libcm is a C development framework with an emphasis on audio signal processing applications.
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cmMidiOsx.c 22KB

  1. #include <Carbon/Carbon.h>
  2. #include <CoreAudio/CoreAudio.h>
  3. #include <CoreMIDI/CoreMIDI.h>
  4. #include <mach/mach_time.h>
  5. #include "cmPrefix.h"
  6. #include "cmGlobal.h"
  7. #include "cmRpt.h"
  8. #include "cmErr.h"
  9. #include "cmMem.h"
  10. #include "cmMallocDebug.h"
  11. #include "cmMidi.h"
  12. #include "cmMidiPort.h"
  13. typedef struct
  14. {
  15. bool inputFl;
  16. char* nameStr;
  17. SInt32 uid;
  18. MIDIEndpointRef epr;
  19. cmMpParserH_t parserH;
  20. double prevMicroSecs;
  21. } cmMpPort;
  22. typedef struct
  23. {
  24. char* nameStr;
  25. unsigned iPortCnt;
  26. cmMpPort* iPortArray;
  27. unsigned oPortCnt;
  28. cmMpPort* oPortArray;
  29. } cmMpDev;
  30. typedef struct
  31. {
  32. cmErr_t err;
  33. unsigned devCnt;
  34. cmMpDev* devArray;
  35. cmMpCallback_t cbFunc;
  36. void* cbDataPtr;
  37. MIDIClientRef clientRef;
  38. MIDIPortRef inPortRef;
  39. MIDIPortRef outPortRef;
  40. mach_timebase_info_data_t timeBaseInfo;
  41. } cmMpRoot;
  42. cmMpRoot _cmMpRoot = { {NULL,NULL,kOkMpRC}, 0, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL };
  43. cmMpRC_t _cmMpError( cmErr_t* errPtr, cmMpRC_t rc, OSStatus err, const char* fmt, ... )
  44. {
  45. va_list vl;
  46. unsigned n0 = vsnprintf(NULL,0,fmt,vl);
  47. unsigned n1 = 0;
  48. unsigned n2 = 0;
  49. const char* fmt2 = "OS Status:%i";
  50. va_start(vl,fmt);
  51. if( err != noErr )
  52. n1 = snprintf(NULL,0,fmt2,err);
  53. unsigned bufCharCnt = n0 + n1;
  54. char buf[ bufCharCnt + 1];
  55. va_end(vl);
  56. va_start(vl,fmt);
  57. vsnprintf(buf,n0,fmt,vl);
  58. n2 = strlen(buf);
  59. snprintf(buf+n2,bufCharCnt-n2,fmt2,err);
  60. buf[bufCharCnt]=0;
  61. cmErrMsg(errPtr,rc,buf);
  62. va_end(vl);
  63. return rc;
  64. }
  65. char* _cmMpAllocStringProperty( cmErr_t* errPtr, MIDIObjectRef obj, CFStringRef propId )
  66. {
  67. OSStatus err;
  68. CFStringRef cfStrRef = NULL;
  69. char* strPtr = NULL;
  70. if(( err = MIDIObjectGetStringProperty(obj,propId,&cfStrRef)) != noErr )
  71. {
  72. _cmMpError(errPtr,kCfStringErrMpRC,err,"Get property failed.");
  73. return NULL;
  74. }
  75. unsigned charCnt = CFStringGetLength( cfStrRef ) + 1;
  76. if( charCnt > 0 )
  77. {
  78. strPtr = cmMemAllocZ( char, charCnt );
  79. if( !CFStringGetCString( cfStrRef, strPtr, charCnt, kCFStringEncodingASCII))
  80. {
  81. _cmMpError(errPtr,kCfStringErrMpRC,noErr,"CFstring to cstring failed.");
  82. cmMemFree(strPtr);
  83. strPtr = NULL;
  84. }
  85. }
  86. CFRelease(cfStrRef);
  87. return strPtr;
  88. }
  89. void _cmMpDeviceInit( cmMpDev* drp )
  90. {
  91. drp->nameStr = NULL;
  92. drp->iPortCnt = 0;
  93. drp->oPortCnt = 0;
  94. drp->iPortArray = NULL;
  95. drp->oPortArray = NULL;
  96. }
  97. void _cmMpDeviceFree( cmMpDev* drp )
  98. {
  99. unsigned i;
  100. for(i=0; i<drp->iPortCnt; ++i)
  101. {
  102. cmMemPtrFree(&drp->iPortArray[i].nameStr);
  103. cmMpParserDestroy( &drp->iPortArray[i].parserH );
  104. }
  105. for(i=0; i<drp->oPortCnt; ++i)
  106. cmMemPtrFree(&drp->oPortArray[i].nameStr);
  107. cmMemPtrFree(&drp->iPortArray);
  108. cmMemPtrFree(&drp->oPortArray);
  109. cmMemPtrFree(&drp->nameStr);
  110. _cmMpDeviceInit(drp);
  111. }
  112. void _cmMpDevicePrint( cmMpDev* drp, unsigned devIdx, cmRpt_t* rpt )
  113. {
  114. unsigned i,j;
  115. cmRptPrintf(rpt,"%i %s\n",devIdx,drp->nameStr);
  116. for(j=0; j<2; ++j)
  117. {
  118. unsigned portCnt = j==0 ? drp->iPortCnt : drp->oPortCnt;
  119. for(i=0; i<portCnt; ++i)
  120. {
  121. const cmMpPort* p = j==0 ? drp->iPortArray + i : drp->oPortArray + i ;
  122. cmRptPrintf(rpt,"%i %s id:0x:%x %s\n", i, p->inputFl ? "in " : "out", p->uid, p->nameStr );
  123. }
  124. }
  125. }
  126. char* _cmMpFormLabel( cmErr_t* errPtr, MIDIObjectRef obj )
  127. {
  128. char* modelStr = _cmMpAllocStringProperty( errPtr, obj, kMIDIPropertyManufacturer );
  129. char* nameStr = _cmMpAllocStringProperty( errPtr, obj, kMIDIPropertyModel );
  130. char* labelStr = cmMemAllocZ( char, strlen(modelStr) + strlen(nameStr) + 4 );
  131. strcpy(labelStr,modelStr);
  132. strcat(labelStr," - ");
  133. strcat(labelStr,nameStr);
  134. cmMemFree(modelStr);
  135. cmMemFree(nameStr);
  136. return labelStr;
  137. }
  138. char* _cmMpFormPortLabel( cmErr_t* errPtr, MIDIEntityRef mer, ItemCount pi, bool inputFl )
  139. {
  140. MIDIEndpointRef epr;
  141. if( inputFl )
  142. epr = MIDIEntityGetSource( mer, pi);
  143. else
  144. epr = MIDIEntityGetDestination( mer, pi);
  145. if(epr == NULL )
  146. {
  147. _cmMpError(errPtr,kSysErrMpRC,noErr,"Get %s endpoiint ref %i failed.", inputFl ? "source" : "destination",pi);
  148. return NULL;
  149. }
  150. return _cmMpAllocStringProperty( errPtr, (MIDIObjectRef)epr, kMIDIPropertyName );
  151. }
  152. // Fill id array with the unique id of each endpoint or 0 if the endpoint is offline.
  153. cmMpRC_t _cmMpGetEntityUniqueIdArray( MIDIEntityRef mer, SInt32* idArray, unsigned idCnt, bool inputFl, ItemCount* activeCntPtr, cmErr_t* errPtr )
  154. {
  155. cmMpRC_t rc = kOkMpRC;
  156. MIDIEndpointRef epr;
  157. unsigned pi;
  158. char* dirLabel = inputFl ? "source" : "dest";
  159. SInt32 offline;
  160. OSStatus err;
  161. *activeCntPtr = 0;
  162. for(pi=0; pi<idCnt; ++pi)
  163. {
  164. epr = inputFl ? MIDIEntityGetSource( mer, pi) : MIDIEntityGetDestination( mer, pi);
  165. if(epr == NULL )
  166. {
  167. rc = _cmMpError(errPtr,kSysErrMpRC,noErr,"Get %s endpoiint ref %i failed.",dirLabel,pi);
  168. goto errLabel;
  169. }
  170. offline = 1;
  171. if((err = MIDIObjectGetIntegerProperty( epr, kMIDIPropertyOffline, &offline)) != noErr )
  172. {
  173. rc= _cmMpError(errPtr,kSysErrMpRC,err,"Get online status on %s endpoint %i failed.",dirLabel,pi);
  174. goto errLabel;
  175. }
  176. if( offline )
  177. idArray[pi] = 0;
  178. else
  179. {
  180. ++*activeCntPtr;
  181. if(( err = MIDIObjectGetIntegerProperty( epr, kMIDIPropertyUniqueID, idArray + pi)) != noErr )
  182. {
  183. rc = _cmMpError(errPtr,kSysErrMpRC,err,"Get unique id on %s endpoint %i failed.",dirLabel,pi);
  184. goto errLabel;
  185. }
  186. }
  187. }
  188. errLabel:
  189. return rc;
  190. }
  191. cmMpRC_t _cmMpInitPortArray( unsigned devIdx, MIDIPortRef mpr, MIDIEntityRef mer, cmMpPort* portArray, SInt32* idArray, unsigned portCnt, bool inputFl, cmMpCallback_t cbFunc, void* cbDataPtr, unsigned parserBufByteCnt, cmErr_t* errPtr )
  192. {
  193. cmMpRC_t rc = kOkMpRC;
  194. unsigned pi;
  195. for(pi=0; pi<portCnt; ++pi)
  196. {
  197. MIDIEndpointRef epr = inputFl ? MIDIEntityGetSource(mer,pi) : MIDIEntityGetDestination(mer,pi);
  198. if( epr == NULL )
  199. return _cmMpError(errPtr,kSysErrMpRC,noErr,"Get %s endpoiint ref %i failed.",inputFl ? "source" : "destination", pi);
  200. // if this is an active input port then connect it to the source port
  201. if( inputFl && (idArray[pi] != 0) )
  202. {
  203. OSStatus err = noErr;
  204. if((err = MIDIPortConnectSource( mpr, epr, portArray + pi )) != noErr )
  205. return _cmMpError(errPtr,kSysErrMpRC,err,"Source connect failed on port:%i",pi);
  206. portArray[pi].parserH = cmMpParserCreate( devIdx, pi, cbFunc, cbDataPtr, parserBufByteCnt, errPtr->rpt );
  207. }
  208. portArray[pi].uid = idArray[pi];
  209. portArray[pi].inputFl = inputFl;
  210. portArray[pi].nameStr = _cmMpFormPortLabel(errPtr, mer, pi, inputFl );
  211. portArray[pi].epr = epr;
  212. portArray[pi].prevMicroSecs = 0;
  213. }
  214. return rc;
  215. }
  216. cmMpRC_t _cmMpGetActiveEntityPortCount( MIDIEntityRef mer, bool inputFl, ItemCount* portCntPtr, ItemCount* activePortCntPtr, cmErr_t* errPtr )
  217. {
  218. *portCntPtr = inputFl ? MIDIEntityGetNumberOfSources( mer ) : MIDIEntityGetNumberOfDestinations( mer );
  219. SInt32 idArray[ *portCntPtr ];
  220. return _cmMpGetEntityUniqueIdArray( mer, idArray, *portCntPtr, inputFl, activePortCntPtr, errPtr );
  221. }
  222. cmMpRC_t _cmMpIsDeviceActive( unsigned devIdx, MIDIDeviceRef mdr, ItemCount* srcCntPtr, ItemCount* dstCntPtr, bool* activeFlPtr, cmErr_t* errPtr )
  223. {
  224. cmMpRC_t rc = kOkMpRC;
  225. ItemCount entityCnt = MIDIDeviceGetNumberOfEntities(mdr);
  226. unsigned ei;
  227. *srcCntPtr = 0;
  228. *dstCntPtr = 0;
  229. *activeFlPtr = false;
  230. for(ei=0; ei<entityCnt; ++ei)
  231. {
  232. ItemCount srcCnt = 0;
  233. ItemCount dstCnt = 0;
  234. ItemCount activeCnt = 0;
  235. MIDIEntityRef mer;
  236. if((mer = MIDIDeviceGetEntity( mdr, ei)) == NULL )
  237. return _cmMpError( errPtr,kSysErrMpRC,noErr,"Get midi device %i entity %i failed.",devIdx,ei);
  238. if((rc= _cmMpGetActiveEntityPortCount(mer,true,&srcCnt,&activeCnt,errPtr)) != kOkMpRC )
  239. return _cmMpError( errPtr, rc, noErr, "Error retrieving source port information for device:%i entity:%i",devIdx,ei);
  240. *srcCntPtr += srcCnt;
  241. if( activeCnt )
  242. *activeFlPtr = true;
  243. activeCnt = 0;
  244. if((rc= _cmMpGetActiveEntityPortCount(mer,false,&dstCnt,&activeCnt,errPtr)) != kOkMpRC )
  245. return _cmMpError( errPtr, rc, noErr, "Error retrieving destination port information for device:%i entity:%i",devIdx,ei);
  246. *dstCntPtr += dstCnt;
  247. if( activeCnt )
  248. *activeFlPtr = true;
  249. }
  250. return rc;
  251. }
  252. cmMpRC_t _cmMpCreateDevice( unsigned devIdx, cmMpDev* drp, MIDIPortRef inPortRef, cmMpCallback_t cbFunc, void* cbDataPtr, unsigned parserBufByteCnt, cmErr_t* errPtr )
  253. {
  254. cmMpRC_t rc = kOkMpRC;
  255. MIDIDeviceRef mdr;
  256. ItemCount devSrcCnt = 0;
  257. ItemCount devDstCnt = 0;
  258. bool activeFl = false;
  259. unsigned ei;
  260. // zero the device record
  261. _cmMpDeviceInit(drp);
  262. // get the device ref
  263. if((mdr = MIDIGetDevice(devIdx)) == NULL )
  264. return _cmMpError(errPtr,kSysErrMpRC,noErr,"Get midi device %i failed.",devIdx);
  265. // determine if the device port count and whether it is active
  266. if((rc = _cmMpIsDeviceActive(devIdx, mdr, &devSrcCnt, &devDstCnt, &activeFl, errPtr )) != kOkMpRC )
  267. return rc;
  268. // if the device is not active return with the device record empty
  269. if( !activeFl)
  270. return kOkMpRC;
  271. // allocate the input port array
  272. drp->iPortCnt = devSrcCnt;
  273. drp->iPortArray = cmMemAllocZ( cmMpPort, devSrcCnt );
  274. // allocate the output port array
  275. drp->oPortCnt = devDstCnt;
  276. drp->oPortArray = cmMemAllocZ( cmMpPort, devDstCnt );
  277. // form the device name string
  278. drp->nameStr = _cmMpFormLabel( errPtr, (MIDIObjectRef)mdr);
  279. unsigned entityCnt = MIDIDeviceGetNumberOfEntities(mdr);
  280. unsigned iPortCnt = 0;
  281. unsigned oPortCnt = 0;
  282. // for each entity on this device
  283. for(ei=0; ei<entityCnt; ++ei)
  284. {
  285. MIDIEntityRef mer;
  286. unsigned i;
  287. // get the entity reference
  288. if((mer = MIDIDeviceGetEntity( mdr, ei)) == NULL )
  289. {
  290. rc = _cmMpError(errPtr,kSysErrMpRC,noErr,"Get midi device %i entity %i failed.",devIdx,ei);
  291. goto errLabel;
  292. }
  293. // for each input and output on this entity
  294. for( i=0; i<2; ++i)
  295. {
  296. bool inputFl = i==0;
  297. ItemCount activeCnt = 0;
  298. unsigned portCnt = inputFl ? iPortCnt : oPortCnt;
  299. cmMpPort* portArray = inputFl ? drp->iPortArray : drp->oPortArray;
  300. ItemCount entityPortCnt = inputFl ? MIDIEntityGetNumberOfSources( mer ) : MIDIEntityGetNumberOfDestinations( mer );
  301. SInt32 idArray[ entityPortCnt ];
  302. // fill idArray with the unique id's of the active ports on this entity
  303. if((rc = _cmMpGetEntityUniqueIdArray(mer,idArray,entityPortCnt,inputFl,&activeCnt,errPtr)) != kOkMpRC )
  304. {
  305. rc = _cmMpError(errPtr,rc,noErr,"Unable to locate unique source ids on device:%i entity:%i",devIdx,ei);
  306. goto errLabel;
  307. }
  308. // assign the unique id's to each cmMpPort assoc'd with this entity
  309. _cmMpInitPortArray(devIdx, inPortRef, mer, portArray + portCnt, idArray, entityPortCnt, inputFl, cbFunc, cbDataPtr, parserBufByteCnt, errPtr );
  310. if( inputFl )
  311. iPortCnt += entityPortCnt;
  312. else
  313. oPortCnt += entityPortCnt;
  314. }
  315. }
  316. assert( iPortCnt == devSrcCnt );
  317. assert( oPortCnt == devDstCnt );
  318. errLabel:
  319. if( rc != kOkMpRC )
  320. _cmMpDeviceFree(drp);
  321. return rc;
  322. }
  323. void _cmMpDestroyDeviceArray( cmMpRoot* rp )
  324. {
  325. unsigned i;
  326. for(i=0; i<rp->devCnt; ++i)
  327. _cmMpDeviceFree( rp->devArray + i );
  328. cmMemPtrFree(&rp->devArray);
  329. rp->devCnt = 0;
  330. }
  331. cmMpRC_t _cmMpCreateDeviceArray( cmMpRoot* rp, unsigned parserBufByteCnt )
  332. {
  333. cmMpRC_t rc = kOkMpRC;
  334. ItemCount devCnt = MIDIGetNumberOfDevices();
  335. ItemCount di = 0;
  336. rp->devCnt = 0;
  337. rp->devArray = cmMemAllocZ( cmMpDev, devCnt );
  338. for(di=0; di<devCnt; ++di)
  339. {
  340. cmMpDev* drp = rp->devArray + rp->devCnt;
  341. // attempt to create a device record for device di
  342. if((rc = _cmMpCreateDevice( di, drp, rp->inPortRef, rp->cbFunc, rp->cbDataPtr, parserBufByteCnt, &rp->err )) != kOkMpRC )
  343. goto errLabel;
  344. // if the device di is active
  345. if( drp->iPortCnt || drp->oPortCnt )
  346. ++rp->devCnt;
  347. }
  348. errLabel:
  349. if( rc != kOkMpRC )
  350. _cmMpDestroyDeviceArray(rp);
  351. return rc;
  352. }
  353. void _cmMpMidiSystemNotifyProc( const MIDINotification* notifyMsgPtr, void *refCon )
  354. {
  355. // cmMpRoot* p = (mdRoot*)refCon;
  356. // if(p != NULL )
  357. // ((fw::osxMidiPorts*)refCon)->onNotify(notifyMsgPtr);
  358. }
  359. void _cmMpMIDISystemReadProc( const MIDIPacketList *pktListPtr, void* readProcRefCon, void* srcConnRefCon )
  360. {
  361. cmMpRoot* rp = (cmMpRoot*)readProcRefCon;
  362. cmMpPort* pp = (cmMpPort*)srcConnRefCon;
  363. unsigned i;
  364. if( pktListPtr == NULL || rp == NULL || pp == NULL || rp->cbFunc == NULL )
  365. return;
  366. const MIDIPacket* packetPtr = &pktListPtr->packet[0];
  367. for(i=0; i < pktListPtr->numPackets; ++i)
  368. {
  369. /*
  370. unsigned j;
  371. for(j=0; j<packetPtr->length; ++j)
  372. printf("0x%x ", packetPtr->data[j]);
  373. printf("\n");
  374. */
  375. // About converting mach_absolute_time() to seconds:
  376. // About MIDIPacket.timeStamp:
  377. double nano = 1e-9 * ( (double) _cmMpRoot.timeBaseInfo.numer) / ((double) _cmMpRoot.timeBaseInfo.denom);
  378. // so here's the delta in nanoseconds:
  379. double nanoSeconds = ((double) packetPtr->timeStamp) * nano;
  380. // 1000 times that for microSeconds:
  381. double microSecs = 1000.0f * nanoSeconds;
  382. double deltaMicroSecs = microSecs - pp->prevMicroSecs;
  383. pp->prevMicroSecs = microSecs;
  384. assert( pp->inputFl == true );
  385. cmMpParseMidiData( pp->parserH, (unsigned)deltaMicroSecs, packetPtr->data, packetPtr->length );
  386. packetPtr = MIDIPacketNext(packetPtr);
  387. }
  388. }
  389. cmMpPort* _cmMpGetPort( cmMpDev* drp, unsigned portIdx, unsigned flags )
  390. {
  391. assert( flags != 0 );
  392. bool inputFl = cmIsFlag(flags, kInMpFl);
  393. assert( portIdx < (inputFl ? drp->iPortCnt : drp->oPortCnt));
  394. return inputFl ? drp->iPortArray + portIdx : drp->oPortArray + portIdx;
  395. }
  396. cmMpRC_t cmMpInitialize( cmMpCallback_t cbFunc, void* cbDataPtr, unsigned parserBufByteCnt, const char* appNameStr, cmRpt_t* rpt )
  397. {
  398. cmMpRC_t rc = kOkMpRC;
  399. OSStatus err = noErr;
  400. CFStringRef clientNameStrRef = NULL;
  401. CFStringRef inPortNameStrRef = NULL;
  402. CFStringRef outPortNameStrRef = NULL;
  403. if((rc = cmMpFinalize()) != kOkMpRC )
  404. return rc;
  405. cmErrSetup(&_cmMpRoot.err,rpt,"MIDI Port");
  406. _cmMpRoot.cbFunc = cbFunc;
  407. _cmMpRoot.cbDataPtr = cbDataPtr;
  408. if(( clientNameStrRef = CFStringCreateWithCString(NULL,"MIDI",kCFStringEncodingASCII)) == NULL )
  409. {
  410. rc = _cmMpError(&_cmMpRoot.err,kCfStringErrMpRC,noErr,"Client name create failed.");
  411. goto errLabel;
  412. }
  413. if(( err = MIDIClientCreate( clientNameStrRef, _cmMpMidiSystemNotifyProc, &_cmMpRoot, &_cmMpRoot.clientRef )) != noErr )
  414. {
  415. rc = _cmMpError(&_cmMpRoot.err,kSysErrMpRC,err,"Client create failed.");
  416. goto errLabel;
  417. }
  418. if((inPortNameStrRef = CFStringCreateWithCString(NULL,"in",kCFStringEncodingASCII)) == NULL )
  419. {
  420. rc = _cmMpError(&_cmMpRoot.err,kCfStringErrMpRC,noErr,"In port name string create failed.");
  421. goto errLabel;
  422. }
  423. if((err = MIDIInputPortCreate( _cmMpRoot.clientRef, inPortNameStrRef, _cmMpMIDISystemReadProc, &_cmMpRoot, &_cmMpRoot.inPortRef)) != noErr )
  424. {
  425. rc = _cmMpError(&_cmMpRoot.err,kSysErrMpRC,err,"In port create failed.");
  426. goto errLabel;
  427. }
  428. if((outPortNameStrRef = CFStringCreateWithCString(NULL,"out",kCFStringEncodingASCII)) == NULL )
  429. {
  430. rc = _cmMpError(&_cmMpRoot.err,kCfStringErrMpRC,noErr,"Out port name string create failed.");
  431. goto errLabel;
  432. }
  433. if((err = MIDIOutputPortCreate( _cmMpRoot.clientRef, outPortNameStrRef, &_cmMpRoot.outPortRef)) != noErr )
  434. {
  435. rc = _cmMpError(&_cmMpRoot.err,kSysErrMpRC,err,"Out port create failed.");
  436. goto errLabel;
  437. }
  438. if((rc = _cmMpCreateDeviceArray(&_cmMpRoot,parserBufByteCnt)) != kOkMpRC )
  439. goto errLabel;
  440. mach_timebase_info(&_cmMpRoot.timeBaseInfo);
  441. errLabel:
  442. if( clientNameStrRef != NULL )
  443. CFRelease(clientNameStrRef);
  444. if( inPortNameStrRef != NULL )
  445. CFRelease(inPortNameStrRef);
  446. if( outPortNameStrRef != NULL )
  447. CFRelease(outPortNameStrRef);
  448. if( rc != kOkMpRC )
  449. cmMpFinalize();
  450. return rc;
  451. }
  452. cmMpRC_t cmMpFinalize()
  453. {
  454. OSStatus err = noErr;
  455. cmMpRC_t rc = kOkMpRC;
  456. if( _cmMpRoot.inPortRef != NULL )
  457. {
  458. if((err = MIDIPortDispose(_cmMpRoot.inPortRef)) != noErr )
  459. rc = _cmMpError(&_cmMpRoot.err,kSysErrMpRC,err,"MIDIPortDispose() failed on the input port.");
  460. else
  461. _cmMpRoot.inPortRef = NULL;
  462. }
  463. if( _cmMpRoot.outPortRef != NULL )
  464. {
  465. if((err = MIDIPortDispose(_cmMpRoot.outPortRef)) != noErr )
  466. rc = _cmMpError(&_cmMpRoot.err,kSysErrMpRC,err,"MIDIPortDispose() failed on the output port.");
  467. else
  468. _cmMpRoot.outPortRef = NULL;
  469. }
  470. if( _cmMpRoot.clientRef != NULL )
  471. {
  472. if((err = MIDIClientDispose(_cmMpRoot.clientRef)) != noErr )
  473. rc = _cmMpError(&_cmMpRoot.err,kSysErrMpRC,err,"MIDIClientDispose() failed.");
  474. else
  475. _cmMpRoot.clientRef = NULL;
  476. }
  477. _cmMpDestroyDeviceArray(&_cmMpRoot);
  478. _cmMpRoot.devCnt = 0;
  479. _cmMpRoot.devArray = NULL;
  480. _cmMpRoot.cbFunc = NULL;
  481. _cmMpRoot.cbDataPtr = NULL;
  482. _cmMpRoot.clientRef = NULL;
  483. _cmMpRoot.inPortRef = NULL;
  484. _cmMpRoot.outPortRef = NULL;
  485. return rc;
  486. }
  487. bool cmMpIsInitialized()
  488. { return _cmMpRoot.clientRef != NULL; }
  489. unsigned cmMpDeviceCount()
  490. {
  491. return _cmMpRoot.devCnt;
  492. }
  493. const char* cmMpDeviceName( unsigned devIdx )
  494. {
  495. assert( devIdx < _cmMpRoot.devCnt );
  496. return _cmMpRoot.devArray[devIdx].nameStr;
  497. }
  498. unsigned cmMpDevicePortCount( unsigned devIdx, unsigned flags )
  499. {
  500. assert( devIdx < _cmMpRoot.devCnt );
  501. return cmIsFlag(flags,kInMpFl) ? _cmMpRoot.devArray[devIdx].iPortCnt : _cmMpRoot.devArray[devIdx].oPortCnt;
  502. }
  503. const char* cmMpDevicePortName( unsigned devIdx, unsigned flags, unsigned portIdx )
  504. {
  505. assert( devIdx < _cmMpRoot.devCnt );
  506. cmMpDev* drp = _cmMpRoot.devArray + devIdx;
  507. assert( portIdx < (cmIsFlag(flags,kInMpFl) ? drp->iPortCnt : drp->oPortCnt));
  508. return _cmMpGetPort( drp, portIdx, flags )->nameStr;
  509. }
  510. cmMpRC_t cmMpDeviceSend( unsigned devIdx, unsigned portIdx, cmMidiByte_t status, cmMidiByte_t d0, cmMidiByte_t d1 )
  511. {
  512. assert( devIdx < _cmMpRoot.devCnt );
  513. cmMpDev* drp = _cmMpRoot.devArray + devIdx;
  514. cmMpPort* pp = _cmMpGetPort( drp, portIdx, kOutMpFl);
  515. OSStatus err = noErr;
  516. MIDIPacketList mpl;
  517. unsigned byteCnt = cmMidiStatusToByteCount(status & 0xf0 );
  518. if( byteCnt == 0 )
  519. return _cmMpError(&_cmMpRoot.err,kInvalidArgMpRC,noErr,"Invalid status byte (0x%x) on send to device:%i port:%i",status,devIdx,portIdx);
  520. mpl.numPackets = 1;
  521. mpl.packet[0].timeStamp = 0;
  522. mpl.packet[0].length = byteCnt;
  523. mpl.packet[0].data[0] = status;
  524. mpl.packet[0].data[1] = d0;
  525. mpl.packet[0].data[2] = d1;
  526. if(( err = MIDISend( _cmMpRoot.outPortRef, pp->epr, &mpl)) != noErr )
  527. return _cmMpError(&_cmMpRoot.err,kSysErrMpRC,err,"Send on device:%i port:%i failed.",devIdx,portIdx);
  528. return kOkMpRC;
  529. }
  530. cmMpRC_t cmMpDeviceSendData( unsigned devIdx, unsigned portIdx, const cmMidiByte_t* dataPtr, unsigned byteCnt )
  531. {
  532. assert( devIdx < _cmMpRoot.devCnt );
  533. cmMpDev* drp = _cmMpRoot.devArray + devIdx;
  534. cmMpPort* pp = _cmMpGetPort( drp, portIdx, kOutMpFl);
  535. OSStatus err = noErr;
  536. MIDIPacketList mpl;
  537. unsigned i;
  538. if( byteCnt > 256 )
  539. return _cmMpError(&_cmMpRoot.err,kInvalidArgMpRC,noErr,"mdDeviceSendData() only support data buffers up to 256 bytes.");
  540. mpl.numPackets = 1;
  541. mpl.packet[0].timeStamp = 0;
  542. mpl.packet[0].length = byteCnt;
  543. for(i=0; i<byteCnt; i++)
  544. mpl.packet[0].data[i] = dataPtr[i];
  545. if(( err = MIDISend( _cmMpRoot.outPortRef, pp->epr, &mpl)) != noErr )
  546. return _cmMpError(&_cmMpRoot.err,kSysErrMpRC,err,"Data Send on device:%i port:%i failed.",devIdx,portIdx);
  547. return kOkMpRC;
  548. }
  549. cmMpRC_t cmMpInstallCallback( unsigned devIdx, unsigned portIdx, cmMpCallback_t cbFunc, void* cbDataPtr )
  550. {
  551. cmMpRC_t rc = kOkMpRC;
  552. unsigned di;
  553. unsigned dn = cmMpDeviceCount();
  554. for(di=0; di<dn; ++di)
  555. if( di==devIdx || devIdx == -1 )
  556. {
  557. unsigned pi;
  558. unsigned pn = cmMpDevicePortCount(di,kInMpFl);
  559. for(pi=0; pi<pn; ++pi)
  560. if( pi==portIdx || portIdx == -1 )
  561. if( cmMpParserInstallCallback( _cmMpRoot.devArray[di].iPortArray[pi].parserH, cbFunc, cbDataPtr ) != kOkMpRC )
  562. goto errLabel;
  563. }
  564. errLabel:
  565. return rc;
  566. }
  567. cmMpRC_t cmMpRemoveCallback( unsigned devIdx, unsigned portIdx, cmMpCallback_t cbFunc, void* cbDataPtr )
  568. {
  569. cmMpRC_t rc = kOkMpRC;
  570. unsigned di;
  571. unsigned dn = cmMpDeviceCount();
  572. unsigned remCnt = 0;
  573. for(di=0; di<dn; ++di)
  574. if( di==devIdx || devIdx == -1 )
  575. {
  576. unsigned pi;
  577. unsigned pn = cmMpDevicePortCount(di,kInMpFl);
  578. for(pi=0; pi<pn; ++pi)
  579. if( pi==portIdx || portIdx == -1 )
  580. if( cmMpParserHasCallback( _cmMpRoot.devArray[di].iPortArray[pi].parserH, cbFunc, cbDataPtr ) )
  581. {
  582. if( cmMpParserRemoveCallback( _cmMpRoot.devArray[di].iPortArray[pi].parserH, cbFunc, cbDataPtr ) != kOkMpRC )
  583. goto errLabel;
  584. else
  585. ++remCnt;
  586. }
  587. }
  588. if( remCnt == 0 && dn > 0 )
  589. rc = _cmMpError(&_cmMpRoot.err,kCbNotFoundMpRC,0,"The callback was not found on any of the specified devices or ports.");
  590. errLabel:
  591. return rc;
  592. }
  593. bool cmMpUsesCallback( unsigned devIdx, unsigned portIdx, cmMpCallback_t cbFunc, void* cbDataPtr )
  594. {
  595. unsigned di;
  596. unsigned dn = cmMpDeviceCount();
  597. for(di=0; di<dn; ++di)
  598. if( di==devIdx || devIdx == -1 )
  599. {
  600. unsigned pi;
  601. unsigned pn = cmMpDevicePortCount(di,kInMpFl);
  602. for(pi=0; pi<pn; ++pi)
  603. if( pi==portIdx || portIdx == -1 )
  604. if( cmMpParserHasCallback( _cmMpRoot.devArray[di].iPortArray[pi].parserH, cbFunc, cbDataPtr ) )
  605. return true;
  606. }
  607. return false;
  608. }
  609. void cmMpReport( cmRpt_t* rpt )
  610. {
  611. unsigned i;
  612. for(i=0; i<_cmMpRoot.devCnt; ++i)
  613. _cmMpDevicePrint(_cmMpRoot.devArray + i, i, rpt );
  614. }