107 rivejä
2.5 KiB
Executable File
107 rivejä
2.5 KiB
Executable File
cfg :
// All paths and file names that do not begin with a '/'
// are prepended with the directory of this configuration
// file.
// If the last char in an 'in_dir' or 'excl_dir' path is NOT a '/'
// then the path represents all paths rooted on the given path.
// If the last char is a '/' then only the explicit path is
// used.
// Note:if the last char in an input director path is a '/' then do not recurse
in_dir: [ "../src/" "../src/app" "../src/dsp" ]
excl_dir: [ ]
edoc_fn: [ "libcm.pd" ]
html_prefix: "cdg_code_prefix.html"
html_suffix: "cdg_code_suffix.html"
anchor_fn: "cdg_ext_anch.json"
out_dir: "html"
vc_prefix: [
pandoc_exec: "/home/kevin/.local/bin/pandoc"
// Only files with these extenstions will be processed.
file_ext: [ "h","c" ]
// Exclude the following labels as anchor candidates.
anchor_excl: [ "foo", "label", "anchor" ]
// Set 'true' to report comments that are not attached to
// structural elements.
rptFloatCmmtFl: false
// Report if a 'ctag' generated tag could not be found.
rptMissingTagsFl: false
// Report processed files
rptProcFilesFl: false
// Report missing H files
rptMissingHFilesFl: true
// Report missing C files
rptMissingCFilesFl: false
// Report duplicate anchors.
rptDuplAnchorsFl: false
// Maximum character count of output HTML lines
htmlMaxLineLength: 200
// Wrap Long Functions
wrapFunctionsFl: false
// Preserve space
preserveSpaceFl: true
// Link to field names
linkToFieldNamesFl: false
// Use the external anchor files from ./cdg
usePrefExtAnchorFl: false
// Run the edoc files through pandoc
runFinalPandocFl: true
// Treat all selected files which do not have block
// markers as though they are wrapped in block markers.
promiscuousModeFl: false
[ base "Foundation classes and API's"]
[ real_time "Real-time system classes and API's"]