cwVectOps.h : Initial commit.

cwTime.h: Added elaspsedMs()
cwObject.h: Added getv_opt().
cwCommon.h: Added kInvalidStateRC
Makefile: Added use of cwWEBSOCK build variable.
cwAudioFileOps.h : Initial commit.
cwAudioFile.h : Moved some operations so cwAudioFileOps.h
cwCommonImpl.h : Removed is_int<> because has a std library implementation.
This commit is contained in:
kevin 2020-09-22 11:37:19 -04:00
parent fa33ac00c9
commit 62257d7d24
11 changed files with 1091 additions and 233 deletions

View File

@ -4,12 +4,15 @@ libcwSRC =
libcwHDR += src/libcw/cwCommon.h src/libcw/cwCommonImpl.h src/libcw/cwMem.h src/libcw/cwLog.h src/libcw/cwUtility.h
libcwSRC += src/libcw/cwCommonImpl.cpp src/libcw/cwMem.cpp src/libcw/cwLog.cpp src/libcw/cwUtility.cpp
libcwHDR += src/libcw/cwMtx.h
libcwHDR += src/libcw/cwVectOps.h src/libcw/cwMtx.h
libcwSRC += src/libcw/cwMtx.cpp
libcwHDR += src/libcw/cwFileSys.h src/libcw/cwText.h src/libcw/cwFile.h src/libcw/cwTime.h src/libcw/cwLex.h src/libcw/cwNumericConvert.h
libcwSRC += src/libcw/cwFileSys.cpp src/libcw/cwText.cpp src/libcw/cwFile.cpp src/libcw/cwTime.cpp src/libcw/cwLex.cpp
libcwHDR += src/libcw/cwLib.h
libcwSRC += src/libcw/cwLib.cpp
libcwHDR += src/libcw/cwObject.h src/libcw/cwObjectTemplate.h src/libcw/cwTextBuf.h
libcwSRC += src/libcw/cwObject.cpp src/libcw/cwTextBuf.cpp
@ -19,15 +22,19 @@ libcwSRC += src/libcw/cwThread.cpp src/libcw/cwMutex.cpp src/libcw/cwThreadMach
libcwHDR += src/libcw/cwMpScNbQueue.h src/libcw/cwSpScBuf.h src/libcw/cwSpScQueueTmpl.h
libcwSRC += src/libcw/cwSpScBuf.cpp src/libcw/cwSpScQueueTmpl.cpp
libcwHDR += src/libcw/cwSvg.h src/libcw/cwAudioFile.h
libcwSRC += src/libcw/cwSvg.cpp src/libcw/cwAudioFile.cpp
libcwHDR += src/libcw/cwSvg.h src/libcw/cwAudioFile.h src/libcw/cwAudioFileOps.h
libcwSRC += src/libcw/cwSvg.cpp src/libcw/cwAudioFile.cpp src/libcw/cwAudioFileOps.cpp
libcwHDR += src/libcw/cwWebSock.h src/libcw/cwWebSockSvr.h src/libcw/cwLib.h
libcwSRC += src/libcw/cwWebSock.cpp src/libcw/cwWebSockSvr.cpp src/libcw/cwLib.cpp
libcwHDR += src/libcw/cwWebSock.h src/libcw/cwWebSockSvr.h
libcwSRC += src/libcw/cwWebSock.cpp src/libcw/cwWebSockSvr.cpp
libcwHDR += src/libcw/cwUiDecls.h src/libcw/cwUi.h src/libcw/cwUiTest.h
libcwSRC += src/libcw/cwUi.cpp src/libcw/cwUiTest.cpp
libcwHDR += src/libcw/cwSerialPortDecls.h src/libcw/cwSerialPort.h src/libcw/cwSerialPortSrv.h
libcwSRC += src/libcw/cwSerialPort.cpp src/libcw/cwSerialPortSrv.cpp
@ -43,13 +50,14 @@ libcwSRC += src/libcw/cwAudioBuf.cpp
libcwHDR += src/libcw/cwSocketDecls.h src/libcw/cwSocket.h
libcwSRC += src/libcw/cwSocket.cpp
libcwHDR += src/libcw/cwIo.h src/libcw/cwIoTest.h
libcwSRC += src/libcw/cwIo.cpp src/libcw/cwIoTest.cpp
libcwHDR += src/libcw/cwTcpSocket.h src/libcw/cwTcpSocketSrv.h src/libcw/cwTcpSocketTest.h
libcwSRC += src/libcw/cwTcpSocket.cpp src/libcw/cwTcpSocketSrv.cpp src/libcw/cwTcpSocketTest.cpp
libcwHDR += src/libcw/cwIo.h src/libcw/cwIoTest.h
libcwSRC += src/libcw/cwIo.cpp src/libcw/cwIoTest.cpp
libcwHDR += src/libcw/cwMdns.h src/libcw/cwEuCon.h src/libcw/cwDnsSd.h src/libcw/dns_sd/dns_sd.h src/libcw/dns_sd/dns_sd_print.h src/libcw/dns_sd/dns_sd_const.h src/libcw/dns_sd/fader.h src/libcw/dns_sd/rpt.h
libcwSRC += src/libcw/cwMdns.cpp src/libcw/cwEuCon.cpp src/libcw/cwDnsSd.cpp src/libcw/dns_sd/dns_sd.cpp src/libcw/dns_sd/dns_sd_print.cpp src/libcw/dns_sd/fader.cpp src/libcw/dns_sd/rpt.cpp

View File

@ -1108,23 +1108,6 @@ namespace cw
rc_t _testSine( const object_t* cfg )
rc_t rc;
double srate, hz, gain, secs;
unsigned bits;
const char* fn = nullptr;
if((rc = cfg->getv("fn",fn,"srate",srate,"bits",bits,"hz",hz,"gain",gain,"secs",secs)) != kOkRC )
return cwLogError(kSyntaxErrorRC,"Invalid parameter to audio file sine test.");
char* afn = filesys::expandPath(fn);
rc = sine( afn, srate, bits, hz, gain, secs );
return rc;
rc_t _testReport( const object_t* cfg )
rc_t rc = kOkRC;
@ -1725,176 +1708,6 @@ cw::rc_t cw::audiofile::setSrate( const char* fn, unsigned srate )
return rc;
cw::rc_t cw::audiofile::sine( const char* fn, double srate, unsigned bits, double hz, double gain, double secs )
rc_t rc = kOkRC;
unsigned bN = srate * secs;
float* b = mem::alloc<float>(bN);
unsigned chCnt = 1;
unsigned i;
for(i=0; i<bN; ++i)
b[i] = gain * sin(2.0*M_PI*hz*i/srate);
if((rc = writeFileFloat(fn, srate, bits, bN, chCnt, &b)) != kOkRC)
return rc;
return rc;
cw::rc_t cw::audiofile::mix( const char* fnV[], const float* gainV, unsigned srcN, const char* outFn, unsigned outBits )
rc_t rc = kOkRC;
if( srcN == 0 )
return rc;
unsigned maxFrmN = 0;
unsigned maxChN = 0;
double srate = 0;
handle_t hV[ srcN ];
handle_t oH;
// open each source file and determine the output file audio format
for(unsigned i=0; i<srcN; ++i)
info_t info;
if((rc = open( hV[i], fnV[i], &info )) != kOkRC )
rc = cwLogError(kOpFailRC,"Unable to open the audio mix source file '%s'.", fnV[i] );
goto errLabel;
if( srate == 0 )
srate = info.srate;
if( srate != info.srate )
rc = cwLogError(kInvalidArgRC,"The sample rate (%f) of '%s' does not match the sample rate (%f) of '%s'.", info.srate, fnV[i], srate, fnV[0] );
goto errLabel;
if( maxFrmN < info.frameCnt )
maxFrmN = info.frameCnt;
if( maxChN < info.chCnt )
maxChN = info.chCnt;
// create the output file
if((rc = create( oH, outFn, srate, outBits, maxChN)) != kOkRC )
goto errLabel;
const unsigned kBufFrmN = 1024;
float ibuf[ maxChN * kBufFrmN ];
float obuf[ maxChN * kBufFrmN ];
float* iChBuf[ maxChN ];
float* oChBuf[ maxChN ];
// setup the in/out channel buffers
for(unsigned i=0; i<maxChN; ++i)
iChBuf[i] = ibuf + (i*kBufFrmN);
oChBuf[i] = obuf + (i*kBufFrmN);
// for each frame
for(unsigned frmIdx=0; frmIdx < maxFrmN; frmIdx += kBufFrmN )
// zero the mix buf
unsigned maxActualFrmN = 0;
// for each source
for(unsigned i=0; i<srcN; ++i)
unsigned actualFrmN = 0;
// read a buffer of audio from the ith source.
if((rc = readFloat( hV[i], kBufFrmN, 0, channelCount(hV[i]), iChBuf, &actualFrmN)) != kOkRC )
rc = cwLogError(kOpFailRC,"Read failed on source '%s'.", name(hV[i]));
goto errLabel;
// mix the input buffer into the output buffer
for(unsigned j=0; j<channelCount(hV[i]); ++j)
for(unsigned k=0; k<actualFrmN; ++k)
oChBuf[j][k] += gainV[i] * iChBuf[j][k];
// track the max. count of samples actually read for this buffer cycle
if( actualFrmN > maxActualFrmN )
maxActualFrmN = actualFrmN;
// write the mixed output buffer
if((rc = writeFloat(oH, maxActualFrmN, maxChN, oChBuf )) != kOkRC )
rc = cwLogError(kOpFailRC,"Write failed on output file '%s'.", outFn );
goto errLabel;
if( rc != kOkRC )
cwLogError(kOpFailRC,"Mix failed.");
// close the source audio files
for(unsigned i=0; i<srcN; ++i)
close(oH); // close the output file
return rc;
cw::rc_t cw::audiofile::mix( const object_t* cfg )
rc_t rc = kOkRC;
const object_t* srcL = nullptr;
const char* oFn = nullptr;
unsigned outBits = 16;
// read the top level cfg record
if((rc = cfg->getv("outFn",oFn,"outBits",outBits,"srcL",srcL)) != kOkRC )
goto errLabel;
char* outFn = filesys::expandPath(oFn);
unsigned srcN = srcL->child_count();
const char* fnV[ srcN ];
float gainV[ srcN ];
// read each source record
for(unsigned i=0; i<srcN; ++i)
const char* fn = nullptr;
if((rc = srcL->child_ele(i)->getv("gain",gainV[i],"src",fn)) != kOkRC )
rc = cwLogError(kSyntaxErrorRC,"Mix source index %i syntax error.");
fnV[i] = filesys::expandPath(fn);
if( rc == kOkRC )
rc = mix( fnV, gainV, srcN, outFn, outBits);
for(unsigned i=0; i<srcN; ++i)
return rc;
/// [example]
@ -1905,9 +1718,6 @@ cw::rc_t cw::audiofile::test( const object_t* cfg )
rc_t rc = kOkRC;
const object_t* o;
if((o = cfg->find("sine")) != nullptr )
rc = _testSine(o);
if((o = cfg->find("rpt")) != nullptr )
rc = _testReport(o);

View File

@ -165,13 +165,6 @@ namespace cw
// signal it simply changes the value of the sample rate in the header.
rc_t setSrate( const char* audioFn, unsigned srate );
// Generate a sine tone and write it to a file.
rc_t sine( const char* fn, double srate, unsigned bits, double hz, double gain, double secs );
// Mix a set of audio files.
rc_t mix( const char* fnV[], const float* gainV, unsigned srcN, const char* outFn, unsigned outBits );
rc_t mix( const object_t* cfg );
// Testing and example routine for functions in .h.
// Also see cmProcTest.c readWriteTest()
rc_t test( const object_t* cfg );

cwAudioFileOps.cpp Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,722 @@
#include "cwCommon.h"
#include "cwLog.h"
#include "cwCommonImpl.h"
#include "cwMem.h"
#include "cwFile.h"
#include "cwObject.h"
#include "cwAudioFile.h"
#include "cwUtility.h"
#include "cwFileSys.h"
#include "cwAudioFileOps.h"
cw::rc_t cw::afop::sine( const char* fn, double srate, unsigned bits, double hz, double gain, double secs )
rc_t rc = kOkRC;
unsigned bN = srate * secs;
float* b = mem::alloc<float>(bN);
unsigned chCnt = 1;
unsigned i;
for(i=0; i<bN; ++i)
b[i] = gain * sin(2.0*M_PI*hz*i/srate);
if((rc = audiofile::writeFileFloat(fn, srate, bits, bN, chCnt, &b)) != kOkRC)
return rc;
return rc;
cw::rc_t cw::afop::sine( const object_t* cfg )
rc_t rc;
double srate, hz, gain, secs;
unsigned bits;
const char* fn = nullptr;
if((rc = cfg->getv("fn",fn,"srate",srate,"bits",bits,"hz",hz,"gain",gain,"secs",secs)) != kOkRC )
return cwLogError(kSyntaxErrorRC,"Invalid parameter to audio file sine test.");
char* afn = filesys::expandPath(fn);
rc = sine( afn, srate, bits, hz, gain, secs );
return rc;
cw::rc_t cw::afop::mix( const char* fnV[], const float* gainV, unsigned srcN, const char* outFn, unsigned outBits )
rc_t rc = kOkRC;
if( srcN == 0 )
return rc;
unsigned maxFrmN = 0;
unsigned maxChN = 0;
double srate = 0;
audiofile::handle_t hV[ srcN ];
audiofile::handle_t oH;
// open each source file and determine the output file audio format
for(unsigned i=0; i<srcN; ++i)
audiofile::info_t info;
if((rc = audiofile::open( hV[i], fnV[i], &info )) != kOkRC )
rc = cwLogError(kOpFailRC,"Unable to open the audio mix source file '%s'.", fnV[i] );
goto errLabel;
if( srate == 0 )
srate = info.srate;
if( srate != info.srate )
rc = cwLogError(kInvalidArgRC,"The sample rate (%f) of '%s' does not match the sample rate (%f) of '%s'.", info.srate, fnV[i], srate, fnV[0] );
goto errLabel;
if( maxFrmN < info.frameCnt )
maxFrmN = info.frameCnt;
if( maxChN < info.chCnt )
maxChN = info.chCnt;
// create the output file
if((rc = audiofile::create( oH, outFn, srate, outBits, maxChN)) != kOkRC )
goto errLabel;
const unsigned kBufFrmN = 1024;
float ibuf[ maxChN * kBufFrmN ];
float obuf[ maxChN * kBufFrmN ];
float* iChBuf[ maxChN ];
float* oChBuf[ maxChN ];
// setup the in/out channel buffers
for(unsigned i=0; i<maxChN; ++i)
iChBuf[i] = ibuf + (i*kBufFrmN);
oChBuf[i] = obuf + (i*kBufFrmN);
// for each frame
for(unsigned frmIdx=0; frmIdx < maxFrmN; frmIdx += kBufFrmN )
// zero the mix buf
unsigned maxActualFrmN = 0;
// for each source
for(unsigned i=0; i<srcN; ++i)
unsigned actualFrmN = 0;
// read a buffer of audio from the ith source.
if((rc = audiofile::readFloat( hV[i], kBufFrmN, 0, channelCount(hV[i]), iChBuf, &actualFrmN)) != kOkRC )
rc = cwLogError(kOpFailRC,"Read failed on source '%s'.", name(hV[i]));
goto errLabel;
// mix the input buffer into the output buffer
for(unsigned j=0; j<channelCount(hV[i]); ++j)
for(unsigned k=0; k<actualFrmN; ++k)
oChBuf[j][k] += gainV[i] * iChBuf[j][k];
// track the max. count of samples actually read for this buffer cycle
if( actualFrmN > maxActualFrmN )
maxActualFrmN = actualFrmN;
// write the mixed output buffer
if((rc = audiofile::writeFloat(oH, maxActualFrmN, maxChN, oChBuf )) != kOkRC )
rc = cwLogError(kOpFailRC,"Write failed on output file '%s'.", outFn );
goto errLabel;
if( rc != kOkRC )
cwLogError(kOpFailRC,"Mix failed.");
// close the source audio files
for(unsigned i=0; i<srcN; ++i)
audiofile::close(oH); // close the output file
return rc;
cw::rc_t cw::afop::mix( const object_t* cfg )
rc_t rc = kOkRC;
const object_t* srcL = nullptr;
const char* oFn = nullptr;
unsigned outBits = 16;
// read the top level cfg record
if((rc = cfg->getv("outFn",oFn,"outBits",outBits,"srcL",srcL)) != kOkRC )
goto errLabel;
char* outFn = filesys::expandPath(oFn);
unsigned srcN = srcL->child_count();
const char* fnV[ srcN ];
float gainV[ srcN ];
// read each source record
for(unsigned i=0; i<srcN; ++i)
const char* fn = nullptr;
if((rc = srcL->child_ele(i)->getv("gain",gainV[i],"src",fn)) != kOkRC )
rc = cwLogError(kSyntaxErrorRC,"Mix source index %i syntax error.");
fnV[i] = filesys::expandPath(fn);
if( rc == kOkRC )
rc = mix( fnV, gainV, srcN, outFn, outBits);
for(unsigned i=0; i<srcN; ++i)
return rc;
cw::rc_t cw::afop::selectToFile( const char* srcFn, double begSec, double endSec, unsigned outBits, const char* outDir, const char* outFn )
rc_t rc = kOkRC;
char* iFn = filesys::expandPath(srcFn);
char* dstDir = filesys::expandPath(outDir);
char* oFn = filesys::makeFn( dstDir, outFn, nullptr, nullptr );
audiofile::info_t info;
audiofile::handle_t iH;
audiofile::handle_t oH;
// open the source file
if((rc = audiofile::open( iH, iFn, &info )) != kOkRC )
goto errLabel;
if( begSec >= endSec )
rc = cwLogError(kInvalidArgRC,"Invalid time selection. Begin time (%f) is greater than end time (%f). ", begSec, endSec );
goto errLabel;
// create the output file
if((rc = audiofile::create( oH, oFn, info.srate, outBits, info.chCnt)) != kOkRC )
goto errLabel;
unsigned begFrmIdx = (unsigned)floor(begSec * info.srate);
unsigned endFrmIdx = endSec==-1 ? info.frameCnt : (unsigned)floor(endSec * info.srate);
unsigned ttlFrmN = endFrmIdx - begFrmIdx;
unsigned actualBufFrmN = 0;
const unsigned bufFrmN = 8196; // read/write buffer size
float buf[ bufFrmN*info.chCnt ];
float* chBuf[ info.chCnt ];
// set up the read/write channel buffer
for(unsigned i = 0; i<info.chCnt; ++i)
chBuf[i] = buf + i*bufFrmN;
// seek to first frame
if((rc = audiofile::seek(iH,begFrmIdx)) != kOkRC )
goto errLabel;
// for each read/write buffer in the selected region
for(unsigned curFrmN=0; curFrmN<ttlFrmN; curFrmN += actualBufFrmN )
// read a buffer of audio from the source.
if((rc = audiofile::readFloat( iH, bufFrmN, 0, info.chCnt, chBuf, &actualBufFrmN)) != kOkRC )
rc = cwLogError(kOpFailRC,"Read failed on source '%s'.", iFn );
goto errLabel;
// if this buffer would write more frames than the total frame count
// then decrease the count of samples in chBuf[]
if( curFrmN + actualBufFrmN > ttlFrmN )
actualBufFrmN -= ttlFrmN - curFrmN;
// write the buffer to the output file
if((rc = audiofile::writeFloat(oH, actualBufFrmN, info.chCnt, chBuf )) != kOkRC )
rc = cwLogError(kOpFailRC,"Write failed on output file '%s'.", oFn );
goto errLabel;
if( rc != kOkRC )
cwLogError(rc,"selectToFile failed.");
return rc;
cw::rc_t cw::afop::selectToFile( const object_t* cfg )
rc_t rc = kOkRC;
const object_t* selectL = nullptr;
const char* oDir = nullptr;
unsigned outBits = 16;
// read the top level cfg record
if((rc = cfg->getv("outDir",oDir,"outBits",outBits,"selectL",selectL)) != kOkRC )
goto errLabel;
unsigned selN = selectL->child_count();
for(unsigned i=0; i<selN; ++i)
double begSec = 0;
double endSec = -1;
const char* dstFn = nullptr;
const char* srcFn = nullptr;
if((rc = selectL->child_ele(i)->getv("begSec",begSec,"endSec",endSec,"dst",dstFn, "src",srcFn)) != kOkRC )
rc = cwLogError(kSyntaxErrorRC,"'Select to file' index %i syntax error.");
goto errLabel;
if((rc = selectToFile( srcFn, begSec, endSec, outBits, oDir, dstFn )) != kOkRC )
goto errLabel;
return rc;
namespace cw
namespace afop
typedef struct _cutMixArg_str
const cutMixArg_t* arg;
char* srcFn;
unsigned srcFrmIdx;
unsigned srcFrmN;
unsigned srcFadeInFrmN;
unsigned srcFadeOutFrmN;
unsigned dstFrmIdx;
audiofile::handle_t afH;
audiofile::info_t afInfo;
} _cutMixArg_t;
rc_t _cutAndMixOpen( const char* srcDir, const cutMixArg_t* argL, _cutMixArg_t* xArgL, unsigned argN, unsigned& chN_Ref, double& srate_Ref, unsigned& dstFrmN_Ref, unsigned& maxSrcFrmN_Ref )
rc_t rc = kOkRC;
maxSrcFrmN_Ref = 0;
chN_Ref = 0;
for(unsigned i = 0; i<argN; ++i)
// create the source audio file name
xArgL[i].srcFn = filesys::makeFn(srcDir, argL[i].srcFn, NULL, NULL);
// get the audio file info
if((rc = audiofile::open( xArgL[i].afH, xArgL[i].srcFn, &xArgL[i].afInfo )) != kOkRC )
rc = cwLogError(rc, "Unable to obtain info for the source audio file: '%s'.", cwStringNullGuard(xArgL[i].srcFn));
goto errLabel;
// get the system sample rate from the first file
if( i == 0 )
srate_Ref = xArgL[i].afInfo.srate;
// if the file sample rate does not match the system sample rate
if( srate_Ref != xArgL[i].afInfo.srate )
rc = cwLogError(kInvalidArgRC,"'%s' sample rate %f does not match the system sample rate %f.", xArgL[i].srcFn, xArgL[i].afInfo.srate, srate_Ref );
goto errLabel;
// verify the source file begin/end time
if( argL[i].srcBegSec > argL[i].srcEndSec )
rc = cwLogError(kInvalidArgRC,"The end time is prior to the begin time on source file '%s'.", xArgL[i].srcFn);
goto errLabel;
xArgL[i].arg = argL + i;
xArgL[i].srcFrmIdx = floor(argL[i].srcBegSec * srate_Ref);
xArgL[i].srcFrmN = floor(argL[i].srcEndSec * srate_Ref) - xArgL[i].srcFrmIdx;
xArgL[i].srcFadeInFrmN = floor(argL[i].srcBegFadeSec * srate_Ref);
xArgL[i].srcFadeOutFrmN = floor(argL[i].srcEndFadeSec * srate_Ref);
xArgL[i].dstFrmIdx = floor(argL[i].dstBegSec * srate_Ref);
chN_Ref = std::max( chN_Ref, xArgL[i].afInfo.chCnt );
maxSrcFrmN_Ref = std::max( maxSrcFrmN_Ref, xArgL[i].srcFrmN );
dstFrmN_Ref = std::max( dstFrmN_Ref, xArgL[i].dstFrmIdx + xArgL[i].srcFrmN );
return rc;
rc_t _cutAndMixClose( _cutMixArg_t* xArgL, unsigned argN )
rc_t rc = kOkRC;
for(unsigned i = 0; i<argN; ++i)
if((rc = audiofile::close( xArgL[i].afH )) != kOkRC )
rc = cwLogError(kOpFailRC,"'%s' file closed.", xArgL[i].srcFn );
goto errLabel;
mem::release( xArgL[i].srcFn );
return rc;
enum { kLinearFadeFl = 0x01, kEqualPowerFadeFl=0x02, kFadeInFl=0x04, kFadeOutFl=0x08 };
void _fadeOneChannel( float* xV, unsigned frmN, unsigned fadeFrmN, unsigned flags )
int i0,d,offs;
if( cwIsFlag(flags,kFadeInFl ) )
// count forward
i0 = 0;
d = 1;
offs = 0;
// count backward
i0 = (int)fadeFrmN;
d = -1;
offs = frmN-fadeFrmN;
// do a linear fade
if( cwIsFlag(flags,kLinearFadeFl) )
for(int i = i0,j=0; j<(int)fadeFrmN; i+=d,++j )
assert(0 <= offs+j && offs+j < (int)frmN );
xV[offs+j] *= ((float)i) / fadeFrmN;
else // do an equal power fade
for(int i = i0,j=0; j<(int)fadeFrmN; i+=d,++j )
assert(0 <= offs+j && offs+j < (int)frmN );
xV[offs+j] *= std::sqrt(((float)i) / fadeFrmN);
void _fadeAllChannels( float* chBufL[], unsigned chN, unsigned frmN, unsigned fadeFrmN, unsigned flags )
fadeFrmN = std::min(frmN,fadeFrmN);
for(unsigned i=0; i<chN; ++i)
cw::rc_t cw::afop::cutAndMix( const char* dstFn, unsigned dstBits, const char* srcDir, const cutMixArg_t* argL, unsigned argN )
rc_t rc = kOkRC;
unsigned dstChN = 0;
double dstSrate = 0;
unsigned dstFrmN = 0;
unsigned maxSrcFrmN = 0;
float* dstV = nullptr;
float* srcV = nullptr;
_cutMixArg_t xArgL[ argN ];
// open each of the source files
if((rc = _cutAndMixOpen( srcDir, argL, xArgL, argN, dstChN, dstSrate, dstFrmN, maxSrcFrmN )) != kOkRC )
goto errLabel;
float* dstChBufL[ dstChN ];
float* srcChBufL[ dstChN ];
dstV = mem::allocZ<float>(dstFrmN*dstChN); // output signal buffer
srcV = mem::alloc<float>(maxSrcFrmN*dstChN); // source signal buffer
// create the src read buffer
for(unsigned i=0; i<dstChN; ++i)
dstChBufL[i] = dstV + (i*dstFrmN);
srcChBufL[i] = srcV + (i*maxSrcFrmN);
// for each source file
for(unsigned i = 0; i<argN; ++i)
unsigned chIdx = 0;
unsigned actualFrmN = 0;
unsigned srcFrmN = xArgL[i].srcFrmN;
unsigned srcChN = xArgL[i].afInfo.chCnt;
// read the source segment
if((rc = audiofile::getFloat( xArgL[i].srcFn, xArgL[i].srcFrmIdx, srcFrmN, chIdx, srcChN, srcChBufL, &actualFrmN, nullptr)) != kOkRC )
cwLogError(rc,"Read source file '%s'.", xArgL[i].srcFn );
goto errLabel;
srcFrmN = std::min( srcFrmN, actualFrmN ); // Track the true size of the source buffer.
// Apply the fade in and out functions.
_fadeAllChannels(srcChBufL, srcChN, srcFrmN, xArgL[i].srcFadeInFrmN, kFadeInFl | kLinearFadeFl );
_fadeAllChannels(srcChBufL, srcChN, srcFrmN, xArgL[i].srcFadeOutFrmN, kFadeOutFl | kLinearFadeFl );
// sum into the source signal into the output buffer
for(unsigned j = 0; j<srcChN; ++j)
for(unsigned k = 0; k<srcFrmN; ++k)
assert( xArgL[i].dstFrmIdx + k < dstFrmN );
dstChBufL[j][ xArgL[i].dstFrmIdx + k ] += srcChBufL[j][k];
// write the output file
if((rc = audiofile::writeFileFloat( dstFn, dstSrate, dstBits, dstFrmN, dstChN, dstChBufL)) != kOkRC )
cwLogError(rc,"Output file ('%s') write failed.", cwStringNullGuard(dstFn));
goto errLabel;
_cutAndMixClose( xArgL, argN );
if( rc != kOkRC )
cwLogError(rc,"Cross-fade failed.");
return rc;
cw::rc_t cw::afop::cutAndMix( const object_t* cfg )
rc_t rc = kOkRC;
const char* srcDir = nullptr;
const char* dstFn = nullptr;
unsigned dstBits = 16;
char* afSrcDir = nullptr;
char* afDstFn = nullptr;
double crossFadeSec = 0;
const object_t* argNodeL = nullptr;
unsigned i;
// read the top level cfg record
if((rc = cfg->getv("dstFn",dstFn,"dstBits",dstBits,"srcDir",srcDir,"crossFadeSec",crossFadeSec,"argL",argNodeL)) != kOkRC )
goto errLabel;
if( argNodeL == nullptr )
rc = cwLogError(kInvalidArgRC,"No crossfades were specified.");
unsigned argN = argNodeL->child_count();
cutMixArg_t argL[ argN ];
printf("cm: %s %s %f\n",dstFn,srcDir,crossFadeSec);
// for each source file
for(i=0; i<argNodeL->child_count(); ++i)
const object_t* o = argNodeL->child_ele(i);
// parse the non-optional parameters
if((rc = o->getv("srcBegSec", argL[i].srcBegSec, "srcEndSec", argL[i].srcEndSec, "srcFn", argL[i].srcFn )) != kOkRC )
rc = cwLogError(kInvalidArgRC,"Invalid crossfade argument at argument index %i.",i);
argL[i].dstBegSec = argL[i].srcBegSec; // By default the src is moved to the same location
argL[i].srcBegFadeSec = crossFadeSec; // By default the beg/end fade is the global fade time.
argL[i].srcEndFadeSec = crossFadeSec;
// parse the optional parameters
if((rc = o->getv_opt("dstBegSec", argL[i].dstBegSec, "srcBegFadeSec", argL[i].srcBegFadeSec, "srcEndFadeSec", argL[i].srcEndFadeSec )) != kOkRC )
rc = cwLogError(kInvalidArgRC,"Invalid crossfade optional argument at argument index %i.",i);
printf("cm beg:%f end:%f dst:%f %s\n", argL[i].srcBegSec, argL[i].srcEndSec, argL[i].dstBegSec, argL[i].srcFn );
afSrcDir = filesys::expandPath(srcDir);
afDstFn = filesys::expandPath(dstFn);
// call cross-fader
if((rc = cutAndMix( afDstFn, dstBits, afSrcDir, argL, argN )) != kOkRC )
rc = cwLogError(rc,"");
goto errLabel;
if( rc != kOkRC )
rc = cwLogError(rc,"Cut and mix failed.");
return rc;
cw::rc_t cw::afop::parallelMix( const char* dstFn, unsigned dstBits, const char* srcDir, const parallelMixArg_t* argL, unsigned argN )
cutMixArg_t cmArgL[ argN ];
double fadeInSec = 0;
double dstBegSec = 0;
for(unsigned i=0; i<argN; ++i)
cmArgL[i].srcFn = argL[i].srcFn;
cmArgL[i].srcBegSec = argL[i].srcBegSec;
cmArgL[i].srcEndSec = argL[i].srcEndSec + argL[i].fadeOutSec;
cmArgL[i].srcBegFadeSec = fadeInSec;
cmArgL[i].srcEndFadeSec = argL[i].fadeOutSec;
cmArgL[i].dstBegSec = dstBegSec;
dstBegSec += argL[i].srcEndSec - argL[i].srcBegSec;
fadeInSec = argL[i].fadeOutSec;
return cutAndMix( dstFn, dstBits, srcDir, cmArgL, argN );
cw::rc_t cw::afop::parallelMix( const object_t* cfg )
rc_t rc = kOkRC;
const char* srcDir = nullptr;
const char* dstFn = nullptr;
unsigned dstBits = 16;
char* afSrcDir = nullptr;
char* afDstFn = nullptr;
const object_t* argNodeL = nullptr;
unsigned i;
// read the top level cfg record
if((rc = cfg->getv("dstFn",dstFn,"dstBits",dstBits,"srcDir",srcDir,"argL",argNodeL)) != kOkRC )
goto errLabel;
if( argNodeL == nullptr )
rc = cwLogError(kInvalidArgRC,"No crossfades were specified.");
unsigned argN = argNodeL->child_count();
parallelMixArg_t argL[ argN ];
printf("%s %s\n",dstFn,srcDir);
// for each source file
for(i=0; i<argNodeL->child_count(); ++i)
const object_t* o = argNodeL->child_ele(i);
// parse the non-optional parameters
if((rc = o->getv("srcBegSec", argL[i].srcBegSec, "srcEndSec", argL[i].srcEndSec, "fadeOutSec", argL[i].fadeOutSec, "srcFn", argL[i].srcFn )) != kOkRC )
rc = cwLogError(kInvalidArgRC,"Invalid crossfade argument at argument index %i.",i);
// parse the optional parameters
if((rc = o->getv_opt("dstBegSec", argL[i].dstBegSec, "srcBegFadeSec", argL[i].srcBegFadeSec, "srcEndFadeSec", argL[i].srcEndFadeSec )) != kOkRC )
rc = cwLogError(kInvalidArgRC,"Invalid crossfade optional argument at argument index %i.",i);
printf("beg:%f end:%f dst:%f %s\n", argL[i].srcBegSec, argL[i].srcEndSec, argL[i].fadeOutSec, argL[i].srcFn );
afSrcDir = filesys::expandPath(srcDir);
afDstFn = filesys::expandPath(dstFn);
// call cross-fader
if((rc = parallelMix( afDstFn, dstBits, afSrcDir, argL, argN )) != kOkRC )
rc = cwLogError(rc,"Parallel mix failed.");
goto errLabel;
if( rc != kOkRC )
rc = cwLogError(rc,"Crossfade failed.");
return rc;
cw::rc_t cw::afop::test( const object_t* cfg )
rc_t rc = kOkRC;
const object_t* o;
if((o = cfg->find("sine")) != nullptr )
rc = sine(o);
return rc;

cwAudioFileOps.h Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,52 @@
#ifndef cwAudioFileOps_h
#define cwAudioFileOps_h
namespace cw
namespace afop
// Generate a sine tone and write it to a file.
rc_t sine( const char* fn, double srate, unsigned bits, double hz, double gain, double secs );
rc_t sine( const object_t* cfg );
// Mix a set of audio files.
rc_t mix( const char* fnV[], const float* gainV, unsigned srcN, const char* outFn, unsigned outBits );
rc_t mix( const object_t* cfg );
// Copy a time selection to an audio output file.
rc_t selectToFile( const char* srcFn, double begSec, double endSec, unsigned outBits, const char* outDir, const char* outFn );
rc_t selectToFile( const object_t* cfg );
// Cross fader
typedef struct {
const char* srcFn; // source audio file name
double srcBegSec; // source clip begin
double srcEndSec; // source clip end
double srcBegFadeSec; // length of fade in (fade begins at srcBegSec and ends at srcBegSec+srcBegFadeSec)
double srcEndFadeSec; // length of fade out (fade begins at srcEndSec-srcEndFadeSec and ends at srcEndSec)
double dstBegSec; // clip output location
} cutMixArg_t;
rc_t cutAndMix( const char* outFn, unsigned outBits, const char* srcDir, const cutMixArg_t* argL, unsigned argN );
rc_t cutAndMix( const object_t* cfg );
typedef struct
const char* srcFn;
double srcBegSec;
double srcEndSec;
double fadeOutSec;
} parallelMixArg_t;
rc_t parallelMix( const char* dstFn, unsigned dstBits, const char* srcDir, const parallelMixArg_t* argL, unsigned argN );
rc_t parallelMix( const object_t* cfg );
rc_t test( const object_t* cfg );

View File

@ -44,7 +44,8 @@ namespace cw
kInvalidDataTypeRC, // 25
kFileNotFoundRC, // 26
kTestFailRC, // 27
kBaseAppRC // 28
kInvalidStateRC, // 28
kBaseAppRC // 29
} cwRC_t;
typedef unsigned rc_t;

View File

@ -139,18 +139,6 @@ namespace cw
template< typename T>
bool is_int(const T& x)
{ return false; }
template<> inline bool is_int<signed char>( const signed char& x ) { return true; }
template<> inline bool is_int<unsigned char>( const unsigned char& x ) { return true; }
template<> inline bool is_int<signed short>( const signed short& x ) { return true; }
template<> inline bool is_int<unsigned short>( const unsigned short& x ) { return true; }
template<> inline bool is_int<signed long>( const signed long& x ) { return true; }
template<> inline bool is_int<unsigned long>( const unsigned long& x ) { return true; }
template<> inline bool is_int<signed long long>( const signed long long& x ) { return true; }
template<> inline bool is_int<unsigned long long>( const unsigned long long& x ) { return true; }

View File

@ -151,8 +151,8 @@ namespace cw
const struct object_str* child_ele( unsigned idx ) const;
struct object_str* child_ele( unsigned idx );
// Set flag 'kNoRecurseFl' to no recurse into the object in search of the value.
// Set flag 'kOptional' if the label is optional and may not exist.
// Set flag 'kNoRecurseFl' to not recurse into the object in search of the value.
// Set flag 'kOptionalFl' if the label is optional and may not exist.
template< typename T >
rc_t get( const char* label, T& v, unsigned flags=0 ) const
@ -168,20 +168,32 @@ namespace cw
return o->value(v);
rc_t getv() const { return kOkRC; }
rc_t _getv(unsigned flags) const { return kOkRC; }
// getv("label0",v0,"label1",v1, ... )
template< typename T0, typename T1, typename... ARGS >
rc_t _getv( unsigned flags, T0 label, T1& valRef, ARGS&&... args ) const
rc_t rc = get(label,valRef,flags);
// if no error occurred ....
if( rc == kOkRC || (rc == kLabelNotFoundRC && cwIsFlag(flags,kOptionalFl)))
rc = _getv(flags, std::forward<ARGS>(args)...); // ... recurse
rc = cwLogError(rc,"object parse failed for the pair label:'%s'.",cwStringNullGuard(label));
return rc;
// getv("label0",v0,"label1",v1, ... )
template< typename T0, typename T1, typename... ARGS >
rc_t getv( T0 label, T1& valRef, ARGS&&... args ) const
rc_t rc;
{ return _getv(0,label,valRef,args...); }
if((rc = get(label,valRef)) == kOkRC )
if((rc = getv(std::forward<ARGS>(args)...)) != kOkRC )
cwLogError(rc,"getv() failed for the pair label:'%s'.",cwStringNullGuard(label));
return rc;
// getv("label0",v0,"label1",v1, ... ) where all values are optional
template< typename T0, typename T1, typename... ARGS >
rc_t getv_opt( T0 label, T1& valRef, ARGS&&... args ) const
{ return _getv(kOptionalFl,label,valRef,args...); }
template< typename T >
struct object_str* insertPair( const char* label, const T& v )

View File

@ -61,9 +61,22 @@ unsigned cw::time::elapsedMicros( const spec_t& t0, const spec_t& t1 )
return u1 - u0;
unsigned cw::time::elapsedMicros( const spec_t& t0 )
spec_t t1;
return elapsedMicros(t0,t1);
unsigned cw::time::elapsedMs( const spec_t& t0, const spec_t& t1 )
{ return elapsedMicros(t0,t1)/1000; }
unsigned cw::time::elapsedMs( const spec_t& t0 )
spec_t t1;
return elapsedMs(t0,t1);
unsigned cw::time::absElapsedMicros( const spec_t& t0, const spec_t& t1 )

View File

@ -24,9 +24,11 @@ namespace cw
// Return the elapsed time (t1 - t0) in microseconds
// t1 is assumed to be at a later time than t0.
unsigned elapsedMicros( const spec_t& t0, const spec_t& t1 );
unsigned elapsedMicros( const spec_t& t0 );
// Wrapper on elapsedMicros()
unsigned elapsedMs( const spec_t& t0, const spec_t& t1 );
unsigned elapsedMs( const spec_t& t0 );
// Same as elapsedMicros() but the times are not assumed to be ordered.
// The function therefore begins by swapping t1 and t0 if t0 is after t1.

cwVectOps.h Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,257 @@
#ifndef cwVectOps_h
#define cwVectOps_h
namespace cw
namespace vop
template< typename T0 >
void print( const T0* v0, unsigned n, const char* fmt, const char* label=nullptr )
if( label != nullptr )
printf("%s : ",label);
for(unsigned i=0; i<n; ++i)
template< typename T0, typename T1 >
bool is_equal( const T0* v0, const T1* v1, unsigned n )
for(unsigned i=0; i<n; ++i)
if( v0[i] != v1[i] )
return false;
return true;
template< typename T0, typename T1 >
void copy( T0* v0, const T1* v1, unsigned n )
for(unsigned i=0; i<n; ++i)
v0[i] = v1[i];
template< typename T0, typename T1 >
void fill( T0* v, unsigned n, const T1& value=0 )
for(unsigned i=0; i<n; ++i)
v[i] = value;
template< typename T >
void zero( T* v, unsigned n )
{ fill(v,n,0); }
template< typename T >
unsigned arg_max( const T* v, unsigned n )
if( n == 0 )
return kInvalidIdx;
unsigned mi = 0;
for(unsigned i=1; i<n; ++i)
if( v[i] > v[mi])
mi = i;
return mi;
template< typename T >
unsigned arg_min( const T* v, unsigned n )
if( n == 0 )
return kInvalidIdx;
unsigned mi = 0;
for(unsigned i=1; i<n; ++i)
if( v[i] < v[mi])
mi = i;
return mi;
template< typename T >
const T max( const T* v, unsigned n )
unsigned mi;
if((mi = arg_max(v,n)) == kInvalidIdx )
return std::numeric_limits<T>::max();
return v[mi];
template< typename T >
const T min( const T* v, unsigned n )
unsigned mi;
if((mi = arg_min(v,n)) == kInvalidIdx )
return std::numeric_limits<T>::max();
return v[mi];
template< typename T0, typename T1 >
T0 mac( const T0* v0, const T1* v1, unsigned n )
T0 acc = 0;
for(unsigned i=0; i<n; ++i)
acc += v0[i] * v1[i];
return acc;
template< typename T >
T cumsum( const T* v, unsigned n )
T y = 0;
for(unsigned i=0; i<n; ++i)
y += v[i];
return y;
template< typename T >
T cumprod( const T* v, unsigned n )
T y = 1;
for(unsigned i=0; i<n; ++i)
y *= v[i];
return y;
template< typename T0, typename T1 >
void mul( T0* v0, const T1* v1, unsigned n )
for(unsigned i=0; i<n; ++i)
v0[i] *= v1[i];
template< typename T0, typename T1 >
void mul( T0* y0, const T0* v0, const T1* v1, unsigned n )
for(unsigned i=0; i<n; ++i)
y0[i] = v0[i] * v1[i];
template< typename T0, typename T1 >
void mul( T0* v0, const T1& scalar, unsigned n )
for(unsigned i=0; i<n; ++i)
v0[i] *= scalar;
template< typename T0, typename T1 >
void mul( T0* y0, const T0* v0, const T1& scalar, unsigned n )
for(unsigned i=0; i<n; ++i)
y0[i] = v0[i] * scalar;
template< typename T0, typename T1 >
void add( T0* v0, const T1* v1, unsigned n )
for(unsigned i=0; i<n; ++i)
v0[i] += v1[i];
template< typename T0, typename T1 >
void add( T0* y0, const T0* v0, const T1* v1, unsigned n )
for(unsigned i=0; i<n; ++i)
y0[i] = v0[i] + v1[i];
template< typename T0, typename T1 >
void add( T0* v0, const T1& scalar, unsigned n )
for(unsigned i=0; i<n; ++i)
v0[i] += scalar;
template< typename T0, typename T1 >
void add( T0* y0, const T0* v0, const T1& scalar, unsigned n )
for(unsigned i=0; i<n; ++i)
y0[i] = v0[i] + scalar;
template< typename T0, typename T1 >
void div( T0* v0, const T1* v1, unsigned n )
for(unsigned i=0; i<n; ++i)
v0[i] /= v1[i];
template< typename T0, typename T1 >
void div( T0* y0, const T0* v0, const T1* v1, unsigned n )
for(unsigned i=0; i<n; ++i)
y0[i] = v0[i] / v1[i];
template< typename T0, typename T1 >
void div( T0* v0, const T1& scalar, unsigned n )
for(unsigned i=0; i<n; ++i)
v0[i] /= scalar;
template< typename T0, typename T1 >
void div( T0* y0, const T0* v0, const T1& scalar, unsigned n )
for(unsigned i=0; i<n; ++i)
y0[i] = v0[i] / scalar;
template< typename T0, typename T1 >
void sub( T0* v0, const T1* v1, unsigned n )
for(unsigned i=0; i<n; ++i)
v0[i] -= v1[i];
template< typename T0, typename T1 >
void sub( T0* y0, const T0* v0, const T1* v1, unsigned n )
for(unsigned i=0; i<n; ++i)
y0[i] = v0[i] / v1[i];
template< typename T0, typename T1 >
void sub( T0* v0, const T1& scalar, unsigned n )
for(unsigned i=0; i<n; ++i)
v0[i] -= scalar;
template< typename T0, typename T1 >
void sub( T0* y0, const T0* v0, const T1& scalar, unsigned n )
for(unsigned i=0; i<n; ++i)
y0[i] = v0[i] / scalar;
// Fill y[0:min(n,cnt)] with values {beg,beg+step,beg+2*step .... beg+(cnt-1)*step}}
template< typename T >
void seq( T* y, unsigned n, const T& beg, const T& cnt, const T& step=1 )
if( cnt < n )
n = cnt;
T v = beg;
for(unsigned i=0; i<n; ++i, v+=step)
y[i] = v;