: Updates

This commit is contained in:
kevin 2025-03-22 17:48:04 -04:00
parent 777c3bbd54
commit 0e3ac61b68

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@ -966,12 +966,18 @@ strings, consider adding a 'const-string' type to eliminate memory allocation of
cannot run as part of a poly. Any processor that calls a global function,
like 'network_apply_preset()' must run a the top level only.
- Consider eliminating the value() custom proc_t function and replace it by setting a 'delta flag' on the
- DONE: Consider eliminating the value() custom proc_t function and replace it by setting a 'delta flag' on the
variables that change. Optionally a linked list of changed variables could be implemented to
avoid having to search for changed variable values - although this list might have to be implemented as a thread safe linked list.
- value() should return a special return-code value to indicate that the
- DONE: value() should return a special return-code value to indicate that the
value should not be updated and distinguish it from an error code - which should stop the system.
Note: This idea is meaningless since variables that are set via connection have no way to 'refuse'
a connected value - since they are implemented as pointers back to the source variabl.e
- The 'two slot' approach to setting variable no longer seems useful.
The only reason not to eliminate it is to possibly use it as a way to test local values
before they are set, but it isn't clear if this actually useful.
- DONE: Allow proc's to send messages to the UI. Implementation: During exec() the proc builds a global list of variables whose values
@ -1014,14 +1020,16 @@ Look at all the places `var_create()` is called can the value arg. be removed?
- DONE: Re-write the currawong circuit with caw.
- Finish audio feedback example - this will probably involve writing an `audio_silence` class.
Update: there is now an audio_silence class.
- Issue a warning if memory is allocated during runtime.
- cwMpScNbQueue is allocating memory. This makes it blocking.
Update: 3/25 - this queue is not currently used
- Check for illegal variable names in class descriptions. (no periods, trailing digits, or trailing underscores)
- Check for unknown fields where the syntax clearly specifies only certain options via the 'readv()' method.
- DONE: Check for unknown fields where the syntax clearly specifies only certain options via the 'readv()' method.
- Verify that all variables have been registered (have valid 'vid's) during post instantiation validation.
(this is apparently not currently happening)
@ -1046,6 +1054,8 @@ Look at all the places `var_create()` is called can the value arg. be removed?
+ mult proc's with more than 3 instances should be put into a list or use a 'disclose' button
+ add a UI label to the var description,
- Class presets cannot address 'mult' variables. Maybe this is ok since 'mult' variables are generally connected to a source?
@ -1062,6 +1072,7 @@ Has this problem been addressed by allowing mult variables to be instantiated in
- Variable attributes should be meaningful. e.g. src,src_opt,mult,init, ....
Should we check for 'src' or 'mult' attribute on var's?
(In other words: Enforce var attributes.)
+ A variable with the 'init' flag should never be changed at runtime.
- How much of the proc initialization implementation can use the preset compile/apply code?
@ -1083,6 +1094,7 @@ Has this problem been addressed by allowing mult variables to be instantiated in
- The signal srate should determine the sample rate used by a given processor.
The system sample rate should only be used a default/fallback value.
Processors that have mandatory signal inputs should never need to also have an srate parameter.
Consider a network with a variable sample rate.
- Implement user-defined-proc preset application.
@ -1106,6 +1118,7 @@ Processors that have mandatory signal inputs should never need to also have an s
Perhaps this could be a 'symbol' data type?
- There should be special logging macros inside procs that automatically log the instance name.
Likewise there should be special cwLogErrorProc(rc,proc), cwLogErrorVar(rc,var) to automatically report the source of the error.
- Look more closely at the way to identify an in-stmt src-net or a out-stmt in-net.
It's not clear there is a difference between specifying `_` and the default behaviour.
@ -1227,6 +1240,19 @@ that can be depicted like this.
This diagram shows a two level network, where the internal
network contains an array of networks.
A processor instance is structured as a collection of variables along with a small set of
functions for maintaining it's state.
Variables act both as a means of holding the time varying state of the processor
and as input and output ports. There is nothing preventing a variable from
being both an input and output port, although in practice then tend to be one
or the other.
As is the case in most dataflow implementations processors act as the nodes
of the graph and edges represent the flow of information between output and
input variables. A _caw_ graph allows fan-out, multiple outputs from a variable,
but not fan-in. A variable acting as in input may have only a single incoming edge.
Networks are executed sequentially, one processor at a time, from top
to bottom. Networks that are members of the same network array,
referred to as silbing networks, may however execute concurrently to
@ -1250,6 +1276,7 @@ is the case because it guarantees that no processors are running when
the preset values are set.
2. If a processor receives data from a sibling network it is possible
that the processors value() function is called from multiple
concurrent threads. Processors which receive data from sibling
@ -1279,6 +1306,8 @@ The purpose of the value() function is to provide a single
easy way of picking up changed incoming values without
having to test for changed values in the exec() function.
It shouldn't be used as an alternate exec() function.
Note that the create() and destroy() calls for all processors
in the entire graph occur in a single thread and therefore do
@ -1345,6 +1374,37 @@ The new record effectively inherits the contents of the
existing record by reference. No data is copied.
For an example of this see the `vel_table` implementation.
Variable Change Notification
Processors are not directly notified when one of their connected variables changes.
This is the case because _caw_ does not implement a 'message' or 'event'
propagation scheme. When an 'input' variable changes the processor which owns
it is not informed of the change. This limitation exists to prevent the need
for a processor to implement a thread-safe message handling scheme - since it is
possible that variable updates would come from concurrent threads executing
the processors to which precede it in the graph.
By default if a processor needs to notice
when an input variable changes it needs to cache the value and check
if the value has changed on the next execution cycle. For a processor with
many rarely changing variables this can be both messy and wasteful since it is possible
that most of the variable will not change on any given execution cycle.
To handle this case a variable change notfication scheme is built into the system.
When a variable description is marked with the 'notify' tag it is placed on
an internal list (proc_t.modVarMapA[]). Just prior to the processors instance
exec() cycle a call to proc_notify() will result in a callback to the
instances notify() function for every marked variable that was modified since
the last execution of the instance. Note that these callbacks happen
from a single thread, the same one that will subsequently call the exec() function.
The calls to notify() occur in the same order that the variables changed in time,
however there will be only one callback per variable. If a variable changed
multiple times during the cycle only the last value will be recorded.
This limitation however exists for all processor input variables whether they
use the notification scheme or not.
Optional Variables
@ -1357,6 +1417,8 @@ midi_out has implemented 'in' and 'rin' as optional
variables. Look there for an example of how to accomplish this.