cwFlowProc.h/cpp : Added poly_xform_ctl. Fixed pedal handling in midi_voice
This commit is contained in:
@ -20,6 +20,7 @@
#include "cwFlowDecl.h"
#include "cwFlow.h"
#include "cwFlowValue.h"
#include "cwFlowTypes.h"
#include "cwFlowNet.h"
#include "cwFlowProc.h"
@ -42,36 +43,6 @@ namespace cw
namespace flow
template< typename inst_t >
rc_t std_destroy( proc_t* proc )
inst_t* p = (inst_t*)proc->userPtr;
rc_t rc = _destroy(proc,p);
return rc;
template< typename inst_t >
rc_t std_create( proc_t* proc )
rc_t rc = kOkRC;
proc->userPtr = mem::allocZ<inst_t>();
if((rc = _create(proc,(inst_t*)proc->userPtr)) != kOkRC )
return rc;
template< typename inst_t >
rc_t std_value( proc_t* proc, variable_t* var )
{ return _value(proc,(inst_t*)proc->userPtr, var); }
template< typename inst_t >
rc_t std_exec( proc_t* proc )
{ return _exec(proc,(inst_t*)proc->userPtr); }
template< typename inst_t >
rc_t std_report( proc_t* proc )
{ return _report(proc,(inst_t*)proc->userPtr); }
@ -240,7 +211,7 @@ namespace cw
} inst_t;
rc_t _voice_thread_func( void* arg )
rc_t _poly_thread_func( void* arg )
rc_t rc = kOkRC;
voice_t* v = (voice_t*)arg;
@ -356,7 +327,7 @@ namespace cw
inst->voiceA[i].voice_idx = i;
inst->voiceA[i].net = net;
inst->taskA[i].func = _voice_thread_func;
inst->taskA[i].func = _poly_thread_func;
inst->taskA[i].arg = inst->voiceA + i;
net = net->poly_link;
@ -408,9 +379,13 @@ namespace cw
if((rc = exec_cycle(*proc->internal_net)) != kOkRC )
for(network_t* net=proc->internal_net; net!=nullptr; net=net->poly_link)
rc = cwLogError(rc,"poly internal network exec failed.");
if((rc = exec_cycle(*net)) != kOkRC )
rc = cwLogError(rc,"poly internal network exec failed.");
@ -549,6 +524,7 @@ namespace cw
goto errLabel;
// BUG BUG BUG: why register "out" here when it is apparently registered again below?
if((rc = var_register( proc, kAnyChIdx, kOutPId, "out", kBaseSfxId)) != kOkRC )
goto errLabel;
@ -1258,9 +1234,6 @@ namespace cw
typedef struct inst_str
unsigned n;
coeff_t vgain;
coeff_t gain;
} inst_t;
rc_t create( proc_t* proc )
@ -1295,15 +1268,6 @@ namespace cw
rc_t value( proc_t* proc, variable_t* var )
coeff_t value = 0;
inst_t* inst = (inst_t*)proc->userPtr;
if( inst->vgain != value )
inst->vgain = value;
//printf("VALUE GAIN: %s %s : %f\n", proc->label, var->label, value );
return kOkRC;
@ -1335,12 +1299,6 @@ namespace cw
for(unsigned j=0; j<ibuf->frameN; ++j)
osig[j] = gain * isig[j];
if( i==0 && gain != inst->gain )
inst->gain = gain;
//printf("EXEC GAIN: %s %f\n",proc->label,gain);
@ -4131,7 +4089,6 @@ namespace cw
unsigned msg_idx; // current count of msg's in msgA[]
mbuf_t* mbuf; // cached mbuf for this output variable
} voice_t;
typedef struct
@ -4144,16 +4101,17 @@ namespace cw
// sizeof of each voice msgA[] (same as voice_t.msgN)
unsigned voiceMsgN;
unsigned midi_fld_idx;
} inst_t;
rc_t _create( proc_t* proc, inst_t* p )
rc_t rc = kOkRC;
mbuf_t* mbuf = nullptr;
rbuf_t* rbuf = nullptr;
if((rc = var_register_and_get(proc,kAnyChIdx,
kInPId, "in", kBaseSfxId, mbuf,
kInPId, "in", kBaseSfxId, rbuf,
kVoiceCntPId, "voice_cnt", kBaseSfxId, p->voiceN)) != kOkRC )
goto errLabel;
@ -4169,6 +4127,12 @@ namespace cw
p->voiceMsgN = kVoiceMsgN;
p->voiceA = mem::allocZ<voice_t>(p->voiceN);
if((p->midi_fld_idx = recd_type_field_index( rbuf->type, "midi")) == kInvalidIdx )
rc = cwLogError(kInvalidArgRC,"The 'in' record does not have a 'midi' field.");
goto errLabel;
for(unsigned i=0; i<p->voiceN; ++i)
// create one output MIDI variable per voice
@ -4206,12 +4170,12 @@ namespace cw
rc_t _value( proc_t* proc, inst_t* p, variable_t* var )
rc_t rc = kOkRC;
if( p->baseDoneFlPId <= var->vid && var->vid < p->baseDoneFlPId + p->voiceN )
p->voiceA[ var->vid - p->baseDoneFlPId ].activeFl = false;
return rc;
@ -4274,6 +4238,8 @@ namespace cw
v->activeFl = true;
v->pitch = m->d0;
//printf("v_idx:%i non\n",voice_idx);
rc = _update_voice_msg(proc,p,voice_idx,m);
return rc;
@ -4310,7 +4276,7 @@ namespace cw
return rc;
rc_t _exec( proc_t* proc, inst_t* p )
rc_t _exec0( proc_t* proc, inst_t* p )
rc_t rc = kOkRC;
mbuf_t* mbuf = nullptr;
@ -4355,6 +4321,71 @@ namespace cw
return rc;
rc_t _exec( proc_t* proc, inst_t* p )
rc_t rc = kOkRC;
rbuf_t* rbuf = nullptr;
// update the voice array
for(unsigned i=0; i<p->voiceN; ++i)
bool done_fl;
if( p->voiceA[i].activeFl && done_fl )
p->voiceA[i].activeFl = false;
if( p->voiceA[i].activeFl )
p->voiceA[i].age += 1;
p->voiceA[i].msg_idx = 0;
p->voiceA[i].mbuf->msgN = 0;
p->voiceA[i].mbuf->msgA = nullptr;
// get the input MIDI buffer
if((rc = var_get(proc,kInPId,kAnyChIdx,rbuf)) != kOkRC )
goto errLabel;
// process the incoming MIDI messages
for(unsigned i=0; i<rbuf->recdN; ++i)
//const midi::ch_msg_t* m = mbuf->msgA + i;
const recd_t* r = rbuf->recdA + i;
const midi::ch_msg_t* m = nullptr;
if((rc = recd_get(rbuf->type,r,p->midi_fld_idx,m)) != kOkRC )
rc = cwLogError(rc,"Record 'midi' field read failed.");
goto errLabel;
switch( m->status )
case midi::kNoteOnMdId:
if( m->d1 == 0 )
rc = _on_note_off(proc,p,m);
rc = _on_note_on(proc,p,m);
case midi::kNoteOffMdId:
rc = _on_note_off(proc,p,m);
rc = _send_to_all_voices(proc,p,m);
return rc;
@ -4380,6 +4411,8 @@ namespace cw
enum {
@ -4387,6 +4420,8 @@ namespace cw
typedef struct
unsigned chN;
unsigned wtAllocN; // wtAlloc[ wtAllocN ]
sample_t* wtAllocA; // total allocated WT space with extra leading and trailing samples
@ -4406,6 +4441,10 @@ namespace cw
coeff_t gain;
coeff_t gain_coeff;
coeff_t gain_thresh;
coeff_t fixed_gain;
bool isSustainDownFl;
bool heldByPedalFl;
} inst_t;
@ -4415,17 +4454,18 @@ namespace cw
rc_t rc = kOkRC;
mbuf_t* mbuf = nullptr;
srate_t srate = proc->ctx->sample_rate;
const unsigned ch_cnt = 1;
bool done_fl = false;
// get the MIDI input variable
if((rc = var_register_and_get( proc, kAnyChIdx,
kInPId, "in", kBaseSfxId, mbuf,
kGainPId, "gain", kBaseSfxId, p->fixed_gain,
kChCntPId, "chCnt", kBaseSfxId, p->chN,
kDoneFlPId, "done_fl", kBaseSfxId, done_fl)) != kOkRC )
goto errLabel;
// create one output audio buffer
if((rc = var_register_and_set( proc, "out", kBaseSfxId,kOutPId, kAnyChIdx, srate, ch_cnt, proc->ctx->framesPerCycle )) != kOkRC )
if((rc = var_register_and_set( proc, "out", kBaseSfxId,kOutPId, kAnyChIdx, srate, p->chN, proc->ctx->framesPerCycle )) != kOkRC )
goto errLabel;
// create the wave table
@ -4470,6 +4510,17 @@ namespace cw
void _on_note_off( inst_t* p )
p->gain_coeff = 0.9;
if( p->isSustainDownFl )
p->heldByPedalFl = true;
void _on_sustain_pedal(proc_t* proc, inst_t* p, bool pedal_down_fl )
p->isSustainDownFl = pedal_down_fl;
if( !p->isSustainDownFl && !p->heldByPedalFl )
rc_t _exec( proc_t* proc, inst_t* p )
@ -4504,6 +4555,9 @@ namespace cw
p->gain = (coeff_t)p->cur_vel / 127;
p->gain_coeff = 1.0;
p->gain_thresh = 0.001;
//printf("NO: %i\n",proc->label_sfx_id);
@ -4511,6 +4565,11 @@ namespace cw
case midi::kCtlMdId:
if( midi::isSustainPedal( m->status, m->d0 ) )
_on_sustain_pedal(proc,p, midi::isPedalDown(m->d1) );
case midi::kPbendMdId:
p->cur_pbend = midi::toPbend(m->d0,m->d1) / 8192.0;
@ -4529,19 +4588,25 @@ namespace cw
// fill in the audio buffer
for(unsigned i=0; i<abuf->frameN; ++i)
for(unsigned ch_idx=0; ch_idx<abuf->chN; ++ch_idx)
unsigned j = (unsigned)floor(p->wtPhase);
double frac = p->wtPhase - j;
sample_t smp = p->wtA[j] + (p->wtA[j+1] - p->wtA[j]) * frac;
sample_t* obuf = abuf->buf + (ch_idx * abuf->frameN);
coeff_t gain = p->gain*p->fixed_gain;
abuf->buf[i] = p->gain*smp;
for(unsigned i=0; i<abuf->frameN; ++i)
unsigned j = (unsigned)floor(p->wtPhase);
double frac = p->wtPhase - j;
sample_t smp = p->wtA[j] + (p->wtA[j+1] - p->wtA[j]) * frac;
obuf[i] = gain*smp;
p->wtPhase += p->cur_hz + (p->cur_hz * p->cur_pbend);
if( p->wtPhase >= p->wtN )
p->wtPhase -= p->wtN;
p->wtPhase += p->cur_hz + (p->cur_hz * p->cur_pbend);
if( p->wtPhase >= p->wtN )
p->wtPhase -= p->wtN;
p->gain *= p->gain_coeff;
if( p->gain < p->gain_thresh )
@ -4603,11 +4668,13 @@ namespace cw
unsigned test_pitchN; // Count of valid velocities for test_pitch
unsigned* test_pitch_map; // test_pitch_map[ test_pitch_N ]
bool done_fl;
bool done_fl;
coeff_t gain;
coeff_t gain_coeff;
coeff_t kReleaseGain;
coeff_t kGainThreshold;
bool isSustainDownFl;
bool heldByPedalFl;
} inst_t;
@ -4619,7 +4686,7 @@ namespace cw
unsigned padSmpN = 1;
// if the global wave table bank has not yet been created
if((p->wtbH_ptr = (wt_bank::handle_t*)network_global_var(proc, wtb_var_label )) == nullptr )
if((p->wtbH_ptr = (wt_bank::handle_t*)global_var(proc, wtb_var_label )) == nullptr )
wt_bank::handle_t wtbH;
@ -4637,13 +4704,13 @@ namespace cw
// store the wave table bank global var
if((rc = network_global_var_alloc(proc, wtb_var_label, &wtbH, sizeof(wtbH) )) != kOkRC )
if((rc = global_var_alloc(proc, wtb_var_label, &wtbH, sizeof(wtbH) )) != kOkRC )
rc = cwLogError(rc,"The wave table bank global variable allocation failed.");
goto errLabel;
if((p->wtbH_ptr = (wt_bank::handle_t*)network_global_var(proc, wtb_var_label )) == nullptr )
if((p->wtbH_ptr = (wt_bank::handle_t*)global_var(proc, wtb_var_label )) == nullptr )
rc = cwLogError(rc,"The wave table bank global variable store failed.");
goto errLabel;
@ -4764,7 +4831,7 @@ namespace cw
d0 = p->test_pitch;
printf("%i %i\n",d0,d1);
//printf("%s:%i %i %i\n",proc->label,proc->label_sfx_id,d0,d1);
// get the wave-table associated with the pitch and velocity
if((rc = get_wave_table( *p->wtbH_ptr, p->wtb_instr_idx, d0, d1, mcs)) != kOkRC )
@ -4782,21 +4849,43 @@ namespace cw
p->done_fl = false;
p->kGainThreshold = 0.01;
p->kReleaseGain = 0.9;
p->kReleaseGain = 0.98;
p->gain = 1.0;
p->gain_coeff = 1.0;
p->heldByPedalFl = false;
return rc;
void _on_note_off( inst_t* p )
void _begin_note_release( inst_t* p )
p->gain_coeff = p->kReleaseGain;
//printf("%i nof: %i %i\n",proc->label_sfx_id,m->d0,m->d1);
void _on_note_off( inst_t* p )
if( p->isSustainDownFl )
p->heldByPedalFl = true;
//printf("%i nof: %i %i\n",proc->label_sfx_id,m->d0,m->d1);
void _on_sustain_pedal(proc_t* proc, inst_t* p, bool pedal_down_fl )
p->isSustainDownFl = pedal_down_fl;
if( !p->isSustainDownFl && !p->heldByPedalFl )
//printf("%s:%i %s\n",proc->label,proc->label_sfx_id,pedal_down_fl ? "V" : "^");
rc_t _destroy( proc_t* proc, inst_t* p )
@ -4855,6 +4944,11 @@ namespace cw
case midi::kPbendMdId:
case midi::kCtlMdId:
if( midi::isSustainPedal( m->status, m->d0 ) )
_on_sustain_pedal(proc,p, midi::isPedalDown(m->d1) );
@ -4871,8 +4965,8 @@ namespace cw
if( (p->gain < p->kGainThreshold && !p->done_fl) || (actualFrmN < abuf->frameN) )
p->done_fl = true;
@ -7170,7 +7264,7 @@ namespace cw
if((rc = var_get(proc,vid,kAnyChIdx,v)) != kOkRC )
goto errLabel;
if( 0 <= v && v <= max_val )
if( v <= max_val )
midi_byte_ref = (uint8_t)v;
@ -7718,6 +7812,236 @@ namespace cw
// poly_xform_ctl
namespace poly_xform_ctl
enum {
typedef struct in_var_str
unsigned out_idx;
} in_var_t;
typedef struct
unsigned inVarN;
in_var_t* inVarA;
unsigned outVarN;
unsigned midiBasePId;
unsigned doneFlBasePId;
unsigned outBasePId;
} inst_t;
rc_t _create( proc_t* proc, inst_t* p )
rc_t rc = kOkRC;
srate_t srate = 0;
unsigned audioFrameN = 0;
unsigned chCntPerInputSignal = 0;
unsigned aSfxIdAllocN = var_mult_count(proc,"in");
unsigned aSfxIdA[ aSfxIdAllocN ];
// get the the sfx_id's of the input audio variables
if((rc = var_mult_sfx_id_array(proc, "in", aSfxIdA, aSfxIdAllocN, p->inVarN )) != kOkRC )
goto errLabel;
p->midiBasePId = kInBasePId + p->inVarN;
p->doneFlBasePId = p->midiBasePId + p->inVarN;
p->outBasePId = p->doneFlBasePId + p->inVarN;
p->inVarA = mem::allocZ<in_var_t>( p->inVarN );
// for each audio input var
for(unsigned i=0; i<p->inVarN; ++i)
abuf_t* abuf = nullptr;
// register the input audio variable
if((rc = var_register_and_get(proc,kAnyChIdx,kInBasePId+i,"in",aSfxIdA[i],abuf)) != kOkRC )
goto errLabel;
assert(abuf != nullptr );
// the sample rate of the input audio signals must be the same
if( i != 0 && abuf->srate != srate )
rc = cwLogError(kInvalidArgRC,"All signals on a poly merge must have the same sample rate.");
goto errLabel;
srate = abuf->srate;
// the count of frames in all audio signals must be the same
if( audioFrameN != 0 && abuf->frameN != audioFrameN )
rc = cwLogError(kInvalidArgRC,"All signals on a poly merge must have the same frame count.");
goto errLabel;
audioFrameN = abuf->frameN;
// track the max channel count among all audio input variables
if( abuf->chN > chCntPerInputSignal )
chCntPerInputSignal = abuf->chN;
if((rc = var_register(proc,kAnyChIdx,p->midiBasePId + i, "midi", aSfxIdA[i])) != kOkRC )
goto errLabel;
if((rc = var_register(proc,kAnyChIdx,p->doneFlBasePId + i, "donefl", aSfxIdA[i])) != kOkRC )
goto errLabel;
// initialize the ith input channels
p->inVarA[i].out_idx = kInvalidIdx;
// get the count of output vars
if((rc = var_register_and_get( proc, kAnyChIdx, kOutChCntPId, "out_ch_cnt", kBaseSfxId, p->outVarN )) != kOkRC )
goto errLabel;
// register the output selector var
if((rc = var_register( proc, kAnyChIdx, kOutChIdxPId,"out_ch_idx", kBaseSfxId )) != kOkRC )
goto errLabel;
// create the output audio var's
for(unsigned i=0; i<p->outVarN; ++i)
if((rc = var_register_and_set( proc, "out", kBaseSfxId + i, p->outBasePId+i, kAnyChIdx, srate, chCntPerInputSignal, audioFrameN )) != kOkRC )
goto errLabel;
return rc;
rc_t _destroy( proc_t* proc, inst_t* p )
rc_t rc = kOkRC;
return rc;
rc_t _value( proc_t* proc, inst_t* p, variable_t* var )
rc_t rc = kOkRC;
return rc;
void _mix( unsigned out_var_idx, abuf_t* obuf, const abuf_t* ibuf )
unsigned chN = std::min(ibuf->chN, obuf->chN );
sample_t sum = 0;
for(unsigned i=0; i<chN; ++i)
const sample_t* isig = ibuf->buf + i*ibuf->frameN;
sample_t* osig = obuf->buf + i*obuf->frameN;
for(unsigned j=0; j<obuf->frameN; ++j)
osig[j] += isig[j];
if( isig[j] != 0.0f )
sum += std::fabs(isig[j]);
//if( sum > 0 )
// printf("MTR:%i %i %f\n",out_var_idx,obuf->frameN,sum);
rc_t _exec( proc_t* proc, inst_t* p )
rc_t rc = kOkRC;
abuf_t* outAudioBufA[ p->outVarN ];
unsigned out_var_idx;
if((var_get(proc,kOutChIdxPId,kAnyChIdx,out_var_idx)) != kOkRC )
goto errLabel;
// get the audio output buffers
for(unsigned i=0; i<p->outVarN; ++i)
if((rc = var_get(proc,p->outBasePId + i, kAnyChIdx, outAudioBufA[i] )) != kOkRC )
goto errLabel;
vop::zero(outAudioBufA[i]->buf,outAudioBufA[i]->chN * outAudioBufA[i]->frameN );
// for each input signal var
for(unsigned i=0; i<p->inVarN; ++i)
mbuf_t* mbuf = nullptr;
bool done_fl = false;
// get the incoming midi msg's
if((rc = var_get(proc,p->midiBasePId + i,kAnyChIdx,mbuf)) != kOkRC )
goto errLabel;
// for each received note-on msg set the output var of the associated output channel
for(unsigned j=0; j<mbuf->msgN; ++j)
if( midi::isNoteOn(mbuf->msgA[j].status,mbuf->msgA[j].d1) )
p->inVarA[i].out_idx = out_var_idx;
//printf("VA: %i->%i\n",i,out_var_idx);
// get the state of the 'done_fl'
if((rc = var_get(proc,p->doneFlBasePId + i,kAnyChIdx,done_fl)) != kOkRC )
goto errLabel;
// if this input channel is no longer active
if( p->inVarA[i].out_idx != kInvalidIdx && done_fl )
p->inVarA[i].out_idx = kInvalidIdx;
// if this channel has a valid out var index
if( p->inVarA[i].out_idx != kInvalidIdx )
abuf_t* abuf = nullptr;
// get the input audio buffer
if((rc = var_get(proc,kInBasePId + i, kAnyChIdx, abuf)) != kOkRC )
goto errLabel;
// mix the input into the output
_mix(p->inVarA[i].out_idx, outAudioBufA[ p->inVarA[i].out_idx ], abuf );
return rc;
rc_t _report( proc_t* proc, inst_t* p )
{ return kOkRC; }
class_members_t members = {
.create = std_create<inst_t>,
.destroy = std_destroy<inst_t>,
.value = std_value<inst_t>,
.exec = std_exec<inst_t>,
.report = std_report<inst_t>
} // flow
@ -4,6 +4,39 @@ namespace cw
namespace flow
template< typename inst_t >
rc_t std_destroy( proc_t* proc )
inst_t* p = (inst_t*)proc->userPtr;
rc_t rc = _destroy(proc,p);
return rc;
template< typename inst_t >
rc_t std_create( proc_t* proc )
rc_t rc = kOkRC;
proc->userPtr = mem::allocZ<inst_t>();
if((rc = _create(proc,(inst_t*)proc->userPtr)) != kOkRC )
return rc;
template< typename inst_t >
rc_t std_value( proc_t* proc, variable_t* var )
{ return _value(proc,(inst_t*)proc->userPtr, var); }
template< typename inst_t >
rc_t std_exec( proc_t* proc )
{ return _exec(proc,(inst_t*)proc->userPtr); }
template< typename inst_t >
rc_t std_report( proc_t* proc )
{ return _report(proc,(inst_t*)proc->userPtr); }
namespace user_def_proc { extern class_members_t members; }
namespace poly { extern class_members_t members; }
namespace midi_in { extern class_members_t members; }
@ -48,6 +81,7 @@ namespace cw
namespace midi_split { extern class_members_t members; }
namespace midi_file { extern class_members_t members; }
namespace midi_merge { extern class_members_t members; }
namespace poly_xform_ctl { extern class_members_t members; }
Reference in New Issue
Block a user