index(ra0->type,"g0.a"), 4.0*i, recd_type_field_index(ra0->type,"g0.b"), 5*i, recd_type_field_index(ra0->type,"g0.c"), 6*i)) != kOkRC ) { cwLogError(rc,"recd_set() failed on ra0."); goto errLabel; } } for(unsigned i=0; iallocRecdN; ++i) recd_print(ra0->type,ra0->recdA+i); for(unsigned i=0; iallocRecdN; ++i) { recd_t* r = ra1->recdA + i; recd_t* r_base = ra0->recdA + i; if((rc = recd_set( ra1->type, r_base, r, recd_type_field_index(ra1->type,"d"), 0.0f*i, recd_type_field_index(ra1->type,"g1.a"), 4.0*i*2, recd_type_field_index(ra1->type,"g1.b"), 5*i*2, recd_type_field_index(ra1->type,"g1.c"), 6*i*2)) != kOkRC ) { cwLogError(rc,"recd_set() failed on ra1."); goto errLabel; } } for(unsigned i=0; iallocRecdN; ++i) recd_print(ra1->type,ra1->recdA+i); recd_array_destroy( ra0 ); recd_array_destroy( ra1 ); recd_format_destroy( fmt0 ); recd_format_destroy( fmt1 ); cfg0->free(); cfg1->free(); errLabel: return rc; }