cwIoPresetSelApp.cpp : Added fragment in/out gain, beg/end play loc., and note.
Re-organized play function to be called from either fragment or global. _apply_preset() now sets in_gain, out_gain, wet_dry_mix.
This commit is contained in:
@ -14,6 +14,13 @@
#include "cwIoMidiRecordPlay.h"
#include "cwIoPresetSelApp.h"
#include "cwPianoScore.h"
#include "cwVectOps.h"
#include "cwMath.h"
#include "cwDspTypes.h"
#include "cwMtx.h"
#include "cwFlow.h"
#include "cwFlowTypes.h"
#include "cwFlowCross.h"
#include "cwIoFlow.h"
#include "cwPresetSel.h"
@ -42,7 +49,6 @@ namespace cw
@ -51,17 +57,26 @@ namespace cw
@ -90,7 +105,6 @@ namespace cw
{ kPanelDivId, kSaveBtnId, "saveBtnId" },
{ kPanelDivId, kLoadBtnId, "loadBtnId" },
{ kPanelDivId, kFnStringId, "filenameId" },
{ kPanelDivId, kBegPlayLocNumbId, "begLocNumbId" },
{ kPanelDivId, kEndPlayLocNumbId, "endLocNumbId" },
@ -98,14 +112,21 @@ namespace cw
{ kPanelDivId, kInsertLocId, "insertLocId" },
{ kPanelDivId, kInsertBtnId, "insertBtnId" },
{ kPanelDivId, kDeleteBtnId, "deleteBtnId" },
{ kPanelDivId, kStatusId, "statusId" },
{ kPanelDivId, kFragListId, "fragListId" },
{ kFragListId, kFragPanelId, "fragPanelId" },
{ kFragPanelId, kFragBegLocId, "fragBegLocId" },
{ kFragPanelId, kFragEndLocId, "fragEndLocId" },
{ kFragPanelId, kFragPresetRowId, "fragPresetRowId" },
{ kFragPanelId, kFragGainId, "fragGainId" },
{ kFragPanelId, kFragInGainId, "fragInGainId" },
{ kFragPanelId, kFragOutGainId, "fragOutGainId" },
{ kFragPanelId, kFragWetDryGainId, "fragWetDryGainId" },
{ kFragPanelId, kFragFadeOutMsId, "fragFadeOutMsId" }
{ kFragPanelId, kFragFadeOutMsId, "fragFadeOutMsId" },
{ kFragPanelId, kFragBegPlayLocId, "fragBegPlayLocId" },
{ kFragPanelId, kFragEndPlayLocId, "fragEndPlayLocId" },
{ kFragPanelId, kFragPlayBtnId, "fragPlayBtnId" },
{ kFragPanelId, kFragNoteId, "fragNoteId" },
@ -131,7 +152,6 @@ namespace cw
const char* record_dir;
const char* record_fn;
const char* record_fn_ext;
char* directory;
const char* scoreFn;
const object_t* frag_panel_cfg;
const object_t* presets_cfg;
@ -145,11 +165,15 @@ namespace cw
unsigned insertLoc; // last valid insert location id received from the GUI
unsigned beg_play_loc;
unsigned end_play_loc;
time::spec_t beg_play_timestamp;
time::spec_t end_play_timestamp;
preset_sel::handle_t psH;
io_flow::handle_t ioFlowH;
unsigned tmp;
double crossFadeSrate;
@ -193,12 +217,27 @@ namespace cw
return rc;
void _set_statusv( app_t* app, const char* fmt, va_list vl )
const int sN = 128;
char s[sN];
uiSendValue( app->ioH, uiFindElementUuId(app->ioH,kStatusId), s );
void _set_status( app_t* app, const char* fmt, ... )
va_list vl;
_set_statusv(app, fmt, vl );
rc_t _free( app_t& app )
return kOkRC;
@ -212,13 +251,27 @@ namespace cw
cwLogInfo("No preset fragment was found for the requested timestamp.");
unsigned preset_idx = fragment_play_preset_index(frag);
unsigned preset_idx;
if((preset_idx = fragment_play_preset_index(frag)) == kInvalidIdx )
cwLogInfo("No preset has been assigned to the fragment at end loc. '%i'.",frag->endLoc );
const char* preset_label = preset_sel::preset_label(app->psH,preset_idx);
printf("Apply preset: '%s'.\n", preset_idx==kInvalidIdx ? "<invalid>" : preset_label);
cwLogInfo("Apply preset: '%s'.\n", preset_idx==kInvalidIdx ? "<invalid>" : preset_label);
if( preset_label != nullptr )
io_flow::apply_preset( app->ioFlowH, frag->fadeOutMs, preset_label );
io_flow::apply_preset( app->ioFlowH, flow_cross::kNextDestId, preset_label );
io_flow::set_variable_value( app->ioFlowH, flow_cross::kNextDestId, "wd_bal", "in", flow::kAnyChIdx, frag->wetDryGain );
io_flow::set_variable_value( app->ioFlowH, flow_cross::kNextDestId, "split_wet", "gain", flow::kAnyChIdx, frag->igain );
io_flow::set_variable_value( app->ioFlowH, flow_cross::kNextDestId, "cmp", "ogain", flow::kAnyChIdx, frag->ogain );
io_flow::begin_cross_fade( app->ioFlowH, frag->fadeOutMs );
return kOkRC;
@ -237,7 +290,7 @@ namespace cw
const preset_sel::frag_t* f = nullptr;
if( preset_sel::track_timestamp( app->psH, timestamp, f ) )
printf("NEW FRAG: id:%i loc:%i\n", f->fragId, f->endLoc );
//printf("NEW FRAG: id:%i loc:%i\n", f->fragId, f->endLoc );
_apply_preset( app, timestamp, f );
@ -245,6 +298,97 @@ namespace cw
loc_map_t* _find_loc( app_t* app, unsigned loc )
unsigned i=0;
for(; i<app->locMapN; ++i)
if( app->locMap[i].loc == loc )
return app->locMap + i;
return nullptr;
rc_t _do_play( app_t* app, unsigned begLoc, unsigned endLoc )
rc_t rc = kOkRC;
bool rewindFl = true;
loc_map_t* begMap = nullptr;
loc_map_t* endMap = nullptr;
if((begMap = _find_loc(app,begLoc)) == nullptr )
rc = cwLogError(kInvalidArgRC,"The begin play location is not valid.");
goto errLabel;
if((endMap = _find_loc(app,endLoc)) == nullptr )
rc = cwLogError(kInvalidArgRC,"The end play location is not valid.");
goto errLabel;
app->beg_play_timestamp = begMap->timestamp;
app->end_play_timestamp = endMap->timestamp;
if( !time::isZero(app->beg_play_timestamp) )
// seek the player to the requested loc
if((rc = midi_record_play::seek( app->mrpH, app->beg_play_timestamp )) != kOkRC )
rc = cwLogError(rc,"MIDI seek failed.");
goto errLabel;
rewindFl = false;
// apply the preset which is active at the start time
if((rc = _apply_preset( app, app->beg_play_timestamp )) != kOkRC )
rc = cwLogError(rc,"Preset application failed prior to MIDI start.");
goto errLabel;
// start the MIDI playback
if((rc = midi_record_play::start(app->mrpH,rewindFl,&app->end_play_timestamp)) != kOkRC )
rc = cwLogError(rc,"MIDI start failed.");
goto errLabel;
io::uiSendValue( app->ioH, uiFindElementUuId(app->ioH,kCurMidiEvtCntId), midi_record_play::event_index(app->mrpH) );
return rc;
rc_t _do_play_fragment( app_t* app, unsigned fragId )
rc_t rc;
unsigned begLoc = 0;
unsigned endLoc = 0;
if((rc = get_value( app->psH, fragId, preset_sel::kBegPlayLocVarId, kInvalidId, begLoc )) != kOkRC )
rc = cwLogError(rc,"Could not retrieve the begin play location for fragment id:%i.",fragId);
goto errLabel;
if((rc = get_value( app->psH, fragId, preset_sel::kEndPlayLocVarId, kInvalidId, endLoc )) != kOkRC )
rc = cwLogError(rc,"Could not retrieve the begin play location for fragment id:%i.",fragId);
goto errLabel;
rc = _do_play(app,begLoc,endLoc);
return rc;
void _update_event_ui( app_t* app )
io::uiSendValue( app->ioH, uiFindElementUuId(app->ioH,kCurMidiEvtCntId), midi_record_play::event_index(app->mrpH) );
@ -261,7 +405,7 @@ namespace cw
// Get the value from the data record
if((rc = preset_sel::get_value( app->psH, fragId, psVarId, psPresetId, valRef )) != kOkRC )
rc = cwLogError(rc,"Unable to locate the preset value for var:5i preset:%i.",psVarId,psPresetId);
rc = cwLogError(rc,"Unable to locate the preset value for var:%i preset:%i.",psVarId,psPresetId);
goto errLabel;
@ -311,16 +455,19 @@ namespace cw
bool bValue;
unsigned uValue;
unsigned fragPanelUuId;
// The uiChan is the fragment endLoc
unsigned uiChanId = fragEndLoc;
// The fragPanelUUid is the same as the fragId
unsigned fragPanelUuId = fragId;
// Get the fragPanelUUid
get_value( app->psH, fragId, preset_sel::kGuiUuIdVarId, kInvalidId, fragPanelUuId );
// uuid of the frag preset row
unsigned fragPresetRowUuId = io::uiFindElementUuId( app->ioH, fragPanelUuId, kFragPresetRowId, uiChanId );
// Update each fragment preset control UI by getting it's current value from the fragment data record
for(unsigned preset_idx=0; preset_idx<preset_sel::preset_count(app->psH); ++preset_idx)
@ -336,7 +483,7 @@ namespace cw
// Update the fragment UI withh the fragment record associated with 'fragId'
rc_t _update_frag_ui(app_t* app, unsigned fragId )
// Notes: fragId == fragPanelUuId
// Notes:
// uiChanId = endLoc for panel values
// or uiChanId = preset_index for preset values
@ -348,14 +495,22 @@ namespace cw
unsigned uValue;
double dValue;
const char* sValue;
unsigned uiChanId = endLoc;
unsigned fragPanelUuId = fragId;
unsigned fragPanelUuId = kInvalidId;
get_value( app->psH, fragId, preset_sel::kGuiUuIdVarId, kInvalidId, fragPanelUuId );
_update_frag_ui( app, fragId, preset_sel::kBegLocVarId, kInvalidId, fragPanelUuId, kFragBegLocId, uiChanId, uValue );
_update_frag_ui( app, fragId, preset_sel::kEndLocVarId, kInvalidId, fragPanelUuId, kFragEndLocId, uiChanId, uValue );
_update_frag_ui( app, fragId, preset_sel::kGainVarId, kInvalidId, fragPanelUuId, kFragGainId, uiChanId, dValue );
_update_frag_ui( app, fragId, preset_sel::kInGainVarId, kInvalidId, fragPanelUuId, kFragInGainId, uiChanId, dValue );
_update_frag_ui( app, fragId, preset_sel::kInGainVarId, kInvalidId, fragPanelUuId, kFragOutGainId, uiChanId, dValue );
_update_frag_ui( app, fragId, preset_sel::kFadeOutMsVarId, kInvalidId, fragPanelUuId, kFragFadeOutMsId, uiChanId, dValue );
_update_frag_ui( app, fragId, preset_sel::kWetGainVarId, kInvalidId, fragPanelUuId, kFragWetDryGainId, uiChanId, dValue );
_update_frag_ui( app, fragId, preset_sel::kBegPlayLocVarId, kInvalidId, fragPanelUuId, kFragBegPlayLocId, uiChanId, uValue );
_update_frag_ui( app, fragId, preset_sel::kEndPlayLocVarId, kInvalidId, fragPanelUuId, kFragEndPlayLocId, uiChanId, uValue );
_update_frag_ui( app, fragId, preset_sel::kNoteVarId, kInvalidId, fragPanelUuId, kFragNoteId, uiChanId, sValue );
_update_frag_select_flags( app, fragId, endLoc );
@ -388,8 +543,16 @@ namespace cw
if( blob->varId == preset_sel::kPresetSelectVarId )
switch( blob->varId )
case preset_sel::kPresetSelectVarId:
_update_frag_select_flags( app, blob->fragId);
case preset_sel::kPlayBtnVarId:
_do_play_fragment( app, blob->fragId );
return rc;
@ -440,12 +603,13 @@ namespace cw
return rc;
rc_t _create_frag_ui( app_t* app, unsigned endLoc, unsigned& fragIdRef )
rc_t _create_frag_ui( app_t* app, unsigned endLoc, unsigned fragId )
rc_t rc = kOkRC;
unsigned fragListUuId = io::uiFindElementUuId( app->ioH, kFragListId );
unsigned fragChanId = endLoc; // use the frag. endLoc as the channel id
unsigned fragPanelUuId = kInvalidId;
unsigned fragBegLocUuId = kInvalidId;
unsigned fragEndLocUuId = kInvalidId;
unsigned fragPresetRowUuId = kInvalidId;
unsigned presetN = preset_sel::preset_count( app->psH );
@ -460,10 +624,12 @@ namespace cw
// get the uuid's of the new fragment panel and the endloc number display
fragPanelUuId = io::uiFindElementUuId( app->ioH, fragListUuId, kFragPanelId, fragChanId );
fragBegLocUuId = io::uiFindElementUuId( app->ioH, fragPanelUuId, kFragBegLocId, fragChanId );
fragEndLocUuId = io::uiFindElementUuId( app->ioH, fragPanelUuId, kFragEndLocId, fragChanId );
fragPresetRowUuId = io::uiFindElementUuId( app->ioH, fragPanelUuId, kFragPresetRowId, fragChanId );
assert( fragPanelUuId != kInvalidId );
assert( fragBegLocUuId != kInvalidId );
assert( fragEndLocUuId != kInvalidId );
assert( fragPresetRowUuId != kInvalidId );
@ -474,20 +640,24 @@ namespace cw
io::uiSetOrderKey( app->ioH, fragPanelUuId, endLoc );
// The fragment id is the same as the frag panel UUId
fragIdRef = fragPanelUuId;
// Attach blobs to the UI to allow convenient access back to the prese_sel data record
_frag_set_ui_blob(app, io::uiFindElementUuId(app->ioH, fragPanelUuId, kFragGainId, fragChanId), fragIdRef, preset_sel::kGainVarId, kInvalidId );
_frag_set_ui_blob(app, io::uiFindElementUuId(app->ioH, fragPanelUuId, kFragWetDryGainId, fragChanId), fragIdRef, preset_sel::kWetGainVarId, kInvalidId );
_frag_set_ui_blob(app, io::uiFindElementUuId(app->ioH, fragPanelUuId, kFragFadeOutMsId, fragChanId), fragIdRef, preset_sel::kFadeOutMsVarId, kInvalidId );
_frag_set_ui_blob(app, io::uiFindElementUuId(app->ioH, fragPanelUuId, kFragInGainId, fragChanId), fragId, preset_sel::kInGainVarId, kInvalidId );
_frag_set_ui_blob(app, io::uiFindElementUuId(app->ioH, fragPanelUuId, kFragOutGainId, fragChanId), fragId, preset_sel::kOutGainVarId, kInvalidId );
_frag_set_ui_blob(app, io::uiFindElementUuId(app->ioH, fragPanelUuId, kFragWetDryGainId, fragChanId), fragId, preset_sel::kWetGainVarId, kInvalidId );
_frag_set_ui_blob(app, io::uiFindElementUuId(app->ioH, fragPanelUuId, kFragFadeOutMsId, fragChanId), fragId, preset_sel::kFadeOutMsVarId, kInvalidId );
_frag_set_ui_blob(app, io::uiFindElementUuId(app->ioH, fragPanelUuId, kFragBegPlayLocId, fragChanId), fragId, preset_sel::kBegPlayLocVarId, kInvalidId );
_frag_set_ui_blob(app, io::uiFindElementUuId(app->ioH, fragPanelUuId, kFragEndPlayLocId, fragChanId), fragId, preset_sel::kEndPlayLocVarId, kInvalidId );
_frag_set_ui_blob(app, io::uiFindElementUuId(app->ioH, fragPanelUuId, kFragPlayBtnId, fragChanId), fragId, preset_sel::kPlayBtnVarId, kInvalidId );
_frag_set_ui_blob(app, io::uiFindElementUuId(app->ioH, fragPanelUuId, kFragNoteId, fragChanId), fragId, preset_sel::kNoteVarId, kInvalidId );
// create each of the preset controls
for(unsigned preset_idx=0; preset_idx<presetN; ++preset_idx)
if((rc = _create_frag_preset_ctl(app, fragIdRef, fragPresetRowUuId, presetN, preset_idx )) != kOkRC )
if((rc = _create_frag_preset_ctl(app, fragId, fragPresetRowUuId, presetN, preset_idx )) != kOkRC )
goto errLabel;
preset_sel::set_value( app->psH, fragId, preset_sel::kGuiUuIdVarId, kInvalidId, fragPanelUuId );
return rc;
@ -525,7 +695,7 @@ namespace cw
f = preset_sel::get_fragment_base(app->psH);
for(; f!=nullptr; f=f->link)
unsigned fragId = kInvalidId;
unsigned fragId = f->fragId;
if((rc = _create_frag_ui(app, f->endLoc, fragId )) != kOkRC )
@ -537,7 +707,7 @@ namespace cw
// TODO:
// BUG BUG BUG: there is nothing to prevent the new fragment id from conflicting with the existing fragment id's
// The correct way to handle this is to reset all the fragment id's in a single operation after the UI is created
preset_sel::set_value(app->psH, f->fragId, preset_sel::kFragIdVarId, kInvalidId, fragId );
//preset_sel::set_value(app->psH, f->fragId, preset_sel::kFragIdVarId, kInvalidId, fragId );
_update_frag_ui(app, fragId );
@ -578,7 +748,7 @@ namespace cw
rc_t _on_ui_load( app_t* app )
rc_t _do_load( app_t* app )
rc_t rc = kOkRC;
const score::event_t* e = nullptr;
@ -664,42 +834,10 @@ namespace cw
return rc;
rc_t _on_ui_start( app_t* app )
rc_t rc=kOkRC;
bool rewindFl = true;
if( !time::isZero(app->beg_play_timestamp) )
// seek the player to the requested loc
if((rc = midi_record_play::seek( app->mrpH, app->beg_play_timestamp )) != kOkRC )
rc = cwLogError(rc,"MIDI seek failed.");
goto errLabel;
rewindFl = false;
// apply the preset which is active at the start time
if((rc = _apply_preset( app, app->beg_play_timestamp )) != kOkRC )
rc = cwLogError(rc,"Preset application failed prior to MIDI start.");
goto errLabel;
// start the MIDI playback
if((rc = midi_record_play::start(app->mrpH,rewindFl,&app->end_play_timestamp)) != kOkRC )
rc = cwLogError(rc,"MIDI start failed.");
goto errLabel;
io::uiSendValue( app->ioH, uiFindElementUuId(app->ioH,kCurMidiEvtCntId), midi_record_play::event_index(app->mrpH) );
//io::uiSendValue( app->ioH, kInvalidId, uiFindElementUuId(app->ioH,kCurAudioSecsId), audio_record_play::current_loc_seconds(app->arpH) );
return rc;
return _do_play(app, app->beg_play_loc, app->end_play_loc );
rc_t _on_ui_stop( app_t* app )
@ -712,12 +850,6 @@ namespace cw
goto errLabel;
//if((rc = audio_record_play::stop(app->arpH)) != kOkRC )
// rc = cwLogError(rc,"Audio start failed.");
// goto errLabel;
return rc;
@ -732,15 +864,6 @@ namespace cw
return rc;
loc_map_t* _find_loc( app_t* app, unsigned loc )
unsigned i=0;
for(; i<app->locMapN; ++i)
if( app->locMap[i].loc == loc )
return app->locMap + i;
return nullptr;
bool _is_valid_insert_loc( app_t* app, unsigned loc )
bool fl0 = _find_loc(app,loc) != nullptr;
@ -753,27 +876,21 @@ namespace cw
rc_t _on_ui_play_loc(app_t* app, unsigned appId, unsigned loc)
rc_t rc = kOkRC;
loc_map_t* map;
// locate the map record
if((map = _find_loc(app,loc)) == nullptr )
rc = cwLogError(kOpFailRC,"The location '%i' could not be found.",loc);
goto errLabel;
// TODO: test value of loc and set border to red if it is not valid
// otherwise clear border
switch( appId )
case kBegPlayLocNumbId:
app->beg_play_timestamp = map->timestamp;
app->beg_play_loc = loc;
case kEndPlayLocNumbId:
app->end_play_timestamp = map->timestamp;
app->end_play_loc = loc;
return rc;
@ -835,6 +952,13 @@ namespace cw
goto errLabel;
// create the data record associated with the new fragment.
if((rc = preset_sel::create_fragment( app->psH, app->insertLoc, loc_ts->timestamp, fragId)) != kOkRC )
rc = cwLogError(rc,"Fragment data record create failed.");
goto errLabel;
// create the fragment UI panel
if((rc = _create_frag_ui( app, app->insertLoc, fragId )) != kOkRC )
@ -842,12 +966,6 @@ namespace cw
goto errLabel;
// create the data record associated with the new fragment.
if((rc = preset_sel::create_fragment( app->psH, fragId, app->insertLoc, loc_ts->timestamp)) != kOkRC )
rc = cwLogError(rc,"Fragment data record create failed.");
goto errLabel;
// update the fragment UI
_update_frag_ui(app, fragId );
@ -899,7 +1017,7 @@ namespace cw
for(; f!=nullptr; f=f->link)
_update_frag_ui( app, f->fragId );
return rc;
@ -930,7 +1048,7 @@ namespace cw
case kLoadBtnId:
case kMidiThruCheckId:
@ -946,12 +1064,6 @@ namespace cw
case kFnStringId:
app->directory = mem::duplStr(m.value->u.s);
case kBegPlayLocNumbId:
_on_ui_play_loc(app, m.appId, m.value->u.i);
@ -972,11 +1084,16 @@ namespace cw
case kFragGainId:
case kFragInGainId:
_on_ui_frag_value( app, m.uuId, m.value->u.d);
case kFragOutGainId:
_on_ui_frag_value( app, m.uuId, m.value->u.d);
case kFragWetDryGainId:
//printf("UI wet/dry:%f\n",m.value->u.d);
_on_ui_frag_value( app, m.uuId, m.value->u.d );
@ -984,6 +1101,22 @@ namespace cw
_on_ui_frag_value( app, m.uuId, m.value->u.u );
case kFragBegPlayLocId:
_on_ui_frag_value( app, m.uuId, m.value->u.u );
case kFragEndPlayLocId:
_on_ui_frag_value( app, m.uuId, m.value->u.u );
case kFragPlayBtnId:
_on_ui_frag_value( app, m.uuId, m.value->u.b );
case kFragNoteId:
_on_ui_frag_value( app, m.uuId, m.value->u.s );
case kFragPresetOrderId:
_on_ui_frag_value( app, m.uuId, m.value->u.u );
@ -1105,14 +1238,6 @@ namespace cw
io_flow::exec( app->ioFlowH, *m );
if( app->arpH.isValid() )
audio_record_play::exec( app->arpH, *m );
if( audio_record_play::is_started(app->arpH) )
io::uiSendValue( app->ioH, kInvalidId, uiFindElementUuId(app->ioH,kCurAudioSecsId), audio_record_play::current_loc_seconds(app->arpH) );
switch( m->tid )
@ -1193,15 +1318,6 @@ cw::rc_t cw::preset_sel_app::main( const object_t* cfg, const object_t* flow_pro
goto errLabel;
// create the audio record-play object
if((rc = audio_record_play::create(app.arpH,app.ioH,*cfg)) != kOkRC )
rc = cwLogError(rc,"Audio record-play object create failed.");
goto errLabel;
// start the io framework instance
if((rc = io::start(app.ioH)) != kOkRC )
@ -1209,7 +1325,6 @@ cw::rc_t cw::preset_sel_app::main( const object_t* cfg, const object_t* flow_pro
goto errLabel;
// execute the io framework
while( !isShuttingDown(app.ioH))
@ -1217,6 +1332,7 @@ cw::rc_t cw::preset_sel_app::main( const object_t* cfg, const object_t* flow_pro
// stop the io framework
if((rc = io::stop(app.ioH)) != kOkRC )
rc = cwLogError(rc,"IO API stop failed.");
Reference in New Issue
Block a user