libcm is a C development framework with an emphasis on audio signal processing applications.
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cmDspNet.c 25KB

  1. #include "cmPrefix.h"
  2. #include "cmGlobal.h"
  3. #include "cmFloatTypes.h"
  4. #include "cmRpt.h"
  5. #include "cmErr.h"
  6. #include "cmCtx.h"
  7. #include "cmMem.h"
  8. #include "cmMallocDebug.h"
  9. #include "cmLinkedHeap.h"
  10. #include "cmFileSys.h"
  11. #include "cmSymTbl.h"
  12. #include "cmJson.h"
  13. #include "cmPrefs.h"
  14. #include "cmDspValue.h"
  15. #include "cmMsgProtocol.h"
  16. #include "cmThread.h"
  17. #include "cmUdpPort.h"
  18. #include "cmUdpNet.h"
  19. #include "cmAudioSys.h"
  20. #include "cmProcObj.h"
  21. #include "cmDspCtx.h"
  22. #include "cmDspClass.h"
  23. #include "cmDspSys.h"
  24. #include "cmDspPreset.h"
  25. #include "cmDspNet.h"
  26. ///============================================================================================
  27. ///============================================================================================
  28. /*
  29. cmDspSysAlloc()
  30. - create the p->netNodeArray[]
  31. - create the p->thH network thread but leave it paused
  32. cmDspSysLoad()
  33. - _cmDspSysNetPreload() - set srcConnList to NULL
  34. - load the progam - this result in calls to _cmDspSysNetCreateSrcConn()
  35. which creates the p->srcConnList.
  36. - _cmDspSysNetSync() - just before exiting the load process go into sync mode:
  37. - initialize the p->netNodeArray[].
  38. - set the srcId of each record in the p->srcConnList.
  39. - start the sync thread
  40. while(1)
  41. {
  42. 1) send connection requests to dst machines
  43. 2) if( connFl = all src conn's have dst id's )
  44. send 'done' to all remote nodes
  45. 3) nodeFl = if have recv'd 'done' from all remote nodes
  46. 4) if connFl && nodeFl
  47. p->syncState = kSyncSuccessDspId;
  48. break;
  49. }
  50. Enable Audio:
  51. - Call reset on all instances
  52. cmDspSysUnload()
  53. - p->syncState = kSyncPreDspId
  54. cmDspSysFree()
  55. - delete p->netNodeArray[]
  56. - delete p->thH network thread
  57. //--------------------------------------------------------
  58. */
  59. ///============================================================================================
  60. // implemented in cmDspSys.c
  61. cmDspInst_t* _cmDspSysInstSymIdToPtr( cmDsp_t* p, unsigned instSymId );
  62. cmDsp_t* _cmDspHandleToPtr( cmDspSysH_t h );
  63. cmDspRC_t _cmDspSysNetSend( cmDsp_t* p, unsigned remoteNetNodeId, unsigned subSelId, unsigned srcId, unsigned dstId, const cmChar_t* errMsg )
  64. {
  65. cmDspRC_t rc = kOkDspRC;
  66. cmDspNetMsg_t m;
  67. memset(&m,0,sizeof(m));
  68. // we should never be sending to ourselves
  69. assert( remoteNetNodeId != cmUdpNetLocalNodeId(p->netH));
  70. // form the error msg
  71. m.asSubIdx = cmDspSys_AsSubIdx_Zero;
  72. m.selId = kNetSyncSelAsId;
  73. m.subSelId = subSelId;
  74. m.srcId = srcId;
  75. m.dstId = dstId;
  76. if( cmUdpNetSendById(p->netH, remoteNetNodeId, &m, sizeof(m) ) == kOkUnRC )
  77. {
  78. //usleep(p->sendWaitMs*1000);
  79. }
  80. else
  81. {
  82. rc = kNetFailDspRC;
  83. if( errMsg != NULL )
  84. cmErrMsg(&p->err,rc,errMsg);
  85. }
  86. return rc;
  87. }
  88. // set echoFl if the remote node should respond with it's own 'hello' msg
  89. cmDspRC_t _cmDspSysNetSendHello( cmDsp_t* p, unsigned remoteNetNodeId, bool echoFl )
  90. {
  91. return _cmDspSysNetSend(p, remoteNetNodeId, kNetHelloSelAsId, echoFl ? 1 : 0, cmInvalidId, "A network send failed while sending 'hello'." );
  92. }
  93. cmDspRC_t _cmDspSysNetSendSyncError( cmDsp_t* p, cmDspRC_t errRc )
  94. {
  95. cmDspRC_t rc = kOkDspRC;
  96. unsigned i;
  97. // for each non-local node
  98. for(i=0; i<p->netNodeCnt; ++i)
  99. if( p->netNodeArray[i].localFl == false)
  100. {
  101. unsigned remoteNetNodeId = p->netNodeArray[i].id;
  102. cmDspRC_t rc0;
  103. // send the error code in the dstId
  104. if((rc0 = _cmDspSysNetSend(p, remoteNetNodeId, kNetErrSelAsId, cmUdpNetLocalNodeId(p->netH), errRc, "A network send failed while signaling an error." )) != kOkDspRC )
  105. rc = rc0;
  106. }
  107. if( cmThreadPause(p->thH,kPauseThFl) != kOkThRC )
  108. rc = cmErrMsg(&p->err,kThreadFailDspRC,"An attempt to pause the sync. thread failed after signaling an error.");
  109. if( p->netVerbosity > 0 )
  110. cmRptPrintf(p->err.rpt,"Sync:Done - Fail\n");
  111. return rc;
  112. }
  113. bool _cmDspSysNetIsNodeAwake( cmDsp_t* p, unsigned netNodeId )
  114. {
  115. unsigned i;
  116. for(i=0; i<p->netNodeCnt; ++i)
  117. if( p->netNodeArray[i].id == netNodeId )
  118. return p->netNodeArray[i].helloFl;
  119. assert(0); // unknown net node id
  120. return false;
  121. }
  122. bool _cmDspSysNet_AreAllDstIdsResolved( cmDsp_t* p )
  123. {
  124. // check that we have received all dst id req's from each remote node
  125. unsigned i;
  126. for(i=0; i<p->netNodeCnt; ++i)
  127. if( p->netNodeArray[i].localFl == false && p->netNodeArray[i].reqDoneFl==false)
  128. return false;
  129. _cmDspSrcConn_t* rp = p->srcConnList;
  130. // for each src connection which does not yet have a destination id.
  131. for(; rp != NULL; rp = rp->link)
  132. if( rp->dstId == cmInvalidId )
  133. return false;
  134. return true;
  135. }
  136. // send connection requests to the specified remote node
  137. cmDspRC_t _cmDspSysNetSendConnRequests( cmDsp_t* p, unsigned dstNetNodeId )
  138. {
  139. cmDspRC_t rc = kOkDspRC;
  140. _cmDspSrcConn_t* rp = p->srcConnList;
  141. // for each src connection which does not yet have a destination id.
  142. for(; rp != NULL; rp = rp->link)
  143. {
  144. // if this src conn has not been assigned a dstId and it's source node is awake
  145. if( rp->dstId == cmInvalidId && rp->dstNetNodeId==dstNetNodeId && _cmDspSysNetIsNodeAwake(p,rp->dstNetNodeId) )
  146. {
  147. // calc the msg size
  148. unsigned sn0 = strlen(rp->dstInstLabel) + 1;
  149. unsigned sn1 = strlen(rp->dstVarLabel) + 1;
  150. unsigned byteCnt = sizeof(cmDspNetMsg_t) + sn0 + sn1;
  151. // create msg buffer
  152. char buf[ byteCnt ];
  153. memset(buf,0,byteCnt);
  154. // fill in the msg
  155. cmDspNetMsg_t* cp = (cmDspNetMsg_t*)buf;
  156. cp->asSubIdx = cmDspSys_AsSubIdx_Zero;
  157. cp->selId = kNetSyncSelAsId;
  158. cp->subSelId = kNetDstIdReqSelAsId;
  159. cp->srcId = rp->srcId;
  160. cp->dstId = cmInvalidId;
  161. char* dp = buf + sizeof(*cp);
  162. memcpy(dp,rp->dstInstLabel,sn0);
  163. dp += sn0;
  164. memcpy(dp,rp->dstVarLabel,sn1);
  165. dp += sn1;
  166. assert(dp == buf + byteCnt );
  167. // send the msg
  168. if( cmUdpNetSendById(p->netH, rp->dstNetNodeId, buf, byteCnt ) != kOkUnRC )
  169. {
  170. rc = cmErrMsg(&p->err,kNetFailDspRC,"A network send failed while registering remote nodes.");
  171. goto errLabel;
  172. }
  173. if( p->netVerbosity > 1 )
  174. cmRptPrintf(p->err.rpt,"Sync: send req to %i\n",rp->dstNetNodeId);
  175. //usleep(p->sendWaitMs*1000); // wait between transmissions
  176. }
  177. }
  178. errLabel:
  179. if( rc != kOkDspRC )
  180. _cmDspSysNetSendSyncError(p,rc);
  181. return rc;
  182. }
  183. // Return true when the 'doneFl' on all nodes has been set.
  184. // The doneFl is cleared on the beginning of the sync. process.
  185. // The doneFl is set as each remote node signals that it has
  186. // all of the dstId's that it needs by sending kNetDoneSelAsId
  187. // messages.
  188. bool _cmDspSysNetCheckNetNodeStatus( cmDsp_t* p )
  189. {
  190. unsigned i;
  191. for(i=0; i<p->netNodeCnt; ++i)
  192. if( p->netNodeArray[i].doneFl == false )
  193. return false;
  194. return true;
  195. }
  196. // Send kNetDoneSelAsId msgs to all remote nodes to indicate that
  197. // this node has all of it's dstId's.
  198. cmDspRC_t _cmDspSysNetSendSyncDone( cmDsp_t* p )
  199. {
  200. cmDspRC_t rc = kOkDspRC;
  201. unsigned i;
  202. // broadcast the sync 'done' msg to each non-local node
  203. if( p->netDoneSentFl )
  204. return rc;
  205. for(i=0; i<p->netNodeCnt; ++i)
  206. if( p->netNodeArray[i].localFl == false )
  207. {
  208. if((rc = _cmDspSysNetSend(p, p->netNodeArray[i].id, kNetDoneSelAsId, cmInvalidId, cmInvalidId, "A network send failed while signaling sync. completion." )) != kOkDspRC )
  209. goto errLabel;
  210. }
  211. // create the src connection map
  212. _cmDspSrcConn_t* sp = p->srcConnList;
  213. if( sp != NULL && p->srcConnMapCnt == 0 )
  214. {
  215. if( p->netVerbosity > 0 )
  216. cmRptPrintf(p->err.rpt,"Sync:Creating src map\n");
  217. // get the count of src nodes
  218. unsigned n;
  219. for(n=0; sp != NULL; sp = sp->link )
  220. ++n;
  221. // allocate the srcConnMap
  222. p->srcConnMap = cmLhResizeNZ( p->ctx.lhH, _cmDspSrcConn_t*, p->srcConnMap, n );
  223. p->srcConnMapCnt = n;
  224. // load the srcConnMap
  225. for(sp = p->srcConnList; sp != NULL; sp = sp->link )
  226. {
  227. assert( sp->srcId < n );
  228. p->srcConnMap[ sp->srcId ] = sp;
  229. }
  230. }
  231. // create the dst connection map
  232. _cmDspDstConn_t* dp = p->dstConnList;
  233. if( dp != NULL && p->dstConnMapCnt == 0 )
  234. {
  235. if( p->netVerbosity > 0 )
  236. cmRptPrintf(p->err.rpt,"Sync:Creating dst map\n");
  237. unsigned n;
  238. // get the count of dst nodes
  239. for(n=0; dp != NULL; dp = dp->link )
  240. ++n;
  241. // allocate the dstConnMap
  242. p->dstConnMap = cmLhResizeNZ( p->ctx.lhH, _cmDspDstConn_t*, p->dstConnMap, n );
  243. p->dstConnMapCnt = n;
  244. // load the dstConnMap
  245. for(dp = p->dstConnList; dp != NULL; dp = dp->link )
  246. {
  247. assert( dp->dstId < n );
  248. p->dstConnMap[ dp->dstId ] = dp;
  249. }
  250. }
  251. p->netDoneSentFl = true;
  252. if( p->netVerbosity > 0 )
  253. cmRptPrintf(p->err.rpt,"Sync: Done Sent\n",i);
  254. errLabel:
  255. if( rc != kOkDspRC )
  256. _cmDspSysNetSendSyncError(p,rc);
  257. return rc;
  258. }
  259. // Sync thread callback function
  260. bool _cmDspSysNetSyncThreadCb( void* param )
  261. {
  262. cmDsp_t* p = (cmDsp_t*)param;
  263. bool connFl = true; //
  264. bool nodeFl = true;
  265. // receive a group of waiting messages from remote nodes
  266. // WARNING: calling cmUdpNetReceive() here means that the audio engine cannot be
  267. // enabled - otherwise this thread and the audio system thread will simultaneously
  268. // attempt to read the UDP port. This will result in unsafe thread conflicts.
  269. if( cmUdpNetReceive(p->netH, NULL ) != kOkUnRC )
  270. {
  271. cmErrMsg(&p->err,kNetFailDspRC,"UDP Net receive failed during sync. mode.");
  272. _cmDspSysNetSendSyncError(p,kNetFailDspRC);
  273. }
  274. // check if all the src connections have been assigned dst id's
  275. connFl = _cmDspSysNet_AreAllDstIdsResolved(p);
  276. // if all the src connections have dst id's then send a 'done' signal
  277. // to all other nodes so that they know this node is ready to leave
  278. // sync mode
  279. if( connFl )
  280. {
  281. if( _cmDspSysNetSendSyncDone(p) != kOkDspRC )
  282. goto errLabel;
  283. }
  284. // prevent the thread from burning too much time
  285. usleep(p->sendWaitMs*1000);
  286. // check if all nodes have completed transmission to this node
  287. nodeFl = _cmDspSysNetCheckNetNodeStatus(p);
  288. // if the connections have all been setup and all the net nodes have
  289. // received a 'done' signal
  290. if( connFl && nodeFl )
  291. {
  292. // mark the sync as complete
  293. p->syncState = kSyncSuccessDspId;
  294. // the sync. is done - pause this thread
  295. if( cmThreadPause( p->thH, kPauseThFl ) != kOkThRC )
  296. cmErrMsg(&p->err,kThreadFailDspRC,"The attempt to pause the sync. thread upon completion failed.");
  297. if( p->netVerbosity > 0 )
  298. cmRptPrintf(p->err.rpt,"Sync Done!\n");
  299. }
  300. errLabel:
  301. return true;
  302. }
  303. // During DSP network allocation and connection this function is called
  304. // to register remote instance/var targets.
  305. _cmDspSrcConn_t* _cmDspSysNetCreateSrcConn( cmDsp_t* p, unsigned dstNetNodeId, const cmChar_t* dstInstLabel, const cmChar_t* dstVarLabel )
  306. {
  307. if( dstNetNodeId == cmUdpNetLocalNodeId(p->netH) )
  308. {
  309. cmErrMsg(&p->err,kNetFailDspRC,"Cannot connect a network node (node:%s inst:%s label:%s)to itself.",cmStringNullGuard(cmUdpNetNodeIdToLabel(p->netH,dstNetNodeId)),cmStringNullGuard(dstInstLabel),cmStringNullGuard(dstVarLabel));
  310. return NULL;
  311. }
  312. // register the remote node
  313. _cmDspSrcConn_t* rp = cmLhAllocZ( p->ctx.lhH, _cmDspSrcConn_t, 1 );
  314. rp->dstNetNodeId = dstNetNodeId;
  315. rp->dstInstLabel = cmLhAllocStr( p->ctx.lhH, dstInstLabel );
  316. rp->dstVarLabel = cmLhAllocStr( p->ctx.lhH, dstVarLabel );
  317. rp->link = p->srcConnList;
  318. p->srcConnList = rp;
  319. if( p->netVerbosity > 1 )
  320. cmRptPrintf(p->err.rpt,"Sync: create src for %i\n", dstNetNodeId );
  321. return rp;
  322. }
  323. // This function is called in response to receiving a connection request on the
  324. // dst machine. It sends a dstId to match the srcId provided by the src machine.
  325. cmDspRC_t _cmDspSysNetSendDstConnId( cmDsp_t* p, unsigned srcNetNodeId, unsigned srcId, unsigned dstId )
  326. {
  327. cmDspRC_t rc = kOkDspRC;
  328. if((rc = _cmDspSysNetSend(p, srcNetNodeId, kNetDstIdSelAsId, srcId, dstId, "A network send failed while sending a dst. id." )) == kOkDspRC )
  329. {
  330. if( p->netVerbosity > 1 )
  331. cmRptPrintf(p->err.rpt,"Sync:Sent dst id to %i\n",srcNetNodeId);
  332. }
  333. return rc;
  334. }
  335. // Handle 'hello' messages
  336. cmDspRC_t _cmDspSysNetReceiveHello( cmDsp_t* p, unsigned remoteNetNodeId, bool echoFl )
  337. {
  338. cmDspRC_t rc = kOkDspRC;
  339. unsigned i;
  340. for(i=0; i<p->netNodeCnt; ++i)
  341. if( p->netNodeArray[i].id == remoteNetNodeId )
  342. {
  343. p->netNodeArray[i].helloFl = true;
  344. // if echo was requested then respond ...
  345. if( echoFl )
  346. {
  347. // ... but the remote node should not respond - because we already know about it
  348. _cmDspSysNetSendHello(p,remoteNetNodeId,false);
  349. }
  350. if( p->netVerbosity > 0 )
  351. cmRptPrintf(p->err.rpt,"Sync:hello from %i\n",remoteNetNodeId);
  352. // send connection requests to the remote net node
  353. if((rc = _cmDspSysNetSendConnRequests(p, remoteNetNodeId )) == kOkDspRC )
  354. {
  355. // send 'req done' msg
  356. rc = _cmDspSysNetSend(p, remoteNetNodeId, kNetDstIdReqDoneAsId, 0, cmInvalidId, "A network send failed while sending 'dst req done'." );
  357. }
  358. return rc;
  359. }
  360. return cmErrMsg(&p->err,kNetFailDspRC,"Received a 'hello' message from an unknown remote network node (id=%i).",remoteNetNodeId);
  361. }
  362. cmDspRC_t _cmDspSysNetReceiveReqDone( cmDsp_t* p, unsigned remoteNetNodeId )
  363. {
  364. unsigned i;
  365. for(i=0; i<p->netNodeCnt; ++i)
  366. if( p->netNodeArray[i].id == remoteNetNodeId )
  367. {
  368. p->netNodeArray[i].reqDoneFl = true;
  369. if( p->netVerbosity > 0 )
  370. cmRptPrintf(p->err.rpt,"Sync: Req Done from %i\n",remoteNetNodeId);
  371. return kOkDspRC;
  372. }
  373. return cmErrMsg(&p->err,kNetFailDspRC,"Received a 'req done' message from an unknown remote network node (id=%i).",remoteNetNodeId);
  374. }
  375. // given a srcNetNodeId/srcId return the associated dst connection
  376. _cmDspDstConn_t* _cmDspSysNetSrcIdToDstConn( cmDsp_t* p, unsigned srcNetNodeId, unsigned srcId )
  377. {
  378. _cmDspDstConn_t* rp = p->dstConnList;
  379. for(; rp != NULL; rp = rp->link )
  380. if( rp->srcNetNodeId == srcNetNodeId && rp->srcId == srcId )
  381. return rp;
  382. return NULL;
  383. }
  384. // Handle kNetSyncSelAsId messages.
  385. // Called on the dst machine to receive a src connection request
  386. cmDspRC_t _cmDspSysNetReceiveSrcConnRequest( cmDsp_t* p, const cmDspNetMsg_t* msg, unsigned srcNetNodeId )
  387. {
  388. cmDspRC_t rc = kOkDspRC;
  389. _cmDspDstConn_t* rp;
  390. // if a dstId has not already been assigned to this src
  391. if((rp = _cmDspSysNetSrcIdToDstConn(p, srcNetNodeId, msg->srcId )) == NULL )
  392. {
  393. if( p->netVerbosity > 1 )
  394. cmRptPrintf(p->err.rpt,"Sync:Rcvd src conn request from %i\n",srcNetNodeId);
  395. cmDspInst_t* instPtr = NULL;
  396. const cmDspVar_t* varPtr;
  397. const cmChar_t* instLabel = (const cmChar_t*)(msg+1);
  398. const cmChar_t* varLabel = instLabel + strlen(instLabel) + 1;
  399. // get the symbols assoc'd with the dst inst/var
  400. unsigned instSymId = cmSymTblId(p->ctx.stH,instLabel);
  401. unsigned varSymId = cmSymTblId(p->ctx.stH,varLabel);
  402. assert( instSymId != cmInvalidId );
  403. // find the dst inst
  404. if((instPtr = _cmDspSysInstSymIdToPtr(p,instSymId)) == NULL )
  405. {
  406. rc = cmErrMsg(&p->err,kInstNotFoundDspRC,"The instance associated with '%s' was not found.",cmStringNullGuard(instLabel));
  407. goto errLabel;
  408. }
  409. // find dst var
  410. if((varPtr = cmDspVarSymbolToPtr(&p->ctx, instPtr, varSymId, kInDsvFl )) == NULL )
  411. {
  412. rc = cmErrMsg(&p->err,kVarNotFoundDspRC,"The variable '%s' on the instance '%s' was not found.",cmStringNullGuard(varLabel),cmStringNullGuard(instLabel));
  413. goto errLabel;
  414. }
  415. // register the new dst connection
  416. rp = cmLhAllocZ( p->ctx.lhH, _cmDspDstConn_t, 1 );
  417. rp->srcNetNodeId = srcNetNodeId;
  418. rp->srcId = msg->srcId;
  419. rp->dstId = p->nextDstId++;
  420. rp->dstInst = instPtr;
  421. rp->dstVarId = varPtr->constId;
  422. rp->link = p->dstConnList;
  423. p->dstConnList = rp;
  424. }
  425. assert( rp != NULL );
  426. // send the dstId associated with this connection back to the source
  427. if((rc = _cmDspSysNetSendDstConnId(p,srcNetNodeId,msg->srcId,rp->dstId)) != kOkDspRC )
  428. goto errLabel;
  429. errLabel:
  430. if( rc != kOkDspRC )
  431. _cmDspSysNetSendSyncError(p,rc);
  432. return rc;
  433. }
  434. cmDspRC_t _cmDspSysNetReceiveDstId(cmDsp_t* p, const cmDspNetMsg_t* msg, unsigned remoteNetNodeId)
  435. {
  436. cmDspRC_t rc;
  437. _cmDspSrcConn_t* sp = p->srcConnList;
  438. for(; sp != NULL; sp = sp->link )
  439. if( msg->srcId == sp->srcId )
  440. {
  441. sp->dstId = msg->dstId;
  442. return kOkDspRC;
  443. }
  444. rc = cmErrMsg(&p->err,kNetNodeNotFoundDspRC,"The src id %i associated with the dst id %i could not be found.",msg->srcId,msg->dstId);
  445. _cmDspSysNetSendSyncError(p,rc);
  446. return rc;
  447. }
  448. // Handle kNetDoneSelAsId messages.
  449. cmDspRC_t _cmDspSysNetReceiveRemoteSyncDone( cmDsp_t* p, const cmDspNetMsg_t* msg, unsigned remoteNetNodeId )
  450. {
  451. cmDspRC_t rc = kOkDspRC;
  452. unsigned i;
  453. for(i=0; i<p->netNodeCnt; ++i)
  454. if( p->netNodeArray[i].id == remoteNetNodeId )
  455. {
  456. p->netNodeArray[i].doneFl = true;
  457. if( p->netVerbosity > 0 )
  458. cmRptPrintf(p->err.rpt,"Sync: Rcvd done from %i\n",remoteNetNodeId);
  459. break;
  460. }
  461. return rc;
  462. }
  463. // Handle kNetErrSelAsId messages
  464. cmDspRC_t _cmDspSysNetReceiveRemoteSyncError( cmDsp_t* p, const cmDspNetMsg_t* msg, unsigned remoteNetNodeId )
  465. {
  466. cmDspRC_t rc = kOkDspRC;
  467. if( p->netVerbosity > 0 )
  468. cmRptPrintf(p->err.rpt,"Sync: Rcvd error from %i\n",remoteNetNodeId);
  469. if( cmThreadPause(p->thH,kPauseThFl) != kOkThRC )
  470. rc = cmErrMsg(&p->err,kThreadFailDspRC,"The attempt to pause the thread due to a remote error failed.");
  471. return rc;
  472. }
  473. // Verifify that a net node id is valid.
  474. cmDspRC_t _cmDspSysNetValidateNetNodeId( cmDsp_t* p, unsigned netNodeId )
  475. {
  476. cmDspRC_t rc = kOkDspRC;
  477. unsigned i;
  478. for(i=0; i<p->netNodeCnt; ++i)
  479. if( p->netNodeArray[i].id == netNodeId )
  480. break;
  481. if( i == p->netNodeCnt )
  482. rc = cmErrMsg(&p->err,kNetNodeNotFoundDspRC,"A message arrived from a unknown net node (id=%i).",netNodeId);
  483. return rc;
  484. }
  485. ///============================================================================================
  486. // main hooks to the DSP system
  487. // called by cmDspSysInitialize()
  488. cmDspRC_t _cmDspSysNetAlloc( cmDsp_t* p )
  489. {
  490. if((p->netNodeCnt = cmUdpNetNodeCount(p->netH)) != 0)
  491. p->netNodeArray = cmMemAllocZ(_cmDspNetNode_t, p->netNodeCnt );
  492. if( cmThreadCreate(&p->thH,_cmDspSysNetSyncThreadCb,p, p->err.rpt) != kOkThRC )
  493. return cmErrMsg(&p->err,kThreadFailDspRC,"The network syncronization thread create failed.");
  494. p->sendWaitMs = 10;
  495. p->syncState = kSyncPreDspId;
  496. p->netVerbosity = 1;
  497. return kOkDspRC;
  498. }
  499. // called by cmDspSysFinalize()
  500. cmDspRC_t _cmDspSysNetFree( cmDsp_t* p )
  501. {
  502. cmMemFree(p->netNodeArray);
  503. if( cmThreadDestroy(&p->thH) != kOkThRC )
  504. cmErrMsg(&p->err,kThreadFailDspRC,"The network syncrhonization thread destroy failed.");
  505. return kOkDspRC;
  506. }
  507. // called by cmDspSysLoad()
  508. cmDspRC_t _cmDspSysNetPreLoad( cmDsp_t* p )
  509. {
  510. p->srcConnList = NULL;
  511. return kOkDspRC;
  512. }
  513. // called by cmDspSysUnload()
  514. cmDspRC_t _cmDspSysNetUnload( cmDsp_t* p )
  515. {
  516. if( cmUdpNetEnableListen(p->netH, false ) != kOkUnRC )
  517. return cmErrMsg(&p->err,kNetFailDspRC,"The network failed to exit 'listening' mode.");
  518. p->syncState = kSyncPreDspId;
  519. p->nextDstId = 0;
  520. p->dstConnList = NULL;
  521. p->srcConnMap = NULL;
  522. p->srcConnMapCnt = 0;
  523. p->dstConnMap = NULL;
  524. p->dstConnMapCnt = 0;
  525. p->netDoneSentFl = false;
  526. return kOkDspRC;
  527. }
  528. // Call this function to enter 'sync' mode.
  529. cmDspRC_t _cmDspSysNetSync( cmDsp_t* p )
  530. {
  531. cmDspRC_t rc = kOkDspRC;
  532. unsigned localNodeId = cmUdpNetLocalNodeId(p->netH);
  533. unsigned i;
  534. // if there is no network then there is nothing to do
  535. if( p->netNodeCnt == 0 )
  536. {
  537. p->syncState = kSyncSuccessDspId;
  538. return kOkDspRC;
  539. }
  540. p->syncState = kSyncPendingDspId;
  541. // be sure the sync thread is paused before continuing
  542. if( cmThreadPause(p->thH, kPauseThFl | kWaitThFl ) != kOkThRC )
  543. {
  544. rc = cmErrMsg(&p->err,kThreadFailDspRC,"The network sync thread could not be paused prior to initialization.");
  545. goto errLabel;
  546. }
  547. // initialize the netNodeArry[]
  548. for(i=0; i<p->netNodeCnt; ++i)
  549. {
  550. p->netNodeArray[i].id = cmUdpNetNodeId(p->netH,i);
  551. p->netNodeArray[i].localFl = p->netNodeArray[i].id == localNodeId;
  552. p->netNodeArray[i].doneFl = p->netNodeArray[i].localFl;
  553. p->netNodeArray[i].helloFl = false;
  554. p->netNodeArray[i].reqDoneFl = false;
  555. p->netNodeArray[i].doneFl = false;
  556. assert( p->netNodeArray[i].id != cmInvalidId );
  557. }
  558. // initialize the src connection array - this array was created when the
  559. // DSP instance network was formed
  560. _cmDspSrcConn_t* rp = p->srcConnList;
  561. for(i=0; rp != NULL; rp = rp->link,++i)
  562. {
  563. rp->srcId = i;
  564. rp->dstId = cmInvalidId;
  565. }
  566. // clear the dst conn records
  567. _cmDspDstConn_t* dp = p->dstConnList;
  568. while( dp!=NULL)
  569. {
  570. _cmDspDstConn_t* np = dp->link;
  571. cmLhFree(p->ctx.lhH,dp);
  572. dp = np;
  573. }
  574. // clear the connection maps
  575. p->srcConnMapCnt = 0;
  576. p->dstConnMapCnt = 0;
  577. p->netDoneSentFl = false;
  578. // enter listening mode
  579. if( cmUdpNetEnableListen(p->netH, true ) != kOkUnRC )
  580. {
  581. rc = cmErrMsg(&p->err,kNetFailDspRC,"The network failed to go into 'listening' mode.");
  582. goto errLabel;
  583. }
  584. // start the sync process
  585. if( cmThreadPause(p->thH,0) != kOkThRC )
  586. {
  587. rc = cmErrMsg(&p->err,kThreadFailDspRC,"The network sync thread could not be un-paused prior to begin synchronization.");
  588. goto errLabel;
  589. }
  590. // broadcast 'hello' to all remote listeners and request that they respond with their own 'hello'.
  591. for(i=0; i<p->netNodeCnt; ++i)
  592. if( p->netNodeArray[i].localFl == false )
  593. if((rc = _cmDspSysNetSendHello(p,p->netNodeArray[i].id,true)) != kOkDspRC )
  594. goto errLabel;
  595. if( p->netVerbosity > 0 )
  596. cmRptPrintf(p->err.rpt,"Sync:Entering sync loop\n");
  597. errLabel:
  598. if( rc != kOkDspRC )
  599. p->syncState = kSyncFailDspId;
  600. return rc;
  601. }
  602. cmDspRC_t _cmDspSysNetRecvEvent( cmDsp_t* p, const void* msgPtr, unsigned msgByteCnt )
  603. {
  604. cmDspNetMsg_t* m = (cmDspNetMsg_t*)msgPtr;
  605. cmRC_t rc = cmOkRC;
  606. //bool jsFl = false;
  607. // if the value associated with this msg is a mtx then set
  608. // its mtx data area pointer to just after the msg header.
  609. if( cmDsvIsJson(&m->value) )
  610. {
  611. //rc = cmDsvDeserializeJson(&m->value,p->jsH);
  612. assert(0);
  613. //jsFl = true;
  614. }
  615. else
  616. rc = cmDsvDeserializeInPlace(&m->value,msgByteCnt-sizeof(cmDspNetMsg_t));
  617. if( rc != kOkDsvRC )
  618. rc = cmErrMsg(&p->err,kInvalidStateDspRC,"Deserialize failed on network event message.");
  619. else
  620. {
  621. assert( m->dstId < p->dstConnMapCnt );
  622. // form the event
  623. cmDspEvt_t e;
  624. e.flags = 0;
  625. e.srcInstPtr = NULL;
  626. e.srcVarId = cmInvalidId;
  627. e.valuePtr = &m->value;
  628. e.dstVarId = p->dstConnMap[ m->dstId ]->dstVarId;
  629. e.dstDataPtr = NULL;
  630. cmDspInst_t* instPtr = p->dstConnMap[ m->dstId ]->dstInst;
  631. assert(instPtr != NULL );
  632. // send the event
  633. if( instPtr->recvFunc != NULL )
  634. rc = instPtr->recvFunc(&p->ctx,instPtr,&e);
  635. }
  636. //if( jsFl )
  637. // cmJsonClearTree(p->jsH);
  638. return rc;
  639. }
  640. // Called from cmAudDsp.c:_cmAdUdpNetCallback() to to send an incoming msg to the DSP system.
  641. cmDspRC_t _cmDspSysNetRecv( cmDsp_t* p, const cmDspNetMsg_t* msg, unsigned msgByteCnt, unsigned remoteNetNodeId )
  642. {
  643. assert( msg->selId == kNetSyncSelAsId );
  644. cmDspRC_t rc = kOkDspRC;
  645. switch( msg->subSelId )
  646. {
  647. case kNetHelloSelAsId:
  648. rc = _cmDspSysNetReceiveHello(p,remoteNetNodeId,msg->srcId!=0);
  649. break;
  650. case kNetDstIdReqSelAsId:
  651. rc = _cmDspSysNetReceiveSrcConnRequest(p,msg,remoteNetNodeId);
  652. break;
  653. case kNetDstIdReqDoneAsId:
  654. rc = _cmDspSysNetReceiveReqDone(p,remoteNetNodeId);
  655. break;
  656. case kNetDstIdSelAsId:
  657. rc = _cmDspSysNetReceiveDstId(p,msg,remoteNetNodeId);
  658. break;
  659. case kNetDoneSelAsId:
  660. rc = _cmDspSysNetReceiveRemoteSyncDone(p,msg,remoteNetNodeId);
  661. break;
  662. case kNetErrSelAsId:
  663. rc = _cmDspSysNetReceiveRemoteSyncError(p,msg,remoteNetNodeId);
  664. break;
  665. case kNetEvtSelAsId:
  666. rc = _cmDspSysNetRecvEvent(p, msg, msgByteCnt );
  667. break;
  668. default:
  669. cmErrMsg(&p->err,kNetFailDspRC,"Unexpected message type 'selId=%i' received by the network sync. message dispatcher.",msg->selId);
  670. break;
  671. }
  672. return rc;
  673. }
  674. cmDspRC_t _cmDspSysNetSendEvent( cmDspSysH_t h, unsigned dstNetNodeId, unsigned dstId, const cmDspEvt_t* evt )
  675. {
  676. cmDsp_t* p = _cmDspHandleToPtr(h);
  677. unsigned bufByteCnt = sizeof(cmDspNetMsg_t);
  678. unsigned dataByteCnt = 0;
  679. if( evt->valuePtr != NULL )
  680. dataByteCnt = cmDsvSerialDataByteCount(evt->valuePtr);
  681. bufByteCnt += dataByteCnt;
  682. char buf[ bufByteCnt ];
  683. cmDspNetMsg_t* hdr = (cmDspNetMsg_t*)buf;
  684. hdr->asSubIdx = cmDspSys_AsSubIdx_Zero;
  685. hdr->selId = kNetSyncSelAsId;
  686. hdr->subSelId = kNetEvtSelAsId;
  687. hdr->srcId = cmInvalidId;
  688. hdr->dstId = dstId;
  689. if( evt->valuePtr == NULL )
  690. cmDsvSetNull(&hdr->value);
  691. else
  692. {
  693. // this function relies on the 'ne->value' field being the last field in the 'hdr'.
  694. if( cmDsvSerialize( evt->valuePtr, &hdr->value, sizeof(cmDspValue_t) + dataByteCnt) != kOkDsvRC )
  695. return cmErrMsg(&p->err,kSerializeFailMsgRC,"An attempt to serialize a network event msg failed.");
  696. }
  697. if( cmUdpNetSendById(p->netH, dstNetNodeId, &buf, bufByteCnt ) != kOkUnRC )
  698. return cmErrMsg(&p->err,kNetFailDspRC,"A network send failed while sending a DSP event message.");
  699. return kOkDspRC;
  700. }