2012-10-29 20:52:39 -07:00

37 líneas
983 B

#ifndef cmDspCtx_h
#define cmDspCtx_h
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
typedef cmHandle_t cmDspSysH_t;
struct cmAudioSysCtx_str;
// DSP system context passed to many DSP instance functions
typedef struct
cmDspSysH_t dspH;
cmRpt_t* rpt;
cmCtx_t* cmCtx; // global pgm context
struct cmCtx_str* cmProcCtx; // context used by cmProc objects
struct cmAudioSysCtx_str* ctx; // audio sub-system context this DSP program is executing within
cmLHeapH_t lhH;
cmJsonH_t jsH;
cmSymTblH_t stH;
cmJsonH_t rsrcJsH;
unsigned cycleCnt; // count of DSP execution cycles (multiply by cmDspSamplesPerCycle() to get time since start of DSP system in samples)
unsigned _disableSymId;
unsigned _enableSymId;
unsigned execDurUsecs;
} cmDspCtx_t;
#ifdef __cplusplus