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11 KiB

#ifndef cmText_h
#define cmText_h
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
// The cmText API supports two basic tasks: the generation of
// formatted text into dynamic arrays and text to number parsing.
kOkTxRC = 0,
typedef unsigned cmTxRC_t;
typedef cmHandle_t cmTextSysH_t;
extern cmTextSysH_t cmTextSysNullHandle;
cmTxRC_t cmTextSysInitialize( cmCtx_t* ctx, cmTextSysH_t* hp );
cmTxRC_t cmTextSysFinalize( cmTextSysH_t* hp );
bool cmTextSysIsValid( cmTextSysH_t h );
// Print the string into a static, global, but resizable, buffer.
// This string is only valid until the next call to cmTextSysPrintS().
// This function is not currently thread safe - calls from different
// threads can therefore overwrite one anothers buffered strings
// unexpectedly.
cmChar_t* cmTextSysVPrintfS( cmTextSysH_t h, const cmChar_t* fmt, va_list vl );
cmChar_t* cmTextSysPrintfS( cmTextSysH_t h, const cmChar_t* fmt, ... );
// Print the string into memory supplied by a linked heap.
// Strings returned from this function may be deallocated with a call to
// cmLhFree().
cmChar_t* cmTextSysVPrintfH( cmLHeapH_t h, const cmChar_t* fmt, va_list vl );
cmChar_t* cmTextSysPrintfH( cmLHeapH_t h, const cmChar_t* fmt, ... );
// Print a string and store it in the internal text system heap.
// The memory used by these strings will be automatically released
// whent he text system is destroyed. The caller may optionally release
// a string via cmTextSysFreeStr().
cmChar_t* cmTextSysVPrintf( cmTextSysH_t h, const cmChar_t* fmt, va_list vl );
cmChar_t* cmTextSysPrintf( cmTextSysH_t h, const cmChar_t* fmt, ... );
void cmTextSysFreeStr( cmTextSysH_t h, const cmChar_t* s );
// Return true if 's' is stored in the text systems internal heap,
bool cmTextSysIsStored(cmTextSysH_t h, const cmChar_t* s );
// Global interface:
// These functions are equivalent to the same-named functions above
// but use a globally allocated cmTextSysH_t handle.
cmTxRC_t cmTsInitialize( cmCtx_t* ctx );
cmTxRC_t cmTsFinalize();
bool cmTsIsValid();
cmChar_t* cmTsVPrintfS( const cmChar_t* fmt, va_list vl );
cmChar_t* cmTsPrintfS( const cmChar_t* fmt, ... );
cmChar_t* cmTsVPrintfH( cmLHeapH_t h, const cmChar_t* fmt, va_list vl );
cmChar_t* cmTsPrintfH( cmLHeapH_t h, const cmChar_t* fmt, ... );
cmChar_t* cmTsVPrintf( const cmChar_t* fmt, va_list vl );
cmChar_t* cmTsPrintf( const cmChar_t* fmt, ... );
void cmTsFreeStr( const cmChar_t* s );
bool cmTsIsStored(const cmChar_t* s );
// Print a formatted string into s[]. s[] is reallocated as necessary to
// hold the string. s must be freed by the caller via cmMemFree().
cmChar_t* cmTsVPrintfP( cmChar_t* s, const cmChar_t* fmt, va_list vl );
cmChar_t* cmTsPrintfP( cmChar_t* s, const cmChar_t* fmt, ... );
// Set err to NULL to ignore errors.
cmTxRC_t cmTextToInt( const char* text, int* ip, cmErr_t* err );
cmTxRC_t cmTextToUInt( const char* text, unsigned* up, cmErr_t* err );
cmTxRC_t cmTextToFloat( const char* text, float* fp, cmErr_t* err );
cmTxRC_t cmTextToDouble( const char* text, double* dp, cmErr_t* err );
cmTxRC_t cmTextToBool( const char* text, bool* bp, cmErr_t* err );
// In all cases s, s0 and s1 are expected to be non-NULL.
// If any of the arguments were allowed to be NULL, then the natural
// return value would be NULL and this would lead to ambiguities
// with the meaning of a NULL return value.
// Return ptr to next non-white or terminating 0 if EOS is encountered.
cmChar_t* cmTextNextNonWhiteOrEos( cmChar_t* s );
const cmChar_t* cmTextNextNonWhiteOrEosC( const cmChar_t* s );
// Return ptr to next non-white char. or NULL if EOS is encountered.
cmChar_t* cmTextNextNonWhite( cmChar_t* s );
const cmChar_t* cmTextNextNonWhiteC( const cmChar_t* s );
// Return ptr to prev non-white or s if BOS is encountered.
// If returned ptr == s0 then BOS was encountered.
cmChar_t* cmTextPrevNonWhiteOrBos( cmChar_t* s0, const cmChar_t* s1 );
const cmChar_t* cmTextPrevNonWhiteOrBosC( const cmChar_t* s0, const cmChar_t* s1 );
// Return ptr to prev non-white char. or NULL if BOS is encountered.
cmChar_t* cmTextPrevNonWhite( cmChar_t* s0, const cmChar_t* s1 );
const cmChar_t* cmTextPrevNonWhiteC( const cmChar_t* s0, const cmChar_t* s1 );
// Return ptr to next white or terminating 0 if EOS is encountered.
// ( *(return_ptr)==0 if EOS is encountered )
cmChar_t* cmTextNextWhiteOrEos( cmChar_t* s );
const cmChar_t* cmTextNextWhiteOrEosC( const cmChar_t* s );
// Return ptr to next white char. or NULL if EOS is encountered.
cmChar_t* cmTextNextWhite( cmChar_t* s );
const cmChar_t* cmTextNextWhiteC( const cmChar_t* s );
// Return ptr to prev white or s if BOS is encountered.
// If returned ptr != s then *(returned_ptr-1) == '\n'
cmChar_t* cmTextPrevWhiteOrBos( cmChar_t* s0, const cmChar_t* s1 );
const cmChar_t* cmTextPrevWhiteOrBosC( const cmChar_t* s0, const cmChar_t* s1 );
// Return ptr to prev white char. or NULL if BOS is encountered.
cmChar_t* cmTextPrevWhite( cmChar_t* s0, const cmChar_t* s1 );
const cmChar_t* cmTextPrevWhiteC( const cmChar_t* s0, const cmChar_t* s1 );
// Backup to first char on line.
// Return ptr to first char on line or first char in buffer.
// If return_ptr!=s0 then *(return_ptr-1) == '\n'.
cmChar_t* cmTextBegOfLine( cmChar_t* s0, const cmChar_t* s1 );
const cmChar_t* cmTextBegOfLineC( const cmChar_t* s0, const cmChar_t* s1 );
// Move forward to last char on line.
// Return ptr to last char on line.
// If *return_ptr == 0 then the end of buffer was encountered prior
// to the next '\n' otherwise *(return_ptr) == '\n'.
cmChar_t* cmTextEndOfLine( cmChar_t* s );
const cmChar_t* cmTextEndOfLineC( const cmChar_t* s );
// Return a pointer to the last non-white character in the string
cmChar_t* cmTextLastNonWhiteChar( const cmChar_t* s );
const cmChar_t* cmTextLastNonWhiteCharC( const cmChar_t* s );
// Shrink the text by copying all char's beginning with t+tn to t.
// ex: 'abcd' s=a, t=b, tn=1 -> acd
// 'abcd' s=a, t=b, tn=2 -> ad
void cmTextShrinkS( cmChar_t* s, const cmChar_t* t, unsigned tn );
void cmTextShrinkSN(cmChar_t* s, unsigned sn, const cmChar_t* t, unsigned tn );
// Remove the last n characters from s by inserting a '\0' at s[ strlen(s)-n ].
void cmTextClip( cmChar_t* s, unsigned n );
// Expand s by copying all bytes past t to t+tn.
cmChar_t* cmTextExpandS( cmChar_t* s, const cmChar_t* t, unsigned tn );
// Replace t[tn] with u[un] in s[].
cmChar_t* cmTextReplaceSN( cmChar_t* s, const cmChar_t* t, unsigned tn, const cmChar_t* u, unsigned un );
// Replace t[tn] with u in s[].
cmChar_t* cmTextReplaceS( cmChar_t* s, const cmChar_t* t, unsigned tn, const cmChar_t* u );
// Replace all occurrences of t[] with u[] in s[].
cmChar_t* cmTextReplaceAll( cmChar_t* s, const cmChar_t* t, const cmChar_t* u );
// Replace the first occurence of t[] in s[] with u[].
cmChar_t* cmTextReplaceFirst( cmChar_t* s, const cmChar_t* t, const cmChar_t* u );
// Insert u[un] at before t in s[].
cmChar_t* cmTextInsertSN( cmChar_t* s, const cmChar_t* t, const cmChar_t* u, unsigned un );
// Insert u[] at before t in s[].
cmChar_t* cmTextInsertS( cmChar_t* s, const cmChar_t* t, const cmChar_t* u );
cmChar_t* cmTextAppend( cmChar_t* s, unsigned* sn, const cmChar_t* u, unsigned un );
cmChar_t* cmTextAppendSN( cmChar_t* s, const cmChar_t* u, unsigned un );
// append u[un] to s[] and append terminating zero.
cmChar_t* cmTextAppendSNZ( cmChar_t* s, const cmChar_t* u, unsigned un );
// both s[] and u[] are strz's
cmChar_t* cmTextAppendSS( cmChar_t* s, const cmChar_t* u );
// Same as multiple calls to cmTextAppendSS().
// Terminate the var-args list with NULL.
cmChar_t* cmTextVAppendSS( cmChar_t* s, ... );
// Append 'n' copies of 'c' to the end of s[].
cmChar_t* cmTextAppendChar( cmChar_t* s, cmChar_t c, unsigned n );
// Returns true if the string is NULL or all spaces.
bool cmTextIsEmpty( const cmChar_t* s );
bool cmTextIsNotEmpty( const cmChar_t* s );
// Same as strlen() but handles case where s0 == NULL as length==0.
unsigned cmTextLength( const cmChar_t* s0 );
// Same as strcmp() but handles NULL. Note that if both s0 and s1 are NULL
// then return is 0.
int cmTextCmp( const cmChar_t* s0, const cmChar_t* s1 );
// Same as cmTextCmp() but only compare the first 'n' characters.
int cmTextCmpN( const cmChar_t* s0, const cmChar_t* s1, unsigned n );
// Convert text in s0[] to upper/lower case in s1[].
// Note that s0[] and s1[] may point to the same string
void cmTextToLower( const cmChar_t* s0, cmChar_t* s1 );
void cmTextToUpper( const cmChar_t* s0, cmChar_t* s1 );
// Returns NULL if string contains fewer than lineIdx lines.
// Note: first line == 1.
cmChar_t* cmTextLine( cmChar_t* s, unsigned line );
const cmChar_t* cmTextLineC( const cmChar_t* s, unsigned line );
// Reduce all consecutive white spaces to a single space.
cmChar_t* cmTextRemoveConsecutiveSpaces( cmChar_t* s );
// Columnize s[] by inserting EOL's at the first available
// space prior 'colCnt' columns. If no space exists then
// the words will be broken. If length s[] is less than
// 'colCnt' then s[] is returned with no changes.
cmChar_t* cmTextColumize( cmChar_t* s, unsigned colCnt );
// Indent the rows of s[] by inserting 'indent' spaces
// just after each '\n'. If s[] contains no '\n' then
// s[] is returned with no changes.
cmChar_t* cmTextIndentRows( cmChar_t* s, unsigned indent );
// Prefix all rows of s[] with p[].
cmChar_t* cmTextPrefixRows( cmChar_t* s, const cmChar_t* t );
// Remove leading white space from all rows of s.
cmChar_t* cmTextTrimRows( cmChar_t* s );
// Remove all white space prior to the first non-white space
// character.
cmChar_t* cmTextEatLeadingSpace( cmChar_t* s );
// Return a pointer to the beginning of the next row
// or NULL if there is no next row.
cmChar_t* cmTextNextRow( cmChar_t* s );
const cmChar_t* cmTextNextRowC( const cmChar_t* s );
// Return the minimum indent of all rows in s[].
unsigned cmTextMinIndent( const cmChar_t* s );
// Outdent s[] by 'n'.
// If a row is indented by less than 'n' then it is
// then all leading white space is removed.
cmChar_t* cmTextOutdent( cmChar_t* s, unsigned n );
#ifdef __cplusplus