proc_dict.cfg : Added vel_table.

Added out_idx and preset_label to preset_sel.
Added rin to midi_out
This commit is contained in:
kevin 2024-12-23 16:36:20 -05:00
parent e3b9b82289
commit e095b0ccd8

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@ -20,10 +20,12 @@
midi_out: {
doc: [ "MIDI output device."],
vars: {
dev_label: { type:string, doc:"MIDI output device label."},
port_label:{ type:string, doc:"MIDI output device port label."},
dev_label: { type:string, flags:["init"], doc:"MIDI output device label."},
port_label:{ type:string, flags:["init"], doc:"MIDI output device port label."},
buf_cnt: { type:uint, flags:["init"], value:64, doc:"MIDI message buffer count." },
in: { type:midi, doc:"MIDI output port."}
in: { type:midi, doc:"MIDI messages to send."},
rin: { type:record, fmt:{ required:["midi"]}, doc:"Record input. (must have 'midi' field)"},
print_fl: { type:bool, value:false, doc:"Print the output to the console."}
@ -159,7 +161,10 @@
a220 : { hz:220 },
a440 : { hz:440 },
a880 : { hz:880 },
mono: { ch_cnt:1, gain:0.75 }
mono: { ch_cnt:1, gain:0.75 },
lfo1: { hz:1, phase:0.11 },
lfo2: { hz:2, phase:0.22 },
lfo3: { hz:3, phase:0.33 },
@ -569,6 +574,8 @@
vars: {
count: { type:uint, flags:["init"], value:1, doc:"Count of network duplicates." },
parallel_fl: { type:bool, flags:["init"], value:false, doc:"True to run voices concurrently." }
preset_sfx_id:{ type:uint, value:-1, doc:"The voice index to assign the prefix to or -1 if there is no preset to assign." },
preset_label: { type:string, value:"", doc:"The network preset to activate on voice channel 'preset_idx'." },
@ -702,7 +709,8 @@
in: { type:midi, doc:"MIDI in" },
gain: { type:coeff, value:1.0, doc:"Audio gain." },
chCnt: { type:uint, flags["init"], doc:"Output audio channel count."},
out: { type:audio, doc:"Audio out" }
out: { type:audio, doc:"Audio out" },
print_fl: { type:bool, value:false, doc:"Print MIDI message to console." },
done_fl: { type:bool, value:false, doc:"Triggers when voice is available."}
@ -713,7 +721,7 @@
vars: {
in: { type:record, doc:"MIDI input."},
in: { type:record, fmt:{ required:["midi"]} doc:"MIDI input."},
voice_cnt: { type:uint, value:3, flags:["init"], doc:"Count of voices." },
out: { type:midi, flags:["mult"], doc:"MIDI output to voices. One per voice." },
done_fl: { type:bool, value:false, flags:["mult"], doc:"Voice available feedback triggers from voices. One per voice."},
@ -804,9 +812,6 @@
doc: [ "Generate MIDI and score location information from a score file." ]
vars: {
fname: { type:string, flags:["init"], value:"", doc:"Score file name." },
vel_tbl_fname:{ type:string, flags:["init"], value:"", doc:"Velocity table filename as create by vwVelTableTuner." },
vel_tbl_label:{ type:string, value:"", doc:"Name of the active velocity table referenced by 'vel_fname."},
//out: { type:midi, doc:"MIDI output." },
loc: { type:uint, value:0, doc:"Score location output." },
done_fl: { type:bool, value:false, doc:"Emits true on done." },
out: { type:record, doc:"Score event record.",
@ -821,20 +826,19 @@
// out: { type:record
// fmt: {
// fields: {
// midi: { type:midi, doc:"MIDI channel event message."},
// loc: { type:uint, value:-1, doc:"Score location id."},
// meas: { type:uint, value:-1, doc:"Score measure location."}
// blah: { type:group, doc:"My group"
// fields: {
// foo: { type:float, value:3, doc:"Three, always three"}
// }
// }
// }
// }
vel_table: {
doc:[ "Remap MIDI velocity values."]
vars: {
vel_tbl_fname:{ type:string, flags:["init"], value:"", doc:"Velocity table filename as create by vwVelTableTuner." },
vel_tbl_label:{ type:string, flags:["init"], value:"", doc:"Name of the active velocity table referenced by 'vel_fname'."},
in: { type:record, fmt:{ required:["midi"]}, doc:"Record with 'midi' field."},
out:{ type:record, doc:"Same as input record with midi velocity remapped according the velocity table."
fmt: { fields: { midi: { type:m3, doc:"MIDI channel event message" } }}
recdbufN: { type:uint, flags:["init"], value:128, doc:"Internal record buffer size."}
score_follower: {
doc:[ "MIDI score follower: Sets the 'loc' field of the output record according to the score location." ]
@ -858,11 +862,14 @@
cfg: { type:cfg, flags:["init"], preset:"init", doc:"Initial preset configuration." },
preset_proc: { type:string, flags:["init"], value:"", doc:"Proc containing a network to search for preset label->value mappings." },
xf_cnt: { type:uint, flags:["init"], value:3, doc:"Transform channel count." },
in: { type:record, doc:"Input record with 'loc' field." },
in: { type:record, fmt:{ required:["loc"]} doc:"Input record with 'loc' field." },
fname: { type:string, flags:["init"], value:"", doc:"Preset file name."},
loc: { type:uint, value:0, doc:"Seek to location." },
out_idx: { type:uint, value:0, doc:"Transform output index." },
preset_label: { type:string, value:"", doc:"Preset label to apply." }
xf_args: { type:record, flags["mult"], doc:"Transform parameter record."
fmt: {
fields: {
@ -899,6 +906,7 @@
presets: {