708 line
29 KiB
708 line
29 KiB
#ifndef cmProc3_h
#define cmProc3_h
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
typedef struct
double wi;
double xi;
int yn;
cmSample_t* y;
int yii;
int yoi;
int ynn;
} cmPitchShiftOsc_t;
typedef struct
cmObj obj;
unsigned procSmpCnt;
double srate;
int outN; // procSmpCnt
int wn; //
int xn; //
int bn; //
cmSample_t* b; // b[bn]
cmSample_t* x; // x[xn]
cmSample_t* wnd; // wnd[wn]
cmSample_t* outV; // outV[outN];
int xni; //
bool cubeFl; //
cmPitchShiftOsc_t osc[2]; //
} cmPitchShift;
cmPitchShift* cmPitchShiftAlloc( cmCtx* c, cmPitchShift* p, unsigned procSmpCnt, cmReal_t srate );
cmRC_t cmPitchShiftFree( cmPitchShift** pp );
cmRC_t cmPitchShiftInit( cmPitchShift* p, unsigned procSmpCnt, cmReal_t srate );
cmRC_t cmPitchShiftFinal(cmPitchShift* p );
cmRC_t cmPitchShiftExec( cmPitchShift* p, const cmSample_t* x, cmSample_t* y, unsigned n, double shiftRatio, bool bypassFl );
typedef struct
double xi; // index into xV[]
double wi; // index into wV[]
cmSample_t u; // cross-fade window polarity
} cmLoopRecdOsc;
typedef struct
cmLoopRecdOsc osc[2]; //
cmSample_t* xV; // xV[ xN ]
int xN; // maxRecdSmpCnt
int xfN; // cross-fade sample count
int xii; // xV[] recording input index
cmSample_t* wV; // wV[ xN ] window function (actually contains xii values after recording)
} cmLoopRecdBuf;
typedef struct
cmObj obj;
cmSample_t* bufMem;
unsigned maxRecdSmpCnt;
cmLoopRecdBuf* bufArray;
unsigned bufArrayCnt;
cmSample_t* outV;
unsigned outN;
unsigned procSmpCnt;
unsigned xfadeSmpCnt;
unsigned recdBufIdx;
unsigned playBufIdx;
bool recdFl;
bool playFl;
} cmLoopRecord;
cmLoopRecord* cmLoopRecordAlloc( cmCtx* c, cmLoopRecord* p, unsigned procSmpCnt, unsigned maxRecdSmpCnt, unsigned xfadeSmpCnt );
cmRC_t cmLoopRecordFree( cmLoopRecord** pp );
cmRC_t cmLoopRecordInit( cmLoopRecord* p, unsigned procSmpCnt, unsigned maxRecdSmpCnt, unsigned xfadeSmpCnt );
cmRC_t cmLoopRecordFinal( cmLoopRecord* p );
// rgain=recorder output gain, pgain=pass through gain
cmRC_t cmLoopRecordExec( cmLoopRecord* p, const cmSample_t* x, cmSample_t* y, unsigned xn, bool bypassFl, bool recdFl, bool playFl, double ratio, double pgain, double rgain );
typedef struct
cmObj obj;
unsigned rmsN;
cmSample_t* rmsV; // rmsV[rmsN] previous rmsN values. rmsV[rmsN-1] == rms
cmSample_t rms; // RMS of last procSmpCnt samples
unsigned wndN;
cmSample_t* wndV;
cmSample_t mean;
cmSample_t d0;
unsigned durSmpCnt; // duration of the current gate polarity in samples
bool gateFl;
bool deltaFl;
cmReal_t onThreshPct;
cmReal_t onThreshDb;
cmReal_t offThreshDb; //
} cmGateDetect;
cmGateDetect* cmGateDetectAlloc( cmCtx* c, cmGateDetect* p, unsigned procSmpCnt, cmReal_t onThreshPct, cmReal_t onThreshDb, cmReal_t offThreshDb );
cmRC_t cmGateDetectFree( cmGateDetect** p );
cmRC_t cmGateDetectInit( cmGateDetect* p, unsigned procSmpCnt, cmReal_t onThreshPct, cmReal_t onThreshDb, cmReal_t offThreshDb );
cmRC_t cmGateDetectFinal(cmGateDetect* p );
cmRC_t cmGateDetectExec( cmGateDetect* p, const cmSample_t* x, unsigned xn );
typedef struct
unsigned medCnt; // length of the median filter
unsigned avgCnt; // length of the (rms - med) moving avg. filter
unsigned suprCnt; // length of the supression window
unsigned offCnt; // length of the offset detection window
cmReal_t suprCoeff; // supression signal shape coeff
cmReal_t onThreshDb; // onset threshold
cmReal_t offThreshDb; // offset threshold
} cmGateDetectParams;
typedef struct
cmObj obj;
cmGateDetectParams args;
cmSample_t* medV; // medV[medCnt]
unsigned medIdx;
cmSample_t* avgV; // avgV[avgCnt]
unsigned avgIdx;
cmSample_t* fcofV; // fcofV[medCnt]
cmSample_t* fdlyV; // fdlyV[medCnt]
cmSample_t* suprV; // suprV[suprCnt]
unsigned suprIdx;
cmSample_t* pkV; // pkV[3]
cmSample_t* offV; // offV[offCnt]
unsigned offIdx;
unsigned pkFl; //
bool gateFl; // set by onset, cleared by offset
bool onFl; // set if an onset was detected
bool offFl; // set if an offset was detected
cmReal_t onThresh;
cmReal_t offThresh;
cmSample_t rms; // RMS
cmSample_t med; // median RMS over last medCnt exec's
cmSample_t dif; // max(0, RMS - median_RMS)
cmSample_t avg; // avg dif's over last avgCnt exec's
cmSample_t ons; // dif - avg
cmSample_t flt; // filtered(ons)
cmSample_t sup; // flt w/ suppression
} cmGateDetect2;
cmGateDetect2* cmGateDetectAlloc2( cmCtx* c, cmGateDetect2* p, unsigned procSmpCnt, const cmGateDetectParams* args );
cmRC_t cmGateDetectFree2( cmGateDetect2** p );
cmRC_t cmGateDetectInit2( cmGateDetect2* p, unsigned procSmpCnt, const cmGateDetectParams* args );
cmRC_t cmGateDetectFinal2(cmGateDetect2* p );
cmRC_t cmGateDetectExec2( cmGateDetect2* p, const cmSample_t* x, unsigned xn );
void cmGateDetectSetOnThreshDb2( cmGateDetect2* p, cmReal_t db );
void cmGateDetectSetOffThreshDb2( cmGateDetect2* p, cmReal_t db );
// Calculate a set of automatic gain adjustments for a set of audio channels.
// 1) Call cmAutoGainInit() to reset the object.
// 2) Call cmAutoGainStartCh() and provide an id to identify the channel.
// 3) Call cmAutoGainProcCh() with audio from the channel identified in 2)
// 4) Repeat 2) and 3) for for all channels.
// 5) Call cmAutoGainCalcGains() to set the value of cmAutoGainCh.gain.
// The gain coefficents are set to balance the overall gain.
// (i.e. Loud channels are decreased and quiet channels are increased.)
typedef struct
unsigned id; // channel id
cmReal_t gain; // gain adjustment coefficient
unsigned onCnt; // count of onsets detected
unsigned offCnt; // count of offsets detected
cmReal_t gateMaxAvg; // average of the max values for each detected event
} cmAutoGainCh;
typedef struct
cmObj obj;
cmShiftBuf* sbp;
cmGateDetect2* gdp;
cmAutoGainCh* chArray; //
unsigned chCnt;
cmAutoGainCh* chp;
unsigned gateCnt;
cmReal_t gateSum;
cmReal_t gateMax;
cmReal_t minRms;
} cmAutoGain;
cmAutoGain* cmAutoGainAlloc( cmCtx* c, cmAutoGain* p, unsigned procSmpCnt, cmReal_t srate, cmReal_t hopMs, unsigned chCnt, const cmGateDetectParams* gd_args );
cmRC_t cmAutoGainFree( cmAutoGain** p );
cmRC_t cmAutoGainInit( cmAutoGain* p, unsigned procSmpCnt, cmReal_t srate, cmReal_t hopMs, unsigned chCnt, const cmGateDetectParams* gd_args );
cmRC_t cmAutoGainFinal( cmAutoGain* p );
// Notify the object that the following calls to cmAutoGainProcCh()
// should be associed with the channel 'id'.
cmRC_t cmAutoGainStartCh( cmAutoGain* p, unsigned id );
// Examine the signal arriving from the channel specified in the previous
// call to cmAutoGainProcCh() and determine the max RMS value for each
// event contained in the signal.
cmRC_t cmAutoGainProcCh( cmAutoGain* p, const cmSample_t* x, unsigned xn );
// Calculate the cmAutoGainCh.gain coefficient for each channel.
cmRC_t cmAutoGainCalcGains( cmAutoGain* p );
void cmAutoGainPrint( cmAutoGain* p, cmRpt_t* rpt );
typedef struct
unsigned ch;
unsigned ssi;
const cmChar_t* pitchStr;
unsigned midi;
cmReal_t gain;
bool nsFl; // noise shaper channel
bool cdFl; // chord detector channel
} cmChCfgCh;
typedef struct
cmObj obj;
cmChCfgCh* chArray;
unsigned chCnt;
unsigned nsChCnt; // count of noise-shaper channels
const cmChar_t* fn;
cmJsonH_t jsH;
cmJsonNode_t* cap;
} cmChCfg;
cmChCfg* cmChCfgAlloc( cmCtx* c, cmChCfg* p, cmCtx_t* ctx, const cmChar_t* fn );
cmRC_t cmChCfgFree( cmChCfg** pp );
cmRC_t cmChCfgInit( cmChCfg* p, cmCtx_t* ctx, const cmChar_t* fn );
cmRC_t cmChCfgFinal( cmChCfg* p );
cmRC_t cmChCfgWrite( cmChCfg* p );
void cmChCfgPrint( cmChCfg* p, cmRpt_t* rpt );
unsigned cmChCfgChannelCount( cmCtx_t* ctx, const cmChar_t* fn, unsigned* nsChCntPtr );
unsigned cmChCfgChannelIndex( cmCtx_t* ctx, const cmChar_t* fn, unsigned chIdx );
typedef struct
bool readyFl; // This channel has received an offset since it was last a candidate.
bool candFl; // This channel is a chord candidate
unsigned candSmpTime; // Time that this channel became a candidate
cmReal_t candRMS; // RMS when this channel became a candidate
bool chordFl; // This channel is part of the current chord
bool gateFl; // Previous gate state
} cmChordDetectCh;
typedef struct
cmObj obj;
unsigned maxTimeSpanSmpCnt; // maximum time between onsets of first and last note of chord
unsigned minNotesPerChord; // the min. number of notes required to form a chord
unsigned chCnt; // count of channels
cmChordDetectCh* chArray; // channel state array
bool detectFl; // true when a new chord has been detected
unsigned timeSmp; // current time
cmReal_t srate;
} cmChordDetect;
cmChordDetect* cmChordDetectAlloc( cmCtx*c, cmChordDetect* p, cmReal_t srate, unsigned chCnt, cmReal_t maxTimeSpanMs, unsigned minNotesPerChord );
cmRC_t cmChordDetectFree( cmChordDetect** pp );
cmRC_t cmChordDetectInit( cmChordDetect* p, cmReal_t srate, unsigned chCnt, cmReal_t maxTimeSpanMs, unsigned minNotesPerChord );
cmRC_t cmChordDetectFinal( cmChordDetect* p );
cmRC_t cmChordDetectExec( cmChordDetect* p, unsigned procSmpCnt, const bool* gateV, const cmReal_t* rmsV, unsigned chCnt );
cmRC_t cmChordDetectSetSpanMs( cmChordDetect* p, cmReal_t maxTimeSpanMs );
// This object is not really a cross-fader. It is really just a multichannel
// fader - which just calculates the fade gain but does not actually apply it
// to the audio signal - unless you use cmXfaderExecAudio()
typedef struct
cmReal_t gain;
bool gateFl; // true if channel is on
bool onFl; // true if gateFl transitioned to true on this cycle
bool offFl; // true if gateFl transitioned to false on this cycle
} cmXfaderCh;
typedef struct
cmObj obj;
unsigned chCnt;
cmXfaderCh* chArray;
unsigned fadeSmpCnt;
unsigned fadeInSmpCnt;
unsigned fadeOutSmpCnt;
cmReal_t srate;
bool gateFl; // true if any channels are on
bool onFl; // true on cycle where gate transitions to 'on'.
bool offFl; // true on cycle where gate transitions to 'off'.
} cmXfader;
cmXfader* cmXfaderAlloc( cmCtx*c, cmXfader* p, cmReal_t srate, unsigned chCnt, cmReal_t fadeTimeMs );
cmRC_t cmXfaderFree( cmXfader** pp );
cmRC_t cmXfaderInit( cmXfader* p, cmReal_t srate, unsigned chCnt, cmReal_t fadeTimeMs );
cmRC_t cmXfaderFinal( cmXfader* p );
cmRC_t cmXfaderExec( cmXfader* p, unsigned procSmpCnt, const bool* gateV, unsigned chCnt );
cmRC_t cmXfaderExecAudio( cmXfader* p, unsigned procSmpCnt, const bool* gateV, unsigned chCnt, const cmSample_t* x[], cmSample_t* y );
void cmXfaderSetXfadeTime( cmXfader* p, cmReal_t fadeTimeMs );
void cmXfaderSetXfadeInTime( cmXfader* p, cmReal_t fadeTimeMs );
void cmXfaderSetXfadeOutTime( cmXfader* p, cmReal_t fadeTimeMs );
// Set all gates to false except chIdx.
void cmXfaderSelectOne( cmXfader* p, unsigned chIdx );
void cmXfaderAllOff( cmXfader* p );
// This fader object accepts a gate signal. When the gate is high it increments
// the gain until it reaches 1.0. When the gate is low it decrements the gain
// until it reaches 0.0. The fade time is the lenght of time the gain will take
// to transition from 0.0 to 1.0 or 1.0 to 0.0.
typedef struct
cmObj obj;
unsigned fadeSmpCnt; // time to fade from 0->1 or 1->0
cmReal_t srate;
cmReal_t gain;
} cmFader;
cmFader* cmFaderAlloc( cmCtx*c, cmFader* p, cmReal_t srate, cmReal_t fadeTimeMs );
cmRC_t cmFaderFree( cmFader** pp );
cmRC_t cmFaderInit( cmFader* p, cmReal_t srate, cmReal_t fadeTimeMs );
cmRC_t cmFaderFinal( cmFader* p );
cmRC_t cmFaderExec( cmFader* p, unsigned procSmpCnt, bool gateFl, bool mixFl, const cmSample_t* x, cmSample_t* y );
void cmFaderSetFadeTime( cmFader* p, cmReal_t fadeTimeMs );
struct cmIDelay_str;
typedef struct
cmObj obj;
cmReal_t srate; // system sample rate
bool feedbackFl; // set if this is a feedback comb filter
cmReal_t minHz; // lowest comb frequency this comb filter can support
cmReal_t hz; // location of first comb
cmReal_t alpha; // filter coeff.
cmReal_t dN; // max length of the the cf delay line
unsigned dn; // current length of cf delay line
cmReal_t* d; // d[dn] filter delay line
cmReal_t* b; // b[dn] feedforward coeff's
cmReal_t* a; // a[dn] feedback coeff's
cmReal_t b0; // feedforward coeff 0
bool bypassFl; // bypass enable flag
struct cmIDelay_str* idp;
} cmCombFilt;
cmCombFilt* cmCombFiltAlloc( cmCtx* c, cmCombFilt* p, cmReal_t srate, bool feedbackFl, cmReal_t minHz, cmReal_t alpha, cmReal_t hz, bool bypassFl );
cmRC_t cmCombFiltFree( cmCombFilt** pp);
cmRC_t cmCombFiltInit( cmCombFilt* p, cmReal_t srate, bool feedbackFl, cmReal_t minHz, cmReal_t alpha, cmReal_t hz, bool bypassFl );
cmRC_t cmCombFiltFinal( cmCombFilt* p );
cmRC_t cmCombFiltExec( cmCombFilt* p, const cmSample_t* x, cmSample_t* y, unsigned n );
void cmCombFiltSetAlpha( cmCombFilt* p, cmReal_t alpha );
cmRC_t cmCombFiltSetHz( cmCombFilt* p, cmReal_t hz );
typedef struct
cmObj obj;
cmReal_t d[2]; //
cmReal_t b[1]; //
cmReal_t a[1]; // a[dn] feedback coeff's
cmReal_t b0; // feedforward coeff 0
bool bypassFl;
} cmDcFilt;
cmDcFilt* cmDcFiltAlloc( cmCtx* c, cmDcFilt* p, bool bypassFl );
cmRC_t cmDcFiltFree( cmDcFilt** pp);
cmRC_t cmDcFiltInit( cmDcFilt* p, bool bypassFl );
cmRC_t cmDcFiltFinal( cmDcFilt* p );
cmRC_t cmDcFiltExec( cmDcFilt* p, const cmSample_t* x, cmSample_t* y, unsigned n );
// interpolating delay - used by the comb filter
typedef struct cmIDelay_str
cmObj obj;
cmSample_t* d; // d[dn] delay line
int dn; // sizeo of delay
cmSample_t* m; // memory buffer
int mn; // size of memory bufer (dn+3)
int ii; // input index
unsigned tn; // count of taps
cmReal_t* ti; // ti[tn] tap locations (fractional delay from t->ii)
cmReal_t* tff; // tg[tn] tap out gain
cmReal_t* tfb;// tfb[tn] tap feedback gain
cmReal_t srate;
} cmIDelay;
cmIDelay* cmIDelayAlloc( cmCtx* c, cmIDelay* p, cmReal_t srate, cmReal_t maxDelayMs, const cmReal_t* tapMs, const cmReal_t* tapFfGain, const cmReal_t* tapFbGain, unsigned tapCnt );
cmRC_t cmIDelayFree( cmIDelay** pp );
cmRC_t cmIDelayInit( cmIDelay* p, cmReal_t srate, cmReal_t maxDelayMs, const cmReal_t* tapMs, const cmReal_t* tapFfGain, const cmReal_t* tapFbGain, unsigned tapCnt );
cmRC_t cmIDelayFinal(cmIDelay* p );
cmRC_t cmIDelayExec( cmIDelay* p, const cmSample_t* x, cmSample_t* y, unsigned n );
cmRC_t cmIDelaySetTapMs( cmIDelay* p, unsigned tapIdx, cmReal_t tapMs );
// This object sequentially assigns channels to groups when their gates go high.
// 'chsPerGroup' channels will be assigned to each group. No channel will be
// assigned to any group unless there are at least 'chsPerGroup' available
// (unassigned) channels.
// Channels are released from groups when one of the member channels gates goes low.
typedef struct
cmReal_t rms; // current rms of this input channel
bool gateFl; // current gate state of this input channel
bool readyFl; // this channel is available to be assigned to a group
bool offsetFl; // the gate went low during this cycle (cleared on exec)
unsigned groupIdx; // group this channel is assigned to or cmInvalidIdx if it is not assigned to any group
} cmGroupSelCh;
typedef struct
unsigned* chIdxArray; // chIdxArray[p->chCnt] array of indexes to channels assigned to this group
unsigned chIdxCnt; // count indexes in chIdxArray[] or 0 if the channel is not in use
bool releaseFl; // true during the cycle that this group was released on
bool createFl; // true during the cycle that this group was created on
} cmGroupSelGrp;
typedef struct
cmObj obj;
cmGroupSelCh* chArray; // chArray[chCnt]
unsigned chCnt; // count of channels
cmGroupSelGrp* groupArray; // groupArray[groupCnt]
unsigned groupCnt; // count of groups - must be <= chCnt - can be changed at any time
unsigned chsPerGroup; // channels per group
bool updateFl; // set during exec if channels were assigned or released
} cmGroupSel;
cmGroupSel* cmGroupSelAlloc( cmCtx* c, cmGroupSel* p, unsigned chCnt, unsigned groupCnt, unsigned chsPerGroup );
cmRC_t cmGroupSelFree( cmGroupSel** pp );
cmRC_t cmGroupSelInit( cmGroupSel* p, unsigned chCnt, unsigned groupCnt, unsigned chsPerGroup );
cmRC_t cmGroupSelFinal( cmGroupSel* p );
cmRC_t cmGroupSetChannelGate( cmGroupSel* p, unsigned chIdx, bool gateFl );
cmRC_t cmGroupSetChannelRMS( cmGroupSel* p, unsigned chIdx, cmReal_t rms );
// After exec if the p->updateFl is set then iterate through
// p->groupArray[]. Groups that have been created will have their 'createFl' set
// and groups that will be removed on the next cycle have their 'releaseFl' set.
cmRC_t cmGroupSelExec( cmGroupSel* p );
// Route N of M input channels to N output channels.
// The N channels are selected from the first N gates to go high.
typedef struct cmAudioNofM_In_str
bool gateFl;
bool onsetFl;
bool offsetFl;
unsigned outChIdx;
cmFader* fader;
struct cmAudioNofM_In_str* link;
} cmAudioNofM_In;
typedef struct
struct cmAudioNofM_In_str* list;
} cmAudioNofM_Out;
typedef struct
cmObj obj;
unsigned iChCnt; // (M) input channel count
cmAudioNofM_In* inArray; // chArray[ M ] - input channel array
unsigned oChCnt; // (N) output channel count
cmAudioNofM_Out* outArray; // outArray[N] - output channel array
unsigned nxtOutChIdx; // ch assoc;d with the next onset gate will be assined to this output channel
} cmAudioNofM;
cmAudioNofM* cmAudioNofMAlloc( cmCtx* c, cmAudioNofM* p, cmReal_t srate, unsigned iChCnt, unsigned oChCnt, cmReal_t fadeTimeMs );
cmRC_t cmAudioNofMFree( cmAudioNofM** pp );
cmRC_t cmAudioNofMInit( cmAudioNofM* p, cmReal_t srate, unsigned iChCnt, unsigned oChCnt, cmReal_t fadeTimeMs );
cmRC_t cmAudioNofMFinal( cmAudioNofM* p );
cmRC_t cmAudioNofMSetChannelGate( cmAudioNofM* p, unsigned inChIdx, bool gateFl );
// Sum the audio contained in x[inChCnt][n] into y[outChCnt][n] according
// to the state of the object.
// Notes
// 1) y[n] should be zeroed by the caller as the output is summed into this buffer.
// 2) inChCnt should equal p->iChCnt and outChCnt should equal p->oChCnt
cmRC_t cmAudioNofMExec( cmAudioNofM* p, const cmSample_t* x[], unsigned inChCnt, cmSample_t* y[], unsigned outChCnt, unsigned n );
cmRC_t cmAudioNofMSetFadeMs( cmAudioNofM* p, cmReal_t fadeTimeMs );
enum { kDlyAdsrId, kAtkAdsrId, kDcyAdsrId, kSusAdsrId, kRlsAdsrId, kDoneAdsrId };
typedef struct
cmObj obj;
cmReal_t srate;
bool trigModeFl; // gate on triggers start, gate-off ignored
cmReal_t levelMin;
cmReal_t scaleDur; //
int dlySmp;
int atkSmp;
cmReal_t atkLevel;
int dcySmp;
int susSmp; // only used in trigger mode
cmReal_t susLevel;
int rlsSmp;
unsigned state; // current state
int durSmp; // time in current state
cmReal_t level; // current level
bool gateFl; // last gate state
cmReal_t atkBegLevel; // attack starting level
cmReal_t atkDurSmp; // attack duration
cmReal_t rlsLevel; // release starting level
cmReal_t rlsDurSmp; // release duration
cmReal_t actAtkLevel;
cmReal_t actSusLevel;
} cmAdsr;
cmAdsr* cmAdsrAlloc( cmCtx* c, cmAdsr* p, cmReal_t srate, bool trigFl, cmReal_t minL, cmReal_t dlyMs, cmReal_t atkMs, cmReal_t atkL, cmReal_t dcyMs, cmReal_t susMs, cmReal_t susL, cmReal_t rlsMs );
cmRC_t cmAdsrFree( cmAdsr** pp );
cmRC_t cmAdsrInit( cmAdsr* p, cmReal_t srate, bool trigFl, cmReal_t minL, cmReal_t dlyMs, cmReal_t atkMs, cmReal_t atkL, cmReal_t dcyMs, cmReal_t susMs, cmReal_t susL, cmReal_t rlsMs );
cmRC_t cmAdsrFinal( cmAdsr* p );
cmReal_t cmAdsrExec( cmAdsr* p, unsigned procSmpCnt, bool gateFl, cmReal_t tscale, cmReal_t ascale );
void cmAdsrSetTime( cmAdsr* p, cmReal_t ms, unsigned id );
void cmAdsrSetLevel( cmAdsr* p, cmReal_t level, unsigned id );
void cmAdsrReport( cmAdsr* p, cmRpt_t* rpt );
enum { kAtkCompId, kRlsCompId };
typedef struct
cmObj obj;
cmReal_t srate; // system sample rate
unsigned procSmpCnt; // samples per exec cycle
cmReal_t inGain; // input gain
cmReal_t threshDb; // threshold in dB (max:100 min:0)
cmReal_t ratio_num; // numerator of the ratio
unsigned atkSmp; // time to reduce the signal by 10.0 db
unsigned rlsSmp; // time to increase the signal by 10.0 db
cmReal_t outGain; // makeup gain
bool bypassFl; // bypass enable
cmSample_t* rmsWnd; // rmsWnd[rmsWndAllocCnt]
unsigned rmsWndAllocCnt; //
unsigned rmsWndCnt; // current RMS window size (rmsWndCnt must be <= rmsWndAllocCnt)
unsigned rmsWndIdx; // next RMS window input index
unsigned state; // env. state
cmReal_t rmsDb; // current incoming signal RMS (max:100 min:0)
cmReal_t gain; // current compressor gain
cmReal_t timeConstDb; // the atk/rls will incr/decr by 'timeConstDb' per atkMs/rlsMs.
cmReal_t pkDb; //
cmReal_t accumDb; //
} cmCompressor;
cmCompressor* cmCompressorAlloc( cmCtx* c, cmCompressor* p, cmReal_t srate, unsigned procSmpCnt, cmReal_t inGain, cmReal_t rmsWndMaxMs, cmReal_t rmsWndMs, cmReal_t threshDb, cmReal_t ratio, cmReal_t atkMs, cmReal_t rlsMs, cmReal_t outGain, bool bypassFl );
cmRC_t cmCompressorFree( cmCompressor** pp );
cmRC_t cmCompressorInit( cmCompressor* p, cmReal_t srate, unsigned procSmpCnt, cmReal_t inGain, cmReal_t rmsWndMaxMs, cmReal_t rmsWndMs, cmReal_t threshDb, cmReal_t ratio, cmReal_t atkMs, cmReal_t rlsMs, cmReal_t outGain, bool bypassFl );
cmRC_t cmCompressorFinal( cmCompressor* p );
cmRC_t cmCompressorExec( cmCompressor* p, const cmSample_t* x, cmSample_t* y, unsigned n );
void cmCompressorSetAttackMs( cmCompressor* p, cmReal_t ms );
void cmCompressorSetReleaseMs( cmCompressor* p, cmReal_t ms );
void cmCompressorSetThreshDb( cmCompressor* p, cmReal_t thresh );
void cmCompressorSetRmsWndMs( cmCompressor* p, cmReal_t ms );
// BiQuad Audio Eq's based on Robert Bristow-Johnson's recipes.
// http://www.musicdsp.org/files/Audio-EQ-Cookbook.txt
// See filter_rbj.m for equivalent octave code.
typedef struct
cmObj obj;
cmReal_t srate;
unsigned mode;
cmReal_t f0Hz;
cmReal_t Q;
cmReal_t gainDb;
cmReal_t d[4];
cmReal_t b[3];
cmReal_t a[3];
bool bypassFl;
} cmBiQuadEq;
cmBiQuadEq* cmBiQuadEqAlloc( cmCtx* c, cmBiQuadEq* p, cmReal_t srate, unsigned mode, cmReal_t f0Hz, cmReal_t Q, cmReal_t gainDb, bool bypassFl );
cmRC_t cmBiQuadEqFree( cmBiQuadEq** pp );
cmRC_t cmBiQuadEqInit( cmBiQuadEq* p, cmReal_t srate, unsigned mode, cmReal_t f0Hz, cmReal_t Q, cmReal_t gainDb, bool bypassFl );
cmRC_t cmBiQuadEqFinal( cmBiQuadEq* p );
cmRC_t cmBiQuadEqExec( cmBiQuadEq* p, const cmSample_t* x, cmSample_t* y, unsigned n );
void cmBiQuadEqSet( cmBiQuadEq* p, unsigned mode, cmReal_t f0Hz, cmReal_t Q, cmReal_t gainDb );
typedef struct
cmObj obj;
cmReal_t srate;
cmReal_t downSrate;
cmReal_t bits;
bool rectFl;
bool fullFl;
cmReal_t clipDb;
cmReal_t inGain;
cmReal_t outGain;
bool bypassFl;
double fracIdx;
cmSample_t lastVal;
cmSample_t lastY;
cmSample_t lastX;
} cmDistDs;
cmDistDs* cmDistDsAlloc( cmCtx* c, cmDistDs* p, cmReal_t srate, cmReal_t inGain, cmReal_t downSrate, cmReal_t bits, bool rectFl, bool fullFl, cmReal_t clipDb, cmReal_t outGain, bool bypassFl );
cmRC_t cmDistDsFree( cmDistDs** p );
cmRC_t cmDistDsInit( cmDistDs* p, cmReal_t srate, cmReal_t inGain, cmReal_t downSrate, cmReal_t bits, bool rectFl, bool fullFl, cmReal_t clipDb, cmReal_t outGain, bool bypassFl );
cmRC_t cmDistDsFinal( cmDistDs* p );
cmRC_t cmDistDsExec( cmDistDs* p, const cmSample_t* x, cmSample_t* y, unsigned n );
typedef struct
cmObj obj;
} cmUnitDelay;
cmUnitDelay* cmUnitDelayAlloc( cmCtx* c, cmUnitDelay* p, cmReal_t srate, unsigned smpCnt, unsigned inCnt, unsigned outCnt, const cmReal_t delayMsV, unsigned delayCnt );
cmRC_t cmUnitDelayFree( cmUnitDelay* p );
cmRC_t cmUnitDelayInit( cmUnitDelay* p, cmReal_t srate, unsigned smpCnt, braunsigned inCnt, unsigned outCnt, const cmReal_t delayMsV, unsigned delayCnt );
cmRC_t cmUnitDelayFinal( cmUnitDelay* p );
cmRC_t cmUnitDelayExec( cmUnitDelay* p, const cmSample_t** x, unsigned inChCnt, cmSample_t** y, unsigned outChCnt, unsigned smpCnt );
#ifdef __cplusplus