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cmUdpPort.c 15KB

  1. #include "cmPrefix.h"
  2. #include "cmGlobal.h"
  3. #include "cmRpt.h"
  4. #include "cmErr.h"
  5. #include "cmCtx.h"
  6. #include "cmMem.h"
  7. #include "cmMallocDebug.h"
  8. #include "cmThread.h"
  9. #include <sys/socket.h>
  10. #include <netinet/in.h>
  11. #include <arpa/inet.h>
  12. #include <fcntl.h>
  13. #include <unistd.h> // close
  14. #include "cmUdpPort.h"
  15. #define cmUdp_SYS_ERR (-1)
  16. #define cmUdp_NULL_SOCK (-1)
  17. enum
  18. {
  19. kIsConnectedUdpFl = 0x01,
  20. kIsBlockingUdpFl = 0x02,
  21. kQueueingUdpFl = 0x04
  22. };
  23. typedef struct
  24. {
  25. cmErr_t err;
  26. int sockH;
  27. cmUdpCallback_t cbFunc;
  28. void* cbArg;
  29. unsigned timeOutMs;
  30. unsigned flags;
  31. cmThreadH_t thH;
  32. cmTs1p1cH_t qH;
  33. unsigned recvBufByteCnt;
  34. char* tempBuf;
  35. unsigned timeOutCnt;
  36. unsigned recvCnt;
  37. unsigned queCbCnt;
  38. unsigned errCnt;
  39. cmChar_t ntopBuf[ INET_ADDRSTRLEN+1 ]; // use INET6_ADDRSTRLEN for IPv6
  40. } cmUdp_t;
  41. cmUdpH_t cmUdpNullHandle = cmSTATIC_NULL_HANDLE;
  42. #define _cmUdpClear_errno() errno = 0
  43. cmUdp_t* _cmUdpHandleToPtr( cmUdpH_t h )
  44. {
  45. cmUdp_t* p = (cmUdp_t*)h.h;
  46. assert(p != NULL);
  47. return p;
  48. }
  49. cmUdpRC_t _cmUdpFinal( cmUdp_t* p )
  50. {
  51. cmUdpRC_t rc = kOkUdpRC;
  52. if( cmThreadIsValid(p->thH) )
  53. if( cmThreadDestroy(&p->thH) != kOkThRC )
  54. return cmErrMsg(&p->err,kThreadFailUdpRC,"Listener thread destroy failed.");
  55. if( cmTs1p1cIsValid(p->qH) )
  56. if( cmTs1p1cDestroy(&p->qH) != kOkThRC )
  57. cmErrMsg(&p->err,kQueueFailUdpRC,"Receive data queue destroy failed.");
  58. cmMemPtrFree(&p->tempBuf);
  59. // close the socket
  60. if( p->sockH != cmUdp_NULL_SOCK )
  61. {
  62. _cmUdpClear_errno();
  63. if( close(p->sockH) != 0 )
  64. cmErrSysMsg(&p->err,kSockCloseFailUdpRC,errno,"The socket close failed." );
  65. p->sockH = cmUdp_NULL_SOCK;
  66. }
  67. return rc;
  68. }
  69. cmUdpRC_t _cmUdpFree( cmUdp_t* p )
  70. {
  71. cmUdpRC_t rc;
  72. if((rc = _cmUdpFinal(p)) != kOkUdpRC )
  73. return rc;
  74. cmMemFree(p);
  75. return rc;
  76. }
  77. cmUdpRC_t _cmUdpInitAddr( cmUdp_t* p, const char* addrStr, cmUdpPort_t portNumber, struct sockaddr_in* retAddrPtr )
  78. {
  79. memset(retAddrPtr,0,sizeof(struct sockaddr_in));
  80. if( addrStr == NULL )
  81. retAddrPtr->sin_addr.s_addr = htonl(INADDR_ANY);
  82. else
  83. {
  84. _cmUdpClear_errno();
  85. if(inet_pton(AF_INET,addrStr,&retAddrPtr->sin_addr) == 0 )
  86. //if(( retAddrPtr->sin_addr.s_addr = inet_addr(addrStr)) == INADDR_NONE )
  87. return cmErrSysMsg(&p->err,kPtoNFailUdpRC,errno, "The network address string '%s' could not be converted to a netword address structure.",cmStringNullGuard(addrStr) );
  88. }
  89. //retAddrPtr->sin_len = sizeof(struct sockaddr_in);
  90. retAddrPtr->sin_family = AF_INET;
  91. retAddrPtr->sin_port = htons(portNumber);
  92. return kOkUdpRC;
  93. }
  94. cmUdpRC_t _cmUdpConnect( cmUdp_t* p, const char* remoteAddr, cmUdpPort_t remotePort )
  95. {
  96. struct sockaddr_in addr;
  97. cmUdpRC_t rc;
  98. // create the remote address
  99. if((rc = _cmUdpInitAddr(p, remoteAddr, remotePort, &addr )) != kOkUdpRC )
  100. return rc;
  101. _cmUdpClear_errno();
  102. // ... and connect this socket to the remote address/port
  103. if( connect(p->sockH, (struct sockaddr*)&addr, sizeof(addr)) == cmUdp_SYS_ERR )
  104. return cmErrSysMsg(&p->err,kSockConnectFailUdpRC, errno, "Socket connect failed." );
  105. p->flags = cmSetFlag(p->flags,kIsConnectedUdpFl);
  106. return rc;
  107. }
  108. cmUdpRC_t cmUdpAlloc( cmCtx_t* ctx, cmUdpH_t* hp )
  109. {
  110. cmUdpRC_t rc;
  111. if((rc = cmUdpFree(hp)) != kOkUdpRC )
  112. return rc;
  113. cmUdp_t* p = cmMemAllocZ(cmUdp_t,1);
  114. cmErrSetup(&p->err,&ctx->rpt,"UDP Port");
  115. p->sockH = cmUdp_NULL_SOCK;
  116. hp->h = p;
  117. return rc;
  118. }
  119. cmUdpRC_t cmUdpFree( cmUdpH_t* hp )
  120. {
  121. cmUdpRC_t rc = kOkUdpRC;
  122. if( hp == NULL || cmUdpIsValid(*hp)==false)
  123. return rc;
  124. cmUdp_t* p = _cmUdpHandleToPtr(*hp);
  125. if((rc = _cmUdpFree(p)) != kOkUdpRC )
  126. return rc;
  127. hp->h = NULL;
  128. return rc;
  129. }
  130. cmUdpRC_t cmUdpInit(
  131. cmUdpH_t h,
  132. cmUdpPort_t port,
  133. unsigned flags,
  134. cmUdpCallback_t cbFunc,
  135. void* cbArg,
  136. const char* remoteAddr,
  137. cmUdpPort_t remotePort,
  138. unsigned recvBufByteCnt,
  139. unsigned timeOutMs )
  140. {
  141. cmUdpRC_t rc;
  142. struct sockaddr_in addr;
  143. cmUdp_t* p = _cmUdpHandleToPtr(h);
  144. if((rc = _cmUdpFinal(p)) != kOkUdpRC )
  145. return rc;
  146. _cmUdpClear_errno();
  147. // get a handle to the socket
  148. if(( p->sockH = socket( AF_INET, SOCK_DGRAM, IPPROTO_UDP ) ) == cmUdp_SYS_ERR )
  149. return cmErrSysMsg(&p->err, kSockCreateFailUdpRC, errno, "Socket create failed." );
  150. // create the local address
  151. if((rc = _cmUdpInitAddr(p, NULL, port, &addr )) != kOkUdpRC )
  152. goto errLabel;
  153. // bind the socket to a local address/port
  154. if( (bind( p->sockH, (struct sockaddr*)&addr, sizeof(addr))) == cmUdp_SYS_ERR )
  155. {
  156. rc = cmErrSysMsg(&p->err,kSockBindFailUdpRC,errno,"Socket bind failed." );
  157. goto errLabel;
  158. }
  159. // if a remote addr was given connect this socket to it
  160. if( remoteAddr != NULL )
  161. if((rc = _cmUdpConnect(p,remoteAddr,remotePort)) != kOkUdpRC )
  162. goto errLabel;
  163. // if this socket should block
  164. if( cmIsFlag(flags,kBlockingUdpFl) )
  165. {
  166. struct timeval timeOut;
  167. // set the socket time out
  168. timeOut.tv_sec = timeOutMs/1000;
  169. timeOut.tv_usec = (timeOutMs - (timeOut.tv_sec * 1000)) * 1000;
  170. if( setsockopt( p->sockH, SOL_SOCKET, SO_RCVTIMEO, &timeOut, sizeof(timeOut) ) == cmUdp_SYS_ERR )
  171. {
  172. rc = cmErrSysMsg(&p->err,kSockOptSetFailUdpRC,errno, "Attempt to set the socket timeout failed." );
  173. goto errLabel;
  174. }
  175. p->flags = cmSetFlag(p->flags,kIsBlockingUdpFl);
  176. }
  177. else
  178. {
  179. int opts;
  180. // get the socket options flags
  181. if( (opts = fcntl(p->sockH,F_GETFL)) < 0 )
  182. {
  183. rc = cmErrSysMsg(&p->err,kSockOptSetFailUdpRC,errno, "Attempt to get the socket options flags failed." );
  184. goto errLabel;
  185. }
  186. opts = (opts | O_NONBLOCK);
  187. // set the socket options flags
  188. if(fcntl(p->sockH,F_SETFL,opts) < 0)
  189. {
  190. rc = cmErrSysMsg(&p->err,kSockOptSetFailUdpRC,errno, "Attempt to set the socket to non-blocking failed." );
  191. goto errLabel;
  192. }
  193. }
  194. if( recvBufByteCnt != 0 )
  195. p->tempBuf = cmMemAlloc(char,recvBufByteCnt );
  196. p->timeOutMs = timeOutMs;
  197. p->cbFunc = cbFunc;
  198. p->cbArg = cbArg;
  199. p->recvBufByteCnt = recvBufByteCnt;
  200. p->timeOutCnt = 0;
  201. p->recvCnt = 0;
  202. p->queCbCnt = 0;
  203. p->errCnt = 0;
  204. if( cmIsFlag(flags,kNoQueueUdpFl) == false )
  205. p->flags = cmSetFlag(p->flags,kQueueingUdpFl);
  206. errLabel:
  207. if( rc != kOkUdpRC )
  208. _cmUdpFree(p);
  209. return rc;
  210. }
  211. cmUdpRC_t cmUdpFinal( cmUdpH_t h )
  212. {
  213. cmUdp_t* p = _cmUdpHandleToPtr(h);
  214. return _cmUdpFinal(p);
  215. }
  216. bool cmUdpIsValid( cmUdpH_t h )
  217. { return h.h != NULL; }
  218. cmUdpRC_t cmUdpConnect( cmUdpH_t h, const char* remoteAddr, cmUdpPort_t remotePort )
  219. {
  220. cmUdp_t* p = _cmUdpHandleToPtr(h);
  221. return _cmUdpConnect(p,remoteAddr,remotePort);
  222. }
  223. cmUdpRC_t cmUdpSend( cmUdpH_t h, const char* data, unsigned dataByteCnt )
  224. {
  225. cmUdp_t* p = _cmUdpHandleToPtr(h);
  226. _cmUdpClear_errno();
  227. if( cmIsFlag(p->flags,kIsConnectedUdpFl) == false )
  228. return cmErrMsg(&p->err,kNotConnectedUdpRC,"cmUdpSend() only works with connected sockets.");
  229. if( send( p->sockH, data, dataByteCnt, 0 ) == cmUdp_SYS_ERR )
  230. return cmErrSysMsg(&p->err,kSockSendFailUdpRC,errno,"Send failed.");
  231. return kOkUdpRC;
  232. }
  233. cmUdpRC_t cmUdpSendTo( cmUdpH_t h, const char* data, unsigned dataByteCnt, const struct sockaddr_in* remoteAddr )
  234. {
  235. cmUdp_t* p = _cmUdpHandleToPtr(h);
  236. _cmUdpClear_errno();
  237. if( sendto(p->sockH, data, dataByteCnt, 0, (struct sockaddr*)remoteAddr, sizeof(*remoteAddr)) == cmUdp_SYS_ERR )
  238. return cmErrSysMsg(&p->err,kSockSendFailUdpRC,errno,"SendTo failed.");
  239. return kOkUdpRC;
  240. }
  241. cmUdpRC_t cmUdpSend2( cmUdpH_t h, const char* data, unsigned dataByteCnt, const char* remoteAddr, cmUdpPort_t remotePort )
  242. {
  243. cmUdpRC_t rc;
  244. cmUdp_t* p = _cmUdpHandleToPtr(h);
  245. struct sockaddr_in addr;
  246. if((rc = _cmUdpInitAddr(p,remoteAddr,remotePort,&addr)) != kOkUdpRC )
  247. return rc;
  248. return cmUdpSendTo( h, data, dataByteCnt, &addr );
  249. }
  250. cmUdpRC_t cmUdpRecv( cmUdpH_t h, char* data, unsigned dataByteCnt, struct sockaddr_in* fromAddr, unsigned* recvByteCntPtr )
  251. {
  252. cmUdp_t* p = _cmUdpHandleToPtr(h);
  253. cmUdpRC_t rc = kOkUdpRC;
  254. ssize_t retVal = 0;
  255. socklen_t sizeOfRemoteAddr = fromAddr==NULL ? 0 : sizeof(struct sockaddr_in);
  256. _cmUdpClear_errno();
  257. if( recvByteCntPtr != NULL )
  258. *recvByteCntPtr = 0;
  259. if((retVal = recvfrom(p->sockH, data, dataByteCnt, 0, (struct sockaddr*)fromAddr, &sizeOfRemoteAddr )) == cmUdp_SYS_ERR )
  260. return cmErrSysMsg(&p->err,kSockRecvFailUdpRC,errno,"recvFrom() failed.");
  261. if( recvByteCntPtr != NULL )
  262. *recvByteCntPtr = retVal;
  263. return rc;
  264. }
  265. bool _cmUdpThreadCb(void* param)
  266. {
  267. cmUdp_t* p = (cmUdp_t*)param;
  268. fd_set rdSet;
  269. struct timeval timeOut;
  270. // setup the select() call
  271. FD_ZERO(&rdSet);
  272. FD_SET(p->sockH, &rdSet );
  273. timeOut.tv_sec = p->timeOutMs/1000;
  274. timeOut.tv_usec = (p->timeOutMs - (timeOut.tv_sec * 1000)) * 1000;
  275. // NOTE; select() takes the highest socket value plus one of all the sockets in all the sets.
  276. switch( select(p->sockH+1,&rdSet,NULL,NULL,&timeOut) )
  277. {
  278. case -1: // error
  279. if( errno != EINTR )
  280. cmErrSysMsg(&p->err,kSockSelectFailUdpRC,errno,"Select failed.");
  281. ++p->errCnt;
  282. break;
  283. case 0: // select() timed out
  284. ++p->timeOutCnt;
  285. break;
  286. case 1: // (> 0) count of ready descripters
  287. if( FD_ISSET(p->sockH,&rdSet) )
  288. {
  289. struct sockaddr_in remoteAddr;
  290. socklen_t addrByteCnt = sizeof(remoteAddr);
  291. ssize_t retByteCnt;
  292. _cmUdpClear_errno();
  293. ++p->recvCnt;
  294. // recv the incoming msg into p->tempBuf[]
  295. if(( retByteCnt = recvfrom( p->sockH, p->tempBuf, p->recvBufByteCnt, 0, (struct sockaddr*)&remoteAddr, &addrByteCnt )) == cmUdp_SYS_ERR )
  296. cmErrSysMsg(&p->err,kSockRecvFailUdpRC,errno,"recvfrom() failed.");
  297. else
  298. {
  299. // check for overflow
  300. if( retByteCnt == p->recvBufByteCnt )
  301. cmErrMsg(&p->err,kRecvBufOverflowUdpRC,"The receive buffer requires more than %i bytes.",p->recvBufByteCnt);
  302. else
  303. {
  304. // if queueing is enabled
  305. if( cmIsFlag(p->flags,kQueueingUdpFl ) )
  306. {
  307. // enqueue the msg - with the source address appended after the data
  308. const void* msgPtrArray[] = { p->tempBuf, &remoteAddr, p->tempBuf };
  309. unsigned msgByteCntArray[] = { retByteCnt, sizeof(remoteAddr) };
  310. if( cmTs1p1cEnqueueSegMsg( p->qH, msgPtrArray, msgByteCntArray, 2 ) != kOkThRC )
  311. cmErrMsg(&p->err,kQueueFailUdpRC,"A received msg containing %i bytes was not queued.",retByteCnt);
  312. }
  313. else // if queueing is not enabled - transmit the data directly via the callback
  314. if( p->cbFunc != NULL )
  315. {
  316. p->cbFunc(p->cbArg,p->tempBuf,retByteCnt,&remoteAddr);
  317. }
  318. }
  319. }
  320. }
  321. break;
  322. default:
  323. { assert(0); }
  324. } // switch
  325. return true;
  326. }
  327. cmRC_t _cmUdpQueueCb(void* userCbPtr, unsigned msgByteCnt, const void* msgDataPtr )
  328. {
  329. cmUdp_t* p = (cmUdp_t*)userCbPtr;
  330. if( p->cbFunc != NULL )
  331. {
  332. struct sockaddr_in addr;
  333. assert( msgByteCnt >= sizeof(addr));
  334. const char* dataPtr = (const char*)msgDataPtr;
  335. // the address of the data source is apppended to the data bytes.
  336. const char* addrPtr = dataPtr + msgByteCnt - sizeof(addr);
  337. memcpy(&addr,addrPtr,sizeof(addr));
  338. // make the receive callback
  339. p->cbFunc(p->cbArg,dataPtr,msgByteCnt-sizeof(addr),&addr);
  340. ++p->queCbCnt;
  341. }
  342. return cmOkRC;
  343. }
  344. cmUdpRC_t cmUdpEnableListen( cmUdpH_t h, bool enableFl )
  345. {
  346. cmUdp_t* p = _cmUdpHandleToPtr(h);
  347. if( cmThreadIsValid(p->thH) == false && enableFl == true)
  348. {
  349. if(cmThreadCreate(&p->thH,_cmUdpThreadCb,p,p->err.rpt) != kOkThRC )
  350. return cmErrMsg(&p->err,kThreadFailUdpRC,"Listener thread create failed.");
  351. if(cmTs1p1cCreate(&p->qH,p->recvBufByteCnt,_cmUdpQueueCb,p,p->err.rpt) != kOkThRC )
  352. return cmErrMsg(&p->err,kQueueFailUdpRC,"Listener data queue create failed.");
  353. }
  354. if( cmThreadIsValid(p->thH) )
  355. if( cmThreadPause( p->thH, enableFl ? 0 : kPauseThFl ) != kOkThRC )
  356. return cmErrMsg(&p->err,kThreadFailUdpRC,"The listener thread failed to %s.", enableFl ? "pause" : "un-pause" );
  357. return kOkUdpRC;
  358. }
  359. bool cmUdpIsQueueEnabled( cmUdpH_t h )
  360. {
  361. cmUdp_t* p = _cmUdpHandleToPtr(h);
  362. return cmIsFlag(p->flags,kQueueingUdpFl);
  363. }
  364. void cmUdpQueueEnable( cmUdpH_t h, bool enableFl )
  365. {
  366. cmUdp_t* p = _cmUdpHandleToPtr(h);
  367. p->flags = cmSetFlag(p->flags,kQueueingUdpFl);
  368. }
  369. unsigned cmUdpAvailDataByteCount( cmUdpH_t h )
  370. {
  371. cmUdp_t* p = _cmUdpHandleToPtr(h);
  372. return cmTs1p1cIsValid(p->qH) ? cmTs1p1cDequeueMsgByteCount( p->qH ) : 0;
  373. }
  374. cmUdpRC_t cmUdpGetAvailData( cmUdpH_t h, char* data, unsigned* dataByteCntPtr, struct sockaddr_in* fromAddr )
  375. {
  376. cmUdp_t* p = _cmUdpHandleToPtr(h);
  377. unsigned availByteCnt;
  378. // if a received msg is queued
  379. if( (availByteCnt = cmTs1p1cAvailByteCount(p->qH)) > 0 )
  380. {
  381. // all msg's must have at least a source address
  382. assert( availByteCnt >= sizeof(*fromAddr) );
  383. // get the size of the return buffer (or 0 if there is no return buffer)
  384. unsigned dataByteCnt = (data != NULL && dataByteCntPtr != NULL) ? *dataByteCntPtr : 0;
  385. if( dataByteCnt == 0 )
  386. data = NULL;
  387. // dequeue the msg - if data==NULL then the data will be returned by
  388. // a call to the callback function provided in cmUdpAlloc().
  389. if( cmTs1p1cDequeueMsg(p->qH, data, dataByteCnt ) != kOkThRC )
  390. return cmErrMsg(&p->err,kQueueFailUdpRC,"Data dequeue failed.");
  391. // if a return buffer was given
  392. if( data != NULL )
  393. {
  394. assert( dataByteCntPtr != NULL );
  395. // the source address is appended to the end of the data
  396. const char* addrPtr = data + availByteCnt - sizeof(*fromAddr);
  397. // copy out the source address
  398. if( fromAddr != NULL )
  399. memcpy(fromAddr,addrPtr,sizeof(*fromAddr));
  400. // subtract the address size from the total msg size
  401. *dataByteCntPtr = availByteCnt - sizeof(*fromAddr);
  402. }
  403. }
  404. return kOkUdpRC;
  405. }
  406. void cmUdpReport( cmUdpH_t h, cmRpt_t* rpt )
  407. {
  408. cmUdp_t* p = _cmUdpHandleToPtr(h);
  409. cmRptPrintf(rpt,"time-out:%i recv:%i queue cb:%i\n",p->timeOutCnt,p->recvCnt,p->queCbCnt);
  410. }
  411. cmUdpRC_t cmUdpInitAddr( cmUdpH_t h, const char* addrStr, cmUdpPort_t portNumber, struct sockaddr_in* retAddrPtr )
  412. {
  413. cmUdp_t* p = _cmUdpHandleToPtr(h);
  414. return _cmUdpInitAddr(p,addrStr,portNumber,retAddrPtr);
  415. }
  416. const cmChar_t* cmUdpAddrToString( cmUdpH_t h, const struct sockaddr_in* addr )
  417. {
  418. cmUdp_t* p = _cmUdpHandleToPtr(h);
  419. _cmUdpClear_errno();
  420. if( inet_ntop(AF_INET, addr, p->ntopBuf, INET_ADDRSTRLEN) == NULL)
  421. {
  422. cmErrSysMsg(&p->err,kNtoPFailUdpRC,errno, "Network address to string conversion failed." );
  423. return NULL;
  424. }
  425. p->ntopBuf[INET_ADDRSTRLEN]=0;
  426. return p->ntopBuf;
  427. }