
440 lines
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2019-12-19 03:24:12 +00:00
#include "cwCommon.h"
#include "cwLog.h"
#include "cwCommonImpl.h"
#include "cwMem.h"
#include "cwFileSys.h"
#include "cwTextBuf.h"
2019-12-19 03:24:12 +00:00
#include "cwLex.h"
#include "cwText.h"
2019-12-19 03:24:12 +00:00
#include "cwNumericConvert.h"
#include "cwObject.h"
#include "cwThread.h"
#include "cwWebSock.h"
#include "cwWebSockSvr.h"
#include "cwSerialPort.h"
#include "cwSerialPortSrv.h"
#include "cwSocket.h"
#include "cwUi.h"
#include "cwUiTest.h"
#include "cwTime.h"
#include "cwMidi.h"
#include "cwMidiPort.h"
#include "cwAudioDevice.h"
#include "cwAudioDeviceTest.h"
#include "cwAudioDeviceAlsa.h"
#include "cwAudioBuf.h"
#include "cwTcpSocket.h"
#include "cwTcpSocketSrv.h"
#include "cwTcpSocketTest.h"
#include "cwMdns.h"
2020-02-12 18:22:48 +00:00
#include "cwDnsSd.h"
#include "cwEuCon.h"
2020-02-13 16:31:05 +00:00
#include "cwIo.h"
#include "cwIoTest.h"
//#include "cwNbMem.h"
2019-12-19 03:24:12 +00:00
#include <iostream>
void print()
template<typename T0, typename T1, typename ...ARGS>
void print(T0 t0, T1 t1, ARGS&&... args)
2019-12-19 03:24:12 +00:00
static const unsigned short int size = sizeof...(ARGS);
std::cout << t0 << ":" << t1 << " (" << size << "), ";
2019-12-19 03:24:12 +00:00
void get(int)
template<typename T0, typename T1, typename... ARGS>
void get(int n, T0 t0, T1& t1, ARGS&&... args)
2019-12-19 03:24:12 +00:00
std::cout << t0 << ":" " (" << n << "), ";
t1 = n;
2019-12-19 03:24:12 +00:00
template< typename T0 >
unsigned fmt_data( char* buf, unsigned n, T0 t0 )
return cw::toText(buf, n, t0);
unsigned fmt_data( char* buf, unsigned n, const char* v )
return cw::toText(buf,n,v);
unsigned to_text_base(char*, unsigned n, unsigned i )
{ return i; }
template<typename T0, typename T1, typename... ARGS>
unsigned to_text_base( char* buf, unsigned n, unsigned i, T0 t0, T1 t1, ARGS&&... args)
i += fmt_data(buf+i, n-i, t0);
i += fmt_data(buf+i, n-i, t1);
if( i >= n )
return i;
return to_text_base(buf,n,i,std::forward<ARGS>(args)...);
template< typename... ARGS>
unsigned to_text(const char* prefix, char* buf, unsigned n, ARGS&&... args)
unsigned i = cw::toText(buf, n, prefix );
return to_text_base(buf,n,i,std::forward<ARGS>(args)...);
2019-12-19 03:24:12 +00:00
using namespace std;
void variadicTplTest( cw::object_t* cfg, int argc, const char* argv[] )
print("a", 1, "b", 3.14, "c",5L);
int v0=0,v1=0,v2=0;
get(0, "a", v0, "b", v1, "c", v2);
printf("get: %i %i %i",v0,v1,v2);
const int bufN = 32;
char buf[bufN];
buf[0] = '\0';
unsigned n = to_text("prefix: ",buf,bufN,"a",1,"b",3.2,"hi","ho");
printf("%i : %s\n",n,buf);
void fileSysTest( cw::object_t* cfg, int argc, const char* argv[] )
2019-12-19 03:24:12 +00:00
cw::filesys::pathPart_t* pp = cw::filesys::pathParts(__FILE__);
2019-12-19 03:24:12 +00:00
cwLogInfo("fn: %s",pp->fnStr);
char* fn = cw::filesys::makeFn( pp->dirStr, pp->fnStr, pp->extStr, nullptr );
2019-12-19 03:24:12 +00:00
cwLogInfo("fn: %s",fn);
2019-12-19 03:24:12 +00:00
void numbCvtTest( cw::object_t* cfg, int argc, const char* argv[] )
2019-12-19 03:24:12 +00:00
int8_t x0 = 3;
int x1 = 127;
cw::numeric_convert( x1, x0 );
printf("%i %i\n",x0,x1);
int v0;
double v1;
printf("%i %f\n",v0,v1 );
void objectTest( cw::object_t* cfg, int argc, const char* argv[] )
2019-12-19 03:24:12 +00:00
cw::object_t* o;
const char s [] = "{ a:1, b:2, c:[ 1.23, 4.56 ], d:true, e:false, f:true }";
2019-12-19 03:24:12 +00:00
int v;
int a = 0;
int b = 0;
2019-12-19 03:24:12 +00:00
printf("G: %i %i\n",a,b);
void threadTest( cw::object_t* cfg, int argc, const char* argv[] ) { cw::threadTest(); }
void websockSrvTest( cw::object_t* cfg, int argc, const char* argv[] ) { cw::websockSrvTest(); }
void serialPortSrvTest( cw::object_t* cfg, int argc, const char* argv[] ) { cw::serialPortSrvTest(); }
void midiDeviceTest( cw::object_t* cfg, int argc, const char* argv[] ) { cw::midi::device::test();}
void textBufTest( cw::object_t* cfg, int argc, const char* argv[] ) { cw::textBuf::test(); }
void audioBufTest( cw::object_t* cfg, int argc, const char* argv[] ) { cw::audio::buf::test(); }
void audioDevTest( cw::object_t* cfg, int argc, const char* argv[] ) { cw::audio::device::test( argc, argv ); }
void audioDevAlsaTest( cw::object_t* cfg, int argc, const char* argv[] ) { cw::audio::device::alsa::report(); }
2020-02-12 18:22:48 +00:00
void audioDevRpt( cw::object_t* cfg, int argc, const char* argv[] ) { cw::audio::device::report(); }
2020-02-13 16:31:05 +00:00
void ioTest( cw::object_t* cfg, int argc, const char* argv[] ) { cw::io::test(); }
2019-12-19 03:24:12 +00:00
void socketTest( cw::object_t* cfg, int argc, const char* argv[] )
if( argc >= 3 )
unsigned short localPort = atoi(argv[1]);
unsigned short remotePort = atoi(argv[2]);
const char* remoteAddr = ""; //""; //"";
printf("local:%i remote:%i\n", localPort, remotePort);
cw::net::socket::test( localPort, remoteAddr, remotePort );
void socketTestTcp( cw::object_t* cfg, int argc, const char* argv[] )
// server: ./cw_rt main.cfg socketTcp 5434 5435 dgram/stream server
// client: ./cw_rt main.cfg socketTcp 5435 5434 dgram/stream
if( argc >= 4 )
unsigned short localPort = atoi(argv[1]);
unsigned short remotePort = atoi(argv[2]);
bool dgramFl = strcmp(argv[3],"dgram") == 0;
bool serverFl = false;
if( argc >= 5 )
serverFl = strcmp(argv[4],"server") == 0;
printf("local:%i remote:%i %s %s\n", localPort, remotePort, dgramFl ? "dgram":"stream", serverFl?"server":"client");
cw::net::socket::test_tcp( localPort, "", remotePort, dgramFl, serverFl );
2020-02-12 18:22:48 +00:00
void socketSrvUdpTest( cw::object_t* cfg, int argc, const char* argv[] )
2020-02-12 18:22:48 +00:00
if( argc >= 4 )
unsigned short localPort = atoi(argv[1]);
2020-02-12 18:22:48 +00:00
const char* remoteIp = argv[2];
unsigned short remotePort = atoi(argv[3]);
2020-02-12 18:22:48 +00:00
printf("local:%i to remote:%s %i\n", localPort, remoteIp, remotePort);
cw::net::srv::test_udp_srv( localPort, remoteIp, remotePort );
void socketSrvTcpTest( cw::object_t* cfg, int argc, const char* argv[] )
if( argc >= 4 )
unsigned short localPort = atoi(argv[1]);
const char* remoteIp = argv[2];
unsigned short remotePort = atoi(argv[3]);
printf("local:%i to remote:%s %i\n", localPort, remoteIp, remotePort);
2020-02-12 18:22:48 +00:00
cw::net::srv::test_tcp_srv( localPort, remoteIp, remotePort );
void sockMgrTest( cw::object_t* cfg, int argc, const char* argv[] )
bool tcpFl = false;
unsigned short localPort = 0;
const char* remoteIp = nullptr;
unsigned short remotePort = 0;
if( argc <3 )
printf("Invalid argument count.");
printf("Usage: ./cw_rt <cfg_fn> 'udp | tcp' <localPort> { <remote_ip> <remote_port> }\n");
goto errLabel;
if( argc >= 4 )
remoteIp = argv[3];
if( argc >= 5 )
remotePort = atoi(argv[4]);
if( strcmp(argv[1],"tcp")!=0 && strcmp(argv[1],"udp")!=0 )
printf("The first argument must be 'udp' or 'tcp'\n");
goto errLabel;
tcpFl = strcmp(argv[1],"tcp")==0;
localPort = atoi(argv[2]);
if( remoteIp != nullptr && remotePort == 0 )
printf("A remote adddress '%s' was given but no remote port was given.", remoteIp);
goto errLabel;
printf("style:%s local:%i to remote:%s %i\n", argv[1], localPort, cwStringNullGuard(remoteIp), remotePort);
cw::socksrv::testMain( tcpFl, localPort, remoteIp, remotePort );
void uiTest( cw::object_t* cfg, int argc, const char* argv[] )
void socketMdnsTest( cw::object_t* cfg, int argc, const char* argv[] )
2020-02-12 18:22:48 +00:00
void dnsSdTest( cw::object_t* cfg, int arg, const char* argv[] )
void euConTest( cw::object_t* cfg, int arg, const char* argv[] )
2019-12-28 04:35:39 +00:00
void dirEntryTest( cw::object_t* cfg, int argc, const char* argv[] )
if( argc >= 2 )
const char* path = argv[1];
unsigned dirEntryN = 0;
unsigned includeFlags = cw::filesys::kFileFsFl | cw::filesys::kDirFsFl | cw::filesys::kFullPathFsFl | cw::filesys::kRecurseFsFl;
cw::filesys::dirEntry_t* de = cw::filesys::dirEntries( path,includeFlags, &dirEntryN );
for(unsigned i=0; i<dirEntryN; ++i)
void stubTest( cw::object_t* cfg, int argc, const char* argv[] )
2019-12-19 03:24:12 +00:00
typedef struct v_str
int x = 1;
int y = 2;
void* z = nullptr;
} v_t;
2019-12-19 03:24:12 +00:00
v_t v;
printf("%i %i %p\n",v.x,v.y,v.z);
2020-02-12 18:22:48 +00:00
const char* s = "\x16lmac=00-90-D5-80-F4-DE\x7dummy=0";
2020-02-12 18:22:48 +00:00
2019-12-19 03:24:12 +00:00
int main( int argc, const char* argv[] )
2019-12-19 03:24:12 +00:00
typedef struct func_str
const char* label;
void (*func)(cw::object_t* cfg, int argc, const char* argv[] );
2019-12-19 03:24:12 +00:00
} func_t;
// function dispatch list
func_t modeArray[] =
{ "variadicTpl", variadicTplTest },
2019-12-19 03:24:12 +00:00
{ "fileSys", fileSysTest },
{ "numbCvt", numbCvtTest },
{ "object", objectTest },
{ "thread", threadTest },
{ "websockSrv", websockSrvTest },
{ "serialSrv", serialPortSrvTest },
{ "midiDevice", midiDeviceTest },
{ "textBuf", textBufTest },
{ "audioBuf", audioBufTest },
{ "audioDev",audioDevTest },
{ "audioDevAlsa", audioDevAlsaTest },
2020-02-12 18:22:48 +00:00
{ "audioDevRpt", audioDevRpt },
//{ "nbmem", nbmemTest },
{ "socket", socketTest },
{ "socketTcp", socketTestTcp },
2020-02-12 18:22:48 +00:00
{ "socketSrvUdp", socketSrvUdpTest },
{ "socketSrvTcp", socketSrvTcpTest },
{ "sockMgrTest", sockMgrTest },
{ "uiTest", uiTest },
{ "socketMdns", socketMdnsTest },
2020-02-12 18:22:48 +00:00
{ "dnssd", dnsSdTest },
{ "eucon", euConTest },
2019-12-28 04:35:39 +00:00
{ "dirEntry", dirEntryTest },
2020-02-13 16:31:05 +00:00
{ "io", ioTest },
{ "stub", stubTest },
2019-12-19 03:24:12 +00:00
{ nullptr, nullptr }
// read the command line
cw::object_t* cfg = NULL;
const char* cfgFn = argc > 1 ? argv[1] : nullptr;
const char* mode = argc > 2 ? argv[2] : nullptr;
2019-12-19 03:24:12 +00:00
// if valid command line args were given and the cfg file was successfully read
if( cfgFn != nullptr && mode != nullptr && objectFromFile( cfgFn, cfg ) == cw::kOkRC )
int i;
// locate the requested function and call it
for(i=0; modeArray[i].label!=nullptr; ++i)
//printf("'%s' '%s'\n",modeArray[i].label,mode);
2019-12-19 03:24:12 +00:00
if( cw::textCompare(modeArray[i].label,mode)==0 )
modeArray[i].func( cfg, argc-2, argv + 2 );
2019-12-19 03:24:12 +00:00
// if the requested function was not found
if( modeArray[i].label == nullptr )
cwLogError(cw::kInvalidArgRC,"The mode selector: '%s' is not valid.", cwStringNullGuard(mode));
2019-12-19 03:24:12 +00:00
return 0;