33 lignes
637 B
33 lignes
637 B
#ifndef cwSpScBuf_h
#define cwSpScBuf_h
namespace cw
namespace spsc_buf
typedef handle<struct spsc_buf_str> handle_t;
rc_t create( handle_t& hRef, unsigned bufByteN );
rc_t destroy( handle_t& hRef );
// Copy data into the filling buffer.
rc_t copyIn( handle_t h, const void* buf, unsigned bufByteN );
// Get a count of the bytes contained in the filling buffer.
unsigned fullByteCount( handle_t h );
// Swap the buffers and return the one containing data.
rc_t copyOut( handle_t h, void* buf, unsigned bufByteN, unsigned& returnedByteN_Ref );
rc_t test();