//| Copyright: (C) 2009-2020 Kevin Larke //| License: GNU GPL version 3.0 or above. See the accompanying LICENSE file. #include "cmPrefix.h" #include "cmGlobal.h" #include "cmRpt.h" #include "cmErr.h" #include "cmCtx.h" #include "cmMem.h" #include "cmMallocDebug.h" #include "cmLinkedHeap.h" #include "cmFile.h" #include "cmTagFile.h" cmTfH_t cmTfNullHandle = cmSTATIC_NULL_HANDLE; typedef struct { cmErr_t err; cmFileH_t fH; cmLHeapH_t lH; cmTfTag_t* tagArray; unsigned tagCnt; unsigned tagAllocCnt; } cmTf_t; cmTf_t* _cmTfHandleToPtr( cmTfH_t h ) { cmTf_t* p = (cmTf_t*)h.h; assert( p != NULL ); return p; } const cmChar_t* _cmTfFlagsToLabel( unsigned flags ) { switch(flags) { case kFuncProtoTfFl: return "p"; case kFuncDefnTfFl: return "d"; case kEnumTfFl: return "e"; case kMacroTfFl: return "m"; case kTypedefTfFl: return "t"; case kFieldTfFl: return "f"; case kExternTfFl: return "x"; case kStructTagTfFl:return "s"; case kUnionTagTfFl: return "u"; default: { assert(0); } } return ""; } void _cmTfPrintTag(cmRpt_t* rpt, const cmTfTag_t* r ) { cmRptPrintf(rpt,"%s %5i %s\n",_cmTfFlagsToLabel(r->flags),r->line,r->label); } cmTfRC_t _cmTfCloseFile( cmTf_t* p ) { cmTfRC_t rc = kOkTfRC; if( cmFileIsValid(p->fH) ) cmFileClose(&p->fH); if( cmLHeapIsValid(p->lH) ) cmLHeapDestroy(&p->lH); cmMemFree(p); return rc; } cmTfRC_t _cmTfSyntaxErr( cmTf_t* p, const cmChar_t* fn, unsigned line, const cmChar_t* msg ) { return cmErrMsg(&p->err,kSyntaxErrTfRC,"Syntax error: %s line:%i in file:%s\n",msg,line,cmStringNullGuard(fn)); } cmTfRC_t _cmTfParseLine( cmTf_t* p, const cmChar_t* fn, unsigned line, cmChar_t* buf, unsigned bufCharCnt ) { cmTfRC_t rc = kOkTfRC; const cmChar_t lineLabel[] = "line:"; unsigned lineLabelCharCnt = strlen(lineLabel); char* s; cmTfTag_t r; memset(&r,0,sizeof(r)); // if the line is empty if( buf==NULL || bufCharCnt == 0 ) return rc; // eat leading white space while( *buf && isspace(*buf) ) ++buf; // if the line is now empty if( *buf == 0 ) return rc; // skip the file header lines - which begin with a '!' character if( *buf == '!' ) return rc; // locate the end of the first (tag) field if( (s= strchr(buf,'\t')) == NULL ) return _cmTfSyntaxErr(p,fn,line,"No tag label was found."); // zero terminate and copy construct the tag field into r.label *s = 0; r.label = cmLhAllocStr( p->lH, buf ); buf = s + 1; // buf now points to the file name if( (s = strchr(buf,'\t')) == NULL ) return _cmTfSyntaxErr(p,fn,line,"No file name field found."); buf = s + 1; // buf now points to the 'EX" field if( (s = strchr(buf,'\t')) == NULL ) return _cmTfSyntaxErr(p,fn,line,"No 'EX' field found."); buf = s + 1; // buf now points to the 'kind' field // // Use: 'ctags --list-kinds=c' to list all of the 'kind' character flags. // switch( *buf ) { case 'd': // macro r.flags |= kMacroTfFl; break; case 'e': // enum value r.flags |= kEnumTfFl; break; case 'p': // function prototype r.flags |= kFuncProtoTfFl; break; case 'f': // function defn r.flags |= kFuncDefnTfFl; break; case 't': // typedef r.flags |= kTypedefTfFl; break; case 'm': // member r.flags |= kFieldTfFl; break; case 'x': // externs and forward decl's r.flags |= kExternTfFl; break; case 's': // struct tag r.flags |= kStructTagTfFl; break; case 'u': // union tag r.flags |= kUnionTagTfFl; break; default: // unrecognized type return rc; } if( (s = strchr(buf,'\t')) == NULL ) return _cmTfSyntaxErr(p,fn,line,"No 'kind' field found."); buf = s + 1; // buf now points to the 'line' field // if( strncmp(buf,lineLabel,lineLabelCharCnt) != 0 ) return _cmTfSyntaxErr(p,fn,line,"No 'line' field found."); buf += lineLabelCharCnt; // buf now points to the number part of the line field // parse the line number if( sscanf(buf,"%i",&r.line) != 1 ) return _cmTfSyntaxErr(p,fn,line,"Line number parse failed."); // store the tag record p->tagArray[ p->tagCnt ] = r; ++p->tagCnt; return rc; } cmTfRC_t cmTfOpenFile( cmCtx_t* ctx, cmTfH_t* hp, const cmChar_t* fn ) { cmTfRC_t rc = kOkTfRC; cmTf_t* p = cmMemAllocZ(cmTf_t,1); cmChar_t* bufPtr = NULL; unsigned lineCnt = 0; cmErrSetup(&p->err,&ctx->rpt,"Tag File"); // create the internal linked heap if( cmLHeapIsValid(p->lH = cmLHeapCreate(8192,ctx)) == false ) { rc = cmErrMsg(&p->err,kLHeapFailTfRC,"The internal link heap create failed."); goto errLabel; } // open the file if( cmFileOpen( &p->fH, fn, kReadFileFl, &ctx->rpt ) != kOkFileRC ) { rc = cmErrMsg(&p->err,kFileFailTfRC,"The tag file '%s' could not be opened.",cmStringNullGuard(fn)); goto errLabel; } // get a count of the lines in the file if( cmFileLineCount( p->fH, &p->tagAllocCnt ) != kOkFileRC || p->tagAllocCnt == 0 ) { rc = cmErrMsg(&p->err,kFileInvalidTfRC,"The tag file '%s' was invalid or empty.",cmStringNullGuard(fn)); goto errLabel; } // allocate the tag array p->tagArray = cmLhAllocZ(p->lH,cmTfTag_t,p->tagAllocCnt); while( 1 ) { unsigned bufByteCnt = 0; cmFileRC_t frc; // read a line from the file if((frc = cmFileGetLineAuto(p->fH, &bufPtr, &bufByteCnt )) != kOkFileRC ) { if( cmFileEof(p->fH)==false ) rc = cmErrMsg(&p->err,kFileFailTfRC,"File read failed on tag line:%i in '%s'\n",lineCnt+1,cmStringNullGuard(fn)); break; } // parse a file line if((rc = _cmTfParseLine(p,fn,lineCnt+1,bufPtr,bufByteCnt)) != kOkTfRC ) break; ++lineCnt; } cmMemFree(bufPtr); hp->h = p; errLabel: if( rc != kOkTfRC ) _cmTfCloseFile(p); return rc; } cmTfRC_t cmTfCloseFile( cmTfH_t* hp ) { cmTfRC_t rc = kOkTfRC; if( hp == NULL || cmTfIsValid(*hp) == false ) return kOkTfRC; cmTf_t* p = _cmTfHandleToPtr(*hp); if((rc = _cmTfCloseFile(p)) != kOkTfRC ) return rc; hp->h = NULL; return rc; } bool cmTfIsValid( cmTfH_t h ) { return h.h != NULL; } unsigned cmTfCount( cmTfH_t h ) { cmTf_t* p = _cmTfHandleToPtr(h); return p->tagCnt; } const cmTfTag_t* cmTfRecd( cmTfH_t h, unsigned index ) { cmTf_t* p = _cmTfHandleToPtr(h); assert( index < p->tagCnt ); return p->tagArray + index; } cmTfRC_t cmTfReport( cmTfH_t h, cmRpt_t* rpt ) { unsigned i; cmTf_t* p = _cmTfHandleToPtr(h); for(i=0; itagCnt; ++i) { cmRptPrintf(rpt,"%5i ",i); _cmTfPrintTag(rpt, p->tagArray + i ); } return kOkTfRC; } cmTfRC_t cmTfTest( cmCtx_t* ctx, const cmChar_t* fn ) { cmTfRC_t rc = kOkTfRC; cmTfH_t h = cmTfNullHandle; if((rc = cmTfOpenFile(ctx,&h,fn)) == kOkTfRC ) { cmTfReport(h,&ctx->rpt); rc = cmTfCloseFile(&h); } return rc; }