//( { file_desc: "Implements a memory allocation manager interface." kw:[ base ]} // // // Using cmMem allows memory leaks and some instances of memory corruption // to be be detected. It can also perform memory block alignment. // // The cmMm class acts as an interface for implementing functions designed to replace // malloc() and free(). cmMm does not actually allocate memory itself but rather // tracks and conditions block of memory provided by other sources. In this sense // it acts as a backend for a memory allocation manager. // cmMallocDebug.h gives an example of using cmMm to interface to malloc() and free(). // cmLinkedHeap.h gives an example of using cmMm to link to an alternate heap manager. // See cmMdTest() and cmLHeapTest() for usage examples of cmMm. // // cmMm works as follows: // // 1. A client memory manager creates and configures a cmMm object via cmMmInitialize(). // As part of the configuration the client gives callback functions which implement // actual memory allocation and release. In practice this means the callback probably // call malloc() or free(). // // 2. At some point later when the client needs to allocate a block of memory it calls // cmMmAllocate() with the size of the requested block. cmMm translates this request // into a call to the client provided memory allocation callback to get a block of raw // memory which is slightly larger than the request block. // // 3. Given the raw memory block cmMm conditions it in the following ways and returns // it to the client. // // * The base of the blocks data area is shifted such that it is has an arbitrary // address aligned according to the value set by the alignByteCnt parameter to cmMmInitialize(). // Address aligment is sometimes required by routines which make use of the the SIMD // unit on some CPUs. // * 'Guard' bytes are prepended and appended to the blocks data area. // These bytes are set to the known fixed value (0xaa). At some point later cmMm can // then test for accidental writes just before or just after the legal data area by // checking the value of these guard bytes. // * The number of bytes allocated is written just prior to the leading guard bytes. // This allows the memory manager to track the // size of the memory and thereby makes reallocations() to smaller or equal data areas // very fast. This also allows the size of the data area to be known just by having a // pointer to the data area (see cmMmByteCount()). This basic information is not availabe // via malloc(). // * A record is added to an internal database to track the allocation code location // (file name, file line, function name) and the allocation status (active or released). // * The client may request that a new block of memory be automatically filled with zeros. // If automatic zeroing is not requested then the block is filled with 0x55 to indicate that // it is not initialized. This can be useful when attempting to recognize uninitialized // memory during debugging. // // When a client requests that a block of memory is released cmMm does the following: // // 1. If deferred release is enabled (kDeferFreeFl) then the block is filled with 0x33 // but the callback to freeFunc() is not actually made. This allows cmMm to track attempted // writes to freed memory areas. When deferred release is enabled the freeFunc() is not called // on any blocks until cmMmFinalize(). If the program continually allocates memory over the // life of the program this may mean that the program will eventually exhaust physical memory. // // 2. If tracking is enabled (kTrackMmFl) then the block pointer is looked up in the internal database. // If the pointer is not found then a kMissingRecdRC is returned indicating an attempt to release // a non-allocated block. // // 3. If tracking is enabled (kTrackMmFl) then the block is marked as released in the // internal tracking database. At the end of the program all blocks should be marked for release // otherwise they are considered leaks. // // // At any time during the life of the cmMm object the client can request a report of the // allocated blocks cmMmReport(). This report examines each allocated block for corrupt guard bytes, // double frees (attempts to release an allocated block that was already released), and // leaked blocks (active blocks). // //) #ifndef cmMem_h #define cmMem_h #ifdef __cplusplus extern "C" { #endif //( typedef cmHandle_t cmMmH_t; //< cmMm handle type. typedef cmRC_t cmMmRC_t; //< cmMm result code types. // cmMm result codes enum { kOkMmRC = cmOkRC, kObjAllocFailMmRC, kTrkAllocFailMmRC, kAllocFailMmRC, kFreeFailMmRC, kMissingRecdMmRC, kGuardCorruptMmRC, kWriteAfterFreeMmRC, kLeakDetectedMmRC, kDblFreeDetectedMmRC, kParamErrMmRC }; // All cmMmH_t variables should be initialized with this value prior to calling cmMmInitialize(). extern cmMmH_t cmMmNullHandle; // Function signature for data allocation routine client provided to cmMmInitialize(). // Return NULL if byteCnt == 0. typedef void* (*cmAllocMmFunc_t)(void* funcArgPtr, unsigned byteCnt); // Function signature for data release routine client provided to cmMmInitialize(). // Return true on success and false on failure. Return true if ptr==NULL. typedef bool (*cmFreeMmFunc_t)( void* funcArgPtr, void* ptr); // Flags for use with cmMmInitialize() enum { kTrackMmFl = 0x01, //< Track alloc's and free's for use by cmMmReport(). kDeferFreeMmFl = 0x02, //< Defer memory release until cmMmFinalize() (ignored unless kTrackMmFl is set.) Allows checks for 'write after release'. kFillUninitMmFl = 0x04, //< Fill uninitialized (non-zeroed) memory with a 0x55 upon allocation kFillFreedMmFl = 0x08 //< Fill freed memory with 0x33. This allow checks for wite-after-free. }; // Create a new cmMm object. // If *hp was not initalized by an earlier call to cmMmInitialize() then it should // be set to cmMmNullHandle prior to calling this function. If *hp is a valid handle // then it is automatically finalized by an internal call to cmMmFinalize() prior to // being re-iniitalized. cmMmRC_t cmMmInitialize( cmMmH_t* hp, //< Pointer to a client provided cmMmH_t handle to recieve the handle of the new object. cmAllocMmFunc_t allocFunc, //< The memory allocation function equivalent to malloc(). cmFreeMmFunc_t freeFunc, //< The memory release function equivalent to free(). void* funcArgPtr, //< An application supplied data value sent with call backs to allocFunc() and freeFunc(). unsigned guardByteCnt, //< Count of guardBytes to precede and follow each allocated block. unsigned alignByteCnt, //< Address alignment to provide for each allocated block. unsigned flags, //< Configuration flags (See cmXXXMmFl). cmRpt_t* rptPtr //< Pointer to an error reporting object. ); // Release a cmMm object created by an earlier call to cmMmInitialize(). Upon successful completion *hp is set to cmMmNullHandle. cmMmRC_t cmMmFinalize( cmMmH_t* hp ); unsigned cmMmGuardByteCount( cmMmH_t h ); //< Return the count of guard bytes this cmMm object is applying. unsigned cmMmAlignByteCount( cmMmH_t h ); //< Return the byte alignment this cmMm object is applying. unsigned cmMmInitializeFlags( cmMmH_t h ); //< Return the configuration flags this cmMm object was initialized with. // Return true if 'h' is a valid handle for an existing cmMm object. bool cmMmIsValid( cmMmH_t h ); // flags for use with cmMmAllocate() enum cmMmAllocFlags_t { kZeroMmFl = 0x01, //< Initialize new memory area to zero. kAlignMmFl = 0x02, //< Align the returned memory according to the alignByteCnt set in cmMmInitialize(). kPreserveMmFl = 0x04 //< Preserve existing memory contents during reallocation (orgDataPtr!=NULL). }; // Allocate a block of memory. // Calling this function results in a call to the function named in allocFunc() in cmMmInitialize(). void* cmMmAllocate( cmMmH_t h, //< Handle for this cmMm object returned from an earlier successful call to cmMmInitialize(). void* orgDataPtr, //< If this is a re-allocation then this pointer should point to the original allocation otherwise it should be NULL. unsigned newEleCnt, //< Count of elmements in this allocation. unsigned newEleByteCnt, //< Bytes per element in this allocation. The total memory request is newEleCnt*newEleByteCnt. enum cmMmAllocFlags_t flags, //< See cmMmAllocFlags_t. const char* fileName, //< Name of the C file from which the allocation request is being made. const char* funcName, //< Name of the C function from which the allocation request is being made. unsigned fileLine //< Line in the C file on which the allocation request is being made. ); // Free memory pointed to by dataPtr. // If dataPtr==NULL then the functon does nothing and returns. // Calling this function results in a call to the function named in freeFunc() in cmMmInitialize(). // This is the release mode memory free routine. See cmMmFreeDebug() for the debug mode memory release routine. // See \ref debug_mode for more about debug vs. release mode. cmMmRC_t cmMmFree( cmMmH_t h, void* dataPtr ); // Debug mode version of cmMmFree(). See cmMmFree() for the release mode memory free routine. // See debug_mode for more about debug vs. release mode. // This routine is functionally identical to the cmMmFree() but takes the calling // location information for use in tracking the block of memory. cmMmRC_t cmMmFreeDebug( cmMmH_t h, void* dataPtr, const char* fileName, const char* funcName, unsigned fileLine ); // This function is identical to cmMmFree() but takes the address of the pointer // to the block of memory to free. Upon successful completion *dataPtrPtr is // set to NULL. In general this should be the preferred version of the free routine // because it helps to eliminate problems of reusing deallocated memory blocks. // Note that although dataPtrPtr must point to a valid address *dataPtrPtr may be NULL. // This routine is generally only used in the release compile mode. // See cmMmFreePtrDebug() for the debug mode version. See \ref debug_mode for more // about compile vs. release mode. cmMmRC_t cmMmFreePtr( cmMmH_t h, void** dataPtrPtr ); // Debug compile mode version of cmMmFreePtr(). // This function is functionally identical to cmMmFreePtr() but accepts information // on the location of the call to aid in debuging. cmMmRC_t cmMmFreePtrDebug( cmMmH_t h, void* dataPtr, const char* fileName, const char* funcName, unsigned fileLine ); // Return the size of a memory block returned from cmMmAllocate(). unsigned cmMmByteCount( cmMmH_t h, const void* dataPtr ); // Return the unique id associated with an address returned from cmMmAllocate(). unsigned cmMmDebugId( cmMmH_t h, const void* dataPtr); // Flags for use with cmMmReport(). enum { kSuppressSummaryMmFl = 0x01, //< Do not print a memory use summary report. kIgnoreNormalMmFl = 0x02, //< Do not print information for non-leaked,non-corrupt memory blocks. kIgnoreLeaksMmFl = 0x04 //< Do not print information for leaked blocks. }; // Report on the memory tracking data. // Returns kMmOkRC if no errors were found otherwise returns the error of the // last anomoly reported. cmMmRC_t cmMmReport( cmMmH_t h, unsigned flags ); // Analyze the memory assoc'd with a specific tracking record for corruption. // Returns: kOkMmRC,kGuardCorruptMmRC,kWriteAfterFreeMmRc, or kMissingRecdMmRC. // This function is only useful if kTrackMmFl was set in cmMmInitialize(). // Write-after-free errors are only detectable if kDeferFreeMmFl was set in cmMmInitialize(). cmMmRC_t cmMmIsGuardCorrupt( cmMmH_t h, unsigned id ); // Check all tracking records by calling cmMmmIsGuardCorrupt() on each record. cmMmRC_t cmMmCheckAllGuards( cmMmH_t h ); //) #ifdef __cplusplus } #endif #endif