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cmPrefs.h 9.7KB

  1. #ifndef cmPrefs_h
  2. #define cmPrefs_h
  3. #ifdef __cplusplus
  4. extern "C" {
  5. #endif
  6. typedef unsigned cmPrRC_t;
  7. typedef cmHandle_t cmPrH_t;
  8. enum
  9. {
  10. kOkPrRC = cmOkRC,
  11. kJsonFailPrRC,
  12. kLHeapFailPrRC,
  13. kCbNotFoundPrRC,
  14. kVarNotFoundPrRC,
  15. kBufTooSmallPrRC,
  16. kCvtErrPrRC,
  17. kInvalidIdPrRC,
  18. kInvalidIndexPrRC,
  19. kWriteFileFailPrRC,
  20. kNodeCreateFailPrRC,
  21. kDuplicateIdPrRC,
  22. kFileSysFailPrRC
  23. };
  24. enum
  25. {
  26. kMaxVarPrId = 0x7fffffff // User assigned variable id's given to cmPrefsCreateXXX()
  27. // must be less than kMaxVarPrId
  28. };
  29. typedef void (*cmPrefsOnChangeFunc_t)( cmPrH_t h, void* cbDataPtr, unsigned id );
  30. extern cmPrH_t cmPrNullHandle;
  31. // cmPrefsInit() creates the preference directory if it does not exist
  32. // according to cmFsPrefsDir(). It then forms the prefs file name as
  33. // 'cmFsPrefsDir()/fnName.fnExt' and call cmPrefsInitialize().
  34. // Set 'fnName' to NULL to use cmFsAppName() as the pref file name.
  35. // Set 'fnExt' to NULL to use '.js' as the pref file extension.
  36. // 'cbFunc' and 'cbDataPtr' are optional in both versions.
  37. cmPrRC_t cmPrefsInit( cmCtx_t* ctx, cmPrH_t* hp, const cmChar_t* fnName, const cmChar_t* fnExt, cmPrefsOnChangeFunc_t cbFunc, void* cbDataPtr );
  38. cmPrRC_t cmPrefsInitialize( cmCtx_t* ctx, cmPrH_t* hp, const cmChar_t* fn, cmPrefsOnChangeFunc_t cbFunc, void* cbDataPtr);
  39. cmPrRC_t cmPrefsFinalize( cmPrH_t* hp );
  40. bool cmPrefsIsValid( cmPrH_t h );
  41. const cmChar_t* cmPrefsFileName( cmPrH_t h );
  42. // Return last RC.
  43. cmPrRC_t cmPrefsRC( cmPrH_t h);
  44. // Return last RC and set new RC.
  45. cmPrRC_t cmPrefsSetRC( cmPrH_t h, cmPrRC_t rc );
  46. cmPrRC_t cmPrefsInstallCallback( cmPrH_t h, cmPrefsOnChangeFunc_t cbFunc, void* cbDataPtr );
  47. cmPrRC_t cmPrefsRemoveCallback( cmPrH_t h, cmPrefsOnChangeFunc_t cbFunc );
  48. // Return cmInvalidId if the no variable is found with the requested path.
  49. unsigned cmPrefsId( cmPrH_t h, const cmChar_t* pathStr, bool reportNotFoundFl );
  50. // Returns -1 (and generates an error msg) if no pref. variable
  51. // is associated with id. Returns 1 if the variable is a scalar.
  52. unsigned cmPrefsEleCount( cmPrH_t h, unsigned id );
  53. // On input *'eleCntPtr' must contain the number of elements in the buffer pointed to by 'vp'.
  54. // On return *'eleCntPtr' contains the actuall number of elements returned by the function.
  55. // Set *eleCntPtr to 1 for scalar a values.
  56. cmPrRC_t cmPrefsGetBool( cmPrH_t h, unsigned id, bool* vp, unsigned* eleCntPtr );
  57. cmPrRC_t cmPrefsGetInt( cmPrH_t h, unsigned id, int* vp, unsigned* eleCntPtr );
  58. cmPrRC_t cmPrefsGetReal( cmPrH_t h, unsigned id, double* vp, unsigned* eleCntPtr );
  59. cmPrRC_t cmPrefsGetString( cmPrH_t h, unsigned id, const cmChar_t** vp, unsigned* eleCntPtr );
  60. // Simplified scalar interface - check cmPrefsRC() for errors.
  61. bool cmPrefsBool( cmPrH_t h, unsigned id );
  62. unsigned cmPrefsUInt( cmPrH_t h, unsigned id );
  63. int cmPrefsInt( cmPrH_t h, unsigned id );
  64. float cmPrefsFloat( cmPrH_t h, unsigned id );
  65. double cmPrefsReal( cmPrH_t h, unsigned id );
  66. const cmChar_t* cmPrefsString( cmPrH_t h, unsigned id );
  67. // Simplified scalar interface w/ default values - check cmPrefsRC() for errors.
  68. // Returns the stored preference variable unless 'pathStr' does not identify a variable
  69. // or if 'h' is not valid. In either of these cases 'dfltVal' is returned.
  70. bool cmPrefsBoolDef( cmPrH_t h, const cmChar_t* pathStr, bool dfltVal );
  71. unsigned cmPrefsUIntDef( cmPrH_t h, const cmChar_t* pathStr, unsigned dfltVal );
  72. int cmPrefsIntDef( cmPrH_t h, const cmChar_t* pathStr, int dfltVal );
  73. float cmPrefsFloatDef( cmPrH_t h, const cmChar_t* pathStr, float dfltVal );
  74. double cmPrefsRealDef( cmPrH_t h, const cmChar_t* pathStr, double dfltVal );
  75. const cmChar_t* cmPrefsStringDef( cmPrH_t h, const cmChar_t* pathStr, const cmChar_t* dfltVal );
  76. // Get a scalar value.
  77. cmPrRC_t cmPrefsBoolRc( cmPrH_t h, const cmChar_t* pathStr, bool* retValPtr );
  78. cmPrRC_t cmPrefsUIntRc( cmPrH_t h, const cmChar_t* pathStr, unsigned* retValPtr );
  79. cmPrRC_t cmPrefsIntRc( cmPrH_t h, const cmChar_t* pathStr, int* retValPtr );
  80. cmPrRC_t cmPrefsFloatRc( cmPrH_t h, const cmChar_t* pathStr, float* retValPtr );
  81. cmPrRC_t cmPrefsRealRc( cmPrH_t h, const cmChar_t* pathStr, double* retValPtr );
  82. cmPrRC_t cmPrefsStringRc( cmPrH_t h, const cmChar_t* pathStr, const cmChar_t** retValPtr );
  83. // Simplified array interface - check cmPrefsRC() for errors
  84. // Returns cmInvalidCnt if 'id' is invalid or 0 if the identified var. is a scalar.
  85. unsigned cmPrefsArrayElementCount( cmPrH_t h, unsigned id );
  86. bool cmPrefsBoolEle( cmPrH_t h, unsigned id, unsigned idx );
  87. unsigned cmPrefsUIntEle( cmPrH_t h, unsigned id, unsigned idx );
  88. int cmPrefsIntEle( cmPrH_t h, unsigned id, unsigned idx );
  89. float cmPrefsFloatEle( cmPrH_t h, unsigned id, unsigned idx );
  90. double cmPrefsRealEle( cmPrH_t h, unsigned id, unsigned idx );
  91. const cmChar_t* cmPrefsStringEle( cmPrH_t h, unsigned id, unsigned idx );
  92. // Set a preference value.
  93. // The size of array variables is allowed to shrink or grow but the type (bool/int/real/string)
  94. // must match.
  95. //
  96. // Note that the following limitations apply:
  97. // 1) This interface allows setting the value of an existing preference variable.
  98. // New variables may not be added.
  99. // 2) The type (bool/int/real/string) of the variable must match the value.
  100. // (e.g. 'int' type variables can only be set via cmPrefsSetInt()).
  101. // 3) For scalar (non-array) variables *eleCntPtr must be set to 1.
  102. //
  103. cmPrRC_t cmPrefsSetBoolArray( cmPrH_t h, unsigned id, const bool* vp, const unsigned* eleCntPtr );
  104. cmPrRC_t cmPrefsSetIntArray( cmPrH_t h, unsigned id, const int* vp, const unsigned* eleCntPtr );
  105. cmPrRC_t cmPrefsSetRealArray( cmPrH_t h, unsigned id, const double* vp, const unsigned* eleCntPtr );
  106. cmPrRC_t cmPrefsSetStringArray( cmPrH_t h, unsigned id, const cmChar_t** vp, const unsigned* eleCntPtr );
  107. cmPrRC_t cmPrefsSetBool( cmPrH_t h, unsigned id, bool val );
  108. cmPrRC_t cmPrefsSetUInt( cmPrH_t h, unsigned id, unsigned val );
  109. cmPrRC_t cmPrefsSetInt( cmPrH_t h, unsigned id, int val );
  110. cmPrRC_t cmPrefsSetFloat( cmPrH_t h, unsigned id, float val );
  111. cmPrRC_t cmPrefsSetReal( cmPrH_t h, unsigned id, double val );
  112. cmPrRC_t cmPrefsSetString( cmPrH_t h, unsigned id, const cmChar_t* val );
  113. cmPrRC_t cmPrefsPathSetBool( cmPrH_t h, const cmChar_t* pathStr, bool val );
  114. cmPrRC_t cmPrefsPathSetUInt( cmPrH_t h, const cmChar_t* pathStr, unsigned val );
  115. cmPrRC_t cmPrefsPathSetInt( cmPrH_t h, const cmChar_t* pathStr, int val );
  116. cmPrRC_t cmPrefsPathSetFloat( cmPrH_t h, const cmChar_t* pathStr, float val );
  117. cmPrRC_t cmPrefsPathSetReal( cmPrH_t h, const cmChar_t* pathStr, double val );
  118. cmPrRC_t cmPrefsPathSetString( cmPrH_t h, const cmChar_t* pathStr, const cmChar_t* val );
  119. // Create a new preference variable and set it's value to 'val'.
  120. // If a variable with the same path and type already exists and kForceValuePrFl is set then update it's value to 'val'.
  121. // Note that in this case if kForceValuePrFl is not set then the function returns quietly.
  122. //
  123. // If a variable with the same path but a different type exists then an error is returned.
  124. //
  125. // The 'id' argument is optional. If 'id' is set to cmInvalidId then the
  126. // variable will be automatically assigned an id. The value of the
  127. // automatically assigned id can be found from the path string
  128. // via cmPrefsId(). If 'id' is not set to cmInvalidId then it must be less than
  129. // kMaxVarId.
  130. // Set kForceValuePrFl
  131. enum { kForceValuePrFl=0x01 };
  132. cmPrRC_t cmPrefsCreateBool( cmPrH_t h, unsigned id, const cmChar_t* pathStr, unsigned flags, bool val );
  133. cmPrRC_t cmPrefsCreateUInt( cmPrH_t h, unsigned id, const cmChar_t* pathStr, unsigned flags, unsigned val );
  134. cmPrRC_t cmPrefsCreateInt( cmPrH_t h, unsigned id, const cmChar_t* pathStr, unsigned flags, int val );
  135. cmPrRC_t cmPrefsCreateFloat( cmPrH_t h, unsigned id, const cmChar_t* pathStr, unsigned flags, float val );
  136. cmPrRC_t cmPrefsCreateReal( cmPrH_t h, unsigned id, const cmChar_t* pathStr, unsigned flags, double val );
  137. cmPrRC_t cmPrefsCreateString( cmPrH_t h, unsigned id, const cmChar_t* pathStr, unsigned flags, const cmChar_t* val );
  138. cmPrRC_t cmPrefsCreateBoolArray( cmPrH_t h, unsigned id, const cmChar_t* pathStr, unsigned flags, const bool* val, unsigned eleCnt );
  139. cmPrRC_t cmPrefsCreateUIntArray( cmPrH_t h, unsigned id, const cmChar_t* pathStr, unsigned flags, const unsigned* val, unsigned eleCnt );
  140. cmPrRC_t cmPrefsCreateIntArray( cmPrH_t h, unsigned id, const cmChar_t* pathStr, unsigned flags, const int* val, unsigned eleCnt );
  141. cmPrRC_t cmPrefsCreateFloatArray( cmPrH_t h, unsigned id, const cmChar_t* pathStr, unsigned flags, const float* val, unsigned eleCnt );
  142. cmPrRC_t cmPrefsCreateRealArray( cmPrH_t h, unsigned id, const cmChar_t* pathStr, unsigned flags, const double* val, unsigned eleCnt );
  143. cmPrRC_t cmPrefsCreateStringArray( cmPrH_t h, unsigned id, const cmChar_t* pathStr, unsigned flags, const cmChar_t** val, unsigned eleCnt );
  144. bool cmPrefsIsDirty( cmPrH_t h );
  145. // If 'fn' is NULL then the filename passed in cmPrefsInitialize() is used.
  146. cmPrRC_t cmPrefsWrite( cmPrH_t h, const cmChar_t* fn );
  147. void cmPrefsReport( cmPrH_t h );
  148. void cmPrefsTest( cmCtx_t* ctx, const char* ifn, const char* ofn );
  149. #ifdef __cplusplus
  150. }
  151. #endif
  152. #endif