1479 rader
44 KiB
1479 rader
44 KiB
#include "cmPrefix.h"
#include "cmGlobal.h"
#include "cmFloatTypes.h"
#include "cmRpt.h"
#include "cmErr.h"
#include "cmCtx.h"
#include "cmMem.h"
#include "cmMallocDebug.h"
#include "cmLinkedHeap.h"
#include "cmSymTbl.h"
#include "cmPrefs.h"
#include "cmJson.h"
#include "cmDspValue.h"
#include "cmMsgProtocol.h"
#include "cmThread.h"
#include "cmUdpPort.h"
#include "cmUdpNet.h"
#include "cmTime.h"
#include "cmAudioSys.h"
#include "cmProcObj.h"
#include "cmDspCtx.h"
#include "cmDspClass.h"
#include "cmDspSys.h"
cmDspRC_t cmDspClassSetup(
cmDspClass_t* classPtr,
cmDspCtx_t* ctx,
const cmChar_t* classLabel,
cmDspClassFunc_t finalClassFunc,
cmDspConsFunc_t allocFunc,
cmDspFunc_t freeFunc,
cmDspFunc_t resetFunc,
cmDspFunc_t execFunc,
cmDspFunc_t recvFunc,
cmDspStoreFunc_t storeFunc,
cmDspAttrSymFunc_t sysRecvFunc,
const cmChar_t* doc )
classPtr->labelStr = classLabel;
classPtr->doc = doc;
classPtr->finalClassFunc = finalClassFunc;
classPtr->allocFunc = allocFunc;
classPtr->freeFunc = freeFunc;
classPtr->resetFunc = resetFunc;
classPtr->execFunc = execFunc;
classPtr->recvFunc = recvFunc;
classPtr->storeFunc = storeFunc;
classPtr->sysRecvFunc = sysRecvFunc;
cmErrSetup( &classPtr->err, ctx->rpt, classLabel);
return kOkDspRC;
// default DSP instance system recv function
cmDspRC_t _cmDspInstSysRecvFunc( cmDspCtx_t* ctx, struct cmDspInst_str* inst, unsigned attrSymId, const cmDspValue_t* value )
if( cmDsvIsSymbol(value) )
unsigned msgSymId = cmDsvSymbol(value);
if( msgSymId == ctx->_disableSymId )
inst->flags = cmSetFlag(inst->flags,kDisableExecInstFl );
//printf("%s disabled\n",cmStringNullGuard(cmDspInstLabel(ctx,inst)));
if( msgSymId == ctx->_enableSymId )
inst->flags = cmClrFlag(inst->flags,kDisableExecInstFl );
//printf("%s enabled\n",cmStringNullGuard(cmDspInstLabel(ctx,inst)));
if( inst->classPtr->sysRecvFunc != NULL )
return inst->classPtr->sysRecvFunc(ctx,inst,attrSymId,value);
return kOkDspRC;
void* cmDspInstAllocate(
cmDspCtx_t* ctx,
cmDspClass_t* classPtr,
const cmDspVarArg_t* argV,
unsigned instByteCnt,
unsigned instSymId,
unsigned instId,
unsigned storeSymId,
unsigned va_cnt,
va_list vl )
unsigned i;
unsigned varCnt = 0;
unsigned varDataByteCnt = 0;
unsigned va_idx = 0;
unsigned reqArgCnt = 0;
// check for duplicate variable names
for(i=0; argV[i].label != NULL; ++i)
if( argV[i].label != NULL )
unsigned j = 0;
for(j=0; argV[j].label != NULL; ++j)
if( i != j && argV[j].label != NULL && strcmp(argV[i].label,argV[j].label) == 0 )
// two variables have the same name
unsigned mask = kInDsvFl | kOutDsvFl;
// we allow two variables to have the same name as long as they are not both inputs or outputs
if( (argV[j].flags & mask) == (argV[i].flags & mask))
cmDspClassErr(ctx,classPtr,kVarDuplicateDspRC,"The variable label '%s' is used by multiple variables.",argV[i].label);
// determine the count and size of the instance variables
for(i=0; argV[i].label != NULL; ++i,++varCnt)
unsigned rn = argV[i].rn;
unsigned flags = argV[i].flags;
// audio buffer sample count is determined automatically
if( cmAllFlags( argV[i].flags, kAudioBufDsvFl | kOutDsvFl ) )
rn = ctx->ctx->ss->args.dspFramesPerCycle;
flags = kSampleDsvFl | kMtxDsvFl;
// determine the space needed for matrices of known size
if( cmIsFlag(flags,kMtxDsvFl) && (rn*argV[i].cn) )
unsigned n = cmDsvByteCount( flags, rn, argV[i].cn );
varDataByteCnt += n;
// determine the number of required arguments
reqArgCnt += cmIsFlag(flags,kReqArgDsvFl) ? 1 : 0;
unsigned varRecdByteCnt = varCnt * sizeof(cmDspVar_t);
unsigned ttlByteCnt = instByteCnt + varRecdByteCnt + varDataByteCnt;
char* p = cmLHeapAllocZ(ctx->lhH, ttlByteCnt); // allocate the instance memory
char* ep = p + ttlByteCnt; // record the end of the alloc'd memory
cmDspInst_t* ip = (cmDspInst_t*)p; // set the instance ptr
cmDspVar_t* varArray = (cmDspVar_t*)(p + instByteCnt); // set the instance variable recd array
char* varDataPtr = (char*)(varArray + varCnt); // set the base of variable data buffer
// setup the instance record
ip->classPtr = classPtr;
ip->symId = instSymId;
ip->id = instId;
ip->flags = kDisableExecInstFl;
ip->presetGroupSymId = storeSymId;
ip->varArray = varArray;
ip->varCnt = varCnt;
ip->freeFunc = classPtr->freeFunc;
ip->resetFunc = classPtr->resetFunc;
ip->execFunc = classPtr->execFunc;
ip->recvFunc = classPtr->recvFunc;
ip->storeFunc = classPtr->storeFunc;
ip->sysRecvFunc = _cmDspInstSysRecvFunc;
if( reqArgCnt > va_cnt )
cmDspInstErr(ctx,ip,kVarArgParseFailDspRC,"The class requires %i arguments but only %i were given.",reqArgCnt,va_cnt);
// setup the variable records
for(i=0; i<varCnt; ++i)
unsigned flags = argV[i].flags;
unsigned rn = argV[i].rn;
// handle requests for audio output buffers
if( cmAllFlags(argV[i].flags, kAudioBufDsvFl | kOutDsvFl ) )
// remove the audio buffer flag and reconstitute as a generic cmDspValue sample mtx type.
//flags = cmClrFlag( argV[i].flags, kAudioBufDsvFl | kTypeDsvMask );
flags = kSampleDsvFl | kMtxDsvFl;
rn = ctx->ctx->ss->args.dspFramesPerCycle;
// the constId must be the same as the var index
assert( i == argV[i].constId );
bool reqArgFl = cmIsFlag(argV[i].flags,kReqArgDsvFl);
bool optArgFl = cmIsFlag(argV[i].flags,kOptArgDsvFl);
// verify that the required arg. exists
if( reqArgFl && i>va_cnt )
cmDspInstErr(ctx,ip,kVarArgParseFailDspRC,"The required argument '%s' is missing",argV[i].label);
ip->varArray[i].flags = argV[i].flags; // store the original flag set as the var flags
ip->varArray[i].constId = argV[i].constId;
ip->varArray[i].symId = cmSymTblRegisterSymbol(ctx->stH,argV[i].label);
ip->varArray[i].doc = argV[i].doc;
ip->varArray[i].value.flags = argV[i].flags & kTypeDsvMask;
// if this is a required or optional constructor arg. then assign it as the
// default value for this variable
if( va_idx < va_cnt && (reqArgFl || optArgFl) )
cmDspValue_t* vp = &ip->varArray[i].value;
case kBoolDsvFl: cmDsvSetBool( vp, va_arg(vl,int )); break;
case kCharDsvFl: cmDsvSetChar( vp, va_arg(vl,int )); break;
case kUCharDsvFl: cmDsvSetUChar( vp, va_arg(vl,int )); break;
case kShortDsvFl: cmDsvSetShort( vp, va_arg(vl,int )); break;
case kUShortDsvFl: cmDsvSetUShort( vp, va_arg(vl,int )); break;
case kLongDsvFl: cmDsvSetLong( vp, va_arg(vl,long )); break;
case kULongDsvFl: cmDsvSetULong( vp, va_arg(vl,unsigned long )); break;
case kIntDsvFl: cmDsvSetInt( vp, va_arg(vl,int )); break;
case kUIntDsvFl: cmDsvSetUInt( vp, va_arg(vl,unsigned )); break;
case kFloatDsvFl: cmDsvSetFloat( vp, va_arg(vl,double )); break;
case kDoubleDsvFl: cmDsvSetDouble( vp, va_arg(vl,double )); break;
case kSampleDsvFl: cmDsvSetSample( vp, va_arg(vl,double )); break;
case kRealDsvFl: cmDsvSetReal( vp, va_arg(vl,double )); break;
case kStrzDsvFl: cmDsvSetStrz( vp, va_arg(vl,cmChar_t* )); break;
case kSymDsvFl: cmDsvSetSymbol( vp, va_arg(vl,unsigned )); break;
cmDspInstErr(ctx,ip,kVarArgParseFailDspRC,"A var-args parse error occurred while parsing the variable '%s'.",argV[i].label);
// set the default value from the initial value
cmDspValueSet(ctx, ip, i, vp, kSetDefaultDspFl );
// store the fact that the default value was explicitely set.
ip->varArray[i].flags = cmSetFlag(ip->varArray[i].flags,kDfltSetDsvFl);
// track the number of va_list arg's read
// assign memory to the matrix types of known size
if( cmIsFlag(flags,kMtxDsvFl) && (rn*argV[i].cn) )
cmDsvSetMtx( &ip->varArray[i].value, flags, varDataPtr, rn, argV[i].cn );
unsigned n = cmDsvByteCount( flags, rn, argV[i].cn );
varDataPtr += n;
assert( varDataPtr == ep );
return p;
#ifdef OSX_VER_10_5
va_list _cmDspParseArgV( cmDspVarArg_t* a, va_list vl )
void _cmDspParseArgV( cmDspVarArg_t* a, va_list vl )
a->label = va_arg(vl,const char*);
a->constId = va_arg(vl,unsigned);
a->rn = va_arg(vl,unsigned);
a->cn = va_arg(vl,unsigned);
a->flags = va_arg(vl,unsigned);
a->doc = va_arg(vl,const char*);
#ifdef OSX_VER_10_5
return vl;
void* cmDspInstAllocateV(cmDspCtx_t* ctx, cmDspClass_t* classPtr, unsigned instByteCnt, unsigned instSymId, unsigned instId, unsigned storeSymId, unsigned va_cnt, va_list vl0, ... )
va_list vl1,vl2;
unsigned argCnt = 0;
int repeatCnt;
while( (repeatCnt = va_arg(vl1,int)) != 0 )
cmDspVarArg_t a;
// do some value checking to possibly catch problems with the var_args format
assert( repeatCnt > 0 && repeatCnt < 255 );
argCnt += repeatCnt;
#ifdef OSX_VER_10_5
vl1 =
cmDspVarArg_t aa[ argCnt+1 ];
unsigned j=0;
while( (repeatCnt = va_arg(vl2,int)) != 0 )
cmDspVarArg_t a;
#ifdef OSX_VER_10_5
vl2 =
cmDspArgSetupN(ctx,aa,argCnt,j,repeatCnt,a.label,a.constId,a.rn, a.cn, a.flags, a.doc );
j += repeatCnt;
cmDspArgSetupNull(aa + argCnt);
return cmDspInstAllocate(ctx,classPtr,aa,instByteCnt,instSymId,instId,storeSymId,va_cnt,vl0);
cmDspInstSymId_t* _cmDspInstFindAttrSymId( cmDspInst_t* inst, unsigned symId )
cmDspInstSymId_t* ip = inst->symIdList;
for(; ip != NULL; ip=ip->link)
if( ip->symId == symId )
return ip;
return NULL;
bool cmDspInstHasAttrSym( cmDspInst_t* inst, unsigned attrSymId )
{ return _cmDspInstFindAttrSymId(inst,attrSymId) != NULL; }
cmDspRC_t cmDspInstRegisterAttrSym( cmDspCtx_t* ctx, cmDspInst_t* inst, unsigned symId )
cmDspInstSymId_t* ip;
// if this symbol is already registered
if((ip = _cmDspInstFindAttrSymId(inst,symId)) != NULL )
return cmDspInstErr(ctx,inst,kOkDspRC,"The symbol '%s' is already registered with the instance.",cmStringNullGuard(cmSymTblLabel(ctx->stH,symId)));
// try to find an unused symbol
ip = inst->symIdList;
for(; ip != NULL; ip=ip->link)
if( ip->symId == cmInvalidId )
// if no unused symbols were found then allocate a new one
if( ip == NULL )
ip = cmLhAllocZ(ctx->lhH, cmDspInstSymId_t, 1 );
ip->link = inst->symIdList;
inst->symIdList = ip;
ip->symId = symId;
return kOkDspRC;
cmDspRC_t cmDspInstRemoveAttrSym( cmDspCtx_t* ctx, cmDspInst_t* inst, unsigned symId )
cmDspInstSymId_t* ip;
// if this symbol is already registered
if((ip = _cmDspInstFindAttrSymId(inst,symId)) == NULL )
return cmDspInstErr(ctx,inst,kOkDspRC,"The symbol '%s' is could not be found to be removed from the instance.",cmStringNullGuard(cmSymTblLabel(ctx->stH,symId)));
// mark a symbol recd as inactive by setting the symbol id to cmInalidId
ip->symId = cmInvalidId;
return kOkDspRC;
cmDspRC_t _cmDspClassErrV( cmDspCtx_t* ctx, cmDspClass_t* classPtr, unsigned instId, cmDspRC_t rc, const cmChar_t* fmt, va_list vl )
va_list vl2;
unsigned n = vsnprintf(NULL,0,fmt,vl2)+1;
cmChar_t buf[n+1];
if( instId == cmInvalidId )
cmErrMsg( &classPtr->err, rc, "%s DSP Class:%s",buf, classPtr->labelStr);
cmErrMsg( &classPtr->err, rc, "%s DSP Class:%s Inst:%i",buf, classPtr->labelStr,instId);
return rc;
cmDspRC_t cmDspClassErr( cmDspCtx_t* ctx, cmDspClass_t* classPtr, cmDspRC_t rc, const cmChar_t* fmt, ... )
va_list vl;
rc = _cmDspClassErrV(ctx,classPtr,cmInvalidId,rc,fmt,vl);
return rc;
cmDspRC_t cmDspInstErr( cmDspCtx_t* ctx, cmDspInst_t* inst, cmDspRC_t rc, const cmChar_t* fmt, ... )
va_list vl;
rc = _cmDspClassErrV(ctx,inst->classPtr,inst->id,rc,fmt,vl);
return rc;
void cmDspArgSetup(
cmDspCtx_t* ctx,
cmDspVarArg_t* arg,
const cmChar_t* labelPrefix,
unsigned labelId,
unsigned constId,
unsigned rn,
unsigned cn,
unsigned flags,
const cmChar_t* docStr )
unsigned labelIdCharCnt = (unsigned)floor( labelId==0 ? 1.0 : log10(abs(labelId)) + 1.0 );
int labelCharCnt = strlen(labelPrefix) + 1 + labelIdCharCnt + 1;
cmChar_t label[ labelCharCnt + 1 ];
const cmChar_t* lp;
if( labelId == cmInvalidId )
lp = labelPrefix;
lp = label;
label[labelCharCnt] = 0;
// use the symbol table to hold the label string
arg->label = cmSymTblLabel(ctx->stH,cmSymTblRegisterSymbol(ctx->stH,lp));
arg->constId = constId;
arg->rn = rn;
arg->cn = cn;
arg->flags = flags;
arg->doc = cmLhAllocStr(ctx->lhH,docStr);;
unsigned cmDspArgCopy( cmDspVarArg_t* argArray, unsigned argN, unsigned dstIdx, const cmDspVarArg_t* s, unsigned sn )
assert( dstIdx + sn <= argN );
unsigned i;
for(i=0; i<sn; ++i)
argArray[dstIdx+i] = s[i];
return dstIdx + i;
unsigned cmDspArgSetupN(
cmDspCtx_t* ctx,
cmDspVarArg_t* arg,
unsigned argN,
unsigned dstIdx,
unsigned cnt,
const cmChar_t* labelPrefix,
unsigned baseConstId,
unsigned rn,
unsigned cn,
unsigned flags,
const cmChar_t* staticDocStr )
assert( dstIdx + cnt <= argN );
unsigned i;
for(i=0; i<cnt; ++i)
cmDspArgSetup(ctx,arg + dstIdx + i,labelPrefix, cnt==1 ? cmInvalidId : i, baseConstId + i, rn, cn, flags, staticDocStr );
return dstIdx + i;
void cmDspArgSetupNull( cmDspVarArg_t* arg )
{ memset(arg,0,sizeof(*arg)); }
const cmChar_t* cmDspInstLabel( cmDspCtx_t* ctx, cmDspInst_t* inst )
const char* noInstLbl = "<no_inst_lbl>";
const char* lbl = noInstLbl;
if( inst->symId == cmInvalidId )
return lbl;
if((lbl = cmSymTblLabel(ctx->stH,inst->symId)) == NULL )
lbl = noInstLbl;
return lbl;
cmDspRC_t _cmDspVarPtr( const cmDspInst_t* inst, unsigned varId, cmDspVar_t** retVarPtrPtr )
if( varId >= inst->varCnt )
*retVarPtrPtr = NULL;
return cmErrMsg(&inst->classPtr->err,kVarNotFoundDspRC,"The variable id %i is invalid for DSP instance '%s' (id:%i) .", varId, inst->classPtr->labelStr, inst->id );
assert( inst->varArray[varId].constId == varId );
*retVarPtrPtr = inst->varArray + varId;
return kOkDspRC;
cmDspRC_t _cmDspVarAndValuePtr( cmDspInst_t* inst, unsigned varId, cmDspVar_t** varPtrPtr, cmDspValue_t** valPtrPtr )
cmDspRC_t rc;
if((rc = _cmDspVarPtr(inst,varId,varPtrPtr)) != kOkDspRC )
*valPtrPtr = NULL;
*valPtrPtr = cmDsvValuePtr(&(*varPtrPtr)->value);
return rc;
cmDspRC_t _cmDspVarValuePtr( cmDspInst_t* inst, unsigned varId, cmDspValue_t** retValPtrPtr )
cmDspVar_t* varPtr = NULL;
cmDspRC_t rc;
if((rc = _cmDspVarPtr(inst,varId,&varPtr)) != kOkDspRC )
*retValPtrPtr = NULL;
*retValPtrPtr = cmDsvValuePtr(&varPtr->value);
return rc;
cmDspRC_t _cmDspVarDefaultPtr( cmDspInst_t* inst, unsigned varId, cmDspValue_t** retValPtrPtr )
cmDspVar_t* varPtr = NULL;
cmDspRC_t rc;
if((rc = _cmDspVarPtr(inst,varId,&varPtr)) != kOkDspRC )
*retValPtrPtr = NULL;
*retValPtrPtr = &varPtr->dflt;
return rc;
void _cmDspSendEvt( cmDspCtx_t* ctx, cmDspInst_t* srcInstPtr, unsigned srcVarId, const cmDspVar_t* varPtr )
cmDspEvt_t e;
cmDspCb_t* cbp = varPtr->cbList;
if( cbp == NULL )
e.flags = kDfltEvtDspFlags;
e.srcInstPtr = srcInstPtr;
e.srcVarId = srcVarId;
e.valuePtr = &varPtr->value;
for(; cbp!=NULL; cbp=cbp->linkPtr)
e.dstVarId = cbp->dstVarId;
e.dstDataPtr = cbp->dstDataPtr;
if( cbp->dstInstPtr->recvFunc!=NULL)
cmDspVar_t* cmDspVarSymbolToPtr( cmDspCtx_t* ctx, cmDspInst_t* inst, unsigned varSymId, unsigned flags )
unsigned i;
for(i=0; i<inst->varCnt; ++i)
if( inst->varArray[i].symId == varSymId )
if( flags==0 || cmAllFlags(inst->varArray[i].flags,flags) )
return inst->varArray + i;
cmDspInstErr(ctx,inst,kVarNotFoundDspRC,"The variable '%s' could not be found in the instance '%s' (id:%i).",
cmSymTblLabel( ctx->stH, varSymId), inst->classPtr->labelStr, inst->id );
return NULL;
const cmDspVar_t* cmDspVarIdToCPtr( const cmDspInst_t* inst, unsigned varId )
cmDspVar_t* varPtr;
if( _cmDspVarPtr(inst, varId, &varPtr) != kOkDspRC )
return NULL;
return varPtr;
cmDspVar_t* cmDspVarIdToPtr( cmDspInst_t* inst, unsigned varId )
cmDspVar_t* varPtr;
if( _cmDspVarPtr(inst, varId, &varPtr) != kOkDspRC )
return NULL;
return varPtr;
const cmChar_t* cmDspVarLabel( cmDspCtx_t* ctx, const cmDspInst_t* inst, unsigned varId )
const cmDspVar_t* varPtr;
if(( varPtr = cmDspVarIdToCPtr(inst,varId) ) == NULL )
return NULL;
return cmSymTblLabel( ctx->stH, varPtr->symId);
cmDspRC_t cmDspOutputEvent( cmDspCtx_t* ctx, cmDspInst_t* inst, unsigned varId )
cmDspRC_t rc;
cmDspVar_t* varPtr;
if((rc = _cmDspVarPtr(inst, varId, &varPtr )) != kOkDspRC )
return rc;
_cmDspSendEvt(ctx, inst, varId, varPtr );
return rc;
cmDspRC_t cmDspVarPresetWrite( cmDspCtx_t* ctx, cmDspInst_t* inst, unsigned varId )
cmDspRC_t rc;
const cmDspVar_t* varPtr;
if((varPtr = cmDspVarIdToCPtr(inst,varId)) == NULL )
return cmDspInstErr(ctx,inst,kVarNotFoundDspRC,"Var with id %i not found during preset store.");
if((rc = cmDspSysPresetWriteValue(ctx->dspH, varPtr->symId, &varPtr->value )) != kOkDspRC )
return cmDspInstErr(ctx,inst,kSubSysFailDspRC,"Var preset storage failed on var:'%s'.",cmStringNullGuard(cmSymTblLabel(ctx->stH,varPtr->symId)));
return rc;
cmDspRC_t cmDspVarPresetRead( cmDspCtx_t* ctx, cmDspInst_t* inst, unsigned varId )
cmDspRC_t rc;
cmDspVar_t* varPtr;
cmDspValue_t value;
if((varPtr = cmDspVarIdToPtr(inst,varId)) == NULL )
return cmDspInstErr(ctx,inst,kVarNotFoundDspRC,"Var with id %i not found during preset recall.");
if((rc = cmDspSysPresetReadValue(ctx->dspH, varPtr->symId, &value )) != kOkDspRC )
return cmDspInstErr(ctx,inst,kSubSysFailDspRC,"Var preset recall failed on var:'%s'.",cmStringNullGuard(cmSymTblLabel(ctx->stH,varPtr->symId)));
return cmDspValueSet(ctx,inst,varId,&value,0);
cmDspRC_t cmDspVarPresetRdWr( cmDspCtx_t* ctx, cmDspInst_t* inst, unsigned varId, bool storeFl )
cmDspRC_t rc;
if( storeFl )
rc = cmDspVarPresetWrite(ctx,inst,varId);
rc = cmDspVarPresetRead(ctx,inst,varId);
return rc;
double cmDspSampleRate( cmDspCtx_t* ctx )
{ return ctx->ctx->ss->args.srate; }
unsigned cmDspSamplesPerCycle( cmDspCtx_t * ctx )
{ return ctx->ctx->ss->args.dspFramesPerCycle; }
unsigned cmDspTypeFlags(const cmDspInst_t* inst, unsigned varId )
cmDspVar_t* varPtr;
unsigned flags;
if( _cmDspVarPtr(inst,varId,&varPtr) != kOkDspRC )
return 0;
cmDspValue_t* valPtr = cmDsvValuePtr(&varPtr->value);
if( valPtr->flags != 0 )
flags = valPtr->flags;
flags = varPtr->flags;
return flags & kTypeDsvMask;
bool cmDspIsBool( const cmDspInst_t* inst, unsigned varId )
{ return cmIsFlag(cmDspTypeFlags(inst,varId),kBoolDsvFl); }
bool cmDspIsInt( const cmDspInst_t* inst, unsigned varId )
{ return cmIsFlag(cmDspTypeFlags(inst,varId),kIntDsvFl); }
bool cmDspIsUInt( const cmDspInst_t* inst, unsigned varId )
{ return cmIsFlag(cmDspTypeFlags(inst,varId),kUIntDsvFl); }
bool cmDspIsDouble( const cmDspInst_t* inst, unsigned varId )
{ return cmIsFlag(cmDspTypeFlags(inst,varId),kDoubleDsvFl); }
bool cmDspIsStrz( const cmDspInst_t* inst, unsigned varId )
{ return cmIsFlag(cmDspTypeFlags(inst,varId),kStrzDsvFl); }
bool cmDspIsSymbol( const cmDspInst_t* inst, unsigned varId )
{ return cmIsFlag(cmDspTypeFlags(inst,varId),kSymDsvFl); }
bool cmDspIsJson( const cmDspInst_t* inst, unsigned varId )
{ return cmIsFlag(cmDspTypeFlags(inst,varId),kJsonDsvFl); }
bool cmDspBool( cmDspInst_t* inst, unsigned varId )
cmDspValue_t* vp;
if(_cmDspVarValuePtr(inst,varId,&vp) != kOkDspRC )
return 0;
return cmDsvGetBool(vp);
int cmDspInt( cmDspInst_t* inst, unsigned varId )
cmDspValue_t* vp;
if(_cmDspVarValuePtr(inst,varId,&vp) != kOkDspRC )
return 0;
return cmDsvGetInt(vp);
unsigned cmDspUInt( cmDspInst_t* inst, unsigned varId )
cmDspValue_t* vp;
if(_cmDspVarValuePtr(inst,varId,&vp) != kOkDspRC )
return 0;
return cmDsvGetUInt(vp);
double cmDspDouble( cmDspInst_t* inst, unsigned varId )
cmDspValue_t* vp;
if(_cmDspVarValuePtr(inst,varId,&vp) != kOkDspRC )
return 0;
return cmDsvGetDouble(vp);
cmSample_t cmDspSample( cmDspInst_t* inst, unsigned varId )
cmDspValue_t* vp;
if(_cmDspVarValuePtr(inst,varId,&vp) != kOkDspRC )
return 0;
return cmDsvGetSample(vp);
cmReal_t cmDspReal( cmDspInst_t* inst, unsigned varId )
cmDspValue_t* vp;
if(_cmDspVarValuePtr(inst,varId,&vp) != kOkDspRC )
return 0;
return cmDsvGetReal(vp);
void* cmDspPtr( cmDspInst_t* inst, unsigned varId )
cmDspValue_t* vp;
if(_cmDspVarValuePtr(inst,varId,&vp) != kOkDspRC )
return NULL;
return cmDsvPtr(vp);
const cmChar_t* cmDspStrcz( cmDspInst_t* inst, unsigned varId )
cmDspValue_t* vp;
if(_cmDspVarValuePtr(inst,varId,&vp) != kOkDspRC )
return NULL;
return cmDsvStrcz(vp);
unsigned cmDspSymbol( cmDspInst_t* inst, unsigned varId )
cmDspValue_t* vp;
if(_cmDspVarValuePtr(inst,varId,&vp) != kOkDspRC )
return cmInvalidId;
return cmDsvSymbol(vp);
cmJsonNode_t* cmDspJson( cmDspInst_t* inst, unsigned varId )
cmDspValue_t* vp;
if(_cmDspVarValuePtr(inst,varId,&vp) != kOkDspRC )
return NULL;
return cmDsvJson(vp);
bool cmDspDefaultBool( cmDspInst_t* inst, unsigned varId )
cmDspValue_t* vp;
if(_cmDspVarDefaultPtr(inst,varId,&vp) != kOkDspRC )
return 0;
return cmDsvGetBool(vp);
int cmDspDefaultInt( cmDspInst_t* inst, unsigned varId )
cmDspValue_t* vp;
if(_cmDspVarDefaultPtr(inst,varId,&vp) != kOkDspRC )
return 0;
return cmDsvGetInt(vp);
unsigned cmDspDefaultUInt( cmDspInst_t* inst, unsigned varId )
cmDspValue_t* vp;
if(_cmDspVarDefaultPtr(inst,varId,&vp) != kOkDspRC )
return 0;
return cmDsvGetUInt(vp);
double cmDspDefaultDouble( cmDspInst_t* inst, unsigned varId )
cmDspValue_t* vp;
if(_cmDspVarDefaultPtr(inst,varId,&vp) != kOkDspRC )
return 0;
return cmDsvGetDouble(vp);
cmSample_t cmDspDefaultSample( cmDspInst_t* inst, unsigned varId )
cmDspValue_t* vp;
if(_cmDspVarDefaultPtr(inst,varId,&vp) != kOkDspRC )
return 0;
return cmDsvGetSample(vp);
cmReal_t cmDspDefaultReal( cmDspInst_t* inst, unsigned varId )
cmDspValue_t* vp;
if(_cmDspVarDefaultPtr(inst,varId,&vp) != kOkDspRC )
return 0;
return cmDsvGetReal(vp);
const cmChar_t* cmDspDefaultStrcz( cmDspInst_t* inst, unsigned varId )
cmDspValue_t* vp;
if(_cmDspVarDefaultPtr(inst,varId,&vp) != kOkDspRC )
return NULL;
return cmDsvGetStrcz(vp);
unsigned cmDspDefaultSymbol( cmDspInst_t* inst, unsigned varId )
cmDspValue_t* vp;
if(_cmDspVarDefaultPtr(inst,varId,&vp) != kOkDspRC )
return cmInvalidId;
return cmDsvGetSymbol(vp);
cmJsonNode_t* cmDspDefaultJson( cmDspInst_t* inst, unsigned varId )
cmDspValue_t* vp;
if(_cmDspVarDefaultPtr(inst,varId,&vp) != kOkDspRC )
return NULL;
return cmDsvGetJson(vp);
cmDspRC_t cmDspValueSet( cmDspCtx_t* ctx, cmDspInst_t* inst, unsigned varId, const cmDspValue_t* svp, unsigned flags )
cmDspRC_t rc;
cmDspVar_t* varPtr;
// get a pointer to the var recd
if((rc = _cmDspVarPtr(inst,varId,&varPtr)) != kOkDspRC )
return rc;
// get a pointer to the target value.
cmDspValue_t* dvp = cmIsFlag(flags,kSetDefaultDspFl) ? &varPtr->dflt : cmDsvValuePtr(&varPtr->value);
// store a pointer to the dst string memory in case we need to delete it later
cmChar_t* rlsPtr = cmAllFlags(dvp->flags,kStrzDsvFl | kDynDsvFl) ? dvp->u.z : NULL;
// set the dest type to the type shared with the source
// ( this assumes that the dst may have multiple types but the source has one type)
unsigned typeFlags = (varPtr->flags & svp->flags) & kTypeDsvMask;
// if svp->flags is set to kNullDsvFl then use just the dst type
if( typeFlags == 0 )
typeFlags = varPtr->flags & kTypeDsvMask;
// convert the source to the var type
case kBoolDsvFl:
cmDsvSetBool( dvp, cmDsvGetBool(svp));
case kIntDsvFl:
cmDsvSetInt( dvp, cmDsvGetInt(svp));
case kUIntDsvFl:
cmDsvSetUInt( dvp, cmDsvGetUInt(svp));
case kDoubleDsvFl:
cmDsvSetDouble(dvp, cmDsvGetDouble(svp));
case kSampleDsvFl:
cmDsvSetSample(dvp, cmDsvGetSample(svp));
case kRealDsvFl:
cmDsvSetReal(dvp, cmDsvGetReal(svp));
case kPtrDsvFl:
cmDsvSetPtr(dvp, cmDsvGetPtr(svp));
case kSymDsvFl:
cmDsvSetSymbol(dvp, cmDsvGetSymbol(svp));
case kJsonDsvFl:
cmDsvSetJson( dvp, cmDsvJson(svp));
case kStrzDsvFl:
const cmChar_t* sp;
if( cmDsvIsSymbol(svp) )
sp = cmSymTblLabel(ctx->stH,cmDsvSymbol(svp));
sp = cmDsvGetStrcz(svp);
// don't copy over myself
if( sp == dvp->u.z )
rlsPtr = NULL;
// if the source == NULL then set the dst to NULL
// (NULL should always be a legitimate value)
if( sp == NULL )
// if the source should not be copied into internal memory
if( cmIsFlag(flags,kNoAllocDspFl) )
// allocate memory to hold the new string
unsigned n = strlen(sp)+1;
cmChar_t* dp = cmLhResizeN(ctx->lhH,cmChar_t,rlsPtr,n);
cmDsvSetStrz(dvp, dp);
dvp->flags = cmSetFlag(dvp->flags,kDynDsvFl);
rlsPtr = NULL;
{ assert(0); }
// if the dst contained a dynamically alloc'd string prior to being
// set with a new value - then release the memory used by the original
// string here
if( rlsPtr != NULL )
// notify listeners of the change of value
if( cmIsFlag(flags,kNoSendDspFl) == false )
_cmDspSendEvt( ctx, inst, varId, varPtr );
// notify the UI of the change of value
if( cmIsFlag(varPtr->flags,kUiDsvFl) && cmIsFlag(flags,kNoUpdateUiDspFl)==false )
cmDspUiSendVar( ctx, inst, varPtr );
return rc;
cmDspRC_t cmDspApplyDefault( cmDspCtx_t* ctx, cmDspInst_t* inst, unsigned varId )
cmDspRC_t rc;
cmDspVar_t* varPtr;
// get a pointer to the var recd
if((rc = _cmDspVarPtr(inst,varId,&varPtr)) != kOkDspRC )
return rc;
if( cmIsFlag(varPtr->flags,kDfltSetDsvFl) )
// unless the var has kSendDfltDsvFl set we don't transmit the default values
unsigned flags = cmIsFlag(varPtr->flags,kSendDfltDsvFl) ? 0 : kNoSendDspFl;
return cmDspValueSet(ctx, inst, varId, &varPtr->dflt, flags );
return kOkDspRC;
cmDspRC_t cmDspApplyAllDefaults( cmDspCtx_t* ctx, cmDspInst_t* inst )
cmDspRC_t rc = kOkDspRC;
unsigned i;
for(i=0; i<inst->varCnt; ++i)
if((rc = cmDspApplyDefault(ctx,inst,inst->varArray[i].constId)) != kOkDspRC )
return rc;
return rc;
cmDspRC_t cmDspSetDefault( cmDspCtx_t* ctx, cmDspInst_t* inst, unsigned varId, const cmDspValue_t* valPtr )
cmDspRC_t rc;
cmDspVar_t* varPtr;
// get a pointer to the var recd
if((rc = _cmDspVarPtr(inst,varId,&varPtr)) != kOkDspRC )
return rc;
if(( cmDspValueSet( ctx, inst, varId, valPtr, kSetDefaultDspFl )) == kOkDspRC )
varPtr->flags = cmSetFlag(varPtr->flags, kDfltSetDsvFl);
return rc;
cmDspRC_t _cmDspDefaultSet( cmDspCtx_t* ctx, cmDspInst_t* inst, unsigned varId, const cmDspValue_t* valPtr, bool nonInitValIsEqualFl )
cmDspRC_t rc;
cmDspVar_t* varPtr;
// get a pointer to the var recd
if((rc = _cmDspVarPtr(inst,varId,&varPtr)) != kOkDspRC )
return rc;
// if the dflt value was previuosly set and the default value is
// not equal to the non-intialized value for this var then the default value
// has already been set to a legal value
if( cmIsFlag(varPtr->flags,kDfltSetDsvFl) && nonInitValIsEqualFl==false )
return kOkDspRC;
return cmDspSetDefault(ctx,inst,varId,valPtr);
cmDspRC_t cmDspSetDefaultBool( cmDspCtx_t* ctx, cmDspInst_t* inst, unsigned varId, bool nonInitVal, bool val )
cmDspValue_t v;
double dv = cmDspDefaultBool(inst,varId);
return _cmDspDefaultSet(ctx,inst,varId,&v,dv==nonInitVal);
cmDspRC_t cmDspSetDefaultInt( cmDspCtx_t* ctx, cmDspInst_t* inst, unsigned varId, int nonInitVal, int val )
cmDspValue_t v;
int dv = cmDspDefaultInt(inst,varId);
return _cmDspDefaultSet(ctx,inst,varId,&v,dv==nonInitVal);
cmDspRC_t cmDspSetDefaultUInt( cmDspCtx_t* ctx, cmDspInst_t* inst, unsigned varId, unsigned nonInitVal, unsigned val )
cmDspValue_t v;
unsigned dv = cmDspDefaultUInt(inst,varId);
return _cmDspDefaultSet(ctx,inst,varId,&v,dv==nonInitVal);
cmDspRC_t cmDspSetDefaultDouble( cmDspCtx_t* ctx, cmDspInst_t* inst, unsigned varId, double nonInitVal, double val )
cmDspValue_t v;
double dv = cmDspDefaultDouble(inst,varId);
return _cmDspDefaultSet(ctx,inst,varId,&v,dv==nonInitVal);
cmDspRC_t cmDspSetDefaultSample( cmDspCtx_t* ctx, cmDspInst_t* inst, unsigned varId, cmSample_t nonInitVal, cmSample_t val )
cmDspValue_t v;
cmSample_t dv = cmDspDefaultSample(inst,varId);
return _cmDspDefaultSet(ctx,inst,varId,&v,dv==nonInitVal);
cmDspRC_t cmDspSetDefaultReal( cmDspCtx_t* ctx, cmDspInst_t* inst, unsigned varId, cmReal_t nonInitVal, cmReal_t val )
cmDspValue_t v;
cmReal_t dv = cmDspDefaultReal(inst,varId);
return _cmDspDefaultSet(ctx,inst,varId,&v,dv==nonInitVal);
cmDspRC_t cmDspSetDefaultSymbol( cmDspCtx_t* ctx, cmDspInst_t* inst, unsigned varId, unsigned val )
cmDspValue_t v;
unsigned dv = cmDspDefaultSymbol(inst,varId);
return _cmDspDefaultSet(ctx,inst,varId,&v,dv==cmInvalidId);
cmDspRC_t cmDspSetDefaultStrcz( cmDspCtx_t* ctx, cmDspInst_t* inst, unsigned varId, const cmChar_t* nonInitVal, const cmChar_t* val )
cmDspValue_t v;
const cmChar_t* dv= cmDspDefaultStrcz(inst,varId);
bool fl = false; // assume the default and non-init value are not equal
// if the pointers are the same then the strings must match
if( dv == nonInitVal )
fl = true;
// if both strings exist - then test if they are equal
if( dv!=NULL && nonInitVal!=NULL)
fl = strcmp(dv,nonInitVal)==0;
return _cmDspDefaultSet(ctx,inst,varId,&v,fl);
cmDspRC_t cmDspSetDefaultJson( cmDspCtx_t* ctx, cmDspInst_t* inst, unsigned varId, cmJsonNode_t* nonInitVal, cmJsonNode_t* val )
cmDspValue_t v;
cmJsonNode_t* dv= cmDspDefaultJson(inst,varId);
return _cmDspDefaultSet(ctx,inst,varId,&v,dv==nonInitVal);
cmDspRC_t cmDspSetBool( cmDspCtx_t* ctx, cmDspInst_t* inst, unsigned varId, bool val )
cmDspValue_t v;
return cmDspValueSet(ctx, inst, varId, &v, 0);
cmDspRC_t cmDspSetInt( cmDspCtx_t* ctx, cmDspInst_t* inst, unsigned varId, int val )
cmDspValue_t v;
return cmDspValueSet(ctx, inst, varId, &v, 0);
cmDspRC_t cmDspSetUInt( cmDspCtx_t* ctx, cmDspInst_t* inst, unsigned varId, unsigned val )
cmDspValue_t v;
return cmDspValueSet(ctx, inst, varId, &v, 0);
cmDspRC_t cmDspSetDouble( cmDspCtx_t* ctx, cmDspInst_t* inst, unsigned varId, double val )
cmDspValue_t v;
return cmDspValueSet(ctx, inst, varId, &v, 0);
cmDspRC_t cmDspSetSample( cmDspCtx_t* ctx, cmDspInst_t* inst, unsigned varId, cmSample_t val )
cmDspValue_t v;
return cmDspValueSet(ctx, inst, varId, &v, 0);
cmDspRC_t cmDspSetReal( cmDspCtx_t* ctx, cmDspInst_t* inst, unsigned varId, cmReal_t val )
cmDspValue_t v;
return cmDspValueSet(ctx, inst, varId, &v, 0);
cmDspRC_t cmDspSetPtr( cmDspCtx_t* ctx, cmDspInst_t* inst, unsigned varId, void* val )
cmDspValue_t v;
return cmDspValueSet(ctx, inst, varId, &v, 0);
cmDspRC_t cmDspSetStrcz( cmDspCtx_t* ctx, cmDspInst_t* inst, unsigned varId, const cmChar_t* val )
cmDspValue_t v;
return cmDspValueSet(ctx, inst, varId, &v, 0);
cmDspRC_t cmDspSetSymbol( cmDspCtx_t* ctx, cmDspInst_t* inst, unsigned varId, unsigned val )
cmDspValue_t v;
return cmDspValueSet(ctx, inst, varId, &v, 0);
cmDspRC_t cmDspSetJson( cmDspCtx_t* ctx, cmDspInst_t* inst, unsigned varId, cmJsonNode_t* val )
cmDspValue_t v;
return cmDspValueSet(ctx, inst, varId, &v, 0);
cmDspRC_t cmDspSetEvent( cmDspCtx_t* ctx, cmDspInst_t* inst, const cmDspEvt_t* evt )
unsigned flags = kUpdateUiDspFl;
// We will assume that all values should be reflected to the UI - unless
// this event is known to have been generated by the UI (evt->kUiDspFl is set)
// and evt->kUiEchoDspFl is not set.
if( cmIsFlag(evt->flags,kUiDspFl)==true && cmIsFlag(evt->flags,kUiEchoDspFl)==false )
flags = kNoUpdateUiDspFl;
// Note: If the event target variable is not a UI variable
// (i.e. cmDspVar_t.kUiDsvFl is not set) then calling cmDspValueSet()
// with the kUpdateUiDspFl set has no effect.
return cmDspValueSet(ctx,inst,evt->dstVarId, evt->valuePtr, flags);
cmDspRC_t cmDspSetEventUi( cmDspCtx_t* ctx, cmDspInst_t* inst, const cmDspEvt_t* evt )
{ return cmDspValueSet(ctx,inst,evt->dstVarId, evt->valuePtr, kUpdateUiDspFl); }
cmDspRC_t cmDspSetEventUiId( cmDspCtx_t* ctx, cmDspInst_t* inst, const cmDspEvt_t* evt, unsigned varId )
cmDspEvt_t e;
e.dstVarId = varId;
evt = &e;
return cmDspSetEventUi(ctx,inst,evt);
unsigned cmDspVarRows( cmDspInst_t* inst, unsigned varId )
cmDspValue_t* vp;
if(_cmDspVarValuePtr(inst,varId,&vp) != kOkDspRC )
return 0;
return cmDsvRows(vp);
unsigned cmDspVarCols( cmDspInst_t* inst, unsigned varId )
cmDspValue_t* vp;
if( _cmDspVarValuePtr(inst,varId,&vp) != kOkDspRC )
return 0;
return cmDsvCols(vp);
bool cmDspIsAudioInputConnected( cmDspCtx_t* ctx, cmDspInst_t* inst, unsigned varId )
cmDspValue_t* vp;
if( _cmDspVarValuePtr(inst,varId,&vp ) != kOkDspRC )
return false;
if( cmAllFlags(vp->flags, kSampleDsvFl | kMtxDsvFl ))
return true;
return false;
cmDspRC_t cmDspZeroAudioBuf( cmDspCtx_t* ctx, cmDspInst_t* inst, unsigned varId )
cmDspValue_t* valPtr;
cmDspVar_t* varPtr;
cmDspRC_t rc;
if((rc = _cmDspVarAndValuePtr(inst,varId,&varPtr,&valPtr)) != kOkDspRC )
return rc;
bool fl0 = cmAllFlags(valPtr->flags, kSampleDsvFl | kMtxDsvFl );
bool fl1 = cmIsFlag(varPtr->flags,kOutDsvFl);
if( fl0==false || fl1==false )
return cmDspInstErr(ctx,inst,kVarTypeErrDspRC,"The variable '%s' of DSP instance %s (id:%i) is not an output audio buffer.", cmDspVarLabel(ctx,inst,varId),inst->classPtr->labelStr,inst->id);
memset(cmDsvSampleMtx(valPtr), 0, cmDsvEleCount(valPtr)*sizeof(cmSample_t) );
return rc;
cmSample_t* cmDspAudioBuf( cmDspCtx_t* ctx, cmDspInst_t* inst, unsigned varId, unsigned chIdx )
cmDspValue_t* vp;
cmDspVar_t* varPtr;
cmDspRC_t rc;
if((rc = _cmDspVarAndValuePtr(inst,varId,&varPtr,&vp )) != kOkDspRC )
return NULL;
if( !cmAllFlags(vp->flags, kSampleDsvFl | kMtxDsvFl ))
// this is an unconnected audio input
if( cmAllFlags(varPtr->flags,kInDsvFl | kAudioBufDsvFl ) )
return NULL;
cmDspInstErr(ctx,inst,kVarTypeErrDspRC,"The variable '%s' of DSP instance '%s' (id:%i) is not an audio buffer.", cmDspVarLabel(ctx,inst,varId),inst->classPtr->labelStr,inst->id);
return NULL;
if( chIdx >= cmDsvCols(vp) )
cmDspInstErr(ctx,inst,kVarTypeErrDspRC,"Channel index %i of audio buffer variable '%s' in DSP instance '%s' (id:%i) is outside the channel count (%i).",
return cmDsvSampleMtx(vp) + (chIdx * cmDsvRows(vp));
unsigned cmDspAudioBufSmpCount( cmDspCtx_t* ctx, cmDspInst_t* inst, unsigned varId, unsigned chIdx )
cmDspValue_t* vp;
cmDspRC_t rc;
if((rc = _cmDspVarValuePtr(inst,varId,&vp)) != kOkDspRC )
return 0;
if( !cmAllFlags(vp->flags, kSampleDsvFl | kMtxDsvFl ))
cmDspInstErr(ctx,inst,kVarTypeErrDspRC,"The variable '%s' of DSP instance '%s' (id:%i) is not an audio buffer or is an unconnected input audio buffer.", cmDspVarLabel(ctx,inst,varId),inst->classPtr->labelStr,inst->id);
return 0;
return cmDsvRows(vp);
cmDspRC_t cmDspInstInstallCb( cmDspCtx_t* ctx, cmDspInst_t* srcInstPtr, unsigned srcVarSymId, cmDspInst_t* dstInstPtr, unsigned dstVarSymId, void* dstDataPtr)
cmDspVar_t* srcVarPtr;
cmDspVar_t* dstVarPtr;
// get the src and dst var ptrs
if((srcVarPtr = cmDspVarSymbolToPtr(ctx,srcInstPtr,srcVarSymId,kOutDsvFl)) == NULL || (dstVarPtr = cmDspVarSymbolToPtr(ctx,dstInstPtr,dstVarSymId,kInDsvFl)) == NULL )
return cmDspInstErr(ctx,srcInstPtr,kInstCbInstallFailDspRC,"Callback installation failed for connection from '%s' (id:%i) var:'%s' to '%s' (id:%i) var:'%s'.",
srcInstPtr->classPtr->labelStr, srcInstPtr->id, cmSymTblLabel(ctx->stH,srcVarSymId), dstInstPtr->classPtr->labelStr, dstInstPtr->id, cmSymTblLabel(ctx->stH,dstVarSymId) );
// check for strict type conversion - this will fail for vars which allow multiple types
// (e.g. numbers and strings)
if( cmDsvCanConvertFlags(dstVarPtr->value.flags,srcVarPtr->value.flags) == false )
// if all the flags in the src are set in the dst then the match is ok
// (this will cover dst types which admit multiple types)
if( cmAllFlags(dstVarPtr->flags & kTypeDsvMask,srcVarPtr->flags & kTypeDsvMask) == false )
cmDspInstErr(ctx,srcInstPtr,kOkDspRC,"Data types may not be compatible for connection to '%s' id:%i var:'%s' from '%s'.",dstInstPtr->classPtr->labelStr, dstInstPtr->id, cmSymTblLabel(ctx->stH,dstVarSymId), cmSymTblLabel(ctx->stH,srcVarSymId));
if( cmIsFlag(srcVarPtr->flags, kAudioBufDsvFl) )
cmDspInstErr(ctx,srcInstPtr,kOkDspRC,"An audio source is being used as an event callback connection.");
if( cmIsFlag(dstVarPtr->flags, kAudioBufDsvFl ) )
cmDspInstErr(ctx,dstInstPtr,kOkDspRC,"An audio destination is the target of a callback connection.");
cmDspCb_t* r = cmLhAllocZ( ctx->lhH, cmDspCb_t, 1 );
r->srcVarSymId = srcVarSymId;
r->dstInstPtr = dstInstPtr;
r->dstVarId = dstVarPtr->constId;
r->dstDataPtr = dstDataPtr;
r->linkPtr = NULL;
cmDspCb_t* cp = srcVarPtr->cbList;
cmDspCb_t* pp = NULL;
for(; cp != NULL; cp = cp->linkPtr )
pp = cp;
if( pp == NULL )
srcVarPtr->cbList = r;
pp->linkPtr = r;
return kOkDspRC;
cmDspRC_t cmDspInstallCb( cmDspCtx_t* ctx, cmDspInst_t* srcInstPtr, const cmChar_t* srcVarLabel, cmDspInst_t* dstInstPtr, const cmChar_t* dstVarLabel, void* dstCbDataPtr)
unsigned srcVarSymId,dstVarSymId;
if( srcInstPtr == NULL && dstInstPtr == NULL )
return cmErrMsg(&ctx->cmCtx->err,kInstNotFoundDspRC,"The callback installation was passed a NULL source and destination processor instance pointer.");
if( srcInstPtr == NULL )
return cmErrMsg(&ctx->cmCtx->err,kInstNotFoundDspRC,"The callback installation was passed a NULL source processor instance pointer for connection to '%s'.",cmStringNullGuard(dstInstPtr->classPtr->labelStr));
if( dstInstPtr == NULL )
return cmErrMsg(&ctx->cmCtx->err,kInstNotFoundDspRC,"The callback installation was passed a NULL destination processor instance pointer for connection from '%s'.",cmStringNullGuard(srcInstPtr->classPtr->labelStr));
if((srcVarSymId = cmSymTblId( ctx->stH, srcVarLabel )) == cmInvalidId )
return cmDspInstErr(ctx,srcInstPtr,kSrcVarNotFoundDspRC,"Connection failed. The source variable '%s' could not found in '%s' (id:%i) for registration by '%s' (id:%i).",
if((dstVarSymId = cmSymTblId( ctx->stH, dstVarLabel )) == cmInvalidId )
return cmDspInstErr(ctx,dstInstPtr,kSrcVarNotFoundDspRC,"Connection failed. The destination variable '%s' for the DSP instance '%s' (id:%i).",
return cmDspInstInstallCb(ctx, srcInstPtr, srcVarSymId, dstInstPtr, dstVarSymId, dstCbDataPtr);
cmDspRC_t cmDspInstRemoveCb( cmDspCtx_t* ctx, cmDspInst_t* srcInstPtr, unsigned srcVarSymId, cmDspInst_t* dstInstPtr, unsigned dstVarId )
cmDspVar_t* varPtr;
if((varPtr = cmDspVarSymbolToPtr(ctx,srcInstPtr,srcVarSymId,kOutDsvFl)) == NULL )
return cmDspInstErr(ctx,srcInstPtr,kInstCbInstallFailDspRC,"Callback removal failed for instance '%s' (id:%i).",
srcInstPtr->classPtr->labelStr, srcInstPtr->id );
cmDspCb_t* cp = varPtr->cbList;
cmDspCb_t* pp = NULL;
for(; cp != NULL; cp = cp->linkPtr )
if( cp->srcVarSymId == srcVarSymId && cp->dstInstPtr == dstInstPtr && cp->dstVarId == dstVarId )
pp = cp;
if( pp == NULL )
varPtr->cbList = cp->linkPtr;
pp->linkPtr = cp->linkPtr;
return kOkDspRC;
cmDspRC_t cmDspRemoveCb( cmDspCtx_t* ctx, cmDspInst_t* srcInstPtr, const cmChar_t* srcVarLabel, cmDspInst_t* dstInstPtr, unsigned dstVarId)
unsigned srcVarSymId;
if((srcVarSymId = cmSymTblId( ctx->stH, srcVarLabel )) == cmInvalidId )
return cmDspInstErr(ctx,srcInstPtr,kSrcVarNotFoundDspRC,"The variable '%s' could not found in '%s' (id:%i) do de-register for '%s' (id:%i).",
return cmDspInstRemoveCb(ctx, srcInstPtr, srcVarSymId, dstInstPtr, dstVarId );
cmDspRC_t cmDspInstVarSetFlags( cmDspCtx_t* ctx, cmDspInst_t* instPtr, unsigned varId, unsigned flags )
cmDspVar_t* varPtr;
if(_cmDspVarPtr(instPtr, varId, &varPtr ) != kOkDspRC )
return cmDspInstErr(ctx,instPtr,kInstSetFlagsFailDspRC,"Set flags failed for DSP instance %s (id:%i).",instPtr->classPtr->labelStr,instPtr->id);
varPtr->flags = cmSetFlag(varPtr->flags,flags);
return kOkDspRC;