62 line
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62 line
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#ifndef cmDList_h
#define cmDList_h
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
kOkDlRC = cmOkRC,
typedef unsigned cmDlRC_t;
typedef cmHandle_t cmDListH_t;
typedef cmHandle_t cmDListIterH_t;
extern cmDListH_t cmDListNullHandle;
extern cmDListIterH_t cmDListIterNullHandle;
// Return < 0 if v0 < v1
// == 0 if v0 == v1
// > 0 if v0 > v1
typedef int (*cmDListCmpFunc_t)( void* arg, const void* v0, unsigned v0N, const void* v1, unsigned v1N );
typedef void (*cmDListIndexFreeFunc_t)( unsigned indexId, void* arg );
// If 'f' is not NULL then a default index with an indexId==0 will be automatically created.
cmDlRC_t cmDListAlloc( cmCtx_t* ctx, cmDListH_t* hp, cmDListCmpFunc_t f, void* farg );
cmDlRC_t cmDListFree( cmDListH_t* hp );
bool cmDListIsValid( cmDListH_t h );
cmDlRC_t cmDListInsert( cmDListH_t h, const void* recd, unsigned recdByteN );
cmDlRC_t cmDListDelete( cmDListH_t h, const void* recd );
cmDlRC_t cmDListIndexAlloc( cmDListH_t h, unsigned indexId, cmDListCmpFunc_t f, void* farg );
cmDlRC_t cmDListIndexFree( cmDListH_t h, unsigned indexId );
cmDlRC_t cmDListIndexSetFreeFunc(cmDListH_t h, unsigned indexId, cmDListIndexFreeFunc_t func );
cmDlRC_t cmDListIterAlloc( cmDListH_t h, cmDListIterH_t* iHp, unsigned indexId );
cmDlRC_t cmDListIterFree( cmDListIterH_t* iHp );
bool cmDListIterIsValid( cmDListIterH_t iH );
cmDlRC_t cmDListIterSeekBegin( cmDListIterH_t iH );
cmDlRC_t cmDListIterSeekEnd( cmDListIterH_t iH );
const void* cmDListIterGet( cmDListIterH_t iH, unsigned* recdByteNRef );
const void* cmDListIterPrev( cmDListIterH_t iH, unsigned* recdByteNRef );
const void* cmDListIterNext( cmDListIterH_t iH, unsigned* recdByteNRef );
const void* cmDListIterFind( cmDListIterH_t iH, const void* key, unsigned keyN, unsigned* recdByteNRef);
#ifdef __cplusplus