: Updates
This commit is contained in:
@ -432,7 +432,7 @@ struct in_addr {
export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=~/sdk/libwebsockets/build/out/lib
export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=~/sdk/libwebsockets/build/out/lib
*** Raspberry Pi Build Notes:
### Raspberry Pi Build Notes:
cd sdk
cd sdk
mkdir libwebsockets
mkdir libwebsockets
@ -444,10 +444,10 @@ struct in_addr {
*** Flow Notes:
### Flow Notes:
- When a variable has a variant with a numberic channel should the 'all' channel variant be removed?
- When a variable has a variant with a numeric channel should the 'all' channel variant be removed?
- Check for duplicate 'vid'-'chIdx' pairs in var_regster().
- Check for duplicate 'vid'-'chIdx' pairs in var_regster().
(The concatenation of 'vid' and 'chIdx' should be unique
(The concatenation of 'vid' and 'chIdx' should be unique
@ -469,16 +469,21 @@ specific types, to pass through. For example a 'selector' (n inputs, 1 output) o
DONE: Add a version of var_register() that both registers and returns the value of the variable.
DONE: Add a version of var_register() that both registers and returns the value of the variable.
*** Flow Instance Creation:
### Flow Instance Creation:
1. Create all vars from the class description and initially set their
0. Parse the 'in' list and create any 'mult' variables whose
value to the default value given in the class. chIdx=kAnyChIdx.
'in-var' contains an integer or underscore suffix. See
"'in' List Syntax and Semantics" below.
1. Create all vars from the class description, that were not
already instantiated during 'in' list processing, and set their
initial value to the default value given in the class. chIdx=kAnyChIdx.
Note that all vars must be included in the class description.
Note that all vars must be included in the class description.
2. Apply the preset record from the class description according to the
2. Apply the preset records from the class description according to the
label given in the instance definition.
'presets' list given in the instance definition.
If the variable values are given as a scalar then the existing
If the variable values are given as a scalar then the existing
variable is simply given a new value.
variable is simply given a new value.
@ -489,17 +494,23 @@ index of the value in the list. This is referred
to as 'channelizing' the variable because the variable will then
to as 'channelizing' the variable because the variable will then
be represented by multiple physical variable records - one for each channel.
be represented by multiple physical variable records - one for each channel.
This means that all variables will have their initial record, with the chIdx set to 'any',
This means that all variables will have their initial record, with the chIdx set to 'any',
and then they may also have further variable records will for each explicit
and then they may also have further variable records for each explicit
channel number. The complete list of channelized variable record
channel number. The complete list of channelized variable record
is kept, in channel order, using the 'ch_link' links with the base of the list
is kept, in channel order, using the 'ch_link' links with the base of the list
on the 'any' record.
on the 'any' record.
3. Apply the variable values defined in the instance 'args' record.
3. Apply the variable values defined in a instance 'args' record.
This application is treated similarly to the 'class'
The 'args' record may have multiple sets of args.
preset. If the variable value is presented in a list then
If the preset instance includes an 'argsLabel' value then this record
the value is assigned to a specific channel if the channel
is selected to be applied. If No 'argsLabel' is given then
already exists then the value is simply replaced, if the
the record named 'default' is selected. If there is no record
channel does not exist then the variable is 'channelized'.
named 'default' then no record is applied.
The application of the args record proceeds exactly the same as
applying a 'class' preset. If the variable value is presented in a
list then the value is assigned to a specific channel. If the channel
already exists then the value is simply replaced. If the channel does
not exist then the variable is 'channelized'.
4. The varaibles listed in the 'in' list of the instance cfg.
4. The varaibles listed in the 'in' list of the instance cfg.
are connected to their source variables.
are connected to their source variables.
@ -520,5 +531,345 @@ access to registered variables.
# Notes on 'poly' and 'mult':
The 'in' statement is formed by a list of _Connect Expressions_ :
There are three forms of connect expressions:
1. Simple Connect Expression: Both the input and source labels
identify vars in the input and source instance.
2. Manual Mult Connect Expression: The input identifer ends with an
integer. This expression indicates that an input var will be
instantiated and connected to the source var. The integer indicates
the suffix (sfx) id of the input var. e.g. `in0:osc.out`,`in1:filt.out`.
3. PolyMult Connect Expression: The source identifier has an
underscore suffix. This form indicates that there will one instance of
this var for each poly instance that the source var instances is
contained by. e.g. `in:osc_.out` If `osc` is contained by an order 3
poly then statement will create and connect three instances of `in` -
`in0:osc0.out`,`in1:osc1.out` and `in2:osc2.out`.
- For an input variable to be used in either of the 'Manual' or 'PolyMult'
forms the var class desc must have the 'mult' attribute.
- If any var has an integer suffix then this is converted to it's sfx id.
- If the input var of a poly mult expression has an integer suffix then this is taken to be the
base sfx id for that poly connection. Other connections in the same statement will be
incremented from that base value. e.g `in3:osc_.out` becomes
`in3:osc0.out`,`in4:osc1.out` and `in5:osc2.out`.
- The first and last poly source instance can be indicated by specifying a
begin poly index and count before and after the source index underscore:
e.g. `in:osc3_3.out` becomes: `in0:osc3.out`,`in1:osc4.out` and `in2:osc5.out`.
- A similar scheme can be used to indicate particular source instance vars:
`in:osc.out1_2` becomes `in0:osc.out1`,`in1:osc.out2`
- It is a compile time error to have more than one input variable with the same sfx id.
'in' List Syntax and Semantics:
The 'in' list has the follow syntax:
`in: { in-stmt* }`
`in-stmt` -> `in-var-id`":" `src_expr`
`src-expr` -> `src-proc-id`"."`src-var-id`
`in-var-id` -> `var-id`
`src-proc-id` -> `var-id`
`src-var-id` -> `var-id`
`var-id` -> `label` { `label-sfx` }
`label-sfx` -> { `pri-int`} {{"_"} `sec-int` }
`pri-int` -> int
`sec-int` -> int
### `in-var-id`
- The `label` part of the `in-var-id` must match to a
var description in the input proc class description.
- If no `label-sfx` is given then no special action
need by taken at var creation time. This var will be
created by default and later connected to the source inst/var.
- (0) If the "_" is given:
+ This is an "iterating" in-stmt where multiple
input vars will be created and connected.
+ If no `pri-int` is given then the `pri-int` defaults to 0.
+ If the `pri-int` is given then it indicates that
an instance of this var should be created where
the `pri-int` becomes the sfx-id of the var instance.
+ If `sec-int` is given then it gives the
count of input vars which will be created. The
sfx-id of each new input var begins with `pri-int`
and increments for each new var.
+ (1) If no `sec-int` is given then the `sec-int` is implied by the count
of source variables indicated in the `src-expr`.
- If no "_" is given:
+ No `sec-int` can exist without a "_".
+ If a `pri-int` is given then a single
input var is created and the `pri-int`
gives the sfx-id. This single input
var is then connected to a single src var.
+ If no `pri-int` is given
then the default var is created
with kBaseSfxId and is connected
to a single source var.
### `src-proc-id`
- The `label` part of the `src-proc-id` must match to a
previously created proc instance in the current network.
- If a `label-sfx` is given then the `pri-int` gives
the sfx-id of the first proc inst to connect to.
If no `pri-int` is given then the first sfx-id
defaults to 0.
- If "_" is given:
+ This is an "iterating" src-proc and therefore
the in-var must also be iterating. See (0)
+ If a `sec-int` is given then this gives the count of
connections across multiple proc instances with
sfx-id's beginnign with `pri-int`. Note that if
`sec-int` is given then the `in-var-id` must be
iterating and NOT specify an iteration count,
as in (1) above.
+ If no `sec-int` is given then the
`sec-int` defaults to the count of
available proc instances with the given `label`
following the source proc inst `pri-int`.
- If "_" is not given then this is not an
iterating proc inst.
+ If the input var is iterating
then it must specify the iteration count or
the `src-var-id` must be iterating.
+ If the `pri-int` is given then it specifies
the sfx-id of the src-proc
+ If the `pri-int` is not given
- If the src-net is the same as the in-var net then
the sfx-id of the in-var proc is used as the src-proc sfx-id
### `src-var-id`
- The `label` part of the `in-var-id` must match to a
var description in the source proc class descriptions.
- If a `label-sfx` is given then the `pri-int` gives
the sfx-id of the first source var to connect to
on the source proc instance. If no `pri-int` is
given then the first sfx-id defaults to 0.
- If a "_" is given:
+ This is an "iterating"
source var and therefore the input var
must specifiy an iterating connection and
the source proc inst must not specify an iterating
connection. See (0) above.
+ If a `sec-int` is given then this gives the count of
connections across multiple source vars with
sfx-id's beginnign with `pri-int`. Note that if
`sec-int` is given then the `in-var-id` must be
iterating and NOT specify an iteration count,
as in (1) above.
+ If `sec-int` is given
then the `sec-int` defaults to the count of
available source vars with the given `label`
following the source var `pri-int`.
- If "_" is not given then this is not an
iterating source var. If the input var is iterating
then it must specify the iteration count or
the `src-proc-id` must be iterating.
### Notes:
- If the `in-var-id` is iterating but neither `src-proc-id`
or `src-var-id` are iterating then the `in-var-id` must
specify the iteration count and the connection will be
made to exactly one source var on the source proc inst.
- If `in-var-id` is iterating then the iterations count
must come from exactly one place:
+ the input var `sec-int`
+ the source proc `sec-int`
+ the source var `sec-int`
This means that only one literal iter count can be
given per `in-stmt`. It is a syntax error if
more than one literal iter counts are given.
- Use cases
+ connect one input to one source
+ connect multiple inputs to the same var on multiple procs
+ connect multiple inputs to multiple vars on one proc
+ connect multiple inputs to one var on one proc
Var Updates and Preset Application
Variable addresses are formed from the following parameters:
`(<proc_label><proc_label_sfx_id>)*,var_label,var_label_sfx_id, ch_idx`
In the cases of poly procs (procs with public internal networks) it
may not always be possible to know the `<proc_label_sfx_id>` without
asking for it at runtime. For example for the cross-fader control the
application must ask for the `<proc_label_sfx_id>` current or next
poly channel depending on which one it is targetting.
It is notable that any proc with an internal network has
to solve this problem. The problem is especially acute
for proc's which change the 'current' poly channel at runtime.
The alternative is to include the concept of special values
in the address (e.g. kInvalidIdx means the application isn't
sure and the network should decide how to resolve the address)
The problem with this is that the information
to make that decision may require more information than
just a simple 'special value' can encode. It also means
complicating the var set/get pipeline with 'escape' routines.
There are at least two known use cases which need to address
this issue:
1. The cross-fader: The application may wish to address
updates to the current or next poly channel but this
channel can't be determined until runtime.
- The application asks for the current or next `proc_label_sfx_id`
at runtime depending on what its interested in doing,
and sets the update address accordingly.
- Two interface objects are setup as sources for the `xfade_ctl`
object. The address of each of these objects can be
determined prior to runtime. The application then simply addresses
the object corresponding to method (direct vs deferred) it requires.
This solution is particularly appealing because it means that
presets may be completely resolved to their potential
target procs (there would be up to 'poly-count' potential targets)
prior to runtime.
As it stands now the problem with this approach is that it
does not allow for the message to be resolved to its final
destination. If the message is addressed to a proxy proc
then that proxy must mimic all the vars on the object which
it is providing an interface for. (This is actually possible
and may be a viable solution???)
One solution to this is to create a data type which is an
address/value packet. The packet would then be directed
to a router which would in turn use the value to forward
the packet to the next destination. Each router that the
packet passed through would strip off a value and
pass along the message. This is sensible since the 'value'
associated with a router is in fact another address.
2. The polyphonic sampler:
- How can voices be addressed once they are started?
+ A given note is started - how do we later address that note to turn it off?
Answer: MIDI pitch and channel - only one note may be sounding on a given MIDI pitch and channel at any one time.
- Extending ths idea to the xfader: There are two channels: current and deferred,
but which are redirected to point to 2 of the 3 physical channels .... this would
require the idea of 'redirected' networks, i.e. networks whose proc lists were
really pointers to the physical procs.
- sd_poly maintains the physical networks as it is currently implemnted.
- xfade_ctl maintains the redirected networks - requests for proc/var addresses
on the redirected networks will naturally resolve to physical networks.
- Required modifications:
+ variable getters and setters must use a variable args scheme specify the var address:
`(proc-name,proc-sfx-id)*, var-name,var-sfx-id`
Example: `xfad_ctl,0,pva,1,wnd_len,0,0`
- The first 0 is known because there is only one `xfad_ctl`.
- The 1 indicates the 'deferred' channel.
- The second 0 is known because there is only one `wnd_len` per `pva`.
- The third 0 indicates the channel index of the var.
+ the address resolver must then recognize how to follow internal networks
+ Networks must be maintained as lists of pointers to procs
rather than a linked list of physical pointers.
+ `xfade_ctl` must be instantiated after `sd_poly` and be able
to access the internal network built by `sd_poly`.
Generalizing the Addressing
Change the set/get interface to include a list of (proc-label,proc-sfx-id)
to determine the address of the var.
Note that this still requires knowing the final address in advance.
In general a router will not know how to resolve a msg to the
next destination without having a final address.
In otherwords setting 'proc-sfx-id' to kInvalidId is not
resolvable without more information.
### TODO:
- Documentation w/ examples.
- Compile presets: at load time the presets should be resolved
to the proc and vars to which they will be assigned.
- flow classes and variable should have a consistent naming style: camelCase or snake_case.
- Variable attributes should be meaningful. e.g. src,src_opt,mult,init, ....
Should we check for 'src' or 'mult' attribute on var's?
- DONE: 'poly' should be implemented as a proc-inst with an internal network - but the
elements of the network should be visible outside of it.
- 'sub' should be implemented as proc-inst with an internal network, but the
elements of the network should not be visible outside of it. Instead it should
include the idea of input and output ports which act as proxies to the physical
ports of the internal elements.
- 'poly' and 'sub' should be arbitrarily nestable.
- Reduce runtime over head for var get/set operations.
Reference in New Issue
Block a user