libcm is a C development framework with an emphasis on audio signal processing applications.
Você não pode selecionar mais de 25 tópicos Os tópicos devem começar com uma letra ou um número, podem incluir traços ('-') e podem ter até 35 caracteres.

cmMidiScoreFollow.h 841B

  1. #ifndef cmMidiScoreFollow_h
  2. #define cmMidiScoreFollow_h
  3. #ifdef __cplusplus
  4. extern "C" {
  5. #endif
  6. enum
  7. {
  8. kOkMsfRC = cmOkRC,
  9. kFailMsfRC
  10. };
  11. typedef cmRC_t cmMsfRC_t;
  12. cmMsfRC_t cmMidiScoreFollowMain(
  13. cmCtx_t* ctx,
  14. const cmChar_t* scoreCsvFn, // score CSV file as generated from cmXScoreTest().
  15. const cmChar_t* midiFn, // MIDI file to track
  16. const cmChar_t* matchRptOutFn, // Score follow status report
  17. const cmChar_t* matchSvgOutFn, // Score follow graphic report
  18. const cmChar_t* midiOutFn, // (optional) midiFn with apply sostenuto and velocities from the score to the MIDI file
  19. const cmChar_t* tlBarOutFn // (optional) bar positions sutiable for use in a cmTimeLine description file.
  20. );
  21. #ifdef __cplusplus
  22. }
  23. #endif
  24. #endif