: Moved DONE notes to
Added notes on presets.
This commit is contained in:
@ -1070,7 +1070,11 @@ It's not clear there is a difference between specifying `_` and the default beh
Is there a way to tell it to search the entire network from the root? Isn't that
what '_' is supposed to do?
- cwAudioFile cannot convert float or double input samples to 24 bit output samples
See audiofile::writeFloat() and audiofile::writeDouble().
- If a proc, inside a poly, is given a numeric suffix then that suffix will
overwrite the label_sfx_id assigned by the system. This case should be detected.
Host Environments:
@ -1078,129 +1082,6 @@ Host Environments:
- CLI, no GUI, w/ I/O and real-time
- GUI, with configurable control panels
- DONE: Remove `preset_label` and `type_src_label` from `_var_channelize()` and report error
locations from the point of call.
- DONE: Move proc_dict.cfg to libcw directory.
- DONE: The proc inst 'args' should be able to create mult variables. The only way to instantiate
new mult variables now is via the 'in' stmt.
- DONE: The `audio_merge` implementaiton is wrong. It should mimic `audio_mix` where all igain
coeff's are instantiated even if they are not referenced.
- DONE: Add the `caw` examples to the test suite.
- DONE: Remove the multiple 'args' thing and and 'argsLabel'. 'args' should be a simple set of arg's.
- DONE: Compile presets: at load time the presets should be resolved
to the proc and vars to which they will be assigned.
- DONE: (We are not removing the kAnyChIdx)
Should the var's with multiple channels remove the 'kAnyChIdx'?
This may be a good idea because 'kAnyChIdx' will in general not be used
if a var has been channelized - and yet it is possible for another
var to connect to it as a source ... which doesn't provoke an error
but would almost certainly not do what the user expects.
Note that the kAnyChIdx provides an easy way to set all of the channels
of a variable to the same value.
- DONE: verifiy that all proc variables values have a valid type - (i.e. (type & typeMask) != 0)
when the proc instance create is complete. This checks that both the type is assigned and
a valid value has been assigned - since the type is assigned the first time a value is set.
- DONE: 'poly' should be implemented as a proc-inst with an internal network - but the
elements of the network should be visible outside of it.
- DONE: 'sub' should be implemented as proc-inst with an internal network, but the
elements of the network should not be visible outside of it. Instead it should
include the idea of input and output ports which act as proxies to the physical
ports of the internal elements.
- DONE: 'poly' and 'sub' should be arbitrarily nestable.
- DONE: Allow multiple types on an input.
For example 'adder' should have a single input
which can by any numeric type.
- DONE: Make a standard way to turn on output printing from any port on any instance
This might be a better approach to logging than having a 'printer' object.
Add proc instance field: `log:{ var_label_0:0, var_label_1:0 } `
- Complete user-def-procs:
+ User-Def-Procs should have presets written in terms of the user-def-proc vars rather than the network vars
or the value application needs to follow the internal variable src_var back to the proxy var.
+ DONE: write a paragraph in the about overall approach taken to user-def-proc implementation.
+ DONE: user-def-proc var desc's should be the same as non+user-def-proc vars but also include the 'proxy' field.
In particular they should get default values.
If a var desc is part of a user-def-proc then it must have a proxy.
The output variables of var desc's must have the 'out' attribute
+ DONE: improve the user-def-proc creating code by using consistent naming + use proxy or wrap but not both
+ DONE: improve code comments on user-def-proc creation
- DONE: Implement feedback
- DONE: Implement the ability to set backward connections - from late to early proc's.
This can be done by implementing the same process as 'in_stmt' but in a separate
'out_stmt'. The difficulty is that it prevents doing some checks until the network
is completely specified. For example if audio inputs can accept connections from
later proc's then they will not have all of their inputs when they are instantiated.
One way around this is to instantiate them with an initial set of inputs but then
allow those inputs to be replaced by a later connection.
- DONE: The counter modulo mode is not working as expected.
- DONE: Implement 'preset' proc. This will involve implementing the 'cfg' datatype.
- DONE: Finish the 'poly' frawework. We are making 'mult' var's, but do any of the procs explicitly deal with them?
- DONE: Turn on variable 'broadcast'. Why was it turned off? ... maybe multiple updates?
- DONE: There is no way for a proc in a poly context to use it's poly channel number to
select a mult variable. For example in an osc in a poly has no way to select
the frequency of the osc by conneting to a non-poly proc - like a list.
1. Use a difference 'in' statememt (e.g. 'poly-in' but the
same syntax used for connecting 'mult' variables.)
2. Include the proc name in the 'in' var to indicate a poly index is being iterated
e.g. `lfo: { class:sine_tone, in:{ osc_.dc:list.value_ } }`
- DONE: Fix up the coding language - change the use of `instance_t` to `proc_t` and `inst` to `proc`, change use of `ctx` in cwFlowProc
DONE: After the network is fully instantiated the network and class presets
are compiled. At this point all preset values must be resolvable to
an actual proc variable. A warning is issued for presets with values
that cannot be resolved and they are disabled. The primary reason
that a preset might not be resolvable is by targetting a variable
channel that does not exist.
- DONE: All cfg to value conversion should go through `cfg_to_value()`.
ixon -
caw, screech, warble, coo, peep, hoot, gobble, quack, honk, whistle, tweet, cheep, chirrup, trill, squawk, seet,
Proc instantiation
@ -1282,17 +1163,252 @@ caw w/ UI
- get basic information from proc dict
- get override information from the network
Network Execution:
1. During real-time execution the network is executed on callbacks from the audio subsytem.
These callbacks occur asynchronously on the IO system audio processing thread.
2. During real-time processing the MIDI callbacks are also asynchronous.
Uniform Presets:
Preset description and application without the presence of 'poly' proc's is very straight forward:
For example:
network: {
procs: {
lfo: { class: sine_tone, args:{ hz:3, dc:440, gain:110 }
ps_a:{ hz:2, dc:220, gain:55 },
ps_b:{ hz:4, dc:110, gain:220 },
sh: { class: sample_hold, in:{ in:lfo.out } }
osc: { class: sine_tone, in:{ hz:sh.out }, args:{ ch_cnt:2 } },
gain: { class: audio_gain, in:{ in:osc.out }, args:{ gain:0.3 } },
aout: { class: audio_out, in:{ in:gain.out }, args:{ dev_label:"main"} }
a: { gain:{ gain:0.2 } }, // One value sets both channels.
b: { gain:{ gain:[0.1,0.3] } }, // Multi-channel preset.
c: { osc:a880 } }, // Apply a class preset
d: { osc:mono } }, // Apply a class preset with an ignored 'init' variable.
f: { osc:a220, lfo:ps_a } }, // Apply a local preset and class preset
Calling `network_apply_preset(preset_label)` with one of the network preset labels 'a'-'f' will
work as expected in all of these cases.
1. All preset values and proc/var's can be resolved at compile time.
2. Applying the network can be accomplished by resolving the network preset_label to a network_preset_t
in network_t.presetA and calling flow::var_set() on each attached preset_value_t.
3. Proc preset labels, as used in presets 'c','d','e' in the example, are resolved by first looking
for the label in the processor instance configation and then in the processor class description.
The following example shows how the preset processor labels can use underscore notation to address a range of processors.
network: {
procs: {
osc: { class: sine_tone, args: { ch_cnt:6, hz:[110,220,440,880,1760, 3520] }},
split: { class: audio_split, in:{ in:osc.out }, args: { select:[ 0,0, 1,1, 2,2 ] } },
// Create three gain controls: g:0,g:1,g:2 using the processor label numeric suffix syntax.
g0: { class:audio_gain, in:{ in:split0.out0 }, args:{ gain:0.9} },
g1: { class:audio_gain, in:{ in:split0.out1 }, args:{ gain:0.5} },
g2: { class:audio_gain, in:{ in:split0.out2 }, args:{ gain:0.2} },
merge: { class: audio_merge, in:{ in_:g_.out } },
out: { class: audio_out, in:{ in:merge.out }, args:{ dev_label:"main" }}
presets: {
a: { g_: { gain:0.1 } }, // Use underscore notation to apply a preset value to g0,g1,g2.
b: { g0_2: { gain:0.2 } }, // Use underscore notation to apply a preset value to g0 and g1.
c: { g2: { gain:0.3 } }, // Apply a preset value to g2 only.
Todo: This should work now.
example_3: {
network: {
procs: {
// LFO gain parameters - one per poly voice
g_list: { class: list, args: { in:0, list:[ 110f,220f,440f ]}},
// LFO DC offset parameters - one per poly voice
dc_list: { class: list, args: { in:0, list:[ 220f,440f,880f ]}},
osc_poly: {
class: poly,
args: { count:3 }, // Create 3 instances of 'network'.
network: {
procs: {
lfo: { class: sine_tone, in:{ _.dc:_.dc_list.value_, _.gain:_.g_list.value_ } args: { ch_cnt:1, hz:3 }},
sh: { class: sample_hold, in:{ in:lfo.out }},
osc: { class: sine_tone, in:{ hz: sh.out }},
a:{ lfo:{ hz:1 } },
b:{ lfo:{ hz:2 } },
c:{ lfo0_1: { hz:3 }, lfo2:{ hz:4 } },
// Iterate over the instances of `osc_poly.osc_.out` to create one `audio_merge`
// input for every output from the polyphonic network.
merge: { class: audio_merge, in:{ in_:osc_poly.osc_.out}, args:{ gain:1, out_gain:0.5 }},
aout: { class: audio_out, in:{ in:merge.out } args:{ dev_label:"main"} }
presets: {
a:{ osc_poly:a, merge:{ out_gain:0.3 } },
b:{ osc_poly:b, merge:{ out_gain:0.2 } },
c:{ osc_poly:c, merge:{ out_gain:0.1 } },
1. If a poly preset processor label does not have a numeric suffix then it is applied to all instances.
The alternative to this rule is to use an '_' suffix to imply 'all' processors of the given name.
2. A preset in an outer network may not directly address a processor in an inner network, however
it may select a named preset in an inner network.
3. Rule 2 can be generalized to: Network presets may only address processors which it contains directly - not nested processors.
In the example the outer most presets may therefore address the 'osc_poly' presets by label, but not
the processors contained by 'osc_poly'.
Use 'interface' objects to intercept preset values so that the
can be processed before being passed on to a the object that
they represent.
'interface' object have the same interface as the object to which their 'class' argument
refers but do nothing other than pass the values to their output ports.
network: {
procs: {
lfoIF: { class: interface, args:{ class:sine_tone } },
// put a modifier here
lfo: { class: sine_tone, in:{ hz:lfoIF.hz, dc:lfoIF.dc, gain:lfoIF.gain } }
sh: { class: sample_hold, in:{ in:lfo.out } }
osc: { class: sine_tone, in:{ hz:sh.out }, args:{ ch_cnt:2 } },
gain: { class: audio_gain, in:{ in:osc.out }, args:{ gain:0.3 } },
aout: { class: audio_out, in:{ in:gain.out }, args:{ dev_label:"main"} }
a: { lfoIF: { hz:1, dc:110, gain:55 } },
b: { lfoIF: { hz:2, dc:220, gain:110 } },
How are presets implemented:
1. At compile time:
- Each named preset is stored as a list of value-records and label-records
called preset-value-lists.
- value-records have the form { var, chIdx, value } and are created from each
preset value that directly references a variable.
- label-records are formed from labeled preset references and have the form
{ preset-value-list-ptr }. Where the list refers to the list associated with the given label.
- The collection of multiple named presets are then stored as a list of
preset-value-lists as part of the network instance in which they were defined.
2. At runtime the preset is applied by:
- Resolving the preset label to a preset-value-list.
- Calling var_set(var,chIdx,value) for all value-records
- Iterating over all records in the list refered to preset-value-list-ptr of the label-records.
The notable characteristic of this approach is that it is very fast.
With the exception of resolving the initial preset label to the top level preset-value-list
no search or address resolution is required to apply the preset.
Final Notes:
1. External network preset application requests that come from the control application
(e.g. caw::main()), or requests that occur from any processor that is not in the top level,
must be deferred until the end of the execution cycle when no processors are running.
Network preset application requests that occur from top level processors (processors running
in the outmost network can be applied directly because by definition the top level processors
run synchronously.
One way to handle this is to have a 'apply_preset' at the top level that takes
a preset label as input and applies it directly.
2. Maybe network presets should only be 'label' based and and processor instance
presets should only be 'value' based? Does this actually help anything?
Given that the system isn't currently limited in this way maybe it doesn't matter.
3. To Do:
- Processor instance presets have not been implemented.
- Preset application request deferrment has not been implemented.
Reference in New Issue
Block a user