2012-10-29 20:52:39 -07:00

69 righe
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#ifndef cmSymTbl_h
#define cmSymTbl_h
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
// Symbol table component.
typedef cmHandle_t cmSymTblH_t;
extern cmSymTblH_t cmSymTblNullHandle;
// Create a new symbol table.
// 'parentH' is a parent table embedded in this table and is optional. Set this
// value to 'cmSymTblNullHandle'. if the table does not have a parent.
// All symbol searches will include this table however all symbols registered with
// this table will be inserted in this table not the parent.
// 'baseSymId' is the minimum symbol id used by this table and will be returned
// as the value of the first symbol registered with this table. Subsequent symbols
// will increment this value. Internal assertions prevent the symbol id range
// of this table from overlapping with its parent.
cmSymTblH_t cmSymTblCreate( cmSymTblH_t parentH, unsigned baseSymId, cmCtx_t* ctx );
// Destroy and release the resources associated with a symbol table created by
// an earlier call to cmSymTblCreate().
void cmSymTblDestroy( cmSymTblH_t* hp );
// Register a symbol label. Set 'staticFl' to true if the label is allocated statically.
unsigned cmSymTblRegister( cmSymTblH_t h, const char* label, bool staticFl );
unsigned cmSymTblRegisterSymbol( cmSymTblH_t h, const char* label );
unsigned cmSymTblRegisterStaticSymbol( cmSymTblH_t h, const char* label );
bool cmSymTblRemove( cmSymTblH_t h, unsigned symId );
// Given a symbol id return the associated label.
const char* cmSymTblLabel( cmSymTblH_t h, unsigned symId );
// Given a symbol label return the associated id or cmInvalidId if the symbol could not be found.
unsigned cmSymTblId( cmSymTblH_t h, const char* label );
// Returns true if the symbol table handle is not valid otherwise returns false.
bool cmSymTblIsValid( cmSymTblH_t h );
// Returns true if 'symId' is stored in this symbol table or its parent otherwise returns false.
bool cmSymTblIsValidId( cmSymTblH_t h, unsigned symId );
// Print thes symbol table (but not its parent).
void cmSymTblReport( cmSymTblH_t h );
// Symbol table test stub.
void cmSymTblTest(cmCtx_t* ctx);
#ifdef __cplusplus