#ifndef cmRpt_h #define cmRpt_h #ifdef __cplusplus extern "C" { #endif //( { file_desc: "The cmRpt class provides console style output for all objects in the cm system." kw:[base]} // // // The cmRpt class provides console output style output, like stdout and stderr // for most of the classes in the cm library. // // By wrapping this functionality in a class it is possible to easily // redirect output to one or more possible console targets. // //) //( // Application supplied callback function which is called to deliver text // to the destination terminal or GUI. typedef void (*cmRptPrintFunc_t)(void* cmRptUserPtr, const cmChar_t* text); // Data record used to hold the state information. typedef struct { cmRptPrintFunc_t printFuncPtr; //< Application supplied callback text printing function as set from printFunc argument to cmRptSetup(). cmRptPrintFunc_t errorFuncPtr; //< Application supplied callback error printing function as set from the errFunc argument to cmRptSetup(). void* userPtr; //< Application supplied callback argument (cmRptUserPtr in cmRptPrintFunc_t) to be passed back to the application with each call to printFuncPtr() or errorFuncPtr(). } cmRpt_t; // A global cmRpt_t object which can be used to initialze another cmRpt_t. extern cmRpt_t cmRptNull; // The host application calls cmRptSetup() to initialize a cmRpt object. void cmRptSetup( cmRpt_t* rpt, cmRptPrintFunc_t printFunc, cmRptPrintFunc_t errFunc, void* userPtr ); // Text output functions: // Functions to print text to the application console. void cmRptPrint( cmRpt_t* rpt, const cmChar_t* text ); void cmRptVPrintf( cmRpt_t* rpt, const cmChar_t* fmt, va_list vl ); void cmRptPrintf( cmRpt_t* rpt, const cmChar_t* fmt, ... ); // Error reporting functions: // Functions to print error messages to the application error console, void cmRptError( cmRpt_t* rpt, const cmChar_t* text ); void cmRptVErrorf( cmRpt_t* rpt, const cmChar_t* fmt, va_list vl ); void cmRptErrorf( cmRpt_t* rpt, const cmChar_t* fmt, ... ); //) #ifdef __cplusplus } #endif #endif