#include "cmPrefix.h" #include "cmGlobal.h" #include "cmFloatTypes.h" #include "cmRpt.h" #include "cmErr.h" #include "cmCtx.h" #include "cmJson.h" #include "cmMem.h" #include "cmMallocDebug.h" #include "cmLex.h" #include "cmLinkedHeap.h" #include "cmFile.h" enum { kLCurlyLexTId = kUserLexTId+1, kRCurlyLexTId, kLHardLexTId, kRHardLexTId, kColonLexTId, kCommaLexTId, kTrueLexTId, kFalseLexTId, kNullLexTId }; typedef struct { unsigned id; const char* text; } cmJsToken_t; // serialization buffer header typedef struct { unsigned id; // always set to 'json' unsigned byteCnt; // count of bytes following this field (total buf bytes = byteCnt + (2*sizeof(unsigned))) unsigned nodeCnt; // count of nodes in this buffer unsigned version; // buffer serialization version number } cmJsSerialHdr_t; // serialization helper record typedef struct { cmJsSerialHdr_t hdr; char* basePtr; char* nextPtr; char* endPtr; } cmJsSerial_t; // deserialization helper record typedef struct { unsigned nodeCnt; unsigned nodeIdx; const char* nextPtr; const char* endPtr; } cmJsDeserial_t; typedef struct { cmErr_t err; // cmLexH lexH; // parsing lexer cmLHeapH_t heapH; // linked heap stores all node memory cmJsonNode_t* rootPtr; // root of internal node tree cmJsonNode_t* basePtr; // base of parsing stack cmJsonNode_t* lastPtr; // top of parsing stack cmJsRC_t rc; // last error code char* serialBufPtr; // serial buffer pointer unsigned serialByteCnt; // count of bytes in serialBuf[] bool reportErrPosnFl;// report the file posn of syntax errors } cmJs_t; cmJsToken_t _cmJsTokenArray[] = { { kLCurlyLexTId, "{" }, { kRCurlyLexTId, "}" }, { kLHardLexTId, "[" }, { kRHardLexTId, "]" }, { kColonLexTId, ":" }, { kCommaLexTId, "," }, { kTrueLexTId, "true"}, { kFalseLexTId, "false"}, { kNullLexTId, "null" }, { kErrorLexTId,""} }; cmJsToken_t _cmJsNodeTypeLabel[] = { { kObjectTId, "object" }, { kPairTId, "pair" }, { kArrayTId, "array" }, { kStringTId, "string" }, { kIntTId, "int" }, { kRealTId, "real" }, { kNullTId, "null" }, { kTrueTId, "true" }, { kFalseTId, "false" }, { kInvalidTId,"invalid"} }; cmJsonH_t cmJsonNullHandle = cmSTATIC_NULL_HANDLE; cmJsRC_t _cmJsonRemoveNode( cmJs_t* p, cmJsonNode_t* np, bool freeFl, bool balancePairsFl ); void _cmJsonFreeNode( cmJs_t* p, cmJsonNode_t* np); const char* _cmJsonNodeTypeIdToLabel( unsigned nodeTypeId ) { unsigned i; for(i=0; _cmJsNodeTypeLabel[i].id != kInvalidTId; ++i) if( _cmJsNodeTypeLabel[i].id == nodeTypeId ) break; return _cmJsNodeTypeLabel[i].text; } unsigned _cmJsonNodeTypeLabelToId( const char* typeLabel ) { unsigned i; for(i=0; _cmJsNodeTypeLabel[i].id != kInvalidTId; ++i) if( strcmp(_cmJsNodeTypeLabel[i].text,typeLabel) == 0 ) break; return _cmJsNodeTypeLabel[i].id; } cmJs_t* _cmJsonHandleToPtr( cmJsonH_t h ) { cmJs_t* p = (cmJs_t*)h.h; assert(p != NULL); p->rc = kOkJsRC; return p; } cmJsRC_t _cmJsonError( cmJs_t* p, cmJsRC_t rc, const char* fmt, ... ) { va_list vl; va_start(vl,fmt); rc = cmErrVMsg(&p->err,rc,fmt,vl); va_end(vl); return rc; } cmJsRC_t _cmJsonSyntaxError( cmJs_t* p, const char* fmt, ... ) { int bn = 1024; char buf[bn+1]; buf[0]=0; buf[bn]=0; va_list vl; va_start(vl,fmt); if( p->reportErrPosnFl ) snprintf(buf,bn,"Syntax error on line:%i column:%i. ",cmLexCurrentLineNumber(p->lexH),cmLexCurrentColumnNumber(p->lexH)); int n = strlen(buf); vsnprintf(buf+n,bn-n,fmt,vl); va_end(vl); return cmErrMsg(&p->err,kSyntaxErrJsRC,"%s",buf); } // Note that the stack is formed by a linked list // which is chained together using the nodes parentPtr. // This works beacause the parentPtr for object,array, // and pair nodes (the only nodes on the stack) is not // needed as long as the node is on the stack. Once the // node is popped the parentPtr is then set from the // new stack top. cmJsRC_t _cmJsonPushNode( cmJs_t* p, cmJsonNode_t* np ) { np->ownerPtr = p->lastPtr; p->lastPtr = np; if( p->basePtr == NULL ) p->basePtr = np; return kOkJsRC; } cmJsRC_t _cmJsonPopNode( cmJs_t* p ) { if( p->lastPtr == NULL ) return _cmJsonSyntaxError(p,"A parser stack underlow signalled a syntax error."); cmJsonNode_t* t = p->lastPtr; // remove the top element p->lastPtr = p->lastPtr->ownerPtr; // set the parent of the popped node t->ownerPtr = p->lastPtr; if( p->lastPtr == NULL ) p->basePtr = NULL; return kOkJsRC; } cmJsRC_t cmJsonInitialize( cmJsonH_t* hp, cmCtx_t* ctx ) { cmJsRC_t rc; cmJs_t* p; unsigned i; // finalize before initialize if((rc = cmJsonFinalize(hp)) != kOkJsRC ) return rc; // allocate the main object record if((p = cmMemAllocZ( cmJs_t, 1 )) == NULL ) return cmErrMsg(&ctx->err,kMemAllocErrJsRC,"Object memory allocation failed."); cmErrSetup(&p->err,&ctx->rpt,"JSON Parser"); // allocate the linked heap mgr if( cmLHeapIsValid(p->heapH = cmLHeapCreate(1024,ctx)) == false ) { rc = _cmJsonError(p,kMemAllocErrJsRC,"Linked heap object allocation failed."); goto errLabel; } // allocate the lexer if(cmLexIsValid(p->lexH = cmLexInit(NULL,0,0,&ctx->rpt)) == false ) { rc = _cmJsonError(p,kLexErrJsRC,"Lex allocation failed."); goto errLabel; } // register json specific tokens with the lexer for(i=0; _cmJsTokenArray[i].id != kErrorLexTId; ++i) { cmRC_t lexRC; if( (lexRC = cmLexRegisterToken(p->lexH, _cmJsTokenArray[i].id, _cmJsTokenArray[i].text )) != kOkLexRC ) { rc = _cmJsonError(p,kLexErrJsRC,"Lex token registration failed for:'%s'.\nLexer Error:%s",_cmJsTokenArray[i].text, cmLexRcToMsg(lexRC) ); goto errLabel; } } hp->h = p; return kOkJsRC; errLabel: cmMemPtrFree(&p); if( cmLHeapIsValid(p->heapH) ) cmLHeapDestroy(&p->heapH); if( cmLexIsValid(p->lexH) ) cmLexFinal(&p->lexH); return rc; } cmJsRC_t cmJsonInitializeFromFile( cmJsonH_t* hp, const char* fn, cmCtx_t* ctx ) { cmJsRC_t jsRC; if((jsRC = cmJsonInitialize(hp,ctx)) != kOkJsRC ) return jsRC; if((jsRC = cmJsonParseFile(*hp,fn,NULL)) != kOkJsRC ) cmJsonFinalize(hp); return jsRC; } cmJsRC_t cmJsonInitializeFromBuf( cmJsonH_t* hp, cmCtx_t* ctx, const char* buf, unsigned bufByteCnt ) { cmJsRC_t jsRC; if((jsRC = cmJsonInitialize(hp,ctx)) != kOkJsRC ) return jsRC; if((jsRC = cmJsonParse(*hp,buf,bufByteCnt,NULL)) != kOkJsRC ) cmJsonFinalize(hp); return jsRC; } cmJsRC_t cmJsonFinalize( cmJsonH_t* hp ) { cmRC_t lexRC; if( hp == NULL || hp->h == NULL ) return kOkJsRC; cmJs_t* p = _cmJsonHandleToPtr(*hp); // free the internal heap object cmLHeapDestroy( &p->heapH ); // free the lexer if( cmLexIsValid(p->lexH) ) if((lexRC = cmLexFinal(&p->lexH)) != kOkLexRC ) return _cmJsonError(p,kLexErrJsRC,"Lexer finalization failed.\nLexer Error:%s",cmLexRcToMsg(lexRC)); cmMemPtrFree(&p->serialBufPtr); // free the handle cmMemPtrFree(&hp->h); return kOkJsRC; } bool cmJsonIsValid( cmJsonH_t h ) { return h.h != NULL; } cmJsRC_t _cmJsonLinkInChild( cmJs_t* p, cmJsonNode_t* parentPtr, cmJsonNode_t* np ) { cmJsRC_t rc = kOkJsRC; np->ownerPtr = parentPtr; switch( parentPtr->typeId ) { case kObjectTId: case kArrayTId: case kPairTId: { // if the parent is an 'object' then the child must be a 'pair' if( parentPtr->typeId == kObjectTId && np->typeId != kPairTId ) rc = _cmJsonSyntaxError(p,"Expect only 'pair' nodes as children of 'objects'."); // if the parent is a 'pair' then is may have a max of two children if( parentPtr->typeId == kPairTId && cmJsonChildCount(parentPtr) >= 2 ) rc = _cmJsonSyntaxError(p,"'pair' nodes may only have 2 children."); // insert the new node into the parent child list // if the new node is the first child if( parentPtr->u.childPtr == NULL ) parentPtr->u.childPtr = np; else { // if the new node is the second or greater child cmJsonNode_t* lp = parentPtr->u.childPtr; while( lp->siblingPtr != NULL ) lp = lp->siblingPtr; lp->siblingPtr = np; } } break; default: rc = _cmJsonSyntaxError(p,"'%s' nodes cannot be parent nodes.",_cmJsonNodeTypeIdToLabel(parentPtr->typeId)); break; } return rc; } // This function creates nodes it also: // 1. inserts array elments into their parents child list // 2. inserts pairs into their parents member list // 3. assigns values to pairs cmJsRC_t _cmJsonCreateNode( cmJs_t* p, cmJsonNode_t* parentPtr, unsigned newNodeTypeId, cmJsonNode_t** npp ) { cmJsRC_t rc = kOkJsRC; cmJsonNode_t* np; assert( npp != NULL ); *npp = NULL; // allocate the new node if((np = cmLHeapAllocZ( p->heapH, sizeof(cmJsonNode_t) )) == NULL ) return _cmJsonError(p,kMemAllocErrJsRC,"Error allocating node memory."); // set the new node type np->typeId = newNodeTypeId; np->ownerPtr = parentPtr; if( parentPtr == NULL ) { if( newNodeTypeId != kObjectTId && newNodeTypeId != kArrayTId ) rc = _cmJsonSyntaxError(p,"'%s' nodes must have a parent node.",_cmJsonNodeTypeIdToLabel(newNodeTypeId)); } else { // if the parent is an 'object', 'array', or 'pair' then the // new node must be a child - insert it into the parent child list if((rc = _cmJsonLinkInChild( p, parentPtr, np )) != kOkJsRC ) return rc; switch( newNodeTypeId ) { case kObjectTId: case kArrayTId: break; case kPairTId: if( parentPtr == NULL || parentPtr->typeId != kObjectTId ) rc = _cmJsonSyntaxError(p,"'pair' nodes must be the child of an object 'node'."); break; default: if( parentPtr == NULL ) rc = _cmJsonSyntaxError(p,"'%s' nodes must have parent nodes.",_cmJsonNodeTypeIdToLabel(newNodeTypeId)); } } // assign the return value *npp = np; if( p->rootPtr == NULL) { if( np->typeId != kObjectTId && np->typeId != kArrayTId ) rc = _cmJsonSyntaxError(p,"The root object must be an 'object' or 'array'."); p->rootPtr = np; } return rc; } cmJsRC_t _cmJsonCreateNumber( cmJs_t* p, cmJsonNode_t* parentPtr, unsigned nodeTId, cmJsonNode_t** npp ) { // numbers may only occurr as children of a 'pair' or element of an 'array' if( (parentPtr==NULL) || (parentPtr->typeId != kPairTId && parentPtr->typeId != kArrayTId) ) return _cmJsonSyntaxError(p, "The parent of scalar:%*s is not a 'pair' or 'array'.", cmLexTokenCharCount(p->lexH), cmLexTokenText(p->lexH) ); return _cmJsonCreateNode(p,parentPtr,nodeTId,npp); } cmJsRC_t _cmJsonCreateReal(cmJs_t* p, cmJsonNode_t* parentPtr, double v, cmJsonNode_t** newNodePtrPtr ) { cmJsRC_t rc; cmJsonNode_t* np = NULL; if( newNodePtrPtr != NULL ) *newNodePtrPtr = NULL; if((rc= _cmJsonCreateNumber(p,parentPtr,kRealTId,&np)) == kOkJsRC ) { np->u.realVal = v; if( newNodePtrPtr != NULL) *newNodePtrPtr = np; } return rc; } cmJsRC_t _cmJsonCreateInt(cmJs_t* p, cmJsonNode_t* parentPtr, int v, cmJsonNode_t** newNodePtrPtr ) { cmJsRC_t rc; cmJsonNode_t* np = NULL; if( newNodePtrPtr != NULL ) *newNodePtrPtr = NULL; if((rc= _cmJsonCreateNumber(p,parentPtr,kIntTId,&np)) == kOkJsRC ) { np->u.intVal = v; if( newNodePtrPtr != NULL ) *newNodePtrPtr = np; } return rc; } cmJsRC_t _cmJsonCreateBool(cmJs_t* p, cmJsonNode_t* parentPtr, bool fl, cmJsonNode_t** newNodePtrPtr ) { cmJsRC_t rc; cmJsonNode_t* np = NULL; if( newNodePtrPtr != NULL ) *newNodePtrPtr = NULL; if((rc= _cmJsonCreateNumber(p,parentPtr,fl?kTrueTId:kFalseTId,&np)) == kOkJsRC ) { np->u.boolVal = fl; if( newNodePtrPtr != NULL ) *newNodePtrPtr = np; } return rc; } cmJsRC_t _cmJsonCreateNull(cmJs_t* p, cmJsonNode_t* parentPtr, cmJsonNode_t** newNodePtrPtr ) { cmJsRC_t rc; cmJsonNode_t* np = NULL; if( newNodePtrPtr != NULL ) *newNodePtrPtr = NULL; if((rc = _cmJsonCreateNumber(p,parentPtr,kNullTId,&np)) == kOkJsRC ) { if( newNodePtrPtr != NULL ) *newNodePtrPtr = np; } return rc; } cmJsRC_t _cmJsonEscapeInt( cmJs_t* p, const char* sp, unsigned i, unsigned n, unsigned hexDigitCnt, char* rp ) { char buf[hexDigitCnt+1]; memset(buf,0,hexDigitCnt+1); // fill buf[] with the next two characters unsigned j; for(j=0; i 0xff ) return _cmJsonError(p,kInvalidHexEscapeJsRC,"Hex escape value is out of range (0x00-0xff)."); *rp = (char)val; return kOkJsRC; } cmJsRC_t _cmJsonEscapeString( cmJs_t* p, char* dp, const char* sp, unsigned n ) { cmJsRC_t rc; unsigned hexDigCnt = 2; // count of digits in \u notation unsigned i,j; for(i=0,j=0; itypeId == kStringTId ); cmJsRC_t rc = kOkJsRC; // deallocate the current string if( np->u.stringVal != NULL ) { cmLHeapFree(p->heapH,np->u.stringVal); np->u.stringVal = NULL; } if( cp != NULL && cn>0 ) { // allocate the node data memory to hold the string if((np->u.stringVal = cmLHeapAllocZ(p->heapH,cn+1)) == NULL ) return _cmJsonError(p,kMemAllocErrJsRC,"Unable to allocate stirng memory."); // copy the string into the node data memory if((rc = _cmJsonEscapeString(p, np->u.stringVal, cp, cn)) != kOkJsRC ) return rc; np->u.stringVal[cn]=0; } return rc; } cmJsRC_t _cmJsonCreateString(cmJs_t* p, cmJsonNode_t* parentPtr, const char* cp, unsigned cn, cmJsonNode_t** newNodePtrPtr ) { cmJsRC_t rc; cmJsonNode_t* np = NULL; if( newNodePtrPtr != NULL ) *newNodePtrPtr = NULL; // strings may only occurr as children of a 'pair' or element of an 'array' if( (parentPtr->typeId != kPairTId && parentPtr->typeId != kArrayTId ) ) return _cmJsonSyntaxError(p, "The parent of string:%*s is not a 'pair', 'array', or 'object'.", cn,cp); // create the new node if((rc = _cmJsonCreateNode(p,parentPtr,kStringTId,&np)) != kOkJsRC ) return rc; if((rc = _cmJsonSetString(p,np,cp,cn)) != kOkJsRC ) return rc; /* // allocate the node data memory to hold the string if((np->u.stringVal = cmLHeapAllocZ(p->heapH,cn+1)) == NULL ) return _cmJsonError(p,kMemAllocErrJsRC,"Unable to allocate stirng memory."); if((rc = _cmJsonEscapeString(p, np->u.stringVal, cp, cn)) != kOkJsRC ) return rc; // copy the string into the node data memory //strncpy(np->u.stringVal,cp,cn); np->u.stringVal[cn]=0; */ if( newNodePtrPtr != NULL ) *newNodePtrPtr = np; return rc; } cmJsRC_t _cmJsonCreatePair( cmJs_t* p, cmJsonNode_t* parentPtr, const char* label, cmJsonNode_t** newNodePtrPtr ) { cmJsRC_t rc; if((rc = _cmJsonCreateNode(p,parentPtr,kPairTId,newNodePtrPtr)) != kOkJsRC ) return rc; return _cmJsonCreateString( p, *newNodePtrPtr, label, strlen(label), NULL); } // if fn == NULL then the buffer must contain the text to parse cmJsRC_t _cmJsonParse(cmJsonH_t h, const char* buf, unsigned bufCharCnt, const cmChar_t* fn, cmJsonNode_t* altRootPtr ) { unsigned lexTId = kErrorLexTId; cmJs_t* p = _cmJsonHandleToPtr(h); cmJsonNode_t* cnp = altRootPtr == p->rootPtr ? altRootPtr : p->rootPtr; cmJsonNode_t* nnp = NULL; cmJsRC_t rc; p->reportErrPosnFl = true; // assign the text buffer and reset the lexer if( fn == NULL ) rc = cmLexSetTextBuffer( p->lexH, buf, bufCharCnt ); else rc = cmLexSetFile( p->lexH, fn ); if( rc != kOkLexRC ) return _cmJsonError( p, kLexErrJsRC, "Error setting lexer buffer."); // get the next token while( (lexTId = cmLexGetNextToken( p->lexH )) != kErrorLexTId && (lexTId != kEofLexTId ) && (rc==kOkJsRC) ) { cnp = p->lastPtr; // if cnp is a pair and it's value has been assigned if( cnp != NULL && cnp->typeId == kPairTId && cmJsonChildCount(cnp)==2 ) { if((rc = _cmJsonPopNode(p)) != kOkJsRC ) break; cnp = p->lastPtr; } switch( lexTId ) { case kRealLexTId: // real number rc = _cmJsonCreateReal(p, cnp, cmLexTokenDouble( p->lexH ), NULL); break; case kHexLexTId: // hexidecimal integer // allow hex integers to be equivalent to decimal integers case kIntLexTId: // decimal integer rc = _cmJsonCreateInt(p, cnp, cmLexTokenInt( p->lexH ), NULL ); break; case kTrueLexTId: // true rc = _cmJsonCreateBool(p, cnp, true, NULL ); break; case kFalseLexTId: // false rc = _cmJsonCreateBool(p, cnp, false, NULL ); break; case kNullLexTId: // null rc = _cmJsonCreateNull(p, cnp, NULL ); break; case kIdentLexTId: // identifier // allow identifiers to be equivalent to strings. case kQStrLexTId: // quoted string if( cnp == NULL ) rc = _cmJsonSyntaxError(p,"Encountered a 'string' with no parent."); else if( cnp->typeId == kObjectTId ) { if((rc = _cmJsonCreateNode(p,cnp,kPairTId,&nnp)) == kOkJsRC ) { _cmJsonPushNode(p,nnp); cnp = nnp; } //if((rc = _cmJsonCreateNewParent(p,cnp,kPairTId)) == kOkJsRC ) // cnp = p->lastPtr; } if( rc == kOkJsRC ) rc = _cmJsonCreateString(p, cnp, cmLexTokenText(p->lexH), cmLexTokenCharCount(p->lexH), NULL); break; case kColonLexTId: if( cnp->typeId != kPairTId ) rc = _cmJsonSyntaxError(p,"A colon was found outside of a 'pair' element."); break; case kLCurlyLexTId: // { //rc = _cmJsonCreateNewParent(p, cnp, kObjectTId ); if((rc = _cmJsonCreateNode(p,cnp,kObjectTId,&nnp)) == kOkJsRC ) _cmJsonPushNode(p,nnp); break; case kRCurlyLexTId: // } if( cnp == NULL || cnp->typeId != kObjectTId ) rc = _cmJsonSyntaxError(p,"A '}' was found without an accompanying opening bracket."); else rc = _cmJsonPopNode(p); break; case kLHardLexTId: // [ //rc = _cmJsonCreateNewParent(p, cnp, kArrayTId); if((rc = _cmJsonCreateNode(p,cnp,kArrayTId,&nnp)) == kOkJsRC ) _cmJsonPushNode(p,nnp); break; case kRHardLexTId: // ] if( cnp == NULL || cnp->typeId != kArrayTId ) rc = _cmJsonSyntaxError(p,"A ']' was found without an accompanying opening bracket."); else rc = _cmJsonPopNode(p); break; case kCommaLexTId: // , if( (cnp==NULL) || (cnp->typeId != kArrayTId && cnp->typeId != kObjectTId) ) rc = _cmJsonSyntaxError(p,"Commas may only occur in 'array' and 'object' nodes."); break; case kSpaceLexTId: // white space case kBlockCmtLexTId: // block comment case kLineCmtLexTId: // line comment assert(0); break; default: break; } } if( lexTId == kErrorLexTId ) rc = _cmJsonSyntaxError( p, "The lexer failed: %s.", cmLexRcToMsg(cmLexErrorRC(p->lexH))); p->reportErrPosnFl = false; return rc; } cmJsRC_t cmJsonParse( cmJsonH_t h, const char* buf, unsigned bufCharCnt, cmJsonNode_t* altRootPtr ) { return _cmJsonParse(h,buf,bufCharCnt,NULL,altRootPtr); } cmJsRC_t cmJsonParseFile( cmJsonH_t h, const char* fn, cmJsonNode_t* altRootPtr ) { return _cmJsonParse(h,NULL,0,fn,altRootPtr); } /* cmJsRC_t cmJsonParseFile( cmJsonH_t h, const char* fn ) { cmJsRC_t rc = kOkJsRC; FILE* fp = NULL; cmJs_t* p = _cmJsonHandleToPtr(h); unsigned n = 0; char* textBuf = NULL; assert( fn != NULL && p != NULL ); // open the file if((fp = fopen(fn,"rb")) == NULL ) return _cmJsonError(p,kFileOpenErrJsRC,"Unable to open the file:'%s'.",fn); // seek to the end if( fseek(fp,0,SEEK_END) != 0 ) { rc= _cmJsonError(p,kFileSeekErrJsRC,"Unable to seek to the end of '%s'.",fn); goto errLabel; } // get the length of the file if( (n=ftell(fp)) == 0 ) { rc = _cmJsonError(p,kFileOpenErrJsRC,"The file '%s' appears to be empty.",fn); goto errLabel; } // rewind the file if( fseek(fp,0,SEEK_SET) != 0 ) { rc = _cmJsonError(p,kFileSeekErrJsRC,"Unable to seek to the beginning of '%s'.",fn); goto errLabel; } // allocate the text buffer if((textBuf = cmMemAllocZ( char, n+1)) == NULL ) { rc = _cmJsonError(p,kMemAllocErrJsRC,"Unable to allocate the text file buffer for:'%s'.",fn); goto errLabel; } // read the file into the text buffer if( fread(textBuf,n,1,fp) != 1 ) { rc = _cmJsonError(p,kFileReadErrJsRC,"File read failed on:'%s'.",fn); goto errLabel; } rc = cmJsonParse(h,textBuf,n,NULL); errLabel: // close the file if( fclose(fp) != 0 ) { rc = _cmJsonError(p,kFileCloseErrJsRC,"File close failed on:'%s'.",fn); goto errLabel; } // free the buffer if( textBuf != NULL ) cmMemFree(textBuf); return rc; } */ cmJsonNode_t* cmJsonRoot( cmJsonH_t h ) { cmJs_t* p = _cmJsonHandleToPtr(h); return p->rootPtr; } cmJsRC_t cmJsonClearTree( cmJsonH_t h ) { cmJs_t* p = _cmJsonHandleToPtr(h); p->rootPtr = NULL; p->basePtr = NULL; p->lastPtr = NULL; cmLHeapClear(p->heapH,true); return kOkJsRC; } bool cmJsonIsObject( const cmJsonNode_t* np ) { return cmIsFlag(np->typeId,kObjectTId); } bool cmJsonIsArray( const cmJsonNode_t* np ) { return cmIsFlag(np->typeId,kArrayTId); } bool cmJsonIsPair( const cmJsonNode_t* np ) { return cmIsFlag(np->typeId,kPairTId); } bool cmJsonIsString( const cmJsonNode_t* np ) { return cmIsFlag(np->typeId,kStringTId); } bool cmJsonIsInt( const cmJsonNode_t* np ) { return cmIsFlag(np->typeId,kIntTId); } bool cmJsonIsReal( const cmJsonNode_t* np ) { return cmIsFlag(np->typeId,kRealTId); } bool cmJsonIsBool( const cmJsonNode_t* np ) { return cmIsFlag(np->typeId,kTrueTId | kFalseTId); } unsigned cmJsonChildCount( const cmJsonNode_t* np ) { if( np == NULL ) return 0; unsigned n = 0; switch( np->typeId ) { case kObjectTId: case kArrayTId: case kPairTId: { const cmJsonNode_t* lp = np->u.childPtr; while( lp != NULL ) { ++n; lp = lp->siblingPtr; } } break; default: break; } return n; } cmJsonNode_t* cmJsonArrayElement( cmJsonNode_t* np, unsigned index ) { unsigned i; assert( index < cmJsonChildCount(np)); np = np->u.childPtr; for(i=0; isiblingPtr; return np; } const cmJsonNode_t* cmJsonArrayElementC( const cmJsonNode_t* np, unsigned index ) { return cmJsonArrayElement( (cmJsonNode_t*)np, index ); } const char* cmJsonPairLabel( const cmJsonNode_t* pairPtr ) { assert( pairPtr->typeId == kPairTId ); if( pairPtr->typeId != kPairTId ) return NULL; return pairPtr->u.childPtr->u.stringVal; } unsigned cmJsonPairTypeId( const cmJsonNode_t* pairPtr ) { assert( pairPtr->typeId == kPairTId ); return pairPtr->u.childPtr->siblingPtr->typeId; } cmJsonNode_t* cmJsonPairValue( cmJsonNode_t* pairPtr ) { assert( pairPtr->typeId == kPairTId ); if( pairPtr->typeId != kPairTId ) return NULL; return pairPtr->u.childPtr->siblingPtr; } cmJsonNode_t* cmJsonFindValue( cmJsonH_t h, const char* label, const cmJsonNode_t* np, unsigned keyTypeMask ) { cmJs_t* p = _cmJsonHandleToPtr(h); if( np == NULL ) np = p->rootPtr; if( np == NULL ) return NULL; // we are only interested in pairs if( np->typeId == kPairTId ) { // pairs must have exactly two nodes - the first must be a string assert(np->u.childPtr != NULL && np->u.childPtr->typeId == kStringTId && np->u.childPtr->siblingPtr != NULL ); if( strcmp(cmJsonPairLabel(np),label) == 0 ) { if( (keyTypeMask==kInvalidTId) || (keyTypeMask & np->u.childPtr->siblingPtr->typeId) ) return np->u.childPtr->siblingPtr; } } // if the node is an object,array, or pair ... if( np->typeId==kObjectTId || np->typeId==kArrayTId || np->typeId==kPairTId ) { // ... then recurse on its children cmJsonNode_t* cnp = np->u.childPtr; while(cnp != NULL) { cmJsonNode_t* rp; if((rp = cmJsonFindValue(h,label,cnp,keyTypeMask)) != NULL ) return rp; cnp = cnp->siblingPtr; } } return NULL; } cmJsRC_t _cmJsonFindPathValue( cmJs_t* p, const char* pathPrefix, const char* path, const cmJsonNode_t* rp, const cmJsonNode_t** rpp ) { cmJsRC_t rc = kOkJsRC; if( rp == NULL ) rp = p->rootPtr; if( rp == NULL ) return kOkJsRC; assert( cmJsonIsObject(rp)); assert( rpp != NULL ); *rpp = NULL; // create a copy of the path unsigned i,j; unsigned sn = (pathPrefix==NULL ? 0 : strlen(pathPrefix)) + strlen(path) + 1; // add one for the possible extra seperator char ss[ 1024 ]; char* sp = NULL; char* sm = NULL; char* sb = ss; // don't put more than 1k on the stack if( sn + 1 > 1024 ) { sm = cmMemAllocZ(char,sn+1); sb = sm; } sp = sb; sp[0] = 0; if(pathPrefix != NULL ) { strcpy(sp,pathPrefix); // if pathPrefix does not end in a '/' then insert one if( sp[ strlen(sp)-1 ] != '/' ) strcat(sp,"/"); } // the '/' has already been inserted - skip any leading '/' character in path strcat(sp,path[0]=='/' ? path+1 : path ); // terminate each path label with a '/0'. sp = ss; for(i=0,j=0; sp < ss + sn; ++sp, ++i ) if( *sp == '/' ) { *sp = 0; ++j; } if( i > 0 ) { sp = sb; while( sp < sb + sn ) { // labeled values are always associated with pairs and // pairs only exist as the children of objects. if( cmJsonIsObject(rp) == false ) { rc = cmErrMsg(&p->err,kInvalidNodeTypeJsRC,"A non-object node was encountered on a object path."); break; } // get the count of pairs in this object unsigned cn = cmJsonChildCount( rp ); cmJsonNode_t* cp = rp->u.childPtr; unsigned k; for(k=0; ksiblingPtr; } // if the search failed if( k == cn || cp == NULL ) { rc = cmErrMsg(&p->err,kNodeNotFoundJsRC,"The path label '%s' could not be found.",cmStringNullGuard(sp)); break; } // take the value of the located pair to continue the search rp = cmJsonPairValue(cp); // advance to the next label sp += strlen(sp) + 1; } } cmMemPtrFree(&sm); *rpp = rp; return rc; } cmJsRC_t _cmJsonPathToValueError( cmJs_t* p, cmJsRC_t rc, const char* pathPrefix, const char* path, const char* typeLabel ) { if( pathPrefix != NULL ) cmErrMsg(&p->err,rc,"The JSON value at '%s/%s' could not be converted to a '%s'.",cmStringNullGuard(pathPrefix),cmStringNullGuard(path),cmStringNullGuard(typeLabel)); else cmErrMsg(&p->err,rc,"The JSON value at '%s' could not be converted to a '%s'.",cmStringNullGuard(path),cmStringNullGuard(typeLabel)); return rc; } cmJsRC_t cmJsonPathToValueNode( cmJsonH_t h, const cmJsonNode_t* objectNodePtr, const char* pathPrefix, const char* path, const cmJsonNode_t** nodePtrPtr ) { cmJsRC_t rc = kOkJsRC; cmJs_t* p = _cmJsonHandleToPtr(h); if( objectNodePtr == NULL ) objectNodePtr = p->rootPtr; if((rc = _cmJsonFindPathValue(p,pathPrefix,path,objectNodePtr,nodePtrPtr)) != kOkJsRC ) return rc; return rc; } cmJsRC_t cmJsonPathToBool( cmJsonH_t h, const cmJsonNode_t* objectNodePtr, const char* pathPrefix, const char* path, bool* retValPtr ) { const cmJsonNode_t* rp; cmJsRC_t rc = kOkJsRC; cmJs_t* p = _cmJsonHandleToPtr(h); if((rc = _cmJsonFindPathValue(p,pathPrefix,path,objectNodePtr,&rp)) != kOkJsRC ) return rc; if((rc = cmJsonBoolValue(rp,retValPtr)) != kOkJsRC ) return _cmJsonPathToValueError(p,rc,pathPrefix,path,"bool"); return rc; } cmJsRC_t cmJsonPathToInt( cmJsonH_t h, const cmJsonNode_t* objectNodePtr, const char* pathPrefix, const char* path, int* retValPtr ) { const cmJsonNode_t* rp; cmJsRC_t rc = kOkJsRC; cmJs_t* p = _cmJsonHandleToPtr(h); if((rc = _cmJsonFindPathValue(p,pathPrefix,path,objectNodePtr,&rp)) != kOkJsRC ) return rc; if((rc = cmJsonIntValue(rp,retValPtr)) != kOkJsRC ) return _cmJsonPathToValueError(p,rc,pathPrefix,path,"bool"); return rc; } cmJsRC_t cmJsonPathToUInt( cmJsonH_t h, const cmJsonNode_t* objectNodePtr, const char* pathPrefix, const char* path, unsigned* retValPtr ) { const cmJsonNode_t* rp; cmJsRC_t rc = kOkJsRC; cmJs_t* p = _cmJsonHandleToPtr(h); if((rc = _cmJsonFindPathValue(p,pathPrefix,path,objectNodePtr,&rp)) != kOkJsRC ) return rc; if((rc = cmJsonUIntValue(rp,retValPtr)) != kOkJsRC ) return _cmJsonPathToValueError(p,rc,pathPrefix,path,"unsigned integer"); return rc; } cmJsRC_t cmJsonPathToReal( cmJsonH_t h, const cmJsonNode_t* objectNodePtr, const char* pathPrefix, const char* path, double* retValPtr ) { const cmJsonNode_t* rp; cmJsRC_t rc = kOkJsRC; cmJs_t* p = _cmJsonHandleToPtr(h); if((rc = _cmJsonFindPathValue(p,pathPrefix,path,objectNodePtr,&rp)) != kOkJsRC ) return rc; if((rc = cmJsonRealValue(rp,retValPtr)) != kOkJsRC ) return _cmJsonPathToValueError(p,rc,pathPrefix,path,"real"); return rc; } cmJsRC_t cmJsonPathToString( cmJsonH_t h, const cmJsonNode_t* objectNodePtr, const char* pathPrefix, const char* path, const char** retValPtr ) { const cmJsonNode_t* rp = NULL; cmJsRC_t rc = kOkJsRC; cmJs_t* p = _cmJsonHandleToPtr(h); if((rc = _cmJsonFindPathValue(p,pathPrefix,path,objectNodePtr,&rp)) != kOkJsRC ) return rc; if((rc = cmJsonStringValue(rp,retValPtr)) != kOkJsRC ) return _cmJsonPathToValueError(p,rc,pathPrefix,path,"string"); return rc; } cmJsRC_t cmJsonPathToPair( cmJsonH_t h, const cmJsonNode_t* objectNodePtr, const char* pathPrefix, const char* path, cmJsonNode_t** retValPtr ) { const cmJsonNode_t* rp; cmJsRC_t rc = kOkJsRC; cmJs_t* p = _cmJsonHandleToPtr(h); if((rc = _cmJsonFindPathValue(p,pathPrefix,path,objectNodePtr,&rp)) != kOkJsRC ) return rc; if((rc = cmJsonPairNode(rp,retValPtr)) != kOkJsRC ) return _cmJsonPathToValueError(p,rc,pathPrefix,path,"pair"); return rc; } cmJsRC_t cmJsonPathToArray( cmJsonH_t h, const cmJsonNode_t* objectNodePtr, const char* pathPrefix, const char* path, cmJsonNode_t** retValPtr ) { const cmJsonNode_t* rp; cmJsRC_t rc = kOkJsRC; cmJs_t* p = _cmJsonHandleToPtr(h); if((rc = _cmJsonFindPathValue(p,pathPrefix,path,objectNodePtr,&rp)) != kOkJsRC ) return rc; if((rc = cmJsonArrayNode(rp,retValPtr)) != kOkJsRC ) return _cmJsonPathToValueError(p,rc,pathPrefix,path,"array"); return rc; } cmJsRC_t cmJsonPathToObject( cmJsonH_t h, const cmJsonNode_t* objectNodePtr, const char* pathPrefix, const char* path, cmJsonNode_t** retValPtr ) { const cmJsonNode_t* rp; cmJsRC_t rc = kOkJsRC; cmJs_t* p = _cmJsonHandleToPtr(h); if((rc = _cmJsonFindPathValue(p,pathPrefix,path,objectNodePtr,&rp)) != kOkJsRC ) return rc; if((rc = cmJsonObjectNode(rp,retValPtr)) != kOkJsRC ) return _cmJsonPathToValueError(p,rc,pathPrefix,path,"object"); return rc; } const cmJsonNode_t* cmJsonFindPathValueC( cmJsonH_t h, const char* path, const cmJsonNode_t* np, unsigned typeIdMask ) { cmJs_t* p = _cmJsonHandleToPtr(h); const cmJsonNode_t* rp = NULL; cmJsRC_t rc = kOkJsRC; if((rc = _cmJsonFindPathValue(p,NULL,path,np,&rp)) != kOkJsRC ) { // validate the return type if( rp != NULL ) if( (typeIdMask!=kInvalidTId) && (typeIdMask & rp->typeId)==0 ) { cmErrMsg(&p->err,kInvalidNodeTypeJsRC,"The value at the end of the path '%s' did not match the requested type.",cmStringNullGuard(path)); rp = NULL; } } return rp; } cmJsonNode_t* cmJsonFindPathValue( cmJsonH_t h, const char* path, const cmJsonNode_t* np, unsigned typeIdMask ) { return (cmJsonNode_t*)cmJsonFindPathValueC(h,path,np,typeIdMask ); } cmJsRC_t _cmJsonFindMemberValue( const cmJsonNode_t* np, const char* label, unsigned keyTypeId, cmJsonNode_t** npp ) { *npp = NULL; // the src node must be an object if( np->typeId != kObjectTId ) return kNodeNotFoundJsRC; // for each member pair const cmJsonNode_t* cnp = np->u.childPtr; while( cnp != NULL ) { assert( (cnp->typeId & kMaskTId) == kPairTId ); // if the labels match ... if( strcmp( label, cmJsonPairLabel(cnp)) == 0 ) { // ... and the type flags match ... if( (keyTypeId==kInvalidTId || cmIsFlag(cnp->u.childPtr->siblingPtr->typeId,keyTypeId) ) ) { *npp = cnp->u.childPtr->siblingPtr; return kOkJsRC; // ... then the key was found. } // ... label match but wrong type ... this is considered an error return kNodeCannotCvtJsRC; } cnp = cnp->siblingPtr; } return kNodeNotFoundJsRC; } cmJsRC_t cmJsonUIntValue( const cmJsonNode_t* vp, unsigned* retPtr ) { cmJsRC_t rc = kOkJsRC; if( vp == NULL ) return kNodeCannotCvtJsRC; switch(vp->typeId) { case kIntTId: *retPtr = vp->u.intVal; break; case kRealTId: *retPtr = (unsigned)vp->u.realVal; break; case kTrueTId: *retPtr = 1; break; case kFalseTId: *retPtr = 0; break; default: rc = kNodeCannotCvtJsRC; } return rc; } cmJsRC_t cmJsonIntValue( const cmJsonNode_t* vp, int* retPtr ) { cmJsRC_t rc = kOkJsRC; if( vp == NULL ) return kNodeCannotCvtJsRC; switch(vp->typeId) { case kIntTId: *retPtr = vp->u.intVal; break; case kRealTId: *retPtr = (int)vp->u.realVal; break; case kTrueTId: *retPtr = 1; break; case kFalseTId: *retPtr = 0; break; default: rc = kNodeCannotCvtJsRC; } return rc; } cmJsRC_t cmJsonRealValue( const cmJsonNode_t* vp, double* retPtr ) { cmJsRC_t rc = kOkJsRC; if( vp == NULL ) return kNodeCannotCvtJsRC; switch(vp->typeId) { case kIntTId: *retPtr = vp->u.intVal; break; case kRealTId: *retPtr = vp->u.realVal; break; case kTrueTId: *retPtr = 1; break; case kFalseTId: *retPtr = 0; break; default: rc = kNodeCannotCvtJsRC; } return rc; } cmJsRC_t cmJsonBoolValue( const cmJsonNode_t* vp, bool* retPtr ) { cmJsRC_t rc = kOkJsRC; if( vp == NULL ) return kNodeCannotCvtJsRC; switch(vp->typeId) { case kIntTId: *retPtr = vp->u.intVal != 0; break; case kRealTId: *retPtr = (int)vp->u.realVal != 0; break; case kTrueTId: *retPtr = 1; break; case kFalseTId: *retPtr = 0; break; default: rc = kNodeCannotCvtJsRC; } return rc; } cmJsRC_t cmJsonStringValue( const cmJsonNode_t* vp, const char **retPtrPtr ) { cmJsRC_t rc = kOkJsRC; if( vp == NULL || vp->typeId != kStringTId ) return kNodeCannotCvtJsRC; *retPtrPtr = vp->u.stringVal; return rc; } cmJsRC_t cmJsonPairNode( const cmJsonNode_t* vp, cmJsonNode_t **retPtrPtr ) { cmJsRC_t rc = kOkJsRC; if( !cmJsonIsPair(vp) ) return kNodeCannotCvtJsRC; *retPtrPtr = (cmJsonNode_t*)vp; return rc; } cmJsRC_t cmJsonArrayNode( const cmJsonNode_t* vp, cmJsonNode_t **retPtrPtr ) { cmJsRC_t rc = kOkJsRC; if( !cmJsonIsArray(vp) ) return kNodeCannotCvtJsRC; *retPtrPtr = (cmJsonNode_t*)vp; return rc; } cmJsRC_t cmJsonObjectNode( const cmJsonNode_t* vp, cmJsonNode_t **retPtrPtr ) { cmJsRC_t rc = kOkJsRC; if( !cmJsonIsObject(vp) ) return kNodeCannotCvtJsRC; *retPtrPtr = (cmJsonNode_t*)vp; return rc; } cmJsRC_t cmJsonUIntMember( const cmJsonNode_t* np, const char* label, unsigned* retPtr ) { cmJsonNode_t* vp; cmJsRC_t rc; if((rc = _cmJsonFindMemberValue(np,label,kNumericTId,&vp)) != kOkJsRC ) return rc; return cmJsonUIntValue(vp,retPtr); } cmJsRC_t cmJsonIntMember( const cmJsonNode_t* np, const char* label, int* retPtr ) { cmJsonNode_t* vp; cmJsRC_t rc; if((rc = _cmJsonFindMemberValue(np,label,kNumericTId,&vp)) != kOkJsRC ) return rc; return cmJsonIntValue(vp,retPtr); } cmJsRC_t cmJsonRealMember( const cmJsonNode_t* np, const char* label, double* retPtr ) { cmJsonNode_t* vp; cmJsRC_t rc; if((rc = _cmJsonFindMemberValue(np,label,kNumericTId,&vp)) != kOkJsRC ) return rc; return cmJsonRealValue(vp,retPtr); } cmJsRC_t cmJsonBoolMember( const cmJsonNode_t* np, const char* label, bool* retPtr ) { cmJsonNode_t* vp; cmJsRC_t rc; if((rc = _cmJsonFindMemberValue(np,label,kNumericTId,&vp)) != kOkJsRC ) return rc; return cmJsonBoolValue(vp,retPtr); } cmJsRC_t cmJsonStringMember( const cmJsonNode_t* np, const char* label, const char** retPtrPtr ) { cmJsonNode_t* vp; cmJsRC_t rc; *retPtrPtr = NULL; if((rc = _cmJsonFindMemberValue(np,label,kStringTId,&vp)) != kOkJsRC ) return rc; return cmJsonStringValue(vp,retPtrPtr); } cmJsRC_t cmJsonNodeMember( const cmJsonNode_t* np, const char* label, cmJsonNode_t** retPtrPtr ) { cmJsonNode_t* vp; cmJsRC_t rc; *retPtrPtr = NULL; if((rc = _cmJsonFindMemberValue(np,label,kArrayTId|kObjectTId,&vp)) != kOkJsRC ) return rc; *retPtrPtr = vp; return rc; } cmJsonNode_t* cmJsonNodeMemberValue( const cmJsonNode_t* np, const char* label ) { assert( cmJsonIsObject(np) ); unsigned n = cmJsonChildCount(np); unsigned j = 0; for(; jtypeId & kMaskTId) != (typeId&kMaskTId) ) rc = kNodeCannotCvtJsRC; } } break; case kIntTId: { int* ip = va_arg(vl, int* ); assert(ip != NULL); rc = cmJsonIntMember(objectNodePtr, label, ip); } break; case kRealTId: { double* dp = va_arg(vl, double*); assert(dp != NULL); rc = cmJsonRealMember(objectNodePtr, label, dp); } break; case kStringTId: { const char** cpp = va_arg(vl, const char**); assert(cpp != NULL); rc = cmJsonStringMember(objectNodePtr, label, cpp); } break; case kTrueTId: case kFalseTId: { bool* bp = va_arg(vl, bool* ); rc = cmJsonBoolMember(objectNodePtr, label, bp); } break; default: // missing terminating NULL on the var args list??? assert(0); break; } if( (rc == kNodeNotFoundJsRC) && cmIsFlag(typeId,kOptArgJsFl) ) rc = kOkJsRC; if( rc != kOkJsRC && errLabelPtrPtr != NULL ) *errLabelPtrPtr = label; } return rc; } cmJsRC_t cmJsonMemberValues( const cmJsonNode_t* objectNodePtr, const char** errLabelPtrPtr, ...) { va_list vl; va_start(vl,errLabelPtrPtr); cmJsRC_t rc = cmJsonVMemberValues(objectNodePtr,errLabelPtrPtr,vl); va_end(vl); return rc; } cmJsRC_t cmJsonVPathValues( cmJsonH_t h, const char* pathPrefix, const cmJsonNode_t* objNodePtr, const char** errLabelPtrPtr, va_list vl ) { cmJsRC_t rc = kOkJsRC; cmJs_t* p = _cmJsonHandleToPtr(h); if( errLabelPtrPtr != NULL ) *errLabelPtrPtr = NULL; const char* path; while( ((path = va_arg(vl,const char*)) != NULL) && (rc==kOkJsRC) ) { unsigned typeId; const cmJsonNode_t* vnp; typeId = va_arg(vl,unsigned); // find the requested pair value if((rc = _cmJsonFindPathValue(p,pathPrefix,path,objNodePtr,&vnp)) != kOkJsRC ) break; switch( typeId & kMaskTId ) { case kObjectTId: case kPairTId: case kArrayTId: { const cmJsonNode_t** nodePtrPtr = va_arg(vl, const cmJsonNode_t**); if( (vnp->typeId & kMaskTId) != (typeId & kMaskTId) ) rc = kNodeCannotCvtJsRC; else *nodePtrPtr = vnp; } break; case kIntTId: { int* ip = va_arg(vl, int* ); assert(ip != NULL); rc = cmJsonIntValue(vnp, ip); } break; case kRealTId: { double* dp = va_arg(vl, double*); assert(dp != NULL); rc = cmJsonRealValue(vnp, dp); } break; case kStringTId: { const char** cpp = va_arg(vl, const char**); assert(cpp != NULL); rc = cmJsonStringValue(vnp, cpp); } break; case kTrueTId: case kFalseTId: { bool* bp = va_arg(vl, bool* ); rc = cmJsonBoolValue(vnp, bp); } break; default: // missing terminating NULL on the var args list??? assert(0); break; } if( (rc == kNodeNotFoundJsRC) && cmIsFlag(typeId,kOptArgJsFl) ) rc = kOkJsRC; if( rc != kOkJsRC && errLabelPtrPtr != NULL ) *errLabelPtrPtr = path; } return rc; } cmJsRC_t cmJsonPathValues( cmJsonH_t h, const char* pathPrefix, const cmJsonNode_t* objectNodePtr, const char** errLabelPtrPtr, ... ) { va_list vl; va_start(vl,errLabelPtrPtr); cmJsRC_t rc = cmJsonVPathValues(h,pathPrefix,objectNodePtr,errLabelPtrPtr,vl); va_end(vl); return rc; } cmJsonNode_t* _cmJsonCreateNode2( cmJsonH_t h, unsigned newNodeTypeId, cmJsonNode_t* parentPtr ) { cmJs_t* p = _cmJsonHandleToPtr(h); cmJsonNode_t* np = NULL; if((p->rc = _cmJsonCreateNode(p,parentPtr,newNodeTypeId,&np)) != kOkJsRC ) return NULL; return np; } cmJsRC_t cmJsonCreate( cmJsonH_t h, cmJsonNode_t* parentPtr, unsigned typeId, const char* sv, int iv, double dv, cmJsonNode_t** rpp ) { cmJsonNode_t* rp = NULL; cmJsRC_t rc = kOkJsRC; cmJs_t* p = _cmJsonHandleToPtr(h); if( rpp != NULL ) *rpp = NULL; switch( typeId ) { case kObjectTId: case kArrayTId: if((rp = _cmJsonCreateNode2(h,typeId,parentPtr)) == NULL) rc = p->rc; else { if( rpp != NULL ) *rpp = rp; } break; case kPairTId: rc = _cmJsonCreatePair(p,parentPtr,sv,rpp); break; case kIntTId: rc = _cmJsonCreateInt(p,parentPtr,iv,rpp); break; case kRealTId: rc = _cmJsonCreateReal(p,parentPtr,dv,rpp); break; case kTrueTId: rc = _cmJsonCreateBool(p,parentPtr,true,rpp); break; case kFalseTId: rc = _cmJsonCreateBool(p,parentPtr,false,rpp); break; case kNullTId: rc = _cmJsonCreateNull(p,parentPtr,rpp); break; case kStringTId: rc = _cmJsonCreateString(p,parentPtr,sv,strlen(sv),rpp); break; default: assert(0); break; } return rc; } cmJsonNode_t* cmJsonCreateObject( cmJsonH_t h, cmJsonNode_t* parentPtr ) { return _cmJsonCreateNode2(h,kObjectTId,parentPtr); } cmJsonNode_t* cmJsonCreateArray( cmJsonH_t h, cmJsonNode_t* parentPtr ) { return _cmJsonCreateNode2(h,kArrayTId,parentPtr); } cmJsonNode_t* cmJsonCreatePair( cmJsonH_t h, cmJsonNode_t* parentPtr, const char* label ) { cmJsonNode_t* np; cmJs_t* p = _cmJsonHandleToPtr(h); if((_cmJsonCreatePair(p,parentPtr,label,&np)) != kOkJsRC ) return NULL; return np; } cmJsRC_t cmJsonCreateString( cmJsonH_t h, cmJsonNode_t* parentPtr, const char* stringValue ) { cmJs_t* p = _cmJsonHandleToPtr(h); return _cmJsonCreateString( p, parentPtr, stringValue, strlen(stringValue),NULL);; } cmJsRC_t cmJsonCreateStringN(cmJsonH_t h, cmJsonNode_t* parentPtr, const char* stringValue, unsigned stringCharCnt ) { cmJs_t* p = _cmJsonHandleToPtr(h); return _cmJsonCreateString( p, parentPtr, stringValue, stringCharCnt,NULL);; } cmJsRC_t cmJsonCreateInt( cmJsonH_t h, cmJsonNode_t* parentPtr, int value ) { cmJs_t* p = _cmJsonHandleToPtr(h); return _cmJsonCreateInt( p, parentPtr, value, NULL ); } cmJsRC_t cmJsonCreateReal( cmJsonH_t h, cmJsonNode_t* parentPtr, double value ) { cmJs_t* p = _cmJsonHandleToPtr(h); return _cmJsonCreateReal( p, parentPtr, value, NULL ); } cmJsRC_t cmJsonCreateBool( cmJsonH_t h, cmJsonNode_t* parentPtr, bool value ) { cmJs_t* p = _cmJsonHandleToPtr(h); return _cmJsonCreateBool( p, parentPtr, value,NULL ); } cmJsRC_t cmJsonCreateNull( cmJsonH_t h, cmJsonNode_t* parentPtr ) { cmJs_t* p = _cmJsonHandleToPtr(h); return _cmJsonCreateNull( p, parentPtr, NULL ); } cmJsRC_t cmJsonCreateStringArray( cmJsonH_t h, cmJsonNode_t* parentPtr, unsigned n, const char** value ) { cmJs_t* p = _cmJsonHandleToPtr(h); cmJsRC_t rc = kOkJsRC; cmJsonNode_t* np; unsigned i; if((np = cmJsonCreateArray(h,parentPtr)) == NULL ) return _cmJsonError(p,cmErrLastRC(&p->err),"Unable to create 'bool' array."); for(i=0; ierr),"Unable to create 'int' array."); for(i=0; ierr),"Unable to create 'real' array."); for(i=0; ierr),"Unable to create 'bool' array."); for(i=0; itypeId != kIntTId ) return _cmJsonError(_cmJsonHandleToPtr(h),kInvalidNodeTypeJsRC,"Cannot assign type 'int' to node type '%s'.",_cmJsonNodeTypeIdToLabel(np->typeId)); np->u.intVal = ival; return kOkJsRC; } cmJsRC_t cmJsonSetReal( cmJsonH_t h, cmJsonNode_t * np, double rval ) { if( np->typeId != kRealTId ) return _cmJsonError(_cmJsonHandleToPtr(h),kInvalidNodeTypeJsRC,"Cannot assign type 'real' to node type '%s'.",_cmJsonNodeTypeIdToLabel(np->typeId)); np->u.realVal = rval; return kOkJsRC; } cmJsRC_t cmJsonSetBool( cmJsonH_t h, cmJsonNode_t * np, bool bval ) { if( np->typeId == kTrueTId || np->typeId==kFalseTId ) return _cmJsonError(_cmJsonHandleToPtr(h),kInvalidNodeTypeJsRC,"Cannot assign type 'bool' to node type '%s'.",_cmJsonNodeTypeIdToLabel(np->typeId)); np->u.boolVal = bval; return kOkJsRC; } cmJsRC_t cmJsonSetString( cmJsonH_t h, cmJsonNode_t* np, const char* sval ) { cmJs_t* p = _cmJsonHandleToPtr(h); if( np->typeId != kStringTId ) return _cmJsonError(p,kInvalidNodeTypeJsRC,"Cannot assign type 'string' to node type '%s'.",_cmJsonNodeTypeIdToLabel(np->typeId)); unsigned sn = strlen(sval); if( np->u.stringVal != NULL && strlen(np->u.stringVal) <= sn ) strcpy(np->u.stringVal,sval); else return _cmJsonSetString(p,np,sval,sn); return kOkJsRC; } cmJsonNode_t* cmJsonInsertPair( cmJsonH_t h, cmJsonNode_t* objectNodePtr, const char* label, unsigned typeId, const char* sv, int iv, double dv ) { assert( objectNodePtr->typeId == kObjectTId ); cmJsRC_t rc; cmJsonNode_t* pairNodePtr; cmJs_t* p = _cmJsonHandleToPtr(h); if((rc = _cmJsonCreatePair(p,objectNodePtr,label,&pairNodePtr)) != kOkJsRC ) return NULL; assert( pairNodePtr != NULL ); if((rc = cmJsonCreate(h,pairNodePtr,typeId,sv,iv,dv,NULL)) != kOkJsRC ) return NULL; return pairNodePtr; } cmJsonNode_t* cmJsonInsertPairObject( cmJsonH_t h, cmJsonNode_t* objectNodePtr, const char* label ) { assert( objectNodePtr->typeId == kObjectTId ); cmJsonNode_t* pairNodePtr; if((pairNodePtr = cmJsonCreatePair(h,objectNodePtr,label)) == NULL ) return NULL; return cmJsonCreateObject(h,pairNodePtr); } cmJsonNode_t* cmJsonInsertPairArray( cmJsonH_t h, cmJsonNode_t* objectNodePtr, const char* label ) { assert( objectNodePtr->typeId == kObjectTId ); cmJsonNode_t* pairNodePtr; if((pairNodePtr = cmJsonCreatePair(h,objectNodePtr,label)) == NULL ) return NULL; return cmJsonCreateArray(h,pairNodePtr); } cmJsonNode_t* cmJsonInsertPairPair( cmJsonH_t h, cmJsonNode_t* objectNodePtr, const char* label, const char* pairLabel ) { assert( objectNodePtr->typeId == kObjectTId ); cmJsonNode_t* pairNodePtr; if((pairNodePtr = cmJsonCreatePair(h,objectNodePtr,label)) == NULL ) return NULL; return cmJsonCreatePair(h,pairNodePtr,pairLabel); } cmJsRC_t cmJsonInsertPairInt( cmJsonH_t h, cmJsonNode_t* objectNodePtr, const char* label, int intVal ) { assert( objectNodePtr->typeId == kObjectTId ); cmJsonNode_t* pairNodePtr; if((pairNodePtr = cmJsonCreatePair(h,objectNodePtr,label)) == NULL ) return cmJsonErrorCode(h); return cmJsonCreateInt(h,pairNodePtr,intVal); } cmJsRC_t cmJsonInsertPairReal( cmJsonH_t h, cmJsonNode_t* objectNodePtr, const char* label, double realVal ) { assert( objectNodePtr->typeId == kObjectTId ); cmJsonNode_t* pairNodePtr; if((pairNodePtr = cmJsonCreatePair(h,objectNodePtr,label)) == NULL ) return cmJsonErrorCode(h); return cmJsonCreateReal(h,pairNodePtr,realVal); } cmJsRC_t cmJsonInsertPairString( cmJsonH_t h, cmJsonNode_t* objectNodePtr, const char* label, const char* stringVal ) { return cmJsonInsertPairStringN(h,objectNodePtr,label,stringVal,strlen(stringVal)); } cmJsRC_t cmJsonInsertPairStringN( cmJsonH_t h, cmJsonNode_t* objectNodePtr, const char* label, const char* stringVal, unsigned stringCharCnt ) { assert( objectNodePtr->typeId == kObjectTId ); cmJsonNode_t* pairNodePtr; if((pairNodePtr = cmJsonCreatePair(h,objectNodePtr,label)) == NULL ) return cmJsonErrorCode(h); return cmJsonCreateStringN(h,pairNodePtr,stringVal,stringCharCnt); } cmJsRC_t cmJsonInsertPairBool( cmJsonH_t h, cmJsonNode_t* objectNodePtr, const char* label, bool boolVal ) { assert( objectNodePtr->typeId == kObjectTId ); cmJsonNode_t* pairNodePtr; if((pairNodePtr = cmJsonCreatePair(h,objectNodePtr,label)) == NULL ) return cmJsonErrorCode(h); return cmJsonCreateBool(h,pairNodePtr,boolVal); } cmJsRC_t cmJsonInsertPairNull( cmJsonH_t h, cmJsonNode_t* objectNodePtr, const char* label ) { assert( objectNodePtr->typeId == kObjectTId ); cmJsonNode_t* pairNodePtr; if((pairNodePtr = cmJsonCreatePair(h,objectNodePtr,label)) == NULL ) return cmJsonErrorCode(h); return cmJsonCreateNull(h,pairNodePtr); } cmJsRC_t cmJsonInsertPairIntArray( cmJsonH_t h, cmJsonNode_t* objectNodePtr, const char* label, unsigned n, const int* values ) { assert( objectNodePtr->typeId == kObjectTId ); cmJsonNode_t* pairNodePtr; if((pairNodePtr = cmJsonCreatePair(h,objectNodePtr,label)) == NULL ) return cmJsonErrorCode(h); return cmJsonCreateIntArray(h,pairNodePtr,n,values); } cmJsRC_t cmJsonInsertPairRealArray( cmJsonH_t h, cmJsonNode_t* objectNodePtr, const char* label, unsigned n, const double* values ) { assert( objectNodePtr->typeId == kObjectTId ); cmJsonNode_t* pairNodePtr; if((pairNodePtr = cmJsonCreatePair(h,objectNodePtr,label)) == NULL ) return cmJsonErrorCode(h); return cmJsonCreateRealArray(h,pairNodePtr,n,values); } cmJsRC_t cmJsonInsertPairStringArray( cmJsonH_t h, cmJsonNode_t* objectNodePtr, const char* label, unsigned n, const char** values ) { assert( objectNodePtr->typeId == kObjectTId ); cmJsonNode_t* pairNodePtr; if((pairNodePtr = cmJsonCreatePair(h,objectNodePtr,label)) == NULL ) return cmJsonErrorCode(h); return cmJsonCreateStringArray(h,pairNodePtr,n,values); } cmJsRC_t cmJsonInsertPairBoolArray( cmJsonH_t h, cmJsonNode_t* objectNodePtr, const char* label, unsigned n, const bool* values ) { assert( objectNodePtr->typeId == kObjectTId ); cmJsonNode_t* pairNodePtr; if((pairNodePtr = cmJsonCreatePair(h,objectNodePtr,label)) == NULL ) return cmJsonErrorCode(h); return cmJsonCreateBoolArray(h,pairNodePtr,n,values); } cmJsonNode_t* cmJsonInsertPairIntArray2( cmJsonH_t h, cmJsonNode_t* objectNodePtr, const char* label, unsigned n, const int* values ) { assert( objectNodePtr->typeId == kObjectTId ); cmJsonNode_t* pairNodePtr; if((pairNodePtr = cmJsonCreatePair(h,objectNodePtr,label)) != NULL ) if( cmJsonCreateIntArray(h,pairNodePtr,n,values) != kOkJsRC ) return NULL; return pairNodePtr; } cmJsonNode_t* cmJsonInsertPairRealArray2( cmJsonH_t h, cmJsonNode_t* objectNodePtr, const char* label, unsigned n, const double* values ) { assert( objectNodePtr->typeId == kObjectTId ); cmJsonNode_t* pairNodePtr; if((pairNodePtr = cmJsonCreatePair(h,objectNodePtr,label)) != NULL ) if( cmJsonCreateRealArray(h,pairNodePtr,n,values) != kOkJsRC ) return NULL; return pairNodePtr; } cmJsonNode_t* cmJsonInsertPairStringArray2( cmJsonH_t h, cmJsonNode_t* objectNodePtr, const char* label, unsigned n, const char** values ) { assert( objectNodePtr->typeId == kObjectTId ); cmJsonNode_t* pairNodePtr; if((pairNodePtr = cmJsonCreatePair(h,objectNodePtr,label)) != NULL ) if( cmJsonCreateStringArray(h,pairNodePtr,n,values) != kOkJsRC ) return NULL; return pairNodePtr; } cmJsonNode_t* cmJsonInsertPairBoolArray2( cmJsonH_t h, cmJsonNode_t* objectNodePtr, const char* label, unsigned n, const bool* values ) { assert( objectNodePtr->typeId == kObjectTId ); cmJsonNode_t* pairNodePtr; if((pairNodePtr = cmJsonCreatePair(h,objectNodePtr,label)) != NULL ) if( cmJsonCreateBoolArray(h,pairNodePtr,n,values) != kOkJsRC ) return NULL; return pairNodePtr; } cmJsRC_t _cmJsonInsertOrReplacePair( cmJsonH_t h, cmJsonNode_t* objectNodePtr, const char* label, unsigned matchTypeMask, unsigned newTypeId, const char* sv, int iv, double dv, cmJsonNode_t* nv, bool insertFl, cmJsonNode_t** retNodePtrPtr ) { cmJsRC_t rc = kOkJsRC; cmJs_t* p = _cmJsonHandleToPtr(h); cmJsonNode_t* valNodePtr = NULL; cmJsonNode_t* pairNodePtr = NULL; assert( objectNodePtr->typeId == kObjectTId ); if( retNodePtrPtr != NULL ) *retNodePtrPtr = NULL; // if a matching pair was not found .... if(( valNodePtr = cmJsonFindValue(h,label,objectNodePtr,matchTypeMask)) == NULL ) { // ... and insertion is not allowed then return error if( insertFl == false ) return kNodeNotFoundJsRC; // ... otherwise insert a new pair and return a pointer to it pairNodePtr = cmJsonInsertPair(h,objectNodePtr,label,newTypeId,sv,iv,dv); goto errLabel; } // ... otherwise a match was found to at least the pair label. // If matchTypeMask was set to kInvalidTId then the type id // of the found pair may not be the same as newTypeId. To handle // this case we proceed by first deallocating all resources held // by the found node and then proceeding by either creating // deleting the found node and creating a replacement node // (object,array,pair) or forcing the found node to a new // type (int,real,true,false,string,null). assert( valNodePtr != NULL); pairNodePtr = valNodePtr->ownerPtr; // release any resources held by the found node switch( valNodePtr->typeId ) { case kObjectTId: case kArrayTId: case kPairTId: // remove the pair value node and replace it with a 'null' node. if((rc =_cmJsonRemoveNode( p, valNodePtr, true, true )) != kOkJsRC ) goto errLabel; break; case kStringTId: // deallocate string memory _cmJsonSetString( p, valNodePtr, NULL, 0 ); break; } // relace the found node with the new node switch( newTypeId ) { case kObjectTId: case kArrayTId: case kPairTId: { cmJsonNode_t* newValueNodePtr = NULL; // remove the current pair value .... if((rc =_cmJsonRemoveNode( p, valNodePtr, true, false )) != kOkJsRC ) goto errLabel; // new pair nodes should have the pair label in 'sv' assert( newTypeId!=kPairTId || (newTypeId==kPairTId && sv != NULL )); // if no new value was given or the new value is a pair then ... if( nv == NULL || newTypeId == kPairTId ) { // ... create a new blank array,obj or pair if((rc = cmJsonCreate( h, pairNodePtr, newTypeId, sv, 0, 0, &newValueNodePtr )) != kOkJsRC ) goto errLabel; } // if the new value is a pair and no value node was given then set the // new pairs value node to NULL if( nv == NULL && newTypeId == kPairTId ) { if((rc = _cmJsonCreateNull(p,newValueNodePtr,NULL)) != kOkJsRC ) goto errLabel; } // if a new value node was given if( nv != NULL ) { // the new child node should not already be linked to a parent assert( nv->ownerPtr == NULL ); // if the new value is an obj or array then the new // value node type id should be the same assert( newTypeId==kPairTId || newTypeId==nv->typeId ); // cmJsonNode_t* pp = newTypeId==kPairTId ? newValueNodePtr : pairNodePtr; assert( pp->typeId == kPairTId ); // link in the child to the pair if((rc = _cmJsonLinkInChild(p,pp,nv)) != kOkJsRC ) goto errLabel; } } break; // All cases below follow the same pattern: // 1. Set the type id to the replacement value type id // 2. Assign the value to the node. // This sequence is safe because all resources were freed // by the earlier switch. case kStringTId: valNodePtr->typeId = kStringTId; _cmJsonSetString( p, valNodePtr, sv, strlen(sv) ); break; case kIntTId: valNodePtr->typeId =kIntTId; valNodePtr->u.intVal = iv; break; case kRealTId: valNodePtr->typeId = kRealTId; valNodePtr->u.realVal = dv; break; case kTrueTId: valNodePtr->typeId = kTrueTId; valNodePtr->u.boolVal = true; break; case kFalseTId: valNodePtr->typeId = kFalseTId; valNodePtr->u.boolVal = false; break; case kNullTId: valNodePtr->typeId = kNullTId; break; default: { assert(0); } } errLabel: if( rc == kOkJsRC ) if( retNodePtrPtr != NULL ) *retNodePtrPtr = pairNodePtr; return rc; } cmJsonNode_t* cmJsonInsertOrReplacePair( cmJsonH_t h, cmJsonNode_t* objectNodePtr, const char* label, unsigned matchTypeMask, unsigned typeId, const char* sv, int iv, double dv, cmJsonNode_t* nv ) { cmJsonNode_t* retNodePtr = NULL; _cmJsonInsertOrReplacePair(h,objectNodePtr,label,matchTypeMask,typeId,sv,iv,dv,nv,true,&retNodePtr ); return retNodePtr; } cmJsonNode_t* cmJsonInsertOrReplacePairObject( cmJsonH_t h, cmJsonNode_t* objectNodePtr, const char* label, unsigned matchTypeMask, cmJsonNode_t* newObjNodePtr ) { cmJsonNode_t* pairPtr; if((pairPtr = cmJsonInsertOrReplacePair(h,objectNodePtr,label,matchTypeMask,kObjectTId,NULL,0,0,newObjNodePtr)) == NULL ) return NULL; return pairPtr->u.childPtr->siblingPtr; } cmJsonNode_t* cmJsonInsertOrReplacePairArray( cmJsonH_t h, cmJsonNode_t* objectNodePtr, const char* label, unsigned matchTypeMask, cmJsonNode_t* newArrayNodePtr ) { cmJsonNode_t* pairPtr; if((pairPtr = cmJsonInsertOrReplacePair(h,objectNodePtr,label,matchTypeMask,kArrayTId,NULL,0,0,newArrayNodePtr)) == NULL ) return NULL; return pairPtr->u.childPtr->siblingPtr; } cmJsonNode_t* cmJsonInsertOrReplacePairPair( cmJsonH_t h, cmJsonNode_t* objectNodePtr, const char* label, unsigned matchTypeMask, const char* newPairLabel, cmJsonNode_t* newPairValNodePtr ) { cmJsonNode_t* pairPtr; if((pairPtr = cmJsonInsertOrReplacePair(h,objectNodePtr,label,matchTypeMask,kPairTId,newPairLabel,0,0,newPairValNodePtr)) == NULL ) return NULL; return pairPtr->u.childPtr->siblingPtr; } cmJsRC_t cmJsonInsertOrReplacePairInt( cmJsonH_t h, cmJsonNode_t* objectNodePtr, const char* label, unsigned matchTypeMask, int intVal ) { return cmJsonInsertOrReplacePair(h,objectNodePtr,label,matchTypeMask,kIntTId,NULL,intVal,0,NULL) == NULL ? cmJsonErrorCode(h) : kOkJsRC; } cmJsRC_t cmJsonInsertOrReplacePairReal( cmJsonH_t h, cmJsonNode_t* objectNodePtr, const char* label, unsigned matchTypeMask, double realVal ) { return cmJsonInsertOrReplacePair(h,objectNodePtr,label,matchTypeMask,kRealTId,NULL,0,realVal,NULL) == NULL ? cmJsonErrorCode(h) : kOkJsRC; } cmJsRC_t cmJsonInsertOrReplacePairString( cmJsonH_t h, cmJsonNode_t* objectNodePtr, const char* label, unsigned matchTypeMask, const char* stringVal ) { return cmJsonInsertOrReplacePair(h,objectNodePtr,label,matchTypeMask,kStringTId,stringVal,0,0,NULL) == NULL ? cmJsonErrorCode(h) : kOkJsRC; } cmJsRC_t cmJsonInsertOrReplacePairBool( cmJsonH_t h, cmJsonNode_t* objectNodePtr, const char* label, unsigned matchTypeMask, bool boolVal ) { return cmJsonInsertOrReplacePair(h,objectNodePtr,label,matchTypeMask,boolVal ? kTrueTId : kFalseTId,NULL,0,0,NULL) == NULL ? cmJsonErrorCode(h) : kOkJsRC; } cmJsRC_t cmJsonInsertOrReplacePairNull( cmJsonH_t h, cmJsonNode_t* objectNodePtr, const char* label, unsigned matchTypeMask ) { return cmJsonInsertOrReplacePair(h,objectNodePtr,label,matchTypeMask,kNullTId,NULL,0,0,NULL) == NULL ? cmJsonErrorCode(h) : kOkJsRC; } cmJsonNode_t* cmJsonReplacePair( cmJsonH_t h, cmJsonNode_t* objectNodePtr, const char* label, unsigned matchTypeMask, unsigned newTypeId, const char* sv, int iv, double dv, cmJsonNode_t* nv ) { cmJsonNode_t* retNodePtr = NULL; _cmJsonInsertOrReplacePair(h,objectNodePtr,label,matchTypeMask,newTypeId,sv,iv,dv,nv,false,&retNodePtr ); return retNodePtr; } cmJsonNode_t* cmJsonReplacePairObject( cmJsonH_t h, cmJsonNode_t* objectNodePtr, const char* label, unsigned matchTypeMask, cmJsonNode_t* newPairNodePtr ) { cmJsonNode_t* pairPtr; if((pairPtr = cmJsonReplacePair(h,objectNodePtr,label,matchTypeMask,kObjectTId,NULL,0,0,newPairNodePtr)) == NULL ) return NULL; return pairPtr->u.childPtr->siblingPtr; } cmJsonNode_t* cmJsonReplacePairArray( cmJsonH_t h, cmJsonNode_t* objectNodePtr, const char* label, unsigned matchTypeMask, cmJsonNode_t* newArrayNodePtr ) { cmJsonNode_t* pairPtr; if((pairPtr = cmJsonReplacePair(h,objectNodePtr,label,matchTypeMask,kArrayTId,NULL,0,0,newArrayNodePtr)) == NULL ) return NULL; return pairPtr->u.childPtr->siblingPtr; } cmJsonNode_t* cmJsonReplacePairPair( cmJsonH_t h, cmJsonNode_t* objectNodePtr, const char* label, unsigned matchTypeMask, const char* newPairLabel, cmJsonNode_t* newPairValNodePtr ) { cmJsonNode_t* pairPtr; if((pairPtr = cmJsonReplacePair(h,objectNodePtr,label,matchTypeMask,kPairTId,newPairLabel,0,0,newPairValNodePtr)) == NULL ) return NULL; return pairPtr->u.childPtr->siblingPtr; } cmJsRC_t cmJsonReplacePairInt( cmJsonH_t h, cmJsonNode_t* objectNodePtr, const char* label, unsigned matchTypeMask, int intVal ) { return cmJsonReplacePair(h,objectNodePtr,label,matchTypeMask,kIntTId,NULL,intVal,0,NULL) == NULL ? cmJsonErrorCode(h) : kOkJsRC; } cmJsRC_t cmJsonReplacePairReal( cmJsonH_t h, cmJsonNode_t* objectNodePtr, const char* label, unsigned matchTypeMask, double realVal ) { return cmJsonReplacePair(h,objectNodePtr,label,matchTypeMask,kRealTId,NULL,0,realVal,NULL) == NULL ? cmJsonErrorCode(h) : kOkJsRC; } cmJsRC_t cmJsonReplacePairString( cmJsonH_t h, cmJsonNode_t* objectNodePtr, const char* label, unsigned matchTypeMask, const char* stringVal ) { return cmJsonReplacePair(h,objectNodePtr,label,matchTypeMask,kStringTId,stringVal,0,0,NULL) == NULL ? cmJsonErrorCode(h) : kOkJsRC; } cmJsRC_t cmJsonReplacePairBool( cmJsonH_t h, cmJsonNode_t* objectNodePtr, const char* label, unsigned matchTypeMask, bool boolVal ) { return cmJsonReplacePair(h,objectNodePtr,label,matchTypeMask,boolVal ? kTrueTId : kFalseTId,NULL,0,0,NULL) == NULL ? cmJsonErrorCode(h) : kOkJsRC; } cmJsRC_t cmJsonReplacePairNull( cmJsonH_t h, cmJsonNode_t* objectNodePtr, const char* label, unsigned matchTypeMask ) { return cmJsonReplacePair(h,objectNodePtr,label,matchTypeMask,kNullTId,NULL,0,0,NULL) == NULL ? cmJsonErrorCode(h) : kOkJsRC; } cmJsRC_t cmJsonVInsertPairs( cmJsonH_t h, cmJsonNode_t* objNodePtr, va_list vl ) { cmJsRC_t rc = kOkJsRC; assert( objNodePtr->typeId == kObjectTId ); const char* label; while( ((label = va_arg(vl,const char*)) != NULL) && (rc == kOkJsRC) ) { unsigned sel = va_arg(vl,unsigned); switch( sel ) { case kObjectTId: if( cmJsonInsertPairObject(h,objNodePtr,label) == NULL ) rc = cmJsonErrorCode(h); break; case kArrayTId: if( cmJsonInsertPairArray(h,objNodePtr,label) == NULL ) rc = cmJsonErrorCode(h); break; case kPairTId: if( cmJsonInsertPairPair(h,objNodePtr,label, va_arg(vl,const char*)) == NULL ) rc = cmJsonErrorCode(h); break; case kIntTId: rc = cmJsonInsertPairInt(h,objNodePtr,label, va_arg(vl,int) ); break; case kRealTId: rc = cmJsonInsertPairReal(h,objNodePtr,label, va_arg(vl,double) ); break; case kStringTId: rc = cmJsonInsertPairString(h,objNodePtr,label, va_arg(vl,const char *) ); break; case kTrueTId: case kFalseTId: case kBoolTId: rc = cmJsonInsertPairBool(h,objNodePtr,label, va_arg(vl,int) ); break; case kNullTId: rc = cmJsonInsertPairNull(h,objNodePtr,label ); break; default: // missing terminating NULL on the var args list??? assert(0); break; } } return rc; } cmJsRC_t cmJsonInsertPairs( cmJsonH_t h, cmJsonNode_t* objectNodePtr, ... ) { va_list vl; va_start(vl,objectNodePtr); cmJsRC_t rc = cmJsonVInsertPairs(h,objectNodePtr,vl); va_end(vl); return rc; } cmJsonNode_t* cmJsonVCreateFilledObject( cmJsonH_t h, cmJsonNode_t* parentPtr, va_list vl ) { cmJsonNode_t* np; if((np = cmJsonCreateObject(h,parentPtr)) == NULL) return NULL; if( cmJsonVInsertPairs(h,np,vl) != kOkJsRC ) { cmJsonRemoveNode(h,np,true); return NULL; } return np; } cmJsonNode_t* cmJsonCreateFilledObject( cmJsonH_t h, cmJsonNode_t* parentPtr, ... ) { va_list vl; va_start(vl,parentPtr); cmJsonNode_t* np = cmJsonVCreateFilledObject(h,parentPtr,vl); va_end(vl); return np; } void _cmJsonFreeNode( cmJs_t* p, cmJsonNode_t* np ) { switch( np->typeId ) { case kObjectTId: case kPairTId: case kArrayTId: { cmJsonNode_t* cnp = np->u.childPtr; while( cnp != NULL ) { cmJsonNode_t* nnp = cnp->siblingPtr; _cmJsonFreeNode(p,cnp); cnp = nnp; } } break; case kStringTId: if( np->u.stringVal != NULL ) cmLHeapFree(p->heapH,np->u.stringVal); break; } cmLHeapFree(p->heapH,np); } cmJsRC_t _cmJsonRemoveNode( cmJs_t* p, cmJsonNode_t* np, bool freeFl, bool balancePairsFl ) { if(np == NULL ) return kOkJsRC; cmJsonNode_t* parentPtr = np->ownerPtr; // if np is the root ... if( np == p->rootPtr ) { // ... we only need to set the root to null to remove the node. p->rootPtr = NULL; } else { if( parentPtr != NULL ) { // get the parents first child cmJsonNode_t* cnp = parentPtr->u.childPtr; // if np is the first child then make the second child the first child if( cnp == np ) { if( parentPtr->typeId == kPairTId ) return _cmJsonError( p, kCannotRemoveLabelJsRC, "Cannot remove pair label nodes because this would invalidate the tree structure."); parentPtr->u.childPtr = cnp->siblingPtr; } else { // otherwise unlink it from the child chain while( cnp != NULL ) { if( cnp->siblingPtr == np ) { cnp->siblingPtr = np->siblingPtr; // if the parent is a pair then the removed node is a // 'pair value' which must be replaced with a null node in order // to maintain a valid tree. if( (parentPtr->typeId == kPairTId) && balancePairsFl) _cmJsonCreateNull( p, parentPtr, NULL ); break; } cnp = cnp->siblingPtr; } assert( cnp != NULL ); } } } // if the memory assoc'd with the removed node should be released if( freeFl ) { _cmJsonFreeNode(p,np); /* if( np->typeId == kStringTId ) { cmLHeapFree(p->heapH,np->u.stringVal); np->u.stringVal = NULL; } cmLHeapFree(p->heapH,np); */ } return kOkJsRC; } cmJsRC_t cmJsonRemoveNode( cmJsonH_t h, cmJsonNode_t* np, bool freeFl ) { cmJs_t* p = _cmJsonHandleToPtr(h); return _cmJsonRemoveNode( p, np, freeFl, true ); } cmJsRC_t _cmJsonValidateErr( cmJs_t* p, const char* text ) { if( p != NULL ) return _cmJsonSyntaxError(p,text); return kValidateFailJsRC; } // 'p' is optional. If 'p' is set to NULL the function will return kValidFailJsRC if the // tree rooted at 'np' is invalid and will not print an error message. cmJsRC_t _cmJsonValidateNode( cmJs_t* p, const cmJsonNode_t* np, const cmJsonNode_t* parentPtr ) { cmJsRC_t rc = kOkJsRC; if( parentPtr != np->ownerPtr ) return _cmJsonValidateErr(p,"A child->parent link does not agree with a parent->child link."); if( parentPtr == NULL ) { if( np->typeId != kArrayTId && np->typeId != kObjectTId ) return _cmJsonValidateErr(p,"Only 'array' and 'object' nodes may be the root element."); } else { if( parentPtr->typeId != kArrayTId && parentPtr->typeId != kObjectTId && parentPtr->typeId != kPairTId ) return _cmJsonValidateErr(p,"Parent nodes must be either 'object','array' or 'pair' nodes."); } switch( np->typeId ) { case kPairTId: if( cmJsonChildCount(np) != 2 ) return _cmJsonValidateErr(p,"'pair' nodes must have exactly two children."); if( np->u.childPtr->typeId != kStringTId ) return _cmJsonValidateErr(p,"The first child of 'pair' nodes must be a 'string' node."); // fall through case kObjectTId: case kArrayTId: { // validate each child node cmJsonNode_t* cnp = np->u.childPtr; while(cnp != NULL) { if( cnp->ownerPtr != np ) return _cmJsonValidateErr(p,"A parent->child pointer was not validated with a child->parent pointer."); if( np->typeId == kObjectTId && cnp->typeId != kPairTId ) return _cmJsonValidateErr(p,"All 'object' child nodes must be 'pair' nodes."); if((rc = _cmJsonValidateNode(p,cnp,np)) != kOkJsRC ) return rc; cnp = cnp->siblingPtr; } } break; case kStringTId: case kIntTId: case kRealTId: case kNullTId: case kTrueTId: case kFalseTId: default: break; } return rc; } cmJsRC_t cmJsonValidateTree( cmJsonH_t h ) { cmJs_t* p = _cmJsonHandleToPtr(h); return _cmJsonValidateNode(p,p->rootPtr,NULL); } cmJsRC_t cmJsonValidate( const cmJsonNode_t* np ) { return _cmJsonValidateNode(NULL,np,np->ownerPtr); } cmJsonNode_t* _cmJsonDuplicateNode( cmJs_t* p, const cmJsonNode_t* np, cmJsonNode_t* parentPtr ) { cmJsonNode_t* newParentPtr = NULL; cmJsonNode_t* newNodePtr = NULL; cmJsRC_t rc = kOkJsRC; switch( np->typeId ) { case kObjectTId: case kArrayTId: rc = _cmJsonCreateNode(p,parentPtr,np->typeId,&newParentPtr); break; case kPairTId: rc = _cmJsonCreatePair(p,parentPtr,np->u.childPtr->u.stringVal,&newParentPtr); break; case kIntTId: rc = _cmJsonCreateInt(p,parentPtr,np->u.intVal,&newNodePtr); break; case kRealTId: rc = _cmJsonCreateReal(p,parentPtr,np->u.realVal,&newNodePtr); break; case kStringTId: rc = _cmJsonCreateString(p,parentPtr,np->u.stringVal,strlen(np->u.stringVal),&newNodePtr); break; case kTrueTId: case kFalseTId: rc = _cmJsonCreateBool(p,parentPtr,np->u.boolVal,&newNodePtr); break; case kNullTId: rc = _cmJsonCreateNull(p,parentPtr,&newNodePtr); } if( rc != kOkJsRC ) return NULL; if( newParentPtr != NULL ) { newNodePtr = newParentPtr; cmJsonNode_t* cnp = np->u.childPtr; if(np->typeId == kPairTId) cnp = np->u.childPtr->siblingPtr; while( cnp != NULL ) { if( _cmJsonDuplicateNode(p,cnp,newParentPtr) != kOkJsRC ) return NULL; cnp = cnp->siblingPtr; } } return newNodePtr; } cmJsonNode_t* cmJsonDuplicateNode( cmJsonH_t h, const cmJsonNode_t* np, cmJsonNode_t* parentPtr ) { cmJs_t* p = _cmJsonHandleToPtr(h); assert( _cmJsonValidateNode(p,np,NULL) == kOkJsRC ); return _cmJsonDuplicateNode(p,np,parentPtr); } cmJsRC_t cmJsonMergeObjectNodes( cmJsonH_t h, cmJsonNode_t* dstObjNodePtr, const cmJsonNode_t* srcObjNodePtr ) { assert( dstObjNodePtr!=NULL && dstObjNodePtr->typeId == kObjectTId ); assert( srcObjNodePtr!=NULL && srcObjNodePtr->typeId == kObjectTId ); cmJsRC_t rc = kOkJsRC; cmJs_t* p = _cmJsonHandleToPtr(h); cmJsonNode_t* cnp = NULL; const cmJsonNode_t* snp = srcObjNodePtr->u.childPtr; while( snp!=NULL && rc==kOkJsRC ) { cmJsonNode_t* dnp; assert( snp->typeId == kPairTId ); // if the src pair was not found in the dst object ... if((rc = _cmJsonFindMemberValue(dstObjNodePtr, cmJsonPairLabel(snp), snp->u.childPtr->siblingPtr->typeId, &dnp )) != kOkJsRC ) { cmJsonNode_t* newPairNodePtr; // the only acceptable error is kNodeNotFoundJsRC // (in particular we reject kNodeCannotCvtJsRC to avoid duplicating // pairs with the same name but different types) if( rc != kNodeNotFoundJsRC ) goto errLabel; // create the new pair and attach it to the dst obj node if((rc = _cmJsonCreatePair(p,dstObjNodePtr,cmJsonPairLabel(snp),&newPairNodePtr)) != kOkJsRC ) goto errLabel; // duplicate the src pair value node and attcmh it to the new dst node if( _cmJsonDuplicateNode(p,snp->u.childPtr->siblingPtr,newPairNodePtr) == NULL ) rc = p->rc; // set kTempJsFl on the new node to use possible cleanup on error later newPairNodePtr->typeId = cmSetFlag(newPairNodePtr->typeId,kTempJsFl); } snp = snp->siblingPtr; } errLabel: // for each dst obj pair cnp = dstObjNodePtr->u.childPtr; while( cnp != NULL) { // if this child is a new node if( cmIsFlag(cnp->typeId,kTempJsFl) ) { // clear the temp fl cnp->typeId = cmClrFlag(cnp->typeId,kTempJsFl); // if there was an error remove all new pairs if( rc != kOkJsRC ) cmJsonRemoveNode(h,cnp,true); } cnp = cnp->siblingPtr; } return rc; } void _cmJsonSerialCopy( cmJsSerial_t* rp, const void* sp, unsigned sn ) { assert( rp->nextPtr + sn <= rp->endPtr ); memcpy(rp->nextPtr,sp,sn); rp->nextPtr += sn; } cmJsRC_t _cmJsonSerializeNode( const cmJsonNode_t* np, cmJsSerial_t* rp ) { cmJsRC_t rc = kOkJsRC; // on the first pass rp->basePtr will be NULL so collect size information // on the second pass rp->basePtr will be set so copy out data // write the type id of this node if( rp->basePtr != NULL ) _cmJsonSerialCopy(rp,&np->typeId,sizeof(np->typeId)); else rp->hdr.byteCnt += sizeof(np->typeId); rp->hdr.nodeCnt++; switch( np->typeId ) { // write the child count case kObjectTId: case kArrayTId: if( rp->basePtr == NULL ) rp->hdr.byteCnt += sizeof(unsigned); else { unsigned n = cmJsonChildCount( np ); _cmJsonSerialCopy(rp,&n,sizeof(unsigned)); } // fall through case kPairTId: { cmJsonNode_t* cnp = np->u.childPtr; while(cnp != NULL ) { _cmJsonSerializeNode(cnp,rp); cnp = cnp->siblingPtr; } } break; case kStringTId: // write the string contents if( rp->basePtr == NULL ) rp->hdr.byteCnt += strlen(np->u.stringVal) + 1; else _cmJsonSerialCopy( rp, np->u.stringVal, strlen(np->u.stringVal)+1 ); break; case kIntTId: // write the int value if( rp->basePtr == NULL ) rp->hdr.byteCnt += sizeof(np->u.intVal); else _cmJsonSerialCopy(rp,&np->u.intVal,sizeof(np->u.intVal)); break; case kRealTId: // write the real value if( rp->basePtr == NULL ) rp->hdr.byteCnt += sizeof(np->u.realVal); else _cmJsonSerialCopy(rp, &np->u.realVal, sizeof(np->u.realVal)); break; } return rc; } unsigned cmJsonSerialByteCount( const cmJsonNode_t* np ) { cmJsRC_t rc; cmJsSerial_t vr; memset(&vr,0,sizeof(vr)); // make a first pass to determine the size of the buffer if((rc = _cmJsonSerializeNode(np,&vr)) != kOkJsRC ) return rc; // increment the buffer size to include the buffer header return (4*sizeof(unsigned)) + vr.hdr.byteCnt; } cmJsRC_t cmJsonSerialize( const cmJsonNode_t* np, void* buf, unsigned bufByteCnt ) { cmJsRC_t rc = kOkJsRC; cmJsSerial_t vr; memset(&vr,0,sizeof(vr)); // setup the serial buffer vr.hdr.id = 'json'; vr.hdr.byteCnt = bufByteCnt - (2*sizeof(unsigned)); vr.hdr.version = 0; vr.basePtr = buf; vr.nextPtr = vr.basePtr; vr.endPtr = vr.basePtr + bufByteCnt; // write the header recd _cmJsonSerialCopy(&vr, &vr.hdr.id, sizeof(unsigned)); _cmJsonSerialCopy(&vr, &vr.hdr.byteCnt, sizeof(unsigned)); _cmJsonSerialCopy(&vr, &vr.hdr.nodeCnt, sizeof(unsigned)); _cmJsonSerialCopy(&vr, &vr.hdr.version, sizeof(unsigned)); // copy the node data into the serial buffer if((rc = _cmJsonSerializeNode(np,&vr)) != kOkJsRC ) return rc; vr.basePtr = buf; vr.nextPtr = vr.basePtr; _cmJsonSerialCopy(&vr, &vr.hdr.id, sizeof(unsigned)); _cmJsonSerialCopy(&vr, &vr.hdr.byteCnt, sizeof(unsigned)); _cmJsonSerialCopy(&vr, &vr.hdr.nodeCnt, sizeof(unsigned)); return rc; } cmJsRC_t cmJsonSerializeTree( cmJsonH_t h, const cmJsonNode_t* np, void** bufPtrPtr, unsigned* bufByteCntPtr) { cmJsRC_t rc; cmJsSerial_t vr; memset(&vr,0,sizeof(vr)); cmJs_t* p = _cmJsonHandleToPtr(h); assert( bufPtrPtr != NULL && bufByteCntPtr != NULL ); *bufPtrPtr = NULL; *bufByteCntPtr = 0; if( np == NULL ) np = p->rootPtr; // validate the tree if((rc = _cmJsonValidateNode(p,np,np->ownerPtr)) != kOkJsRC ) return rc; // increment the buffer size to include the buffer header p->serialByteCnt = cmJsonSerialByteCount(np); // allocate the serial buffer memory p->serialBufPtr = cmMemResize( char, p->serialBufPtr, p->serialByteCnt ); // serialize the tree if((rc = cmJsonSerialize(np, p->serialBufPtr, p->serialByteCnt )) != kOkJsRC ) return rc; *bufPtrPtr = p->serialBufPtr; *bufByteCntPtr = p->serialByteCnt; return rc; } const void* _cmJsonDeserialAdv( cmJsDeserial_t* rp, unsigned n ) { const void* vp = rp->nextPtr; rp->nextPtr += n; assert(rp->nextPtr <= rp->endPtr); assert(rp->nodeIdx <= rp->nodeCnt); return vp; } int _cmJsonDeserialInt( cmJsDeserial_t* rp ) { return *(const int*)_cmJsonDeserialAdv(rp,sizeof(int)); } unsigned _cmJsonDeserialUint( cmJsDeserial_t* rp ) { return *(const unsigned*)_cmJsonDeserialAdv(rp,sizeof(unsigned)); } double _cmJsonDeserialReal( cmJsDeserial_t* rp ) { return *(const double*)_cmJsonDeserialAdv(rp,sizeof(double)); } cmJsRC_t _cmJsonDeserializeNode( cmJs_t* p, cmJsonNode_t* parentPtr, cmJsDeserial_t* rp ) { cmJsRC_t rc = kOkJsRC; unsigned typeId = _cmJsonDeserialUint(rp); unsigned childCnt = 0; cmJsonNode_t* newParentPtr = NULL; rp->nodeIdx++; switch( typeId ) { case kPairTId: rc = _cmJsonCreateNode(p,parentPtr,typeId,&newParentPtr); childCnt = 2; break; case kObjectTId: case kArrayTId: rc = _cmJsonCreateNode(p,parentPtr,typeId,&newParentPtr); childCnt = _cmJsonDeserialUint(rp); break; case kStringTId: { unsigned sn = strlen(rp->nextPtr); rc = _cmJsonCreateString( p, parentPtr, rp->nextPtr, sn,NULL); _cmJsonDeserialAdv(rp,sn+1); } break; case kIntTId: { int v = _cmJsonDeserialInt(rp); rc = _cmJsonCreateInt( p, parentPtr, v, NULL ); } break; case kRealTId: { double v = _cmJsonDeserialReal(rp); rc = _cmJsonCreateReal( p, parentPtr, v, NULL ); } break; case kNullTId: rc = _cmJsonCreateNull( p, parentPtr, NULL ); break; case kTrueTId: rc = _cmJsonCreateBool( p, parentPtr, true, NULL ); break; case kFalseTId: rc = _cmJsonCreateBool( p, parentPtr, false, NULL ); break; default: assert(0); break; } if( rc != kOkJsRC ) return rc; // if the current node is a parent if( childCnt > 0 ) { unsigned i; assert( newParentPtr != NULL ); for(i=0; irootPtr : altRootPtr; const char* buf = (const char*)vbuf; memset(&r,0,sizeof(r)); r.nextPtr = buf; r.endPtr = buf + (4*sizeof(unsigned)); // the buf must at least contain a header // read the buffer header unsigned hdrId = _cmJsonDeserialUint(&r); unsigned byteCnt = _cmJsonDeserialUint(&r); r.nodeCnt = _cmJsonDeserialUint(&r); /*unsigned version =*/ _cmJsonDeserialUint(&r); if( hdrId != 'json' ) return _cmJsonError(p,kSerialErrJsRC,"The buffer does not have the correct header."); if( byteCnt < (4*sizeof(unsigned)) ) return _cmJsonError(p,kSerialErrJsRC,"The buffer is too small to be contain any information."); // change the buffer end pointer to the correct size based // on the the byte count stored in the buffer r.endPtr = buf + byteCnt + (2*sizeof(unsigned)); return _cmJsonDeserializeNode(p, rootPtr, &r ); } cmJsRC_t cmJsonDeserialize( cmJsonH_t h, const void* bufPtr, cmJsonNode_t* altRootPtr ) { cmJs_t* p = _cmJsonHandleToPtr(h); return _cmJsonDeserialize(p,bufPtr,altRootPtr); } cmJsRC_t cmJsonLeafToString( const cmJsonNode_t* np, cmChar_t* buf, unsigned bufCharCnt ) { const char* cp = NULL; unsigned n = 0; assert( buf!=NULL && bufCharCnt > 0 ); switch(np->typeId & kMaskTId ) { case kStringTId: cp = np->u.stringVal==NULL ? "" : np->u.stringVal; break; case kNullTId: cp = "null"; break; case kTrueTId: cp = "true"; break; case kFalseTId: cp = "false"; break; case kIntTId: n = snprintf(buf,bufCharCnt,"%i",np->u.intVal)+1; break; case kRealTId: n = snprintf(buf,bufCharCnt,"%f",np->u.realVal)+1; break; default: assert(0); return kInvalidNodeTypeJsRC; } if( cp != NULL ) { n = strlen(cp)+1; if( bufCharCnt < n ) n = bufCharCnt; strncpy(buf,cp,n); /* n = strlen(np->u.stringVal)+1; if( bufCharCnt < n ) n = bufCharCnt; strncpy(buf,np->u.stringVal,n); */ } buf[bufCharCnt-1]=0; assert( n>0 && n < bufCharCnt ); return n == bufCharCnt ? kBufTooSmallJsRC : kOkJsRC ; } cmJsRC_t _cmJsonRptCsvTokErr( cmJs_t* p, unsigned lineNo, cmLexH lexH, const char* iFn ) { unsigned n = cmMin(31,cmLexTokenCharCount(lexH)); char b[n+1]; strncpy(b,cmLexTokenText(lexH),n); b[n]=0; return _cmJsonError( p, kCsvErrJsRC, "Unexpected token '%s' during CSV parse on line %i of '%s'.",b,cmLexCurrentLineNumber(lexH),cmStringNullGuard(iFn)); } cmJsRC_t _cmJsonRptCsvTypeErr( cmJs_t* p, unsigned lineNo, cmLexH lexH, const char* iFn, const char* actualTypeStr, unsigned expTypeId ) { unsigned n = cmMin(31,cmLexTokenCharCount(lexH)); char b[n+1]; strncpy(b,cmLexTokenText(lexH),n); b[n]=0; return _cmJsonError( p, kCsvErrJsRC, "Unexpected token '%s' during CSV parse on line %i of '%s'.\nExpected type:%s actual type:%s",b,cmLexCurrentLineNumber(lexH),cmStringNullGuard(iFn),_cmJsonNodeTypeIdToLabel(expTypeId),actualTypeStr); } cmJsRC_t cmJsonFromCSV( cmJsonH_t h, const char* iFn, cmJsonNode_t* parentNodePtr, cmJsonNode_t** arrayNodePtrPtr ) { enum { kCommaTokId = kUserLexTId+1, kIntTokId, kRealTokId, kTrueTokId, kFalseTokId, kStringTokId, kBoolTokId }; typedef struct field_str { char* fieldLabel; unsigned typeId; struct field_str* linkPtr; } field_t; cmJsRC_t rc = kOkJsRC; cmJs_t* p = _cmJsonHandleToPtr(h); cmLexH lexH = cmLexInit( NULL, 0, 0, p->err.rpt ); field_t* fieldList = NULL; cmJsonNode_t* arrayNodePtr = NULL; cmJsonNode_t* objNodePtr = NULL; unsigned lineNo = 0; field_t* fieldPtr = NULL; field_t* lp = NULL; unsigned tokId; unsigned fieldIdx = 0; // validate the init state of the lexer if( cmLexIsValid(lexH) == false ) { rc = _cmJsonError( p, kLexErrJsRC, "Lexer initialization failed on CSV parse of '%s'.",cmStringNullGuard(iFn)); goto errLabel; } // register CSV specific tokens cmLexRegisterToken( lexH, kCommaTokId, ","); cmLexRegisterToken( lexH, kIntTokId, "int"); cmLexRegisterToken( lexH, kRealTokId, "real"); cmLexRegisterToken( lexH, kTrueTokId, "true"); cmLexRegisterToken( lexH, kFalseTokId, "false"); cmLexRegisterToken( lexH, kStringTokId, "string"); cmLexRegisterToken( lexH, kBoolTokId, "bool"); // lex the file if( cmLexSetFile( lexH, iFn ) != kOkLexRC ) { rc = _cmJsonError( p, kLexErrJsRC, "Lex failed on CSV parse of '%s'.",cmStringNullGuard(iFn)); goto errLabel; } // create the parent array if((arrayNodePtr = cmJsonCreateArray( h, parentNodePtr )) == NULL ) { rc = _cmJsonError( p, kCsvErrJsRC, "CSV array create failed during parse of '%s'.",cmStringNullGuard(iFn)); goto errLabel; } // iterate through the lexer file while(((tokId = cmLexGetNextToken(lexH)) != kErrorLexTId) && (tokId != kEofLexTId) ) { unsigned fieldTypeTokId = kInvalidTId; switch( cmLexCurrentLineNumber(lexH) ) { // line 1 contains the field type labels (e.g. int,real,string,true,false,bool) case 1: switch(tokId) { case kCommaTokId: break; case kIntTokId: fieldTypeTokId = (fieldTypeTokId==kInvalidTId) ? kIntTId : fieldTypeTokId; case kRealTokId: fieldTypeTokId = (fieldTypeTokId==kInvalidTId) ? kRealTId : fieldTypeTokId; case kTrueTokId: fieldTypeTokId = (fieldTypeTokId==kInvalidTId) ? kTrueTId : fieldTypeTokId; case kFalseTokId: fieldTypeTokId = (fieldTypeTokId==kInvalidTId) ? kFalseTId : fieldTypeTokId; case kBoolTokId: fieldTypeTokId = (fieldTypeTokId==kInvalidTId) ? kFalseTId : fieldTypeTokId; case kStringTokId: fieldTypeTokId = (fieldTypeTokId==kInvalidTId) ? kStringTId : fieldTypeTokId; // create and intitialize a new field field_t* rp = cmMemAllocZ( field_t, 1 ); rp->fieldLabel = NULL; rp->typeId = fieldTypeTokId; rp->linkPtr = NULL; // and add it to the end of the field list if( fieldList == NULL ) fieldList = rp; else fieldPtr->linkPtr = rp; // fieldPtr points to the end of the list fieldPtr = rp; break; default: rc = _cmJsonRptCsvTokErr( p, 1, lexH, iFn ); goto errLabel; } break; // line 2 contains the field labels case 2: if( fieldIdx == 0 ) fieldPtr = fieldList; ++fieldIdx; switch(tokId) { case kCommaTokId: break; // all line 2 tokens must be identifiers or q-strings case kIdentLexTId: case kQStrLexTId: if( fieldPtr == NULL ) { rc = _cmJsonError( p, kCsvErrJsRC, "More fields on line 2 than type specifiers on line 1 of '%s'.",cmStringNullGuard(iFn)); goto errLabel; } else { // set the field name in the field list unsigned n = cmLexTokenCharCount(lexH); fieldPtr->fieldLabel = cmMemAllocZ( char, n+1 ); strncpy(fieldPtr->fieldLabel,cmLexTokenText(lexH),n); fieldPtr->fieldLabel[n] = 0; fieldPtr = fieldPtr->linkPtr; } break; default: rc = _cmJsonRptCsvTokErr( p, 2, lexH, iFn ); goto errLabel; } break; // lines 3 to end of file contain data default: { int ival = 0; cmReal_t rval = 0; // if we are starting a new line in the CSV file if( lineNo != cmLexCurrentLineNumber(lexH) ) { // verify that field ptr is pointing to the end of the field list if( fieldPtr != NULL ) { rc = _cmJsonError( p, kCsvErrJsRC, "Missing columns were detected on line %i in CSV file '%s'.", lineNo, cmStringNullGuard(iFn)); goto errLabel; } fieldPtr = fieldList; lineNo = cmLexCurrentLineNumber(lexH); // create the object to hold the fields on this line if((objNodePtr = cmJsonCreateObject( h, arrayNodePtr )) == NULL ) { rc = _cmJsonError( p, kCsvErrJsRC, "Object node create failed on line %i in CSV file '%s'.",lineNo,cmStringNullGuard(iFn)); goto errLabel; } } if( tokId == kCommaTokId ) continue; if( fieldPtr == NULL ) { rc = _cmJsonError( p, kCsvErrJsRC, "More columns than fields on line %i in CSV file '%s'.", lineNo,cmStringNullGuard(iFn)); goto errLabel; } // given the tokens type convert the token string into a value switch(tokId) { case kRealLexTId: #ifdef CM_FLOAT_REAL rval = cmLexTokenFloat(lexH); #else rval = cmLexTokenDouble(lexH); #endif ival = (int)rval; if( fieldPtr->typeId == kStringTId ) { rc = _cmJsonRptCsvTypeErr(p, lineNo, lexH, iFn, "numeric", fieldPtr->typeId ); goto errLabel; } break; case kIntLexTId: case kHexLexTId: ival = cmLexTokenInt(lexH); rval = ival; if( fieldPtr->typeId == kStringTId ) { rc = _cmJsonRptCsvTypeErr(p, lineNo, lexH, iFn, "numeric", fieldPtr->typeId ); goto errLabel; } break; case kTrueTokId: ival = 1; rval = 1.0; break; case kFalseTokId: ival = 0; rval = 0.0; break; case kIdentLexTId: case kQStrLexTId: if( fieldPtr->typeId != kStringTId ) { rc = _cmJsonRptCsvTypeErr(p, lineNo, lexH, iFn, "string", fieldPtr->typeId ); goto errLabel; } break; default: rc = _cmJsonRptCsvTokErr( p, lineNo, lexH, iFn ); goto errLabel; } // create the pair object from the current field label and value switch(fieldPtr->typeId) { case kIntTId: rc = cmJsonInsertPairInt( h, objNodePtr, fieldPtr->fieldLabel, ival ); break; case kRealTId: rc = cmJsonInsertPairReal( h, objNodePtr, fieldPtr->fieldLabel, rval ); break; case kTrueTId: case kFalseTId: rc = cmJsonInsertPairBool( h, objNodePtr, fieldPtr->fieldLabel, ival ); break; case kStringTId: rc = cmJsonInsertPairStringN( h, objNodePtr, fieldPtr->fieldLabel, cmLexTokenText(lexH), cmLexTokenCharCount(lexH) ); break; default: { assert(0); goto errLabel; } } if( rc != kOkJsRC ) goto errLabel; fieldPtr = fieldPtr->linkPtr; } break; } } errLabel: if( cmLexFinal(&lexH) != kOkLexRC ) { rc = _cmJsonError( p, kLexErrJsRC, "Lexer finalize failed on CSV parse of '%s'.",cmStringNullGuard(iFn)); goto errLabel; } lp = fieldList; while( lp!=NULL ) { field_t* pp = lp->linkPtr; cmMemPtrFree(&lp->fieldLabel); cmMemPtrFree(&lp); lp = pp; } if( rc != kOkJsRC ) _cmJsonRemoveNode( p, arrayNodePtr, true, true ); if( rc == kOkJsRC && arrayNodePtrPtr != NULL ) *arrayNodePtrPtr = arrayNodePtr; return rc; } cmJsRC_t cmJsonToCSV( cmJsonH_t h, const char* oFn, const cmJsonNode_t* arrayNodePtr ) { assert( arrayNodePtr->typeId == kArrayTId ); typedef struct r_str { const char* fieldLabel; unsigned typeId; struct r_str* linkPtr; } field_t; cmJs_t* p = _cmJsonHandleToPtr(h); cmJsRC_t rc = kOkJsRC; unsigned arrayCnt = cmJsonChildCount(arrayNodePtr); field_t* fieldList = NULL; FILE* fp = NULL; field_t* lp = NULL; unsigned i,j; // for each object in the array for(i=0; itypeId == kObjectTId ); // for each pair in the object for(j=0; jlinkPtr ) if( strcmp(lp->fieldLabel,pairLabel) == 0) { unsigned typeId = cmJsonPairTypeId(pairNodePtr); switch( typeId ) { case kIntTId: case kRealTId: case kTrueTId: case kFalseTId: case kStringTId: break; default: rc = _cmJsonError( p, kInvalidNodeTypeJsRC, "Field '%s' has type '%s' which cannot be written by cmJsonToCSV().",cmStringNullGuard(pairLabel),_cmJsonNodeTypeIdToLabel(typeId) ); goto errLabel; } if( typeId != lp->typeId ) { rc = _cmJsonError( p, kInvalidNodeTypeJsRC, "All nodes for a field label '%s' do not have the same type. '%s' != '%s'",cmStringNullGuard(pairLabel), _cmJsonNodeTypeIdToLabel(typeId), _cmJsonNodeTypeIdToLabel(lp->typeId) ); goto errLabel; } break; } // if this field was not found then insert it if( lp == NULL ) { field_t* rp = (field_t*)cmLHeapAlloc(p->heapH,sizeof(field_t)); rp->fieldLabel = pairLabel; rp->linkPtr = fieldList; rp->typeId = cmJsonPairTypeId(pairNodePtr); fieldList = rp; } } } // create the output file if((fp = fopen(oFn,"wt")) == NULL ) { rc = _cmJsonError( p, kFileCreateErrJsRC, "CSV file '%s' create failed.", oFn ); goto errLabel; } // write the field type lp = fieldList; for(; lp!=NULL; lp=lp->linkPtr) { fprintf(fp,"%s", _cmJsonNodeTypeIdToLabel(lp->typeId)); if( lp->linkPtr != NULL ) fprintf(fp,","); } fprintf(fp,"\n"); // write the field label lp = fieldList; for(; lp!=NULL; lp=lp->linkPtr) { fprintf(fp,"\"%s\"", lp->fieldLabel); if( lp->linkPtr != NULL ) fprintf(fp,","); } fprintf(fp,"\n"); // for each object in the array for(i=0; ilinkPtr,++j) { cmJsonNode_t* valNodePtr; // ... locate the pair given the field label if((valNodePtr = cmJsonFindValue(h,lp->fieldLabel, objNodePtr, lp->typeId )) == NULL) { // no pair was found for the field label - output a NULL value switch( lp->typeId ) { case kIntTId: fprintf(fp,"%i",0); break; case kRealTId: fprintf(fp,"%f",0.0); break; case kTrueTId: case kFalseTId: fprintf(fp,"%i",0); break; case kStringTId: fprintf(fp,"\"\""); break; default: assert(0); break; } //rc = _cmJsonError( p, kNodeNotFoundJsRC,"No field with label '%s' was found.", lp->fieldLabel); //goto errLabel; } else { switch( valNodePtr->typeId ) { case kIntTId: fprintf(fp,"%i", valNodePtr->u.intVal); break; case kRealTId: fprintf(fp,"%e", valNodePtr->u.realVal); break; case kTrueTId: case kFalseTId: fprintf(fp,"%i", valNodePtr->u.boolVal); break; case kStringTId: fprintf(fp,"\"%s\"", valNodePtr->u.stringVal); break; default: assert(0); break; } } if( j < fieldCnt-1 ) fprintf(fp,","); } fprintf(fp,"\n"); } errLabel: if( fp != NULL ) fclose(fp); lp = fieldList; while( lp!=NULL ) { field_t* pp = lp->linkPtr; cmLHeapFree(p->heapH,lp); lp = pp; } return rc; } void _cmJsonPrintIndent( cmRpt_t* rpt, unsigned indent ) { if( indent ) { char spaces[indent+1]; spaces[indent]=0; memset(spaces,' ',indent); cmRptPrint(rpt,spaces); } } void _cmJsonPrintNode( const cmJsonNode_t* np, cmRpt_t* rpt, unsigned indent ) { unsigned childCnt = 0; char eoObjStr[] = "}"; char eoArrStr[] = "]"; char eoPairStr[] = "\n"; char commaStr[] = ",\n"; char colonStr[] = ": "; const char* eleStr = NULL; const char* lastEleStr = NULL; const char* eoStr = NULL; unsigned localIndent = 0; switch(np->typeId) { case kObjectTId: cmRptPrint(rpt,"\n"); _cmJsonPrintIndent(rpt,indent); cmRptPrint(rpt,"{\n"); childCnt = cmJsonChildCount(np); eoStr = eoObjStr; localIndent = 2; break; case kArrayTId: cmRptPrint(rpt,"\n"); _cmJsonPrintIndent(rpt,indent); cmRptPrint(rpt,"[\n"); childCnt = cmJsonChildCount(np); eoStr = eoArrStr; localIndent = 2; eleStr = commaStr; lastEleStr = "\n"; break; case kPairTId: childCnt = cmJsonChildCount(np); eleStr = colonStr; eoStr = eoPairStr; break; case kStringTId: { const char* fmt0 = "\"%s\" "; const char* fmt1 = "%s"; const char* fmt = fmt0; // if this string is the label part of a pair if( np->u.stringVal != NULL && np->ownerPtr != NULL && cmJsonIsPair(np->ownerPtr) && np->ownerPtr->u.childPtr == np ) { // and the label has no white space char* cp = np->u.stringVal; while( *cp!=0 && isspace(*cp)==false ) ++cp; // then print without quotes if( *cp == 0 ) fmt = fmt1; } cmRptPrintf(rpt,fmt,np->u.stringVal==NULL ? "" : np->u.stringVal); } break; case kIntTId: cmRptPrintf(rpt,"%i ",np->u.intVal); break; case kRealTId: cmRptPrintf(rpt,"%f ",np->u.realVal); break; case kNullTId: cmRptPrint(rpt,"null "); break; case kTrueTId: cmRptPrint(rpt,"true "); break; case kFalseTId: cmRptPrint(rpt,"false "); break; } if( childCnt ) { indent += localIndent; unsigned i; cmJsonNode_t* cnp = np->u.childPtr; for(i=0; itypeId != kPairTId ) _cmJsonPrintIndent(rpt,indent); _cmJsonPrintNode(cnp,rpt,indent); cnp = cnp->siblingPtr; if( i < childCnt-1 && eleStr != NULL ) cmRptPrint(rpt,eleStr); if( i == childCnt-1 && lastEleStr != NULL ) cmRptPrint(rpt,lastEleStr); } indent -= localIndent; } if( eoStr != NULL ) { _cmJsonPrintIndent(rpt,indent); cmRptPrint(rpt,eoStr); } } void cmJsonPrintTree( const cmJsonNode_t* np, cmRpt_t* rpt ) { _cmJsonPrintNode(np,rpt,0); } void _cmJsPrintFile(void* cmRptUserPtr, const cmChar_t* text) { cmFileH_t* hp = (cmFileH_t*)cmRptUserPtr; cmFilePrint(*hp,text); } cmJsRC_t cmJsonWrite( cmJsonH_t h, const cmJsonNode_t* np, const cmChar_t* fn ) { cmRpt_t rpt; cmFileH_t fh = cmFileNullHandle; cmJs_t* p = _cmJsonHandleToPtr(h); if( np == NULL ) np = cmJsonRoot(h); // create the output file if( cmFileOpen(&fh,fn,kWriteFileFl,p->err.rpt) != kOkFileRC ) return _cmJsonError( p, kFileCreateErrJsRC, "Output file '%s' create failed.", fn ); // setup a reporter to write to the file cmRptSetup(&rpt,_cmJsPrintFile,_cmJsPrintFile,&fh); // print the tree to the file cmJsonPrintTree(np,&rpt); // close the file if( cmFileClose(&fh) != kOkFileRC ) return _cmJsonError( p, kFileCloseErrJsRC, "Output file '%s' close failed.", fn ); return kOkJsRC; } cmJsRC_t cmJsonReport( cmJsonH_t h ) { cmJsRC_t rc; cmJs_t* p = _cmJsonHandleToPtr(h); if((rc = cmJsonValidateTree(h)) != kOkJsRC ) return rc; if(p->rootPtr != NULL ) _cmJsonPrintNode(p->rootPtr,p->err.rpt,0); return rc; } cmJsRC_t cmJsonErrorCode( cmJsonH_t h ) { cmJs_t* p = _cmJsonHandleToPtr(h); return p->rc; } void cmJsonClearErrorCode( cmJsonH_t h ) { cmJs_t* p = _cmJsonHandleToPtr(h); p->rc = kOkJsRC; } void _cmJsonTestVPrint( void* rptDataPtr, const char* fmt, va_list vl ) { vfprintf(stdout,fmt,vl); } void _cmJsonTestPrint( void* userPtr, const cmChar_t* text ) { fputs(text,stdout); } //{ { label:cmJsonEx } //( // cmJsonTest() demonstrates some JSON tree operations. //) //[ cmJsRC_t cmJsonTest( const char* fn, cmCtx_t* ctx ) { cmJsRC_t rc = kOkJsRC; cmJsRC_t rc1 = kOkJsRC; cmJsonH_t h = cmJsonNullHandle; cmJsonH_t h1 = cmJsonNullHandle; void* sbp = NULL; unsigned sbn = 0; cmJsonNode_t* np = NULL; cmRpt_t* rpt = &ctx->rpt; // initialize an empty JSON tree if((rc = cmJsonInitialize(&h,ctx)) != kOkJsRC ) goto errLabel; // load the tree from a file if((rc = cmJsonParseFile(h,fn,NULL)) != kOkJsRC ) goto errLabel; // print the tree cmJsonReport(h); // find an array member named 'mem14' if((np = cmJsonFindValue(h,"mem14",NULL,kArrayTId)) == NULL ) cmRptPrint(rpt,"'mem14' not found.\n"); else { cmRptPrint(rpt,"'mem14' found.\n"); cmJsonPrintTree(np,rpt); } // remove the array node from the tree cmJsonRemoveNode(h,np, true); cmRptPrint(rpt,"mem14 removed.\n"); // print the tree with the array node removed cmJsonPrintTree( cmJsonRoot(h), rpt ); // serialize the tree into a dynamically allocated // buffer sbp[sbn]. if((rc = cmJsonSerializeTree(h,NULL,&sbp,&sbn)) != kOkJsRC ) goto errLabel; else cmRptPrint(rpt,"***Serialize Ok.****\n"); // initialize an empty JSON tree if((rc = cmJsonInitialize(&h1,ctx)) != kOkJsRC ) goto errLabel; // deserialize sbp[sbn] into the empty tree if((rc = cmJsonDeserialize(h1,sbp,NULL)) != kOkJsRC ) goto errLabel; else { cmJsonPrintTree( cmJsonRoot(h1),rpt); cmRptPrint(rpt,"***Deserialize Ok.****\n"); } // find an member node named 'mem5' if((np = cmJsonFindValue(h,"mem5",NULL,0)) == NULL ) cmRptPrint(rpt,"mem5 not found."); // merge two sub-trees if( cmJsonMergeObjectNodes( h, np->u.childPtr, np->u.childPtr->siblingPtr) != kOkJsRC ) { cmRptPrint(rpt,"merge failed."); } else { cmJsonReport(h); } errLabel: // release the JSON trees rc = cmJsonFinalize(&h); rc1 = cmJsonFinalize(&h1); return rc == kOkJsRC ? rc1 : rc; } //] //}