1307 satır
36 KiB
1307 satır
36 KiB
#include "cmPrefix.h"
#include "cmGlobal.h"
#include "cmFloatTypes.h"
#include "cmRpt.h"
#include "cmErr.h"
#include "cmCtx.h"
#include "cmMem.h"
#include "cmMallocDebug.h"
#include "cmLinkedHeap.h"
#include "cmSymTbl.h"
#include "cmJson.h"
#include "cmFileSys.h"
#include "cmPrefs.h"
#include "cmAudioPort.h"
#include "cmAudioAggDev.h"
#include "cmAudioNrtDev.h"
#include "cmAudioPortFile.h"
#include "cmApBuf.h"
#include "cmMidi.h"
#include "cmMidiPort.h"
#include "dsp/cmDspValue.h"
#include "cmMsgProtocol.h"
#include "cmThread.h"
#include "cmUdpPort.h"
#include "cmUdpNet.h"
#include "cmAudioSys.h"
#include "cmProcObj.h"
#include "dsp/cmDspCtx.h"
#include "dsp/cmDspClass.h"
#include "dsp/cmDspSys.h"
#include "cmAudDsp.h"
cmAdH_t cmAdNullHandle = cmSTATIC_NULL_HANDLE;
typedef struct
cmDspSysH_t dsH;
unsigned curPgmIdx;
bool isLoadedFl;
unsigned isSyncFl;
} cmAdDsSubSys_t;
typedef struct
const cmChar_t* label;
cmAudioSysCfg_t cfg;
} cmAdAsCfg_t;
typedef struct
const cmChar_t* label;
unsigned physDevCnt;
unsigned* physDevIdxArray;
} cmAdAggDev_t;
typedef struct
const cmChar_t* label;
double srate;
unsigned iChCnt;
unsigned oChCnt;
unsigned cbPeriodMs;
} cmAdNrtDev_t;
typedef struct
const cmChar_t* label;
const cmChar_t* inAudioFn;
const cmChar_t* outAudioFn;
unsigned oBits;
unsigned oChCnt;
} cmAdAfpDev_t;
typedef struct
cmErr_t err;
cmCtx_t ctx;
cmMsgSendFuncPtr_t cbFunc;
void* cbDataPtr;
cmJsonH_t sysJsH;
const cmChar_t* sysJsFn;
cmUdpNetH_t netH;
cmDspSysH_t dsH;
cmAudioSysH_t asH;
unsigned midiPortBufByteCnt;
unsigned meterMs;
unsigned msgsPerClientPoll;
cmAdAggDev_t* aggDevArray;
unsigned aggDevCnt;
cmAdNrtDev_t* nrtDevArray;
unsigned nrtDevCnt;
cmAdAfpDev_t* afpDevArray;
unsigned afpDevCnt;
cmAdAsCfg_t* asCfgArray;
unsigned asCfgCnt;
unsigned curAsCfgIdx;
unsigned dsSsCnt;
cmAdDsSubSys_t* dsSsArray;
bool syncFl; // all cmAdDsSubSys's are synced
} cmAd_t;
cmAd_t* _cmAdHandleToPtr( cmAdH_t h )
cmAd_t* p = (cmAd_t*)h.h;
assert( p != NULL );
return p;
// cmAudioSys DSP processing callback - this is the entry point
// from the cmAudioSystem to the cmDspSystem. Note that it is called from the
// the audio processing thread in cmAudioSys.c: _cmAsDeliverMsgsWithLock()
cmRC_t _cmAudDspCallback( void *cbPtr, unsigned msgByteCnt, const void* msgDataPtr )
cmAudioSysCtx_t* ctx = (cmAudioSysCtx_t*)cbPtr;
cmAdDsSubSys_t* p = (cmAdDsSubSys_t*)ctx->ss->cbDataPtr;
if( p != NULL && p->isLoadedFl )
return cmDspSysRcvMsg(p->dsH,ctx, msgDataPtr, msgByteCnt, ctx->srcNetNodeId );
return cmOkRC;
// This function is called by cmAudioSysReceiveMsg() to transfer messages from the
// cmAudioSys or cmDspSys to the client.
cmRC_t _cmAudioSysToClientCallback(void* userCbPtr, unsigned msgByteCnt, const void* msgDataPtr )
cmAd_t* p = (cmAd_t*)userCbPtr;
return p->cbFunc(p->cbDataPtr, msgByteCnt, msgDataPtr );
// This function is called by cmUdpNetReceive(), which is called in
// cmAudioSys.c:_cmAsThreadCallback() just prior to executing the DSP process.
void _cmAdUdpNetCallback( void* cbArg, cmUdpNetH_t h, const char* data, unsigned dataByteCnt, unsigned srcNetNodeId )
cmAd_t* p = (cmAd_t*)cbArg;
// send the incoming message to the audio system for later delivery to the DSP system
cmAudioSysDeliverMsg(p->asH, data, dataByteCnt, srcNetNodeId );
cmAdRC_t _cmAdParseMemberErr( cmAd_t* p, cmJsRC_t jsRC, const cmChar_t* errLabel, const cmChar_t* objectLabel )
if( jsRC == kNodeNotFoundJsRC && errLabel != NULL )
return cmErrMsg(&p->err,kJsonFailAdRC,"The required field '%s'was not found in the audio DSP resource tree in the object '%s' in the file '%s'.",errLabel,cmStringNullGuard(objectLabel), cmStringNullGuard(p->sysJsFn));
return cmErrMsg(&p->err,kJsonFailAdRC,"JSON parsing failed on the Audio DSP resource file '%s' in the resource object '%s'.",cmStringNullGuard(p->sysJsFn),cmStringNullGuard(objectLabel));
cmAdRC_t _cmAdParseSysJsonTree( cmAd_t* p )
cmAdRC_t rc = kOkAdRC;
cmJsonNode_t* asCfgArrNodePtr = NULL;
cmJsonNode_t* aggDevArrNodePtr = NULL;
cmJsonNode_t* nrtDevArrNodePtr = NULL;
cmJsonNode_t* afpDevArrNodePtr = NULL;
cmJsonNode_t* audDspNodePtr = NULL;
const cmChar_t* errLabelPtr = NULL;
unsigned i;
cmJsRC_t jsRC = kOkJsRC;
// locate the aud_dsp container object
if( cmJsonNodeMember( cmJsonRoot(p->sysJsH), "aud_dsp", &audDspNodePtr ) != kOkJsRC )
rc = cmErrMsg(&p->err,kJsonFailAdRC,"The audio DSP system resource file '%s' does not contain an 'aud_dsp' object.",cmStringNullGuard(p->sysJsFn));
goto errLabel;
// locate the read the aud_dsp sub-elements
if(( jsRC = cmJsonMemberValues( audDspNodePtr, &errLabelPtr,
"midiPortBufByteCnt", kIntTId, &p->midiPortBufByteCnt,
"meterMs", kIntTId, &p->meterMs,
"msgsPerClientPoll", kIntTId, &p->msgsPerClientPoll,
"audioSysCfgArray", kArrayTId, &asCfgArrNodePtr,
"aggDevArray", kArrayTId | kOptArgJsFl, &aggDevArrNodePtr,
"nrtDevArray", kArrayTId | kOptArgJsFl, &nrtDevArrNodePtr,
"afpDevArray", kArrayTId | kOptArgJsFl, &afpDevArrNodePtr,
NULL )) != kOkJsRC )
rc = _cmAdParseMemberErr(p, jsRC, errLabelPtr, "aud_dsp" );
goto errLabel;
// parse the aggregate device specifications into p->aggDevArray[].
if( aggDevArrNodePtr != NULL && (p->aggDevCnt = cmJsonChildCount(aggDevArrNodePtr)) > 0)
// alloc the aggregate spec. array
p->aggDevArray = cmMemResizeZ( cmAdAggDev_t, p->aggDevArray, p->aggDevCnt );
// for each agg. device spec. recd
for(i=0; i<p->aggDevCnt; ++i)
const cmJsonNode_t* np = cmJsonArrayElementC(aggDevArrNodePtr,i);
const cmJsonNode_t* devIdxArrNodePtr = NULL;
unsigned j;
// read aggDevArray record values
if(( jsRC = cmJsonMemberValues( np, &errLabelPtr,
"label", kStringTId, &p->aggDevArray[i].label,
"physDevIdxArray", kArrayTId, &devIdxArrNodePtr,
NULL )) != kOkJsRC )
rc = _cmAdParseMemberErr(p, jsRC, errLabelPtr, cmStringNullGuard(p->aggDevArray[i].label) );
goto errLabel;
unsigned physDevCnt = cmJsonChildCount(devIdxArrNodePtr);
// alloc the dev idx array for to hold the phys. dev indexes for this agg device
p->aggDevArray[i].physDevIdxArray = cmMemResizeZ( unsigned, p->aggDevArray[i].physDevIdxArray, physDevCnt);
p->aggDevArray[i].physDevCnt = physDevCnt;
// store the phys. dev. idx's
for(j=0; j<physDevCnt; ++j)
if( cmJsonUIntValue( cmJsonArrayElementC(devIdxArrNodePtr,j), p->aggDevArray[i].physDevIdxArray + j ) != kOkJsRC )
rc = cmErrMsg(&p->err,kJsonFailAdRC,"Unable to retrieve a physical device index for the aggregate device '%s'.", cmStringNullGuard(p->aggDevArray[i].label));
goto errLabel;
// parse the non-real-time device specifications into p->nrtDevArray[].
if( nrtDevArrNodePtr != NULL && (p->nrtDevCnt = cmJsonChildCount(nrtDevArrNodePtr)) > 0)
// alloc the non-real-time spec. array
p->nrtDevArray = cmMemResizeZ( cmAdNrtDev_t, p->nrtDevArray, p->nrtDevCnt );
// for each nrt. device spec. recd
for(i=0; i<p->nrtDevCnt; ++i)
const cmJsonNode_t* np = cmJsonArrayElementC(nrtDevArrNodePtr,i);
// read nrtDevArray record values
if(( jsRC = cmJsonMemberValues( np, &errLabelPtr,
"label", kStringTId, &p->nrtDevArray[i].label,
"srate", kRealTId, &p->nrtDevArray[i].srate,
"iChCnt", kIntTId, &p->nrtDevArray[i].iChCnt,
"oChCnt", kIntTId, &p->nrtDevArray[i].oChCnt,
"cbPeriodMs", kIntTId, &p->nrtDevArray[i].cbPeriodMs,
NULL )) != kOkJsRC )
rc = _cmAdParseMemberErr(p, jsRC, errLabelPtr, cmStringNullGuard(p->nrtDevArray[i].label) );
goto errLabel;
// parse the audio file device specifications into p->afpDevArray[].
if( afpDevArrNodePtr != NULL && (p->afpDevCnt = cmJsonChildCount(afpDevArrNodePtr)) > 0)
// alloc the non-real-time spec. array
p->afpDevArray = cmMemResizeZ( cmAdAfpDev_t, p->afpDevArray, p->afpDevCnt );
// for each afp. device spec. recd
for(i=0; i<p->afpDevCnt; ++i)
const cmJsonNode_t* np = cmJsonArrayElementC(afpDevArrNodePtr,i);
// read afpDevArray record values
if(( jsRC = cmJsonMemberValues( np, &errLabelPtr,
"label", kStringTId, &p->afpDevArray[i].label,
"iAudioFn", kStringTId | kOptArgJsFl, &p->afpDevArray[i].inAudioFn,
"oAudioFn", kStringTId | kOptArgJsFl, &p->afpDevArray[i].outAudioFn,
"oBits", kIntTId | kOptArgJsFl, &p->afpDevArray[i].oBits,
"oChCnt", kIntTId | kOptArgJsFl, &p->afpDevArray[i].oChCnt,
NULL )) != kOkJsRC )
rc = _cmAdParseMemberErr(p, jsRC, errLabelPtr, cmStringNullGuard(p->afpDevArray[i].label) );
goto errLabel;
if((p->asCfgCnt = cmJsonChildCount(asCfgArrNodePtr)) == 0 )
goto errLabel;
p->asCfgArray = cmMemResizeZ( cmAdAsCfg_t, p->asCfgArray, p->asCfgCnt);
// for each cmAsAudioSysCfg record in audioSysCfgArray[]
for(i=0; i<p->asCfgCnt; ++i)
unsigned j;
const cmJsonNode_t* asCfgNodePtr = cmJsonArrayElementC(asCfgArrNodePtr,i);
const cmJsonNode_t* ssArrayNodePtr = NULL;
const char* cfgLabel = NULL;
// read cmAsAudioSysCfg record values
if(( jsRC = cmJsonMemberValues( asCfgNodePtr, &errLabelPtr,
"label", kStringTId, &cfgLabel,
"ssArray", kArrayTId, &ssArrayNodePtr,
NULL )) != kOkJsRC )
rc = _cmAdParseMemberErr(p, jsRC, errLabelPtr, cmStringNullGuard(p->asCfgArray[i].label) );
goto errLabel;
p->asCfgArray[i].label = cfgLabel;
p->asCfgArray[i].cfg.ssCnt = cmJsonChildCount( ssArrayNodePtr );
p->asCfgArray[i].cfg.ssArray = cmMemResizeZ( cmAudioSysSubSys_t, p->asCfgArray[i].cfg.ssArray, p->asCfgArray[i].cfg.ssCnt );
p->asCfgArray[i].cfg.clientCbFunc = _cmAudioSysToClientCallback;
p->asCfgArray[i].cfg.clientCbData = p;
// for each audio system sub-subsystem
for(j=0; j<p->asCfgArray[i].cfg.ssCnt; ++j)
cmAudioSysArgs_t* asap = &p->asCfgArray[i].cfg.ssArray[j].args;
const cmJsonNode_t* argsNodePtr = cmJsonArrayElementC(ssArrayNodePtr,j);
if((jsRC = cmJsonMemberValues( argsNodePtr, &errLabelPtr,
"inDevIdx", kIntTId, &asap->inDevIdx,
"outDevIdx", kIntTId, &asap->outDevIdx,
"syncToInputFl", kTrueTId, &asap->syncInputFl,
"msgQueueByteCnt", kIntTId, &asap->msgQueueByteCnt,
"devFramesPerCycle", kIntTId, &asap->devFramesPerCycle,
"dspFramesPerCycle", kIntTId, &asap->dspFramesPerCycle,
"audioBufCnt", kIntTId, &asap->audioBufCnt,
"srate", kRealTId, &asap->srate,
NULL )) != kOkJsRC )
rc = _cmAdParseMemberErr(p, jsRC, errLabelPtr, cmStringNullGuard(p->asCfgArray[i].label));
goto errLabel;
return rc;
cmAdRC_t _cmAdSetup( cmAd_t* p )
unsigned i;
cmAdRC_t rc = kOkAdRC;
for(i=0; i<p->asCfgCnt; ++i)
unsigned j;
p->asCfgArray[i].cfg.meterMs = p->meterMs;
// BUG BUG BUG - each sub-system should have it's own network
// manager, and socket port.
p->asCfgArray[i].cfg.netH = p->netH;
for(j=0; j<p->asCfgArray[i].cfg.ssCnt; ++j)
p->asCfgArray[i].cfg.ssArray[j].cbDataPtr = NULL;
p->asCfgArray[i].cfg.ssArray[j].cbFunc = _cmAudDspCallback;
p->asCfgArray[i].cfg.ssArray[j].args.rpt = p->err.rpt;
return rc;
cmAdRC_t _cmAdCreateAggDevices( cmAd_t* p )
cmAdRC_t rc = kOkAdRC;
unsigned i;
if( cmApAggAllocate(p->err.rpt) != kOkAgRC )
return cmErrMsg(&p->err,kAggDevSysFailAdRC,"The aggregate device system allocation failed.");
for(i=0; i<p->aggDevCnt; ++i)
cmAdAggDev_t* adp = p->aggDevArray + i;
if( cmApAggCreateDevice(adp->label,adp->physDevCnt,adp->physDevIdxArray,kInAggFl | kOutAggFl) != kOkAgRC )
rc = cmErrMsg(&p->err,kAggDevCreateFailAdRC,"The aggregate device '%s' creation failed.",cmStringNullGuard(adp->label));
return rc;
cmAdRC_t _cmAdCreateNrtDevices( cmAd_t* p )
cmAdRC_t rc = kOkAdRC;
unsigned i;
if( cmApNrtAllocate(p->err.rpt) != kOkApRC )
return cmErrMsg(&p->err,kNrtDevSysFailAdRC,"The non-real-time device system allocation failed.");
for(i=0; i<p->nrtDevCnt; ++i)
cmAdNrtDev_t* adp = p->nrtDevArray + i;
if( cmApNrtCreateDevice(adp->label,adp->srate,adp->iChCnt,adp->oChCnt,adp->cbPeriodMs) != kOkApRC )
rc = cmErrMsg(&p->err,kNrtDevSysFailAdRC,"The non-real-time device '%s' creation failed.",cmStringNullGuard(adp->label));
return rc;
cmAdRC_t _cmAdCreateAfpDevices( cmAd_t* p )
cmAdRC_t rc = kOkAdRC;
if( cmApFileAllocate(p->err.rpt) != kOkApRC )
return cmErrMsg(&p->err,kAfpDevSysFailAdRC,"The audio file device system allocation failed.");
unsigned i;
// create the audio file devices
for(i=0; i<p->afpDevCnt; ++i)
//const cmAudioSysFilePort_t* afp = cfg->afpArray + i;
cmAdAfpDev_t* afp = p->afpDevArray + i;
if( cmApFileDeviceCreate( afp->label, afp->inAudioFn, afp->outAudioFn, afp->oBits, afp->oChCnt ) != kOkApRC )
rc = cmErrMsg(&p->err,kAfpDevSysFailAdRC,"The audio file device '%s' creation failed.",cmStringNullGuard(afp->label));
return rc;
cmAdRC_t _cmAdSendAudioSysCfgLabels( cmAd_t* p)
cmAdRC_t rc = kOkAdRC;
unsigned i;
for(i=0; i<p->asCfgCnt; ++i)
cmDspValue_t v;
cmDsvSetStrcz(&v, p->asCfgArray[i].label);
if( cmMsgSend( &p->err,cmInvalidIdx,kUiSelAsId,kAudioSysCfgDuiId,0,i,p->asCfgCnt,&v,p->cbFunc,p->cbDataPtr) != kOkMsgRC )
rc = cmErrMsg(&p->err,kSendMsgFailAdRC,"Error sending audio system cfg. label message to host.");
return rc;
cmAdRC_t _cmAdSendDeviceLabels( cmAd_t* p )
cmAdRC_t rc = kOkAdRC;
unsigned i,j;
unsigned n = cmApDeviceCount();
for(i=0; i<2; ++i)
bool inputFl = i==0;
for(j=0; j<n; ++j)
if( cmApDeviceChannelCount(j,inputFl) )
cmDspValue_t v;
cmDsvSetStrcz(&v, cmApDeviceLabel(j));
if( cmMsgSend( &p->err,cmInvalidIdx,kUiSelAsId,kDeviceDuiId,inputFl,j,n,&v,p->cbFunc,p->cbDataPtr) != kOkMsgRC )
rc = cmErrMsg(&p->err,kSendMsgFailAdRC,"Error sending device label message to host.");
return rc;
cmAdRC_t _cmAdSendProgramLabels( cmAd_t* p )
cmAdRC_t rc = kOkAdRC;
unsigned pgmCnt = cmDspSysPgmCount(p->dsH);
unsigned i;
for(i=0; i<pgmCnt; ++i)
cmDspValue_t v;
cmDsvSetStrcz(&v, cmDspPgmLabel(p->dsH,i));
if( cmMsgSend( &p->err,cmInvalidIdx,kUiSelAsId,kProgramDuiId,0,i,pgmCnt,&v,p->cbFunc,p->cbDataPtr) != kOkMsgRC )
rc = cmErrMsg(&p->err,kSendMsgFailAdRC,"Error sending program label message to host.");
return rc;
cmAdRC_t _cmAudDspFree( cmAd_t* p )
cmAdRC_t rc = kOkAdRC;
if( cmAudioSysFree(&p->asH) != kOkAsRC )
rc = cmErrMsg(&p->err,kAudioSysFailAdRC,"The audio system release failed.");
goto errLabel;
if( cmDspSysFinalize(&p->dsH) != kOkDspRC )
rc = cmErrMsg(&p->err,kDspSysFailAdRC,"DSP system finalization failed.");
goto errLabel;
if( cmUdpNetFree(&p->netH) != kOkUnRC )
rc = cmErrMsg(&p->err,kNetSysFailAdRC,"UDP Network finalization failed.");
goto errLabel;
if( cmMpIsInitialized() )
if( cmMpFinalize() != kOkMpRC )
rc = cmErrMsg(&p->err,kMidiSysFailAdRC,"MIDI system finalization failed.");
goto errLabel;
if( cmApFinalize() != kOkApRC )
rc = cmErrMsg(&p->err,kAudioPortFailAdRC,"Audio port finalization failed.");
goto errLabel;
if( cmApBufFinalize() != kOkApRC )
rc = cmErrMsg(&p->err,kAudioPortFailAdRC,"Audio port buffer finalization failed.");
goto errLabel;
if( cmApFileFree() != kOkApRC )
rc = cmErrMsg(&p->err,kAfpDevSysFailAdRC,"The audio file device system release failed.");
goto errLabel;
if( cmApNrtFree() != kOkAgRC )
rc = cmErrMsg(&p->err,kNrtDevSysFailAdRC,"The non-real-time device system release failed.");
goto errLabel;
if( cmApAggFree() != kOkAgRC )
rc = cmErrMsg(&p->err,kAggDevSysFailAdRC,"The aggregate device system release failed.");
goto errLabel;
unsigned i;
for(i=0; i<p->aggDevCnt; ++i)
for(i=0; i<p->asCfgCnt; ++i)
if( cmJsonFinalize(&p->sysJsH) != kOkJsRC )
rc = cmErrMsg(&p->err,kJsonFailAdRC,"System JSON tree finalization failed.");
goto errLabel;
if( p->sysJsFn != NULL )
return rc;
cmAdRC_t cmAudDspAlloc( cmCtx_t* ctx, cmAdH_t* hp, cmMsgSendFuncPtr_t cbFunc, void* cbDataPtr )
cmAdRC_t rc = kOkAdRC;
cmAdRC_t rc0 = kOkAdRC;
if((rc = cmAudDspFree(hp)) != kOkAdRC )
return rc;
cmAd_t* p = cmMemAllocZ(cmAd_t,1);
cmErrSetup(&p->err,&ctx->rpt,"Audio DSP Engine");
// form the audio dsp resource file name
if((p->sysJsFn = cmFsMakeFn( cmFsPrefsDir(),cmAudDspSys_FILENAME,NULL,NULL)) == NULL )
rc = cmErrMsg(&p->err,kFileSysFailAdRC,"Unable to form the audio dsp system resource file name.");
goto errLabel;
// open the audio dsp resource file
if(cmJsonInitializeFromFile(&p->sysJsH,p->sysJsFn,ctx) != kOkJsRC )
rc = cmErrMsg(&p->err,kJsonFailAdRC,"Unable to open the audio dsp resource file: '%s'.",cmStringNullGuard(p->sysJsFn));
goto errLabel;
// parse the JSON tree
if((rc = _cmAdParseSysJsonTree(p)) != kOkAdRC )
goto errLabel;
// create the aggregate device
if( _cmAdCreateAggDevices(p) != kOkAdRC )
goto errLabel;
// create the non-real-time devices
if( _cmAdCreateNrtDevices(p) != kOkAdRC )
goto errLabel;
// create the audio file devices
if( _cmAdCreateAfpDevices(p) != kOkAdRC )
goto errLabel;
// initialize the audio device system
if( cmApInitialize(&ctx->rpt) != kOkApRC )
rc = cmErrMsg(&p->err,kAudioPortFailAdRC,"Audio port intialization failed.");
goto errLabel;
// initialize the audio buffer
if( cmApBufInitialize( cmApDeviceCount(), p->meterMs ) != kOkApRC )
rc = cmErrMsg(&p->err,kAudioPortFailAdRC,"Audio port buffer initialization failed.");
goto errLabel;
// initialize the MIDI system
if( cmMpInitialize(NULL,NULL,p->midiPortBufByteCnt,"app",&ctx->rpt) != kOkMpRC )
rc = cmErrMsg(&p->err,kMidiSysFailAdRC,"The MIDI system initialization failed.");
goto errLabel;
// initialize the UDP network - but do not go into 'listening' mode.
if( cmUdpNetAllocJson(ctx,&p->netH,p->sysJsH,_cmAdUdpNetCallback,p,kNetOptionalUnFl) != kOkUnRC )
cmErrMsg(&p->err,kNetSysFailAdRC,"The UDP network initialization failed.");
goto errLabel;
if((rc = _cmAdSetup(p)) != kOkAdRC )
goto errLabel;
// initialize the DSP system
if( cmDspSysInitialize(ctx,&p->dsH,p->netH) )
rc = cmErrMsg(&p->err,kDspSysFailAdRC,"The DSP system initialization failed.");
goto errLabel;
// allocate the audio system
if( cmAudioSysAllocate(&p->asH, &ctx->rpt, NULL ) != kOkAsRC )
rc = cmErrMsg(&p->err,kAudioSysFailAdRC,"The audio system allocation failed.");
goto errLabel;
p->cbFunc = cbFunc;
p->cbDataPtr = cbDataPtr;
p->curAsCfgIdx = cmInvalidIdx;
p->ctx = *ctx;
hp->h = p;
if( rc != kOkAdRC )
rc0 = _cmAudDspFree(p);
return rc == kOkAdRC ? rc0 : rc;
cmAdRC_t cmAudDspFree( cmAdH_t* hp )
cmAdRC_t rc = kOkAdRC;
if( hp == NULL || cmAudDspIsValid(*hp)==false )
return kOkAdRC;
cmAd_t* p = _cmAdHandleToPtr(*hp);
if((rc = _cmAudDspFree(p)) != kOkAdRC )
return rc;
hp->h = NULL;
return rc;
cmAdRC_t cmAudDspSendSetup( cmAdH_t h )
cmAdRC_t rc = kOkAdRC;
cmAd_t* p = _cmAdHandleToPtr( h );
// notify the client of the available audio system configurations
if((rc = _cmAdSendAudioSysCfgLabels(p)) != kOkAdRC )
goto errLabel;
// notify the client of the available devices
if((rc = _cmAdSendDeviceLabels(p)) != kOkAdRC)
goto errLabel;
// notify the client of the available programs
if((rc = _cmAdSendProgramLabels(p)) != kOkAdRC )
goto errLabel;
return rc;
bool cmAudDspIsValid( cmAdH_t h )
{ return h.h != NULL; }
cmAdRC_t _cmAudDspUnloadPgm( cmAd_t* p, unsigned asSubSysIdx )
cmAdRC_t rc = kOkAdRC;
const cmAdAsCfg_t* cfgPtr = NULL;
// Must disable audio thread callbacks to _cmAudDspCallback()
// while changing DSP system data structures.
if( cmAudioSysIsEnabled(p->asH) )
if(cmAudioSysEnable(p->asH,false) != kOkAsRC )
rc = cmErrMsg(&p->err,kAudioSysFailAdRC,"The audio system could not be disabled.");
goto errLabel;
// validate the sub-system index
if( asSubSysIdx >= p->dsSsCnt )
rc = cmErrMsg(&p->err,kInvalidSubSysIdxAdRC,"The invalid sub-system index %i was encountered while unloading a program.",asSubSysIdx);
goto errLabel;
// if a valid cfg recd exists
if( p->curAsCfgIdx != cmInvalidIdx )
// pointer to audio system configuration
cfgPtr = p->asCfgArray + p->curAsCfgIdx;
// count of audio system sub-systems should be the same as the current cfg
assert( p->dsSsCnt == cfgPtr->cfg.ssCnt );
// mark the DSP program as unloaded and pre-sync
p->dsSsArray[ asSubSysIdx ].isLoadedFl = false;
p->dsSsArray[ asSubSysIdx ].isSyncFl = false;
p->syncFl = false;
// unload the current program
if( cmDspSysUnload(p->dsSsArray[asSubSysIdx].dsH) != kOkDspRC )
rc = cmErrMsg(&p->err,kDspSysFailAdRC,"Program unload failed.");
goto errLabel;
return rc;
cmAdRC_t _cmAudDspUnloadAudioSys( cmAd_t* p )
unsigned i;
cmAdRC_t rc = kOkAdRC;
p->syncFl = false;
for(i=1; i<p->dsSsCnt; ++i)
if((rc = _cmAudDspUnloadPgm(p,i)) != kOkAdRC )
goto errLabel;
if( cmDspSysFinalize(&p->dsSsArray[i].dsH) != kOkDspRC )
rc = cmErrMsg(&p->err,kDspSysFailAdRC,"DSP system finalization failed.");
goto errLabel;
p->curAsCfgIdx = cmInvalidIdx;
return rc;
cmAdRC_t _cmAdSendIntMsgToHost( cmAd_t* p, unsigned asSubIdx, unsigned selId, unsigned flags, unsigned intValue )
cmAdRC_t rc = kOkAdRC;
cmDspValue_t v;
if( cmMsgSend( &p->err,asSubIdx,kUiSelAsId,selId,flags,cmInvalidId,cmInvalidId,&v,p->cbFunc,p->cbDataPtr) != kOkMsgRC )
rc = cmErrMsg(&p->err,kSendMsgFailAdRC,"Error sending message to host.");
return rc;
// verify that a valid audio cfg has been selected
cmAdRC_t _cmAdIsAudioSysLoaded( cmAd_t* p )
cmAdRC_t rc = kOkAdRC;
if( cmAudioSysHandleIsValid(p->asH) == false )
rc = cmErrMsg(&p->err,kAudioSysFailAdRC,"The audio system is not allocated.");
goto errLabel;
if( p->curAsCfgIdx == cmInvalidIdx )
return kInvalidCfgIdxAdRC;
// verify that an audio system is loaded
if( cmAudioSysIsInitialized(p->asH) && p->curAsCfgIdx == cmInvalidIdx )
rc = cmErrMsg(&p->err,kInvalidCfgIdxAdRC,"The audio system has not been configured.");
goto errLabel;
// count of audio system sub-systems should be the same as the current cfg
assert( p->dsSsCnt == p->asCfgArray[p->curAsCfgIdx].cfg.ssCnt );
return rc;
// verify that a valid audio cfg and DSP program has been selected
cmAdRC_t _cmAdIsPgmLoaded( cmAd_t* p, bool verboseFl )
cmAdRC_t rc;
// a program cannot be loaded if the audio system has not been configured
if((rc = _cmAdIsAudioSysLoaded(p)) != kOkAdRC )
return rc;
unsigned i;
// for each sub-system
for(i=0; i<p->dsSsCnt; ++i)
// verify that the DSP system has been created
if( cmDspSysIsValid(p->dsSsArray[i].dsH) == false )
return cmErrMsg(&p->err,kDspSysFailAdRC,"The DSP sub-system at index %i is not initialized.",i);
// verify that the DSP program was loaded
if( p->dsSsArray[ i ].isLoadedFl == false )
if( verboseFl )
cmErrMsg(&p->err,kNoPgmLoadedAdRC,"There is no program loaded.");
return kNoPgmLoadedAdRC;
return rc;
bool _cmAudDspIsPgmSynced( cmAd_t* p )
unsigned syncCnt = 0;
unsigned i;
if( p->syncFl )
return true;
// if the pgm is not loaded then it cannot be sync'd
if(_cmAdIsPgmLoaded(p,false) != kOkAdRC )
return false;
// check each sub-system
for(i=0; i<p->dsSsCnt; ++i)
unsigned syncState = cmDspSysSyncState(p->dsSsArray[i].dsH);
// if the subsys is already synced
if( p->dsSsArray[i].isSyncFl )
switch( syncState )
// the sub-sys is pre or pending sync mode
case kSyncPreDspId:
case kSyncPendingDspId:
// sync mode completed - w/ success or fail
case kSyncSuccessDspId:
case kSyncFailDspId:
// notify the client of the the sync state
bool syncFl = syncState == kSyncSuccessDspId;
p->dsSsArray[i].isSyncFl = syncFl;
p->syncFl = syncCnt == p->dsSsCnt;
return p->syncFl;
cmAdRC_t _cmAudDspLoadPgm( cmAd_t* p, unsigned asSubSysIdx, unsigned pgmIdx )
cmAdRC_t rc = kOkAdRC;
unsigned i;
p->syncFl = false;
// the audio system must be configured before a program is loaded
if((rc = _cmAdIsAudioSysLoaded(p)) != kOkAdRC )
return cmErrMsg(&p->err,rc,"Program load failed.");
// validate the sub-system index arg.
if( asSubSysIdx!=cmInvalidIdx && asSubSysIdx >= p->dsSsCnt )
rc = cmErrMsg(&p->err,kInvalidSubSysIdxAdRC,"The sub-system index %i is invalid.",asSubSysIdx);
goto errLabel;
// for each sub-system
for(i=0; i<p->dsSsCnt; ++i)
if( asSubSysIdx==cmInvalidIdx || i==asSubSysIdx )
// unload any currently loaded program on this sub-system
// (unloading a program automatically disables the audio system)
if((rc = _cmAudDspUnloadPgm(p, i )) != kOkAdRC )
goto errLabel;
// load the program
if( cmDspSysLoad(p->dsSsArray[ i ].dsH, cmAudioSysContext(p->asH,i), pgmIdx ) != kOkDspRC )
rc = cmErrMsg(&p->err,kDspSysFailAdRC,"The program load failed on audio sub-system %i.",i);
goto errLabel;
// update the state of the DSP sub-system
p->dsSsArray[i].curPgmIdx = pgmIdx;
p->dsSsArray[i].isLoadedFl = true;
p->dsSsArray[i].isSyncFl = false;
p->syncFl = false;
// notify the host of the new program
return rc;
cmAdRC_t _cmAdReinitAudioSys( cmAd_t* p )
cmAdRC_t rc = kOkAdRC;
p->syncFl = false;
// pointer to the new audio system configuration
cmAdAsCfg_t* cfgPtr = p->asCfgArray + p->curAsCfgIdx;
// initialize the audio system
if( cmAudioSysInitialize(p->asH, &cfgPtr->cfg ) != kOkAsRC )
rc = cmErrMsg(&p->err,kAudioSysFailAdRC,"The audio system initialization failed.");
goto errLabel;
// reload any currently loaded programs
unsigned i;
for(i=0; i<p->dsSsCnt; ++i)
unsigned pgmIdx;
if((pgmIdx = p->dsSsArray[i].curPgmIdx) != cmInvalidIdx )
if((rc = _cmAudDspLoadPgm(p,i,pgmIdx)) != kOkAdRC )
return rc;
cmAdRC_t _cmAudDspLoadAudioSys( cmAd_t* p, unsigned asCfgIdx )
cmAdRC_t rc = kOkAdRC;
cmAdAsCfg_t* cfgPtr;
unsigned i;
// validate asCfgIdx
if( asCfgIdx >= p->asCfgCnt )
cmErrMsg(&p->err,kInvalidCfgIdxAdRC,"The audio system index %i is invalid.",asCfgIdx);
goto errLabel;
// clear the current audio system setup - this will automatically disable the audio system
if((rc = _cmAudDspUnloadAudioSys(p)) != kOkAdRC )
goto errLabel;
// pointer to the new audio system configuration
cfgPtr = p->asCfgArray + asCfgIdx;
// get the count of audio system sub-systems
p->dsSsCnt = cfgPtr->cfg.ssCnt;
// store the index of the current audio system configuration
p->curAsCfgIdx = asCfgIdx;
if( p->dsSsCnt > 0 )
p->dsSsArray = cmMemResizeZ(cmAdDsSubSys_t, p->dsSsArray, p->dsSsCnt );
for(i=0; i<p->dsSsCnt; ++i)
cmDspSysH_t dsH;
// the first sub-system will always use the existing DSP system handle ...
if( i==0 )
dsH = p->dsH;
// ... and allocate additional DSP systems when more than one sub-sys is
// defined in the audio system configuration
if( cmDspSysInitialize(&p->ctx,&dsH,p->netH) != kOkDspRC )
rc = cmErrMsg(&p->err,kDspSysFailAdRC,"Unable to initialize an additional DSP system.");
goto errLabel;
p->dsSsArray[i].dsH = dsH;
p->dsSsArray[i].curPgmIdx = cmInvalidIdx;
p->dsSsArray[i].isLoadedFl= false;
// this cbDataPtr is picked up in _cmAudDspCallback().
// It is used to connect the audio system to a DSP system handle.
cfgPtr->cfg.ssArray[i].cbDataPtr = p->dsSsArray + i;
// notify the client of the change of audio configuration
// notify the client of the count of audio sub-systems
// for each sub-system
for(i=0; i<p->dsSsCnt; ++i)
// notify the client of the currently selected devices
_cmAdSendIntMsgToHost(p,i,kSetAudioDevDuiId,true, cfgPtr->cfg.ssArray[i].args.inDevIdx);
// notify the client of the sample rate
// the audio system configuration changed so we need to initialize the audio system
if((rc = _cmAdReinitAudioSys(p)) != kOkAdRC )
goto errLabel;
if( rc != kOkAdRC )
return rc;
cmAdRC_t _cmAudDspEnableAudio( cmAd_t* p, bool enableFl )
cmAdRC_t rc = kOkAdRC;
if( enableFl )
// verify an audio system cfg and DSP program has been selected
if(( rc = _cmAdIsPgmLoaded(p,true)) != kOkAdRC )
return cmErrMsg(&p->err,rc,"Audio enable failed.");
// if the audio system is already enabled/disabled then do nothing
if( cmAudioSysIsEnabled(p->asH) == enableFl )
return kOkAdRC;
// for each sub-system
unsigned i;
for(i=0; i<p->dsSsCnt; ++i)
if( cmDspSysReset(p->dsSsArray[i].dsH) != kOkDspRC )
rc = cmErrMsg(&p->err,kDspSysFailAdRC,"The DSP system reset failed.");
goto errLabel;
// start/stop the audio sub-system
if( cmAudioSysEnable(p->asH,enableFl) != kOkAsRC )
rc = cmErrMsg(&p->err,kAudioSysFailAdRC,"The audio system %s failed.", enableFl ? "enable" : "disable");
goto errLabel;
// notify the host of the new enable state
return rc;
cmAdRC_t _cmAudDspSetDevice(cmAd_t* p,unsigned asSubIdx, bool inputFl, unsigned devIdx)
cmAdRC_t rc;
// a device cannot be set if the audio system is not already configured
if((rc = _cmAdIsAudioSysLoaded(p)) != kOkAdRC )
return cmErrMsg(&p->err,rc,"Set audio device failed.");
cmAdAsCfg_t* cfgPtr = p->asCfgArray + p->curAsCfgIdx;
// validate the sub-system index
if( asSubIdx >= p->dsSsCnt )
rc = cmErrMsg(&p->err,kInvalidSubSysIdxAdRC,"The sub-system index %i is invalid.",asSubIdx);
goto errLabel;
// assign the new device index to the indicated audio system configuration recd
if( inputFl )
if( cfgPtr->cfg.ssArray[ asSubIdx ].args.inDevIdx != devIdx )
cfgPtr->cfg.ssArray[ asSubIdx ].args.inDevIdx = devIdx;
if( cfgPtr->cfg.ssArray[ asSubIdx ].args.outDevIdx != devIdx )
cfgPtr->cfg.ssArray[ asSubIdx ].args.outDevIdx = devIdx;
// notify the host that the new device has been set
_cmAdSendIntMsgToHost(p,asSubIdx,kSetAudioDevDuiId,inputFl, devIdx);
// reinitialize the audio system
rc = _cmAdReinitAudioSys(p);
return rc;
cmAdRC_t _cmAudDspSetSampleRate(cmAd_t* p, unsigned asSubIdx, double srate )
cmAdRC_t rc;
if((rc = _cmAdIsAudioSysLoaded(p)) != kOkAdRC )
return cmErrMsg(&p->err,rc,"Set audio device failed.");
cmAdAsCfg_t* cfgPtr = p->asCfgArray + p->curAsCfgIdx;
// validate the sub-system index
if( asSubIdx != cmInvalidIdx && asSubIdx >= p->dsSsCnt )
rc = cmErrMsg(&p->err,kInvalidSubSysIdxAdRC,"The sub-system index %i is invalid.",asSubIdx);
goto errLabel;
unsigned i;
for(i=0; i<p->dsSsCnt; ++i)
// assign the new device index to the indicated audio system configuration recd
if( asSubIdx==cmInvalidIdx || asSubIdx == i )
if( cfgPtr->cfg.ssArray[ i ].args.srate != srate )
cfgPtr->cfg.ssArray[ i ].args.srate = srate;
// notify the client of the new sample rate
// reinitialize the audio system
rc = _cmAdReinitAudioSys(p);
return rc;
cmAdRC_t _cmAudDspClientMsgPoll( cmAd_t* p )
unsigned i = 0;
// if the program is not synced then don't bother polling the audio system
if( _cmAudDspIsPgmSynced(p) == false )
return kOkAdRC;
for(i=0; i<p->msgsPerClientPoll; ++i)
if( cmAudioSysIsMsgWaiting(p->asH) == 0 )
if(cmAudioSysReceiveMsg(p->asH,NULL,0) != kOkAsRC )
return cmErrMsg(&p->err,kAudioSysFailAdRC,"The delivery of an audio system msg for the client failed.");
return kOkAdRC;
cmAdRC_t cmAudDspReceiveClientMsg( cmAdH_t h, unsigned msgByteCnt, const void* msg )
cmAdRC_t rc = kOkAdRC;
cmAd_t* p = _cmAdHandleToPtr(h);
cmDspUiHdr_t* m = (cmDspUiHdr_t*)msg;
if( m->uiId != kUiSelAsId )
rc = cmErrMsg(&p->err,kUnknownMsgTypeAdRC,"The message type %i is unknown.");
goto errLabel;
switch( m->selId )
case kDevReportDuiId:
case kSetAudioCfgDuiId:
rc = _cmAudDspLoadAudioSys(p,cmDsvUInt(&m->value));
case kSetPgmDuiId:
rc = _cmAudDspLoadPgm(p,m->asSubIdx,cmDsvUInt(&m->value));
case kSetAudioDevDuiId:
rc = _cmAudDspSetDevice(p,m->asSubIdx,m->flags,cmDsvUInt(&m->value));
case kSetSampleRateDuiId:
rc = _cmAudDspSetSampleRate(p,m->asSubIdx,cmDsvDouble(&m->value));
case kEnableDuiId:
rc = _cmAudDspEnableAudio(p,m->flags);
case kSetNotifyEnableDuiId:
cmAudioSysStatusNotifyEnable(p->asH, cmInvalidIdx, m->flags );
case kClientMsgPollDuiId:
rc = _cmAudDspClientMsgPoll(p);
if( cmAudioSysDeliverMsg(p->asH,msg,msgByteCnt,cmInvalidId) != kOkAsRC )
rc = cmErrMsg(&p->err,kSendMsgFailAdRC,"Message delivery to the audio system failed.");
// errLabel:
return rc;