cwUi.h/cpp, cwUiDecls.h : Changed UI to break connection between creating and transmitting

elements to the remote UI's.
This commit is contained in:
kevin 2021-11-01 21:46:59 -04:00
parent 4262eae18e
commit 3d56bb70c8
4 changed files with 198 additions and 233 deletions

View File

@ -34,8 +34,7 @@ namespace cw
unsigned uuId; // UI unique id - automatically generated and unique among all elements that are part of this ui_t object.
unsigned appId; // application assigned id - application assigned id
char* eleName; // javascript id
object_t* attr;
object_t* attr; // attribute object
} ele_t;
@ -48,7 +47,6 @@ namespace cw
void* uiCbArg; // app. cb func arg.
sendCallback_t sendCbFunc;
void* sendCbArg;
object_t* uiRsrc; // default ui resource object
appIdMapRecd_t* appIdMap; // map of application parent/child/js id's
char* buf; // buf[bufN] output message formatting buffer
unsigned bufN; //
@ -77,6 +75,9 @@ namespace cw
for(unsigned i=0; i<p->eleN; ++i)
if( p->eleA[i]->attr != nullptr )
@ -93,7 +94,7 @@ namespace cw
return rc;
@ -181,6 +182,7 @@ namespace cw
return nullptr;
// Given a parent UuId and a eleName find the associated ele
ele_t* _parentUuId_EleName_ToEle( ui_t* p, unsigned parentUuId, const char* eleName, bool errorFl=true )
@ -205,6 +207,7 @@ namespace cw
return nullptr;
unsigned _findElementUuId( ui_t* p, const char* eleName )
@ -256,34 +259,98 @@ namespace cw
// Convert the ele_t 'attr' object into the attributes for a JSON message.
unsigned _format_attributes( char* buf, unsigned n, unsigned i, ele_t* ele )
assert( ele->attr != nullptr );
for(unsigned j=0; j<ele->attr->child_count() && i<n; ++j)
object_t* ch = ele->attr->child_ele(j);
i += toText(buf+i, n-i, ",\"" );
i += toText(buf+i, n-i, ch->pair_label() );
i += toText(buf+i, n-i, "\":" );
i += ch->pair_value()->to_string( buf+i, n-i );
return i;
rc_t _transmitOneEle( ui_t* p, unsigned wsSessId, ele_t* ele )
rc_t rc = kOkRC;
assert( ele != nullptr );
assert( ele->parent != nullptr );
unsigned i = snprintf( p->buf, p->bufN,
"{ \"op\":\"create\", \"parentUuId\":\"%i\", \"eleName\":\"%s\", \"appId\":\"%i\", \"uuId\":%i ",
ele->eleName==nullptr ? "" : ele->eleName,
ele->uuId );
// add the UI specific attributes
i += _format_attributes(p->buf+i, p->bufN-i, 0, ele);
// terminate the message
i += toText(p->buf+i, p->bufN-i, "}");
if( i >= p->bufN )
return cwLogError(kBufTooSmallRC,"The UI message formatting buffer is too small. (size:%i bytes)", p->bufN);
// send the message
rc = _websockSend( p, wsSessId, p->buf );
return rc;
rc_t _transmitTree( ui_t* p, unsigned wsSessId, ele_t* ele )
rc_t rc;
// transmit the parent (unelss 'ele' is the root
if(ele->uuId == kRootUuId || (rc = _transmitOneEle(p,wsSessId,ele)) == kOkRC )
// Transmit each of the children to the remote UI's.
// Note that this requires going through all the nodes and picking out the ones whose
// parent uuid matches the current ele's uuid
for(unsigned i=0; i<p->eleN; ++i)
if( p->eleA[i]->uuId != kRootUuId && p->eleA[i]->uuId != ele->uuId && p->eleA[i]->parent->uuId == ele->uuId )
if((rc = _transmitTree(p,wsSessId,p->eleA[i]))!=kOkRC )
return rc;
// Create the base element record. The attributes mut be filled in by the calling function.
// Note that if 'appId' is kInvalidId then this function will attempt to lookup the appId in p->appIdMap[].
ele_t* _createBaseEle( ui_t* p, ele_t* parent, unsigned appId, const char* eleName, const char* eleTypeStr=nullptr, const char* eleClass=nullptr, const char* eleTitle=nullptr )
ele_t* e = mem::allocZ<ele_t>();
// got up the tree looking for a parent with a valid appId
ele_t* par = parent;
while( par != nullptr && par->appId == kInvalidId )
par = par->parent;
if( par != nullptr )
parent = par;
e->parent = parent;
e->uuId = p->eleN;
e->appId = appId;
e->eleName = eleName==nullptr ? nullptr : mem::duplStr(eleName);
e->attr = newObjectDict();
e->attr = newDictObject();
if( eleTypeStr != nullptr )
if( eleClass != nullptr )
if( eleTitle != nullptr )
if( p->eleN == p->eleAllocN )
@ -322,63 +389,6 @@ namespace cw
ele_t* _findOrCreateEle( ui_t* p, ele_t* parentEle, const char* eleName, unsigned appId=kInvalidId )
ele_t* ele = nullptr;
// if an ele name was given
if( eleName != nullptr )
// check for an existing child of parentEle with the same name
ele = _parentUuId_EleName_ToEle( p, parentEle->uuId, eleName, false );
// if a child with the same name does exist but has a different app id then
// ignore the match and create a new element
if( ele != nullptr && appId != kInvalidId && ele->appId != appId )
ele = nullptr;
if(ele == nullptr )
ele = _createBaseEle(p, parentEle, appId, eleName );
return ele;
// Print the attribute data value.
template< typename T0 >
unsigned format_attribute_data( char* buf, unsigned n, T0 t0 )
return toText(buf,n,t0);
// Override format_attribute_data() for char. string data so that strings are wrapped in quotes.
unsigned format_attribute_data( char* buf, unsigned n, const char* t )
unsigned i = 0;
i += toText(buf+i, n-i, "\"" );
i += toText(buf+i, n-i, t );
i += toText(buf+i, n-i, "\"" );
return i;
// terminating condition for format_attributes()
unsigned format_attributes(char* buf, unsigned n, unsigned i)
{ return i; }
template<typename T0, typename T1, typename... ARGS>
unsigned format_attributes(char* buf, unsigned n, unsigned i, T0 t0, T1 t1, ARGS&&... args)
i += toText(buf+i, n-i, ",\"" );
i += toText(buf+i, n-i, t0 );
i += toText(buf+i, n-i, "\":" );
i += format_attribute_data(buf+i, n-i, t1 );
return format_attributes(buf,n,i,std::forward<ARGS>(args)...);
// terminating condition for format_attributes()
void create_attributes( ele_t* e )
{ }
@ -386,14 +396,14 @@ namespace cw
template<typename T, typename... ARGS>
void create_attributes(ele_t* e, const char* label, T value, ARGS&&... args)
template< typename... ARGS>
rc_t _createOneEle1( ui_t* p, unsigned& uuIdRef, const char* eleTypeStr, unsigned parentUuId, const char* eleName, unsigned appId, const char* clas, const char* title, ARGS&&... args )
rc_t _createOneEle( ui_t* p, unsigned& uuIdRef, const char* eleTypeStr, unsigned wsSessId, unsigned parentUuId, const char* eleName, unsigned appId, const char* clas, const char* title, ARGS&&... args )
rc_t rc = kOkRC;
ele_t* newEle = nullptr;
@ -416,59 +426,30 @@ namespace cw
uuIdRef = newEle->uuId;
rc = _transmitOneEle(p, wsSessId, newEle);
return rc;
template< typename... ARGS>
rc_t _createOneEle( ui_t* p, unsigned& uuIdRef, const char* eleTypeStr, unsigned wsSessId, unsigned parentUuId, const char* eleName, unsigned appId, const char* clas, const char* title, ARGS&&... args )
bool _is_div_type( const char* eleType )
// { op:create, parent:my_parent_id, value:{ button:{ eleName:my_eleName, appId:appId, uuId:uuId, class:clas, title:'my title' } }
rc_t rc = kOkRC;
ele_t* newEle = nullptr;
ele_t* parentEle = nullptr;
//const unsigned bufN = 1024; // TODO: use preallocated buffer
//char buf[ bufN ];
const char* divAliasA[] = { "div","row","col","panel",nullptr }; // all these types are div's
bool divAliasFl = false;
uuIdRef = kInvalidId;
// is this element a 'div' alias?
for(unsigned i=0; divAliasA[i]!=nullptr; ++i)
if( textCompare(divAliasA[i],eleType) == 0 )
divAliasFl = true;
if( parentUuId == kInvalidId )
parentUuId = kRootUuId;
// get the parent element
if(( parentEle = _uuIdToEle(p, parentUuId )) == nullptr )
return cwLogError( kInvalidArgRC, "Unable to locate the parent element (id:%i).", parentUuId );
// create the local representation of the new element
newEle = _findOrCreateEle( p, parentEle, eleName, appId );
// form the create json message string
//unsigned i = snprintf( p->buf, p->bufN, "{ \"op\":\"create\", \"parent\":\"%s\", \"children\":{ \"%s\":{ \"eleName\":\"%s\", \"appId\":%i, \"uuId\":%i, \"class\":\"%s\", \"title\":\"%s\" ", parentEleName, eleTypeStr, eleName, appId, newEle->uuId, clas, title );
unsigned i = snprintf( p->buf, p->bufN, "{ \"op\":\"create\", \"parentUuId\":\"%i\", \"type\":\"%s\", \"eleName\":\"%s\", \"appId\":\"%i\", \"uuId\":%i, \"className\":\"%s\", \"title\":\"%s\" ", parentEle->uuId, eleTypeStr, eleName==nullptr ? "" : eleName, appId, newEle->uuId, clas==nullptr ? " " : clas, title==nullptr ? " " : title );
// add the UI specific attributes
i += format_attributes(p->buf+i, p->bufN-i, 0, std::forward<ARGS>(args)...);
// terminate the message
i += toText(p->buf+i, p->bufN-i, "}");
if( i >= p->bufN )
return cwLogError(kBufTooSmallRC,"The UI message formatting buffer is too small. (size:%i bytes)", p->bufN);
// send the message
rc = _websockSend( p, wsSessId, p->buf );
uuIdRef = newEle->uuId;
return rc;
return divAliasFl;
rc_t _createElementsFromChildList( ui_t* p, const object_t* po, unsigned wsSessId, ele_t* parentEle );
rc_t _createEleFromRsrsc( ui_t* p, ele_t* parentEle, const char* eleType, const object_t* srcObj, unsigned wsSessId )
rc_t rc = kOkRC;
@ -476,7 +457,6 @@ namespace cw
ele_t* ele = nullptr;
char* eleName = nullptr;
object_t* o = srcObj->duplicate(); // duplicate the rsrc object so that we can modify it.
const char* divAliasA[] = { "div","row","col","panel",nullptr }; // all these types are div's
bool divAliasFl = false;
if( !o->is_dict() )
@ -489,13 +469,7 @@ namespace cw
// is this element a 'div' alias?
for(unsigned i=0; divAliasA[i]!=nullptr; ++i)
if( textCompare(divAliasA[i],eleType) == 0 )
divAliasFl = true;
divAliasFl = _is_div_type(eleType);
// get the ui ele name
if((rc = o->get("name",eleName, cw::kNoRecurseFl | cw::kOptionalFl)) != kOkRC )
@ -512,64 +486,30 @@ namespace cw
// get or create the ele record to associate with this ele
if((ele = _findOrCreateEle( p, parentEle, eleName )) == nullptr )
if((ele = _createBaseEle(p, parentEle, kInvalidId, eleName, eleType, nullptr, nullptr)) == nullptr )
rc = cwLogError(kOpFailRC,"The local element '%s' could not be created.",cwStringNullGuard(eleName));
goto errLabel;
// insert the UuId node
if( o->insertPair("uuId",ele->uuId) == nullptr )
rc = cwLogError(kOpFailRC,"The 'uuid' node insertion failed on UI element '%s'.",cwStringNullGuard(eleName));
goto errLabel;
// Insert the appId node
if( ele->appId != kInvalidId )
if( !divAliasFl )
if( o->insertPair("appId",ele->appId) == nullptr )
// transfer the attributes of this resource object to ele->attr
for(unsigned i=0; i<o->child_count(); ++i)
rc = cwLogError(kOpFailRC,"The 'appId' node insertion failed on UI element '%s'.",cwStringNullGuard(eleName));
goto errLabel;
object_t* child = o->child_ele(i);
const char* pair_label = child->pair_label();
if( textCompare(pair_label,"name") != 0 && _is_div_type(pair_label)==false )
// Insert the parentId node
if( o->insertPair("parentUuId",parentEle->uuId) == nullptr )
rc = cwLogError(kOpFailRC,"The 'parentUuId' node insertion failed on UI element '%s'.",cwStringNullGuard(eleName));
goto errLabel;
// Insert the 'op':'create' operation node
if( o->insertPair("op","create") == nullptr )
rc = cwLogError(kOpFailRC,"The 'op' node insertion failed on UI element '%s'.",cwStringNullGuard(eleName));
goto errLabel;
// Insert the 'type':'<ele_type>' node
if( o->insertPair("type",eleType) == nullptr )
rc = cwLogError(kOpFailRC,"The 'eleType' node insertion failed on UI element '%s'.",cwStringNullGuard(eleName));
goto errLabel;
// Convert the object to a JSON string
if( o->to_string(p->buf,p->bufN) >= p->bufN )
rc = cwLogError(kOpFailRC,"Conversion to JSON string failed on UI element '%s'.",cwStringNullGuard(eleName));
goto errLabel;
// Send the JSON msg to the browser
if((rc = _websockSend( p, wsSessId, p->buf )) != kOkRC )
rc = cwLogError(rc,"The creation request send failed on UI element '%s'.", cwStringNullGuard(eleName));
goto errLabel;
// if this element has a list of children then create them here
if( co != nullptr || divAliasFl )
@ -590,6 +530,8 @@ namespace cw
return rc;
// 'od' is an object dictionary where each pair in the dictionary has
// the form: 'eleType':{ <object> }
rc_t _createElementsFromChildList( ui_t* p, const object_t* po, unsigned wsSessId, ele_t* parentEle )
@ -610,14 +552,17 @@ namespace cw
// skip pairs whose value is not a dict
if( o->pair_value()->is_dict() )
if((rc = _createEleFromRsrsc(p, parentEle, o->pair_label(), o->pair_value(), wsSessId )) != kOkRC )
return rc;
return rc;
// This functions assumes that the cfg object 'o' contains a field named: 'parent'
// which contains the element name of the parent node.
rc_t _createFromObj( ui_t* p, const object_t* o, unsigned wsSessId, unsigned parentUuId )
rc_t rc = kOkRC;
@ -625,6 +570,8 @@ namespace cw
ele_t* parentEle = nullptr;
char* eleName = nullptr;
if( parentUuId == kInvalidId )
// locate the the 'parent' ele name value object
if((po = o->find("parent",kNoRecurseFl | kOptionalFl)) == nullptr )
return cwLogError(kSyntaxErrorRC,"UI resources must have a root 'parent' value.");
@ -634,22 +581,27 @@ namespace cw
return cwLogError(kOpFailRC,"The root 'parent' value could not be accessed.");
// find the parent element
if((parentEle = _parentUuId_EleName_ToEle( p, parentUuId, eleName )) == nullptr )
parentEle = _eleNameToEle( p, eleName );
// find the parent element
parentEle = _uuIdToEle(p,parentUuId);
if(parentEle == nullptr )
return cwLogError(kSyntaxErrorRC,"A parent UI element named '%s' could not be found.",cwStringNullGuard(eleName));
// unlink the 'parent' pair
//po = po->parent;
rc = _createElementsFromChildList( p, o, wsSessId, parentEle );
return rc;
// value message format: 'value' <uuid> <value_data_type> ':' <value>
ele_t* _parse_value_msg( ui_t* p, value_t& valueRef, const char* msg )
@ -804,13 +756,20 @@ namespace cw
return rc;
// Instantiate any resource elements refered to by the ui cfg 'uiCfgFn'.
rc_t _initDefaultUiRsrc( ui_t* p, unsigned wsSessId )
rc_t _onNewRemoteUi( ui_t* p, unsigned wsSessId )
rc_t rc = kOkRC;
if( p->uiRsrc != nullptr )
if((rc = _createFromObj( p, p->uiRsrc, wsSessId, kInvalidId )) != kOkRC )
rc = cwLogError(rc,"Default UI creation failed.");
ele_t* rootEle;
if((rootEle = _uuIdToEle(p, kRootUuId)) == nullptr )
rc = cwLogError(kInvalidStateRC,"Unable to locate the UI root element.");
goto errLabel;
return rc;
@ -852,7 +811,6 @@ cw::rc_t cw::ui::create(
p->sendCbArg = sendCbArg;
p->buf = mem::allocZ<char>(fmtBufByteN);
p->bufN = fmtBufByteN;
p->uiRsrc = uiRsrc == nullptr ? nullptr : uiRsrc->duplicate();
// create the root element
if((ele = _createBaseEle(p, nullptr, kRootAppId, "uiDivId" )) == nullptr || ele->uuId != kRootUuId )
@ -865,6 +823,11 @@ cw::rc_t cw::ui::create(
if((rc = _registerAppIdMap(p,appIdMapA,appIdMapN)) != kOkRC )
goto errLabel;
if( uiRsrc != nullptr )
if((rc = _createFromObj( p, uiRsrc, kInvalidId, kRootUuId )) != kOkRC )
rc = cwLogError(rc,"Create from UI resource failed.");
@ -960,7 +923,7 @@ cw::rc_t cw::ui::onReceive( handle_t h, unsigned wsSessId, const void* msg, unsi
case kInitOpId:
// if the app cfg included a reference to a UI resource file then instantiate it here
_initDefaultUiRsrc( p, wsSessId );
_onNewRemoteUi( p, wsSessId );
// Pass on the 'init' msg to the app.
p->uiCbFunc( p->uiCbArg, wsSessId, opId, kInvalidId, kInvalidId, kInvalidId, nullptr );
@ -1013,16 +976,17 @@ unsigned cw::ui::findElementAppId( handle_t h, unsigned parentUuId, const char*
for(unsigned i=0; i<p->eleN; ++i)
if( p->eleA[i]->parent->uuId==parentUuId && strcmp(p->eleA[i]->eleName,eleName) == 0 )
return p->eleA[i]->appId;
return kInvalidId;
unsigned cw::ui::findElementUuId( handle_t h, unsigned parentUuId, const char* eleName )
ui_t* p = _handleToPtr(h);
ele_t* ele;
if((ele = _parentUuId_EleName_ToEle(p, parentUuId, eleName )) != nullptr )
return ele->uuId;
for(unsigned i=0; i<p->eleN; ++i)
if( p->eleA[i]->parent->uuId==parentUuId && strcmp(p->eleA[i]->eleName,eleName) == 0 )
return p->eleA[i]->uuId;
return kInvalidId;
@ -1084,16 +1048,6 @@ cw::rc_t cw::ui::createFromObject( handle_t h, const object_t* o, unsigned wsS
goto errLabel;
//if((parentEle = _uuIdToEle(p, parentUuId)) == nullptr )
// rc = cwLogError(kInvalidIdRC,"Unable to locate the parent element.");
// goto errLabel;
// }
//if((rc = _createElementsFromChildList( p, o, wsSessId, parentEle )) != kOkRC )
// goto errLabel;
if((rc = _createFromObj( p, o, wsSessId, parentUuId )) != kOkRC )
goto errLabel;
@ -1114,8 +1068,6 @@ cw::rc_t cw::ui::createFromFile( handle_t h, const char* fn, unsigned wsSessId
if((rc = objectFromFile( fn, o )) != kOkRC )
goto errLabel;
if((rc = _createFromObj( p, o, wsSessId, parentUuId )) != kOkRC )
goto errLabel;
@ -1348,7 +1300,15 @@ void cw::ui::report( handle_t h )
unsigned parAppId = e->parent==NULL ? kInvalidId : e->parent->appId;
const char* parEleName = e->parent==NULL || e->parent->eleName == NULL ? "" : e->parent->eleName;
printf("uu:%5i app:%5i %20s : parent uu:%5i app:%5i %20s\n", e->uuId, e->appId, e->eleName == NULL ? "" : e->eleName, parUuId, parAppId, parEleName );
printf("uu:%5i app:%5i %20s : parent uu:%5i app:%5i %20s ", e->uuId, e->appId, e->eleName == NULL ? "" : e->eleName, parUuId, parAppId, parEleName );
for(unsigned i=0; i<e->attr->child_count(); ++i)
printf("%s, ", p->buf );

View File

@ -44,9 +44,11 @@ namespace cw
// Receive a msg from a remote UI
rc_t onReceive( handle_t h, unsigned wsSessId, const void* msg, unsigned byteN );
// Locate an element whose parent uuid is 'parentUuId' with a child named 'eleName'.
unsigned findElementAppId( handle_t h, unsigned parentUuId, const char* eleName );
unsigned findElementUuId( handle_t h, unsigned parentUuId, const char* eleName );
unsigned findElementUuId( handle_t h, unsigned parentUuId, unsigned appId );
const char* findElementName( handle_t h, unsigned uuId );
unsigned findElementAppId( handle_t h, unsigned uuId );

View File

@ -14,12 +14,12 @@ namespace cw
typedef enum
kConnectOpId, // A new user interface instance was connected
kInitOpId, // A user interface instance was created and is available (new ui elements can now be added)
kValueOpId, // Used by the user interface instance to send a value of a ui element to the application.
kEchoOpId, // Used by the user interface instance to request the current value of a ui element from the application.
kIdleOpId, // The application is idle and waiting for the next event from the ui instance.
kDisconnectOpId // A user interface instance was disconnected
kConnectOpId, // A new remote user interface was connected
kInitOpId, // A remote user interface instance was created and is available. It needs to be updated with the current state of the UI from the server.
kValueOpId, // The value of a remote user interface control changed. Send this value to the application engine.
kEchoOpId, // A remote user interface is requesting an application engine value. The the current value of a ui element must be sent to the remote UI.
kIdleOpId, // The application (UI server) is idle and waiting for the next event from a remote UI.
kDisconnectOpId // A reemot user interface was disconnected.
} opId_t;
typedef enum

View File

@ -72,7 +72,7 @@ namespace cw
rc_t _uiTestCreateUi( ui_test_t* p, unsigned wsSessId )
rc_t uiTestCreateUi( ui_test_t* p, unsigned wsSessId=kInvalidId )
rc_t rc = kOkRC;
unsigned uuid = kInvalidId;
@ -241,6 +241,7 @@ namespace cw
return rc;
rc_t _handleUiEchoMsg( ui_test_t* p, unsigned wsSessId, unsigned parentAppId, unsigned uuId, unsigned appId )
rc_t rc = kOkRC;
@ -292,7 +293,7 @@ namespace cw
// This function is called by the websocket with messages comring from a remote UI.
// This function is called by the websocket with messages coming from a remote UI.
rc_t _uiTestCallback( void* cbArg, unsigned wsSessId, opId_t opId, unsigned parentAppId, unsigned uuId, unsigned appId, const value_t* v )
ui_test_t* p = (ui_test_t*)cbArg;
@ -392,14 +393,16 @@ cw::rc_t cw::ui::test( const object_t* cfg )
if((rc = srv::create(app->wsUiSrvH, args, app, _uiTestCallback, mapA, mapN, nullptr )) != kOkRC )
return rc;
if((rc = uiTestCreateUi( app )) != kOkRC )
goto errLabel;
//ui::report( srv::uiHandle(app->wsUiSrvH) );
// start the UI server
if((rc = srv::start(app->wsUiSrvH)) != kOkRC )
goto errLabel;
printf("'quit' to exit\n");
// readline loop
while( !app->quitFl.load() )