Rewrote cmGr.c::cmGrEvent() Callback cmGrIsInsideObj() now must evaluate both if the mouse point is inside the object and also if the object can handle the event. This allows the actual plot object which can handle an event to be identified by cmGrEvent(). _cmGrPlotObjEvent() still needs to be updated to account for these changes.
186 lignes
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186 lignes
5.5 KiB
#include "cmGlobal.h"
#include "cmFloatTypes.h"
#include "cmRpt.h"
#include "cmErr.h"
#include "cmCtx.h"
#include "cmMem.h"
#include "cmMallocDebug.h"
#include "cmGr.h"
#include "cmGrDevCtx.h"
#include "cmGrPlot.h"
#include "cmAudioFile.h"
#include "cmAudioFileMgr.h"
#include "cmGrPlotAudio.h"
typedef struct
cmGrPlObjH_t oH;
cmAfmFileH_t afH;
unsigned chIdx;
cmGrRenderObjCb_t renderCbFunc;
void* renderCbArg;
cmGrDestroyObjCb_t destroyCbFunc;
void* destroyCbArg;
cmGrIsInsideObjCb_t isInsideCbFunc;
void* isInsideCbArg;
void* mem; //
cmGrPExt_t pext; // extents of the visible portion of this audio object
unsigned pixN; // count of pixel columns used by this audio object
cmSample_t* fMinV; // fMinV[pixN] = min sample value for each visible column
cmSample_t* fMaxV; // fMaxV[pixN] = max sample value for each visible column
int* iMinV; // iMinV[pixN] = top pixel for each column line
int* iMaxV; // iMaxV[pixN] = bottom pixel for each column line
} cmGrPlObjAf_t;
cmGrPlRC_t _cmGrPlObjAfCalcImage( cmGrPlObjAf_t* op, cmGrH_t grH )
cmGrPlRC_t rc = kOkGrPlRC;
cmGrObjH_t grObjH = cmGrPlotObjHandle(op->oH);
cmGrVExt_t vwExt,objExt,drExt;
// get the intersection of the view and this audio object
cmGrViewExtents( grH, &vwExt );
cmGrPlotObjVExt( op->oH, &objExt );
// if the audio object is visible
if( cmGrVExtIsNullOrEmpty(&drExt) )
op->pixN = 0;
// get the extents of the visible portion of the audio object
cmGrVExt_VtoP( grH, cmGrPlotObjHandle(op->oH), &drExt, &op->pext);
// store the count of horizontal pixels
op->pixN = op->;
// allocate a cache to hold the image data
unsigned byteCnt = op->pixN * 2 * sizeof(int) + op->pixN * 2 * sizeof(cmSample_t);
op->mem = cmMemResize(char,op->mem,byteCnt);
op->fMinV = (cmSample_t*)op->mem;
op->fMaxV = op->fMinV + op->pixN;
op->iMinV = (int*)(op->fMaxV + op->pixN);
op->iMaxV = op->iMinV + op->pixN;
assert( op->iMaxV + op->pixN == op->mem + byteCnt );
// locate the offset into the file of the first sample to be displayed
unsigned si = 0;
if( drExt.loc.x > objExt.loc.x )
si = drExt.loc.x - objExt.loc.x;
// get the floating point audio summary signal
if( cmAfmFileGetSummary( op->afH, op->chIdx, si,, op->fMinV, op->fMaxV, op->pixN ) != kOkAfmRC )
const cmChar_t* afn = cmAudioFileName( cmAfmFileHandle(op->afH));
rc = cmErrMsg( cmGrPlotErr( cmGrPlotObjMgrHandle(op->oH) ), kRsrcFailGrPlRC, "Audio file summary read failure on '%s'.",afn);
goto errLabel;
unsigned i;
// convert the summary to pixels values
for(i=0; i<op->pixN; ++i)
// Note the reversal of min and max during the conversion.
op->iMaxV[i] = cmGrY_VtoP( grH, grObjH, op->fMinV[i] );
op->iMinV[i] = cmGrY_VtoP( grH, grObjH, op->fMaxV[i] );
return rc;
bool _cmGrPlObjAfRender( cmGrObjFuncArgs_t* args, cmGrDcH_t dcH )
cmGrPlObjAf_t* op = (cmGrPlObjAf_t*)args->cbArg;
if( _cmGrPlObjAfCalcImage(op, args->grH ) == kOkGrPlRC )
int i;
cmGrPExt_t pext;
cmGrPhysExtents( args->grH, &pext);
cmGrDcSetColor(dcH, cmGrPlotObjCurLineColor(op->oH));
// draw a horz line at y=0
int y0 = cmGrY_VtoP( args->grH, cmGrPlotObjHandle(op->oH), 0.0 );
cmGrDcDrawLine(dcH, cmGrPExtL(&op->pext), y0, cmGrPExtR(&op->pext) , y0 );
// draw a vertical line for each
for(i=0; i<op->pixN; ++i)
cmGrDcDrawLine(dcH, op->pext.loc.x+i, op->iMinV[i], op->pext.loc.x+i, op->iMaxV[i] );
// draw a rectangle around the entire audio clip
cmGrDcDrawRect(dcH, op->pext.loc.x, cmGrPExtT(&pext), op->, cmGrPExtB(&pext) );
// draw the file label
cmGrDcDrawTextJustify( dcH, cmGrPlotObjFontFamily(op->oH), cmGrPlotObjFontSize(op->oH), cmGrPlotObjFontStyle(op->oH), cmGrPlotObjLabel(op->oH), &op->pext, kHorzCtrJsGrFl | kTopJsGrFl );
return true;
bool _cmGrPlObjAfIsInside( cmGrObjFuncArgs_t* args, unsigned evtFlags, int px, int py, cmGrV_t vx, cmGrV_t vy )
cmGrPlObjAf_t* op = (cmGrPlObjAf_t*)args->cbArg;
if( cmGrPExtIsXyInside( &op->pext, px, py ) )
px -= op->pext.loc.x;
if( 0 <= px && px < op->pixN )
return op->iMinV[px] <= py && py <= op->iMaxV[px];
return false;
void _cmGrPlObjAfDestroy( cmGrObjFuncArgs_t* args )
cmGrPlObjAf_t* op = (cmGrPlObjAf_t*)args->cbArg;
args->cbArg = op->destroyCbArg;
cmGrPlRC_t cmGrPlotAudioFileObjCreate(
cmGrPlObjH_t oH,
cmAfmFileH_t afH,
unsigned audioChIdx )
cmGrPlObjAf_t* op = cmMemAllocZ(cmGrPlObjAf_t,1);
op->oH = oH;
op->afH = afH;
op->chIdx = audioChIdx;
cmGrObjH_t grObjH = cmGrPlotObjHandle(op->oH);
op->renderCbFunc = cmGrObjRenderCbFunc(grObjH);
op->renderCbArg = cmGrObjRenderCbArg(grObjH);
cmGrObjSetRenderCb( grObjH, _cmGrPlObjAfRender, op );
op->destroyCbFunc = cmGrObjDestroyCbFunc(grObjH);
op->destroyCbArg = cmGrObjDestroyCbArg(grObjH);
cmGrObjSetDestroyCb( grObjH, _cmGrPlObjAfDestroy, op );
op->isInsideCbFunc = cmGrObjIsInsideCbFunc(grObjH);
op->isInsideCbArg = cmGrObjIsInsideCbArg(grObjH);
cmGrObjSetIsInsideCb( grObjH, _cmGrPlObjAfIsInside, op );
return kOkGrPlRC;