#include "cmPrefix.h" #include "cmGlobal.h" #include "cmRpt.h" #include "cmErr.h" #include "cmCtx.h" #include "cmMem.h" #include "cmMallocDebug.h" #include "cmSymTbl.h" #include "cmLinkedHeap.h" cmSymTblH_t cmSymTblNullHandle = cmSTATIC_NULL_HANDLE; enum { kDynStFl = 0x01 }; typedef struct cmSymLabel_str { unsigned flags; const cmChar_t* label; } cmSymLabel_t; struct cmSym_str; typedef struct cmSymAvail_str { unsigned id; struct cmSym_str* linkPtr; } cmSymAvail_t; typedef struct cmSym_str { union { cmSymLabel_t label; cmSymAvail_t avail; } u; } cmSym_t; typedef struct cmSymBlock_t { cmSym_t* base; // block base - contains cmSymTbl_t.symPerBlock cmSym_t records unsigned cnt; // cout of symbols actually used in this block struct cmSymBlock_t* link; // next block } cmSymBlock_t; typedef struct { cmSymTblH_t parentH; // parent symbols table cmLHeapH_t heapH; // symbol label storage cmSymBlock_t* first; // pointer to head of symbol block chain cmSymBlock_t* last; // pointer to last symbol block in chain unsigned blkCnt; // count of blocks on chain unsigned symCnt; // total count of symbols controlled by this symbol (does not include parent symbols) unsigned baseSymId; unsigned symPerBlock; cmSym_t* availPtr; } cmSymTbl_t; cmSymTbl_t* _cmSymTblHandleToPtr( cmSymTblH_t h ) { cmSymTbl_t* stp = (cmSymTbl_t*)h.h; assert( stp != NULL ); return stp; } cmSymBlock_t* _cmSymTblAllocateBlock( cmSymTbl_t* stp ) { // allocate the new block cmSymBlock_t* sbp = (cmSymBlock_t*)cmMemMallocZ( sizeof(cmSymBlock_t) + (stp->symPerBlock * sizeof(cmSym_t))); // initialize the new block control recd sbp->base = (cmSym_t*)(sbp+1); sbp->cnt = 0; sbp->link = NULL; // add the new block control recd to the end of the block chain if( stp->last == NULL ) stp->first = sbp; else stp->last->link = sbp; // the new block control recd always becomes the last recd in the chain stp->last = sbp; ++stp->blkCnt; return sbp; } bool _cmSymTblIsSymbolRemoved( cmSymTbl_t* stp, unsigned symId ) { const cmSym_t* sp = stp->availPtr; for(; sp != NULL; sp=sp->u.avail.linkPtr) if( sp->u.avail.id == symId ) return true; return false; } unsigned _cmSymTblLabelToId( cmSymTbl_t* stp, const char* label ) { cmSymBlock_t* sbp = stp->first; unsigned symId = stp->baseSymId; while( sbp != NULL ) { cmSym_t* sp = sbp->base; cmSym_t* ep = sbp->base + sbp->cnt; for(; sp<ep; ++sp,++symId) { if( _cmSymTblIsSymbolRemoved(stp, symId ) == false ) if( strcmp( sp->u.label.label, label ) == 0 ) return symId; } sbp = sbp->link; } return cmInvalidId; } cmSym_t* _cmSymTblIdToSymPtr( cmSymTbl_t* stp, unsigned symId ) { if( cmSymTblIsValid(stp->parentH) && cmSymTblIsValidId( stp->parentH, symId ) ) return _cmSymTblIdToSymPtr( _cmSymTblHandleToPtr(stp->parentH), symId ); symId -= stp->baseSymId; unsigned n = symId / stp->symPerBlock; unsigned i = symId % stp->symPerBlock; if( n >= stp->blkCnt ) return NULL; cmSymBlock_t* sbp = stp->first; unsigned j; for(j=0; j<n; ++j) sbp = sbp->link; if( i >= sbp->cnt ) return NULL; return sbp->base + i; } cmSymTblH_t cmSymTblCreate( cmSymTblH_t parentH, unsigned baseSymId, cmCtx_t* ctx ) { cmSymTblH_t h; cmSymTbl_t* stp = cmMemAllocZ( cmSymTbl_t, 1 ); stp->heapH = cmLHeapCreate( 2048, ctx ); stp->symPerBlock = 3; stp->baseSymId = baseSymId; stp->parentH = parentH; _cmSymTblAllocateBlock( stp ); h.h = stp; return h; } void cmSymTblDestroy( cmSymTblH_t* hp ) { if( hp==NULL || hp->h == NULL ) return; cmSymTbl_t* stp = _cmSymTblHandleToPtr(*hp); assert( stp != NULL ); cmSymBlock_t* sbp = stp->first; while( sbp != NULL ) { cmSymBlock_t* t = sbp; sbp = sbp->link; cmMemFree(t); } cmLHeapDestroy(&stp->heapH); cmMemFree(hp->h); hp->h = NULL; } unsigned cmSymTblRegister( cmSymTblH_t h, const char* label, bool staticFl ) { cmSymTbl_t* stp = _cmSymTblHandleToPtr(h); unsigned symId; unsigned flags = 0; cmSym_t* sp = NULL; // check for the label in the local symbol table if((symId = _cmSymTblLabelToId( stp, label )) != cmInvalidId ) return symId; // check for the label in the parent symbol table if( cmSymTblIsValid(stp->parentH) ) if((symId = _cmSymTblLabelToId( _cmSymTblHandleToPtr(stp->parentH), label)) != cmInvalidId ) return symId; // if the label is not static then create a copy of it on the local heap if( !staticFl ) { char* cp = (char*)cmLHeapAlloc( stp->heapH, strlen(label) + 1 ); strcpy(cp,label); label = cp; flags |= kDynStFl; } // if there are no previosly removed symbols available if( stp->availPtr == NULL ) { cmSymBlock_t*sbp = stp->last; // if the last block is full if( sbp->cnt == stp->symPerBlock ) sbp = _cmSymTblAllocateBlock(stp); // the last block must now have an empty slot assert( sbp->cnt < stp->symPerBlock ); unsigned idx = sbp->cnt++; sp = sbp->base + idx; //sbp->base[ idx ].u.label.label = label; //sbp->base[ idx ].u.label.flags = flags; // calculate the symbol id symId = stp->baseSymId + ((stp->blkCnt-1) * stp->symPerBlock) + sbp->cnt - 1; } else // there are previously removed symbols available { sp = stp->availPtr; // get the next avail symbol stp->availPtr = sp->u.avail.linkPtr; // take it off the avail list symId = sp->u.avail.id; // store the new symbol's id } // setup the symbol record sp->u.label.label = label; sp->u.label.flags = flags; // verify that the new symId does not already belong to the parent assert( cmSymTblIsValid(stp->parentH)==false ? 1 : cmSymTblLabel( stp->parentH, symId)==NULL ); ++stp->symCnt; return symId; } unsigned cmSymTblRegisterSymbol( cmSymTblH_t h, const char* label ) { return cmSymTblRegister( h, label, false ); } unsigned cmSymTblRegisterStaticSymbol( cmSymTblH_t h, const char* label ) { return cmSymTblRegister( h, label, true ); } unsigned cmSymTblRegisterVFmt( cmSymTblH_t h, const cmChar_t* fmt, va_list vl ) { unsigned n = vsnprintf(NULL,0,fmt,vl); cmChar_t b[n+1]; vsnprintf(b,n,fmt,vl); return cmSymTblRegister(h,fmt,vl); } unsigned cmSymTblRegisterFmt( cmSymTblH_t h, const cmChar_t* fmt, ... ) { va_list vl; va_start(vl,fmt); unsigned id = cmSymTblRegisterVFmt(h,fmt,vl); va_end(vl); return id; } bool cmSymTblRemove( cmSymTblH_t h, unsigned symId ) { cmSymTbl_t* stp = _cmSymTblHandleToPtr(h); cmSym_t* sp; if((sp = _cmSymTblIdToSymPtr(stp,symId)) == NULL ) return false; if( cmIsFlag(sp->u.label.flags,kDynStFl)) cmLHeapFree(stp->heapH,(void*)sp->u.label.label); sp->u.avail.id = symId; sp->u.avail.linkPtr = stp->availPtr; stp->availPtr = sp; return true; } const char* cmSymTblLabel( cmSymTblH_t h, unsigned symId ) { cmSymTbl_t* stp = _cmSymTblHandleToPtr(h); cmSym_t* sp; if((sp = _cmSymTblIdToSymPtr(stp,symId)) == NULL ) return NULL; return sp->u.label.label; } unsigned cmSymTblId( cmSymTblH_t h, const char* label ) { cmSymTbl_t* stp = _cmSymTblHandleToPtr(h); unsigned id; if((id=_cmSymTblLabelToId(stp,label)) == cmInvalidId ) if( cmSymTblIsValid(stp->parentH)) return _cmSymTblLabelToId( _cmSymTblHandleToPtr(stp->parentH), label ); return id; } bool cmSymTblIsValid( cmSymTblH_t h ) { return h.h != NULL; } bool cmSymTblIsValidId( cmSymTblH_t h, unsigned symId ) { cmSymTbl_t* stp = _cmSymTblHandleToPtr(h); return stp->baseSymId <= symId && symId < (stp->baseSymId + stp->symCnt); } void cmSymTblReport( cmSymTblH_t h ) { cmSymTbl_t* stp = _cmSymTblHandleToPtr(h); cmSymBlock_t* sbp = stp->first; unsigned i=0, j=0, symId = stp->baseSymId; printf("blks:%i syms:%i\n", stp->blkCnt, stp->symCnt ); for(; sbp != NULL; sbp=sbp->link,++i) for(j=0; j<sbp->cnt; ++j,++symId) { bool remFl = _cmSymTblIsSymbolRemoved(stp, symId ); printf("blk:%i sym:%i id:%i label:%s\n",i,j,symId,remFl ? "<removed>" : sbp->base[j].u.label.label); } } //{ { label:cmSymTblEx } //( // cmSymTblTest() gives a usage example for the symbol table component. //) //[ void cmSymTblTest( cmCtx_t* ctx ) { unsigned baseSymId = 100; unsigned i; unsigned n = 10; unsigned idArray[n]; // create a symbol table cmSymTblH_t h = cmSymTblCreate( cmSymTblNullHandle, baseSymId, ctx ); if( cmSymTblIsValid(h) == false ) { cmRptPrintf(&ctx->rpt,"Symbol table creation failed."); return; } // generate and register some symbols for(i=0; i<n; ++i) { bool staticFl = false; char str[10]; snprintf(str,9,"sym%i",i); idArray[i] = cmSymTblRegister( h, str, staticFl ); } // remove the fourth symbol generated cmSymTblRemove( h, baseSymId+3 ); // print the symbol table cmSymTblReport(h); // iterate through the symbol table for(i=0; i<n; ++i) { const cmChar_t* lbl = cmSymTblLabel(h,idArray[i]); if( lbl == NULL ) cmRptPrintf(&ctx->rpt,"%i <removed>\n",i); else cmRptPrintf(&ctx->rpt,"%i %i==%i %s \n",i,idArray[i],cmSymTblId(h,lbl),lbl); } // release the symbol table cmSymTblDestroy(&h); return; } //] //}