#include "cmPrefix.h" #include "cmGlobal.h" #include "cmFloatTypes.h" #include "cmComplexTypes.h" #include "cmRpt.h" #include "cmErr.h" #include "cmCtx.h" #include "cmMem.h" #include "cmMallocDebug.h" #include "cmLinkedHeap.h" #include "cmSymTbl.h" #include "cmJson.h" #include "cmTime.h" #include "cmMidi.h" #include "cmAudioFile.h" #include "cmFile.h" #include "cmFileSys.h" #include "cmProcObj.h" #include "cmProcTemplate.h" #include "cmVectOpsTemplateMain.h" #include "cmProc.h" #include "cmProc2.h" #include "cmProc3.h" #include "cmPickup.h" #include "cmAudLabelFile.h" enum { kRmsPuId, kMedPuId, kDifPuId, kAvgPuId, kOnsPuId, kFltPuId, kSupPuId, kAtkPuId, kRlsPuId, kSegPuId, kPuCnt }; typedef struct { cmErr_t err; unsigned chCnt; cmPuCh_t* chArray; cmCtx_t ctx; // stored ctx used by cmAudLabelFileAllocOpen() // cmProc objects cmCtx* ctxp; cmAudioFileRd* afrp; cmShiftBuf* sbp; cmGateDetect2* gdp; cmBinMtxFile_t* mfp; const cmChar_t* inAudFn; const cmChar_t* inLabelFn; const cmChar_t* outMtx0Fn; const cmChar_t* outMtx1Fn; const cmChar_t* outAudFn; cmReal_t hopMs; cmGateDetectParams gd0Args; cmGateDetectParams gd1Args; } cmPu_t; cmPuH_t cmPuNullHandle = cmSTATIC_NULL_HANDLE; cmPu_t* _cmPuHandleToPtr( cmPuH_t h ) { cmPu_t* p = (cmPu_t*)h.h; assert(p!=NULL); return p; } cmPuRC_t cmPuAlloc( cmCtx_t* ctx, cmPuH_t* hp ) { cmPuRC_t rc; if((rc = cmPuFree(hp)) != kOkPuRC ) return rc; cmPu_t* p = cmMemAllocZ(cmPu_t,1); cmErrSetup(&p->err,&ctx->rpt,"Pickup"); p->ctx = *ctx; hp->h = p; return rc; } cmPuRC_t cmPuFree( cmPuH_t* hp ) { if( hp == NULL || cmPuIsValid(*hp) == false ) return kOkPuRC; cmPu_t* p = _cmPuHandleToPtr(*hp); cmMemPtrFree(&p->chArray); cmMemPtrFree(&p); hp->h = NULL; return kOkPuRC; } bool cmPuIsValid( cmPuH_t h ) { return h.h != NULL; } cmPuRC_t _cmPuReadLabelsAndCreateArray( cmPu_t* p, const cmChar_t* labelFn, cmReal_t srate ) { cmPuRC_t rc = kOkPuRC; cmAlfH_t h = cmAlfNullHandle; unsigned i; if( cmAudLabelFileAllocOpen(&p->ctx, &h, labelFn) != kOkAlfRC ) return cmErrMsg(&p->err,kAlfFileFailPuRC,"The auto-tune audio label file open failed on '%s'",cmStringNullGuard(labelFn)); if((p->chCnt = cmAudLabelFileCount(h)) == 0 ) { rc = cmErrMsg(&p->err,kAlfFileFailPuRC,"The auto-tune audio label file '%s' does not contain any segment labels.",cmStringNullGuard(labelFn)); goto errLabel; } p->chArray = cmMemResizeZ(cmPuCh_t,p->chArray,p->chCnt); for(i=0; i<p->chCnt; ++i) { const cmAlfLabel_t* lp; if(( lp = cmAudLabelFileLabel(h,i)) == NULL ) { rc = cmErrMsg(&p->err,kAlfFileFailPuRC,"The auto-tune label in '%s' at row %i could not be read.",cmStringNullGuard(labelFn),i+1); goto errLabel; } p->chArray[i].begSmpIdx = floor(srate * lp->begSecs); p->chArray[i].endSmpIdx = p->chArray[i].begSmpIdx; // default the segment to have 0 length. } errLabel: if( cmAudLabelFileFree(&h) != kOkAlfRC ) rc = cmErrMsg(&p->err,kAlfFileFailPuRC,"The auto-tune label file close failed."); return rc; } cmPuRC_t _cmPuWriteMtxFile(cmPu_t* p, bool segFl ) { cmPuRC_t rc = kOkPuRC; cmReal_t outV[ kPuCnt ]; outV[ kRmsPuId ] = p->gdp->rms; outV[ kMedPuId ] = p->gdp->med; outV[ kDifPuId ] = p->gdp->dif; outV[ kAvgPuId ] = p->gdp->avg; outV[ kOnsPuId ] = p->gdp->ons; outV[ kFltPuId ] = p->gdp->flt; outV[ kSupPuId ] = p->gdp->sup; outV[ kAtkPuId ] = p->gdp->onFl; outV[ kRlsPuId ] = p->gdp->offFl; outV[ kSegPuId ] = segFl; // write the output file - plot with cmGateDetectPlot.m if( cmBinMtxFileExecR(p->mfp,outV,kPuCnt) != cmOkRC ) rc = cmErrMsg(&p->err,kProcFailPuRC,"Matrix file write failed."); return rc; } void _cmPuCalcGains( cmPu_t* p ) { unsigned i; cmReal_t avg = 0; if( p->chCnt == 0 ) return; for(i=0; i<p->chCnt; ++i) avg += p->chArray[i].gateMaxAvg; avg /= p->chCnt; for(i=0; i<p->chCnt; ++i) { cmReal_t d = p->chArray[i].gateMaxAvg==0 ? 1.0 : p->chArray[i].gateMaxAvg; p->chArray[i].gain = avg / d; } } cmPuCh_t* _cmPuIncrCh( cmPu_t* p, cmPuCh_t* chp, unsigned* segSmpIdxPtr ) { if( *segSmpIdxPtr != p->chArray[0].begSmpIdx ) ++chp; if( chp >= p->chArray + p->chCnt ) return NULL; if( chp+1 == p->chArray + p->chCnt ) *segSmpIdxPtr = p->afrp->info.frameCnt; else *segSmpIdxPtr = (chp+1)->begSmpIdx; return chp; } cmPuRC_t _cmPuCalcRerunGateDetectors( cmPu_t* p, const cmChar_t* outMtxFn, const cmChar_t* outAudFn, const cmGateDetectParams* gdArgs, unsigned procSmpCnt, unsigned wndSmpCnt, unsigned hopSmpCnt ) { cmPuRC_t rc = kOkPuRC; cmAudioFileWr* afwp = NULL; unsigned outChCnt = 1; unsigned outChIdx = 0; unsigned bitsPerSmp = 16; unsigned smpIdx = 0; cmSample_t* smpV = NULL; // rewind the audio file reader if( cmAudioFileRdSeek(p->afrp,0) != cmOkRC ) { cmErrMsg(&p->err,kProcFailPuRC,"Audio file seek failed."); goto errLabel; } // reset the shift buffer if( cmShiftBufInit( p->sbp, procSmpCnt, wndSmpCnt, hopSmpCnt ) != cmOkRC ) { cmErrMsg(&p->err,kProcFailPuRC,"Shift buffer reset failed."); goto errLabel; } // reset the gate detector if( cmGateDetectInit2( p->gdp, procSmpCnt, gdArgs ) != cmOkRC ) { cmErrMsg(&p->err,kProcFailPuRC,"Gate detector reset failed."); goto errLabel; } // create an new matrix output file if( cmBinMtxFileInit( p->mfp, outMtxFn ) != cmOkRC ) { rc = cmErrMsg(&p->err,kProcFailPuRC,"Output matrix file '%s' initialization failed.",cmStringNullGuard(outMtxFn)); goto errLabel; } // create an audio output file if( (afwp = cmAudioFileWrAlloc(p->ctxp, NULL, procSmpCnt, outAudFn, p->afrp->info.srate, outChCnt, bitsPerSmp )) == NULL ) { rc = cmErrMsg(&p->err,kProcFailPuRC,"Output audio file '%s' initialization failed.",cmStringNullGuard(outAudFn)); goto errLabel; } smpV = cmMemAllocZ(cmSample_t,procSmpCnt); cmPuCh_t* chp = p->chArray; unsigned segSmpIdx = chp->begSmpIdx; bool segFl = false; // for each procSmpCnt samples for(; cmAudioFileRdRead(p->afrp) != cmEofRC; smpIdx += procSmpCnt ) { // apply auto-gain to the audio vector cmVOS_MultVVS(smpV,p->afrp->outN,p->afrp->outV,chp->gain); // is this a segment boundary if( smpIdx+procSmpCnt >= p->afrp->info.frameCnt || (smpIdx <= segSmpIdx && segSmpIdx < smpIdx + procSmpCnt) ) { segFl = true; if((chp = _cmPuIncrCh(p,chp, &segSmpIdx )) == NULL ) break; } // shift the new samples into the shift buffer while(cmShiftBufExec(p->sbp,smpV,p->afrp->outN)) { // update the gate detector cmGateDetectExec2(p->gdp,p->sbp->outV,p->sbp->outN); if( _cmPuWriteMtxFile(p,segFl) != kOkPuRC ) goto errLabel; segFl =false; } // write the audio output file if( cmAudioFileWrExec(afwp, outChIdx,smpV,p->afrp->outN ) != cmOkRC ) { cmErrMsg(&p->err,kProcFailPuRC,"A write failed to the audio output file '%s'.",outAudFn); goto errLabel; } } errLabel: cmMemPtrFree(&smpV); if( cmAudioFileWrFree(&afwp) != cmOkRC ) { rc = cmErrMsg(&p->err,kProcFailPuRC,"Output audio file '%s' close failed.",cmStringNullGuard(outAudFn)); goto errLabel; } return rc; } cmPuRC_t cmPuAutoGainCfg( cmPuH_t h, const cmChar_t* audioFn, const cmChar_t* labelFn, const cmChar_t* outMtx0Fn, const cmChar_t* outMtx1Fn, const cmChar_t* outAudFn, unsigned procSmpCnt, cmReal_t hopMs, const cmGateDetectParams* gd0Args, const cmGateDetectParams* gd1Args ) { cmPuRC_t rc; cmPu_t* p = _cmPuHandleToPtr(h); int smpIdx = 0; int chIdx = 0; const cmReal_t rmsMax = 1.0; cmReal_t minRms = rmsMax; cmReal_t gateMax = 0; cmReal_t gateSum = 0; unsigned gateCnt = 0; cmPuCh_t* chp = NULL; bool segFl = false; unsigned segSmpIdx = cmInvalidIdx; // create a cmProc context if((p->ctxp = cmCtxAlloc(NULL, p->err.rpt, cmLHeapNullHandle, cmSymTblNullHandle )) == NULL ) { rc = cmErrMsg(&p->err,kProcFailPuRC,"Proc context create failed."); goto errLabel; } // create a cmProc audio file reader if((p->afrp = cmAudioFileRdAlloc(p->ctxp, NULL, procSmpCnt, audioFn, chIdx, 0, cmInvalidIdx)) == NULL ) { rc = cmErrMsg(&p->err,kProcFailPuRC,"Audio file reader creation failed on '%s'.",cmStringNullGuard(audioFn)); goto errLabel; } // given the sample rate calculate the hop and window size in samples unsigned hopSmpCnt = floor(p->afrp->info.srate * hopMs / 1000); unsigned wndSmpCnt = hopSmpCnt * gd0Args->medCnt; // create a shift buffer to maintain the RMS window for the gate detector if((p->sbp = cmShiftBufAlloc(p->ctxp,NULL,procSmpCnt,wndSmpCnt,hopSmpCnt )) == NULL ) { rc = cmErrMsg(&p->err,kProcFailPuRC,"Shift buffer create failed."); goto errLabel; } // create a gate detector if((p->gdp = cmGateDetectAlloc2(p->ctxp,NULL,procSmpCnt,gd0Args)) == NULL ) { rc = cmErrMsg(&p->err,kProcFailPuRC,"Gate detect create failed."); goto errLabel; } // create an output file to hold the results of the gate detector if( (p->mfp = cmBinMtxFileAlloc(p->ctxp,NULL,outMtx0Fn)) == NULL ) { rc = cmErrMsg(&p->err,kProcFailPuRC,"Binary matrix file create failed."); goto errLabel; } // read the label file and create p->chArray if((rc = _cmPuReadLabelsAndCreateArray(p, labelFn, p->afrp->info.srate)) != kOkPuRC ) goto errLabel; chp = p->chArray; segSmpIdx = chp->begSmpIdx; // for each procSmpCnt samples for(; cmAudioFileRdRead(p->afrp) != cmEofRC; smpIdx += procSmpCnt ) { // if this audio frame marks a segment beginning or // the end-of-audio-file will occur on the next frame if( smpIdx+procSmpCnt >= p->afrp->info.frameCnt || (smpIdx <= segSmpIdx && segSmpIdx < smpIdx + procSmpCnt) ) { segFl = true; // if no ending offset was located then update the gate sum if( gateMax != 0 ) { gateSum += gateMax; gateCnt += 1; gateMax = 0; } // calc the avg max RMS value for this segment chp->gateMaxAvg = gateCnt == 0 ? 0.0 : gateSum / gateCnt; gateCnt = 0; gateSum = 0; gateMax = 0; minRms = rmsMax; // force the segment end to be after the segment beginning if((chp = _cmPuIncrCh(p,chp, &segSmpIdx )) == NULL ) break; } // shift the new samples into the shift buffer while(cmShiftBufExec(p->sbp,p->afrp->outV,p->afrp->outN)) { // update the gate detector cmGateDetectExec2(p->gdp,p->sbp->outV,p->sbp->outN); // write the output matrix file if( _cmPuWriteMtxFile(p,segFl) != kOkPuRC ) goto errLabel; segFl = false; // if this frame is an RMS minimum or onset or offset // then select it as a possible segment end. // Note that for onsets this will effectively force the end to // come after the onset because the onset will not be an energy minimum // relative to subsequent frames. if( p->gdp->rms < minRms || p->gdp->onFl || p->gdp->offFl ) { minRms = p->gdp->rms; chp->endSmpIdx = smpIdx; // count onsets if( p->gdp->onFl ) ++chp->onCnt; // count offsets if( p->gdp->offFl ) { ++chp->offCnt; // update the gate sum and count gateSum += gateMax; gateCnt += 1; gateMax = 0; } } // track the max RMS value during this gate if( p->gdp->gateFl && p->gdp->rms > gateMax ) gateMax = p->gdp->rms; } } // calculate the channel gains if( rc == kOkPuRC ) _cmPuCalcGains(p); rc = _cmPuCalcRerunGateDetectors(p,outMtx1Fn,outAudFn,gd1Args,procSmpCnt,wndSmpCnt,hopSmpCnt); p->gd0Args = *gd0Args; p->gd1Args = *gd1Args; errLabel: if( p->mfp != NULL ) cmBinMtxFileFree(&p->mfp); if( p->gdp != NULL ) cmGateDetectFree2(&p->gdp); if( p->sbp != NULL ) cmShiftBufFree(&p->sbp); if( p->afrp != NULL ) cmAudioFileRdFree(&p->afrp); if( p->ctxp != NULL ) cmCtxFree(&p->ctxp); return rc; } cmPuRC_t cmPuAutoGainExec( cmPuH_t h, const cmChar_t* fileDir, unsigned procSmpCnt ) { cmPu_t* p = _cmPuHandleToPtr(h); const cmChar_t* inAudFn = cmFsMakeFn(fileDir, p->inAudFn, NULL, NULL ); const cmChar_t* inLabelFn = cmFsMakeFn(fileDir, p->inLabelFn, NULL, NULL ); const cmChar_t* outMtx0Fn = cmFsMakeFn(fileDir, p->outMtx0Fn, NULL, NULL ); const cmChar_t* outMtx1Fn = cmFsMakeFn(fileDir, p->outMtx1Fn, NULL, NULL ); const cmChar_t* outAudFn = cmFsMakeFn(fileDir, p->outAudFn, NULL, NULL ); cmPuRC_t rc = cmPuAutoGainCfg(h,inAudFn,inLabelFn,outMtx0Fn,outMtx1Fn,outAudFn,procSmpCnt,p->hopMs,&p->gd0Args,&p->gd1Args); cmFsFreeFn(outAudFn); cmFsFreeFn(outMtx1Fn); cmFsFreeFn(outMtx0Fn); cmFsFreeFn(inLabelFn); cmFsFreeFn(inAudFn); return rc; } cmPuRC_t cmPuAutoGainCfgFromJson( cmPuH_t h, const cmChar_t* cfgDir, cmJsonH_t jsH, cmJsonNode_t* onp, unsigned procSmpCnt ) { cmPuRC_t rc; if((rc = cmPuReadJson(h,jsH,onp)) != kOkPuRC ) return rc; return cmPuAutoGainExec(h,cfgDir,procSmpCnt); } void cmPuReport( cmPuH_t h, cmRpt_t* rpt ) { cmPu_t* p = _cmPuHandleToPtr(h); unsigned i; for(i=0; i<p->chCnt; ++i) { const cmPuCh_t* chp = p->chArray + i; cmRptPrintf(rpt,"beg:%i end:%i on:%i off:%i max:%f gain:%f\n", chp->begSmpIdx, chp->endSmpIdx, chp->onCnt, chp->offCnt, chp->gateMaxAvg, chp->gain ); } } cmPuRC_t _cmPuJsonGainRead( cmPu_t* p, cmJsonH_t jsH, cmJsonNode_t* onp, const cmChar_t* label ) { cmPuRC_t rc = kOkPuRC; cmJsonNode_t* arp; unsigned arrCnt = 0; cmPuCh_t* arr = NULL; // locate the JSON 'gain' array if(( arp = cmJsonFindValue(jsH,label,onp,kArrayTId)) == NULL ) { rc = cmErrMsg(&p->err,kJsonFailPuRC,"Unable to locate the JSON array node %s.",cmStringNullGuard(label)); goto errLabel; } // get the count of elements in the 'gain' array arrCnt = cmJsonChildCount(arp); if( arrCnt > 0 ) { arr = cmMemAllocZ(cmPuCh_t,arrCnt); unsigned i; for(i=0; i<arrCnt; ++i) { if( i<p->chCnt ) arr[i] = p->chArray[i]; if( cmJsonRealValue( cmJsonArrayElement(arp,i), &arr[i].gain ) != kOkJsRC ) { rc = cmErrMsg(&p->err,kJsonFailPuRC,"An error occurred while accessing a JSON 'gain' element."); goto errLabel; } } } errLabel: if( rc != kOkPuRC ) { cmMemPtrFree(&arr); arrCnt = 0; } cmMemPtrFree(&p->chArray); p->chArray = arr; p->chCnt = arrCnt; return rc; } cmPuRC_t _cmPuJsonGdParmsRead( cmPu_t* p, cmJsonH_t jsH, cmJsonNode_t* onp, const cmChar_t* label, cmGateDetectParams* gdParms ) { cmPuRC_t rc = kOkPuRC; cmJsonNode_t* gdp; const char* errLabelPtr; if(( gdp = cmJsonFindValue(jsH,label,onp,kObjectTId)) == NULL ) { rc = cmErrMsg(&p->err,kJsonFailPuRC,"Unable to locate the JSON object node %s.",cmStringNullGuard(label)); goto errLabel; } if( cmJsonMemberValues(gdp, &errLabelPtr, "medCnt", kIntTId, &gdParms->medCnt, "avgCnt", kIntTId, &gdParms->avgCnt, "suprCnt", kIntTId, &gdParms->suprCnt, "offCnt", kIntTId, &gdParms->offCnt, "suprCoeff", kRealTId, &gdParms->suprCoeff, "onThreshDb", kRealTId, &gdParms->onThreshDb, "offThreshDb", kRealTId, &gdParms->offThreshDb, NULL ) != kOkJsRC ) { rc = cmErrMsg(&p->err,kJsonFailPuRC,"Gate detect parameter restore failed for '%s'.",cmStringNullGuard(label)); goto errLabel; } errLabel: return rc; } cmPuRC_t _cmPuJsonCfgParmsRead(cmPu_t* p, cmJsonH_t jsH, cmJsonNode_t* onp) { cmPuRC_t rc = kOkPuRC; cmJsonNode_t* gdp = onp; const char* errLabelPtr; //if(( gdp = cmJsonFindValue(jsH,label,onp,kObjectTId)) == NULL ) //{ // rc = cmErrMsg(&p->err,kJsonFailPuRC,"Unable to locate the JSON object node %s.",cmStringNullGuard(label)); // goto errLabel; // } if( cmJsonMemberValues(gdp, &errLabelPtr, "audioFn", kStringTId, &p->inAudFn, "labelFn", kStringTId, &p->inLabelFn, "outMtx0Fn", kStringTId, &p->outMtx0Fn, "outMtx1Fn", kStringTId, &p->outMtx1Fn, "outAudFn", kStringTId, &p->outAudFn, "hopMs", kRealTId, &p->hopMs, NULL ) != kOkJsRC ) { rc = cmErrMsg(&p->err,kJsonFailPuRC,"Autotune cfg parameter read failed."); goto errLabel; } errLabel: return rc; } cmPuRC_t cmPuReadJson( cmPuH_t h, cmJsonH_t jsH, cmJsonNode_t* onp ) { cmPuRC_t rc = kOkPuRC; cmPu_t* p = _cmPuHandleToPtr(h); cmJsonNode_t* atp; if(( atp = cmJsonFindValue(jsH,"cfg",onp,kObjectTId)) == NULL ) { rc = cmErrMsg(&p->err,kJsonFailPuRC,"The JSON 'autotune' object was not found."); goto errLabel; } if((rc = _cmPuJsonCfgParmsRead(p,jsH,atp)) != kOkPuRC ) goto errLabel; if((rc = _cmPuJsonGdParmsRead(p,jsH,atp,"gdParms0",&p->gd0Args)) != kOkPuRC ) goto errLabel; if((rc = _cmPuJsonGdParmsRead(p,jsH,atp,"gdParms1",&p->gd1Args)) != kOkPuRC ) goto errLabel; if((rc = _cmPuJsonGainRead(p,jsH,atp,"gain")) != kOkPuRC ) goto errLabel; errLabel: return rc; } unsigned cmPuChannelCount( cmPuH_t h ) { cmPu_t* p = _cmPuHandleToPtr(h); return p->chCnt; } const cmPuCh_t* cmPuChannel( cmPuH_t h, unsigned chIdx ) { cmPu_t* p = _cmPuHandleToPtr(h); assert( chIdx < p->chCnt ); return p->chArray + chIdx; } cmPuRC_t _cmPuJsonSetInt( cmPu_t* p, cmJsonH_t jsH, cmJsonNode_t* gdp, const cmChar_t* label, int val ) { cmPuRC_t rc = kOkPuRC; if( cmJsonReplacePairInt(jsH, gdp, label, kIntTId | kRealTId, val ) != kOkJsRC ) rc = cmErrMsg(&p->err,kJsonFailPuRC,"Error setting integer JSON field: %s.",cmStringNullGuard(label)); return rc; } cmPuRC_t _cmPuJsonSetReal( cmPu_t* p, cmJsonH_t jsH, cmJsonNode_t* gdp, const cmChar_t* label, cmReal_t val ) { cmPuRC_t rc = kOkPuRC; if( cmJsonReplacePairReal(jsH, gdp, label, kIntTId | kRealTId, val ) != kOkJsRC ) rc = cmErrMsg(&p->err,kJsonFailPuRC,"Error setting real JSON field: %s.",cmStringNullGuard(label)); return rc; } cmPuRC_t _cmPuJsonGdParmsUpdate( cmPu_t* p, cmJsonH_t jsH, cmJsonNode_t* onp, const cmChar_t* label, const cmGateDetectParams* gdParms ) { cmPuRC_t rc = kOkPuRC; cmJsonNode_t* gdp; if(( gdp = cmJsonFindValue(jsH,label,onp,kObjectTId)) == NULL ) { rc = cmErrMsg(&p->err,kJsonFailPuRC,"Unable to locate the JSON object node %s.",cmStringNullGuard(label)); goto errLabel; } _cmPuJsonSetInt( p, jsH, gdp, "medCnt", gdParms->medCnt); _cmPuJsonSetInt( p, jsH, gdp, "avgCnt", gdParms->avgCnt); _cmPuJsonSetInt( p, jsH, gdp, "suprCnt", gdParms->suprCnt); _cmPuJsonSetInt( p, jsH, gdp, "offCnt", gdParms->offCnt); _cmPuJsonSetReal( p, jsH, gdp, "suprCoeff", gdParms->suprCoeff); _cmPuJsonSetReal( p, jsH, gdp, "onThreshDb", gdParms->onThreshDb); _cmPuJsonSetReal( p, jsH, gdp, "offThresDb", gdParms->offThreshDb); rc = cmErrLastRC(&p->err); errLabel: return rc; } cmPuRC_t _cmPuJsonGainUpdate( cmPu_t* p, cmJsonH_t jsH, cmJsonNode_t* onp, const cmChar_t* label ) { cmPuRC_t rc = kOkPuRC; cmJsonNode_t* arp; unsigned i; // locate the JSON 'gain' array if(( arp = cmJsonFindValue(jsH,label,onp,kArrayTId)) == NULL ) { rc = cmErrMsg(&p->err,kJsonFailPuRC,"Unable to locate the JSON array node %s.",cmStringNullGuard(label)); goto errLabel; } // get the count of elements in the 'gain' array unsigned arrCnt = cmJsonChildCount(arp); // update the existing 'gain' array elmements from p->chArray[] for(i=0; i<arrCnt && i<p->chCnt; ++i) { if(cmJsonSetReal( jsH, cmJsonArrayElement(arp,i), p->chArray[i].gain ) != kOkPuRC ) { rc = cmErrMsg(&p->err,kJsonFailPuRC,"Set JSON 'gain' array elment failed."); goto errLabel; } } // create new elements if the array was not long enough for(; i<p->chCnt; ++i) if( cmJsonCreateReal(jsH,arp,p->chArray[i].gain) != kOkJsRC ) { rc = cmErrMsg(&p->err,kJsonFailPuRC,"JSON 'gain' element create failed."); goto errLabel; } // remove elements if the array begain with extra elements. if( arrCnt > p->chCnt ) { if( cmJsonRemoveNode( jsH, cmJsonArrayElement(arp,i), true ) != kOkJsRC ) { rc = cmErrMsg(&p->err,kJsonFailPuRC,"JSON 'gain' element removal failed."); goto errLabel; } } errLabel: return rc; } cmPuRC_t cmPuWriteJson( cmPuH_t h, cmJsonH_t jsH, cmJsonNode_t* onp ) { cmPuRC_t rc = kOkPuRC; cmPu_t* p = _cmPuHandleToPtr(h); cmJsonNode_t* atp; if(( atp = cmJsonFindValue(jsH,"autoTune",onp,kObjectTId)) == NULL ) { rc = cmErrMsg(&p->err,kJsonFailPuRC,"The JSON 'autotune' object was not found."); goto errLabel; } if((rc = _cmPuJsonGdParmsUpdate(p,jsH,atp,"gdParms0",&p->gd0Args)) != kOkPuRC ) goto errLabel; if((rc = _cmPuJsonGdParmsUpdate(p,jsH,atp,"gdParms1",&p->gd1Args)) != kOkPuRC ) goto errLabel; if((rc = _cmPuJsonGainUpdate(p,jsH,atp,"gain")) != kOkPuRC ) goto errLabel; errLabel: return rc; } cmPuRC_t cmPuWriteJsonFile( cmPuH_t h, const cmChar_t* jsonFn ) { cmPuRC_t rc = kOkPuRC; cmJsonH_t jsH = cmJsonNullHandle; cmPu_t* p = _cmPuHandleToPtr(h); // initialize a JSON tree from 'jsonFn'. if( cmJsonInitializeFromFile(&jsH,jsonFn,&p->ctx) != kOkJsRC ) { rc = cmErrMsg(&p->err,kJsonFailPuRC,"JSON file initialization failed on '%s'.",cmStringNullGuard(jsonFn)); goto errLabel; } // update the 'autoTune' object in the JSON tree if((rc = cmPuWriteJson(h,jsH,cmJsonRoot(jsH))) != kOkPuRC ) goto errLabel; // write the JSON tree back to 'jsonFn'. if( cmJsonWrite(jsH,cmJsonRoot(jsH),jsonFn) != kOkJsRC ) { rc = cmErrMsg(&p->err,kJsonFailPuRC,"JSON file save failed on '%s'.",cmStringNullGuard(jsonFn)); goto errLabel; } errLabel: // release the JSON tree if( cmJsonFinalize(&jsH) != kOkJsRC ) rc = cmErrMsg(&p->err,kJsonFailPuRC,"JSON file finalization failed on '%s'.",cmStringNullGuard(jsonFn)); return rc; } void cmPuTest(cmCtx_t* ctx) { cmPuH_t h = cmPuNullHandle; cmGateDetectParams gd0Args; cmGateDetectParams gd1Args; const cmChar_t* audioFn = "/home/kevin/media/audio/gate_detect/gate_detect0.aif"; const cmChar_t* labelFn = "/home/kevin/media/audio/gate_detect/gate_detect0_labels.txt"; const cmChar_t* outMtx0Fn = "/home/kevin/media/audio/gate_detect/gd0.mtx"; const cmChar_t* outMtx1Fn = "/home/kevin/media/audio/gate_detect/gd1.mtx"; const cmChar_t* outAudFn = "/home/kevin/media/audio/gate_detect/gd_gain0.aif"; const cmChar_t* jsonFn = "/home/kevin/src/kc/src/data/rsrc1.txt"; unsigned procSmpCnt = 64; cmReal_t hopMs = 10; gd0Args.medCnt = 5; gd0Args.avgCnt = 9; gd0Args.suprCnt = 6; gd0Args.offCnt = 3; gd0Args.suprCoeff = 1.4; gd0Args.onThreshDb = -53.0; gd0Args.offThreshDb = -80.0; gd1Args = gd0Args; gd1Args.onThreshDb = -45; if( cmPuAlloc(ctx, &h ) != kOkPuRC ) goto errLabel; if( cmPuAutoGainCfg(h,audioFn,labelFn,outMtx0Fn,outMtx1Fn,outAudFn,procSmpCnt,hopMs,&gd0Args,&gd1Args) == kOkPuRC ) { cmPuReport(h,&ctx->rpt); cmPuWriteJsonFile( h, jsonFn ); } errLabel: cmPuFree(&h); }