libcm is a C development framework with an emphasis on audio signal processing applications.
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cmUiDrvr.h 4.2KB

  1. #ifndef cmUiDrvr_h
  2. #define cmUiDrvr_h
  3. #ifdef __cplusplus
  4. extern "C" {
  5. #endif
  6. typedef unsigned cmUiRC_t;
  7. // cmUi result codes
  8. enum
  9. {
  10. kOkUiRC = cmOkRC,
  11. kAppNotFoundUiRC,
  12. kCtlNotFoundUiRC,
  13. kPanelNotFoundUiRC,
  14. kPanelFullUiRC,
  15. kDrvrErrUiRC,
  16. kInvalidCtlOpUiRC,
  17. kInvalidColRowUiRC,
  18. kInvalidIdUiRC,
  19. kSubSysFailUiRC,
  20. kBufTooSmallUiRC,
  21. kBufCorruptUiRC
  22. };
  23. // Built-in control types.
  24. typedef enum
  25. {
  26. kInvalidUiCId,
  27. kPanelUiCId,
  28. kBtnUiCId,
  29. kCheckUiCId,
  30. kMenuBtnUiCId,
  31. kListUiCId,
  32. kLabelUiCId,
  33. kTextUiCId,
  34. kNumberUiCId,
  35. kSliderUiCId,
  36. kProgressUiCId,
  37. kMeterUiCId,
  38. kFilenameUiCId,
  39. kDirUiCId,
  40. kMaxUiCId
  41. } cmUiCId_t;
  42. // Control selector id's
  43. typedef enum
  44. {
  45. kInvalidDId,
  46. kCreateCtlDId,
  47. kDestroyCtlDId,
  48. kSetValDId,
  49. kDestroyAllDId,
  50. kMaxDId
  51. } cmUiDId_t;
  52. // Control flags.
  53. enum
  54. {
  55. // All controls recognize kValUiFl and kLblUiFl
  56. kValUiFl = 0x0000001,
  57. kLblUiFl = 0x0000002,
  58. // Flags for Number,Progress,Meter
  59. kMinUiFl = 0x000004,
  60. kMaxUiFl = 0x000010,
  61. kIncUiFl = 0x000020,
  62. kNumMask = kValUiFl | kMinUiFl | kMaxUiFl | kIncUiFl,
  63. kHorzUiFl = 0x000040,
  64. kVertUiFl = 0x000080,
  65. // Flags for Filename and Dir
  66. kFnPatUiFl = 0x000100, // file pattern string
  67. kFnDirUiFl = 0x000200, // toggle file btn type
  68. kFnMask = kFnPatUiFl | kFnDirUiFl,
  69. // Append list or menu element.
  70. kAppendUiFl = 0x000400,
  71. kLeftUiFl = 0x001000,
  72. kTopUiFl = 0x002000,
  73. kRightUiFl = 0x004000,
  74. kBottomUiFl = 0x008000,
  75. kHCtrUiFl = 0x010000,
  76. kVCtrUiFl = 0x020000,
  77. kInsideUiFl = 0x040000,
  78. // Value flags indicate which value fields are valid
  79. kIvalUiFl = 0x100000,
  80. kFvalUiFl = 0x200000,
  81. kSvalUiFl = 0x400000
  82. };
  83. // A control can be uniquely idenfied by
  84. // appId and usrId (appId's are unique among app's)
  85. // (usrId's are unique among ctl's on an app)
  86. // appId's and usrId's should be zero based low numbers
  87. // because they are used internally as indexes.
  88. typedef struct
  89. {
  90. cmUiDId_t dId; // function selector id
  91. unsigned appId; // app id (plug-in instance id)
  92. unsigned usrId; // ctl id
  93. unsigned panelId; // parent panel id
  94. cmUiCId_t cId; // UI control type
  95. unsigned flags; // See kXXXUiFl above.
  96. int ival; // Valid if kIvalUiFl is set.
  97. double fval; // Valid if kFvalUiFl is set.
  98. const cmChar_t* sval; // Valid if kSvalUiFl is set.
  99. int x;
  100. int y;
  101. int w;
  102. int h;
  103. } cmUiDriverArg_t;
  104. typedef cmUiRC_t (*cmUiDriverFunc_t)( void* arg, const cmUiDriverArg_t* a );
  105. void cmUiDriverArgSetup( cmUiDriverArg_t* a,
  106. cmUiDId_t dId,
  107. unsigned appId,
  108. unsigned usrId,
  109. unsigned panelId,
  110. cmUiCId_t cId,
  111. unsigned flags,
  112. int ival,
  113. double fval,
  114. const cmChar_t* sval,
  115. int x,
  116. int y,
  117. int w,
  118. int h
  119. );
  120. unsigned cmUiDriverArgSerializeBufByteCount( const cmUiDriverArg_t* a );
  121. // Returns kBufTooSmallUiRC if the buffer is too small otherwise returns kOkUiRC.
  122. // This function does not call cmErrMsg() on error
  123. // the caller is therefore responsible for generating errors.
  124. cmUiRC_t cmUiDriverArgSerialize( const cmUiDriverArg_t* a, void* buf, unsigned bufByteCnt );
  125. // Return kBufTooSmallUiRC or kBufCorruptUiRC if buffer corruption is detected
  126. // otherwise returns kOkUiRC. This function does not call cmErrMsg() on error
  127. // the caller is therefore responsible for generating errors.
  128. cmUiRC_t cmUiDriverArgDeserialize( cmUiDriverArg_t* a, void* buf, unsigned bufByteCnt );
  129. // Return an arg. value converted to the requiested type.
  130. // Note that numeric values will be automatically converted but
  131. // values will not be converted between string and numeric values.
  132. int cmUiDriverArgGetInt( const cmUiDriverArg_t* a );
  133. double cmUiDriverArgGetDouble( const cmUiDriverArg_t* a );
  134. const cmChar_t* cmUiDriverArgGetString( const cmUiDriverArg_t* a );
  135. #ifdef __cplusplus
  136. }
  137. #endif
  138. #endif