cwPresetSel.h/cpp : Added probabilistic preset selection via prob_select_preset_index().

This commit is contained in:
kevin 2025-03-08 11:30:57 -05:00
parent ca6f444b0d
commit 15b83c1a5f
2 changed files with 342 additions and 7 deletions

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@ -69,6 +69,7 @@ namespace cw
unsigned cur_alt_idx;
unsigned dryPresetIdx;
} preset_sel_t;
@ -142,7 +143,7 @@ namespace cw
goto errLabel;
@ -180,6 +181,250 @@ namespace cw
return kOkRC;
// Probabilistic selection
unsigned _get_preset_order( const preset_t* p, unsigned max_valid_order )
if( (p->order == 0 && p->playFl == false) || p->order > max_valid_order )
return 0;
if( p->order == 0 && p->playFl )
return 1;
assert( 1 <= p->order && p->order <= max_valid_order );
return p->order;
rc_t _pre_calc_for_prob_select( preset_sel_t* p, frag_t * f)
rc_t rc = kOkRC;
unsigned activeOrderA[ f->presetN ] = {};
unsigned activeIdxA[ f->presetN ] = {};
unsigned common_mult = 1;
f->probDomN = 0;
f->probDomainMax = 0;
for(unsigned i=0; i<f->presetN; ++i)
unsigned order = _get_preset_order(f->presetA + i, f->presetN-1);
if( order > 0 )
if( order> 0 && activeOrderA[order]==0 )
common_mult *= order;
activeIdxA[f->probDomN] = i;
f->probDomN += 1;
activeOrderA[ order ] = 1;
// if no preset was selected in this fragment then
// select the 'dry' preset.
if( f->probDomN == 0 )
assert( p->dryPresetIdx != kInvalidIdx && p->dryPresetIdx < f->presetN );
f->probDomN = 1;
activeIdxA[0] = p->dryPresetIdx;
if(activeIdxA[0] == kInvalidIdx )
cwLogError(kEleNotFoundRC,"No preset was selected at end loc:%i and 'dry' preset exists as a default.",f->endLoc);
goto errLabel;
f->probDomA = mem::allocZ<prob_domain_t>(f->probDomN);
for(unsigned i=0; i<f->probDomN; ++i)
preset_t* preset = f->presetA + activeIdxA[i];
unsigned order = _get_preset_order( preset, f->presetN-1);
preset->prob_dom_idx = i;
f->probDomA[i].index = activeIdxA[i];
f->probDomA[i].order = preset->playFl ? 0 : order;
f->probDomA[i].domain = order==0 ? 1 : common_mult / order;
f->probDomainMax += f->probDomA[i].domain;
f->probDomA + f->probDomN,
[](const prob_domain_t& a,const prob_domain_t& b){ return a.order<b.order; } );
assert( f->probDomN>=1 && f->probDomA != nullptr );
if( rc != kOkRC )
rc = cwLogError(rc,"Pre-calculations for probabilistic preset selection failed.");
return rc;
unsigned _prob_select_uniform_preset( const preset_sel_t* p,
const frag_t* f,
bool dry_on_play_fl, // select dry if dry has the 'playFl' selected
bool dry_on_selected_fl, // select dry if it has order > 0
bool allow_all_fl, // select from among all presets - not just the ones in probDomA[]
unsigned skip_preset_idx=kInvalidIdx )
assert( p->dryPresetIdx != kInvalidIdx && p->dryPresetIdx < f->presetN );
unsigned preset_idx = kInvalidIdx;
unsigned domN = allow_all_fl ? f->presetN : f->probDomN;
unsigned skipProbDomIdx = kInvalidIdx;
unsigned pdi = kInvalidIdx;
// if dry_on_play_fl is set and the dry preset playFl is set
if( dry_on_play_fl && f->drySelectedFl )
preset_idx = p->dryPresetIdx;
goto errLabel;
// if dry_on_selected_fl is set and the dry preset has a non-zero order
if( dry_on_selected_fl && (f->presetA[ p->dryPresetIdx ].playFl || f->presetA[ p->dryPresetIdx ].order > 0) )
preset_idx = p->dryPresetIdx;
goto errLabel;
// if no options exist then return the dry preset
if( f->probDomN == 0 )
//printf("PS:NO OPTS!\n");
preset_idx = p->dryPresetIdx;
goto errLabel;
// if only one option exists
if( f->probDomN == 1 && allow_all_fl==false )
//printf("PS:ONE OPT!\n");
assert( allow_all_fl == false );
preset_idx = f->probDomA[0].index;
goto errLabel;
// if skip-preset was given and it is included in the candidate set
if( skip_preset_idx != kInvalidIdx && (f->presetA[ skip_preset_idx ].playFl || f->presetA[ skip_preset_idx ].order>0) )
domN -= 1;
if( !allow_all_fl )
skipProbDomIdx = f->presetA[ skip_preset_idx ].prob_dom_idx;
// if only one option exists after removing the skip-preset
if( domN == 1 )
//printf("PS:ONE non-SKIP!\n");
assert( allow_all_fl == false );
preset_idx = skipProbDomIdx==0 ? 1 : 0;
goto errLabel;
pdi = std::min(domN-1,(unsigned)floor(((double)std::rand() * domN / RAND_MAX)));
if( allow_all_fl )
if( skip_preset_idx != kInvalidIdx && pdi >= skip_preset_idx && pdi < f->presetN-1 )
pdi += 1;
preset_idx = pdi;
if( skipProbDomIdx!=kInvalidIdx && pdi >= skipProbDomIdx && pdi < f->probDomN-1 )
pdi += 1;
preset_idx = f->probDomA[ pdi ].index;
//if( preset_idx == kInvalidIdx || preset_idx >= f->presetN || preset_idx == skip_preset_idx )
// printf("PS: INVALIDATED! %i pdi:%i N:%i domN:%i procDomN:%i skip:%i\n",preset_idx,pdi,f->presetN,domN,f->probDomN, skip_preset_idx);
return preset_idx == kInvalidIdx || preset_idx >= f->presetN || preset_idx == skip_preset_idx ? kInvalidIdx : preset_idx;
unsigned _prob_select_weighted_preset( const preset_sel_t* p,
const frag_t* f,
bool dry_on_play_fl, // select dry if dry has the 'playFl' selected
unsigned skip_preset_idx = kInvalidIdx )
unsigned domMax = f->probDomainMax;
unsigned preset_idx = kInvalidIdx;
unsigned x = 0;
unsigned x_acc = 0;
assert( f->probDomN>=1 && f->probDomA != nullptr );
// if dry_on_play_fl is set and the dry preset playFl is set
if( dry_on_play_fl && f->drySelectedFl )
preset_idx = p->dryPresetIdx;
goto errLabel;
// if there is only one possible preset to select
if( f->probDomN == 1 )
preset_idx = f->probDomA[0].index;
goto errLabel;
// if a preset should be left out of consideration
if( skip_preset_idx != kInvalidIdx )
assert( skip_preset_idx <= f->presetN );
assert( f->presetA[ skip_preset_idx ].prob_dom_idx < f->probDomN );
assert( domMax >= f->probDomA[ f->presetA[ skip_preset_idx].prob_dom_idx ].domain );
domMax -= f->probDomA[ f->presetA[ skip_preset_idx].prob_dom_idx ].domain;
// generate random integer between 0 and domMax
x = (unsigned)floor(((double)std::rand() * domMax / RAND_MAX));
for(unsigned i=0; i<f->probDomN; ++i)
if( f->probDomA[i].index != skip_preset_idx )
x_acc += f->probDomA[i].domain;
if( x < x_acc || (f->probDomN==2 && skip_preset_idx != kInvalidIdx) )
assert( f->presetA[ f->probDomA[i].index ].prob_dom_idx == i );
preset_idx = f->probDomA[i].index;
return preset_idx == kInvalidIdx || preset_idx >= f->presetN ? kInvalidIdx : preset_idx;
// 'Alt' related
void _print_preset_alts( preset_sel_t* p, const frag_t* f, const char* label )
printf("%s : ",label);
@ -287,6 +532,10 @@ namespace cw
frag_t* _find_frag( preset_sel_t* p, unsigned fragId )
frag_t* f;
@ -909,6 +1158,7 @@ cw::rc_t cw::preset_sel::create( handle_t& hRef, const object_t* cfg )
return rc;
p = mem::allocZ<preset_sel_t>();
p->dryPresetIdx = kInvalidIdx;
// parse the cfg
if((rc = cfg->getv( "preset_labelL", preset_labelL,
@ -982,6 +1232,7 @@ cw::rc_t cw::preset_sel::create( handle_t& hRef, const object_t* cfg )
p->defaultPresetIdx = kInvalidIdx;
if( default_preset_label != nullptr )
if((p->defaultPresetIdx = _preset_label_to_index(p,default_preset_label)) ==kInvalidIdx )
cwLogError(kInvalidIdRC,"The default preset label '%s' could not be found.",cwStringNullGuard(default_preset_label));
@ -990,8 +1241,17 @@ cw::rc_t cw::preset_sel::create( handle_t& hRef, const object_t* cfg )
cwLogError(kInvalidStateRC,"No default preset was set.");
if( p->dryPresetOrder == nullptr )
rc = cwLogError(kInvalidStateRC,"The 'dry' preset was not found.");
goto errLabel;
if((p->dryPresetIdx = _preset_label_to_index(p,"dry")) == kInvalidIdx )
rc = cwLogError(kEleNotFoundRC,"The 'dry' preset does not exist.");
goto errLabel;
@ -1564,6 +1824,52 @@ const cw::flow::preset_order_t* cw::preset_sel::fragment_active_presets( handle
return preset_order;
unsigned cw::preset_sel::prob_select_preset_index( handle_t h,
const frag_t* f,
unsigned flags,
unsigned skip_preset_idx )
preset_sel_t* p = _handleToPtr(h);
unsigned preset_idx = kInvalidIdx;
bool dry_on_play_fl = cwIsFlag(flags,kDryOnPlayFl);
// if selecting deterministically ...
if( cwIsNotFlag(flags,kUseProbFl) )
//printf("ps: deterministic skip:%i\n",skip_preset_idx);
for(unsigned i=0; i<f->probDomN; ++i)
if( f->probDomA[i].index != skip_preset_idx )
// ... pick the first available preset
preset_idx = f->probDomA[i].index;
// if using a uniform distribution
if( cwIsFlag(flags,kUniformFl) )
bool dry_on_selected_fl = cwIsFlag(flags,kDryOnSelFl);
bool allow_all_fl = cwIsFlag(flags,kAllowAllFl);
//printf("ps: uniform dop:%i all:%i sel-dry:%i skip:%i\n",dry_on_play_fl,allow_all_fl,dry_on_selected_fl,skip_preset_idx);
preset_idx = _prob_select_uniform_preset(p,f,dry_on_play_fl, dry_on_selected_fl, allow_all_fl, skip_preset_idx );
//printf("ps: weighted dop:%i skip:%i\n",dry_on_play_fl,skip_preset_idx);
preset_idx = _prob_select_weighted_preset( p, f, dry_on_play_fl, skip_preset_idx );
return preset_idx;
cw::rc_t cw::preset_sel::write( handle_t h, const char* fn )
@ -1649,7 +1955,7 @@ cw::rc_t cw::preset_sel::read( handle_t h, const char* fn )
preset_sel_t* p = _handleToPtr(h);
object_t* root = nullptr;
const object_t* fragL_obj = nullptr;
unsigned dryPresetIdx = _preset_label_to_index(p,"dry");
// parse the preset file
if((rc = objectFromFile(fn,root)) != kOkRC )
@ -1712,7 +2018,6 @@ cw::rc_t cw::preset_sel::read( handle_t h, const char* fn )
goto errLabel;
// create a new fragment
if((rc = create_fragment( h, endLoc, end_ts, fragId)) != kOkRC )
@ -1782,15 +2087,19 @@ cw::rc_t cw::preset_sel::read( handle_t h, const char* fn )
f->altPresetIdxA[0] = preset_idx;
// if the dry preset is selected
if( preset_idx == dryPresetIdx )
if( preset_idx == p->dryPresetIdx )
f->drySelectedFl = true;
// if only one preset is active and the dry preset is active
f->dryOnlyFl = activePresetN==1 && (f->presetA[dryPresetIdx].order>0 || f->presetA[dryPresetIdx].playFl);
f->dryOnlyFl = activePresetN==1 && (f->presetA[p->dryPresetIdx].order>0 || f->presetA[p->dryPresetIdx].playFl);
// setup for prob. preset selection
if((rc = _pre_calc_for_prob_select(p, f)) != kOkRC )
goto errLabel;

View File

@ -16,9 +16,17 @@ namespace cw
bool seqFl; // play this preset during sequencing.
unsigned preset_idx; // preset index into preset_labelA[].
unsigned order; // selection label
char* alt_str; // 'alt' label
char* alt_str; // 'alt' label
unsigned prob_dom_idx; // index of this preset in probDomA[]
} preset_t;
typedef struct prob_domain_str
unsigned index; // index of preset into frag.presetA[]
unsigned order; // preset order value or 0 if the playFl is set on presetA[index] and presetA[index].order==0
unsigned domain; // probability domain area (greater for more likely preset values)
} prob_domain_t;
typedef struct frag_str
unsigned fragId; // Unique fragment id
@ -46,6 +54,10 @@ namespace cw
bool uiSelectFl;
bool seqAllFl; // Set if all preset.seqFl's should be treated as though they are set to true.
prob_domain_t* probDomA; // probDomA[ probDomN ] ascending order on 'order' - preset with playFl set is always first
unsigned probDomN;
unsigned probDomainMax; // sum(probDomA.domain)
struct frag_str* link;
struct frag_str* prev;
} frag_t;
@ -150,6 +162,20 @@ namespace cw
const flow::preset_order_t* fragment_active_presets( handle_t h, const frag_t* f, unsigned flags, unsigned& count_ref );
enum {
kUseProbFl = 0x01, // True=Select the preset probalistically. False=Select the preset with the lowest non-zero order.
kUniformFl = 0x02, // Ignored if kUseProbFl is not set. True=Use uniform PDF to select preset. False=Use 'order' weightings to select preset.
kDryOnPlayFl = 0x04, // Ignored if kUseProbFl is not set. True=Select 'dry' if marked with 'play-fl'. False=Choose probabilistically.
kAllowAllFl = 0x08, // Ignored if kUseProbFl is not set. True=Select from all presets. False=Select from presets with order>0 or play_fl set.
kDryOnSelFl = 0x10, // Ignored if kUseProbFl and kUniformFl is not set. True=Select 'dry' if dry order>0 or play_fl set. Otherwise choose with uniform prob.
unsigned prob_select_preset_index( handle_t h,
const frag_t* f,
unsigned flags,
unsigned skip_preset_idx = kInvalidIdx );
rc_t write( handle_t h, const char* fn );
rc_t read( handle_t h, const char* fn );