1077 lines
26 KiB
1077 lines
26 KiB
#include "cmPrefix.h"
#include "cmGlobal.h"
#include "cmRpt.h"
#include "cmErr.h"
#include "cmCtx.h"
#include "cmFile.h"
#include "cmMem.h"
#include "cmMallocDebug.h"
#include "cmLinkedHeap.h"
#include "cmMidi.h"
#include "cmMidiFile.h"
#ifdef cmBIG_ENDIAN
#define mfSwap16(v) (v)
#define mfSwap32(v) (v)
#define mfSwap16(v) cmSwap16(v)
#define mfSwap32(v) cmSwap32(v)
typedef struct
unsigned cnt; // count of track records
cmMidiTrackMsg_t* base; // pointer to first track recd
cmMidiTrackMsg_t* last; // pointer to last track recd
} _cmMidiTrack_t;
typedef struct
cmErr_t err; // this objects error object
cmLHeapH_t lhH; // linked heap used for all dynamically alloc'd data space
cmFileH_t fh; // cmFile handle (only used in fmMidiFileOpen())
unsigned short fmtId; // midi file type id: 0,1,2
unsigned short ticksPerQN; // ticks per quarter note or 0 if smpteFmtId is valid
cmMidiByte_t smpteFmtId; // smpte format or 0 if ticksPerQN is valid
cmMidiByte_t smpteTicksPerFrame; // smpte ticks per frame or 0 if ticksPerQN is valid
unsigned short trkN; // track count
_cmMidiTrack_t* trkV; // track vector
char* fn; // file name or NULL if this object did not originate from a file
unsigned msgN; // count of msg's in msgV[]
cmMidiTrackMsg_t** msgV; // sorted msg list
} _cmMidiFile_t;
#define _cmMidiFileError( err, rc ) _cmMidiFileOnError(err, rc, __LINE__,__FILE__,__FUNCTION__ )
cmMidiFileH_t cmMidiFileNullHandle = cmSTATIC_NULL_HANDLE;
cmMfRC_t _cmMidiFileOnError( cmErr_t* err, cmMfRC_t rc, int line, const char* fn, const char* func )
return cmErrMsg(err,rc,"rc:%i line:%i %s %s\n",rc,line,func,fn);
_cmMidiFile_t* _cmMidiFileHandleToPtr( cmMidiFileH_t h )
_cmMidiFile_t* p = (_cmMidiFile_t*)h.h;
assert( p != NULL );
return p;
void* _cmMidiFileMalloc( _cmMidiFile_t* mfp, unsigned byteN )
{ return cmLHeapAllocZ(mfp->lhH,byteN); }
cmMfRC_t _cmMidiFileRead8( _cmMidiFile_t* mfp, cmMidiByte_t* p )
if( cmFileReadUChar(mfp->fh,p,1) != kOkFileRC )
return _cmMidiFileError(&mfp->err,kSysFreadFailMfRC);
return kOkMfRC;
cmMfRC_t _cmMidiFileRead16( _cmMidiFile_t* mfp, unsigned short* p )
if( cmFileReadUShort(mfp->fh,p,1) != kOkFileRC )
return _cmMidiFileError(&mfp->err,kSysFreadFailMfRC);
*p = mfSwap16(*p);
return kOkMfRC;
cmMfRC_t _cmMidiFileRead24( _cmMidiFile_t* mfp, unsigned* p )
*p = 0;
int i = 0;
for(; i<3; ++i)
unsigned char c;
if( cmFileReadUChar(mfp->fh,&c,1) != kOkFileRC )
return _cmMidiFileError(&mfp->err,kSysFreadFailMfRC);
*p = (*p << 8) + c;
//*p =mfSwap32(*p);
return kOkMfRC;
cmMfRC_t _cmMidiFileRead32( _cmMidiFile_t* mfp, unsigned* p )
if( cmFileReadUInt(mfp->fh,p,1) != kOkFileRC )
return _cmMidiFileError(&mfp->err,kSysFreadFailMfRC);
*p = mfSwap32(*p);
return kOkMfRC;
cmMfRC_t _cmMidiFileReadText( _cmMidiFile_t* mfp, cmMidiTrackMsg_t* tmp, unsigned byteN )
if( byteN == 0 )
return kOkMfRC;
char* t = (char*)_cmMidiFileMalloc(mfp,byteN+1);
t[byteN] = 0;
if( cmFileReadChar(mfp->fh,t,byteN) != kOkFileRC )
return _cmMidiFileError(&mfp->err,kSysFreadFailMfRC);
tmp->u.text = t;
tmp->byteCnt = byteN;
return kOkMfRC;
cmMfRC_t _cmMidiFileReadRecd( _cmMidiFile_t* mfp, cmMidiTrackMsg_t* tmp, unsigned byteN )
char* t = (char*)_cmMidiFileMalloc(mfp,byteN);
if( cmFileReadChar(mfp->fh,t,byteN) != kOkFileRC )
return _cmMidiFileError(&mfp->err,kSysFreadFailMfRC);
tmp->byteCnt = byteN;
tmp->u.voidPtr = t;
return kOkMfRC;
cmMfRC_t _cmMidiFileReadVarLen( _cmMidiFile_t* mfp, unsigned* p )
unsigned char c;
if( cmFileReadUChar(mfp->fh,&c,1) != kOkFileRC )
return _cmMidiFileError(&mfp->err,kSysFreadFailMfRC);
if( !(c & 0x80) )
*p = c;
*p = c & 0x7f;
if( cmFileReadUChar(mfp->fh,&c,1) != kOkFileRC )
return _cmMidiFileError(&mfp->err,kSysFreadFailMfRC);
*p = (*p << 7) + (c & 0x7f);
}while( c & 0x80 );
return kOkMfRC;
cmMfRC_t _cmMidiFileAppendTrackMsg( _cmMidiFile_t* mfp, unsigned short trkIdx, unsigned dtick, cmMidiByte_t status, cmMidiTrackMsg_t** trkMsgPtrPtr )
cmMidiTrackMsg_t* tmp = (cmMidiTrackMsg_t*)_cmMidiFileMalloc(mfp, sizeof(cmMidiTrackMsg_t) );
// link new record onto track record chain
if( mfp->trkV[trkIdx].base == NULL )
mfp->trkV[trkIdx].base = tmp;
mfp->trkV[trkIdx].last->link = tmp;
mfp->trkV[trkIdx].last = tmp;
// set the generic track record fields
tmp->dtick = dtick;
tmp->status = status;
tmp->metaId = kInvalidMetaMdId;
tmp->trkIdx = trkIdx;
tmp->byteCnt = 0;
*trkMsgPtrPtr = tmp;
return kOkMfRC;
cmMfRC_t _cmMidiFileReadSysEx( _cmMidiFile_t* mfp, cmMidiTrackMsg_t* tmp, unsigned byteN )
cmMfRC_t rc = kOkMfRC;
cmMidiByte_t b = 0;
if( byteN == cmInvalidCnt )
long offs;
if( cmFileTell(mfp->fh,&offs) != kOkFileRC )
return _cmMidiFileError(&mfp->err,kSysFtellFailMfRC);
byteN = 0;
// get the length of the sys-ex msg
while( !cmFileEof(mfp->fh) && (b != kSysComEoxMdId) )
if((rc = _cmMidiFileRead8(mfp,&b)) != kOkMfRC )
return rc;
// verify that the EOX byte was found
if( b != kSysComEoxMdId )
return _cmMidiFileError(&mfp->err,kMissingEoxMfRC);
// rewind to the beginning of the msg
if( cmFileSeek(mfp->fh,kBeginFileFl,offs) != kOkFileRC )
return _cmMidiFileError(&mfp->err,kSysFseekFailMfRC);
// allocate memory to hold the sys-ex msg
cmMidiByte_t* mp = (cmMidiByte_t *)_cmMidiFileMalloc(mfp, byteN );
// read the sys-ex msg from the file into msg memory
if( cmFileReadUChar(mfp->fh,mp,byteN) != kOkFileRC )
return _cmMidiFileError(&mfp->err,kSysFreadFailMfRC);
tmp->byteCnt = byteN;
tmp->u.sysExPtr = mp;
return rc;
cmMfRC_t _cmMidiFileReadChannelMsg( _cmMidiFile_t* mfp, cmMidiByte_t* rsPtr, cmMidiByte_t status, cmMidiTrackMsg_t* tmp )
cmMfRC_t rc = kOkMfRC;
cmMidiChMsg_t* p = (cmMidiChMsg_t*)_cmMidiFileMalloc(mfp,sizeof(cmMidiChMsg_t));
unsigned useRsFl = status <= 0x7f;
cmMidiByte_t statusCh = useRsFl ? *rsPtr : status;
if( useRsFl )
p->d0 = status;
*rsPtr = status;
tmp->byteCnt = sizeof(cmMidiChMsg_t);
tmp->status = statusCh & 0xf0;
p->ch = statusCh & 0x0f;
p->durTicks = 0;
unsigned byteN = cmMidiStatusToByteCount(tmp->status);
if( byteN==kInvalidMidiByte || byteN > 2 )
return cmErrMsg(&mfp->err,kInvalidStatusMfRC,"Invalid status:0x%x %i.",tmp->status,tmp->status);
unsigned i;
for(i=useRsFl; i<byteN; ++i)
cmMidiByte_t* b = i==0 ? &p->d0 : &p->d1;
if((rc = _cmMidiFileRead8(mfp,b)) != kOkMfRC )
return rc;
// convert note-on velocity=0 to note off
if( tmp->status == kNoteOnMdId && p->d1==0 )
tmp->status = kNoteOffMdId;
tmp->u.chMsgPtr = p;
return rc;
cmMfRC_t _cmMidiFileReadMetaMsg( _cmMidiFile_t* mfp, cmMidiTrackMsg_t* tmp )
cmMidiByte_t metaId;
cmMfRC_t rc;
unsigned byteN = 0;
if((rc = _cmMidiFileRead8(mfp,&metaId)) != kOkMfRC )
return rc;
if((rc = _cmMidiFileReadVarLen(mfp,&byteN)) != kOkMfRC )
return rc;
//printf("mt: %i 0x%x n:%i\n",metaId,metaId,byteN);
switch( metaId )
case kSeqNumbMdId: rc = _cmMidiFileRead16(mfp,&tmp->u.sVal); break;
case kTextMdId: rc = _cmMidiFileReadText(mfp,tmp,byteN); break;
case kCopyMdId: rc = _cmMidiFileReadText(mfp,tmp,byteN); break;
case kTrkNameMdId: rc = _cmMidiFileReadText(mfp,tmp,byteN); break;
case kInstrNameMdId: rc = _cmMidiFileReadText(mfp,tmp,byteN); break;
case kLyricsMdId: rc = _cmMidiFileReadText(mfp,tmp,byteN); break;
case kMarkerMdId: rc = _cmMidiFileReadText(mfp,tmp,byteN); break;
case kCuePointMdId: rc = _cmMidiFileReadText(mfp,tmp,byteN); break;
case kMidiChMdId: rc = _cmMidiFileRead8(mfp,&tmp->u.bVal); break;
case kEndOfTrkMdId: break;
case kTempoMdId: rc = _cmMidiFileRead24(mfp,&tmp->u.iVal); break;
case kSmpteMdId: rc = _cmMidiFileReadRecd(mfp,tmp,sizeof(cmMidiSmpte_t)); break;
case kTimeSigMdId: rc = _cmMidiFileReadRecd(mfp,tmp,sizeof(cmMidiTimeSig_t)); break;
case kKeySigMdId: rc = _cmMidiFileReadRecd(mfp,tmp,sizeof(cmMidiKeySig_t)); break;
case kSeqSpecMdId: rc = _cmMidiFileReadSysEx(mfp,tmp,byteN); break;
cmErrMsg(&mfp->err,kUnknownMetaIdMfRC,"Unknown meta status:0x%x %i.",metaId,metaId);
rc = _cmMidiFileError(&mfp->err,kUnknownMetaIdMfRC);
tmp->metaId = metaId;
return rc;
cmMfRC_t _cmMidiFileReadTrack( _cmMidiFile_t* mfp, unsigned short trkIdx )
cmMfRC_t rc = kOkMfRC;
unsigned dticks = 0;
cmMidiByte_t status;
cmMidiByte_t runstatus = 0;
bool contFl = true;
while( contFl && (rc==kOkMfRC))
cmMidiTrackMsg_t* tmp = NULL;
// read the tick count
if((rc = _cmMidiFileReadVarLen(mfp,&dticks)) != kOkMfRC )
return rc;
// read the status byte
if((rc = _cmMidiFileRead8(mfp,&status)) != kOkMfRC )
return rc;
//printf("st:%i 0x%x\n",status,status);
// append a track msg
if((rc = _cmMidiFileAppendTrackMsg( mfp, trkIdx, dticks, status, &tmp )) != kOkMfRC )
return rc;
// switch on status
switch( status )
// handle sys-ex msg
case kSysExMdId:
rc = _cmMidiFileReadSysEx(mfp,tmp,cmInvalidCnt);
// handle meta msg
case kMetaStId:
rc = _cmMidiFileReadMetaMsg(mfp,tmp);
// ignore unknown meta messages
if( rc == kUnknownMetaIdMfRC )
rc = kOkMfRC;
contFl = tmp->metaId != kEndOfTrkMdId;
// handle channel msg
rc = _cmMidiFileReadChannelMsg(mfp,&runstatus,status,tmp);
return rc;
cmMfRC_t _cmMidiFileReadHdr( _cmMidiFile_t* mfp )
cmMfRC_t rc;
unsigned fileId;
unsigned chunkByteN;
// read the file id
if((rc = _cmMidiFileRead32(mfp,&fileId)) != kOkMfRC )
return rc;
// verify the file id
if( fileId != 'MThd' )
return _cmMidiFileError(&mfp->err,kNotAMidiFileMfRC);
// read the file chunk byte count
if((rc = _cmMidiFileRead32(mfp,&chunkByteN)) != kOkMfRC )
return rc;
// read the format id
if((rc = _cmMidiFileRead16(mfp,&mfp->fmtId)) != kOkMfRC )
return rc;
// read the track count
if((rc = _cmMidiFileRead16(mfp,&mfp->trkN)) != kOkMfRC )
return rc;
// read the ticks per quarter note
if((rc = _cmMidiFileRead16(mfp,&mfp->ticksPerQN)) != kOkMfRC )
return rc;
// if the division field was given in smpte
if( mfp->ticksPerQN & 0x8000 )
mfp->smpteFmtId = (mfp->ticksPerQN & 0x7f00) >> 8;
mfp->smpteTicksPerFrame = (mfp->ticksPerQN & 0xFF);
mfp->ticksPerQN = 0;
// allocate and zero the track array
if( mfp->trkN )
mfp->trkV = _cmMidiFileMalloc( mfp, sizeof(_cmMidiTrack_t)*mfp->trkN);
return rc;
int _cmMidiFileSortFunc( const void *p0, const void* p1 )
//printf("%i %i\n",(*(cmMidiTrackMsg_t**)p0)->dticks,(*(cmMidiTrackMsg_t**)p1)->dticks);
if( (*(cmMidiTrackMsg_t**)p0)->dtick == (*(cmMidiTrackMsg_t**)p1)->dtick )
return 0;
return (*(cmMidiTrackMsg_t**)p0)->dtick < (*(cmMidiTrackMsg_t**)p1)->dtick ? -1 : 1;
cmMfRC_t _cmMidiFileClose( _cmMidiFile_t* mfp )
cmMfRC_t rc = kOkMfRC;
if( mfp == NULL )
return rc;
if( cmFileIsValid( mfp->fh ) )
if( cmFileClose( &mfp->fh ) != kOkFileRC )
rc = _cmMidiFileError(&mfp->err,kSysFcloseFailMfRC);
if( cmLHeapIsValid( mfp->lhH ) )
return rc;
cmMfRC_t cmMidiFileOpen( const char* fn, cmMidiFileH_t* hPtr, cmCtx_t* ctx )
cmMfRC_t rc = kOkMfRC;
_cmMidiFile_t* mfp = NULL;
unsigned short trkIdx = 0;
cmErr_t err;
cmErrSetup(&err,&ctx->rpt,"MIDI File");
// allocate the midi file object
if(( mfp = cmMemAllocZ( _cmMidiFile_t, 1)) == NULL )
return rc = _cmMidiFileError(&err,kMemAllocFailMfRC);
// allocate the linked heap
if( cmLHeapIsValid( mfp->lhH = cmLHeapCreate( 1024, ctx )) == false )
rc = _cmMidiFileError(&err,kMemAllocFailMfRC);
goto errLabel;
// open the file
if(cmFileOpen(&mfp->fh,fn,kReadFileFl | kBinaryFileFl,mfp->err.rpt) != kOkFileRC )
rc = _cmMidiFileError(&mfp->err,kSysFopenFailMfRC);
goto errLabel;
// read header and setup track array
if(( rc = _cmMidiFileReadHdr(mfp)) != kOkMfRC )
goto errLabel;
while( !cmFileEof(mfp->fh) && trkIdx < mfp->trkN )
unsigned chkId=0,chkN=0;
// read the chunk id
if((rc = _cmMidiFileRead32(mfp,&chkId)) != kOkMfRC )
goto errLabel;
// read the chunk size
if((rc = _cmMidiFileRead32(mfp,&chkN)) != kOkMfRC )
goto errLabel;
// if this is not a trk chunk then skip it
if( chkId != (unsigned)'MTrk')
//if( fseek( mfp->fp, chkN, SEEK_CUR) != 0 )
if( cmFileSeek(mfp->fh,kCurFileFl,chkN) != kOkFileRC )
rc = _cmMidiFileError(&mfp->err,kSysFseekFailMfRC);
goto errLabel;
if((rc = _cmMidiFileReadTrack(mfp,trkIdx)) != kOkMfRC )
goto errLabel;
// get the total trk msg count
mfp->msgN = 0;
for(trkIdx=0; trkIdx<mfp->trkN; ++trkIdx)
mfp->msgN += mfp->trkV[ trkIdx ].cnt;
// allocate the trk msg index vector: msgV[]
mfp->msgV = cmMemAllocZ(cmMidiTrackMsg_t*, mfp->msgN);
// store a pointer to every trk msg in msgV[]
// and convert tick to absolute tick
unsigned i = 0;
for(trkIdx=0; trkIdx<mfp->trkN; ++trkIdx)
unsigned tick = 0;
cmMidiTrackMsg_t* tmp = mfp->trkV[ trkIdx ].base;
while( tmp != NULL )
assert( i < mfp->msgN);
tick += tmp->dtick; // convert delta-ticks to absolute ticks
tmp->dtick = tick;
mfp->msgV[i] = tmp;
tmp = tmp->link;
// sort msgV[] in ascending order on dtick
qsort( mfp->msgV, mfp->msgN, sizeof(cmMidiTrackMsg_t*), _cmMidiFileSortFunc );
//for(i=0; i<25; ++i)
// printf("%i 0x%x 0x%x\n",mfp->msgV[i]->tick,mfp->msgV[i]->status,mfp->msgV[i]->metaId);
mfp->fn = _cmMidiFileMalloc(mfp,strlen(fn)+1);
assert( mfp->fn != NULL );
// calculate the total duration of the MIDI file and convert absolute ticks back to delta ticks
unsigned mi;
unsigned prvTick = 0;
for(mi=0; mi<mfp->msgN; ++mi)
cmMidiTrackMsg_t* mp = mfp->msgV[mi];
// convert absolute ticks back to delta ticks
unsigned dtick = mp->dtick - prvTick;
prvTick = mp->dtick;
mp->dtick = dtick;
hPtr->h = mfp;
if( cmFileClose(&mfp->fh) != kOkFileRC )
rc = _cmMidiFileError(&mfp->err,kCloseFailFileRC);
if( rc != kOkMfRC )
return rc;
cmMfRC_t cmMidiFileClose( cmMidiFileH_t* h )
cmMfRC_t rc;
if( cmMidiFileIsNull(*h) )
return kOkMfRC;
if((rc = _cmMidiFileClose(_cmMidiFileHandleToPtr(*h))) == kOkMfRC )
return rc;
h->h = NULL;
return rc;
unsigned cmMidiFileTrackCount( cmMidiFileH_t h )
_cmMidiFile_t* mfp;
if((mfp = _cmMidiFileHandleToPtr(h)) == NULL )
return cmInvalidCnt;
return mfp->trkN;
unsigned cmMidiFileType( cmMidiFileH_t h )
_cmMidiFile_t* mfp;
if((mfp = _cmMidiFileHandleToPtr(h)) == NULL )
return cmInvalidId;
return mfp->fmtId;
const char* cmMidiFileName( cmMidiFileH_t h )
_cmMidiFile_t* mfp;
if((mfp = _cmMidiFileHandleToPtr(h)) == NULL )
return NULL;
return mfp->fn;
unsigned cmMidiFileTicksPerQN( cmMidiFileH_t h )
_cmMidiFile_t* mfp;
if((mfp = _cmMidiFileHandleToPtr(h)) == NULL )
return cmInvalidCnt;
return mfp->ticksPerQN;
cmMidiByte_t cmMidiFileTicksPerSmpteFrame( cmMidiFileH_t h )
_cmMidiFile_t* mfp;
if((mfp = _cmMidiFileHandleToPtr(h)) == NULL )
return kInvalidMidiByte;
if( mfp->ticksPerQN != 0 )
return 0;
return mfp->smpteTicksPerFrame;
cmMidiByte_t cmMidiFileSmpteFormatId( cmMidiFileH_t h )
_cmMidiFile_t* mfp;
if((mfp = _cmMidiFileHandleToPtr(h)) == NULL )
return kInvalidMidiByte;
if( mfp->ticksPerQN != 0 )
return 0;
return mfp->smpteFmtId;
unsigned cmMidiFileTrackMsgCount( cmMidiFileH_t h, unsigned trackIdx )
_cmMidiFile_t* mfp;
if((mfp = _cmMidiFileHandleToPtr(h)) == NULL )
return cmInvalidCnt;
return mfp->trkV[trackIdx].cnt;
const cmMidiTrackMsg_t* cmMidiFileTrackMsg( cmMidiFileH_t h, unsigned trackIdx )
_cmMidiFile_t* mfp;
if((mfp = _cmMidiFileHandleToPtr(h)) == NULL )
return NULL;
return mfp->trkV[trackIdx].base;
unsigned cmMidiFileMsgCount( cmMidiFileH_t h )
_cmMidiFile_t* mfp;
if((mfp = _cmMidiFileHandleToPtr(h)) == NULL )
return cmInvalidCnt;
return mfp->msgN;
const cmMidiTrackMsg_t** cmMidiFileMsgArray( cmMidiFileH_t h )
_cmMidiFile_t* mfp;
if((mfp = _cmMidiFileHandleToPtr(h)) == NULL )
return NULL;
// this cast is needed to eliminate an apparently needless 'incompatible type' warning
return (const cmMidiTrackMsg_t**)mfp->msgV;
unsigned cmMidiFileSeekUsecs( cmMidiFileH_t h, unsigned offsUSecs, unsigned* msgUsecsPtr, unsigned* microsPerTickPtr )
_cmMidiFile_t* p;
if((p = _cmMidiFileHandleToPtr(h)) == NULL )
return cmInvalidIdx;
if( p->msgN == 0 )
return cmInvalidIdx;
unsigned mi;
unsigned microsPerQN = 60000000/120;
unsigned microsPerTick = microsPerQN / p->ticksPerQN;
unsigned accUSecs = 0;
for(mi=0; mi<p->msgN; ++mi)
const cmMidiTrackMsg_t* mp = p->msgV[mi];
if( mp->status == kMetaStId && mp->metaId == kTempoMdId )
microsPerTick = mp->u.iVal / p->ticksPerQN;
accUSecs += mp->dtick * microsPerTick ;
if( accUSecs >= offsUSecs )
if( mi == p->msgN )
return cmInvalidIdx;
if( msgUsecsPtr != NULL )
*msgUsecsPtr = accUSecs - offsUSecs;
if( microsPerTickPtr != NULL )
*microsPerTickPtr = microsPerTick;
return mi;
double cmMidiFileDurSecs( cmMidiFileH_t h )
_cmMidiFile_t* mfp = _cmMidiFileHandleToPtr(h);
unsigned mi;
double durSecs = 0;
unsigned microsPerQN = 60000000/120;
unsigned microsPerTick = microsPerQN / mfp->ticksPerQN;
for(mi=0; mi<mfp->msgN; ++mi)
cmMidiTrackMsg_t* mp = mfp->msgV[mi];
if( mp->status == kMetaStId && mp->metaId == kTempoMdId )
microsPerTick = mp->u.iVal / mfp->ticksPerQN;
// update the accumulated seconds
durSecs += (mp->dtick * microsPerTick) / 1000000.0;
return durSecs;
void cmMidiFileTickToMicros( cmMidiFileH_t h )
_cmMidiFile_t* p;
if((p = _cmMidiFileHandleToPtr(h)) == NULL )
if( p->msgN == 0 )
unsigned mi;
unsigned microsPerQN = 60000000/120; // default tempo
unsigned microsPerTick = microsPerQN / p->ticksPerQN;
for(mi=0; mi<p->msgN; ++mi)
cmMidiTrackMsg_t* mp = p->msgV[mi];
if( mp->status == kMetaStId && mp->metaId == kTempoMdId )
microsPerTick = mp->u.iVal / p->ticksPerQN;
mp->dtick *= microsPerTick;
void cmMidiFileTickToSamples( cmMidiFileH_t h, double srate, bool absFl )
_cmMidiFile_t* p;
unsigned mi;
//bool fl = true;
if((p = _cmMidiFileHandleToPtr(h)) == NULL )
unsigned absSmp = 0;
for(mi=0; mi<p->msgN; ++mi)
cmMidiTrackMsg_t* mp = p->msgV[mi];
unsigned delta = floor((mp->dtick*srate)/1000000.0);
mp->dtick = absFl ? absSmp : delta;
absSmp += delta;
typedef struct _cmMidiVoice_str
const cmMidiTrackMsg_t* mp;
unsigned durTicks;
bool sustainFl;
struct _cmMidiVoice_str* link;
} _cmMidiVoice_t;
void _cmMidFileCalcNoteDurationReleaseNote( _cmMidiVoice_t** listPtrPtr, _cmMidiVoice_t* pp, _cmMidiVoice_t* vp )
// store the duration of the note into the track msg
// assoc'd with the note-on msg
cmMidiChMsg_t* cmp = (cmMidiChMsg_t*)vp->mp->u.chMsgPtr; // cast away const
cmp->durTicks = vp->durTicks;
// unlink the active voice msg
if( pp == NULL )
*listPtrPtr = vp->link;
pp->link = vp->link;
// release the voice msg
void cmMidiFileCalcNoteDurations( cmMidiFileH_t h )
_cmMidiFile_t* p;
if((p = _cmMidiFileHandleToPtr(h)) == NULL )
if( p->msgN == 0 )
unsigned mi;
_cmMidiVoice_t* list = NULL;
_cmMidiVoice_t* vp;
bool sustainFlagV[ kMidiChCnt ];
for(mi=0; mi<kMidiChCnt; ++mi)
for(mi=0; mi<p->msgN; ++mi)
cmMidiTrackMsg_t* mp = p->msgV[mi];
// update the duration of the sounding notes
//int ii=0;
//printf("---- %i ------\n",mi);
for(vp = list; vp!=NULL; vp=vp->link)
vp->durTicks += mp->dtick;
//printf("%i %i %p %p\n",ii,vp->sustainFl,vp,vp->link);
// If this is sustain pedal msg
if( mp->status==kCtlMdId && mp->u.chMsgPtr->d0 == kSustainCtlMdId )
assert( mp->u.chMsgPtr->ch < kMidiChCnt );
// set the state of the sustain pedal flags
sustainFlagV[mp->u.chMsgPtr->ch] = mp->u.chMsgPtr->d1 >= 64;
// if the pedal went up ...
if( sustainFlagV[mp->u.chMsgPtr->ch] == false )
// ... then release sustaining notes
_cmMidiVoice_t* pp = NULL;
for(vp=list; vp != NULL; )
_cmMidiVoice_t* np = vp->link;
if( vp->sustainFl && (vp->mp->u.chMsgPtr->ch == mp->u.chMsgPtr->ch) )
pp = vp;
vp = np;
// if this is a note-on msg
if( mp->status==kNoteOnMdId && mp->u.chMsgPtr->d1>0 )
vp = cmMemAllocZ(_cmMidiVoice_t,1);
vp->mp = mp;
vp->sustainFl = false;
vp->link = list;
list = vp;
// if this is a note-off msg
if( (mp->status==kNoteOnMdId && mp->u.chMsgPtr->d1==0) || (mp->status==kNoteOffMdId) )
_cmMidiVoice_t* pp = NULL;
// for each active voice
for(vp=list; vp!=NULL; vp=vp->link )
// if this active voice ch/pitch matches the note-off msg ch pitch
if( (vp->mp->u.chMsgPtr->d0==mp->u.chMsgPtr->d0) && (vp->mp->u.chMsgPtr->ch==mp->u.chMsgPtr->ch) )
assert( mp->u.chMsgPtr->ch < kMidiChCnt );
if( sustainFlagV[mp->u.chMsgPtr->ch] )
vp->sustainFl = true;
pp = vp;
} // end while
} // end if
} // end-for
// check for hung notes
_cmMidiVoice_t* np = NULL;
vp = list;
while( vp != NULL )
np = vp->link;
cmErrMsg(&p->err,kMissingNoteOffMfRC,"Missing note-off for note-on:%s",cmMidiToSciPitch(vp->mp->u.chMsgPtr->d0,NULL,0));
vp = np;
void cmMidiFileSetDelay( cmMidiFileH_t h, unsigned ticks )
_cmMidiFile_t* p;
unsigned mi;
if((p = _cmMidiFileHandleToPtr(h)) == NULL )
if( p->msgN == 0 )
for(mi=0; mi<p->msgN; ++mi)
cmMidiTrackMsg_t* mp = p->msgV[mi];
// locate the first msg which has a non-zero delta tick
if( mp->dtick > 0 )
mp->dtick = ticks;
unsigned cmMidiFilePackTrackMsgBufByteCount( const cmMidiTrackMsg_t* m )
{ return sizeof(cmMidiTrackMsg_t) + m->byteCnt; }
cmMidiTrackMsg_t* cmMidiFilePackTrackMsg( const cmMidiTrackMsg_t* m, void* buf, unsigned bufByteCnt )
unsigned n = sizeof(cmMidiTrackMsg_t) + m->byteCnt;
if( n < bufByteCnt )
return NULL;
// copy the cmMidiTrackMsg_t into the buffer
memcpy(buf, m, sizeof(cmMidiTrackMsg_t));
if( m->byteCnt > 0 )
// copy any linked data into the buffer
memcpy(buf + sizeof(cmMidiTrackMsg_t), m->u.voidPtr, m->byteCnt );
// fixup the linked data ptr
cmMidiTrackMsg_t* mp = (cmMidiTrackMsg_t*)buf;
mp->u.voidPtr = buf + sizeof(cmMidiTrackMsg_t);
return (cmMidiTrackMsg_t*)buf;
void cmMidiFilePrint( cmMidiFileH_t h, unsigned trkIdx, cmRpt_t* rpt )
const _cmMidiFile_t* mfp = _cmMidiFileHandleToPtr(h);
if( mfp->fn != NULL )
cmRptPrintf(rpt,"%s ",mfp->fn);
cmRptPrintf(rpt,"fmt:%i ticksPerQN:%i tracks:%i\n",mfp->fmtId,mfp->ticksPerQN,mfp->trkN);
int i = trkIdx == cmInvalidIdx ? 0 : trkIdx;
int n = trkIdx == cmInvalidIdx ? mfp->trkN : trkIdx+1;
for(; i<n; ++i)
cmMidiTrackMsg_t* tmp = mfp->trkV[i].base;
while( tmp != NULL )
cmRptPrintf(rpt,"%5i ", tmp->dtick );
if( tmp->status == kMetaStId )
cmRptPrintf(rpt,"%s ", cmMidiMetaStatusToLabel(tmp->metaId));
cmRptPrintf(rpt,"%4s %3i %3i %3i", cmMidiStatusToLabel(tmp->status),tmp->u.chMsgPtr->ch,tmp->u.chMsgPtr->d0,tmp->u.chMsgPtr->d1);
tmp = tmp->link;
bool cmMidiFileIsNull( cmMidiFileH_t h )
{ return (_cmMidiFile_t*)h.h == NULL; }
void cmMidiFileTestPrint( void* printDataPtr, const char* fmt, va_list vl )
{ vprintf(fmt,vl); }
void cmMidiFileTest( const char* fn, cmCtx_t* ctx )
cmMfRC_t rc;
cmMidiFileH_t h;
if((rc = cmMidiFileOpen(fn,&h,ctx)) != kOkMfRC )
printf("Error:%i Unable to open the cmMidi file: %s\n",rc,fn);