cwIoPresetSelApp.cpp, cwPresetSel.h/cpp: Fix problem where correct preset was not selected when playing outside the currently selected fragment.

Added p->sel_frag_id to track last frag. triggered so that fragment_play_preset_index()
selects correct preset for fragments outside of the currently selected fragment
when play-all or play-seq.
This commit is contained in:
kevin 2023-01-21 11:49:07 -05:00
parent 141bd8da73
commit cb192f32cb
3 changed files with 41 additions and 33 deletions

View File

@ -428,6 +428,7 @@ namespace cw
char s[sN];
uiSendValue( app->ioH, uiFindElementUuId(app->ioH,kStatusId), s );
@ -470,14 +471,12 @@ namespace cw
return kOkRC;
rc_t _apply_preset( app_t* app, const time::spec_t& ts, unsigned loc, const preset_sel::frag_t* frag=nullptr )
rc_t _apply_preset( app_t* app, unsigned loc, const preset_sel::frag_t* frag=nullptr )
// if frag is NULL this is the beginning of a play session
if( frag == nullptr )
//preset_sel::track_timestamp( app->psH, ts, frag);
preset_sel::track_loc( app->psH, loc, frag);
@ -492,7 +491,7 @@ namespace cw
unsigned seq_idx_n = app->seqActiveFl ? app->seqPresetIdx : kInvalidIdx;
// get the preset index to play for this fragment
if((preset_idx = fragment_play_preset_index(frag,seq_idx_n)) == kInvalidIdx )
if((preset_idx = fragment_play_preset_index(app->psH, frag,seq_idx_n)) == kInvalidIdx )
cwLogInfo("No preset has been assigned to the fragment at end loc. '%i'.",frag->endLoc );
@ -585,7 +584,7 @@ namespace cw
if( preset_sel::track_loc( app->psH, loc, f ) )
//printf("NEW FRAG: id:%i loc:%i\n", f->fragId, f->endLoc );
_apply_preset( app, timestamp, loc, f );
_apply_preset( app, loc, f );
if( f != nullptr )
_do_select_frag( app, f->guiUuId );
@ -696,6 +695,7 @@ namespace cw
//midi_record_play::half_pedal_params( app->mrpH, app->hpDelayMs, app->hpPitch, app->hpVel, app->hpPedalVel, app->hpDurMs, app->hpDnDelayMs );
// If we are using an audio file as the audio source
if( app->audioFileSrcFl )
if((rc = io_flow::set_variable_value( app->ioFlowH, flow_cross::kAllDestId, "aud_in", "on_off", flow::kAnyChIdx, true )) != kOkRC )
@ -739,7 +739,7 @@ namespace cw
// apply the preset which is active at the start time
if((rc = _apply_preset( app, app->beg_play_timestamp, begMap->loc )) != kOkRC )
if((rc = _apply_preset( app, begMap->loc )) != kOkRC )
rc = cwLogError(rc,"Preset application failed prior to MIDI start.");
goto errLabel;
@ -764,13 +764,14 @@ namespace cw
return rc;
// This function is used to apply the selected (checked) preset immediately.
rc_t _apply_current_preset( app_t* app, unsigned fragId )
rc_t rc = kOkRC;
time::spec_t ts = {0};
const preset_sel::frag_t* frag = nullptr;
bool orig_seqActiveFl = app->seqActiveFl;
// temporarily turn of the preset sequencer (if it is active)
app->seqActiveFl = false;
if((frag = preset_sel::get_fragment( app->psH, fragId )) == nullptr )
@ -780,7 +781,7 @@ namespace cw
// apply the preset which is active at the start time
if((rc = _apply_preset( app, ts, frag->begPlayLoc, frag )) != kOkRC )
if((rc = _apply_preset( app, frag->begPlayLoc, frag )) != kOkRC )
rc = cwLogError(rc,"Preset application failed on fragment at id '%i'.",fragId);
goto errLabel;
@ -798,12 +799,16 @@ namespace cw
unsigned begLoc = 0;
unsigned endLoc = 0;
// get the fragment starting location as currently set in the UI
// (this may be different from the fragment begin location)
if((rc = get_value( app->psH, fragId, preset_sel::kBegPlayLocVarId, kInvalidId, begLoc )) != kOkRC )
rc = cwLogError(rc,"Could not retrieve the begin play location for fragment id:%i.",fragId);
goto errLabel;
// get the fragment ending location as currently set in the UI
// (this may be different from the fragment end location)
if((rc = get_value( app->psH, fragId, preset_sel::kEndPlayLocVarId, kInvalidId, endLoc )) != kOkRC )
rc = cwLogError(rc,"Could not retrieve the begin play location for fragment id:%i.",fragId);

View File

@ -37,6 +37,8 @@ namespace cw
double master_dry_gain;
double master_sync_delay_ms;
unsigned sel_frag_id; // fragment id assoc'd with last selected frag. ui element
} preset_sel_t;
preset_sel_t* _handleToPtr( handle_t h )
@ -247,11 +249,6 @@ namespace cw
rc_t _validate_preset_id( const frag_t* frag, unsigned preset_id )
bool fl = (preset_id < frag->presetN) && (frag->presetA[ preset_id ].preset_idx == preset_id);
@ -272,9 +269,13 @@ namespace cw
// if this is not a 'master' variable then locate the requested fragment
if( !_is_master_var_id(varId) )
if((rc = _find_frag(p,fragId,f)) != kOkRC )
goto errLabel;
p->sel_frag_id = fragId;
switch( varId )
case kGuiUuIdVarId:
@ -932,14 +933,16 @@ bool cw::preset_sel::track_loc( handle_t h, unsigned loc, const cw::preset_sel::
unsigned cw::preset_sel::fragment_play_preset_index( const frag_t* frag, unsigned preset_seq_idx )
unsigned cw::preset_sel::fragment_play_preset_index( handle_t h, const frag_t* frag, unsigned preset_seq_idx )
unsigned n = 0;
preset_sel_t* p = _handleToPtr(h);
// for each preset
for(unsigned i=0; i<frag->presetN; ++i)
// if 'preset_seq_idx' is not valid ...
if( preset_seq_idx==kInvalidIdx )
if( preset_seq_idx==kInvalidIdx || frag->fragId != p->sel_frag_id )
// ...then select the first preset whose 'playFl' is set.
if( frag->presetA[i].playFl )

View File

@ -120,7 +120,7 @@ namespace cw
bool track_loc( handle_t h, unsigned loc, const cw::preset_sel::frag_t*& frag_Ref );
// Return the preset index marked to play on this fragment.
unsigned fragment_play_preset_index( const frag_t* frag, unsigned preset_seq_idx=kInvalidIdx );
unsigned fragment_play_preset_index( handle_t h, const frag_t* frag, unsigned preset_seq_idx=kInvalidIdx );
// Return the count of presets whose 'seqFl' is set.
unsigned fragment_seq_count( handle_t h, unsigned fragId );