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cmDspPgmKrTimeLineLite.c 15KB

  1. //( { file_desc:"'snap' Performance analysis Simplified Time Line program." kw:[snap]}
  2. #include "cmPrefix.h"
  3. #include "cmGlobal.h"
  4. #include "cmFloatTypes.h"
  5. #include "cmRpt.h"
  6. #include "cmErr.h"
  7. #include "cmCtx.h"
  8. #include "cmMem.h"
  9. #include "cmMallocDebug.h"
  10. #include "cmLinkedHeap.h"
  11. #include "cmText.h"
  12. #include "cmFileSys.h"
  13. #include "cmSymTbl.h"
  14. #include "cmJson.h"
  15. #include "cmPrefs.h"
  16. #include "cmDspValue.h"
  17. #include "cmMsgProtocol.h"
  18. #include "cmThread.h"
  19. #include "cmUdpPort.h"
  20. #include "cmUdpNet.h"
  21. #include "cmTime.h"
  22. #include "cmAudioSys.h"
  23. #include "cmProcObj.h"
  24. #include "cmDspCtx.h"
  25. #include "cmDspClass.h"
  26. #include "cmDspSys.h"
  27. #include "cmDspPgm.h"
  28. #include "cmAudioFile.h"
  29. #include "cmProcObj.h"
  30. #include "cmProc.h"
  31. #include "cmProc3.h"
  32. #include "cmVectOpsTemplateMain.h"
  33. #include "cmVectOps.h"
  34. #include "cmDspPgmKrChain.h"
  35. //)
  36. //( { label:cmDspPgm_TimeLineLite file_desc:"Simplified score vs. the performance and generating related audio transforms." kw:[spgm] }
  37. cmDspRC_t _cmDspSysPgm_TimeLineLite(cmDspSysH_t h, void** userPtrPtr )
  38. {
  39. cmDspRC_t rc = kOkDspRC;
  40. cmCtx_t* cmCtx = cmDspSysPgmCtx(h);
  41. cmErr_t err;
  42. krRsrc_t r;
  43. unsigned sfBufCnt = 7; // length of the MIDI event buffer
  44. unsigned sfMaxWndCnt = 10; // length of the score event buffer
  45. unsigned sfMinVel = 5; // ignore MIDI events below this velocity
  46. bool sfEnaMeasFl = false;
  47. memset(&r,0,sizeof(r));
  48. cmErrSetup(&err,&cmCtx->rpt,"Kr TimelineLite");
  49. if( krLoadRsrc(h,&err,&r) != kOkDspRC )
  50. return rc;
  51. cmDspInst_t* ai0p = cmDspSysAllocInst(h,"AudioIn", NULL, 1, 0);
  52. cmDspInst_t* ai1p = cmDspSysAllocInst(h,"AudioIn", NULL, 1, 1);
  53. cmDspInst_t* tlp = cmDspSysAllocInst(h,"TimeLine", "tl", 2, r.tlFn, r.tlPrefixPath );
  54. cmDspInst_t* scp = cmDspSysAllocInst(h,"Score", "sc", 1, r.scFn );
  55. cmDspInst_t* pts = cmDspSysAllocInst(h,"PortToSym", NULL, 2, "on", "off" );
  56. cmDspInst_t* mfp = cmDspSysAllocInst(h,"MidiFilePlay",NULL, 0 );
  57. cmDspInst_t* nmp = cmDspSysAllocInst(h,"NanoMap", NULL, 0 );
  58. cmDspInst_t* mop = cmDspSysAllocInst(h,"MidiOut", NULL, 2, r.midiDevice,r.midiOutPort);
  59. cmDspInst_t* mo2p = cmDspSysAllocInst(h,"MidiOut", NULL, 2, r.midiDevice,r.midiOutPort2);
  60. cmDspInst_t* sfp = cmDspSysAllocInst(h,"ScFol", NULL, 1, r.scFn, sfBufCnt, sfMaxWndCnt, sfMinVel, sfEnaMeasFl );
  61. cmDspInst_t* amp = cmDspSysAllocInst(h,"ActiveMeas", NULL, 1, 100 );
  62. cmDspInst_t* modp = cmDspSysAllocInst(h,"ScMod", NULL, 2, r.modFn, "m1" );
  63. unsigned preGrpSymId = cmDspSysPresetRegisterGroup(h,"tl");
  64. unsigned cmpPreGrpSymId = cmDspSysPresetRegisterGroup(h,"tl_cmp");
  65. cmDspTlXform_t c0,c1;
  66. cmDspSysNewPage(h,"Controls-0");
  67. _cmDspSys_TlXformChain(h, &c0, preGrpSymId, cmpPreGrpSymId, modp, 0, 0 );
  68. cmDspSysNewPage(h,"Controls-1");
  69. _cmDspSys_TlXformChain(h, &c1, preGrpSymId, cmpPreGrpSymId, modp, 1, 1 );
  70. cmDspInst_t* ao0p = cmDspSysAllocInst(h,"AudioOut", NULL, 1, 2 );
  71. cmDspInst_t* ao1p = cmDspSysAllocInst(h,"AudioOut", NULL, 1, 3 );
  72. cmDspSysNewPage(h,"Main");
  73. cmDspInst_t* liveb= cmDspSysAllocInst(h,"Button", "live", 2, kCheckDuiId, 0.0 );
  74. cmDspInst_t* simb = cmDspSysAllocInst(h,"Button", "simulate",2, kCheckDuiId, 0.0 );
  75. cmDspInst_t* ainb = cmDspSysAllocInst(h,"Button", "audio in",2, kCheckDuiId, 0.0 );
  76. cmDspInst_t* measb= cmDspSysAllocInst(h,"Button", "meas", 2, kCheckDuiId, 0.0 );
  77. cmDspInst_t* onb = cmDspSysAllocInst(h,"Button", "start", 2, kButtonDuiId, 1.0 );
  78. cmDspInst_t* offb = cmDspSysAllocInst(h,"Button", "stop", 2, kButtonDuiId, 1.0 );
  79. cmDspInst_t* prp = cmDspSysAllocInst(h,"Printer", NULL, 1, ">" );
  80. cmDspInst_t* prd = cmDspSysAllocInst(h,"Printer", NULL, 1, "DYN:" );
  81. cmDspInst_t* pre = cmDspSysAllocInst(h,"Printer", NULL, 1, "EVEN:" );
  82. cmDspInst_t* prt = cmDspSysAllocInst(h,"Printer", NULL, 1, "TEMPO:");
  83. cmDspInst_t* prc = cmDspSysAllocInst(h,"Printer", NULL, 1, "COST:");
  84. // Record <-> Live switches
  85. cmDspInst_t* tlRt = cmDspSysAllocInst(h,"Router", NULL, 2, 2, 0); // time line swich
  86. cmDspInst_t* mfpRt = cmDspSysAllocInst(h,"Router", NULL, 2, 2, 0);
  87. cmDspInst_t* amRt = cmDspSysAllocInst(h,"Router", NULL, 2, 2, 0);
  88. cmDspInst_t* au0Sw = cmDspSysAllocInst(h,"1ofN", NULL, 2, 2, 0);
  89. cmDspInst_t* au1Sw = cmDspSysAllocInst(h,"1ofN", NULL, 2, 2, 0);
  90. cmDspInst_t* siRt = cmDspSysAllocInst(h,"Router", NULL, 2, 2, 0);
  91. cmDspInst_t* muRt = cmDspSysAllocInst(h,"Router", NULL, 2, 2, 0);
  92. cmDspInst_t* d0Rt = cmDspSysAllocInst(h,"Router", NULL, 2, 2, 0);
  93. cmDspInst_t* d1Rt = cmDspSysAllocInst(h,"Router", NULL, 2, 2, 0);
  94. cmDspInst_t* stRt = cmDspSysAllocInst(h,"Router", NULL, 2, 2, 0);
  95. cmDspSysNewColumn(h,0);
  96. cmDspInst_t* igain0 = cmDspSysAllocInst(h,"Scalar", "In Gain-0", 5, kNumberDuiId, 0.0, 100.0,0.01, 1.0 );
  97. cmDspInst_t* igain1 = cmDspSysAllocInst(h,"Scalar", "In Gain-1", 5, kNumberDuiId, 0.0, 100.0,0.01, 1.0 );
  98. cmDspSysNewColumn(h,0);
  99. cmDspInst_t* ogain0 = cmDspSysAllocInst(h,"Scalar", "Out Gain-0", 5, kNumberDuiId, 0.0, 10.0,0.01, 1.0 );
  100. cmDspInst_t* ogain1 = cmDspSysAllocInst(h,"Scalar", "Out Gain-1", 5, kNumberDuiId, 0.0, 10.0,0.01, 1.0 );
  101. // Audio file recording
  102. cmDspInst_t* recdGain= cmDspSysAllocInst(h,"Scalar", "Recd Gain", 5, kNumberDuiId, 0.0, 100.0,0.01, 1.5 );
  103. cmDspInst_t* recdChk = cmDspSysAllocInst(h,"Button", "Record", 2, kCheckDuiId, 0.0 );
  104. cmDspInst_t* recdPtS = cmDspSysAllocInst(h,"GateToSym", NULL, 2, cmSymTblRegisterStaticSymbol(cmDspSysSymbolTable(h),"open"),cmSymTblRegisterStaticSymbol(cmDspSysSymbolTable(h),"close"));
  105. cmDspInst_t* afop = cmDspSysAllocInst(h,"AudioFileOut",NULL, 2, r.recordDir,2);
  106. cmDspInst_t* mi0p = cmDspSysAllocInst(h,"AMeter","In 0", 0);
  107. cmDspInst_t* mi1p = cmDspSysAllocInst(h,"AMeter","In 1", 0);
  108. //--------------- Preset controls
  109. cmDspSysNewColumn(h,0);
  110. cmDspInst_t* preset = cmDspSysAllocInst( h, "Preset", NULL, 1, preGrpSymId );
  111. cmDspInst_t* presetLbl = cmDspSysAllocInst( h, "Text", "Preset", 1, "" );
  112. cmDspInst_t* storeBtn = cmDspSysAllocButton( h, "store", 0);
  113. cmDspInst_t* recallBtn = cmDspSysAllocButton( h, "recall", 0);
  114. cmDspSysInstallCb( h, presetLbl, "val", preset, "label",NULL);
  115. cmDspSysInstallCb( h, storeBtn, "sym", preset, "cmd", NULL );
  116. cmDspSysInstallCb( h, recallBtn, "sym", preset, "cmd", NULL );
  117. cmDspInst_t* prePath = cmDspSysAllocInst( h, "Fname", "prePath", 3, true,NULL,r.tlPrefixPath);
  118. cmDspSysNewColumn(h,0);
  119. //--------------- Recorded performance evaluation and Active Measurement related controls
  120. cmDspInst_t* clrBtn = cmDspSysAllocButton( h, "clear", 0);
  121. cmDspInst_t* prtBtn = cmDspSysAllocButton( h, "dump", 0);
  122. cmDspInst_t* mlst = cmDspSysAllocInst( h, "MsgList", NULL, 3, "meas", r.measFn, 2);
  123. cmDspInst_t* amCmd = cmDspSysAllocInst( h, "PortToSym", NULL, 2, "add", "rewind" );
  124. if((rc = cmDspSysLastRC(h)) != kOkDspRC )
  125. return rc;
  126. // Output Audio file recording.
  127. cmDspSysInstallCb(h, recdGain,"val", afop, "gain0", NULL );
  128. cmDspSysInstallCb(h, recdGain,"val", afop, "gain1", NULL );
  129. cmDspSysInstallCb(h, recdChk, "out", recdPtS, "on", NULL );
  130. cmDspSysInstallCb(h, recdChk, "out", recdPtS, "off", NULL );
  131. cmDspSysInstallCb(h, recdPtS, "out", afop, "sel", NULL );
  132. // Audio connections
  133. cmDspSysConnectAudio( h, ai0p, "out", mi0p, "in" ); //
  134. cmDspSysConnectAudio( h, ai0p, "out", c0.kr0, "in" ); // ain -> ch0.kr0
  135. cmDspSysConnectAudio( h, ai0p, "out", c0.kr1, "in" ); // ain -> ch0.kr1
  136. cmDspSysConnectAudio( h, c0.cmp, "out", ao0p, "in" ); // ch0.cmp -> aout
  137. cmDspSysConnectAudio( h, c0.cmp, "out", afop, "in0"); // ch0.cmp -> audio_file_out
  138. cmDspSysConnectAudio( h, ai1p, "out", mi1p, "in" ); //
  139. cmDspSysConnectAudio( h, ai1p, "out", c1.kr0, "in" ); // ain -> ch1.kr0
  140. cmDspSysConnectAudio( h, ai1p, "out", c1.kr1, "in" ); // ain -> ch1.kr1
  141. cmDspSysConnectAudio( h, c1.cmp, "out", ao1p, "in" ); // ch1.cmp -> aout
  142. cmDspSysConnectAudio( h, c1.cmp, "out", afop, "in1"); // ch1.cmp ->audio_file_out
  143. //cmDspSysConnectAudio(h, ai0p, "out", afop, "in0" ); // comp -> audio_file_out
  144. //cmDspSysConnectAudio(h, ai1p, "out", afop, "in1" );
  145. //cmDspSysConnectAudio(h, ai0p, "out", ao0p, "in" ); // direct through from ain to aout
  146. //cmDspSysConnectAudio(h, ai1p, "out", ao1p, "in" ); //
  147. cmDspSysInstallCb( h, clrBtn, "sym", amp, "cmd", NULL ); // clear active meas.
  148. cmDspSysInstallCb( h, prtBtn, "sym", amp, "cmd", NULL ); // print active meas
  149. cmDspSysInstallCb( h, prtBtn, "sym", scp, "cmd", NULL );
  150. cmDspSysInstallCb( h, amCmd, "add", amp, "cmd", NULL ); // add active meas
  151. cmDspSysInstallCb( h, amCmd, "rewind", amp, "cmd", NULL ); // rewind active meas
  152. cmDspSysInstallCb( h, mlst, "loc", amp, "loc", NULL ); // recorded meas's list to active meas unit
  153. cmDspSysInstallCb( h, mlst, "typeId", amp, "type", NULL ); //
  154. cmDspSysInstallCb( h, mlst, "val", amp, "val", NULL ); //
  155. cmDspSysInstallCb( h, mlst, "cost", amp, "cst", NULL ); //
  156. cmDspSysInstallCb( h, mlst, "typeId", amCmd, "add", NULL ); //
  157. cmDspSysInstallCb( h, sfp, "out", amRt, "f-in", NULL ); // sfp-active meas router (rtr is switched by live btn)
  158. cmDspSysInstallCb( h, amRt, "f-out-0",amp, "sfloc", NULL );
  159. cmDspSysInstallCb( h, sfp, "vloc", amp, "loc", NULL ); // live meas's to active meas unit
  160. cmDspSysInstallCb( h, sfp, "vval", amp, "val", NULL ); //
  161. cmDspSysInstallCb( h, sfp, "vcost",amp, "cst", NULL ); //
  162. cmDspSysInstallCb( h, sfp, "vtyp", amp, "type", NULL ); //
  163. cmDspSysInstallCb( h, sfp, "vtyp", amCmd, "add", NULL); //
  164. // ***** delete this to prevent the score follower from driving the active-measure unit in 'live' mode
  165. cmDspSysInstallCb( h, amRt, "f-out-1",amp, "sfloc", NULL );
  166. // *****
  167. // active measure loc to xfad channel trigger
  168. cmDspSysInstallCb( h, amp, "scloc", c0.achan, "trig", NULL ); // See Also: modp.sw ->achan.trig
  169. cmDspSysInstallCb( h, amp, "scloc", c1.achan, "trig", NULL );
  170. cmDspSysInstallCb( h, amp, "even", pre, "in", NULL ); // active meas output to printers
  171. cmDspSysInstallCb( h, amp, "dyn", prd, "in", NULL );
  172. cmDspSysInstallCb( h, amp, "tempo", prt, "in", NULL );
  173. cmDspSysInstallCb( h, amp, "cost", prc, "in", NULL );
  174. // wave-table to time-line cursor
  175. //cmDspSysInstallCb( h, wtp, "fidx",tlp, "curs", NULL);
  176. cmDspSysInstallCb(h, prePath, "out", tlp, "path", NULL );
  177. // 'live' button -> live router selector switch
  178. //cmDspSysInstallCb(h, liveb, "out", wtRt, "sel", NULL );
  179. cmDspSysInstallCb(h, liveb, "out", tlRt, "sel", NULL );
  180. cmDspSysInstallCb(h, liveb, "out", mfpRt,"sel", NULL );
  181. cmDspSysInstallCb(h, liveb, "out", amRt, "sel", NULL );
  182. cmDspSysInstallCb(h, liveb, "out", au0Sw, "chidx", NULL );
  183. cmDspSysInstallCb(h, liveb, "out", au1Sw, "chidx", NULL );
  184. cmDspSysInstallCb(h, liveb, "out", measb, "in", NULL );
  185. cmDspSysInstallCb(h, measb, "out", sfp, "measfl", NULL );
  186. // 'simulate' button -> simulate router selector switch
  187. cmDspSysInstallCb(h, simb, "out", ainb, "in", NULL );
  188. cmDspSysInstallCb(h, ainb, "out", au0Sw, "chidx", NULL );
  189. cmDspSysInstallCb(h, ainb, "out", au1Sw, "chidx", NULL );
  190. cmDspSysInstallCb(h, simb, "out", siRt, "sel", NULL );
  191. cmDspSysInstallCb(h, simb, "out", muRt, "sel", NULL );
  192. cmDspSysInstallCb(h, simb, "out", d1Rt, "sel", NULL );
  193. cmDspSysInstallCb(h, simb, "out", d0Rt, "sel", NULL );
  194. cmDspSysInstallCb(h, simb, "out", stRt, "sel", NULL );
  195. // start connections
  196. cmDspSysInstallCb(h, onb, "sym", tlRt, "s-in", NULL );
  197. cmDspSysInstallCb(h, tlRt, "s-out-0",tlp, "reset", NULL );
  198. cmDspSysInstallCb(h, onb, "sym", scp, "send", NULL );
  199. cmDspSysInstallCb(h, onb, "sym", mfpRt,"s-in", NULL );
  200. cmDspSysInstallCb(h, mfpRt,"s-out-0",mfp, "sel", NULL );
  201. cmDspSysInstallCb(h, onb, "sym", pts, "on", NULL );
  202. cmDspSysInstallCb(h, pts, "on", modp, "cmd", NULL );
  203. cmDspSysInstallCb(h, onb, "sym", amCmd, "rewind",NULL );
  204. cmDspSysInstallCb(h, onb, "out", c0.achan,"reset", NULL );
  205. cmDspSysInstallCb(h, onb, "out", c1.achan,"reset", NULL );
  206. // stop connections
  207. cmDspSysInstallCb(h, tlp, "mfn", pts, "off", NULL ); // Prevents WT start on new audio file from TL.
  208. cmDspSysInstallCb(h, offb, "sym", mfp, "sel", NULL );
  209. cmDspSysInstallCb(h, offb, "sym", pts, "off", NULL );
  210. cmDspSysInstallCb(h, pts, "off", modp,"cmd", NULL );
  211. cmDspSysInstallCb(h, offb, "sym", mop, "reset", NULL );
  212. cmDspSysInstallCb(h, offb, "sym", mo2p, "reset", NULL );
  213. // time-line to MIDI file player selection
  214. cmDspSysInstallCb(h, tlp, "mbsi", mfp, "bsi", NULL );
  215. cmDspSysInstallCb(h, tlp, "mesi", mfp, "esi", NULL );
  216. cmDspSysInstallCb(h, tlp, "mfn", mfp, "fn", NULL );
  217. // score to score follower - to set initial search location
  218. cmDspSysInstallCb(h, scp, "sel", sfp, "index", NULL );
  219. cmDspSysInstallCb(h, scp, "sel", modp,"reset", NULL );
  220. cmDspSysInstallCb(h, scp, "sel", prp, "in", NULL );
  221. // MIDI file player to score follower
  222. cmDspSysInstallCb(h, mfp, "smpidx", siRt, "f-in",NULL );
  223. cmDspSysInstallCb(h, siRt, "f-out-1", sfp, "smpidx",NULL );
  224. // leave siRt.f-out-1 unconnected because it should be ignored in 'simulate mode'
  225. cmDspSysInstallCb(h, mfp, "id", muRt, "f-in", NULL );
  226. cmDspSysInstallCb(h, muRt, "f-out-1", sfp, "muid", NULL );
  227. // leave muRt.f-out-1 unconnected because it should be ignored in 'simulate mode'
  228. cmDspSysInstallCb(h, mfp, "d1", d1Rt, "f-in", NULL );
  229. cmDspSysInstallCb(h, d1Rt, "f-out-1", sfp, "d1", NULL );
  230. cmDspSysInstallCb(h, d1Rt, "f-out-1", nmp, "d1", NULL );
  231. cmDspSysInstallCb(h, nmp, "d1", mop, "d1", NULL );
  232. cmDspSysInstallCb(h, nmp, "d1", mo2p, "d1", NULL );
  233. cmDspSysInstallCb(h, mfp, "d0", d0Rt, "f-in", NULL );
  234. cmDspSysInstallCb(h, d0Rt, "f-out-1", sfp, "d0", NULL );
  235. cmDspSysInstallCb(h, d0Rt, "f-out-1", nmp, "d0", NULL );
  236. cmDspSysInstallCb(h, nmp, "d0", mop, "d0", NULL );
  237. cmDspSysInstallCb(h, nmp, "d0", mo2p, "d0", NULL );
  238. cmDspSysInstallCb(h, mfp, "status", stRt, "f-in", NULL );
  239. cmDspSysInstallCb(h, stRt, "f-out-1", sfp, "status",NULL );
  240. cmDspSysInstallCb(h, stRt, "f-out-1", nmp, "status",NULL );
  241. cmDspSysInstallCb(h, nmp, "status", mop, "status",NULL );
  242. cmDspSysInstallCb(h, nmp, "status", mo2p, "status",NULL );
  243. // MIDI input port
  244. //cmDspSysInstallCb(h, mip, "smpidx", sfp, "smpidx", NULL );
  245. //cmDspSysInstallCb(h, mip, "d1", sfp, "d1", NULL );
  246. //cmDspSysInstallCb(h, mip, "d0", sfp, "d0", NULL );
  247. //cmDspSysInstallCb(h, mip, "status", sfp, "status", NULL );
  248. // score follower to recd_play,modulator and printers
  249. cmDspSysInstallCb(h, sfp, "out", modp, "index", NULL );
  250. cmDspSysInstallCb(h, sfp, "recent", prp, "in", NULL ); // report 'recent' but only act on 'max' loc index
  251. cmDspSysInstallCb(h, igain0, "val", ai0p, "gain", NULL ); // input gain control
  252. cmDspSysInstallCb(h, igain1, "val", ai1p, "gain", NULL );
  253. cmDspSysInstallCb(h, ogain0, "val", ao0p, "gain", NULL ); // output gain control
  254. cmDspSysInstallCb(h, ogain1, "val", ao1p, "gain", NULL );
  255. return rc;
  256. }
  257. //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  258. //)