
202 行
5.7 KiB

2024-09-05 15:17:08 +00:00
import os
import math
import json
import wt_util
import calc_sample_atk_dur
import calc_wavetables
import numpy as np
import multiproc as mp
def table_read_2( tab, frac ):
i0 = math.floor(frac + 1)
i1 = i0 + 1
f = frac - int(frac)
return tab[i0] + (tab[i1] - tab[i0]) * f
def hann_read( x, N ):
while x > N:
x -= N
x = x - (N/2)
return (0.5 + 0.5 * math.cos(2*math.pi * x / N))
def prepare_wt( aV, wtL, wt_idx ):
wt_smp_cnt = wtL[0]['wtei'] - wtL[0]['wtbi']
if wt_idx >= len(wtL):
wt = np.zeros((wt_smp_cnt,))
wt = np.copy(aV[ wtL[wt_idx]['wtbi']: wtL[wt_idx]['wtei'] ])
wt = [0] + wt.tolist() + [0]
wt[0] = wt[-2]
wt[-1] = wt[0]
return np.array(wt)
def get_wt( aV, wtL, wt_idx ):
wt0 = prepare_wt(aV,wtL,wt_idx)
wt1 = prepare_wt(aV,wtL,wt_idx+1)
return wt0,wt1
def gen_osc_output( i_audio_fname, velL, midi_pitch, note_dur_sec, inter_note_sec, wt_interval_sec, o_audio_fname ):
smp_per_dsp_frm = 64
aM,srate = wt_util.parse_audio_file(i_audio_fname)
ch_cnt = aM.shape[1]
note_dur_smp = int(round(note_dur_sec * srate))
inter_note_smp = int(round(inter_note_sec * srate))
wt_interval_smp = int(round(wt_interval_sec * srate))
yN = len(velL) * (note_dur_smp + inter_note_smp)
yM = np.zeros((yN,ch_cnt))
yi = 0
for velD in velL:
bsi = velD['bsi']
hz = wt_util.midi_pitch_to_hz(midi_pitch)
fsmp_per_cyc = srate/hz
fsmp_per_wt = fsmp_per_cyc * 2
smp_per_wt = int(math.floor(fsmp_per_wt))
for ch_idx in range(ch_cnt):
wtL = velD['chL'][ch_idx]
if len(wtL) == 0:
print(f"pitch:{midi_pitch} vel:{velD['vel']} ch:{ch_idx} has no wavetables.")
# The attack abutts the wavetable at it's center point
# so we need to offset the end of the attack half way
# through the first wave table.
abi = int(wtL[0]['wtbi'] + smp_per_wt/2)
atkN = min(abi - bsi,note_dur_smp)
yM[yi:yi+atkN,ch_idx] = aM[bsi:bsi+atkN,ch_idx]
wt_idx = 0
wt0,wt1 = get_wt( aM[:,ch_idx], wtL, wt_idx )
wt = wt0
wt_int_phs = 0
phs0 = 0
phs1 = fsmp_per_wt/2
for i in range(note_dur_smp-atkN):
s0 = table_read_2( wt, phs0 )
s1 = table_read_2( wt, phs1 )
e0 = hann_read(phs0,fsmp_per_wt)
e1 = hann_read(phs1,fsmp_per_wt)
yM[yi+atkN+i,ch_idx] = e0*s0 + e1*s1
# advance the phases of the oscillators
phs0 += 1
if phs0 >= smp_per_wt:
phs0 -= smp_per_wt
phs1 += 1
if phs1 >= smp_per_wt:
phs1 -= smp_per_wt
wt_int_phs += 1
if wt_int_phs % smp_per_dsp_frm == 0:
wt_mix = min(1.0, wt_int_phs / wt_interval_smp)
wt = ((1.0-wt_mix) * wt0) + (wt_mix * wt1)
if wt_int_phs >= wt_interval_smp:
wt_idx += 1
wt0,wt1 = get_wt( aM[:,ch_idx], wtL, wt_idx )
wt = wt0
wt_int_phs = 0
wt_mix = 0
yi += note_dur_smp + inter_note_smp
wt_util.write_audio_file( yM, srate, o_audio_fname )
def gen_from_wt_json( processN, wt_json_fname, out_dir, note_dur_sec, inter_note_sec, pitch_filtL=None ):
def _multi_proc_func( procId, procArgsD, taskArgsD ):
if not os.path.isdir(out_dir):
with open(wt_json_fname) as f:
pitchL = json.load(f)['pitchL']
taskArgsL = []
for pitchD in pitchL:
if pitch_filtL is None or pitchD['midi_pitch'] in pitch_filtL:
taskArgsL.append( {
processN = min(processN,len(taskArgsL))
mp.local_distribute_main( processN,_multi_proc_func,{},taskArgsL )
if __name__ == "__main__":
if True:
wt_json_fname = "/home/kevin/temp/temp_5.json"
out_dir = "/home/kevin/temp/wt_osc_1"
note_dur_sec = 10.0
inter_note_sec = 1.0
processN = 20
pitch_filtL = None #[ 27 ]
gen_from_wt_json(processN, wt_json_fname,out_dir,note_dur_sec,inter_note_sec, pitch_filtL)
if False:
midi_pitch = 60
audio_fname = "/home/kevin/temp/wt5/wav/060_samples.wav"
mark_tsv_fname = "/home/kevin/temp/wt5/60_marker.txt"
rms_wnd_ms = 50
rms_hop_ms = 10
atkEndThreshDb = -43.0
wt_interval_secs = 1.0
note_dur_sec = 10.0
inter_note_sec = 1.0
gateL = calc_sample_atk_dur.generate_gate_db(audio_fname,mark_tsv_fname,rms_wnd_ms, rms_hop_ms, atkEndThreshDb )
wtL = calc_wavetables.gen_wave_table_list( audio_fname, mark_tsv_fname, gateL, midi_pitch, wt_interval_secs )
gen_osc_output(audio_fname,wtL,note_dur_sec,inter_note_sec, wt_interval_secs, "/home/kevin/temp/temp.wav")