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//| Copyright: (C) 2020-2024 Kevin Larke <contact AT larke DOT org>
//| License: GNU GPL version 3.0 or above. See the accompanying LICENSE file.
2020-10-04 14:48:27 +00:00
#ifndef cwDsp_H
#define cwDsp_H
#ifdef cwFFTW
2020-10-04 14:48:27 +00:00
#include <fftw3.h>
#include "cwFFT.h"
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#include <type_traits>
namespace cw
namespace dsp
typedef std::complex<double> complex_d_t;
typedef std::complex<float> complex_f_t;
template< typename T >
T ampl_to_db( T ampl, T ref=1.0, T minDb=-200.0 )
{ return ampl<1e-10 ? minDb : 20.0 * log10(ampl/ref); }
template< typename T >
T db_to_ampl( T db )
{ return pow(10.0,db/20.0); }
2020-10-04 14:48:27 +00:00
// Window functions
template< typename T >
T kaiser_beta_from_sidelobe_reject( const T& sidelobeRejectDb )
double beta;
T slrDb = sidelobeRejectDb;
if( slrDb < 13.26 )
slrDb = 13.26;
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if( slrDb > 120.0)
slrDb = 120.0;
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if( slrDb < 60.0 )
beta = (0.76609 * pow(slrDb - 13.26,0.4)) + (0.09834*(slrDb-13.26));
2020-10-04 14:48:27 +00:00
beta = 0.12438 * (slrDb + 6.3);
2020-10-04 14:48:27 +00:00
return beta;
template< typename T >
T kaiser_freq_resolution_factor( const T& sidelobeRejectDb )
{ return (6.0 * (sidelobeRejectDb + 12.0))/155.0; }
template< typename T >
T* kaiser( T* dbp, unsigned n, const T& beta )
bool zeroFl = false;
int M = 0;
double den = math::bessel0<T>(beta); // wnd func denominator
2020-10-04 14:48:27 +00:00
int cnt = n;
int i;
assert( n >= 3 );
// force ele cnt to be odd
if( is_even(cnt) )
zeroFl = true;
// at this point cnt is odd and >= 3
// calc half the window length
M = (int)((cnt - 1.0)/2.0);
double Msqrd = M*M;
for(i=0; i<cnt; i++)
double v0 = (double)(i - M);
double num = math::bessel0(beta * sqrt(1.0 - ((v0*v0)/Msqrd)));
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dbp[i] = (T)(num/den);
if( zeroFl )
dbp[cnt] = 0.0; // zero the extra element in the output array
return dbp;
template< typename T >
T* gaussian( T* dbp, unsigned dn, double mean, double variance )
int M = dn-1;
double sqrt2pi = sqrt(2.0*M_PI);
unsigned i;
for(i=0; i<dn; i++)
double arg = ((((double)i/M) - 0.5) * M);
arg = pow( (double)(arg-mean), 2.0);
arg = exp( -arg / (2.0*variance));
dbp[i] = (T)(arg / (sqrt(variance) * sqrt2pi));
return dbp;
template< typename T >
T* hamming( T* dbp, unsigned dn )
const T* dep = dbp + dn;
T* dp = dbp;
double fact = 2.0 * M_PI / (dn-1);
unsigned i;
for(i=0; dbp < dep; ++i )
*dbp++ = (T)(.54 - (.46 * cos(fact*i)));
return dp;
template< typename T >
T* hann( T* dbp, unsigned dn )
const T* dep = dbp + dn;
T* dp = dbp;
double fact = 2.0 * M_PI / (dn-1);
unsigned i;
for(i=0; dbp < dep; ++i )
*dbp++ = (T)(.5 - (.5 * cos(fact*i)));
return dp;
template< typename T >
T* hann_matlab( T* dbp, unsigned dn )
const T* dep = dbp + dn;
T* dp = dbp;
double fact = 2.0 * M_PI / (dn+1);
unsigned i;
for(i=0; dbp < dep; ++i )
*dbp++ = (T)(0.5*(1.0-cos(fact*(i+1))));
return dp;
template< typename T >
T* triangle( T* dbp, unsigned dn )
unsigned n = dn/2;
T incr = 1.0/n;
T v0 = 0;
T v1 = 1;
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2020-10-04 14:48:27 +00:00
return dbp;
template< typename T >
T* gauss_window( T* dbp, unsigned dn, double arg )
const T* dep = dbp + dn;
T* rp = dbp;
int N = (dep - dbp) - 1;
int n = -N/2;
if( N == 0 )
*dbp = 1.0;
while( dbp < dep )
double a = (arg * n++) / (N/2);
*dbp++ = (T)exp( -(a*a)/2 );
return rp;
// FFT
namespace fft
unsigned window_sample_count_to_bin_count( unsigned wndSmpN );
unsigned bin_count_to_window_sample_count( unsigned binN );
2020-10-04 14:48:27 +00:00
kToPolarFl = 0x01, // convert to polar (magn./phase)
kToRectFl = 0x02, // convert to rect (real/imag)
template< typename T >
struct obj_str
2020-10-04 14:48:27 +00:00
unsigned flags;
T* inV;
std::complex<T>* cplxV;
T* magV;
T* phsV;
unsigned inN;
unsigned binN;
fftw_plan dplan;
fftwf_plan fplan;
} u;
template< typename T >
rc_t create( struct obj_str<T>*& p, unsigned xN, unsigned flags=kToPolarFl )
2020-10-04 14:48:27 +00:00
p = mem::allocZ< obj_str<T> >(1);
2020-10-04 14:48:27 +00:00
p->flags = flags;
p->inN = xN;
p->binN = window_sample_count_to_bin_count(xN);
2020-10-04 14:48:27 +00:00
p->magV = mem::allocZ<T>(p->binN);
p->phsV = mem::allocZ<T>(p->binN);
if( std::is_same<T,float>::value )
p->inV = (T*)fftwf_malloc( sizeof(T)*xN );
p->cplxV = (std::complex<T>*)fftwf_malloc( sizeof(std::complex<T>)*xN);
p->u.fplan = fftwf_plan_dft_r2c_1d((int)xN, (float*)p->inV, reinterpret_cast<fftwf_complex*>(p->cplxV), FFTW_MEASURE );
p->inV = (T*)fftw_malloc( sizeof(T)*xN );
p->cplxV = (std::complex<T>*)fftw_malloc( sizeof(std::complex<T>)*xN);
p->u.dplan = fftw_plan_dft_r2c_1d((int)xN, (double*)p->inV, reinterpret_cast<fftw_complex*>(p->cplxV), FFTW_MEASURE );
return kOkRC;
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template< typename T >
rc_t destroy( struct obj_str<T>*& p )
2020-10-04 14:48:27 +00:00
if( p == nullptr )
return kOkRC;
if( std::is_same<T,float>::value )
fftwf_destroy_plan( p->u.fplan );
fftw_destroy_plan( p->u.dplan );
//p->u.dplan = nullptr;
2020-10-04 14:48:27 +00:00
return kOkRC;
template< typename T >
rc_t exec( struct obj_str<T>* p, const T* xV, unsigned xN )
2020-10-04 14:48:27 +00:00
rc_t rc = kOkRC;
assert( xN <= p->inN);
// if the incoming vector size is less than the FT buffer size
// then zero the extra values at the end of the buffer
if( xN < p->inN )
memset(p->inV + xN, 0, sizeof(T) * (p->inN-xN) );
// copy the incoming samples into the input buffer
// execute the FT
if( std::is_same<T,float>::value )
// convert to polar
if( cwIsFlag(p->flags,kToPolarFl) )
for(unsigned i=0; i<p->binN; ++i)
p->magV[i] = std::abs(p->cplxV[i])/(p->inN/2);
p->phsV[i] = std::arg(p->cplxV[i]);
// convert to rect
if( cwIsFlag(p->flags,kToRectFl) )
for(unsigned i=0; i<p->binN; ++i)
p->magV[i] = std::real(p->cplxV[i]);
p->phsV[i] = std::imag(p->cplxV[i]);
// do nothing - leave the result in p->cplxV[]
return rc;
template< typename T >
unsigned bin_count( obj_str<T>* p ) { return p->binN; }
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template< typename T >
const T* magn( obj_str<T>* p ) { return p->magV; }
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template< typename T >
const T* phase( obj_str<T>* p ) { return p->phsV; }
2020-10-04 14:48:27 +00:00
rc_t test();
namespace ifft
template< typename T >
struct obj_str
2020-10-04 14:48:27 +00:00
T *outV;
std::complex<T> *cplxV;
unsigned outN;
unsigned binN;
fftw_plan dplan;
fftwf_plan fplan;
} u;
template< typename T >
rc_t create( struct obj_str<T>*& p, unsigned binN )
2020-10-04 14:48:27 +00:00
p = mem::allocZ< obj_str<T> >(1);
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p->binN = binN;
p->outN = fft::bin_count_to_window_sample_count(binN);
2020-10-04 14:48:27 +00:00
if( std::is_same<T,float>::value )
p->outV = (T*)fftwf_malloc( sizeof(T)*p->outN );
p->cplxV = (std::complex<T>*)fftwf_malloc( sizeof(std::complex<T>)*p->outN);
p->u.fplan = fftwf_plan_dft_c2r_1d((int)p->outN, reinterpret_cast<fftwf_complex*>(p->cplxV), (float*)p->outV, FFTW_BACKWARD | FFTW_MEASURE );
p->outV = (T*)fftw_malloc( sizeof(T)*p->outN );
p->cplxV = (std::complex<T>*)fftw_malloc( sizeof(std::complex<T>)*p->outN);
p->u.dplan = fftw_plan_dft_c2r_1d((int)p->outN, reinterpret_cast<fftw_complex*>(p->cplxV), (double*)p->outV, FFTW_BACKWARD | FFTW_MEASURE );
return kOkRC;;
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template< typename T >
rc_t destroy( struct obj_str<T>*& p )
2020-10-04 14:48:27 +00:00
if( p == nullptr )
return kOkRC;
if( std::is_same<T,float>::value )
fftwf_destroy_plan( p->u.fplan );
fftw_destroy_plan( p->u.dplan );
//p->u.dplan = nullptr;
2020-10-04 14:48:27 +00:00
return kOkRC;
template< typename T >
rc_t exec_polar( struct obj_str<T>* p, const T* magV, const T* phsV )
2020-10-04 14:48:27 +00:00
rc_t rc = kOkRC;
if( magV != nullptr && phsV != nullptr )
for(unsigned i=0; i<p->binN; ++i)
p->cplxV[i] = std::polar( magV[i] / 2, phsV[i] );
for(unsigned i=p->outN-1,j=1; j<p->binN-1; --i,++j)
p->cplxV[i] = std::polar( magV[j] / 2, phsV[j] );
if( std::is_same<T,float>::value )
return rc;
template< typename T >
rc_t exec_rect( struct obj_str<T>* p, const T* iV, const T* rV )
rc_t rc = kOkRC;
if( iV != nullptr && rV != nullptr )
unsigned i,j;
for(i=0; i<p->binN; ++i)
p->cplxV[i] = std::complex(rV[i], iV[i]);
for(i=p->outN-1,j=1; j<p->binN-1; --i,++j)
p->cplxV[i] = std::complex(rV[j], iV[j]);
if( std::is_same<T,float>::value )
return rc;
template< typename T >
unsigned out_count( struct obj_str<T>* p ) { return p->outN; }
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template< typename T >
const T* out( struct obj_str<T>* p ) { return p->outV; }
2020-10-04 14:48:27 +00:00
rc_t test();
// Convolution
namespace convolve
template< typename T >
struct obj_str
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struct fft::obj_str<T>* ft;
struct ifft::obj_str<T>* ift;
2020-10-04 14:48:27 +00:00
std::complex<T>* hV;
unsigned hN;
T* olaV; // olaV[olaN]
unsigned olaN; // olaN == cN - procSmpN
T* outV; // outV[procSmpN]
unsigned outN; // outN == procSmpN
template< typename T >
rc_t create(struct obj_str<T>*& p, const T* hV, unsigned hN, unsigned procSmpN, T hScale=1 )
2020-10-04 14:48:27 +00:00
p = mem::allocZ<struct obj_str<T>>(1);
2020-10-04 14:48:27 +00:00
unsigned cN = math::nextPowerOfTwo( hN + procSmpN - 1 );
2020-10-04 14:48:27 +00:00
2020-10-04 14:48:27 +00:00
unsigned binN = fft::bin_count( p->ft );
ifft::create<T>(p->ift, binN);
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p->hN = hN;
p->hV = mem::allocZ< std::complex<T> >(binN);
p->outV = mem::allocZ<T>( cN );
p->outN = procSmpN;
p->olaV = p->outV + procSmpN; // olaV[] overlaps outV[] with an offset of procSmpN
p->olaN = cN - procSmpN;
fft::exec( p->ft, hV, hN );
for(unsigned i=0; i<binN; ++i)
p->hV[i] = hScale * p->ft->cplxV[i] / ((T)cN);
//printf("procN:%i cN:%i hN:%i binN:%i outN:%i\n", procSmpN, cN, hN, binN, p->outN );
2020-10-04 14:48:27 +00:00
return kOkRC;
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template< typename T >
rc_t destroy( struct obj_str<T>*& pRef )
2020-10-04 14:48:27 +00:00
if( pRef == nullptr )
return kOkRC;
return kOkRC;
template< typename T >
rc_t exec( struct obj_str<T>* p, const T* xV, unsigned xN )
2020-10-04 14:48:27 +00:00
// take FT of input signal
fft::exec( p->ft, xV, xN );
// multiply the signal spectra of the input signal and impulse response
for(unsigned i=0; i<p->ft->binN; ++i)
p->ift->cplxV[i] = p->hV[i] * p->ft->cplxV[i];
// take the IFFT of the convolved spectrum
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// sum with previous impulse response tail
vop::add( p->outV, (const T*)p->olaV, (const T*)p->ift->outV, p->outN-1 );
// first sample of the impulse response tail is complete
p->outV[p->outN-1] = p->ift->outV[p->outN-1];
// store the new impulse response tail
vop::copy(p->olaV, p->ift->outV + p->outN, p->hN-1 );
return kOkRC;
template< typename T >
rc_t apply( const T* xV, unsigned xN, const T* hV, unsigned hN, T* yV, unsigned yN, T hScale=1 )
unsigned procSmpN = std::min(xN,hN);
obj_str<T> *p = nullptr;
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unsigned yi = 0;
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for(unsigned xi=0; xi<xN && yi<yN; xi+=procSmpN )
unsigned outN = std::min(yN-yi,p->outN);
vop::copy(yV+yi, p->outV, outN );
//printf("xi:%i yi:%i outN:%i\n", xi, yi, outN );
//vop::print( yV+yi, outN, "%f ", "outV ");
yi += outN;
// if the tail of the hV[] is still in the OLA buffer
if( yi < yN )
unsigned outN = std::min(yN-yi, p->olaN);
// fill yV[] with as much of OLA as is available
vop::copy(yV + yi, p->olaV, outN);
yi += outN;
// zero any remaining space in yV[]
vop::zero(yV + yi, yN-yi );
return kOkRC;
rc_t test();
rc_t test_dsp( const test::test_args_t& args );
2020-10-04 14:48:27 +00:00