cwFlowProc.h/cpp : Added midi_voice and poly_voice_ctl.

This commit is contained in:
kevin 2024-07-04 17:04:22 -04:00
parent ce8b9ebce4
commit 8d8714d422
3 changed files with 498 additions and 12 deletions

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@ -454,14 +454,12 @@ namespace cw
dev_label = nullptr;
if( textIsEqual(dev_label,"<all>") )
if( textIsEqual(port_label,"<all>") )
inst->port_filt_fl = false;
port_label = nullptr;
if((inst->ext_dev = external_device_find( proc->ctx, dev_label, kMidiDevTypeId, kInFl, port_label )) == nullptr )
rc = cwLogError(kOpFailRC,"The MIDI input device '%s' port '%s' could not be found.", cwStringNullGuard(dev_label), cwStringNullGuard(port_label));
@ -510,6 +508,9 @@ namespace cw
mbuf->msgA = nullptr;
mbuf->msgN = 0;
// if the device filter is not set
if( !inst->dev_filt_fl)
@ -3887,6 +3888,443 @@ namespace cw
// Poly Voice Control
namespace poly_voice_ctl
enum {
enum {
kVoiceMsgN = 16,
kGlobalMsgN = 256,
typedef struct voice_str
bool activeFl; // true if this voice is currently active
unsigned pitch; // pitch associated with this voice
unsigned age; // age of this voice in exec() cycles.
midi::ch_msg_t* msgA; // msgA[ msgN ] msg buffer for this voice
unsigned msgN; //
unsigned msg_idx; // current count of msg's in msgA[]
mbuf_t* mbuf; // cached mbuf for this output variable
} voice_t;
typedef struct
unsigned baseDoneFlPId;
unsigned voiceN; // voiceA[ voiceN ]
voice_t* voiceA;
// sizeof of each voice msgA[] (same as voice_t.msgN)
unsigned voiceMsgN;
} inst_t;
rc_t _create( proc_t* proc, inst_t* p )
rc_t rc = kOkRC;
mbuf_t* mbuf = nullptr;
if((rc = var_register_and_get(proc,kAnyChIdx,
kInPId, "in", kBaseSfxId, mbuf,
kVoiceCntPId, "voice_cnt", kBaseSfxId, p->voiceN)) != kOkRC )
goto errLabel;
if( p->voiceN == 0 )
rc = cwLogError(kInvalidArgRC,"The poly_voice_ctl '%s:%i' has 0 voices.",proc->label,proc->label_sfx_id );
goto errLabel;
p->baseDoneFlPId = kBaseOutPId + p->voiceN;
p->voiceMsgN = kVoiceMsgN;
p->voiceA = mem::allocZ<voice_t>(p->voiceN);
for(unsigned i=0; i<p->voiceN; ++i)
// create one output MIDI variable per voice
if((rc = var_register_and_set( proc, "out", i, kBaseOutPId + i, kAnyChIdx, nullptr, 0 )) != kOkRC )
goto errLabel;
// create one 'done_fl' variable per voice
if((rc = var_register_and_set( proc, kAnyChIdx, p->baseDoneFlPId + i, "done_fl", i, false )) != kOkRC )
goto errLabel;
p->voiceA[i].msgA = mem::allocZ<midi::ch_msg_t>(p->voiceMsgN);
p->voiceA[i].msgN = p->voiceMsgN;
// cache a pointer to each output variables mbuf (because we know these won't change)
if((rc = var_get(proc,kBaseOutPId+i, kAnyChIdx, p->voiceA[i].mbuf )) != kOkRC )
goto errLabel;
return rc;
rc_t _destroy( proc_t* proc, inst_t* p )
rc_t rc = kOkRC;
mem::release( p->voiceA );
p->voiceN = 0;
return rc;
rc_t _value( proc_t* proc, inst_t* p, variable_t* var )
rc_t rc = kOkRC;
if( p->baseDoneFlPId <= var->vid && var->vid < p->baseDoneFlPId + p->voiceN )
p->voiceA[ var->vid - p->baseDoneFlPId ].activeFl = false;
return rc;
unsigned _get_next_avail_voice( inst_t* p )
unsigned max_age_idx = 0;
for(unsigned i=0; i<p->voiceN; ++i)
if( p->voiceA[i].activeFl == false )
return i;
if( p->voiceA[i].age > p->voiceA[ max_age_idx].age )
max_age_idx = i;
return max_age_idx;
unsigned _pitch_to_voice( inst_t* p, unsigned pitch )
for(unsigned i=0; i<p->voiceN; ++i)
if( p->voiceA[i].activeFl && p->voiceA[i].pitch == pitch )
return i;
return kInvalidIdx;
rc_t _update_voice_msg( proc_t* proc, inst_t* p, unsigned voice_idx, const midi::ch_msg_t* m )
rc_t rc = kOkRC;
voice_t* v = p->voiceA + voice_idx;
if( v->msg_idx >= v->msgN )
cwLogError(kBufTooSmallRC,"The voice MIDI buffer on ch:%i is full on '%s:%i'",voice_idx,cwStringNullGuard(proc->label),proc->label_sfx_id);
goto errLabel;
v->msgA[ v->msg_idx++ ] = *m;
v->mbuf->msgA = v->msgA;
v->mbuf->msgN = v->msg_idx;
return rc;
rc_t _on_note_on( proc_t* proc, inst_t* p, const midi::ch_msg_t* m )
rc_t rc = kOkRC;
unsigned voice_idx = _get_next_avail_voice(p);
assert( voice_idx <= p->voiceN);
voice_t* v = p->voiceA + voice_idx;
v->age = 0;
v->activeFl = true;
v->pitch = m->d0;
rc = _update_voice_msg(proc,p,voice_idx,m);
return rc;
rc_t _on_note_off( proc_t* proc, inst_t* p, const midi::ch_msg_t* m )
rc_t rc = kOkRC;
unsigned voice_idx;
if((voice_idx = _pitch_to_voice(p,m->d0)) == kInvalidIdx )
cwLogWarning("Voice not found for note:0x%x.",m->d0);
goto errLabel;
assert( voice_idx <= p->voiceN);
rc = _update_voice_msg(proc,p,voice_idx,m);
return rc;
rc_t _send_to_all_voices( proc_t* proc, inst_t*p, const midi::ch_msg_t* m )
rc_t rc = kOkRC;
if( midi::isChStatus( m->status ) )
for(unsigned i=0; i<p->voiceN; ++i)
if((rc = _update_voice_msg(proc,p,i,m)) != kOkRC )
goto errLabel;
return rc;
rc_t _exec( proc_t* proc, inst_t* p )
rc_t rc = kOkRC;
mbuf_t* mbuf = nullptr;
// update the voice array
for(unsigned i=0; i<p->voiceN; ++i)
if( p->voiceA[i].activeFl )
p->voiceA[i].age += 1;
p->voiceA[i].msg_idx = 0;
p->voiceA[i].mbuf->msgN = 0;
p->voiceA[i].mbuf->msgA = nullptr;
// get the input MIDI buffer
if((rc = var_get(proc,kInPId,kAnyChIdx,mbuf)) != kOkRC )
goto errLabel;
// process the incoming MIDI messages
for(unsigned i=0; i<mbuf->msgN; ++i)
const midi::ch_msg_t* m = mbuf->msgA + i;
switch( m->status )
case midi::kNoteOnMdId:
if( m->d1 == 0 )
rc = _on_note_off(proc,p,m);
rc = _on_note_on(proc,p,m);
case midi::kNoteOffMdId:
rc = _on_note_off(proc,p,m);
rc = _send_to_all_voices(proc,p,m);
return rc;
rc_t _report( proc_t* proc, inst_t* p )
{ return kOkRC; }
class_members_t members = {
.create = std_create<inst_t>,
.destroy = std_destroy<inst_t>,
.value = std_value<inst_t>,
.exec = std_exec<inst_t>,
.report = std_report<inst_t>
// midi_voice
namespace midi_voice
enum {
typedef struct
unsigned wtAllocN; // wtAlloc[ wtAllocN ]
sample_t* wtAllocA; // total allocated WT space with extra leading and trailing samples
unsigned wtN; // wtA[ wtA ]
sample_t* wtA; // actual WT space which sits inside of wtAllocA[]
double wtPhase; // current WT phase
unsigned cur_vel; // current MIDI velocity
double cur_hz; // current fund. frequency
double cur_pbend; // current pitch bend factor
unsigned hzN;
double* hzA; // hzA[128] - midi to Hz lookup table.
} inst_t;
rc_t _create( proc_t* proc, inst_t* p )
rc_t rc = kOkRC;
mbuf_t* mbuf = nullptr;
srate_t srate = proc->ctx->sample_rate;
const unsigned ch_cnt = 1;
bool done_fl = false;
// get the MIDI input variable
if((rc = var_register_and_get( proc, kAnyChIdx,
kInPId, "in", kBaseSfxId, mbuf,
kDoneFlPId, "done_fl", kBaseSfxId, done_fl)) != kOkRC )
goto errLabel;
// create one output audio buffer
if((rc = var_register_and_set( proc, "out", kBaseSfxId,kOutPId, kAnyChIdx, srate, ch_cnt, proc->ctx->framesPerCycle )) != kOkRC )
goto errLabel;
// create the wave table
p->wtN = srate;
p->wtAllocN = p->wtN + 2;
p->wtAllocA = mem::allocZ<sample_t>(p->wtAllocN);
p->wtA = p->wtAllocA + 1;
vop::sine( p->wtA, p->wtN, srate, 1);
p->wtAllocA[0] = p->wtA[p->wtN-1];
p->wtAllocA[p->wtAllocN-1] = p->wtA[0];
// create the MIDI pitch to hertz
p->hzN = midi::kMidiNoteCnt;
p->hzA = mem::allocZ<double>(p->hzN);
for(unsigned i=0; i<midi::kMidiNoteCnt; ++i)
p->hzA[i] = midi_to_hz(i);
return rc;
rc_t _destroy( proc_t* proc, inst_t* p )
rc_t rc = kOkRC;
return rc;
rc_t _value( proc_t* proc, inst_t* p, variable_t* var )
rc_t rc = kOkRC;
return rc;
rc_t _exec( proc_t* proc, inst_t* p )
rc_t rc = kOkRC;
abuf_t* abuf = nullptr;
mbuf_t* mbuf = nullptr;
// get the input MIDI buffer
if((rc = var_get(proc,kInPId,kAnyChIdx,mbuf)) != kOkRC )
goto errLabel;
// get the output audio buffer
if((rc = var_get(proc,kOutPId,kAnyChIdx,abuf)) != kOkRC )
goto errLabel;
// if there are MIDI messages - update cur_hz and cur_vel
for(unsigned i=0; i<mbuf->msgN; ++i)
const midi::ch_msg_t* m = mbuf->msgA + i;
switch( m->status )
case midi::kNoteOnMdId:
p->cur_hz = p->hzA[ m->d0 ];
p->cur_vel = m->d1;
if( m->d1 == 0 )
case midi::kNoteOffMdId:
case midi::kPbendMdId:
p->cur_pbend = midi::toPbend(m->d0,m->d1) / 8192.0;
// if the voice is off then zero the audio buffer
if( p->cur_vel == 0 )
// calculate the gain based on the cur_vel
coeff_t gain = (coeff_t)p->cur_vel / 127;
// fill in the audio buffer
for(unsigned i=0; i<abuf->frameN; ++i)
unsigned j = (unsigned)floor(p->wtPhase);
double frac = p->wtPhase - j;
sample_t smp = p->wtA[j] + (p->wtA[j+1] - p->wtA[j]) * frac;
abuf->buf[i] = gain*smp;
p->wtPhase += p->cur_hz + (p->cur_hz * p->cur_pbend);
if( p->wtPhase >= p->wtN )
p->wtPhase -= p->wtN;
return rc;
rc_t _report( proc_t* proc, inst_t* p )
{ return kOkRC; }
class_members_t members = {
.create = std_create<inst_t>,
.destroy = std_destroy<inst_t>,
.value = std_value<inst_t>,
.exec = std_exec<inst_t>,
.report = std_report<inst_t>
// audio_merge
@ -6246,6 +6684,9 @@ namespace cw
unsigned msgN;
unsigned msg_idx;
unsigned sample_idx;
char* midi_fname;
char* csv_fname;
} inst_t;
@ -6269,16 +6710,31 @@ namespace cw
goto errLabel;
if( midi_fname != nullptr && textLength(midi_fname) > 0 )
if( csv_fname != nullptr && textLength(csv_fname)>0 )
if((p->csv_fname = proc_expand_filename(proc,csv_fname)) == nullptr )
if((rc = midi::file::open(p->mfH,midi_fname)) != kOkRC )
rc = cwLogError(kInvalidArgRC,"The MIDI CSV filename could not be formed.");
goto errLabel;
if( midi_fname != nullptr && textLength(midi_fname)>0 )
if((p->midi_fname = proc_expand_filename(proc,midi_fname)) == nullptr )
rc = cwLogError(kInvalidArgRC,"The MIDI filename could not be formed.");
goto errLabel;
if( p->midi_fname != nullptr && textLength(p->midi_fname) > 0 )
if((rc = midi::file::open(p->mfH,p->midi_fname)) != kOkRC )
goto errLabel;
if( csv_fname != nullptr && textLength(csv_fname)>0 )
if( p->csv_fname != nullptr && textLength(p->csv_fname)>0 )
if((rc = midi::file::open_csv(p->mfH,csv_fname)) != kOkRC )
if((rc = midi::file::open_csv(p->mfH,p->csv_fname)) != kOkRC )
goto errLabel;
@ -6337,6 +6793,8 @@ namespace cw
rc_t rc = kOkRC;
return rc;
@ -6507,6 +6965,8 @@ namespace cw
case 0:
// no midi events arrived
out_mbuf->msgA = nullptr;
out_mbuf->msgN = 0;
case 1:
@ -6550,6 +7010,7 @@ namespace cw
} // flow
} // cw

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@ -28,6 +28,8 @@ namespace cw
namespace audio_meter { extern class_members_t members; }
namespace audio_marker { extern class_members_t members; }
namespace xfade_ctl { extern class_members_t members; }
namespace midi_voice { extern class_members_t members; }
namespace poly_voice_ctl { extern class_members_t members; }
namespace sample_hold { extern class_members_t members; }
namespace number { extern class_members_t members; }
namespace reg { extern class_members_t members; }

View File

@ -11,8 +11,8 @@
midi_in: {
doc: [ "MIDI input device."],
vars: {
dev_label: { type:string, doc:"MIDI input device label."},
port_label:{ type:string, doc:"MIDI input device port label."},
dev_label: { type:string, value:"<all>", doc:"MIDI input device label. Set to '<all>' to accept input from any device."},
port_label:{ type:string, value:"<all>", doc:"MIDI input device port label. Set to '<all>' to accept input from any device."},
out: { type:midi, doc:"MIDI input port." },
@ -106,7 +106,7 @@
audio_mix: {
vars: {
in: { type:audio, flags:["src","mult"], doc:"First audio input." },
in: { type:audio, flags:["src","mult"], doc:"Audio input." },
igain: { type:coeff, flags:["mult"], value:0.5, doc:"Audio gain for input 0." },
ogain: { type:coeff, value:1.0, doc:"Output gain." },
out: { type:audio, doc:"Audio output. Channel count is max of the input signal channels." },
@ -684,6 +684,29 @@
midi_voice: {
vars: {
in: { type:midi, doc:"MIDI in" },
out: { type:audio, doc:"Audio out" }
done_fl: { type:bool, value:false, doc:"Triggers when voice is available."}
poly_voice_ctl: {
poly_limit_cnt: 1,
vars: {
in: { type:midi, doc:"MIDI input."},
voice_cnt: { type:uint, value:3, flags:["init"], doc:"Count of voices." },
out: { type:midi, flags:["mult"], doc:"MIDI output to voices. One per voice." },
done_fl: { type:bool, value:false, flags:["mult"], doc:"Voice available feedback triggers from voices. One per voice."},
print: {
vars: {
in: { type:all, flags:["mult"], doc: "Value to print." },