#ifndef cmCsv_h #define cmCsv_h #ifdef __cplusplus extern "C" { #endif //( { file_desc:"Comma seperated value file reader and writer." kw[file] } enum { kOkCsvRC = 0, kMemAllocErrCsvRC, kLexErrCsvRC, kHashTblErrCsvRC, kSyntaxErrCsvRC, kFileOpenErrCsvRC, kFileCreateErrCsvRC, kFileReadErrCsvRC, kFileSeekErrCsvRC, kFileCloseErrCsvRC, kDataCvtErrCsvRC, kCellNotFoundCsvRC, kDuplicateLexCsvId }; typedef unsigned cmCsvRC_t; typedef cmHandle_t cmCsvH_t; enum { kIntCsvTFl = 0x01, kHexCsvTFl = 0x02, kRealCsvTFl = 0x04, kIdentCsvTFl = 0x08, kStrCsvTFl = 0x10, kUdefCsvTFl = 0x20, kNumberTMask = kIntCsvTFl | kHexCsvTFl | kRealCsvTFl, kTextTMask = kIdentCsvTFl | kStrCsvTFl, kTypeTMask = kNumberTMask | kTextTMask }; // Each non-blank CSV cell is represented by a cmCsvCell_t record. // All the non-blank cells in a given row are organized as a linked // list throught 'rowPtr'. typedef struct cmCsvCell_str { unsigned row; // CSV row number unsigned col; // CSV column number struct cmCsvCell_str* rowPtr; // links together cells in this row unsigned symId; // symbol id for this cell unsigned flags; // cell flags (see kXXXCsvTFl) unsigned lexTId; } cmCsvCell_t; extern cmCsvH_t cmCsvNullHandle; cmCsvRC_t cmCsvInitialize( cmCsvH_t *hp, cmCtx_t* ctx ); cmCsvRC_t cmCsvFinalize( cmCsvH_t *hp ); cmCsvRC_t cmCsvInitializeFromFile( cmCsvH_t *hp, const char* fn, unsigned maxRowCnt, cmCtx_t* ctx ); bool cmCsvIsValid( cmCsvH_t h); cmCsvRC_t cmCsvLastRC( cmCsvH_t h); void cmCsvClearRC( cmCsvH_t h); // Register token matchers. See cmLexRegisterToken and cmLexRegisterMatcher // for details. cmCsvRC_t cmCsvLexRegisterToken( cmCsvH_t h, unsigned id, const cmChar_t* token ); cmCsvRC_t cmCsvLexRegisterMatcher( cmCsvH_t h, unsigned id, cmLexUserMatcherPtr_t funcPtr ); // Return the next available lexer token id above the token id's used internally // by the object. This value is fixed after cmCsvInitialize() // and does not change for the life of the CSV object. The application is // therefore free to choose any lexer id values equal to or above the // returned value. unsigned cmCsvLexNextAvailId( cmCsvH_t h ); // Set 'maxRowCnt' to 0 if there is no row limit on the file. cmCsvRC_t cmCsvParse( cmCsvH_t h, const char* buf, unsigned bufCharCnt, unsigned maxRowCnt ); cmCsvRC_t cmCsvParseFile( cmCsvH_t h, const char* fn, unsigned maxRowCnt ); unsigned cmCsvRowCount( cmCsvH_t h ); // Return a pointer to a given cell. cmCsvCell_t* cmCsvCellPtr( cmCsvH_t h, unsigned row, unsigned col ); // Return a pointer to the first cell in a given row cmCsvCell_t* cmCsvRowPtr( cmCsvH_t h, unsigned row ); // Convert a cell symbold id to a value. const char* cmCsvCellSymText( cmCsvH_t h, unsigned symId ); cmCsvRC_t cmCsvCellSymInt( cmCsvH_t h, unsigned symId, int* vp ); cmCsvRC_t cmCsvCellSymUInt( cmCsvH_t h, unsigned symId, unsigned* vp ); cmCsvRC_t cmCsvCellSymFloat( cmCsvH_t h, unsigned symId, float* vp ); cmCsvRC_t cmCsvCellSymDouble( cmCsvH_t h, unsigned symId, double* vp ); // Return the value associated with a cell. const char* cmCsvCellText( cmCsvH_t h, unsigned row, unsigned col ); // Returns NULL on error. int cmCsvCellInt( cmCsvH_t h, unsigned row, unsigned col ); // Returns INT_MAX on error. unsigned cmCsvCellUInt( cmCsvH_t h, unsigned row, unsigned col ); // Returns UINT_MAX on error. float cmCsvCellFloat( cmCsvH_t h, unsigned row, unsigned col ); // Returns FLT_MAX on error. double cmCsvCellDouble(cmCsvH_t h, unsigned row, unsigned col ); // Returns DBL_MAX on error. // Insert a value into the internal symbol table. unsigned cmCsvInsertSymText( cmCsvH_t h, const char* text ); unsigned cmCsvInsertSymInt( cmCsvH_t h, int v ); unsigned cmCsvInsertSymUInt( cmCsvH_t h, unsigned v ); unsigned cmCsvInsertSymHex( cmCsvH_t h, unsigned v ); unsigned cmCsvInsertSymFloat( cmCsvH_t h, float v ); unsigned cmCsvInsertSymDouble( cmCsvH_t h, double v ); // Set the value associated with a cell. cmCsvRC_t cmCsvSetCellText( cmCsvH_t h, unsigned row, unsigned col, const char* text ); cmCsvRC_t cmCsvSetCellInt( cmCsvH_t h, unsigned row, unsigned col, int v ); cmCsvRC_t cmCsvSetCellUInt( cmCsvH_t h, unsigned row, unsigned col, unsigned v ); cmCsvRC_t cmCsvSetCellHex( cmCsvH_t h, unsigned row, unsigned col, unsigned v ); cmCsvRC_t cmCsvSetCellFloat( cmCsvH_t h, unsigned row, unsigned col, float v ); cmCsvRC_t cmCsvSetCellDouble( cmCsvH_t h, unsigned row, unsigned col, double v ); // Insert a new row and column 0 cell just above the row assigned to 'row'. // lexTId is an arbitrary id used by the application to set the value of // cmCsvCell_t.lexTId in the new cell. There are no constraints on its value. //cmCsvRC_t cmCsvInsertRowBefore( cmCsvH_t h, unsigned row, cmCsvCell_t** cellPtrPtr, unsigned symId, unsigned flags, unsigned lexTId ); // Column 0 will be added if 'cellPtrPtr'!= NULL and 'symId'!=cmInvalidId. // If cellPtrPtr and symId are not valid then 'flags' and 'lexTId' are ignored. cmCsvRC_t cmCsvAppendRow( cmCsvH_t h, cmCsvCell_t** cellPtrPtr, unsigned symId, unsigned flags, unsigned lexTId ); // Insert a new cell to the right of leftCellPtr. // lexTId is an arbitrary id used by the application to set the value of // cmCsvCell_t.lexTId in the new cell. There are no constraints on its value. cmCsvRC_t cmCsvInsertColAfter( cmCsvH_t h, cmCsvCell_t* leftCellPtr, cmCsvCell_t** cellPtrPtr, unsigned symId, unsigned flags, unsigned lexTId ); cmCsvRC_t cmCsvInsertTextColAfter( cmCsvH_t h, cmCsvCell_t* leftCellPtr, cmCsvCell_t** cellPtrPtr, const char* val, unsigned lexTId ); cmCsvRC_t cmCsvInsertIntColAfter( cmCsvH_t h, cmCsvCell_t* leftCellPtr, cmCsvCell_t** cellPtrPtr, int val, unsigned lexTId ); cmCsvRC_t cmCsvInsertUIntColAfter( cmCsvH_t h, cmCsvCell_t* leftCellPtr, cmCsvCell_t** cellPtrPtr, unsigned val, unsigned lexTId ); cmCsvRC_t cmCsvInsertHexColAfter( cmCsvH_t h, cmCsvCell_t* leftCellPtr, cmCsvCell_t** cellPtrPtr, unsigned val, unsigned lexTId ); cmCsvRC_t cmCsvInsertFloatColAfter( cmCsvH_t h, cmCsvCell_t* leftCellPtr, cmCsvCell_t** cellPtrPtr, float val, unsigned lexTId ); cmCsvRC_t cmCsvInsertDoubleColAfter( cmCsvH_t h, cmCsvCell_t* leftCellPtr, cmCsvCell_t** cellPtrPtr, double val, unsigned lexTId ); // Write the CSV object out to a file. cmCsvRC_t cmCsvWrite( cmCsvH_t h, const char* fn ); cmCsvRC_t cmCsvPrint( cmCsvH_t h, unsigned rowCnt ); //) #ifdef __cplusplus } #endif #endif