
690 lines
18 KiB
Raw Normal View History

#include "cwCommon.h"
#include "cwLog.h"
#include "cwCommonImpl.h"
#include "cwMem.h"
#include "cwSerialPort.h"
#include <poll.h>
#include <termios.h>
#include <unistd.h> // ::close()
#include <fcntl.h> // O_RDWR
#include <sys/ioctl.h> // TIOCEXCL
namespace cw
namespace serialPort
typedef struct port_str
unsigned _userId;
char* _deviceStr;
int _deviceH;
unsigned _baudRate;
unsigned _cfgFlags;
callbackFunc_t _cbFunc;
void* _cbArg;
struct termios _ttyAttrs;
struct pollfd* _pollfd;
struct port_str* _link;
} port_t;
typedef struct device_str
unsigned _recvBufByteN;
void* _recvBuf;
port_t* _portL;
unsigned _pollfdN;
struct pollfd* _pollfd;
} device_t;
inline device_t* _handleToPtr(handle_t h)
{ return handleToPtr<handle_t,device_t>(h); }
bool _isPortOpen( port_t* p )
{ return p->_deviceH != -1; }
// Given a 'userId' return the assoc'd port record.
port_t* _idToPort( device_t* d, unsigned userId, bool errorFl = true )
port_t* p = d->_portL;
while( p != nullptr )
if( userId == p->_userId )
return p;
p = p->_link;
if( errorFl )
cwLogError(kInvalidIdRC,"No port was found with id:%i.",userId);
return nullptr;
rc_t _getAttributes( port_t* p, struct termios& attr )
if( tcgetattr(p->_deviceH, &attr) == -1 )
return cwLogSysError(kGetAttrFailRC,errno,"Error getting tty attributes from %s.",p->_deviceStr);
return kOkRC;
// Called to read the serial device when data is known to be waiting.
rc_t _receive( device_t* d, port_t* p, unsigned& readN_Ref, void* buf=nullptr, unsigned bufByteN=0 )
rc_t rc = kOkRC;
void* b = buf;
unsigned bN = bufByteN;
int n = 0;
readN_Ref = 0;
if( !_isPortOpen(p) )
return cwLogWarningRC( kResourceNotAvailableRC, "An attempt was made to read from a closed serial port.");
// if a buffer was not given
if( b ==nullptr || bufByteN == 0 )
b = d->_recvBuf;
bN = d->_recvBufByteN;
// if attempt to read the port succeeded ...
if((n =read( p->_deviceH, b, bN )) != -1 )
readN_Ref += n;
if( buf == nullptr || bufByteN == 0 )
p->_cbFunc( p->_cbArg, p->_userId, b, n );
// ... or failed and it wasn't because the port was empty
if( errno != EAGAIN)
rc = cwLogSysError(kReadFailRC,errno,"An attempt to read the serial port '%s' failed.", p->_deviceStr );
return rc;
// Block devices waiting for data on a port. If userId is valid then wait for data on a specific port otherwise
// wait for data on all ports.
rc_t _poll( device_t* d, unsigned timeOutMs, unsigned& readN_Ref, unsigned userId=kInvalidId, void* buf=nullptr, unsigned bufByteN=0 )
rc_t rc = kOkRC;
int sysRC;
readN_Ref = 0;
// if there are not ports then there is nothing to do
if( d->_pollfdN == 0 )
return rc;
struct pollfd* pfd = d->_pollfd; // first struct pollfd
unsigned pfdN = d->_pollfdN; // count of pollfd's
port_t* p = d->_portL; // port assoc'd with first pollfd
// if only one port is to be read ...
if( userId != kInvalidId )
// ... then locate it
if((p = _idToPort(d,userId)) == nullptr )
return kInvalidArgRC;
pfd = p->_pollfd;
pfdN = 1;
// A port to poll must exist
if( p == nullptr )
return cwLogError(kInvalidArgRC,"The port with id %i could not be found.",userId);
// block waiting for data on one of the ports
if((sysRC = ::poll(pfd,pfdN,timeOutMs)) == 0)
rc = kTimeOutRC;
// ::poll() encountered a system exception
if( sysRC < 0 )
return cwLogSysError(kReadFailRC,errno,"Poll failed on serial port.");
// interate through the ports looking for the ones which have data waiting ...
for(unsigned i=0; p!=nullptr; p=p->_link,++i)
if( p->_pollfd->revents & POLLIN )
// ... then read the data
if((rc = _receive( d, p, readN_Ref, buf, bufByteN )) != kOkRC )
return rc;
return rc;
rc_t _closePort( device_t* d, port_t* p )
rc_t rc = kOkRC;
// if the port is already closed
if( p->_deviceH != -1 )
// Block until all written output has been sent from the device.
// Note that this call is simply passed on to the serial device driver.
// See tcsendbreak(3) ("man 3 tcsendbreak") for details.
if (tcdrain(p->_deviceH) == -1)
rc = cwLogSysError(kFlushFailRC,errno,"Error waiting for serial device '%s' to drain.", p->_deviceStr );
goto errLabel;
// It is good practice to reset a serial port back to the state in
// which you found it. This is why we saved the original termios struct
// The constant TCSANOW (defined in termios.h) indicates that
// the change should take effect immediately.
if (tcsetattr(p->_deviceH, TCSANOW, &p->_ttyAttrs) == -1)
rc = cwLogSysError(kSetAttrFailRC,errno,"Error resetting tty attributes on serial device '%s'.",p->_deviceStr);
goto errLabel;
if( ::close(p->_deviceH ) != 0 )
rc = cwLogSysError(kCloseFailRC,errno,"Port close failed on serial dvice '%s'.", p->_deviceStr);
goto errLabel;
// reset the state of the port record
p->_userId = kInvalidId;
p->_deviceH = -1;
p->_baudRate = 0;
p->_cfgFlags = 0;
p->_cbFunc = nullptr;
p->_cbArg = nullptr;
p->_pollfd->events = 0;
p->_pollfd->fd = -1;
return rc;
// Destroy the manager object.
rc_t _destroy( device_t* d )
rc_t rc = kOkRC;
port_t* p = d->_portL;
while( p != nullptr )
port_t* p0 = p->_link;
if((rc = _closePort(d,p)) != kOkRC )
return rc;
p = p0;
return rc;
cw::rc_t cw::serialPort::create( handle_t& h, unsigned recvBufByteN )
rc_t rc;
if((rc = destroy(h)) != kOkRC )
return rc;
device_t* d = mem::allocZ<device_t>();
if( recvBufByteN > 0 )
d->_recvBuf = mem::allocZ<uint8_t>( recvBufByteN );
d->_recvBufByteN = recvBufByteN;
return rc;
cw::rc_t cw::serialPort::destroy( handle_t& h )
rc_t rc = kOkRC;
if( !h.isValid() )
return rc;
device_t* d = _handleToPtr(h);
if((rc = _destroy(d)) != kOkRC )
return rc;
return rc;
cw::rc_t cw::serialPort::createPort( handle_t h, unsigned userId, const char* deviceStr, unsigned baudRate, unsigned cfgFlags, callbackFunc_t cbFunc, void* cbArg )
rc_t rc = kOkRC;
device_t* d = _handleToPtr(h);
struct termios options;
port_t* p;
// locate the port with the given user id
if((p = _idToPort(d,userId,false)) != nullptr )
if((rc = _closePort(d,p)) != kOkRC )
return rc;
// if a new port record must be allocated
if( p == nullptr )
unsigned portN = 0;
// look for an available port and count the number of existing ports
for(p=d->_portL; p!=nullptr; p=p->_link,++portN)
if( !_isPortOpen(p) )
if( p == nullptr )
// allocate and link in the new port desc. record
p = mem::allocZ<port_t>();
p->_deviceH = -1;
// link in the new port as the first port
p->_link = d->_portL;
d->_portL = p;
// A new port has been allocated reallocate the pollfd array
d->_pollfdN = portN + 1;
d->_pollfd = mem::allocZ<struct pollfd>(d->_pollfdN);
// link the port records to the their assoc'd pollfd record in d->_pollfd[]
port_t* pp = d->_portL;
for(unsigned i=0; pp!=nullptr; ++i,pp=pp->_link)
pp->_pollfd = d->_pollfd + i;
pp->_pollfd->fd = pp->_deviceH;
pp->_pollfd->events = POLLIN;
// open the port
if( (p->_deviceH = ::open(deviceStr, O_RDWR | O_NOCTTY | O_NONBLOCK)) == -1 )
rc = cwLogSysError(kOpenFailRC,errno,"Error opening serial '%s'",cwStringNullGuard(deviceStr));
goto errLabel;;
// Note that open() follows POSIX semantics: multiple open() calls to
// the same file will succeed unless the TIOCEXCL ioctl is issued.
// This will prevent additional opens except by root-owned processes.
// See tty(4) ("man 4 tty") and ioctl(2) ("man 2 ioctl") for details.
if( ioctl(p->_deviceH, TIOCEXCL) == -1 )
rc = cwLogSysError(kResourceNotAvailableRC,errno,"The serial device '%s' is already in use.", cwStringNullGuard(deviceStr));
goto errLabel;
// Now that the device is open, clear the O_NONBLOCK flag so
// subsequent I/O will block.
// See fcntl(2) ("man 2 fcntl") for details.
if (fcntl(_deviceH, F_SETFL, 0) == -1)
_error("Error clearing O_NONBLOCK %s - %s(%d).", pr.devFilePath.c_str(), strerror(errno), errno);
goto errLabel;
// Get the current options and save them so we can restore the
// default settings later.
if (tcgetattr(p->_deviceH, &p->_ttyAttrs) == -1)
rc = cwLogSysError(kGetAttrFailRC,errno,"Error getting tty attributes from the device '%s'.",deviceStr);
goto errLabel;
// The serial port attributes such as timeouts and baud rate are set by
// modifying the termios structure and then calling tcsetattr to
// cause the changes to take effect. Note that the
// changes will not take effect without the tcsetattr() call.
// See tcsetattr(4) ("man 4 tcsetattr") for details.
options = p->_ttyAttrs;
// Set raw input (non-canonical) mode, with reads blocking until either
// a single character has been received or a 100ms timeout expires.
// See tcsetattr(4) ("man 4 tcsetattr") and termios(4) ("man 4 termios")
// for details.
options.c_cc[VMIN] = 1;
options.c_cc[VTIME] = 1;
// The baud rate, word length, and handshake options can be set as follows:
// set baud rate
cfsetspeed(&options, baudRate);
options.c_cflag |= CREAD | CLOCAL; // ignore modem controls
// set data word size
cwClrBits(options.c_cflag, CSIZE); // clear the word size bits
cwEnaBits(options.c_cflag, CS5, cwIsFlag(cfgFlags, kDataBits5Fl));
cwEnaBits(options.c_cflag, CS6, cwIsFlag(cfgFlags, kDataBits6Fl));
cwEnaBits(options.c_cflag, CS7, cwIsFlag(cfgFlags, kDataBits7Fl));
cwEnaBits(options.c_cflag, CS8, cwIsFlag(cfgFlags, kDataBits8Fl));
cwClrBits(options.c_cflag, PARENB); // assume no-parity
// if the odd or even parity flag is set
if( cwIsFlag( cfgFlags, kEvenParityFl) || cwIsFlag( cfgFlags, kOddParityFl ) )
cwSetBits(options.c_cflag, PARENB);
if( cwIsFlag(cfgFlags, kOddParityFl ) )
cwSetBits( options.c_cflag, PARODD);
// set two stop bits
cwEnaBits( options.c_cflag, CSTOPB, cwIsFlag(cfgFlags, k2StopBitFl));
// set hardware flow control
//cwEnaBits(options.c_cflag, CCTS_OFLOW, cwIsFlag(cfgFlags, kCTS_OutFlowCtlFl));
//cwEnaBits(options.c_cflag, CRTS_IFLOW, cwIsFlag(cfgFlags, kRTS_InFlowCtlFl));
//cwEnaBits(options.c_cflag, CDTR_IFLOW, cwIsFlag(cfgFlags, kDTR_InFlowCtlFl));
//cwEnaBits(options.c_cflag, CDSR_OFLOW, cwIsFlag(cfgFlags, kDSR_OutFlowCtlFl));
//cwEnaBits(options.c_cflag, CCAR_OFLOW, cwIsFlag(cfgFlags, kDCD_OutFlowCtlFl));
cwClrBits(options.c_cflag,CRTSCTS); // turn-off hardware flow control
// 7 bit words, enable even parity, CTS out ctl flow, RTS in ctl flow
// note: set PARODD and PARENB to enable odd parity)
//options.c_cflag |= (CS7 | PARENB | CCTS_OFLOW | CRTS_IFLOW );
// Cause the new options to take effect immediately.
if (tcsetattr(p->_deviceH, TCSANOW, &options) == -1)
rc = cwLogSysError(kSetAttrFailRC,errno,"Error setting tty attributes on serial device %.", deviceStr);
goto errLabel;
p->_userId = userId;
p->_deviceStr = cw::mem::allocStr( deviceStr );
p->_baudRate = baudRate;
p->_cfgFlags = cfgFlags;
p->_cbFunc = cbFunc;
p->_cbArg = cbArg;
p->_pollfd->fd = p->_deviceH;
p->_pollfd->events = POLLIN;
if( rc != kOkRC )
return rc;
cw::rc_t cw::serialPort::destroyPort(handle_t h, unsigned userId )
rc_t rc = kOkRC;
if( !isopen(h,userId) )
return rc;
device_t* d = _handleToPtr(h);
port_t* p;
// find the port to close
if((p = _idToPort(d,userId)) == nullptr )
return kInvalidArgRC;
// Close the selected port
// Note that closed ports are simply marked as closed (deviceH==-1) but not removed from the list.
if((rc = _closePort(d,p)) != kOkRC )
return rc;
return rc;
unsigned cw::serialPort::portCount( handle_t h )
device_t* d = _handleToPtr(h);
return d->_pollfdN;
unsigned cw::serialPort::portIndexToId( handle_t h, unsigned index )
device_t* d = _handleToPtr(h);
unsigned i = 0;
for(port_t* p=d->_portL; p!=nullptr; p=p->_link,++i)
if( i == index )
return p->_userId;
return kInvalidId;
bool cw::serialPort::isopen( handle_t h, unsigned userId )
device_t* d = _handleToPtr(h);
port_t* p;
if((p = _idToPort(d,userId)) == nullptr )
return false;
return _isPortOpen(p);
cw::rc_t cw::serialPort::send( handle_t h, unsigned userId, const void* byteA, unsigned byteN )
rc_t rc = kOkRC;
device_t* d = _handleToPtr(h);
port_t* p;
if( byteN == 0 )
return rc;
if((p = _idToPort(d,userId)) == nullptr )
return kInvalidArgRC;
// implement a non blocking write - if less than all the bytes were written then iterate
unsigned i = 0;
int n = 0;
if((n = write( p->_deviceH, ((char*)byteA)+i, byteN-i )) == -1 )
rc = cwLogSysError(kWriteFailRC,errno,"Write failed on serial port '%s'.", p->_deviceStr );
i += n;
}while( i<byteN );
return rc;
// Non-blocking read
cw::rc_t cw::serialPort::receive_nb( handle_t h, unsigned userId, unsigned& readN_Ref, void* buf, unsigned bufN)
rc_t rc = kOkRC;
device_t* d = _handleToPtr(h);
port_t* p;
if((p = _idToPort(d,userId)) == nullptr )
return kInvalidArgRC;
return _receive( d, p, readN_Ref, buf,bufN );
return rc;
cw::rc_t cw::serialPort::receive( handle_t h, unsigned timeOutMs, unsigned& readN_Ref)
device_t* d = _handleToPtr(h);
return _poll(d,timeOutMs,readN_Ref);
cw::rc_t cw::serialPort::receive( handle_t h, unsigned timeOutMs, unsigned& readN_Ref, unsigned userId, void* buf, unsigned bufByteN )
device_t* d = _handleToPtr(h);
port_t* p;
if((p = _idToPort(d,userId)) == nullptr )
return kInvalidArgRC;
return _poll(d,timeOutMs,readN_Ref,userId,buf,bufByteN);
const char* cw::serialPort::device( handle_t h, unsigned userId)
device_t* d = _handleToPtr(h);
port_t* p;
if((p = _idToPort(d,userId)) == NULL)
return NULL;
return p->_deviceStr;
unsigned cw::serialPort::baudRate( handle_t h, unsigned userId )
device_t* d = _handleToPtr(h);
port_t* p;
if((p = _idToPort(d,userId)) == NULL)
return 0;
return p->_baudRate;
unsigned cw::serialPort::cfgFlags( handle_t h, unsigned userId )
device_t* d = _handleToPtr(h);
port_t* p;
if((p = _idToPort(d,userId)) == NULL)
return 0;
return p->_cfgFlags;
unsigned cw::serialPort::readInBaudRate( handle_t h, unsigned userId )
struct termios attr;
device_t* d = _handleToPtr(h);
port_t* p;
if((p = _idToPort(d,userId)) == NULL)
return 0;
if((_getAttributes(p,attr)) != kOkRC )
return 0;
return cfgetispeed(&attr);
unsigned cw::serialPort::readOutBaudRate( handle_t h, unsigned userId )
struct termios attr;
device_t* d = _handleToPtr(h);
port_t* p;
if((p = _idToPort(d,userId)) == NULL)
return 0;
if((_getAttributes(p,attr)) != kOkRC )
return 0;
return cfgetospeed(&attr);
unsigned cw::serialPort::readCfgFlags( handle_t h, unsigned userId )
struct termios attr;
unsigned result = 0;
device_t* d = _handleToPtr(h);
port_t* p;
if((p = _idToPort(d,userId)) == NULL)
return 0;
if((_getAttributes(p,attr)) == false )
return 0;
switch( attr.c_cflag & CSIZE )
case CS5:
cwSetBits( result, kDataBits5Fl);
case CS6:
cwSetBits( result, kDataBits6Fl );
case CS7:
cwSetBits( result, kDataBits7Fl);
case CS8:
cwSetBits( result, kDataBits8Fl);
cwEnaBits( result, k2StopBitFl, cwIsFlag( attr.c_cflag, CSTOPB ));
cwEnaBits( result, k1StopBitFl, !cwIsFlag( attr.c_cflag, CSTOPB ));
if( cwIsFlag( attr.c_cflag, PARENB ) )
cwEnaBits( result, kOddParityFl, cwIsFlag( attr.c_cflag, PARODD ));
cwEnaBits( result, kEvenParityFl, !cwIsFlag( attr.c_cflag, PARODD ));
return result;