cwSocket.cpp : Children sockets are no unlinked from their parent when they are disconnected.

This commit is contained in:
kpl 2020-03-18 19:04:33 -04:00
parent 46a84600a6
commit 414bce83e5

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@ -92,6 +92,29 @@ namespace cw
bool _sockIsOpen( sock_t* p )
{ return p->sockH != cwSOCKET_NULL_SOCK; }
void _unlinkChild( sock_t* s )
sock_t* ps = s->parent;
sock_t* cs0 = nullptr;
for(sock_t* cs=ps->children; cs!=nullptr; cs=cs->children)
if( cs == s )
if( cs0 == nullptr )
ps->children = cs->children;
cs0->children = cs->children;
cs->children = nullptr;
cs->parent = nullptr;
cs0 = cs;
rc_t _closeSock( mgr_t* p, sock_t* s )
@ -108,11 +131,15 @@ namespace cw
s->sockH = cwSOCKET_NULL_SOCK;
s->userId = kInvalidId;
s->createFlags = 0;
s->flags = 0;
s->pollfd->events = 0;
s->pollfd->fd = cwSOCKET_NULL_SOCK;
if( s->parent != nullptr )
_unlinkChild( s );
s->userId = kInvalidId;
s->createFlags = 0;
s->flags = 0;
s->pollfd->events = 0;
s->pollfd->fd = cwSOCKET_NULL_SOCK;
s->remoteSockAddr.sin_family = AF_UNSPEC;
return rc;
@ -135,25 +162,6 @@ namespace cw
return rc;
void _unlinkChild( sock_t* s )
sock_t* ps = s->parent;
sock_t* cs0 = nullptr;
for(sock_t* cs=ps->children; cs!=nullptr; cs=cs->children)
if( cs == s )
if( cs0 == nullptr )
ps->children = cs->children;
cs0->children = cs->children;
cs0 = cs;
rc_t _locateAvailSlot( mgr_t* p, unsigned sockN, unsigned& availIdx_Ref, unsigned& sockN_Ref )
availIdx_Ref = kInvalidIdx;
@ -250,6 +258,8 @@ namespace cw
ssize_t bytesReadN = 0;
struct sockaddr_in sockaddr;
socklen_t sizeOfFromAddr = 0;
// clear the count of actual bytes read
readN_Ref = 0;
@ -284,7 +294,7 @@ namespace cw
if( bytesReadN > 0 && s->cbFunc != nullptr && (buf==nullptr || bufByteN==0) )
// if no src addr was given (because this is a TCP socket) then use the connected remote socket
if( fromAddr == nullptr )
if( fromAddr == nullptr && s->remoteSockAddr.sin_family != AF_UNSPEC)
fromAddr = &s->remoteSockAddr;
s->cbFunc( s->cbArg, kReceiveCbId, s->userId, s->connId, b, bytesReadN, fromAddr );
@ -360,19 +370,20 @@ namespace cw
// interate through the ports looking for the ones which have data waiting ...
for(unsigned i=0; i<p->sockN; ++i)
if( p->sockA[i].pollfd->revents & POLLHUP )
printf("Socket userId:%i connId:%i disconnected.",p->sockA[i].userId,p->sockA[i].connId);
if( p->sockA[i].pollfd->revents & POLLERR )
if( p->sockA[i].pollfd->revents & POLLHUP )
if( p->sockA[i].pollfd->revents & POLLNVAL )
if( p->sockA[i].pollfd->revents & POLLIN )
@ -560,8 +571,9 @@ cw::rc_t cw::sock::createMgr( handle_t& hRef, unsigned recvBufByteN, unsigned ma
for(unsigned i=0; i<p->sockMaxN; ++i)
p->sockA[i].sockH = cwSOCKET_NULL_SOCK;
p->sockA[i].pollfd = p->pollfdA + i;
p->sockA[i].sockH = cwSOCKET_NULL_SOCK;
p->sockA[i].remoteSockAddr.sin_family = AF_UNSPEC;
p->sockA[i].pollfd = p->pollfdA + i;
@ -1137,17 +1149,19 @@ namespace cw
return true;
// Callback thread used by socksrv::test() below
void _socketTestCbFunc( void* cbArg, sock::cbId_t cbId, unsigned userId, unsigned connId, const void* byteA, unsigned byteN, const struct sockaddr_in* srcAddr )
rc_t rc;
char addr[ INET_ADDRSTRLEN+1 ];
printf("type:%i user:%i conn:%i ", cbId, userId, connId );
if((rc = sock::addrToString( srcAddr, addr, INET_ADDRSTRLEN )) == kOkRC )
printf("from %s ", addr );
if( srcAddr != nullptr )
if((rc = sock::addrToString( srcAddr, addr, INET_ADDRSTRLEN )) == kOkRC )
printf("from %s ", addr );
if( byteA != nullptr )
printf(" : %s ", (const char*)byteA);
@ -1264,7 +1278,7 @@ cw::rc_t cw::socksrv::test( sock::portNumber_t localPort, const char* remoteAdd
// send a message to the remote socket
if( sock::send( mgrHandle(h), userId, 0, sbuf, strlen(sbuf)+1 ) != kOkRC )
if( sock::send( mgrHandle(h), userId, -1, sbuf, strlen(sbuf)+1 ) != kOkRC )
printf("Send failed.");
if( strcmp(sbuf,"quit\n") == 0)