cwIoFlow : Initial commit.
This commit is contained in:
@ -59,8 +59,8 @@ if cwWEBSOCK
libcwHDR += src/libcw/cwIo.h src/libcw/cwIoTest.h src/libcw/cwIoSocketChat.h src/libcw/cwIoAudioPanel.h src/libcw/cwIoAudioMidi.h
libcwSRC += src/libcw/cwIo.cpp src/libcw/cwIoTest.cpp src/libcw/cwIoSocketChat.cpp src/libcw/cwIoAudioPanel.cpp src/libcw/cwIoAudioMidi.cpp
libcwHDR += src/libcw/cwIoMidiRecordPlay.h src/libcw/cwIoAudioRecordPlay.h src/libcw/cwIoAudioMidiApp.h
libcwSRC += src/libcw/cwIoMidiRecordPlay.cpp src/libcw/cwIoAudioRecordPlay.cpp src/libcw/cwIoAudioMidiApp.cpp
libcwHDR += src/libcw/cwIoMidiRecordPlay.h src/libcw/cwIoAudioRecordPlay.h src/libcw/cwIoAudioMidiApp.h src/libcw/cwIoFlow.h
libcwSRC += src/libcw/cwIoMidiRecordPlay.cpp src/libcw/cwIoAudioRecordPlay.cpp src/libcw/cwIoAudioMidiApp.cpp src/libcw/cwIoFlow.cpp
libcwHDR += src/libcw/cwIoPresetSelApp.h src/libcw/cwPianoScore.h src/libcw/cwPresetSel.h
libcwSRC += src/libcw/cwIoPresetSelApp.cpp src/libcw/cwPianoScore.cpp src/libcw/cwPresetSel.cpp
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,406 @@
#include "cwCommon.h"
#include "cwLog.h"
#include "cwCommonImpl.h"
#include "cwMem.h"
#include "cwObject.h"
#include "cwFileSys.h"
#include "cwFile.h"
#include "cwTime.h"
#include "cwVectOps.h"
#include "cwMtx.h"
#include "cwDspTypes.h"
#include "cwFlow.h"
#include "cwFlowTypes.h"
#include "cwIo.h"
#include "cwIoFlow.h"
namespace cw
namespace io_flow
// An audio_dev_t record exists for each possible input or output device.
typedef struct audio_dev_str
unsigned ioDevIdx; // device index in the io:: API
unsigned ioDevId; // device id in the io:: API
flow::abuf_t abuf; // src/dst buffer for incoming/outgoing (record/play) samples used by flow proc 'audio_in' and 'audio_out'.
} audio_dev_t;
typedef struct audio_group_str
double srate;
unsigned dspFrameCnt;
unsigned ioGroupIdx;
audio_dev_t* iDeviceA;
unsigned iDeviceN;
audio_dev_t* oDeviceA;
unsigned oDeviceN;
} audio_group_t;
typedef struct io_flow_str
io::handle_t ioH;
flow::external_device_t* deviceA; // Array of generic device descriptions used by the ioFlow controller
unsigned deviceN; // (This array must exist for the life of ioFlow controller)
audio_group_t* audioGroupA; // Array of real time audio device control records.
unsigned audioGroupN; //
flow::handle_t flowH;
} io_flow_t;
io_flow_t* _handleToPtr( handle_t h )
{ return handleToPtr<handle_t,io_flow_t>(h); }
rc_t _destroy( io_flow_t* p )
p->deviceN = 0;
for(unsigned gi=0; gi<p->audioGroupN; ++gi)
audio_group_t* ag = p->audioGroupA + gi;
for(unsigned di=0; di<ag->iDeviceN; ++di)
mem::release( ag->iDeviceA[di].abuf.buf );
for(unsigned di=0; di<ag->oDeviceN; ++di)
mem::release( ag->oDeviceA[di].abuf.buf );
mem::release( ag->iDeviceA);
mem::release( ag->oDeviceA);
return kOkRC;
unsigned _calc_device_count(io_flow_t* p)
unsigned devN = 0;
//devN += midiDeviceCount(p->ioH);
devN += socketCount(p->ioH);
devN += serialDeviceCount(p->ioH);
for(unsigned i=0; i<p->audioGroupN; ++i)
devN += p->audioGroupA[i].iDeviceN + p->audioGroupA[i].oDeviceN;
return devN;
void _setup_audio_device( io_flow_t* p,audio_dev_t* dev, unsigned inOrOutFl, unsigned ioDevIdx, unsigned dspFrameCnt )
dev->ioDevIdx = ioDevIdx;
dev->ioDevId = audioDeviceUserId( p->ioH, ioDevIdx );
dev->abuf.base = nullptr;
dev->abuf.srate = audioDeviceSampleRate( p->ioH, ioDevIdx );
dev->abuf.chN = audioDeviceChannelCount( p->ioH, ioDevIdx, inOrOutFl );
dev->abuf.frameN = dspFrameCnt;
dev->abuf.buf = mem::allocZ< flow::sample_t >( dev->abuf.chN * dev->abuf.frameN );
//printf("%i %s\n", dev->abuf.chN, audioDeviceLabel( p->ioH, ioDevIdx ) );
void _setup_audio_groups( io_flow_t* p )
p->audioGroupN = audioGroupCount( p->ioH );
p->audioGroupA = mem::allocZ<audio_group_t>( p->audioGroupN );
for(unsigned gi=0; gi<audioGroupCount(p->ioH); ++gi)
audio_group_t* ag = p->audioGroupA + gi;
ag->srate = audioGroupSampleRate( p->ioH, gi );
ag->dspFrameCnt = audioGroupDspFrameCount( p->ioH, gi );
ag->ioGroupIdx = gi;
ag->iDeviceN = audioGroupDeviceCount( p->ioH, gi, io::kInFl );
ag->iDeviceA = mem::allocZ< audio_dev_t >( ag->iDeviceN );
for(unsigned gdi=0; gdi<ag->iDeviceN; ++gdi)
_setup_audio_device( p, ag->iDeviceA + gdi, io::kInFl, audioGroupDeviceIndex( p->ioH, gi, io::kInFl, gdi), ag->dspFrameCnt );
ag->oDeviceN = audioGroupDeviceCount( p->ioH, gi, io::kOutFl );
ag->oDeviceA = mem::allocZ< audio_dev_t >( ag->oDeviceN );
for(unsigned gdi=0; gdi<ag->oDeviceN; ++gdi)
_setup_audio_device( p, ag->oDeviceA + gdi, io::kOutFl, audioGroupDeviceIndex( p->ioH, gi, io::kOutFl, gdi), ag->dspFrameCnt );
void _setup_device_cfg( flow::external_device_t* d, const char* devLabel, unsigned ioDevId, unsigned typeId, unsigned flags )
d->label = devLabel;
d->ioDevId = ioDevId;
d->typeId = typeId;
d->flags = flags;
void _setup_audio_device_cfg( io_flow_t* p, flow::external_device_t* d, audio_group_t* ag, audio_dev_t* ad, unsigned flags )
_setup_device_cfg( d, io::audioDeviceLabel(p->ioH,ad->ioDevIdx), ad->ioDevId, flow::kAudioDevTypeId, flags );
d->u.a.abuf = &ad->abuf;
printf("%i %s\n", d->u.a.abuf->chN, d->label );
void _fill_device_cfg_array( io_flow_t* p, flow::external_device_t* devA, unsigned devN )
unsigned i = 0;
// get serial devices
for(unsigned di=0; i<devN && di<serialDeviceCount(p->ioH); ++di,++i)
_setup_device_cfg( devA + i, io::serialDeviceLabel(p->ioH,di), io::serialDeviceId(p->ioH,di), flow::kSerialDevTypeId, flow::kInFl | flow::kOutFl );
// get midi devices
//for(unsigned di=0; i<devN && di<midiDeviceCount(p->ioH); ++di,++i)
// _setup_device_cfg( devA + i, io::midiDeviceLabel(p->ioH,di), di, flow::kMidiDevTypeId, flow::kInFl | flow::kOutFl );
// get sockets
for(unsigned di=0; i<devN && di<socketCount(p->ioH); ++di,++i)
_setup_device_cfg( devA + i, io::socketLabel(p->ioH,di), io::socketUserId(p->ioH,di), flow::kSocketDevTypeId, flow::kInFl | flow::kOutFl );
for(unsigned gi=0; gi<p->audioGroupN; ++gi)
audio_group_t* ag = p->audioGroupA + gi;
for(unsigned di=0; i<devN && di<ag->iDeviceN; ++di,++i)
_setup_audio_device_cfg( p, devA + i, ag, ag->iDeviceA + di, flow::kInFl );
for(unsigned di=0; i<devN && di<ag->oDeviceN; ++di,++i)
_setup_audio_device_cfg( p, devA + i, ag, ag->oDeviceA + di, flow::kOutFl );
rc_t _device_index_to_abuf( io_flow_t* p, unsigned ioGroupIdx, unsigned ioDevIdx, unsigned inOrOutFl, flow::abuf_t*& abuf_ref )
rc_t rc = kOkRC;
for(unsigned gi=0; gi<p->audioGroupN; ++gi)
if( p->audioGroupA[gi].ioGroupIdx == ioGroupIdx )
audio_dev_t* adA = inOrOutFl == flow::kInFl ? p->audioGroupA[gi].iDeviceA : p->audioGroupA[gi].oDeviceA;
unsigned adN = inOrOutFl == flow::kInFl ? p->audioGroupA[gi].iDeviceN : p->audioGroupA[gi].oDeviceN;
for(unsigned di=0; di<adN; ++di)
if( adA[di].ioDevIdx == ioDevIdx )
abuf_ref = &adA[di].abuf;
return rc;
const char* dir = inOrOutFl==flow::kInFl ? "in" : "out";
return cwLogError(kOpFailRC,"The '%s' audio group index:%i ,device index '%i' was not found.", dir, ioGroupIdx, ioDevIdx);
void _fill_input_buffer( flow::sample_t** bufChArray, unsigned bufChArrayN, flow::abuf_t* dst_abuf )
for(unsigned i=0; i<bufChArrayN; ++i)
const flow::sample_t* src = bufChArray[i];
flow::sample_t* dst = dst_abuf->buf + (i*dst_abuf->frameN);
void _zero_output_buffer( flow::abuf_t* dst_abuf )
memset(dst_abuf->buf,0, dst_abuf->chN*dst_abuf->frameN*sizeof(flow::sample_t));
void _fill_output_buffer( const flow::abuf_t* src_abuf, flow::sample_t** bufChArray, unsigned bufChArrayN )
for(unsigned i=0; i<src_abuf->chN; ++i)
const flow::sample_t* src = src_abuf->buf + (i*src_abuf->frameN);
flow::sample_t* dst = bufChArray[i];
rc_t _audio_callback( io_flow_t* p, io::audio_msg_t& m )
rc_t rc = kOkRC;
flow::abuf_t* abuf;
if( m.iBufChCnt > 0 )
unsigned chIdx = 0;
// for each input device in this group
for(io::audio_group_dev_t* agd = m.iDevL; agd!=nullptr; agd=agd->link)
// get the abuf associated with each device in this group
if((rc = _device_index_to_abuf( p, m.groupIndex, agd->devIdx, flow::kInFl, abuf )) != kOkRC )
goto errLabel;
// fill the input audio buf from the the external audio device
_fill_input_buffer( m.iBufArray + chIdx, agd->chCnt, abuf );
chIdx += agd->chCnt;
if( m.oBufChCnt > 0 )
// for each output device in this group
for(io::audio_group_dev_t* agd=m.oDevL; agd!=nullptr; agd=agd->link)
// get the output audio buf associated with this external audio device
if((rc = _device_index_to_abuf( p, m.groupIndex, agd->devIdx, flow::kOutFl, abuf )) != kOkRC )
goto errLabel;
// zerot the output buffer
_zero_output_buffer( abuf );
if( m.oBufChCnt > 0 )
unsigned chIdx = 0;
// for each output device in this group
for(io::audio_group_dev_t* agd=m.oDevL; agd!=nullptr; agd=agd->link)
// get the output audio buf associated with this external audio device
if((rc = _device_index_to_abuf( p, m.groupIndex, agd->devIdx, flow::kOutFl, abuf )) != kOkRC )
goto errLabel;
// copy the samples from the flow 'audio_out' buffers to the outgoing buffer passed from the device driver
_fill_output_buffer( abuf, m.oBufArray + chIdx, agd->chCnt );
chIdx += agd->chCnt;
return rc;
cw::rc_t cw::io_flow::create( handle_t& hRef, io::handle_t ioH, const object_t& flow_class_dict, const object_t& network_cfg )
rc_t rc;
if((rc = destroy(hRef)) != kOkRC )
return rc;
io_flow_t* p = mem::allocZ<io_flow_t>();
p->ioH = ioH;
p->deviceN = _calc_device_count(p);
p->deviceA = mem::allocZ<flow::external_device_t>( p->deviceN );
// create the flow object
if((rc = create( p->flowH, flow_class_dict, network_cfg, p->deviceA, p->deviceN )) != kOkRC )
cwLogError(rc,"The 'flow' object create failed.");
goto errLabel;
if( rc != kOkRC )
return rc;
cw::rc_t cw::io_flow::destroy( handle_t& hRef )
rc_t rc = kOkRC;;
if( !hRef.isValid() )
return rc;
io_flow_t* p = _handleToPtr(hRef);
if((rc = _destroy(p)) != kOkRC )
return rc;
return rc;
cw::rc_t cw::io_flow::start( handle_t h )
rc_t rc = kOkRC;
return rc;
cw::rc_t cw::io_flow::stop( handle_t h )
rc_t rc = kOkRC;
return rc;
bool cw::io_flow::is_started( handle_t h )
return false;
cw::rc_t cw::io_flow::exec( handle_t h, const io::msg_t& msg )
rc_t rc = kOkRC;
io_flow_t* p = _handleToPtr(h);
switch( msg.tid )
case io::kAudioTId:
if( != nullptr )
rc = kOkRC;
return rc;
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
#ifndef cwIoFlow_h
#define cwIoFlow_h
namespace cw
namespace io_flow
typedef handle< struct io_flow_str > handle_t;
rc_t create( handle_t& hRef, io::handle_t ioH, const object_t& flow_class_dict, const object_t& cfg );
rc_t destroy( handle_t& hRef );
rc_t start( handle_t h );
rc_t stop( handle_t h );
bool is_started( handle_t h );
rc_t exec( handle_t h, const io::msg_t& msg );
Reference in New Issue
Block a user