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cmDspClass.h 21KB

  1. #ifndef cmDspClass_h
  2. #define cmDspClass_h
  3. #ifdef __cplusplus
  4. extern "C" {
  5. #endif
  6. typedef unsigned cmDspRC_t;
  7. enum
  8. {
  9. kOkDspRC = cmOkRC, // 0
  10. kMemAllocFailDspRC, // 1
  11. kLHeapFailDspRC, // 2
  12. kJsonFailDspRC, // 3
  13. kFileSysFailDspRC, // 4
  14. kSymTblFailDspRC, // 5
  15. kThreadFailDspRC, // 6
  16. kNetFailDspRC, // 7
  17. kCsvFailDspRC, // 8
  18. kDspStoreFailDspRC,
  19. kProcFailDspRC,
  20. kAllocInstFailDspRC,
  21. kClassFinalFailDspRC,
  22. kInstFinalFailDspRC,
  23. kInstResetFailDspRC,
  24. kInstExecFailDspRC,
  25. kInstStoreFailDspRC,
  26. kInstRecallFailDspRC,
  27. kInstMsgRcvFailDspRC,
  28. kNetSendAllocFailDspRC,
  29. kClassNotFoundDspRC,
  30. kInstNotFoundDspRC,
  31. kDuplInstSymIdDspRC,
  32. kVarNotFoundDspRC,
  33. kSrcVarNotFoundDspRC,
  34. kRsrcNotFoundDspRC,
  35. kSymNotFoundDspRC,
  36. kNetNodeNotFoundDspRC,
  37. kDuplPresetInstDspRC,
  38. kDuplPresetVarDspRC,
  39. kPresetGrpNotFoundDspRC,
  40. kPresetPreNotFoundDspRC,
  41. kPresetInstNotFoundDspRC,
  42. kPresetVarNotFoundDspRC,
  43. kVarDuplicateDspRC,
  44. kVarTypeErrDspRC,
  45. kVarNotValidDspRC,
  46. kVarArgParseFailDspRC,
  47. kInstCbInstallFailDspRC,
  48. kConnectFailDspRC,
  49. kInstSetFlagsFailDspRC,
  50. kSerializeUiMsgFailDspRC,
  51. kSendToHostFailDspRC,
  52. kUiEleCreateFailDspRC,
  53. kInvalidArgDspRC,
  54. kInvalidStateDspRC,
  55. kSubSysFailDspRC,
  56. kFileWriteFailDspRC,
  57. kFileReadFailDspRC,
  58. kFileOpenFailDspRC,
  59. kFileCloseFailDspRC,
  60. kInvalidPgmIdxDspRC,
  61. kPgmCfgFailDspRC
  62. };
  63. struct cmDspClass_str;
  64. struct cmDspInst_str;
  65. enum
  66. {
  67. kUiDspFl = 0x01, // set in cmDspSysHandleUiMsg() to indicate that a msg originated from a UI control.
  68. kUiEchoDspFl = 0x02, // set in cmDspSysHandleUiMsg() to indicate that the value set from a UI control should sent back to it by the DSP engine.
  69. kDfltEvtDspFlags = 0
  70. };
  71. // DSP event record
  72. typedef struct
  73. {
  74. unsigned flags; // See kXXDspFl
  75. struct cmDspInst_str* srcInstPtr; // source instance of the event or NULL if the system generated the event
  76. unsigned srcVarId; // source selector id used to identify this event (See Note 1 below.)
  77. unsigned dstVarId; // dest. selector id used to identify the target of the event
  78. void* dstDataPtr; // dest. supplied custom callback data pointer
  79. const cmDspValue_t* valuePtr; // event message data
  80. } cmDspEvt_t;
  81. #define cmDspEvtCopy( e0, e1 ) (*(e0)) = (*(e1))
  82. // Note 1: When the event was generated from a UI msg then:
  83. // a. The kUiDspFl is set and the kUiEchoDspFl if the UI requested duplex operation.
  84. // b. srcVarId is set with the cmDspUiHdr_t selId value of the UI msg.
  85. typedef struct cmDspClass_str* (*cmDspClassConsFunc_t)(cmDspCtx_t* ctx);
  86. typedef cmDspRC_t (*cmDspClassFunc_t)( cmDspCtx_t* ctx, struct cmDspClass_str* classPtr );
  87. typedef struct cmDspInst_str* (*cmDspConsFunc_t)( cmDspCtx_t* ctx, struct cmDspClass_str* classPtr, unsigned storeSymId, unsigned instSymId, unsigned id, unsigned va_cnt, va_list vl );
  88. typedef cmDspRC_t (*cmDspFunc_t)( cmDspCtx_t* ctx, struct cmDspInst_str* thisPtr, const cmDspEvt_t* evtPtr );
  89. typedef cmDspRC_t (*cmDspStoreFunc_t)( cmDspCtx_t* ctx, struct cmDspInst_str* thisPtr, bool Fl );
  90. typedef cmDspRC_t (*cmDspAttrSymFunc_t)(cmDspCtx_t* ctx, struct cmDspInst_str* thisPtr, unsigned attrSymId, const cmDspValue_t* value );
  91. // DSP class record
  92. typedef struct cmDspClass_str
  93. {
  94. cmErr_t err;
  95. const cmChar_t* labelStr;
  96. const cmChar_t* doc;
  97. cmDspClassFunc_t finalClassFunc; // finalize the class
  98. cmDspConsFunc_t allocFunc; // allocate an instance
  99. cmDspFunc_t freeFunc; // free an instance
  100. cmDspFunc_t resetFunc; //
  101. cmDspFunc_t execFunc; //
  102. cmDspFunc_t recvFunc; //
  103. cmDspStoreFunc_t storeFunc; // store the state of this instance
  104. cmDspAttrSymFunc_t sysRecvFunc; // attr/value recv function (see cmDspSysBroadcastValue()
  105. } cmDspClass_t;
  106. // record used to maintain an event target callback chain
  107. typedef struct cmDspInstCb_str
  108. {
  109. unsigned srcVarSymId; // src var symbol id
  110. struct cmDspInst_str* dstInstPtr; // target instance
  111. unsigned dstVarId; // target instance sel id
  112. void* dstDataPtr; // target instance custom data
  113. struct cmDspInstCb_str* linkPtr; // chain link
  114. } cmDspCb_t;
  115. // record used to maintain instance variables
  116. typedef struct
  117. {
  118. unsigned flags; // see xxxDsvFl in cmDspValue.h for possible flag values
  119. unsigned constId; // constant id provided by the instance
  120. unsigned symId; // symbol id assoc'd with this var's label
  121. cmDspValue_t value; // current value of this variable
  122. cmDspValue_t dflt; // default value for this variable
  123. cmDspCb_t* cbList; // event targets registered with this instance
  124. const cmChar_t* doc; // document string
  125. } cmDspVar_t;
  126. typedef struct
  127. {
  128. const char* label;
  129. unsigned constId;
  130. unsigned rn;
  131. unsigned cn;
  132. unsigned flags;
  133. const cmChar_t* doc;
  134. } cmDspVarArg_t;
  135. typedef struct cmDspInstSymId_str
  136. {
  137. unsigned symId; // set to cmInvalidId if the recd is not active
  138. struct cmDspInstSymId_str* link;
  139. } cmDspInstSymId_t;
  140. enum
  141. {
  142. kDisableExecInstFl = 0x01
  143. };
  144. typedef struct cmDspInst_str
  145. {
  146. struct cmDspClass_str* classPtr; // ptr to class for this instance
  147. unsigned symId; // optional unique instance label symbol id
  148. unsigned id; // id is unique among all insts
  149. unsigned flags; // See kXXXInstFl above
  150. cmDspVar_t* varArray; //
  151. unsigned varCnt; //
  152. cmDspFunc_t freeFunc; // free an instance
  153. cmDspFunc_t resetFunc; // reset a instance to its default values
  154. cmDspFunc_t execFunc; // DSP clock tick
  155. cmDspFunc_t recvFunc; // recv an event
  156. cmDspStoreFunc_t storeFunc; //
  157. cmDspAttrSymFunc_t sysRecvFunc;
  158. unsigned presetGroupSymId;//
  159. cmDspInstSymId_t* symIdList; //
  160. } cmDspInst_t;
  161. cmDspRC_t cmDspClassSetup(
  162. cmDspClass_t* classPtr, // class to setup
  163. cmDspCtx_t* ctx, //
  164. const cmChar_t* classLabel, //
  165. cmDspClassFunc_t finalClassFunc, // finalize the class
  166. cmDspConsFunc_t allocFunc, // allocate an instance
  167. cmDspFunc_t freeFunc, // free an instance
  168. cmDspFunc_t resetFunc,
  169. cmDspFunc_t execFunc,
  170. cmDspFunc_t recvFunc,
  171. cmDspStoreFunc_t storeFunc,
  172. cmDspAttrSymFunc_t sysRecvFunc,
  173. const cmChar_t* doc
  174. );
  175. void* cmDspInstAllocate(cmDspCtx_t* ctx, cmDspClass_t* classPtr, const cmDspVarArg_t* argV, unsigned instByteCnt, unsigned instSymId, unsigned instId, unsigned storeSymId, unsigned vargCnt, va_list vl );
  176. #define cmDspInstAlloc(T,ctx,classPtr,args,symId,id,storeSymId,vargCnt,vl) (T*)cmDspInstAllocate(ctx,classPtr,args,sizeof(T),symId,id,storeSymId,vargCnt,vl)
  177. void* cmDspInstAllocateV(cmDspCtx_t* ctx, cmDspClass_t* classPtr, unsigned instByteCnt, unsigned instSymId, unsigned instId, unsigned storeSymId, unsigned vargCnt, va_list vl0, ... );
  178. #define cmDspInstAllocV(T,ctx,classPtr,symId,id,storeSymId,va_cnt,vl, ... ) (T*)cmDspInstAllocateV(ctx,classPtr,sizeof(T),symId,id,storeSymId,va_cnt,vl, __VA_ARGS__ )
  179. bool cmDspInstHasAttrSym( cmDspInst_t* inst, unsigned attrSymId );
  180. cmDspRC_t cmDspInstRegisterAttrSym( cmDspCtx_t* ctx, cmDspInst_t* inst, unsigned attrSymId );
  181. cmDspRC_t cmDspInstRemoveAttrSym( cmDspCtx_t* ctx, cmDspInst_t* inst, unsigned attrSymId );
  182. cmDspRC_t cmDspClassErr( cmDspCtx_t* ctx, cmDspClass_t* classPtr, cmDspRC_t rc, const cmChar_t* fmt, ... );
  183. cmDspRC_t cmDspInstErr( cmDspCtx_t* ctx, cmDspInst_t* inst, cmDspRC_t rc, const cmChar_t* fmt, ... );
  184. // Helper functions for setting up enumerated cmDspVarArg_t records.
  185. void cmDspArgSetup( cmDspCtx_t* ctx, cmDspVarArg_t* arg, const cmChar_t* labelPrefix, unsigned labelId, unsigned constId, unsigned rn, unsigned cn, unsigned flags, const cmChar_t* docStr );
  186. unsigned cmDspArgCopy( cmDspVarArg_t* argArray, unsigned argN, unsigned dstIdx, const cmDspVarArg_t* s, unsigned sn );
  187. unsigned cmDspArgSetupN( cmDspCtx_t* ctx, cmDspVarArg_t* arg, unsigned argN, unsigned dstIdx, unsigned cnt, const cmChar_t* labelPrefix, unsigned baseConstId, unsigned rn, unsigned cn, unsigned flags, const cmChar_t* staticDocStr );
  188. void cmDspArgSetupNull( cmDspVarArg_t* arg );
  189. const cmChar_t* cmDspInstLabel( cmDspCtx_t* ctx, cmDspInst_t* inst );
  190. // Given and instance and a variable symbol id return a pointer to the variable.
  191. cmDspVar_t* cmDspVarSymbolToPtr( cmDspCtx_t* ctx, cmDspInst_t* inst, unsigned varSymId, unsigned flags );
  192. // Given an instance and a var id return a pointer to the variable.
  193. const cmDspVar_t* cmDspVarIdToCPtr( const cmDspInst_t* inst, unsigned varId );
  194. cmDspVar_t* cmDspVarIdToPtr( cmDspInst_t* inst, unsigned varId );
  195. const cmChar_t* cmDspVarLabel( cmDspCtx_t* ctx, const cmDspInst_t* inst, unsigned varId );
  196. // Make callbacks for the specified instance var.
  197. cmDspRC_t cmDspOutputEvent( cmDspCtx_t* ctx, cmDspInst_t* inst, unsigned varId );
  198. cmDspRC_t cmDspVarPresetWrite( cmDspCtx_t* ctx, cmDspInst_t* inst, unsigned varId );
  199. cmDspRC_t cmDspVarPresetRead( cmDspCtx_t* ctx, cmDspInst_t* inst, unsigned varId );
  200. cmDspRC_t cmDspVarPresetRdWr( cmDspCtx_t* ctx, cmDspInst_t* inst, unsigned varId, bool storeFl );
  201. double cmDspSampleRate( cmDspCtx_t* ctx );
  202. unsigned cmDspSamplesPerCycle( cmDspCtx_t* ctx );
  203. // Query the type of a variable
  204. unsigned cmDspTypeFlags(const cmDspInst_t* inst, unsigned varId );
  205. bool cmDspIsBool( const cmDspInst_t* inst, unsigned varId );
  206. bool cmDspIsInt( const cmDspInst_t* inst, unsigned varId );
  207. bool cmDspIsUInt( const cmDspInst_t* inst, unsigned varId );
  208. bool cmDspIsDouble( const cmDspInst_t* inst, unsigned varId );
  209. bool cmDspIsStrz( const cmDspInst_t* inst, unsigned varId );
  210. bool cmDspIsSymbol( const cmDspInst_t* inst, unsigned varId );
  211. bool cmDspIsJson( const cmDspInst_t* inst, unsigned varId );
  212. // Get the value of an instance variable.
  213. bool cmDspBool( cmDspInst_t* inst, unsigned varId );
  214. int cmDspInt( cmDspInst_t* inst, unsigned varId );
  215. unsigned cmDspUInt( cmDspInst_t* inst, unsigned varId );
  216. double cmDspDouble( cmDspInst_t* inst, unsigned varId );
  217. cmSample_t cmDspSample( cmDspInst_t* inst, unsigned varId );
  218. cmReal_t cmDspReal( cmDspInst_t* inst, unsigned varId );
  219. const cmChar_t* cmDspStrcz( cmDspInst_t* inst, unsigned varId );
  220. unsigned cmDspSymbol( cmDspInst_t* inst, unsigned varId );
  221. cmJsonNode_t* cmDspJson( cmDspInst_t* inst, unsigned varId );
  222. // Get the default value of an instance variable.
  223. bool cmDspDefaultBool( cmDspInst_t* inst, unsigned varId );
  224. int cmDspDefaultInt( cmDspInst_t* inst, unsigned varId );
  225. unsigned cmDspDefaultUInt( cmDspInst_t* inst, unsigned varId );
  226. double cmDspDefaultDouble( cmDspInst_t* inst, unsigned varId );
  227. cmSample_t cmDspDefaultSample( cmDspInst_t* inst, unsigned varId );
  228. cmReal_t cmDspDefaultReal( cmDspInst_t* inst, unsigned varId );
  229. const cmChar_t* cmDspDefaultStrcz( cmDspInst_t* inst, unsigned varId );
  230. unsigned cmDspDefaultSymbol( cmDspInst_t* inst, unsigned varId );
  231. cmJsonNode_t* cmDspDefaultJson( cmDspInst_t* inst, unsigned varId );
  232. // Possible values for cmDspSetXXX()
  233. enum
  234. {
  235. kUpdateUiDspFl = 0x00, //
  236. kNoUpdateUiDspFl = 0x01, // don't callback the UI
  237. kNoAllocDspFl = 0x02, // the caller is handling memory mgmt for the incoming value don't allocate space for it internally
  238. kSetDefaultDspFl = 0x04, // set the var default value rather than the current value
  239. kNoSendDspFl = 0x08 // do not transmit the value to connected objects
  240. };
  241. // Instance variable setter functions:
  242. //
  243. // All forms of the setter assign a value to of the specified instance variable and
  244. // then make the callbacks attached to the variable. Note that callbacks to the UI
  245. // can be prevented by setting the kNoUpdateUiDspFl in the call to cmDspSet<type>X().
  246. //
  247. //
  248. // All setters are implemented in terms of the cmDspValueSet()
  249. //
  250. // Convert the source value (svp) to the type of the target var (inst->varArray[varId])
  251. // and assign it to the var value. All the cmDspSetXXX() functions work in terms of this function.
  252. // See the kXXXDspFl flags above for possible 'flag' values.
  253. cmDspRC_t cmDspValueSet( cmDspCtx_t* ctx, cmDspInst_t* inst, unsigned varId, const cmDspValue_t* vp, unsigned flags );
  254. // Assign the default value to the current value (if the the specified variable has a valid default value).
  255. cmDspRC_t cmDspApplyDefault( cmDspCtx_t* ctx, cmDspInst_t* inst, unsigned varId );
  256. // Apply the default value to the current value for all variables which has a valid default value.
  257. // This is
  258. cmDspRC_t cmDspApplyAllDefaults( cmDspCtx_t* ctx, cmDspInst_t* inst );
  259. // Set the default value of a variable.
  260. cmDspRC_t cmDspSetDefault( cmDspCtx_t* ctx, cmDspInst_t* inst, unsigned varId, const cmDspValue_t* valPtr );
  261. // Set the default variable of a variable to 'val'.
  262. // The call is ignored (and the default value is not set) if the default
  263. // value was previously set to a vaue which is not equal to 'nonInitVal'.
  264. cmDspRC_t cmDspSetDefaultBool( cmDspCtx_t* ctx, cmDspInst_t* inst, unsigned varId, bool nonInitVal, bool val );
  265. cmDspRC_t cmDspSetDefaultInt( cmDspCtx_t* ctx, cmDspInst_t* inst, unsigned varId, int nonInitVal, int val );
  266. cmDspRC_t cmDspSetDefaultUInt( cmDspCtx_t* ctx, cmDspInst_t* inst, unsigned varId, unsigned nonInitVal, unsigned val );
  267. cmDspRC_t cmDspSetDefaultDouble( cmDspCtx_t* ctx, cmDspInst_t* inst, unsigned varId, double nonInitVal, double val );
  268. cmDspRC_t cmDspSetDefaultSample( cmDspCtx_t* ctx, cmDspInst_t* inst, unsigned varId, cmSample_t nonInitVal, cmSample_t val );
  269. cmDspRC_t cmDspSetDefaultReal( cmDspCtx_t* ctx, cmDspInst_t* inst, unsigned varId, cmReal_t nonInitVal, cmReal_t val );
  270. cmDspRC_t cmDspSetDefaultStrcz( cmDspCtx_t* ctx, cmDspInst_t* inst, unsigned varId, const cmChar_t* nonInitVal, const cmChar_t* val );
  271. cmDspRC_t cmDspSetDefaultSymbol( cmDspCtx_t* ctx, cmDspInst_t* inst, unsigned varId, /*unsigned cmInvalidId*/ unsigned val );
  272. cmDspRC_t cmDspSetDefaultJson( cmDspCtx_t* ctx, cmDspInst_t* inst, unsigned varId, cmJsonNode_t* nonInitVal, cmJsonNode_t* val );
  273. // Set the value of a variable and make any attached callbacks.
  274. // If the kUiDsvFl is set on the variable then the UI is also informed of the new value.
  275. // If the source ('val') type does not match the variable type then if possible the
  276. // source is converted to the dest (variable) type.
  277. // This function is implemented in terms of cmDspValueSet().
  278. cmDspRC_t cmDspSetBool( cmDspCtx_t* ctx, cmDspInst_t* inst, unsigned varId, bool val );
  279. cmDspRC_t cmDspSetInt( cmDspCtx_t* ctx, cmDspInst_t* inst, unsigned varId, int val );
  280. cmDspRC_t cmDspSetUInt( cmDspCtx_t* ctx, cmDspInst_t* inst, unsigned varId, unsigned val );
  281. cmDspRC_t cmDspSetDouble( cmDspCtx_t* ctx, cmDspInst_t* inst, unsigned varId, double val );
  282. cmDspRC_t cmDspSetSample( cmDspCtx_t* ctx, cmDspInst_t* inst, unsigned varId, cmSample_t val );
  283. cmDspRC_t cmDspSetReal( cmDspCtx_t* ctx, cmDspInst_t* inst, unsigned varId, cmReal_t val );
  284. cmDspRC_t cmDspSetStrcz( cmDspCtx_t* ctx, cmDspInst_t* inst, unsigned varId, const cmChar_t* val );
  285. cmDspRC_t cmDspSetSymbol( cmDspCtx_t* ctx, cmDspInst_t* inst, unsigned varId, unsigned val );
  286. cmDspRC_t cmDspSetJson( cmDspCtx_t* ctx, cmDspInst_t* inst, unsigned varId, cmJsonNode_t* val );
  287. // Set the value of a variable to the *evt->valuePtr and make any attached callbacks.
  288. // If the kUiDsvFl is set and kNoUiEchoDspFl is not set in evt->flags then UI is informed of the new value.
  289. // If the source (*evt->valuePtr) type does not match the variable type then if possible the
  290. // source is converted to the dest (variable) type.
  291. // This function is implemented in terms of cmDspValueSet().
  292. cmDspRC_t cmDspSetEvent( cmDspCtx_t* ctx, cmDspInst_t* inst, const cmDspEvt_t* evt );
  293. // Same as cmDspSetEvent() but the event is automatically echoed to the UI.
  294. cmDspRC_t cmDspSetEventUi( cmDspCtx_t* ctx, cmDspInst_t* inst, const cmDspEvt_t* evt );
  295. // Same as cmDspSetEventUi() but change the event target variable to 'varId'.
  296. cmDspRC_t cmDspSetEventUiId( cmDspCtx_t* ctx, cmDspInst_t* inst, const cmDspEvt_t* evt, unsigned varId );
  297. // Get the row and col count of a matrix valued instance variable.
  298. unsigned cmDspVarRows( cmDspInst_t* inst, unsigned varId );
  299. unsigned cmDspVarCols( cmDspInst_t* inst, unsigned varId );
  300. // Audio buffer helper functions
  301. bool cmDspIsAudioInputConnected( cmDspCtx_t* ctx, cmDspInst_t* inst, unsigned varId );
  302. cmDspRC_t cmDspZeroAudioBuf( cmDspCtx_t* ctx, cmDspInst_t* inst, unsigned varId );
  303. cmSample_t* cmDspAudioBuf( cmDspCtx_t* ctx, cmDspInst_t* inst, unsigned varId, unsigned chIdx );
  304. unsigned cmDspAudioBufSmpCount( cmDspCtx_t* ctx, cmDspInst_t* inst, unsigned varId, unsigned chIdx );
  305. // Register dspInstPtr to receive a callback when srcInstPtr generates an event identified by srcVarId.
  306. cmDspRC_t cmDspInstInstallCb( cmDspCtx_t* ctx, cmDspInst_t* srcInstPtr, unsigned srcVarId, cmDspInst_t* dstInstPtr, unsigned dstVarSymId, void* dstCbDataPtr);
  307. cmDspRC_t cmDspInstallCb( cmDspCtx_t* ctx, cmDspInst_t* srcInstPtr, const cmChar_t* srcVarLabel, cmDspInst_t* dstInstPtr, const cmChar_t* dstVarLabel, void* dstCbDataPtr);
  308. // Uninstall a previous registred instance variable callback function.
  309. cmDspRC_t cmDspInstRemoveCb( cmDspCtx_t* ctx, cmDspInst_t* srcInstPtr, unsigned srcVarId, cmDspInst_t* dstInstPtr, unsigned dstVarId );
  310. cmDspRC_t cmDspRemoveCb( cmDspCtx_t* ctx, cmDspInst_t* srcInstPtr, const cmChar_t* srcVarLabel, cmDspInst_t* dstInstPtr, unsigned dstVarId );
  311. //
  312. cmDspRC_t cmDspInstVarSetFlags( cmDspCtx_t* ctx, cmDspInst_t* instPtr, unsigned varId, unsigned flags );
  313. // Used to transmit messages to the audio system.
  314. cmDspRC_t cmDspSendValueToAudioSys( cmDspCtx_t* ctx, unsigned msgTypeId, unsigned selId, unsigned valId, const cmDspValue_t* valPtr );
  315. // The following functions are used to send message to the UI and are
  316. // implemented in cmDspUi.c. They are declared here because they are
  317. // visible to the cmDspInst functions which use them but are not available
  318. // to the host UI. The other values defined and declared in cmDspUi.h are
  319. // common to both the host UI and the DSP instances.
  320. cmDspRC_t cmDspUiConsolePrint( cmDspCtx_t* ctx, cmChar_t* text );
  321. cmDspRC_t cmDspUiSendValue( cmDspCtx_t* ctx, cmDspInst_t* inst, unsigned varId, const cmDspValue_t* valPtr );
  322. cmDspRC_t cmDspUiSendVar( cmDspCtx_t* ctx, cmDspInst_t* inst, cmDspVar_t* var );
  323. cmDspRC_t cmDspUiScalarCreate( cmDspCtx_t* ctx, cmDspInst_t* inst, unsigned typeDuiId, unsigned minVarId, unsigned maxVarId, unsigned stpVarId, unsigned valVarId, unsigned lblVarId );
  324. cmDspRC_t cmDspUiTextCreate( cmDspCtx_t* ctx, cmDspInst_t* inst, unsigned valVarId, unsigned lblVarId );
  325. cmDspRC_t cmDspUiMeterCreate( cmDspCtx_t* ctx, cmDspInst_t* inst, unsigned minVarId, unsigned maxVarId, unsigned valVarId, unsigned lblVarId );
  326. cmDspRC_t cmDspUiButtonCreate( cmDspCtx_t* ctx, cmDspInst_t* inst, unsigned typeDuiId, unsigned outVarId, unsigned lblVarId );
  327. cmDspRC_t cmDspUiLabelCreate( cmDspCtx_t* ctx, cmDspInst_t* inst, unsigned lblVarId, unsigned alignVarId );
  328. cmDspRC_t cmDspUiTimeLineCreate( cmDspCtx_t* ctx, cmDspInst_t* inst, unsigned tlFileVarId, unsigned audPathVarId, unsigned selVarId, unsigned cursVarId );
  329. cmDspRC_t cmDspUiScoreCreate( cmDspCtx_t* ctx, cmDspInst_t* inst, unsigned scFileVarId, unsigned selVarId, unsigned smpIdxVarId, unsigned pitchVarId, unsigned velVarId, unsigned locIdxVarIdx, unsigned evtIdxVarIdx, unsigned dynLvlVarIdx, unsigned valTypeVarIdx, unsigned valueVarIdx );
  330. cmDspRC_t cmDspUiTakeSeqBldrCreate( cmDspCtx_t* ctx, cmDspInst_t* inst, unsigned fileNameVarId );
  331. cmDspRC_t cmDspUiNewColumn( cmDspCtx_t* ctx, unsigned colW );
  332. cmDspRC_t cmDspUiInsertHorzBorder( cmDspCtx_t* ctx );
  333. cmDspRC_t cmDspUiNewPage( cmDspCtx_t* ctx, const cmChar_t* title );
  334. enum { kFnameFnDspFl=0x00, kFnameDirDspFl=0x01 };
  335. cmDspRC_t cmDspUiFnameCreate( cmDspCtx_t* ctx, cmDspInst_t* inst, unsigned valVarId, unsigned patVarId, unsigned dirVarId );
  336. cmDspRC_t cmDspUiMsgListCreate(cmDspCtx_t* ctx, cmDspInst_t* inst, unsigned height, unsigned listVarId, unsigned selVarId );
  337. #ifdef __cplusplus
  338. }
  339. #endif
  340. #endif