libcm is a C development framework with an emphasis on audio signal processing applications.
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cmProc.h 33KB

  1. #ifndef cmProc_h
  2. #define cmProc_h
  3. #ifdef __cplusplus
  4. extern "C" {
  5. #endif
  6. //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  7. typedef struct
  8. {
  9. cmObj obj;
  10. cmAudioFileH_t h; // audio file handle
  11. cmAudioFileInfo_t info; // audio file info record
  12. unsigned chIdx;
  13. cmSample_t* outV; // buffer of audio from last read
  14. unsigned outN; // length of outV in samples
  15. cmChar_t* fn; // name of audio file
  16. unsigned lastReadFrmCnt; // count of samples actually read on last read
  17. bool eofFl;
  18. unsigned begFrmIdx;
  19. unsigned endFrmIdx;
  20. unsigned curFrmIdx; // frame index of the next frame to read
  21. cmMtxFile* mfp;
  22. } cmAudioFileRd;
  23. /// set p to NULL to dynamically allocate the object
  24. /// fn and chIdx are optional - set fn to NULL to allocate the reader without opening a file.
  25. /// If fn is valid then chIdx must also be valid.
  26. /// Set 'endSmpIdx' to cmInvalidIdx to return the entire signal in cmAudioFileRdRead().
  27. /// Set 'endSmpIdx' to 0 to return all samples between 0 and the end of the file.
  28. cmAudioFileRd* cmAudioFileRdAlloc( cmCtx* c, cmAudioFileRd* p, unsigned procSmpCnt, const char* fn, unsigned chIdx, unsigned begSmpIdx, unsigned endSmpIdx );
  29. cmRC_t cmAudioFileRdFree( cmAudioFileRd** p );
  30. cmRC_t cmAudioFileRdOpen( cmAudioFileRd* p, unsigned procSmpCnt, const cmChar_t* fn, unsigned chIdx, unsigned begSmpIdx, unsigned endSmpIdx );
  31. cmRC_t cmAudioFileRdClose( cmAudioFileRd* p );
  32. /// Returns cmEofRC if the end of file is encountered.
  33. cmRC_t cmAudioFileRdRead( cmAudioFileRd* p );
  34. cmRC_t cmAudioFileRdSeek( cmAudioFileRd* p, unsigned frmIdx );
  35. /// Find the overall minimum, maximum, and mean sample values without changing the current file location.
  36. cmRC_t cmAudioFileRdMinMaxMean( cmAudioFileRd* p, unsigned chIdx, cmSample_t* minPtr, cmSample_t* maxPtr, cmSample_t* meanPtr );
  37. //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  38. /// The buffer is intended to synchronize sample block rates between processes and to provide an overlapped
  39. /// input buffer.
  40. typedef struct cmShiftBuf_str
  41. {
  42. cmObj obj;
  43. unsigned bufSmpCnt; // wndSmpCnt + hopSmpCnt
  44. cmSample_t* bufV; // bufV[bufSmpCnt] all other pointers use this memory
  45. cmSample_t* outV; // output window outV[ outN ]
  46. unsigned outN; // outN == wndSmpCnt
  47. unsigned procSmpCnt; // input sample count
  48. unsigned wndSmpCnt; // output sample count
  49. unsigned hopSmpCnt; // count of samples to shift the buffer by on each call to cmShiftExec()
  50. cmSample_t* inPtr; // ptr to location in outV[] to recv next sample
  51. bool fl; // reflects the last value returned by cmShiftBufExec().
  52. } cmShiftBuf;
  53. /// Set p to NULL to dynamically allocate the object. hopSmpCnt must be <= wndSmpCnt.
  54. cmShiftBuf* cmShiftBufAlloc( cmCtx* c, cmShiftBuf* p, unsigned procSmpCnt, unsigned wndSmpCnt, unsigned hopSmpCnt );
  55. cmRC_t cmShiftBufFree( cmShiftBuf** p );
  56. cmRC_t cmShiftBufInit( cmShiftBuf* p, unsigned procSmpCnt, unsigned wndSmpCnt, unsigned hopSmpCnt );
  57. cmRC_t cmShiftBufFinal( cmShiftBuf* p );
  58. /// Returns true if a new hop is ready to be read otherwise returns false.
  59. /// In general cmShiftBufExec() should be called in a loop until it returns false.
  60. /// Note that 'sp' and 'sn' are ignored except for the first call after the function returns false.
  61. /// This means that when called in a loop 'sp' and 'sn' are only used on the first time through the loop.
  62. /// When procSmpCnt is less than hopSmpCnt the loop will only execute when at least wndSmpCnt
  63. /// new samples have been buffered.
  64. /// When procSmpCnt is greater than hopSmpCnt the loop will execute multiple times until less
  65. // than wndSmpCnt new samples are available.
  66. /// Note that 'sn' must always be less than or equal to procSmpCnt.
  67. ///
  68. /// Example:
  69. /// while( fill(sp,sn) ) // fill sp[] with sn samples
  70. /// {
  71. /// // shift by hopSmpCnt samples on all passes - insert new samples on first pass
  72. /// while( cmShiftBufExec(p,sp,sn) )
  73. /// proc(p->outV,p->outN); // process p->outV[wndSmpCnt]
  74. /// }
  75. bool cmShiftBufExec( cmShiftBuf* p, const cmSample_t* sp, unsigned sn );
  76. void cmShiftBufTest( cmCtx* c );
  77. //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  78. /*
  79. typedef struct
  80. {
  81. cmComplexS_t* complexV;
  82. cmSample_t* outV;
  83. cmFftPlanS_t plan;
  84. } cmIFftObjS;
  85. typedef struct
  86. {
  87. cmComplexR_t* complexV;
  88. cmReal_t* outV;
  89. cmFftPlanR_t plan;
  90. } cmIFftObjR;
  91. typedef struct
  92. {
  93. cmObj obj;
  94. unsigned binCnt;
  95. unsigned outN;
  96. union
  97. {
  98. cmIFftObjS sr;
  99. cmIFftObjR rr;
  100. }u;
  101. } cmIFft;
  102. cmIFft* cmIFftAllocS( cmCtx* c, cmIFft* p, unsigned binCnt );
  103. cmIFft* cmIFftAllocR( cmCtx* c, cmIFft* p, unsigned binCnt );
  104. cmRC_t cmIFftFreeS( cmIFft** pp );
  105. cmRC_t cmIFftFreeR( cmIFft** pp );
  106. cmRC_t cmIFftInitS( cmIFft* p, unsigned binCnt );
  107. cmRC_t cmIFftInitR( cmIFft* p, unsigned binCnt );
  108. cmRC_t cmIFftFinalS( cmIFft* p );
  109. cmRC_t cmIFftFinalR( cmIFft* p );
  110. // x must contain 'binCnt' elements.
  111. cmRC_t cmIFftExecS( cmIFft* p, cmComplexS_t* x );
  112. cmRC_t cmIFftExecR( cmIFft* p, cmComplexR_t* x );
  113. cmRC_t cmIFftExecPolarS( cmIFft* p, const cmReal_t* magV, const cmReal_t* phsV );
  114. cmRC_t cmIFftExecPolarR( cmIFft* p, const cmReal_t* magV, const cmReal_t* phsV );
  115. cmRC_t cmIFftExecRectS( cmIFft* p, const cmReal_t* rV, const cmReal_t* iV );
  116. cmRC_t cmIFftExecPolarR( cmIFft* p, const cmReal_t* magV, const cmReal_t* phsV );
  117. void cmIFftTest( cmRpt_t* rptFuncPtr );
  118. */
  119. //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  120. enum
  121. {
  122. kInvalidWndId = 0x000,
  123. kHannWndId = 0x001,
  124. kHammingWndId = 0x002,
  125. kTriangleWndId = 0x004,
  126. kKaiserWndId = 0x008,
  127. kHannMatlabWndId= 0x010,
  128. kUnityWndId = 0x020,
  129. kWndIdMask = 0x0ff,
  130. kNormByLengthWndFl = 0x100, // mult by 1/wndSmpCnt
  131. kNormBySumWndFl = 0x200 // mult by wndSmpCnt/sum(wndV)
  132. };
  133. typedef struct
  134. {
  135. cmObj obj;
  136. unsigned wndId;
  137. unsigned flags;
  138. cmSample_t* wndV;
  139. cmSample_t* outV;
  140. unsigned outN; // same as wndSmpCnt
  141. double kslRejectDb;
  142. cmMtxFile* mfp;
  143. } cmWndFunc;
  144. /// Set p to NULL to dynamically allocate the object
  145. /// if wndId is set to a valid value this function will internally call cmWndFuncInit()
  146. cmWndFunc* cmWndFuncAlloc( cmCtx* c, cmWndFunc* p, unsigned wndId, unsigned wndSmpCnt, double kaierSideLobeRejectDb );
  147. cmRC_t cmWndFuncFree( cmWndFunc** pp );
  148. cmRC_t cmWndFuncInit( cmWndFunc* p, unsigned wndId, unsigned wndSmpCnt, double kaiserSideLobeRejectDb );
  149. cmRC_t cmWndFuncFinal( cmWndFunc* p );
  150. cmRC_t cmWndFuncExec( cmWndFunc* p, const cmSample_t* sp, unsigned sn );
  151. void cmWndFuncTest( cmRpt_t* rpt, cmLHeapH_t lhH, cmSymTblH_t stH );
  152. //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  153. /// Spectral frame delay. A circular buffer for spectral (or other fixed length) vectors.
  154. typedef struct
  155. {
  156. cmObj obj;
  157. cmSample_t* bufPtr;
  158. unsigned maxDelayCnt;
  159. int inIdx;
  160. unsigned outN; // outN == binCnt
  161. } cmSpecDelay;
  162. /// Set p to NULL to dynamically allocate the object.
  163. /// Allocate a spectral frame delay capable of delaying for 'maxDelayCnt' hops and
  164. /// where each vector contains 'binCnt' elements.
  165. cmSpecDelay* cmSpecDelayAlloc( cmCtx* c, cmSpecDelay* p, unsigned maxDelayCnt, unsigned binCnt );
  166. cmRC_t cmSpecDelayFree( cmSpecDelay** p );
  167. cmRC_t cmSpecDelayInit( cmSpecDelay* p, unsigned maxDelayCnt, unsigned binCnt );
  168. cmRC_t cmSpecDelayFinal(cmSpecDelay* p );
  169. /// Give an input vector to the delay. 'sn' must <= binCnt
  170. cmRC_t cmSpecDelayExec( cmSpecDelay* p, const cmSample_t* sp, unsigned sn );
  171. /// Get a pointer to a delayed vector. 'delayCnt' indicates the length of the delay in hops.
  172. /// (e.g. 1 is the previous hop, 2 is two hops previous, ... )
  173. const cmSample_t* cmSpecDelayOutPtr(cmSpecDelay* p, unsigned delayCnt );
  174. //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  175. typedef struct cmFilter_str
  176. {
  177. cmObj obj;
  178. cmReal_t* a; // feedback coeff's
  179. int an; // count of fb coeff's
  180. cmReal_t* b; // feedforward coeff's
  181. int bn; // count of ff coeffs'
  182. cmReal_t* d; // delay
  183. int di; //
  184. int cn; // length of delay
  185. cmReal_t b0; // 1st feedforward coeff
  186. cmSample_t* outSmpV; // signal output vector
  187. cmReal_t* outRealV;
  188. unsigned outN; // length of outV (procSmpCnt)
  189. } cmFilter;
  190. // d[dn] is the initial value of the delay line where dn = max(an,bn)-1.
  191. // Set d to NULL to intialize the delays to 0.
  192. cmFilter* cmFilterAlloc( cmCtx* c, cmFilter* p, const cmReal_t* b, unsigned bn, const cmReal_t* a, unsigned an, unsigned procSmpCnt, const cmReal_t* d );
  193. cmFilter* cmFilterAllocEllip( cmCtx* c, cmFilter* p, cmReal_t srate, cmReal_t passHz, cmReal_t stopHz, cmReal_t passDb, cmReal_t stopDb, unsigned procSmpCnt, const cmReal_t* d );
  194. cmRC_t cmFilterFree( cmFilter** pp );
  195. cmRC_t cmFilterInit( cmFilter* p, const cmReal_t* b, unsigned bn, const cmReal_t* a, unsigned an, unsigned procSmpCnt, const cmReal_t* d );
  196. cmRC_t cmFilterInitEllip( cmFilter* p, cmReal_t srate, cmReal_t passHz, cmReal_t stopHz, cmReal_t passDb, cmReal_t stopDb, unsigned procSmpCnt, const cmReal_t* d );
  197. cmRC_t cmFilterFinal( cmFilter* p );
  198. // If y==NULL or yn==0 then the output is sent to p->outV[p->outN].
  199. // This function can safely filter a signal in plcme therefore it is allowable for x[] and y[] to refer to the same memory.
  200. // If x[] overlaps y[] then y must be <= x.
  201. cmRC_t cmFilterExecS( cmFilter* p, const cmSample_t* x, unsigned xn, cmSample_t* y, unsigned yn );
  202. cmRC_t cmFilterExecR( cmFilter* p, const cmReal_t* x, unsigned xn, cmReal_t* y, unsigned yn );
  203. cmRC_t cmFilterSignal( cmCtx* c, const cmReal_t b[], unsigned bn, const cmReal_t a[], unsigned an, const cmSample_t* x, unsigned xn, cmSample_t* y, unsigned yn );
  204. // Perform forward-reverse filtering.
  205. cmRC_t cmFilterFilterS(cmCtx* c, const cmReal_t bb[], unsigned bn, const cmReal_t aa[], unsigned an, const cmSample_t* x, unsigned xn, cmSample_t* y, unsigned yn );
  206. cmRC_t cmFilterFilterR(cmCtx* c, const cmReal_t bb[], unsigned bn, const cmReal_t aa[], unsigned an, const cmReal_t* x, unsigned xn, cmReal_t* y, unsigned yn );
  207. void cmFilterTest( cmRpt_t* rpt, cmLHeapH_t lhH, cmSymTblH_t stH );
  208. void cmFilterFilterTest( cmRpt_t* rpt, cmLHeapH_t lhH, cmSymTblH_t stH );
  209. //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  210. typedef struct
  211. {
  212. cmObj obj;
  213. cmSpecDelay phsDelay;
  214. cmSpecDelay magDelay;
  215. unsigned binCnt;
  216. cmSample_t out;
  217. //cmMtxFile* mfp;
  218. //unsigned cdfSpRegId;
  219. } cmComplexDetect;
  220. /// Set p to NULL to dynamically allocate the object.
  221. cmComplexDetect* cmComplexDetectAlloc(cmCtx* c, cmComplexDetect* p, unsigned binCnt );
  222. cmRC_t cmComplexDetectFree( cmComplexDetect** pp);
  223. cmRC_t cmComplexDetectInit( cmComplexDetect* p, unsigned binCnt );
  224. cmRC_t cmComplexDetectFinal(cmComplexDetect* p);
  225. cmRC_t cmComplexDetectExec( cmComplexDetect* p, const cmSample_t* magV, const cmSample_t* phsV, unsigned binCnt );
  226. //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  227. typedef struct
  228. {
  229. cmObj obj;
  230. double threshold;
  231. unsigned medSmpCnt;
  232. unsigned frmCnt; // expected number of frames to store
  233. unsigned dfi;
  234. cmSample_t* df;
  235. cmSample_t* fdf;
  236. cmSample_t onrate;
  237. //cmMtxFile* mfp;
  238. } cmComplexOnset;
  239. cmComplexOnset* cmComplexOnsetAlloc( cmCtx* c, cmComplexOnset* p, unsigned procSmpCnt, double srate, unsigned medFiltWndSmpCnt, double threshold, unsigned frameCnt );
  240. cmRC_t cmComplexOnsetFree( cmComplexOnset** pp);
  241. cmRC_t cmComplexOnsetInit( cmComplexOnset* p, unsigned procSmpCnt, double srate, unsigned medFiltWndSmpCnt, double threshold, unsigned frameCnt );
  242. cmRC_t cmComplexOnsetFinal( cmComplexOnset* p);
  243. cmRC_t cmComplexOnsetExec( cmComplexOnset* p, cmSample_t cdf );
  244. cmRC_t cmComplexOnsetCalc( cmComplexOnset* p );
  245. //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  246. typedef struct
  247. {
  248. cmObj obj;
  249. unsigned melBandCnt;
  250. unsigned dctCoeffCnt;
  251. unsigned binCnt;
  252. cmReal_t* melM;
  253. cmReal_t* dctM;
  254. cmReal_t* outV;
  255. unsigned outN; // outN == dctCoeffCnt
  256. cmMtxFile* mfp;
  257. unsigned mfccSpRegId; // cmStatsProc regId
  258. } cmMfcc;
  259. cmMfcc* cmMfccAlloc( cmCtx* c, cmMfcc* p, double srate, unsigned melBandCnt, unsigned dctCoeffCnt, unsigned binCnt );
  260. cmRC_t cmMfccFree( cmMfcc** pp );
  261. cmRC_t cmMfccInit( cmMfcc* p, double srate, unsigned melBandCnt, unsigned dctCoeffCnt, unsigned binCnt );
  262. cmRC_t cmMfccFinal( cmMfcc* p );
  263. cmRC_t cmMfccExecPower( cmMfcc* p, const cmReal_t* magPowV, unsigned binCnt );
  264. cmRC_t cmMfccExecAmplitude( cmMfcc* p, const cmReal_t* magAmpV, unsigned binCnt );
  265. void cmMfccTest();
  266. //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  267. typedef struct
  268. {
  269. cmObj obj;
  270. cmReal_t* ttmV; // Terhardt outer ear filter
  271. cmReal_t* sfM; // Shroeder spreading function
  272. unsigned* barkIdxV; // Bark to bin map
  273. unsigned* barkCntV; //
  274. cmReal_t* outV; // specific loudness in sones
  275. unsigned outN; // outN == barkBandCnt;
  276. cmReal_t overallLoudness; // overall loudness in sones
  277. unsigned binCnt; // expected length of incoming power spectrum
  278. unsigned barkBandCnt; // count of bark bands
  279. unsigned flags; //
  280. cmMtxFile* mfp;
  281. unsigned sonesSpRegId;
  282. unsigned loudSpRegId;
  283. } cmSones;
  284. enum { kDontUseEqlLoudSonesFl=0x00, kUseEqlLoudSonesFl=0x01 };
  285. cmSones* cmSonesAlloc( cmCtx* c, cmSones* p, double srate, unsigned barkBandCnt, unsigned binCnt, unsigned flags );
  286. cmRC_t cmSonesFree( cmSones** pp );
  287. cmRC_t cmSonesInit( cmSones* p, double srate, unsigned barkBandCnt, unsigned binCnt, unsigned flags );
  288. cmRC_t cmSonesFinal( cmSones* p );
  289. cmRC_t cmSonesExec( cmSones* p, const cmReal_t* magPowV, unsigned binCnt );
  290. void cmSonesTest();
  291. //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  292. typedef struct
  293. {
  294. cmObj obj;
  295. unsigned cBufCnt;
  296. unsigned cBufCurCnt;
  297. unsigned cBufIdx;
  298. double cBufSum;
  299. unsigned cCntSum;
  300. cmReal_t* cBufPtr;
  301. unsigned* cCntPtr;
  302. cmSample_t offset;
  303. double dBref;
  304. cmSample_t* outV;
  305. unsigned outN; // (outN == procSmpCnt)
  306. unsigned flags;
  307. cmMtxFile* mfp;
  308. } cmAudioOffsetScale;
  309. /// This processor adds an offset to an audio signal and scales into dB (SPL) using one of two techniques
  310. /// 1) Measures the effective sound pressure (via RMS) and then scales the signal to the reference dB (SPL)
  311. /// In this case dBref is commonly set to 70. See Timony, 2004, Implementing Loudness Models in Matlab.
  312. ///
  313. /// 2) treats the dBref as the maximum dB (SPL) and scales the signal by this amount without regard
  314. /// measured signal level. In this case dBref is commonly set to 96 (max. dB (SPL) value for 16 bits)
  315. /// and rmsWndSecs is ignored.
  316. ///
  317. /// Note that setting rmsWndSecs to zero has the effect of using procSmpCnt as the window length.
  318. enum { kNoAudioScaleFl=0x01, kRmsAudioScaleFl=0x02, kFixedAudioScaleFl=0x04 };
  319. cmAudioOffsetScale* cmAudioOffsetScaleAlloc( cmCtx* c, cmAudioOffsetScale* p, unsigned procSmpCnt, double srate, cmSample_t offset, double rmsWndSecs, double dBref, unsigned flags );
  320. cmRC_t cmAudioOffsetScaleFree( cmAudioOffsetScale** pp );
  321. cmRC_t cmAudioOffsetScaleInit( cmAudioOffsetScale* p, unsigned procSmpCnt, double srate, cmSample_t offset, double rmsWndSecs, double dBref, unsigned flags );
  322. cmRC_t cmAudioOffsetScaleFinal( cmAudioOffsetScale* p );
  323. cmRC_t cmAudioOffsetScaleExec( cmAudioOffsetScale* p, const cmSample_t* sp, unsigned sn );
  324. //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  325. typedef struct
  326. {
  327. cmObj obj;
  328. cmReal_t* rmsV;
  329. cmReal_t* hfcV;
  330. cmReal_t* scnV;
  331. cmReal_t rmsSum;
  332. cmReal_t hfcSum;
  333. cmReal_t scnSum;
  334. cmReal_t ssSum;
  335. cmReal_t rms; // RMS output
  336. cmReal_t hfc; // high-frequency content output
  337. cmReal_t sc; // spectral centroid output
  338. cmReal_t ss; // spectral spread output
  339. unsigned binCnt;
  340. unsigned flags;
  341. unsigned wndFrmCnt;
  342. unsigned frameIdx;
  343. unsigned frameCnt;
  344. double binHz;
  345. cmMtxFile* mfp;
  346. unsigned rmsSpRegId;
  347. unsigned hfcSpRegId;
  348. unsigned scSpRegId;
  349. unsigned ssSpRegId;
  350. } cmSpecMeas;
  351. /// Set wndFrmCnt to the number of spectral frames to take the measurement over.
  352. /// Setting wndFrmCnt to 1 has the effect of calculating the value on the current frame only.
  353. /// Set flags = kWholeSigSpecMeasFl to ignore wndFrmCnt and calculate the result on the entire signal.
  354. /// In effect this treats the entire signal as the length of the measurement window.
  355. enum { kWholeSigSpecMeasFl=0x00, kUseWndSpecMeasFl=0x01 };
  356. cmSpecMeas* cmSpecMeasAlloc( cmCtx* c, cmSpecMeas* p, double srate, unsigned binCnt, unsigned wndFrmCnt, unsigned flags );
  357. cmRC_t cmSpecMeasFree( cmSpecMeas** pp );
  358. cmRC_t cmSpecMeasInit( cmSpecMeas* p, double srate, unsigned binCnt, unsigned wndFrmCnt, unsigned flags );
  359. cmRC_t cmSpecMeasFinal( cmSpecMeas* p );
  360. cmRC_t cmSpecMeasExec( cmSpecMeas* p, const cmReal_t* magPowV, unsigned binCnt );
  361. //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  362. typedef struct
  363. {
  364. cmObj obj;
  365. cmShiftBuf* sbp; // shift buffer used internally if procSmpCnt < measSmpCnt
  366. cmShiftBuf shiftBuf;
  367. double srate; //
  368. cmReal_t zcr; // zero crossing rate per second
  369. cmSample_t zcrDelay; // used internally by zero crossing count algorithm
  370. unsigned measSmpCnt; // length of measurement window in samples
  371. unsigned procSmpCnt; // expected number of samples per call to exec
  372. unsigned zcrSpRegId;
  373. cmMtxFile* mfp;
  374. } cmSigMeas;
  375. // procSmpCnt must be <= measSmpCnt
  376. cmSigMeas* cmSigMeasAlloc( cmCtx* c, cmSigMeas* p, double srate, unsigned procSmpCnt, unsigned measSmpCnt );
  377. cmRC_t cmSigMeasFree( cmSigMeas** pp );
  378. cmRC_t cmSigMeasInit( cmSigMeas* p, double srate, unsigned procSmpCnt, unsigned measSmpCnt );
  379. cmRC_t cmSigMeasFinal( cmSigMeas* p );
  380. cmRC_t cmSigMeasExec( cmSigMeas* p, const cmSample_t* sigV, unsigned smpCnt );
  381. //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  382. typedef struct
  383. {
  384. cmObj obj;
  385. cmFilter filt;
  386. cmSample_t* outV;
  387. unsigned outN;
  388. unsigned upFact;
  389. unsigned dnFact;
  390. unsigned upi;
  391. unsigned dni;
  392. cmMtxFile* mfp;
  393. } cmSRC;
  394. /// The srate paramater is the sample rate of the source signal provided via cmSRCExec()
  395. cmSRC* cmSRCAlloc( cmCtx* c, cmSRC* p, double srate, unsigned procSmpCnt, unsigned upFact, unsigned dnFact );
  396. cmRC_t cmSRCFree( cmSRC** pp );
  397. cmRC_t cmSRCInit( cmSRC* p, double srate, unsigned procSmpCnt, unsigned upFact, unsigned dnFact );
  398. cmRC_t cmSRCFinal( cmSRC* p );
  399. cmRC_t cmSRCExec( cmSRC* p, const cmSample_t* sp, unsigned sn );
  400. void cmSRCTest();
  401. //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  402. typedef struct
  403. {
  404. cmObj obj;
  405. cmComplexR_t* fiV;
  406. cmComplexR_t* foV;
  407. cmComplexR_t* skM; // skM[ wndSmpCnt, constQBinCnt ]
  408. unsigned* skBegV; // skBegV[ constQBinCnt ] indexes used to decrease the size of the mtx mult in cmConstQExex()
  409. unsigned* skEndV; // skEndV[ constQBinCnt ]
  410. unsigned wndSmpCnt; // window length of the complex FFT required to feed this transform
  411. unsigned constQBinCnt; // count of bins in the const Q output
  412. unsigned binsPerOctave; //
  413. cmComplexR_t* outV; // outV[ constQBinCnt ]
  414. cmReal_t* magV; // outV[ constQBinCnt ]
  415. cmMtxFile* mfp;
  416. } cmConstQ;
  417. cmConstQ* cmConstQAlloc( cmCtx* c, cmConstQ* p, double srate, unsigned minMidiPitch, unsigned maxMidiPitch, unsigned binsPerOctave, double thresh );
  418. cmRC_t cmConstQFree( cmConstQ** pp );
  419. cmRC_t cmConstQInit( cmConstQ* p, double srate, unsigned minMidiPitch, unsigned maxMidiPitch, unsigned binsPerOctave, double thresh );
  420. cmRC_t cmConstQFinal( cmConstQ* p );
  421. cmRC_t cmConstQExec( cmConstQ* p, const cmComplexR_t* ftV, unsigned binCnt );
  422. //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  423. typedef struct
  424. {
  425. cmObj obj;
  426. cmReal_t* hpcpM; // hpcpM[ frameCnt , binsPerOctave ] - stored hpcp
  427. cmReal_t* fhpcpM;// fhpcpM[ binsPerOctave, frameCnt ] - filtered hpcp (note transposed relative to hpcpA)
  428. unsigned* histV; // histM[ binsPerOctave/12 ]
  429. cmReal_t* outM; // outM[ 12, frameCnt ];
  430. unsigned histN; // binsPerOctave/12
  431. unsigned binsPerOctave; // const-q bins representing 1 octave
  432. unsigned constQBinCnt; // total count of const-q bins
  433. unsigned frameCnt; // expected count of hpcp vectors to store.
  434. unsigned frameIdx; // next column in hpcpM[] to receive input
  435. unsigned cqMinMidiPitch;
  436. unsigned medFiltOrder;
  437. cmReal_t* meanV; // meanV[12]
  438. cmReal_t* varV; // varV[12]
  439. cmMtxFile* mf0p; // debug files
  440. cmMtxFile* mf1p;
  441. cmMtxFile* mf2p;
  442. } cmHpcp;
  443. cmHpcp* cmTunedHpcpAlloc( cmCtx* c, cmHpcp* p, unsigned binsPerOctave, unsigned constQBinCnt, unsigned cqMinMidiPitch, unsigned frameCnt, unsigned medFiltOrder );
  444. cmRC_t cmTunedHpcpFree( cmHpcp** pp );
  445. cmRC_t cmTunedHpcpInit( cmHpcp* p, unsigned binsPerOctave, unsigned constQBinCnt, unsigned cqMinMidiPitch, unsigned frameCnt, unsigned medFiltOrder );
  446. cmRC_t cmTunedHpcpFinal( cmHpcp* p );
  447. cmRC_t cmTunedHpcpExec( cmHpcp* p, const cmComplexR_t* constQBinPtr, unsigned constQBinCnt );
  448. cmRC_t cmTunedHpcpTuneAndFilter( cmHpcp* p);
  449. //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  450. //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  451. struct cmFftRR_str;
  452. struct cmIFftRR_str;
  453. typedef struct
  454. {
  455. cmObj obj;
  456. struct cmFftRR_str* fft;
  457. struct cmIFftRR_str* ifft;
  458. unsigned frmCnt; // 512 length of df
  459. unsigned maxLagCnt; // 128 length of longest CMF lag
  460. unsigned histBinCnt; // 15 count of histogram elements and rows in H[]
  461. unsigned hColCnt; // 128 count of columns in H[]
  462. cmReal_t* m; // m[ frmCnt x maxLagCnt ]
  463. cmReal_t* H; // histogram transformation mtx
  464. cmReal_t* df; // df[ frmCnt ] onset detection function
  465. cmReal_t* fdf; // fdf[ frmCnt ] filtered onset detection function
  466. unsigned dfi; // index next df[] location to receive an incoming value
  467. cmReal_t* histV; // histV[ histBinCnt ] histogram output
  468. cmMtxFile* mfp;
  469. } cmBeatHist;
  470. cmBeatHist* cmBeatHistAlloc( cmCtx* c, cmBeatHist* p, unsigned frmCnt );
  471. cmRC_t cmBeatHistFree( cmBeatHist** pp );
  472. cmRC_t cmBeatHistInit( cmBeatHist* p, unsigned frmCnt );
  473. cmRC_t cmBeatHistFinal( cmBeatHist* p );
  474. cmRC_t cmBeatHistExec( cmBeatHist* p, cmSample_t df );
  475. cmRC_t cmBeatHistCalc( cmBeatHist* p );
  476. //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  477. // Gaussian Mixture Model containing N Gaussian PDF's each of dimension D
  478. typedef struct
  479. {
  480. cmObj obj;
  481. unsigned K; // count of components
  482. unsigned D; // dimensionality of each component
  483. cmReal_t* gV; // gM[ K ] mixture gain vector
  484. cmReal_t* uM; // uM[ D x K ] component mean column vectors
  485. cmReal_t* sMM; // sMM[D x D x K ] component covariance matrices - each column is a DxD matrix
  486. cmReal_t* isMM; // isMM[D x D x K] inverted covar matrices
  487. cmReal_t* uMM; // uMM[ D x D x K] upper triangle factor of chol(sMM)
  488. cmReal_t* logDetV;// detV[ K ] determinent of covar matrices
  489. cmReal_t* t; // t[ D x D ]scratch matrix used for training
  490. unsigned uflags; // user defined flags
  491. } cmGmm_t;
  492. enum { cmMdgNoFlags=0x0, cmGmmDiagFl=0x01, cmGmmSkipKmeansFl=0x02 };
  493. cmGmm_t* cmGmmAlloc( cmCtx* c, cmGmm_t* p, unsigned N, unsigned D, const cmReal_t* gV, const cmReal_t* uM, const cmReal_t* sMM, unsigned flags );
  494. cmRC_t cmGmmFree( cmGmm_t** pp );
  495. cmRC_t cmGmmInit( cmGmm_t* p, unsigned N, unsigned D, const cmReal_t* gV, const cmReal_t* uM, const cmReal_t* sMM, unsigned flags );
  496. cmRC_t cmGmmFinal( cmGmm_t* p );
  497. // Estimate the parameters of the GMM using the training data in xM[p->D,xN].
  498. // *iterCntPtr on input is the number of iterations with no change in class assignment to signal convergence.
  499. // *iterCntPtr on output is the total number of interations required to converge.
  500. cmRC_t cmGmmTrain( cmGmm_t* p, const cmReal_t* xM, unsigned xN, unsigned* iterCntPtr );
  501. // Return a pointer to the feature vector at frmIdx containing D elements.
  502. typedef const cmReal_t* (*cmGmmReadFunc_t)( void* userPtr, unsigned colIdx );
  503. // Same as cmGmmTrain() but uses a function to access the feature vector.
  504. // The optional matrix uM[D,K] contains the initial mean values or NULL if not used.
  505. // The optional flag array roFlV[K] is used to indicate read-only components and is only used
  506. // when the uM[] arg. is non-NULL. Set roFlV[i] to true to indicate that the mean value supplied by
  507. // the uM[] arg. should not be alterned by the training process.
  508. // If 'maxIterCnt' is positive then it is the maximum number of iterations the training process will make
  509. // otherwise it is ignored.
  510. cmRC_t cmGmmTrain2( cmGmm_t* p, cmGmmReadFunc_t readFunc, void* userFuncPtr, unsigned xN, unsigned* iterCntPtr, const cmReal_t* uM, const bool* roFlV, int maxIterCnt );
  511. // Generate data yN data points from the GMM and store the result in yM[p->D,yN].
  512. cmRC_t cmGmmGenerate( cmGmm_t* p, cmReal_t* yM, unsigned yN );
  513. // Evaluate the probability of each column of xM[p->D,xN] and return the result in y[xN].
  514. // If yM[xN,K] is non-NULL then the individual component prob. values are returned
  515. cmRC_t cmGmmEval( cmGmm_t* p, const cmReal_t* xM, unsigned xN, cmReal_t* yV, cmReal_t* yM);
  516. // Same as cmGmmEval() but uses a a function to access each data vector
  517. cmRC_t cmGmmEval2( cmGmm_t* p, cmGmmReadFunc_t readFunc, void* userFuncPtr, unsigned xN, cmReal_t* yV, cmReal_t* yM);
  518. // Evaluate each component for a single data point
  519. // xV[D] - observed data point
  520. // yV[K] - output contains the evaluation for each component
  521. cmRC_t cmGmmEval3( cmGmm_t* p, const cmReal_t* xV, cmReal_t* yV );
  522. void cmGmmPrint( cmGmm_t* p, bool detailsFl );
  523. void cmGmmTest( cmRpt_t* rpt, cmLHeapH_t lhH, cmSymTblH_t stH );
  524. //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  525. // Continuous Hidden Markov Model
  526. typedef struct
  527. {
  528. cmObj obj;
  529. unsigned N; // count of states
  530. unsigned K; // count of components per mixture
  531. unsigned D; // dimensionality of the observation data
  532. cmReal_t* iV; // iV[ N ] initial state probability mtx
  533. cmReal_t* aM; // aM[ N x N] transition probability mtx
  534. cmGmm_t** bV; // bV[ N ] observation probability mtx (array of pointers to GMM's)
  535. cmReal_t* bM; // bM[ N,T] state-observation probability matrix
  536. cmMtxFile* mfp;
  537. } cmChmm_t;
  538. // Continuous HMM consisting of stateN states where the observations
  539. // associated with each state are generated by a Gaussian mixture PDF.
  540. // stateN - count of states
  541. // mixN - count of components in the mixtures
  542. // dimN - dimensionality of the observation data
  543. cmChmm_t* cmChmmAlloc( cmCtx* c, cmChmm_t* p, unsigned stateN, unsigned mixN, unsigned dimN, const cmReal_t* iV, const cmReal_t* aM );
  544. cmRC_t cmChmmFree( cmChmm_t** pp );
  545. cmRC_t cmChmmInit( cmChmm_t* p, unsigned stateN, unsigned mixN, unsigned dimN, const cmReal_t* iV, const cmReal_t* aM );
  546. cmRC_t cmChmmFinal( cmChmm_t* p );
  547. // Set the iV,aM and bV parameters to well-formed random values.
  548. cmRC_t cmChmmRandomize( cmChmm_t* p, const cmReal_t* oM, unsigned T );
  549. // Train the HMM using segmental k-means to initialize the model parameters.
  550. // threshProb is the min change in fit between the data and the model above which the procedure will continue to iterate.
  551. // maxIterCnt is the maximum number of iterations the algorithm will make without regard for threshProb.
  552. // iterCnt is the value of iterCnt used in the call cmChmmTrain() on each iteration
  553. cmRC_t cmChmmSegKMeans( cmChmm_t* p, const cmReal_t* oM, unsigned T, cmReal_t threshProb, unsigned maxIterCnt, unsigned iterCnt );
  554. cmRC_t cmChmmSetGmm( cmChmm_t* p, unsigned i, const cmReal_t* wV, const cmReal_t* uM, const cmReal_t* sMM, unsigned flags );
  555. // oM[D,T] - observation matrix
  556. // alphaM[N,T] - prob of being in each state and observtin oM(:,t)
  557. // logPrV[T] - (optional) record the log prob of the data given the model at each time step
  558. // Returns sum(logPrV[T])
  559. cmReal_t cmChmmForward( const cmChmm_t* p, const cmReal_t* oM, unsigned T, cmReal_t* alphaM, cmReal_t* logPrV );
  560. void cmChmmBackward( const cmChmm_t* p, const cmReal_t* oM, unsigned T, cmReal_t* betaM );
  561. // bM[N,T] the state-observation probability table is optional
  562. cmReal_t cmChmmCompare( const cmChmm_t* p0, const cmChmm_t* p1, unsigned T );
  563. // Generate a series of observations.
  564. // oM[ p->D , T ] - output matrix
  565. // sV[ T ] - optional vector to record the state used to generate the ith observation.
  566. cmRC_t cmChmmGenerate( const cmChmm_t* p, cmReal_t* oM, unsigned T, unsigned* sV );
  567. // Infer the HMM parameters (p->iV,p->aM,p->bV) from the observations oM[D,T]
  568. enum { kNoTrainMixCoeffChmmFl=0x01, kNoTrainMeanChmmFl=0x02, kNoTrainCovarChmmFl=0x04 };
  569. cmRC_t cmChmmTrain( cmChmm_t* p, const cmReal_t* oM, unsigned T, unsigned iterCnt, cmReal_t thresh, unsigned flags );
  570. // Determine the ML state sequence yV[T] given the observations oM[D,T].
  571. cmRC_t cmChmmDecode( cmChmm_t* p, const cmReal_t* oM, unsigned T, unsigned* yV );
  572. void cmChmmPrint( cmChmm_t* p );
  573. void cmChmmTest( cmRpt_t* rpt, cmLHeapH_t lhH, cmSymTblH_t stH );
  574. //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  575. // Chord recognizer
  576. typedef struct
  577. {
  578. cmObj obj;
  579. cmChmm_t* h; // hmm
  580. unsigned N; // state count N=24
  581. unsigned D; // data dimension D=12
  582. unsigned S; // tonal space dim S=6
  583. unsigned T; // frames in chromaM
  584. cmReal_t* iV; // iV[N]
  585. cmReal_t* aM; // aM[N,N]
  586. cmReal_t* uM; // uM[D,N]
  587. cmReal_t* sMM; // sMM[D*D,N]
  588. cmReal_t* phiM; // phiM[S,T]
  589. cmReal_t* chromaM; // chromaM[D,T]
  590. cmReal_t* tsM; // tsM[S,T]
  591. cmReal_t* cdtsV; // cdts[1,T]
  592. cmReal_t triadSeqMode;
  593. cmReal_t triadSeqVar;
  594. cmReal_t triadIntMean;
  595. cmReal_t triadIntVar;
  596. cmReal_t* tsMeanV; // tsMeanV[S];
  597. cmReal_t* tsVarV; // tsVarV[S]
  598. cmReal_t cdtsMean;
  599. cmReal_t cdtsVar;
  600. } cmChord;
  601. cmChord* cmChordAlloc( cmCtx* c, cmChord* p, const cmReal_t* chromaM, unsigned T );
  602. cmRC_t cmChordFree( cmChord** p );
  603. cmRC_t cmChordInit( cmChord* p, const cmReal_t* chromaM, unsigned T );
  604. cmRC_t cmChordFinal( cmChord* p );
  605. void cmChordTest( cmRpt_t* rpt, cmLHeapH_t lhH, cmSymTblH_t stH );
  606. #ifdef __cplusplus
  607. }
  608. #endif
  609. #endif