cwFlowPerf.cpp : Removed dead code,
This commit is contained in:
@ -688,13 +688,11 @@ namespace cw
enum {
//kXfArgsPId, // kXfArgs:xfArgs+xf_cnnt
typedef struct
@ -703,146 +701,12 @@ namespace cw
unsigned xf_cnt; // count of transform processors
preset_sel::handle_t psH; // location->preset map
unsigned loc_fld_idx; //
unsigned loc; // last received location
unsigned out_idx; // current transform processor index (0:xf_cnt)
//recd_array_t* xf_recd_array; // xf_recd_array[ xf_cnt ] one record per 'out' var
unsigned presetN;
unsigned preset_idx;
//recd_array_t* preset_recd_array; // preset_recd_array[ presetN ] one record per network preset
unsigned loc; // Last received location
unsigned out_idx; // Current transform processor index (0:xf_cnt)
unsigned presetN; // Count of preset labels. Same as preset_count(psH).
unsigned preset_idx; // Index (0:presetN) of last selected preset.
} inst_t;
rc_t _network_preset_value_to_recd_field(const char* proc_inst_label, const preset_value_t* ps_val_list, const recd_field_t* f, const recd_type_t* recd_type, recd_t* recd )
rc_t rc = kOkRC;
const preset_value_t* psv = nullptr;
// search through the preset value list ...
for(psv=ps_val_list; psv!=nullptr; psv=psv->link)
if( psv->tid != kDirectPresetValueTId )
// looking for the preset value whose proc instance label matches proc_inst_label and
// whose var->label matches the recd field label
if( textIsEqual(psv->u.pvv.proc->label,proc_inst_label) && textIsEqual(psv->u.pvv.var->label, f->label) )
// set the record field value to the preset value
if((rc = value_from_value( psv->u.pvv.value, recd->valA[f->u.index] )) != kOkRC )
rc = cwLogError(kOpFailRC,"The preset value field '%s.%s value assignment failed.",cwStringNullGuard(proc_inst_label),cwStringNullGuard(f->label));
goto errLabel;
break; // the search is complete
// It's possible that a record field value is not included in a preset spec - therefore it is not
// an error to fail by not finding the preset value for a field.
// In this case the record value is set to the default value set in the
// record cfg in the 'preset_select' class desc.
//if( ps_val_list!=nullptr && psv == nullptr )
// rc = cwLogError(kEleNotFoundRC,"The preset field '%s.%s' was not found.",cwStringNullGuard(proc_inst_label),cwStringNullGuard(f->label));
return rc;
rc_t _network_preset_to_record( network_t* net, const char* preset_label, const recd_type_t* recd_type, recd_t* recd )
rc_t rc = kOkRC;
const network_preset_t* net_ps;
// Locate the named preset label in the list of network presets
if((net_ps = network_preset_from_label( *net, preset_label )) == nullptr )
rc = cwLogError(kEleNotFoundRC,"The network preset '%s' was not found.",cwStringNullGuard(preset_label));
goto errLabel;
// the identified preset cannot be a 'dual' preset specification
if( net_ps->tid != kPresetVListTId )
rc = cwLogError(kInvalidArgRC,"The network preset '%s' is not of type 'value_list'.",cwStringNullGuard(preset_label));
goto errLabel;
// for each group in the recd
for(const recd_field_t* f0 = recd_type->fieldL; f0!=nullptr; f0=f0->link)
if( f0->group_fl )
// for each non-group field in this group
for(const recd_field_t* f1=f0->u.group_fieldL; f1!=nullptr; f1=f1->link)
if( !f1->group_fl )
// store the value of the preset field into the recd
if((rc = _network_preset_value_to_recd_field(f0->label, net_ps->u.vlist.value_head, f1, recd_type, recd )) != kOkRC )
goto errLabel;
return rc;
rc_t _alloc_preset_recd_array( proc_t* proc, inst_t* p )
rc_t rc = kOkRC;
network_t* net = proc->net;
if((p->presetN = preset_count(p->psH)) == 0 )
rc = cwLogError(kInvalidStateRC,"There are no presets defined.");
goto errLabel;
// create p->preset_recd_array
if((rc = recd_array_create(p->preset_recd_array, p->xf_recd_array->type, nullptr, p->presetN )) != kOkRC )
rc = cwLogError(rc,"The preset record array allocation failed.");
goto errLabel;
if( p->preset_proc_label != nullptr && textLength(p->preset_proc_label)> 0 )
proc_t* net_proc = nullptr;
if((rc = proc_find(*proc->net, p->preset_proc_label, kBaseSfxId, net_proc )) != kOkRC || net_proc->internal_net == nullptr )
rc = cwLogError(rc,"The preset network could not be found.");
goto errLabel;
net = net_proc->internal_net;
// for each preset ...
for(unsigned i=0; i<p->presetN; ++i)
// ... fill a record in p->preset_recd_array with the values from the preset.
if((rc = _network_preset_to_record( net, preset_label(p->psH,i), p->preset_recd_array->type, p->preset_recd_array->recdA + i )) != kOkRC )
rc = cwLogError(rc,"The preset '%s' could not be converted to a 'record'.",cwStringNullGuard(preset_label(p->psH,i)));
goto errLabel;
// Note that p->preset_recd_array[] is in the same order as cwPresetSel.preset_label() and therefore the
// frag_idx in cwPresetSel.frag_t is the index into p->preset_recd_array[] of the associated record.
return rc;
unsigned _next_avail_xf_channel( inst_t* p )
p->out_idx += 1;
@ -862,8 +726,7 @@ namespace cw
if((rc = var_register_and_get(proc,kAnyChIdx,
kInitCfgPId, "cfg", kBaseSfxId, cfg,
kPresetProcPId,"preset_proc", kBaseSfxId, p->preset_proc_label,
kXfCntPId, "xf_cnt", kBaseSfxId, p->xf_cnt,
//kXfCntPId, "xf_cnt", kBaseSfxId, p->xf_cnt,
kInPId, "in", kBaseSfxId, rbuf,
kFNamePId, "fname", kBaseSfxId, fname,
kLocPId, "loc", kBaseSfxId, p->loc)) != kOkRC )
@ -872,7 +735,7 @@ namespace cw
if((rc = var_register_and_set(proc,kAnyChIdx,
kOutIdxPId, "out_idx", kBaseSfxId, -1,
//kOutIdxPId, "out_idx", kBaseSfxId, -1,
kPresetLabelPId,"preset_label", kBaseSfxId, "")) != kOkRC )
goto errLabel;
@ -906,16 +769,6 @@ namespace cw
goto errLabel;
// Alloc an array of 'xf_cnt' records of type 'xf_args'.
if((rc = var_alloc_record_array( proc, "xf_args", kBaseSfxId, kAnyChIdx, nullptr, p->xf_recd_array, p->xf_cnt )) != kOkRC )
goto errLabel;
// Create the 'xf_arg' outputs
for(unsigned i=0; i<p->xf_cnt; ++i)
rc = var_register_and_set( proc, "xf_args", kBaseSfxId+i, kXfArgsPId+i, kAnyChIdx, p->xf_recd_array->type, nullptr, 0 );
p->presetN = preset_count(p->psH);
@ -928,8 +781,6 @@ namespace cw
rc_t rc = kOkRC;
return rc;
@ -997,26 +848,21 @@ namespace cw
goto errLabel;
// set the value of the selected preset
//xf_rbuf->recdA = p->preset_recd_array->recdA + preset_idx;
//xf_rbuf->recdN = 1;
if( preset_idx != p->preset_idx )
// get the next available xf output channel
p->out_idx = _next_avail_xf_channel(p);
//p->out_idx = _next_avail_xf_channel(p);
if((rc = var_set(proc, kOutIdxPId, kAnyChIdx, p->out_idx)) != kOkRC )
goto errLabel;
//if((rc = var_set(proc, kOutIdxPId, kAnyChIdx, p->out_idx)) != kOkRC )
// goto errLabel;
if( preset_idx != kInvalidIdx )
if((rc = var_set(proc, kPresetLabelPId, kAnyChIdx, preset_sel::preset_label(p->psH,preset_idx))) != kOkRC )
goto errLabel;
//printf("PS OUT_IDX:%i\n",p->out_idx);
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