Added kRecurseLInksFsFl and kLinkFsFl. Changed stat() to lstat() in _cmFileSysIsLink(). Added _cmFileSysIsSocket()
1343 regels
31 KiB
1343 regels
31 KiB
#include "cmPrefix.h"
#include "cmGlobal.h"
#include "cmRpt.h"
#include "cmErr.h"
#include "cmCtx.h"
#include "cmMem.h"
#include "cmMallocDebug.h"
#include "cmLinkedHeap.h"
#include "cmFileSys.h"
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <libgen.h> // basename(), dirname()
#include <dirent.h> // opendir()/readdir()
#include <limits.h> // PATH_MAX
#include <sys/types.h> // mkdir
#ifdef OS_OSX
#include "osx/cmFileSysOsx.h"
#ifdef OS_LINUX
#include "linux/cmFileSysLinux.h"
cmFileSysH_t cmFileSysNullHandle = {NULL};
typedef struct
cmErr_t err;
cmLHeapH_t heapH;
const cmChar_t* appNameStr;
#ifdef OS_OSX
_cmFsOsx_t* p;
#ifdef OS_LINUX
_cmFsLinux_t* p;
} cmFs_t;
cmFsRC_t _cmFileSysError( cmFs_t* p, cmFsRC_t rc, int sysErr, const cmChar_t* fmt, ... )
va_list vl;
if( sysErr == 0 )
rc = cmErrVMsg(&p->err,rc,fmt,vl);
const unsigned bufCharCnt = 511;
cmChar_t buf[bufCharCnt+1];
rc = cmErrMsg(&p->err,rc,"%s\nSystem Msg:%s",buf,strerror(sysErr));
return rc;
cmFs_t* _cmFileSysHandleToPtr( cmFileSysH_t h )
cmFs_t* p = (cmFs_t*)h.h;
assert( p != NULL);
return p;
cmFsRC_t _cmFileSysFinalize( cmFs_t* p )
cmFsRC_t rc = kOkFsRC;
if( cmLHeapIsValid(p->heapH) )
#ifdef OS_OSX
if( p->p != NULL )
if((rc = _cmOsxFileSysFinalize(p->p) ) != kOkFsRC )
_cmFileSysError(p,kOsxFailFsRC,0,"The OSX file system finalization failed.");
return rc;
#ifdef OS_LINUX
if( p->p != NULL )
if((rc = _cmLinuxFileSysFinalize(p->p) ) != kOkFsRC )
_cmFileSysError(p,kLinuxFailFsRC,0,"The Linux file system finalization failed.");
return rc;
return rc;
cmFsRC_t cmFileSysInitialize( cmFileSysH_t* hp, cmCtx_t* ctx, const cmChar_t* appNameStr )
cmFs_t* p;
cmFsRC_t rc;
cmErr_t err;
if((rc = cmFileSysFinalize(hp)) != kOkFsRC )
return rc;
cmErrSetup(&err,&ctx->rpt,"File System");
if((p = cmMemAllocZ( cmFs_t, 1 )) == NULL )
return cmErrMsg(&err,kMemAllocErrFsRC,"Unable to allocate the file system object.");
if(cmLHeapIsValid( p->heapH = cmLHeapCreate(1024,ctx)) == false )
rc = _cmFileSysError(p,kLHeapAllocErrFsRC,0,"Unable to allocate the linked heap.");
goto errLabel;
#ifdef OS_OSX
if( (rc = _cmOsxFileSysInit(&p->p, p->heapH, &p->err)) != kOkFsRC )
rc = _cmFileSysError(p,kOsxFailFsRC,0,"OSX file system initialization failed.");
goto errLabel;
#ifdef OS_LINUX
if( (rc = _cmLinuxFileSysInit(&p->p, p->heapH, &p->err)) != kOkFsRC )
rc = _cmFileSysError(p,kLinuxFailFsRC,0,"Linux file system initialization failed.");
goto errLabel;
p->appNameStr = cmLhAllocStr(p->heapH,appNameStr);
hp->h = p;
#ifdef OS_LINUX
cmChar_t hidAppNameStr[ strlen(appNameStr) + 2 ];
p->p->prefDir = cmFileSysMakeFn( *hp, p->p->prefDir, hidAppNameStr, NULL, NULL );
// the resource directory must exist before the program can start
p->p->rsrcDir = cmFileSysMakeFn( *hp, p->p->rsrcDir, appNameStr, NULL, NULL );
if( rc != kOkFsRC )
return _cmFileSysFinalize(p);
return kOkFsRC;
cmFsRC_t cmFileSysFinalize( cmFileSysH_t* hp )
cmFsRC_t rc;
if( hp==NULL || cmFileSysIsValid(*hp) == false )
return kOkFsRC;
cmFs_t* p = _cmFileSysHandleToPtr(*hp);
if((rc = _cmFileSysFinalize(p)) != kOkFsRC )
return rc;
hp->h = NULL;
return rc;
const cmChar_t* cmFileSysAppName( cmFileSysH_t h )
cmFs_t* p = _cmFileSysHandleToPtr(h);
return p->appNameStr;
const cmChar_t* cmFileSysPrefsDir( cmFileSysH_t h )
cmFs_t* p = _cmFileSysHandleToPtr(h);
#if defined OS_OSX || defined OS_LINUX
return p->p->prefDir;
return NULL;
const cmChar_t* cmFileSysRsrcDir( cmFileSysH_t h )
cmFs_t* p = _cmFileSysHandleToPtr(h);
#if defined OS_OSX || defined OS_LINUX
return p->p->rsrcDir;
return NULL;
const cmChar_t* cmFileSysUserDir( cmFileSysH_t h )
cmFs_t* p = _cmFileSysHandleToPtr(h);
#if defined OS_OSX || defined OS_LINUX
return p->p->userDir;
return NULL;
bool cmFileSysIsValid( cmFileSysH_t h )
{ return h.h != NULL; }
bool _cmFileSysIsDir( cmFs_t* p, const cmChar_t* dirStr )
struct stat s;
errno = 0;
if( stat(dirStr,&s) != 0 )
// if the dir does not exist
if( errno == ENOENT )
return false;
_cmFileSysError( p, kStatFailFsRC, errno, "'stat' failed on '%s'",dirStr);
return false;
return S_ISDIR(s.st_mode);
bool cmFileSysIsDir( cmFileSysH_t h, const cmChar_t* dirStr )
cmFs_t* p = _cmFileSysHandleToPtr(h);
return _cmFileSysIsDir(p,dirStr);
bool _cmFileSysIsFile( cmFs_t* p, const cmChar_t* fnStr )
struct stat s;
errno = 0;
if( stat(fnStr,&s) != 0 )
// if the file does not exist
if( errno == ENOENT )
return false;
_cmFileSysError( p, kStatFailFsRC, errno, "'stat' failed on '%s'.",fnStr);
return false;
return S_ISREG(s.st_mode);
bool cmFileSysIsFile( cmFileSysH_t h, const cmChar_t* fnStr )
cmFs_t* p = _cmFileSysHandleToPtr(h);
return _cmFileSysIsFile(p,fnStr);
bool _cmFileSysIsLink( cmFs_t* p, const cmChar_t* fnStr )
struct stat s;
errno = 0;
if( lstat(fnStr,&s) != 0 )
// if the file does not exist
if( errno == ENOENT )
return false;
_cmFileSysError( p, kStatFailFsRC, errno, "'stat' failed on '%s'.",fnStr);
return false;
return S_ISLNK(s.st_mode);
bool cmFileSysIsLink( cmFileSysH_t h, const cmChar_t* fnStr )
cmFs_t* p = _cmFileSysHandleToPtr(h);
return _cmFileSysIsLink(p,fnStr);
bool _cmFileSysIsSocket( cmFs_t* p, const cmChar_t* fnStr )
struct stat s;
errno = 0;
if( stat(fnStr,&s) != 0 )
// if the file does not exist
if( errno == ENOENT )
return false;
_cmFileSysError( p, kStatFailFsRC, errno, "'stat' failed on '%s'.",fnStr);
return false;
return S_ISSOCK(s.st_mode);
bool _cmFileSysConcat( cmChar_t* rp, unsigned rn, char sepChar, const cmChar_t* suffixStr )
unsigned m = strlen(rp);
// m==0 if no sep needs to be inserted or removed
//if( m == 0 )
// return false;
if( m != 0 )
// if a sep char needs to be inserted
if( rp[m-1] != sepChar && suffixStr[0] != sepChar )
return false;
rp[m] = sepChar;
rp[m+1]= 0;
// if a sep char needs to be removed
if( rp[m-1] == sepChar && suffixStr[0] == sepChar )
rp[m-1] = 0;
assert( rn>=m && strlen(rp)+strlen(suffixStr) <= rn );
return true;
const cmChar_t* cmFileSysVMakeFn( cmFileSysH_t h, const cmChar_t* dir, const cmChar_t* fn, const cmChar_t* ext, va_list vl )
cmFsRC_t rc = kOkFsRC;
cmChar_t* rp = NULL;
const cmChar_t* dp = NULL;
unsigned n = 0;
cmFs_t* p = _cmFileSysHandleToPtr(h);
char pathSep = cmPathSeparatorChar[0];
char extSep = '.';
va_list vl_t;
assert( fn != NULL );
// get prefix directory length
if( dir != NULL )
n += strlen(dir) + 1; // add 1 for ending sep
// get file name length
n += strlen(fn);
// get extension length
if( ext != NULL )
n += strlen(ext) + 1; // add 1 for period
// get length of all var args dir's
while( (dp = va_arg(vl,const cmChar_t*)) != NULL )
n += strlen(dp) + 1; // add 1 for ending sep
// add 1 for terminating zero and allocate memory
if((rp = cmLHeapAllocZ( p->heapH, n+1 )) == NULL )
rc = _cmFileSysError(p,kMemAllocErrFsRC,0,"Unable to allocate file name memory.");
goto errLabel;
rp[n] = 0;
rp[0] = 0;
// copy out the prefix dir
if( dir != NULL )
// copy out ecmh of the var arg's directories
while((dp = va_arg(vl,const cmChar_t*)) != NULL )
if(!_cmFileSysConcat(rp,n,pathSep,dp) )
rc = _cmFileSysError(p,kAssertFailFsRC,0,"Assert failed.");
goto errLabel;
// copy out the file name
rc = _cmFileSysError(p,kAssertFailFsRC,0,"Assert failed.");
goto errLabel;
// copy out the extension
if( ext != NULL )
rc = _cmFileSysError(p,kAssertFailFsRC,0,"Assert failed.");
goto errLabel;
if( rc != kOkFsRC && rp != NULL )
cmLHeapFree(p->heapH, rp );
return rp;
const cmChar_t* cmFileSysMakeFn( cmFileSysH_t h, const cmChar_t* dir, const cmChar_t* fn, const cmChar_t* ext, ... )
va_list vl;
const cmChar_t* retPtr = cmFileSysVMakeFn(h,dir,fn,ext,vl);
return retPtr;
void cmFileSysFreeFn( cmFileSysH_t h, const cmChar_t* fn )
cmFs_t* p = _cmFileSysHandleToPtr(h);
if( fn == NULL )
cmLHeapFree(p->heapH, (void*)fn);
cmFsRC_t cmFileSysMkDir( cmFileSysH_t h, const cmChar_t* dir )
cmFs_t* p = _cmFileSysHandleToPtr(h);
if( mkdir(dir, S_IRWXU | S_IRWXG | S_IROTH | S_IXOTH) != 0 )
return _cmFileSysError( p, kMkDirFailFsRC, errno, "The attempt to create the directory '%s' failed.",dir);
return kOkFsRC;
cmFsRC_t cmFileSysMkDirAll( cmFileSysH_t h, const cmChar_t* dir )
cmFsRC_t rc = kOkFsRC;
cmFs_t* p = _cmFileSysHandleToPtr(h);
cmChar_t** a = NULL;
unsigned i;
if((a = cmFileSysDirParts(h,dir)) == NULL )
return _cmFileSysError(p, kInvalidDirFsRC, 0, "The directory '%s' could not be parsed.",cmStringNullGuard(dir));
for(i=0; rc==kOkFsRC && a[i]!=NULL; ++i)
cmChar_t* d = cmFileSysFormDir(h,a,i+1);
if( cmFileSysIsDir(h,d)==false )
if((rc = cmFileSysMkDir(h,d)) != kOkFsRC )
return rc;
cmFileSysPathPart_t* cmFileSysPathParts( cmFileSysH_t h, const cmChar_t* pathStr )
int n = 0; // char's in pathStr
int dn = 0; // char's in the dir part
int fn = 0; // char's in the name part
int en = 0; // char's in the ext part
cmChar_t* cp = NULL;
cmFileSysPathPart_t* rp = NULL;
cmFs_t* p = _cmFileSysHandleToPtr(h);
if( pathStr==NULL )
return NULL;
// skip leading white space
while( *pathStr )
if( isspace(*pathStr ) )
// get the length of pathStr
if((n = strlen(pathStr)) == 0 )
return NULL;
// remove trailing spaces
for(; n>0; --n)
if( isspace(pathStr[n-1]) )
if( n == 0 )
return NULL;
char buf[n+1];
buf[n] = 0;
// Get the last word (which may be a file name) from pathStr.
// (pathStr must be copied into a buf because basename()
// is allowed to change the values in its arg.)
cp = basename(buf);
if( cp != NULL )
cmChar_t* ep;
// does the last word have a period in it
if( (ep = strchr(cp,'.')) != NULL )
*ep = 0; // end the file name at the period
++ep; // set the ext marker
en = strlen(ep); // get the length of the ext
fn = strlen(cp); //get the length of the file name
// Get the directory part.
// ( pathStr must be copied into a buf because dirname()
// is allowed to change the values in its arg.)
// if the last char in pathStr[] is '/' then the whole string is a dir.
// (this is not the answer that dirname() and basename() would give).
if( pathStr[n-1] == cmPathSeparatorChar[0] )
fn = 0;
en = 0;
dn = n;
cp = buf;
cp = dirname(buf);
if( cp != NULL )
dn = strlen(cp);
// get the total size of the returned memory. (add 3 for ecmh possible terminating zero)
n = sizeof(cmFileSysPathPart_t) + dn + fn + en + 3;
// alloc memory
if((rp = (cmFileSysPathPart_t*)cmLHeapAllocZ( p->heapH, n )) == NULL )
_cmFileSysError( p, kLHeapAllocErrFsRC, 0, "Unable to allocate the file system path part record for '%s'.",pathStr);
return NULL;
// set the return pointers for ecmh of the parts
rp->dirStr = (const cmChar_t* )(rp + 1);
rp->fnStr = rp->dirStr + dn + 1;
rp->extStr = rp->fnStr + fn + 1;
// if there is a directory part
if( dn>0 )
rp->dirStr = NULL;
if( fn || en )
// Get the trailing word again.
// pathStr must be copied into a buf because basename() may
// is allowed to change the values in its arg.
cp = basename(buf);
if( cp != NULL )
cmChar_t* ep;
if( (ep = strchr(cp,'.')) != NULL )
*ep = 0;
assert( strlen(ep) == en );
assert( strlen(cp) == fn );
if( fn == 0 )
rp->fnStr = NULL;
if( en == 0 )
rp->extStr = NULL;
return rp;
void cmFileSysFreePathParts( cmFileSysH_t h, cmFileSysPathPart_t* pp )
if( pp == NULL )
cmFs_t* p = _cmFileSysHandleToPtr(h);
cmLHeapFree(p->heapH, (void*)pp );
cmChar_t** cmFileSysDirParts( cmFileSysH_t h, const cmChar_t* dirStr )
cmFs_t* p = _cmFileSysHandleToPtr(h);
const cmChar_t* s = dirStr;
const cmChar_t* ep = dirStr + strlen(dirStr);
char pathSep = cmPathSeparatorChar[0];
unsigned n = 2;
unsigned i = 0;
// skip leading white space or pathsep
while( isspace(*s) && s < ep )
// if the directory string is empty
if( s >= ep )
return NULL;
// set the beginning of the input dirStr past any leading white space
dirStr = s;
// count the number of dir segments - this might overcount the
// number of segments if there are multiple repeated path seperator
// char's - but this is ok because 'n' is only used to determine
// the size of the returned array - which will simply have some
// NULL entries at the end.
for(; s < ep; ++s )
if( *s == pathSep )
// allocate the array
cmChar_t** a = cmLhAllocZ(p->heapH,cmChar_t*,n);
// reset the cur location to the begin of the buf
s = dirStr;
// if the path starts at the root
if( *s == pathSep )
a[0] = cmPathSeparatorChar; // cmPathSeparatorChar is a static string in cmGlobal.h
i = 1;
for(; i<n && s<ep; ++i)
const cmChar_t* s1;
if(( s1 = strchr(s,pathSep)) == NULL )
s1 = ep;
if( s1!=s )
unsigned sn = (s1 - s)+1;
a[i] = cmLhAlloc(p->heapH,cmChar_t,sn);
a[i][sn-1] = 0;
s = s1+1;
return a;
void cmFileSysFreeDirParts( cmFileSysH_t h, cmChar_t** dirStrArray )
if( dirStrArray == NULL )
cmFs_t* p = _cmFileSysHandleToPtr(h);
unsigned i;
for(i=0; dirStrArray[i]!=NULL; ++i)
// cmPathSeparatorChar is statically alloc'd in cmGlobal.h
if( dirStrArray[i] != cmPathSeparatorChar )
cmLHeapFree(p->heapH, (void*)dirStrArray );
unsigned cmFileSysDirPartsCount(cmFileSysH_t h, cmChar_t** dirStrArray )
unsigned i = 0;
if( dirStrArray == NULL )
return 0;
while(dirStrArray[i] != NULL )
return i;
cmChar_t* cmFileSysFormDir( cmFileSysH_t h, cmChar_t** a, unsigned m )
cmFs_t* p = _cmFileSysHandleToPtr(h);
unsigned n;
unsigned i;
// determine the length of the return string
for(i=0,n=0; a[i]!=NULL && i<m; ++i)
n += strlen(a[i]) + strlen(cmPathSeparatorChar);
if( i<m && a[i] == NULL )
_cmFileSysError(p,kInvalidDirFsRC,0,"cmFileSysFormDir() cannot form a directory string from %i parts when only %i exist.",m,i);
return NULL;
n += 1;
// allocate the return string
cmChar_t* r = cmLhAllocZ(p->heapH,cmChar_t,n);
const cmChar_t* ep = r + n;
// form the return string
for(i=0; a[i]!=NULL && i<m; ++i)
if( strcmp(a[i],cmPathSeparatorChar)!=0 && a[i+1]!=NULL )
assert( r + strlen(r) <= ep );
return r;
void cmFileSysFreeDir( cmFileSysH_t h, const cmChar_t* dir )
if( dir == NULL )
cmFs_t* p = _cmFileSysHandleToPtr(h);
typedef struct
cmFs_t* p;
unsigned filterFlags;
cmFileSysDirEntry_t* rp;
cmChar_t* dataPtr;
cmChar_t* endPtr;
unsigned entryCnt;
unsigned entryIdx;
unsigned dataByteCnt;
unsigned passIdx;
} cmFileSysDeRecd_t;
cmFsRC_t _cmFileSysDirGetEntries( cmFileSysDeRecd_t* drp, const cmChar_t* dirStr )
cmFsRC_t rc = kOkFsRC;
DIR* dirp = NULL;
struct dirent* dp = NULL;
char curDirPtr[] = "./";
unsigned dn = 0;
if( dirStr == NULL || strlen(dirStr) == 0 )
dirStr = curDirPtr;
if( _cmFileSysIsDir(drp->p,dirStr) == false )
return rc;
unsigned fnCharCnt= strlen(dirStr) + PATH_MAX;
char fn[ fnCharCnt + 1 ];
// copy the directory into fn[] ...
fn[0] =0;
fn[fnCharCnt] = 0;
assert( strlen(fn)+2 < fnCharCnt );
// ... and be sure that it is terminated with a path sep char
if( fn[ strlen(fn)-1 ] != cmPathSeparatorChar[0] )
// file names will be appended to the path at this location
unsigned fni = strlen(fn);
// open the directory
if((dirp = opendir(dirStr)) == NULL)
rc = _cmFileSysError(drp->p,kOpenDirFailFsRC,errno,"Unable to open the directory:'%s'.",dirStr);
goto errLabel;
// get the next directory entry
while((dp = readdir(dirp)) != NULL )
// validate d_name
if( (dp->d_name != NULL) && ((dn = strlen(dp->d_name)) > 0) )
unsigned flags = 0;
// handle cases where d_name begins with '.'
if( dp->d_name[0] == '.' )
if( strcmp(dp->d_name,".") == 0 )
if( cmIsFlag(drp->filterFlags,kCurDirFsFl) == false )
flags |= kCurDirFsFl;
if( strcmp(dp->d_name,"..") == 0 )
if( cmIsFlag(drp->filterFlags,kParentDirFsFl) == false )
flags |= kParentDirFsFl;
if( flags == 0 )
if( cmIsFlag(drp->filterFlags,kInvisibleFsFl) == false )
flags |= kInvisibleFsFl;
fn[fni] = 0;
strncat( fn, dp->d_name, fnCharCnt-fni );
unsigned fnN = strlen(fn);
// if the filename is too long for the buffer
if( fnN > fnCharCnt )
rc = _cmFileSysError(drp->p, kFnTooLongFsRC, errno, "The directory entry:'%s' was too long to be processed.",dp->d_name);
goto errLabel;
// is the entry a file
if( _cmFileSysIsFile(drp->p,fn) )
if( cmIsFlag(drp->filterFlags,kFileFsFl)==false )
flags |= kFileFsFl;
// is the entry a dir
if( _cmFileSysIsDir(drp->p,fn) )
if( cmIsFlag(drp->filterFlags,kDirFsFl) == false)
flags |= kDirFsFl;
if( cmIsFlag(drp->filterFlags,kRecurseFsFl) )
if((rc = _cmFileSysDirGetEntries(drp,fn)) != kOkFsRC )
goto errLabel;
if( _cmFileSysIsLink(drp->p,fn) )
if( cmIsFlag(drp->filterFlags,kLinkFsFl) == false )
flags |= kLinkFsFl;
if( cmIsFlag(drp->filterFlags,kRecurseLinksFsFl) )
if((rc = _cmFileSysDirGetEntries(drp,fn)) != kOkFsRC )
goto errLabel;
//assert(flags != 0);
if( drp->passIdx == 0 )
// add 1 for the name terminating zero
drp->dataByteCnt += sizeof(cmFileSysDirEntry_t) + 1;
if( cmIsFlag(drp->filterFlags,kFullPathFsFl) )
drp->dataByteCnt += fnN;
drp->dataByteCnt += dn;
assert( drp->passIdx == 1 );
assert( drp->entryIdx < drp->entryCnt );
unsigned n = 0;
if( cmIsFlag(drp->filterFlags,kFullPathFsFl) )
n = fnN+1;
assert( drp->dataPtr + n <= drp->endPtr );
n = dn+1;
assert( drp->dataPtr + n <= drp->endPtr );
drp->rp[ drp->entryIdx ].flags = flags;
drp->rp[ drp->entryIdx ].name = drp->dataPtr;
drp->dataPtr += n;
assert( drp->dataPtr <= drp->endPtr);
if( dirp != NULL )
return rc;
cmFileSysDirEntry_t* cmFileSysDirEntries( cmFileSysH_t h, const cmChar_t* dirStr, unsigned filterFlags, unsigned* dirEntryCntPtr )
cmFsRC_t rc = kOkFsRC;
cmFileSysDeRecd_t r;
r.p = _cmFileSysHandleToPtr(h);
r.filterFlags = filterFlags;
assert( dirEntryCntPtr != NULL );
*dirEntryCntPtr = 0;
for(r.passIdx=0; r.passIdx<2; ++r.passIdx)
if((rc = _cmFileSysDirGetEntries( &r, dirStr )) != kOkFsRC )
goto errLabel;
if( r.passIdx == 0 && r.dataByteCnt>0 )
// allocate memory to hold the return values
if(( r.rp = (cmFileSysDirEntry_t *)cmLHeapAllocZ( r.p->heapH, r.dataByteCnt )) == NULL )
rc= _cmFileSysError( r.p, kMemAllocErrFsRC, 0, "Unable to allocate %i bytes of dir entry memory.",r.dataByteCnt);
goto errLabel;
r.dataPtr = (cmChar_t*)(r.rp + r.entryCnt);
r.endPtr = ((cmChar_t*)r.rp) + r.dataByteCnt;
if( rc == kOkFsRC )
assert( r.entryIdx == r.entryCnt );
*dirEntryCntPtr = r.entryCnt;
if( r.rp != NULL )
r.rp = NULL;
return r.rp;
void cmFileSysDirFreeEntries( cmFileSysH_t h, cmFileSysDirEntry_t* dp )
cmFs_t* p = _cmFileSysHandleToPtr(h);
if( dp != NULL )
cmFsRC_t cmFileSysErrorCode( cmFileSysH_t h )
cmFs_t* p = _cmFileSysHandleToPtr(h);
return cmErrLastRC(&p->err);
// Begin global versions
cmFileSysH_t _cmFsH = { NULL };
cmFsRC_t cmFsInitialize( cmCtx_t* ctx, const cmChar_t* appNameStr )
{ return cmFileSysInitialize(&_cmFsH,ctx,appNameStr); }
cmFsRC_t cmFsFinalize()
{ return cmFileSysFinalize(&_cmFsH); }
const cmChar_t* cmFsAppName()
{ return cmFileSysAppName(_cmFsH); }
const cmChar_t* cmFsPrefsDir()
{ return cmFileSysPrefsDir(_cmFsH); }
const cmChar_t* cmFsRsrcDir()
{ return cmFileSysRsrcDir(_cmFsH); }
const cmChar_t* cmFsUserDir()
{ return cmFileSysUserDir(_cmFsH); }
bool cmFsIsDir( const cmChar_t* dirStr )
{ return cmFileSysIsDir(_cmFsH,dirStr); }
bool cmFsIsFile( const cmChar_t* fnStr )
{ return cmFileSysIsFile(_cmFsH,fnStr); }
bool cmFsIsLink( const cmChar_t* fnStr )
{ return cmFileSysIsLink(_cmFsH,fnStr); }
const cmChar_t* cmFsVMakeFn( const cmChar_t* dirPrefix, const cmChar_t* fn, const cmChar_t* ext, va_list vl )
{ return cmFileSysVMakeFn(_cmFsH,dirPrefix,fn,ext,vl); }
const cmChar_t* cmFsMakeFn( const cmChar_t* dirPrefix, const cmChar_t* fn, const cmChar_t* ext, ... )
va_list vl;
const cmChar_t* retPtr = cmFsVMakeFn(dirPrefix,fn,ext,vl);
return retPtr;
void cmFsFreeFn( const cmChar_t* fn )
{ cmFileSysFreeFn(_cmFsH, fn); }
cmFsRC_t cmFsMkDir( const cmChar_t* dir )
{ return cmFileSysMkDir(_cmFsH,dir); }
cmFsRC_t cmFsMkDirAll( const cmChar_t* dir )
{ return cmFileSysMkDirAll(_cmFsH,dir); }
cmFileSysPathPart_t* cmFsPathParts( const cmChar_t* pathNameStr )
{ return cmFileSysPathParts(_cmFsH,pathNameStr); }
void cmFsFreePathParts( cmFileSysPathPart_t* p )
{ cmFileSysFreePathParts(_cmFsH,p); }
cmChar_t** cmFsDirParts( const cmChar_t* dirStr )
{ return cmFileSysDirParts(_cmFsH,dirStr); }
void cmFsFreeDirParts( cmChar_t** dirStrArray )
{ cmFileSysFreeDirParts(_cmFsH,dirStrArray); }
unsigned cmFsDirPartsCount( cmChar_t** dirStrArray )
{ return cmFileSysDirPartsCount(_cmFsH, dirStrArray); }
cmChar_t* cmFsFormDir( cmChar_t** dirStrArray, unsigned n )
{ return cmFileSysFormDir(_cmFsH,dirStrArray,n); }
void cmFsFreeDir( const cmChar_t* dir )
{ cmFileSysFreeDir(_cmFsH,dir); }
cmFileSysDirEntry_t* cmFsDirEntries( const cmChar_t* dirStr, unsigned includeFlags, unsigned* dirEntryCntPtr )
{ return cmFileSysDirEntries(_cmFsH,dirStr,includeFlags,dirEntryCntPtr); }
void cmFsDirFreeEntries( cmFileSysDirEntry_t* p )
{ cmFileSysDirFreeEntries(_cmFsH,p); }
cmFsRC_t cmFsErrorCode()
{ return cmFileSysErrorCode(_cmFsH); }
// end global version
//{ { label:cmFileSysEx }
// cmFileSysTest() function gives usage and testing examples
// for some of the cmFileSys functions.
// Note that the HOME_DIR macro should be set to your true
// $HOME directroy and SRC_DIR should be set to any existing
// and accessible directory.
#if defined(OS_OSX)
#define HOME_DIR "/Users/kevin"
#define HOME_DIR "/home/kevin"
#define SRC_DIR HOME_DIR"/src"
void _cmFileSysTestFnParser(
cmFileSysH_t h,
cmRpt_t* rpt,
const cmChar_t* fn );
cmFsRC_t cmFileSysTest( cmCtx_t* ctx )
// The global heap manager must have been initialized
// via cmMdInitialize() prior to running this function.
cmFsRC_t rc = kOkFsRC;
cmFileSysH_t h = cmFileSysNullHandle;
const char dir0[] = SRC_DIR;
const char dir1[] = HOME_DIR"/blah";
const char file0[] = HOME_DIR"/.emacs";
const char file1[] = HOME_DIR"/blah.txt";
const char not[] = " not ";
const char e[] = " ";
bool fl = false;
const cmChar_t* fn = NULL;
// Initialize the file system.
if((rc = cmFileSysInitialize(&h,ctx,"fs_test")) != kOkFsRC )
return rc;
// Print the standard directories
printf("Prefs Dir:%s\n",cmFsPrefsDir());
printf("Rsrc Dir: %s\n",cmFsRsrcDir());
printf("User Dir: %s\n",cmFsUserDir());
// Run the file system type checker
fl = cmFileSysIsDir(h,dir0);
printf("'%s' is%sa directory.\n",dir0, (fl ? e : not));
fl = cmFileSysIsDir(h,dir1);
printf("'%s' is%sa directory.\n",dir1, (fl ? e : not));
fl = cmFileSysIsFile(h,file0);
printf("'%s' is%sa file.\n",file0, (fl ? e : not));
fl = cmFileSysIsFile(h,file1);
printf("'%s' is%sa file.\n",file1, (fl ? e : not));
// Test the file name creation functions
if((fn = cmFileSysMakeFn(h,HOME_DIR,"cmFileSys",
"c","src","cm","src",NULL)) != NULL)
if((fn = cmFileSysMakeFn(h,HOME_DIR,"cmFileSys",
".c","/src/","/cm/","/src/",NULL)) != NULL )
// Test the file name parsing functions
_cmFileSysTestFnParser(h,&ctx->rpt," ");
// Test the directory tree walking routines.
cmRptPrintf(&ctx->rpt,"Dir Entry Test:\n");
cmFileSysDirEntry_t* dep;
unsigned dirEntCnt;
unsigned filterFlags = kDirFsFl
| kFileFsFl
| kRecurseFsFl
| kFullPathFsFl;
if((dep = cmFileSysDirEntries(h,SRC_DIR"/doc",filterFlags,
&dirEntCnt)) != NULL)
unsigned i;
for(i=0; i<dirEntCnt; ++i)
// Test the directory parsing/building routines.
cmRptPrintf(&ctx->rpt,"Dir Parsing routings:\n");
cmChar_t** a;
unsigned j;
for(j=0; j<2; ++j)
const cmChar_t* dstr = dir0 + j;
if((a = cmFileSysDirParts(h,dstr)) == NULL)
cmRptPrint(&ctx->rpt,"cmFileSysDirParts() failed.\n");
unsigned i;
for(i=0; a[i]!=NULL; ++i)
cmRptPrintf(&ctx->rpt,"%i : %s\n",i,a[i]);
cmChar_t* d;
if((d = cmFileSysFormDir(h,a,
cmFileSysDirPartsCount(h,a))) != NULL )
// Test the extended mkdir routine.
if( cmFileSysMkDirAll(h, HOME_DIR"/temp/doc/doc" )!=kOkFsRC )
cmRptPrint(&ctx->rpt,"cmFileSysMkDirAll() failed.\n");
// finalize the file system
if((rc = cmFileSysFinalize(&h)) != kOkFsRC )
return rc;
cmRptPrintf(&ctx->rpt,"File Test done\n");
return rc;
// Parse a file name and print the results.
// Called by cmFileSysTest().
void _cmFileSysTestFnParser(
cmFileSysH_t h,
cmRpt_t* rpt,
const cmChar_t* fn )
cmFileSysPathPart_t* pp;
cmRptPrintf(rpt,"Fn Parse Test:%s\n",fn);
if((pp = cmFileSysPathParts(h,fn)) != NULL )
if(pp->dirStr != NULL)
if(pp->fnStr != NULL)
if(pp->extStr != NULL )