Added calls to _set/clear_status(). Fixed memory leaks. Implemented kCorruptOpId() handling.

Added calls to update GUI from system log. Fixed fragment select logic.
Added more button enable/disable logic and number range configuration.
Added calls to set extra interactive variables in _apply_preset().
This commit is contained in:
kevin 2021-12-29 21:57:04 -05:00
parent 33e1945ab4
commit 09da65113f
2 changed files with 235 additions and 58 deletions

View File

@ -59,6 +59,8 @@ namespace cw
@ -113,6 +115,7 @@ namespace cw
{ kPanelDivId, kInsertBtnId, "insertBtnId" },
{ kPanelDivId, kDeleteBtnId, "deleteBtnId" },
{ kPanelDivId, kStatusId, "statusId" },
{ kPanelDivId, kLogId, "logId" },
{ kPanelDivId, kFragListId, "fragListId" },
{ kFragListId, kFragPanelId, "fragPanelId" },
@ -165,6 +168,9 @@ namespace cw
unsigned insertLoc; // last valid insert location id received from the GUI
unsigned minLoc;
unsigned maxLoc;
unsigned beg_play_loc;
unsigned end_play_loc;
@ -221,10 +227,11 @@ namespace cw
const int sN = 128;
char s[sN];
uiSendValue( app->ioH, uiFindElementUuId(app->ioH,kStatusId), s );
void _set_status( app_t* app, const char* fmt, ... )
va_list vl;
@ -233,10 +240,27 @@ namespace cw
void _clear_status( app_t* app )
void _log_output_func( void* arg, unsigned level, const char* text )
app_t* app = (app_t*)arg;
unsigned logUuId = uiFindElementUuId( app->ioH, kLogId);
uiSetLogLine( app->ioH, logUuId, text );
rc_t _free( app_t& app )
score::destroy( app.scoreH );
return kOkRC;
@ -265,9 +289,9 @@ namespace cw
io_flow::apply_preset( app->ioFlowH, flow_cross::kNextDestId, preset_label );
io_flow::set_variable_value( app->ioFlowH, flow_cross::kNextDestId, "wd_bal", "in", flow::kAnyChIdx, frag->wetDryGain );
io_flow::set_variable_value( app->ioFlowH, flow_cross::kNextDestId, "split_wet", "gain", flow::kAnyChIdx, frag->igain );
io_flow::set_variable_value( app->ioFlowH, flow_cross::kNextDestId, "cmp", "ogain", flow::kAnyChIdx, frag->ogain );
io_flow::set_variable_value( app->ioFlowH, flow_cross::kNextDestId, "wd_bal", "in", flow::kAnyChIdx, (dsp::real_t)frag->wetDryGain );
io_flow::set_variable_value( app->ioFlowH, flow_cross::kNextDestId, "split_wet", "gain", flow::kAnyChIdx, (dsp::real_t)frag->igain );
io_flow::set_variable_value( app->ioFlowH, flow_cross::kNextDestId, "cmp", "ogain", flow::kAnyChIdx, (dsp::real_t)frag->ogain );
io_flow::begin_cross_fade( app->ioFlowH, frag->fadeOutMs );
@ -519,18 +543,59 @@ namespace cw
return rc;
rc_t _frag_uuid_to_blob( app_t* app, unsigned uuId, ui_blob_t*& blobRef )
unsigned blobByteN = 0;
if(( blobRef = (ui_blob_t*)io::uiGetBlob( app->ioH, uuId, blobByteN )) == nullptr || blobByteN != sizeof(ui_blob_t) )
return cwLogError(kInvalidStateRC,"A fragment UI blob was missing or corrupt for GUI uuid:%i.",uuId);
return kOkRC;
void _enable_global_play_btn( app_t* app, bool enableFl )
io::uiSetEnable( app->ioH, io::uiFindElementUuId( app->ioH, kStartBtnId ), enableFl );
//io::uiSetEnable( app->ioH, io::uiFindElementUuId( app->ioH, kStopBtnId ), enableFl );
void _enable_frag_play_btn( app_t* app, ui_blob_t* blob, unsigned, const char* ){}
void _enable_frag_play_btn( app_t* app, ui_blob_t* blob, const char*, unsigned ){}
void _enable_frag_play_btn( app_t* app, ui_blob_t* blob, unsigned begPlayLoc, unsigned endPlayLoc )
bool enableFl = begPlayLoc < endPlayLoc;
unsigned fragUuId = kInvalidId;
unsigned fragPlayBtnUuId = kInvalidId;
if((fragUuId = frag_to_gui_id( app->psH, blob->fragId )) != kInvalidId )
if((fragPlayBtnUuId = uiFindElementUuId( app->ioH, fragUuId, kFragPlayBtnId, blob->presetId )) != kInvalidId )
uiSetEnable( app->ioH, fragPlayBtnUuId, enableFl );
if( enableFl )
_set_status(app,"Invalid fragment play range.");
void _disable_frag_play_btn( app_t* app, unsigned fragBegEndUuId )
ui_blob_t* blob = nullptr;
if(_frag_uuid_to_blob(app, fragBegEndUuId, blob) == kOkRC )
_enable_frag_play_btn( app, blob, 1, (unsigned)0 );
// Called when a UI value is changed in a fragment panel (e.g. gain, fadeMs, ...)
template< typename T>
rc_t _on_ui_frag_value( app_t* app, unsigned uuId, const T& value )
rc_t rc = kOkRC;
unsigned blobByteN = 0;
ui_blob_t* blob = nullptr;
if(( blob = (ui_blob_t*)io::uiGetBlob( app->ioH, uuId, blobByteN )) == nullptr || blobByteN != sizeof(ui_blob_t) )
return cwLogError(kInvalidStateRC,"A fragment UI blob was missing or corrupt.");
if((rc = _frag_uuid_to_blob(app, uuId, blob)) != kOkRC )
goto errLabel;
rc = preset_sel::set_value( app->psH, blob->fragId, blob->varId, blob->presetId, value );
if( rc != kOkRC )
@ -552,8 +617,25 @@ namespace cw
case preset_sel::kPlayBtnVarId:
_do_play_fragment( app, blob->fragId );
case preset_sel::kBegPlayLocVarId:
unsigned endPlayLoc;
get_value( app->psH, blob->fragId, preset_sel::kEndPlayLocVarId, blob->presetId, endPlayLoc );
_enable_frag_play_btn( app, blob, value, endPlayLoc );
case preset_sel::kEndPlayLocVarId:
unsigned begPlayLoc;
get_value( app->psH, blob->fragId, preset_sel::kBegPlayLocVarId, blob->presetId, begPlayLoc );
_enable_frag_play_btn( app, blob, begPlayLoc, value );
return rc;
@ -613,7 +695,7 @@ namespace cw
unsigned fragEndLocUuId = kInvalidId;
unsigned fragPresetRowUuId = kInvalidId;
unsigned presetN = preset_sel::preset_count( app->psH );
unsigned fragBegLoc = 0;
// create the UI object
if((rc = io::uiCreateFromObject( app->ioH, app->frag_panel_cfg, fragListUuId, fragChanId )) != kOkRC )
@ -639,6 +721,11 @@ namespace cw
// Set the fragment panel order
io::uiSetOrderKey( app->ioH, fragPanelUuId, endLoc );
// Set the fragment beg/end play range
get_value( app->psH, fragId, preset_sel::kBegPlayLocVarId, kInvalidId, fragBegLoc );
uiSetNumbRange( app->ioH, io::uiFindElementUuId(app->ioH, fragPanelUuId, kFragBegPlayLocId, fragChanId), app->minLoc, app->maxLoc, 1, 0, fragBegLoc );
uiSetNumbRange( app->ioH, io::uiFindElementUuId(app->ioH, fragPanelUuId, kFragEndPlayLocId, fragChanId), app->minLoc, app->maxLoc, 1, 0, endLoc );
// Attach blobs to the UI to allow convenient access back to the prese_sel data record
_frag_set_ui_blob(app, io::uiFindElementUuId(app->ioH, fragPanelUuId, kFragInGainId, fragChanId), fragId, preset_sel::kInGainVarId, kInvalidId );
@ -656,6 +743,7 @@ namespace cw
if((rc = _create_frag_preset_ctl(app, fragId, fragPresetRowUuId, presetN, preset_idx )) != kOkRC )
goto errLabel;
// set the uuid associated with this fragment
preset_sel::set_value( app->psH, fragId, preset_sel::kGuiUuIdVarId, kInvalidId, fragPanelUuId );
@ -703,12 +791,6 @@ namespace cw
goto errLabel;
// update the fragment id
// TODO:
// BUG BUG BUG: there is nothing to prevent the new fragment id from conflicting with the existing fragment id's
// The correct way to handle this is to reset all the fragment id's in a single operation after the UI is created
//preset_sel::set_value(app->psH, f->fragId, preset_sel::kFragIdVarId, kInvalidId, fragId );
_update_frag_ui(app, fragId );
@ -744,6 +826,11 @@ namespace cw
if( rc == kOkRC )
_set_status(app,"Save failed.");
return rc;
@ -755,8 +842,13 @@ namespace cw
unsigned midiEventN = 0;
midi_record_play::midi_msg_t* m = nullptr;
// if the score is already loaded
if( app->scoreH.isValid() )
return rc;
// create the score
if((rc = score::create( app->scoreH, app->scoreFn )) != kOkRC )
@ -777,6 +869,8 @@ namespace cw
app->locMap = mem::allocZ<loc_map_t>( midiEventN );
app->locMapN = midiEventN;
app->minLoc = midiEventN;
app->maxLoc = 0;
// allocate the the player msg array
m = mem::allocZ<midi_record_play::midi_msg_t>( midiEventN );
@ -794,6 +888,9 @@ namespace cw
app->locMap[i].loc = e->loc;
app->locMap[i].timestamp = m[i].timestamp;
app->minLoc = std::min(app->minLoc,e->loc);
app->maxLoc = std::max(app->maxLoc,e->loc);
@ -808,12 +905,19 @@ namespace cw
// set the range of the global play location controls
io::uiSetNumbRange( app->ioH, io::uiFindElementUuId(app->ioH, kBegPlayLocNumbId), app->minLoc, app->maxLoc, 1, 0, app->minLoc );
io::uiSetNumbRange( app->ioH, io::uiFindElementUuId(app->ioH, kEndPlayLocNumbId), app->minLoc, app->maxLoc, 1, 0, app->maxLoc );
// enable the 'End Loc' number box since the score is loaded
io::uiSetEnable( app->ioH, io::uiFindElementUuId( app->ioH, kInsertLocId ), true );
// update the current event and event count
// enable the start/stop buttons
io::uiSetEnable( app->ioH, io::uiFindElementUuId( app->ioH, kStartBtnId ), true );
io::uiSetEnable( app->ioH, io::uiFindElementUuId( app->ioH, kStopBtnId ), true );
@ -824,13 +928,21 @@ namespace cw
rc = cwLogError(rc,"Restore failed.");
goto errLabel;
io::uiSetEnable( app->ioH, io::uiFindElementUuId( app->ioH, kLoadBtnId ), false );
io::uiSetEnable( app->ioH, io::uiFindElementUuId( app->ioH, kSaveBtnId ), true );
cwLogInfo("'%s' loaded.",app->scoreFn);
_update_event_ui( app );
if( rc != kOkRC )
_set_status(app,"Load failed.");
_set_status(app,"%i MIDI events loaded.",midiEventN);
return rc;
@ -843,7 +955,7 @@ namespace cw
rc_t _on_ui_stop( app_t* app )
rc_t rc = kOkRC;
if((rc = midi_record_play::stop(app->mrpH)) != kOkRC )
rc = cwLogError(rc,"MIDI start failed.");
@ -872,14 +984,12 @@ namespace cw
return fl0 && fl1;
// Called when the global play locations change
rc_t _on_ui_play_loc(app_t* app, unsigned appId, unsigned loc)
rc_t rc = kOkRC;
// TODO: test value of loc and set border to red if it is not valid
// otherwise clear border
switch( appId )
case kBegPlayLocNumbId:
@ -890,6 +1000,16 @@ namespace cw
app->end_play_loc = loc;
bool enableFl = app->beg_play_loc < app->end_play_loc;
_enable_global_play_btn(app, enableFl );
_set_status(app,"Invalid play location range.");
return rc;
@ -905,14 +1025,12 @@ namespace cw
if( enableFl )
app->insertLoc = insertLoc;
// TODO: Clear GUI error indicator
app->insertLoc = kInvalidId;
cwLogWarning("Location '%i' is not valid.",insertLoc);
// TODO: Set GUI error indicator
_set_status(app,"Location '%i' is not valid.",insertLoc);
return rc;
@ -920,9 +1038,10 @@ namespace cw
rc_t _on_ui_insert_btn( app_t* app )
rc_t rc = kOkRC;
unsigned fragId = kInvalidId;
loc_map_t* loc_ts = nullptr;
rc_t rc = kOkRC;
unsigned fragId = kInvalidId;
loc_map_t* loc_ts = nullptr;
const preset_sel::frag_t* f = nullptr;;
// verify that frag panel resource object is initiailized
if( app->frag_panel_cfg == nullptr)
@ -970,6 +1089,11 @@ namespace cw
// update the fragment UI
_update_frag_ui(app, fragId );
if((f = get_fragment(app->psH,fragId)) != nullptr && f->link != nullptr )
_update_frag_ui(app, f->link->fragId );
return rc;
@ -979,6 +1103,7 @@ namespace cw
rc_t rc = kOkRC;
unsigned fragId = kInvalidId;
unsigned uuId = kInvalidId;
// get the fragment id (uuid) of the selected fragment
if((fragId = preset_sel::ui_select_fragment_id(app->psH)) == kInvalidId )
@ -987,12 +1112,19 @@ namespace cw
goto errLabel;
// locate the uuid assocated with the specified fragid
if((uuId = preset_sel::frag_to_gui_id(app->psH,fragId)) == kInvalidId )
rc = cwLogError(kInvalidIdRC,"The uuId associated with the fragment id %i could not be found.",fragId);
goto errLabel;
// delete the fragment data record
if((rc = preset_sel::delete_fragment(app->psH,fragId)) != kOkRC )
goto errLabel;
// delete the fragment UI element
if((rc = io::uiDestroyElement( app->ioH, fragId )) != kOkRC )
if((rc = io::uiDestroyElement( app->ioH, uuId )) != kOkRC )
goto errLabel;
@ -1012,17 +1144,17 @@ namespace cw
// disable start and stop buttons until a score is loaded
io::uiSetEnable( app->ioH, io::uiFindElementUuId( app->ioH, kStartBtnId ), false );
io::uiSetEnable( app->ioH, io::uiFindElementUuId( app->ioH, kStopBtnId ), false );
io::uiSetEnable( app->ioH, io::uiFindElementUuId( app->ioH, kSaveBtnId ), false );
const preset_sel::frag_t* f = preset_sel::get_fragment_base( app->psH );
for(; f!=nullptr; f=f->link)
_update_frag_ui( app, f->fragId );
return rc;
rc_t _onUiValue(app_t* app, const io::ui_msg_t& m )
rc_t rc = kOkRC;
@ -1039,8 +1171,8 @@ namespace cw
case kReportBtnId:
//preset_sel::report( app->psH );
io_flow::apply_preset( app->ioFlowH, 2000.0, app->tmp==0 ? "a" : "b");
app->tmp = !app->tmp;
//io_flow::apply_preset( app->ioFlowH, 2000.0, app->tmp==0 ? "a" : "b");
//app->tmp = !app->tmp;
case kSaveBtnId:
@ -1129,40 +1261,76 @@ namespace cw
return rc;
rc_t _onUiCorrupt( app_t* app, const io::ui_msg_t& m )
switch( m.appId )
case kBegPlayLocNumbId:
case kEndPlayLocNumbId:
case kInsertLocId:
io::uiSetEnable( app->ioH, io::uiFindElementUuId( app->ioH, kInsertBtnId ), false );
case kFragBegPlayLocId:
case kFragEndPlayLocId:
_disable_frag_play_btn(app, m.uuId );
return kOkRC;
rc_t _onUiClick( app_t* app, const io::ui_msg_t& m )
rc_t rc = kOkRC;
// get the last selected fragment
unsigned uuId = preset_sel::ui_select_fragment_id(app->psH);
unsigned prevFragId = preset_sel::ui_select_fragment_id(app->psH);
unsigned prevUuId = preset_sel::frag_to_gui_id(app->psH,prevFragId,false);
// is the last selected fragment the same as the clicked fragment
bool reclickFl = uuId == m.uuId;
bool reclickFl = prevUuId == m.uuId;
// if a different fragment was clicked then deselect the last fragment in the UI
if( !reclickFl && uuId != kInvalidId )
uiSetSelect( app->ioH, uuId, false );
// select or deselect the clicked fragment
uiSetSelect( app->ioH, m.uuId, !reclickFl );
if( !reclickFl )
if(prevUuId != kInvalidId )
uiSetSelect( app->ioH, prevUuId, false );
// select or deselect the clicked fragment
uiSetSelect( app->ioH, m.uuId, !reclickFl );
// Note: calls to uiSetSelect() produce callbacks to _onUiSelect().
return rc;
rc_t _onUiSelect( app_t* app, const io::ui_msg_t& m )
rc_t rc = kOkRC;
bool selectFl = m.value->u.b; // True/False if the fragment is being selected/deselected
rc_t rc = kOkRC;
bool selectFl = m.value->u.b; // True/False if the fragment is being selected/deselected
unsigned fragId = kInvalidId;
if((fragId = preset_sel::gui_to_frag_id(app->psH,m.uuId)) == kInvalidId )
rc = cwLogError(kInvalidIdRC,"The fragment assoicated with the UuId %i could not be found.",m.uuId);
goto errLabel;
// track the currently selected fragment.
preset_sel::ui_select_fragment( app->psH, m.uuId, selectFl );
preset_sel::ui_select_fragment( app->psH, fragId, selectFl );
// enable/disable the delete fragment button
io::uiSetEnable( app->ioH, io::uiFindElementUuId( app->ioH, kDeleteBtnId ), selectFl );
return rc;
@ -1194,6 +1362,10 @@ namespace cw
_onUiValue( app, m );
case ui::kCorruptOpId:
_onUiCorrupt( app, m );
case ui::kClickOpId:
_onUiClick( app, m );
@ -1296,6 +1468,8 @@ cw::rc_t cw::preset_sel_app::main( const object_t* cfg, const object_t* flow_pro
goto errLabel;
log::setOutputCb( log::globalHandle(),_log_output_func,&app);
// create the preset selection state object
if((rc = create(app.psH, app.presets_cfg )) != kOkRC )

View File

@ -19,24 +19,27 @@
row: {
button:{ name: startBtnId, title:"Start" },
button:{ name: stopBtnId, title:"Stop" },
number:{ name: begLocNumbId, title:"Loc", min:0, max:100000, step:1, decpl:0 },
number:{ name: endLocNumbId, title:"End", min:0, max:100000, step:1, decpl:0 },
number:{ name: begLocNumbId, title:"Loc:", min:0, max:100000, step:1, decpl:0 },
number:{ name: endLocNumbId, title:"End:", min:0, max:100000, step:1, decpl:0 },
row: {
check:{ name: midiThruCheckId, title:"MIDI Thru" },
numb_disp: { name: curMidiEvtCntId, title:"Current" },
numb_disp: { name: totalMidiEvtCntId, title:"Total" },
numb_disp: { name: curMidiEvtCntId, title:"Current:" },
numb_disp: { name: totalMidiEvtCntId, title:"Total:" },
row: {
number:{ name: insertLocId, title:"End Loc", min:0, max:100000, step:1, decpl:0 },
number:{ name: insertLocId, title:"End Loc:", min:0, max:100000, step:1, decpl:0 },
button:{ name: insertBtnId, title:"Insert", enable: false },
button:{ name: deleteBtnId, title:"Delete", enable: false },
str_disp:{ name: statusId, title:"Status", value: "" },
row: {
str_disp:{ name: statusId, title:"Status:", value: "" },
row: {
list:{ name: fragListId, addClassName: fragList },