#include "cmGlobal.h" #include "cmRpt.h" #include "cmErr.h" #include "cmCtx.h" #include "cmMem.h" #include "cmMallocDebug.h" #include "cmUdpPort.h" #include "cmRtNet.h" #include "cmTime.h" #include "cmRtSysMsg.h" enum { kLocalNetFl = 0x01, kSockAddrNetFl = 0x02 }; typedef enum { kSendHelloStNetId = 0, kWaitHelloAckStNetId, kSendEndpointStNetId, kWaitEndpointAckStNetId, kDoneStNetId, kErrorStNetId, kInvalidStNetId, } cmRtNetNodeState_t; typedef enum { kHelloSelNetId, kHelloAckSelNetId, kEndpointSelNetId, kEndpointAckSelNetId } cmRtNetSelId_t; typedef struct cmRtNetEnd_str { cmChar_t* endPtLabel; unsigned endPtId; struct cmRtNetEnd_str* link; } cmRtNetEnd_t; typedef struct cmRtNetNode_str { cmChar_t* label; struct sockaddr_in sockaddr; cmChar_t* addr; cmUdpPort_t port; unsigned flags; cmRtNetNodeState_t state; unsigned epIdx; cmTimeSpec_t lastSendTime; cmRtNetEnd_t* ends; struct cmRtNetNode_str* link; } cmRtNetNode_t; typedef struct { cmErr_t err; cmUdpH_t udpH; cmUdpCallback_t cbFunc; void* cbArg; cmRtNetNode_t* nodes; cmRtNetNode_t* localNode; bool syncModeFl; unsigned udpRecvBufByteCnt; unsigned udpTimeOutMs; unsigned interSyncSendTimeMs; } cmRtNet_t; typedef struct { cmRtSysMsgHdr_t hdr; cmRtNetSelId_t selId; const cmChar_t* endPtLabel; unsigned endPtId; } cmRtNetSyncMsg_t; cmRtNetH_t cmRtNetNullHandle = cmSTATIC_NULL_HANDLE; cmRtNet_t* _cmRtNetHandleToPtr( cmRtNetH_t h ) { cmRtNet_t* p = (cmRtNet_t*)h.h; assert( p != NULL ); return p; } void _cmRtNetVRpt( cmRtNet_t* p, const cmChar_t* fmt, va_list vl ) { cmRptVPrintf(p->err.rpt,fmt,vl); } void _cmRtNetRpt( cmRtNet_t* p, const cmChar_t* fmt, ... ) { va_list vl; va_start(vl,fmt); _cmRtNetVRpt(p,fmt,vl); va_end(vl); } cmRtNetNode_t* _cmRtNetFindNode( cmRtNet_t* p, const cmChar_t* label ) { if( label == NULL ) return NULL; cmRtNetNode_t* np = p->nodes; for(; np!=NULL; np=np->link) if( strcmp(label,np->label)==0) return np; return NULL; } cmRtNetNode_t* _cmRtNetFindNodeFromSockAddr( cmRtNet_t* p, const struct sockaddr_in* saddr ) { if( saddr == NULL ) return NULL; cmRtNetNode_t* np = p->nodes; for(; np!=NULL; np=np->link) if( cmIsFlag(np->flags,kSockAddrNetFl) && np->sockaddr.sin_addr.s_addr == saddr->sin_addr.s_addr && np->sockaddr.sin_port == saddr->sin_port ) return np; return NULL; } void _cmRtNetFreeNode( cmRtNetNode_t* np ) { cmRtNetEnd_t* ep = np->ends; while( ep != NULL ) { cmRtNetEnd_t* nep = ep->link; cmMemFree(ep->endPtLabel); cmMemFree(ep); ep = nep; } cmMemFree(np->label); cmMemFree(np->addr); cmMemFree(np); } void _cmRtNetReleaseNodes( cmRtNet_t* p ) { cmRtNetNode_t* np = p->nodes; while( np != NULL ) { cmRtNetNode_t* nnp = np->link; _cmRtNetFreeNode(np); np = nnp; } p->nodes = NULL; p->localNode = NULL; } cmRtNetRC_t _cmRtNetReleaseNode( cmRtNet_t* p, cmRtNetNode_t* np ) { // we should never release the local node via this function assert( np != p->localNode ); cmRtNetNode_t* cnp = p->nodes; cmRtNetNode_t* pnp = NULL; while( cnp != NULL ) { cmRtNetNode_t* nnp = cnp->link; if( np == cnp ) { if( pnp == NULL ) p->nodes = np->link; else pnp->link = np->link; _cmRtNetFreeNode(np); return kOkNetRC; } pnp = np; cnp = nnp; } assert(0); return cmErrMsg(&p->err,kNodeNotFoundNetRC,"Node to release not found."); } cmRtNetRC_t _cmRtNetCreateNode( cmRtNet_t* p, const cmChar_t* label, const cmChar_t* addr, cmUdpPort_t port, const struct sockaddr_in* saddr ) { cmRtNetNode_t* np; if( label == NULL ) return cmErrMsg(&p->err,kInvalidLabelNetRC,"A null or blank node label was encountered."); if((np = _cmRtNetFindNode(p,label)) != NULL ) return cmErrMsg(&p->err,kDuplLabelNetRC,"The node label '%s' is already in use.",cmStringNullGuard(label)); bool localNodeFl = addr==NULL && saddr==NULL; if( localNodeFl && p->localNode != NULL ) return cmErrMsg(&p->err,kDuplLocalNetRC,"The local node '%s' has already been set.",cmStringNullGuard(p->localNode->label)); np = cmMemAllocZ(cmRtNetNode_t,1); np->label = cmMemAllocStr(label); np->addr = addr==NULL ? NULL : cmMemAllocStr(addr); np->port = port; np->flags = cmEnaFlag(np->flags,kLocalNetFl,localNodeFl); np->link = p->nodes; p->nodes = np; if( localNodeFl ) p->localNode = np; if( saddr != NULL ) { np->sockaddr = *saddr; np->flags = cmSetFlag(np->flags,kSockAddrNetFl); } return kOkNetRC; } cmRtNetEnd_t* _cmRtNetFindNodeEnd(cmRtNetNode_t* np, const cmChar_t* endPtLabel ) { cmRtNetEnd_t* ep = np->ends; for(; ep!=NULL; ep=ep->link) if( strcmp(ep->endPtLabel,endPtLabel)==0 ) return ep; return NULL; } cmRtNetEnd_t* _cmRtNetIndexToEndpoint( cmRtNet_t* p, cmRtNetNode_t* np, unsigned endIndex ) { cmRtNetEnd_t* ep = np->ends; unsigned i; for(i=0; ep!=NULL; ep=ep->link) { if( i == endIndex ) return ep; ++i; } return NULL; } cmRtNetRC_t _cmRtNetCreateEndpoint( cmRtNet_t* p, cmRtNetNode_t* np, const cmChar_t* endPtLabel, unsigned endPtId ) { if( endPtLabel == NULL ) return cmErrMsg(&p->err,kInvalidLabelNetRC,"A null or blank node label was encountered."); if( _cmRtNetFindNodeEnd( np, endPtLabel) != NULL) return cmErrMsg(&p->err,kDuplEndNetRC,"A duplicate endpoint ('%s') was encountered on node '%s'.",endPtLabel,np->label); cmRtNetRC_t rc = kOkNetRC; cmRtNetEnd_t* ep = cmMemAllocZ(cmRtNetEnd_t,1); ep->endPtLabel = cmMemAllocStr(endPtLabel); ep->endPtId = endPtId; ep->link = np->ends; np->ends = ep; return rc; } unsigned _cmRtNetSyncMsgSerialByteCount( const cmRtNetSyncMsg_t* m ) { return sizeof(cmRtNetSyncMsg_t) + m->endPtLabel==NULL ? 1 : strlen(m->endPtLabel) + 1; } cmRtNetRC_t _cmRtNetSerializeSyncMsg( cmRtNet_t* p, const cmRtNetSyncMsg_t* m, void* buf, unsigned n ) { unsigned bn = _cmRtNetSyncMsgSerialByteCount(m); char* b = (char*)buf; if( bn > n ) return cmErrMsg(&p->err,kBufToSmallNetRC,"Serialize buffer too small."); memcpy(b,m,sizeof(*m)); strcpy(b + sizeof(*m),m->endPtLabel==NULL ? "" : m->endPtLabel); return kOkNetRC; } cmRtNetRC_t _cmRtNetDeserializeSyncMsg( const void* buf, unsigned n, cmRtNetSyncMsg_t* m ) { assert( n > sizeof(*m)); memcpy(m,buf,sizeof(*m)); const cmRtNetSyncMsg_t* mp = (const cmRtNetSyncMsg_t*)buf; const cmChar_t* s = (const cmChar_t*)(mp+1); m->endPtLabel = cmMemAllocStr(s); return kOkNetRC; } cmRtNetRC_t _cmRtNetSendSyncMsg( cmRtNet_t* p, cmRtNetNode_t* np, cmRtNetSelId_t selId, const cmChar_t* endPtLabel, unsigned endPtId, cmRtNetNodeState_t nextStId ) { cmRtNetSyncMsg_t m; cmRtNetRC_t rc = kOkNetRC; m.hdr.rtSubIdx = cmInvalidIdx; m.hdr.selId = kNetSyncSelRtId; m.selId = selId; m.endPtLabel = endPtLabel; m.endPtId = endPtId; // determine size of msg to send unsigned n = _cmRtNetSyncMsgSerialByteCount(&m); cmChar_t buf[n]; // serialize msg into buf[] if((rc = _cmRtNetSerializeSyncMsg(p,&m,buf,n)) != kOkNetRC ) return rc; // store this nodes current sync state cmRtNetNodeState_t orgState = np->state; np->state = nextStId; // send the msg cmUdpRC_t udpRC; if( cmIsFlag(np->flags,kSockAddrNetFl) ) udpRC = cmUdpSendTo(p->udpH, buf, n, &np->sockaddr ); else udpRC = cmUdpSend2(p->udpH, buf, n, np->addr, np->port ); // check for send errors if( udpRC != kOkUdpRC ) { rc = cmErrMsg(&p->err,kUdpPortFailNetRC,"Sync msg. send on UDP port failed."); np->state = orgState; // restore node state so we can try again } else { // record the last send time cmTimeGet(&np->lastSendTime); } return rc; } cmRtNetRC_t _cmRtNetFree( cmRtNet_t* p ) { cmRtNetRC_t rc = kOkNetRC; if( cmUdpFree(&p->udpH) != kOkUdpRC ) cmErrMsg(&p->err,kUdpPortFailNetRC,"UDP Port free failed."); _cmRtNetReleaseNodes(p); cmMemFree(p); return rc; } cmRtNetRC_t cmRtNetAlloc( cmCtx_t* ctx, cmRtNetH_t* hp, cmUdpCallback_t cbFunc, void* cbArg ) { cmRtNetRC_t rc; if((rc = cmRtNetFree(hp)) != kOkNetRC ) return rc; cmRtNet_t* p = cmMemAllocZ(cmRtNet_t,1); cmErrSetup(&p->err,&ctx->rpt,"cmRtNet"); // allocate the UDP port if(cmUdpAlloc(ctx,&p->udpH) != kOkUdpRC ) { cmErrMsg(&p->err,kUdpPortFailNetRC,"UDP Port allocate failed."); goto errLabel; } p->udpTimeOutMs = 50; p->udpRecvBufByteCnt = 8192; p->interSyncSendTimeMs = 10; p->cbFunc = cbFunc; p->cbArg = cbArg; hp->h = p; errLabel: if(rc != kOkNetRC ) _cmRtNetFree(p); return rc; } cmRtNetRC_t cmRtNetFree( cmRtNetH_t* hp ) { cmRtNetRC_t rc = kOkNetRC; if( hp==NULL || cmRtNetIsValid(*hp)==false ) return rc; cmRtNet_t* p = _cmRtNetHandleToPtr(*hp); if((rc = _cmRtNetFree(p)) != kOkNetRC ) return rc; hp->h = NULL; return rc; } bool cmRtNetIsValid( cmRtNetH_t h ) { return h.h !=NULL; } cmUdpH_t cmRtNetUdpPortHandle( cmRtNetH_t h ) { cmRtNet_t* p = _cmRtNetHandleToPtr(h); return p->udpH; } cmRtNetRC_t cmRtNetCreateNode( cmRtNetH_t h, const cmChar_t* nodeLabel, const cmChar_t* ipAddr, cmUdpPort_t port ) { cmRtNet_t* p = _cmRtNetHandleToPtr(h); cmRtNetRC_t rc; // create a node if((rc = _cmRtNetCreateNode(p,nodeLabel,ipAddr, port, NULL)) != kOkNetRC ) return rc; // if this is not the local node if( ipAddr != NULL ) return rc; // if this is the local node then initialze the local socket if( cmUdpInit(p->udpH,port,kNonBlockingUdpFl,p->cbFunc,p->cbArg,NULL,0,p->udpRecvBufByteCnt,p->udpTimeOutMs) != kOkUdpRC ) { rc = cmErrMsg(&p->err,kUdpPortFailNetRC,"The UDP port initialization failed."); goto errLabel; } // begin listening on the local port if( cmUdpEnableListen(p->udpH, true ) != kOkUdpRC ) { rc = cmErrMsg(&p->err,kUdpPortFailNetRC,"The UDP port failed to enter 'listen' mode."); goto errLabel; } errLabel: return rc; } cmRtNetRC_t cmRtNetRegisterEndPoint( cmRtNetH_t h, const cmChar_t* endPtLabel, unsigned endPtId ) { cmRtNet_t* p = _cmRtNetHandleToPtr(h); if( p->localNode == NULL ) return cmErrMsg(&p->err,kLocalNodeNetRC,"Local endpoints may not be added if a local node has not been defined."); return _cmRtNetCreateEndpoint(p, p->localNode,endPtLabel,endPtId ); } cmRtNetRC_t cmRtNetClearAll( cmRtNetH_t h ) { cmRtNet_t* p = _cmRtNetHandleToPtr(h); _cmRtNetReleaseNodes(p); return kOkNetRC; } cmRtNetRC_t cmRtNetBeginSyncMode( cmRtNetH_t h ) { cmRtNetRC_t rc = kOkNetRC; cmRtNet_t* p = _cmRtNetHandleToPtr(h); p->syncModeFl = true; return rc; } bool cmRtNetIsInSyncMode( cmRtNetH_t h ) { cmRtNet_t* p = _cmRtNetHandleToPtr(h); return p->syncModeFl; } // Used by slaves to send the master an 'ack' msg. cmRtNetRC_t _cmRtNetSendAck( cmRtNet_t* p, cmRtNetSelId_t ackSelId, const struct sockaddr_in* saddr ) { cmRtNetNode_t* np; if((np = _cmRtNetFindNodeFromSockAddr(p,saddr)) != NULL ) return cmErrMsg(&p->err,kNodeNotFoundNetRC,"The net node associated with an ack cmd was not found. Ack not sent."); return _cmRtNetSendSyncMsg(p,np,ackSelId,NULL,cmInvalidId,kInvalidStNetId); } // Used by master to update state upon receipt of 'ack' msg cmRtNetRC_t _cmRtNetRecvAck( cmRtNet_t* p, const struct sockaddr_in* fromAddr, cmRtNetNodeState_t expectedState, cmRtNetNodeState_t nextState ) { cmRtNetNode_t* np; cmRtNetRC_t rc = kOkNetRC; if((np = _cmRtNetFindNodeFromSockAddr(p,fromAddr)) == NULL ) { rc = cmErrMsg(&p->err,kNodeNotFoundNetRC,"The net node associated with a ack receive was not found."); goto errLabel; } if( np->state != expectedState ) { rc = cmErrMsg(&p->err,kNodeStateErrNetRC,"Node '%s' expected in state %i was in state %i.",kWaitHelloAckStNetId,np->state); np->state = kErrorStNetId; goto errLabel; } np->state = nextState; errLabel: return rc; } cmRtNetRC_t cmRtNetSyncModeRecv( cmRtNetH_t h, const char* data, unsigned dataByteCnt, const struct sockaddr_in* fromAddr ) { cmRtNet_t* p = _cmRtNetHandleToPtr(h); cmRtNetRC_t rc = kOkNetRC; cmRtNetNode_t* np = NULL; cmRtNetSyncMsg_t m; assert( p->syncModeFl ); if( _cmRtNetDeserializeSyncMsg(data,dataByteCnt,&m) != kOkNetRC ) { rc = cmErrMsg(&p->err,rc,"Net sync. receive failed due to deserialize fail."); goto errLabel; } assert( m.hdr.selId == kNetSyncSelRtId ); switch( m.selId ) { case kHelloSelNetId: // slave response { _cmRtNetRpt(p,"rcv hello\n"); // attempt to locate the remote node which sent the endpoint if((np = _cmRtNetFindNodeFromSockAddr(p,fromAddr)) != NULL ) { // delete the existing node because we are about to get new info. about it. if((rc = _cmRtNetReleaseNode(p,np )) != kOkNetRC ) goto errLabel; } // create a node proxy to represent the remote node if(( rc = _cmRtNetCreateNode(p,m.endPtLabel,NULL,0,fromAddr)) != kOkNetRC ) goto errLabel; // send an ackknowledgement of the 'hello' msg rc = _cmRtNetSendAck(p,kHelloAckSelNetId,fromAddr); } break; case kEndpointSelNetId: // slave response { cmRtNetEnd_t* ep; _cmRtNetRpt(p,"rcv endpoint\n"); // locate the remote node which sent the endpoint if((np = _cmRtNetFindNodeFromSockAddr(p,fromAddr)) == NULL ) { rc = cmErrMsg(&p->err,kNodeNotFoundNetRC,"The net node associated with an endpoint receive was not found."); goto errLabel; } // attempt to find the end point if((ep = _cmRtNetFindNodeEnd(np,m.endPtLabel)) != NULL ) ep->endPtId = m.endPtId; // the endpoint was found update the endPtId else { // create a local proxy for the endpoint if((rc = _cmRtNetCreateEndpoint(p,np,m.endPtLabel,m.endPtId)) != kOkNetRC ) goto errLabel; } // ack. the endpoint msg rc = _cmRtNetSendAck(p,kEndpointAckSelNetId,fromAddr); } break; case kHelloAckSelNetId: // master response _cmRtNetRpt(p,"rcv hello ack\n"); rc = _cmRtNetRecvAck(p,fromAddr,kWaitHelloAckStNetId,kSendEndpointStNetId); break; case kEndpointAckSelNetId: // master response _cmRtNetRpt(p,"rcv endpoint ack\n"); rc = _cmRtNetRecvAck(p,fromAddr,kWaitEndpointAckStNetId,kSendEndpointStNetId); break; default: break; } errLabel: return rc; } cmRtNetRC_t _cmRtNetSendNodeSync( cmRtNet_t* p, cmRtNetNode_t* np ) { cmRtNetRC_t rc = kOkNetRC; switch( np->state ) { case kSendHelloStNetId: // send a 'hello' to this remote node if((rc = _cmRtNetSendSyncMsg(p,np,kHelloSelNetId,p->localNode->label, cmInvalidId, kWaitHelloAckStNetId )) != kOkNetRC ) rc = cmErrMsg(&p->err,rc,"Send 'hello' to %s:%s:%i failed.",cmStringNullGuard(np->label),cmStringNullGuard(np->addr),np->port); else _cmRtNetRpt(p,"send hello\n"); break; case kSendEndpointStNetId: { cmRtNetEnd_t* ep; // if all of the endpoints have been sent to this node ... if((ep = _cmRtNetIndexToEndpoint(p,p->localNode,np->epIdx)) == NULL ) np->state = kDoneStNetId; // ... we are done else { // send an endpoint to this node if((rc = _cmRtNetSendSyncMsg(p,np,kHelloSelNetId,ep->endPtLabel, ep->endPtId, kWaitEndpointAckStNetId )) != kOkNetRC ) rc = cmErrMsg(&p->err,rc,"Endpoint (%s index:%i) transmission to %s:%s:%i failed.",cmStringNullGuard(ep->endPtLabel),cmStringNullGuard(np->label),cmStringNullGuard(np->addr),np->port); else _cmRtNetRpt(p,"send endpoint\n"); } } break; case kWaitHelloAckStNetId: case kWaitEndpointAckStNetId: { cmTimeSpec_t t; cmTimeGet(&t); unsigned fiveSecs = 5000000; if( cmTimeElapsedMicros(&np->lastSendTime,&t) > fiveSecs) { const cmChar_t* ackStr = np->state==kWaitHelloAckStNetId ? "hello" : "endpoint"; rc = cmErrMsg(&p->err,kTimeOutErrNetRC,"The node %s:%s:%i did not give a '%s' acknowledge.",cmStringNullGuard(np->label),cmStringNullGuard(np->addr),np->port,ackStr); } } break; default: break; } // if an error occurred put the node into an error state if( rc != kOkNetRC ) np->state = kErrorStNetId; return rc; } cmRtNetRC_t cmRtNetSyncModeSend( cmRtNetH_t h ) { cmRtNetRC_t rc = kOkNetRC; cmRtNet_t* p = _cmRtNetHandleToPtr(h); if( p->syncModeFl == false ) return rc; unsigned activeCnt = 0; cmRtNetNode_t* np = p->nodes; for(; np != NULL; np=np->link ) if( np != p->localNode && np->state != kDoneStNetId && np->state != kErrorStNetId ) { _cmRtNetSendNodeSync(p,np); activeCnt += 1; } if( activeCnt == 0 ) p->syncModeFl = false; return rc; } cmRtNetRC_t cmRtNetReceive( cmRtNetH_t h ) { cmRtNetRC_t rc = kOkNetRC; cmRtNet_t* p = _cmRtNetHandleToPtr(h); if( cmUdpGetAvailData(p->udpH, NULL, NULL, NULL ) != kOkUdpRC ) { cmErrMsg(&p->err,kUdpPortFailNetRC,"UDP port query failed."); goto errLabel; } errLabel: return rc; } bool cmRtNetIsSyncModeMsg( const void* data, unsigned dataByteCnt ) { cmRtNetSyncMsg_t* m = (cmRtNetSyncMsg_t*)data; return dataByteCnt >= sizeof(cmRtNetSyncMsg_t) && m->hdr.selId == kNetSyncSelRtId; } unsigned cmRtNetEndPointIndex( cmRtNetH_t h, const cmChar_t* nodeLabel, const cmChar_t* endPtLabel ) { //cmRtNet_t* p = _cmRtNetHandleToPtr(h); return cmInvalidIdx; } cmRtNetRC_t cmRtNetSend( cmRtNetH_t h, unsigned endPointIndex, const void* msg, unsigned msgByteCnt ) { cmRtNetRC_t rc = kOkNetRC; //cmRtNet_t* p = _cmRtNetHandleToPtr(h); return rc; } void cmRtNetReport( cmRtNetH_t h ) { cmRtNet_t* p = _cmRtNetHandleToPtr(h); cmRpt_t* rpt = p->err.rpt; cmRptPrintf(rpt,"Sync Mode:%s\n",p->syncModeFl ? "ON" : "OFF"); cmRtNetNode_t* np = p->nodes; for(; np!=NULL; np=np->link) { cmRptPrintf(rpt,"Node: %s ",np->label); if( np->addr != NULL ) cmRptPrintf(rpt,"%s ",np->addr ); if( cmIsFlag(np->flags,kLocalNetFl) ) cmRptPrintf(rpt,"LOCAL "); if( cmIsFlag(np->flags,kSockAddrNetFl) ) cmRptPrintf(rpt,"%s ",cmStringNullGuard(cmUdpAddrToString(p->udpH,&np->sockaddr))); if( np->port != cmInvalidId ) cmRptPrintf(rpt,"%i ",np->port ); cmRptPrintf(rpt,"\n"); cmRtNetEnd_t* ep = np->ends; for(; ep!=NULL; ep=ep->link) { cmRptPrintf(rpt," endpt: %i %s\n",ep->endPtId,cmStringNullGuard(ep->endPtLabel)); } } } //========================================================================== #include "cmThread.h" typedef struct { cmThreadH_t thH; cmRtNetH_t netH; } _cmRtNetTest_t; void _cmRtNetTestRecv( void* cbArg, const char* data, unsigned dataByteCnt, const struct sockaddr_in* fromAddr ) { _cmRtNetTest_t* p = (_cmRtNetTest_t*)cbArg; if( cmRtNetIsSyncModeMsg(data,dataByteCnt)) cmRtNetSyncModeRecv(p->netH,data,dataByteCnt,fromAddr); } bool _cmRtNetTestThreadFunc(void* param) { _cmRtNetTest_t* p = (_cmRtNetTest_t*)param; if( cmRtNetIsValid(p->netH) && cmRtNetIsInSyncMode(p->netH) ) cmRtNetSyncModeSend(p->netH); return true; } void cmRtNetTest( cmCtx_t* ctx, bool mstrFl ) { char c; _cmRtNetTest_t t; cmUdpPort_t port = 5876; _cmRtNetTest_t* p = &t; cmRtNetRC_t rc = kOkNetRC; memset(&t,0,sizeof(t)); if( cmThreadCreate(&p->thH,_cmRtNetTestThreadFunc,p,&ctx->rpt) != kOkThRC ) goto errLabel; if((rc = cmRtNetAlloc(ctx,&p->netH,_cmRtNetTestRecv,p)) != kOkNetRC ) goto errLabel; if((rc = cmRtNetCreateNode(p->netH, "local", NULL, port )) != kOkNetRC) goto errLabel; if( mstrFl ) { if((rc = cmRtNetCreateNode(p->netH,"whirl", "", port )) != kOkNetRC ) goto errLabel; if((rc = cmRtNetRegisterEndPoint(p->netH,"thunk_ep0", 0 )) != kOkNetRC ) goto errLabel; if(( rc = cmRtNetBeginSyncMode(p->netH)) != kOkNetRC ) goto errLabel; } else { if((rc = cmRtNetRegisterEndPoint(p->netH,"whirl_ep0", 0 )) != kOkNetRC ) goto errLabel; } if( cmThreadPause(p->thH,0) != kOkThRC ) goto errLabel; cmRptPrintf(&ctx->rpt,"%s q=quit\n", mstrFl ? "Master: " : "Slave: "); while( (c=getchar()) != 'q' ) { } errLabel: cmThreadDestroy(&p->thH); cmRtNetFree(&p->netH); return; }