181 righe
5.1 KiB
181 righe
5.1 KiB
#include "cmGlobal.h"
#include "cmFloatTypes.h"
#include "cmRpt.h"
#include "cmErr.h"
#include "cmCtx.h"
#include "cmMem.h"
#include "cmMallocDebug.h"
#include "cmGr.h"
#include "cmGrDevCtx.h"
#include "cmGrPlot.h"
#include "cmAudioFile.h"
#include "cmAudioFileMgr.h"
#include "cmGrPlotAudio.h"
typedef struct
cmGrPlObjH_t oH;
cmAfmFileH_t afH;
unsigned chIdx;
cmGrRenderObjCb_t renderCbFunc;
void* renderCbArg;
cmGrDestroyObjCb_t destroyCbFunc;
void* destroyCbArg;
cmGrIsInsideObjCb_t isInsideCbFunc;
void* isInsideCbArg;
void* mem;
cmGrPExt_t pext;
unsigned pixN;
cmSample_t* fMinV;
cmSample_t* fMaxV;
int* iMinV;
int* iMaxV;
} cmGrPlObjAf_t;
cmGrPlRC_t _cmGrPlObjAfCalcImage( cmGrPlObjAf_t* op, cmGrH_t grH )
cmGrPlRC_t rc = kOkGrPlRC;
cmGrObjH_t grObjH = cmGrPlotObjHandle(op->oH);
cmGrVExt_t vwExt,objExt,drExt;
// get the intersection of the view and this audio object
cmGrViewExtents( grH, &vwExt );
cmGrPlotObjVExt( op->oH, &objExt );
// if the audio object is visible
if( cmGrVExtIsNotNullOrEmpty(&drExt) )
// get the extents of the visible portion of the audio object
cmGrVExt_VtoP( grH, cmGrPlotObjHandle(op->oH), &drExt, &op->pext);
// store the count of horizontal pixels
op->pixN = op->pext.sz.w;
// allocate a cache to hold the image data
unsigned byteCnt = op->pixN * 2 * sizeof(int) + op->pixN * 2 * sizeof(cmSample_t);
op->mem = cmMemResize(char,op->mem,byteCnt);
op->fMinV = (cmSample_t*)op->mem;
op->fMaxV = op->fMinV + op->pixN;
op->iMinV = (int*)(op->fMaxV + op->pixN);
op->iMaxV = op->iMinV + op->pixN;
assert( op->iMaxV + op->pixN == op->mem + byteCnt );
// locate the offset into the file of the first sample to be displayed
unsigned si = 0;
if( drExt.loc.x > objExt.loc.x )
si = drExt.loc.x - objExt.loc.x;
// get the floating point audio summary signal
if( cmAfmFileGetSummary( op->afH, op->chIdx, si, drExt.sz.w, op->fMinV, op->fMaxV, op->pixN ) != kOkAfmRC )
const cmChar_t* afn = cmAudioFileName( cmAfmFileHandle(op->afH));
rc = cmErrMsg( cmGrPlotErr( cmGrPlotObjMgrHandle(op->oH) ), kRsrcFailGrPlRC, "Audio file summary read failure on '%s'.",afn);
goto errLabel;
unsigned i;
// convert the summary to pixels values
for(i=0; i<op->pixN; ++i)
// Note the reversal of min and max during the conversion.
op->iMaxV[i] = cmGrY_VtoP( grH, grObjH, op->fMinV[i] );
op->iMinV[i] = cmGrY_VtoP( grH, grObjH, op->fMaxV[i] );
return rc;
bool _cmGrPlObjAfRender( cmGrObjFuncArgs_t* args, cmGrDcH_t dcH )
cmGrPlObjAf_t* op = (cmGrPlObjAf_t*)args->cbArg;
if( _cmGrPlObjAfCalcImage(op, args->grH ) == kOkGrPlRC )
int i;
cmGrPExt_t pext;
cmGrPhysExtents( args->grH, &pext);
cmGrDcSetColor(dcH, cmGrPlotObjCurLineColor(op->oH));
// draw a horz line at y=0
int y0 = cmGrY_VtoP( args->grH, cmGrPlotObjHandle(op->oH), 0.0 );
cmGrDcDrawLine(dcH, cmGrPExtL(&op->pext), y0, cmGrPExtR(&op->pext) , y0 );
// draw a vertical line for each
for(i=0; i<op->pixN; ++i)
cmGrDcDrawLine(dcH, op->pext.loc.x+i, op->iMinV[i], op->pext.loc.x+i, op->iMaxV[i] );
// draw a rectangle around the entire audio clip
cmGrDcDrawRect(dcH, op->pext.loc.x, cmGrPExtT(&pext), op->pext.sz.w, cmGrPExtB(&pext) );
// draw the file label
cmGrDcDrawTextJustify( dcH, cmGrPlotObjFontFamily(op->oH), cmGrPlotObjFontSize(op->oH), cmGrPlotObjFontStyle(op->oH), cmGrPlotObjLabel(op->oH), &op->pext, kHorzCtrJsGrFl | kTopJsGrFl );
return true;
bool _cmGrPlObjAfIsInside( cmGrObjFuncArgs_t* args, int px, int py, cmGrV_t vx, cmGrV_t vy )
cmGrPlObjAf_t* op = (cmGrPlObjAf_t*)args->cbArg;
if( cmGrPExtIsXyInside( &op->pext, px, py ) )
px -= op->pext.loc.x;
if( 0 <= px && px < op->pixN )
return op->iMinV[px] <= py && py <= op->iMaxV[px];
return false;
void _cmGrPlObjAfDestroy( cmGrObjFuncArgs_t* args )
cmGrPlObjAf_t* op = (cmGrPlObjAf_t*)args->cbArg;
args->cbArg = op->destroyCbArg;
cmGrPlRC_t cmGrPlotAudioFileObjCreate(
cmGrPlObjH_t oH,
cmAfmFileH_t afH,
unsigned audioChIdx )
cmGrPlObjAf_t* op = cmMemAllocZ(cmGrPlObjAf_t,1);
op->oH = oH;
op->afH = afH;
op->chIdx = audioChIdx;
cmGrObjH_t grObjH = cmGrPlotObjHandle(op->oH);
op->renderCbFunc = cmGrObjRenderCbFunc(grObjH);
op->renderCbArg = cmGrObjRenderCbArg(grObjH);
cmGrObjSetRenderCb( grObjH, _cmGrPlObjAfRender, op );
op->destroyCbFunc = cmGrObjDestroyCbFunc(grObjH);
op->destroyCbArg = cmGrObjDestroyCbArg(grObjH);
cmGrObjSetDestroyCb( grObjH, _cmGrPlObjAfDestroy, op );
op->isInsideCbFunc = cmGrObjIsInsideCbFunc(grObjH);
op->isInsideCbArg = cmGrObjIsInsideCbArg(grObjH);
cmGrObjSetIsInsideCb( grObjH, _cmGrPlObjAfIsInside, op );
return kOkGrPlRC;